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1. What is java? Features of java

2. Explain howjava is platform independent ?
3. Steps in java programming
4. Explain the structure of java programs
5. What is tokens ? explain with an example
6. What is literal


1. What is datatype ?explain the types

2. What is variable? Explain the types
3. List all primitive datatypes with size, default value

Type casting

1. What is type casting

2. Explain widening and narrowing
3. What is cast operator
4. What upcasting and downcasting
5. What is Class Cast Exception
6. What is instanceof keyword


1. What is operators? Mention the types

2. Mention all unary operators and explain each one
3. What is ternary operator explain the syntax


1. What is DMS
2. List all the types and explain the syntax
3. What is switch
4. What is break statement


1. What is looping statement?

2. What is the difference between all three loops
3. What is nested looping statement


1. What is method
2. What is method header
3. What is method signature
4. What is access specifiers and return type
5. What is method calling statement
6. What is recursive method
7. What is method overloading
8. What is compile polymorphism
9. What is the diff between R method and loop
10. What is var arg
11. What is command line arg
12. How to pass a value to a method
13. How to read a value from a method


1. What is an array?explain the diff ways of declaring an array

2. What is ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
3. How to find the length of an array
4. What is the disadvantage of an array

Global members

1. What is global members

2. What is static global members
3. What is static variable
4. What is static method
5. What is static block
6. What is class loading operation
7. What is instance
8. What is instantiation
9. What is object how can we create an object
10. What is non static var
11. What is non static method
12. What is non static block
13. What is object loading operation
14. What is the diff between class and object loading operations


1. What is constructor
2. What is constructor overloading
3. What is constructor chaining
4. What is constructor calling statement
5. Difference between method and constructors
6. Explain types of constructors
7. Explain diff ways of accessing static and non static members in both the context
8. What is the use of constructors


1. What is encapsulation
2. What is inheritance
3. What is datahiding ?explain getters and setters method
4. What is package
5. What is access specifiers and explain each
6. What is super()?explain in details
7. What is polymorphism? Explain compile time and run time polymorphism
8. What is method overriding
9. What is method shadowing
10. Explain diamond problem
11. Explain each type of inheritance
12. What is extends
13. What is abstraction
14. What is abstract class?explain in brief
15. What is interface?
16. What is the difference between interface and abstract class
17. What is the use of implements
18. What is final
19. Explain method overriding with access specifiers
20. Why main method is like public static void main(String []args)

Object class

1. What is object class ?list all the methods

2. What is toString method
3. What is equals method
4. What is hashCode()
5. Explain all object class method with method header

String class

1. What is string, string buffer, string builder

2. Difference between string ,string buffer and string builder
3. How to convert string to array of char and vice versa
4. Difference between concat and append
5. List all the methods of string class
6. Default capacity of string buffer
7. How many ways we can create an string explain
8. What is StringIndexOutOfBoundsException

Scanner class

1. What is scanner class

2. Explain steps in scanner class and methods in Scanner class

Wrapper class

1. What is wrapper class

2. What is boxing? Explain
3. What is unboxing ?explain
4. What is auto boxing and auto unboxing


1. What is exception? Explain the exception hierarchy

2. What is checked exceptions? explain with example
3. What is unchecked exceptions? Explain with example
4. What is error? Explain with example
5. What is exception handling mechanism and explain each one with syntax
6. Difference between compile time error and run time error
7. What is the difference between checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions
8. What is finally? Explain in brief
9. What is exception propagation and draw the EPFD
10. What is custom exception
11. What is throws
12. What is throw
13. Difference between throws and throw


1. What is collection
2. Explain the class hierarchy of collection
3. What is list
4. What is arraylist
5. What is comparable interface
6. How to add delete and read the objects from arraylist
7. What is the syntax of generic collection
8. What is the disadvantage of object type arraylist
9. How to sort the arryalist
10. How to sort in descending order
11. How to delete the duplicate object in arraylist
12. What is set
13. What is difference between hashset and treeset
14. How to sort hashset
15. What is the difference between list and set
16. What is foreach loop
17. What is iterator
18. Difference between add and addAll methods
19. What is map
20. What is hashMap and treeMap
21. Difference between hashMap and Treemap
22. How to iterate map
23. what is keyset()
24. what is values()
25. what is entrySet()

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