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1. What are the main features of Java?

2. What is an Array?
3. Is it possible to declare an Array without Array size?
4. What do you understand by the term Object-Oriented Programming
5. What are the basic principles of the OOPs concept?
6. What is the abstraction in java?
7. What do you mean by inheritance in java?
8. What do you mean by the Object in java?
9. What is a constructor?
10. What is polymorphism in java?
11. What do you mean by the method overloading?
12. What do you mean by the method overriding in java?
13. Does java support multiple inheritance?
14. Describe constructor vs method?
15. Is it possible to overload the main() method?
16. What is the difference between String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer?
17. What is the difference between Collection and Collections.
18. What is multithreaded programming?
19. What is the difference between Error and Exception?

20. Difference between static and non-static methods?

21. Difference between method overloading and method overriding?

22. What are the different ways to create threads in java?

23. What is the synchronization in java?

24. What is the use of the final keyword?
25. What is the garbage collection of java?

26. What is the cloning in java?

27. What is JVM?
28. What are the difference between final, finally and finalize in java?
29. What is the difference between float and double datatypes?
30. Is it possible to override the overloaded method in java?

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