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When Anna delivered her wedding vow, she stated "I'm sorry if I can't give you my first in everything,

but I
am still thankful for the learnings from that past relationship, these taught me valuable lessons about what
relationship is all about". Anna's past relationship made her realize the value of patience, respect, and
commitment are important in choosing the right man to marry. To whose philosophy can the life of Anna be
based on?





St. Augustine's philosophy integrates the works of Plato in understanding oneself with God through faith and
reason. Aristotle's philosophy also made an impact in the works of _____ in the medieval philosophy and _____
in the modern philosophy.

St. Thomas Aquinas ; Rene Descartes

St. Thomas Aquinas ; John Locke

St. Thomas Aquinas ; David Hume

St. Thomas Aquinas ; Immanuel Kant

While taking your long test in UTS, you encountered a difficult item and is unsure of the answer. Given that
you wanted to get a high score on your test, you are still dominated by your superego. In this way, what will
be your action to the situation.

I will open my notes and check whether the answer I had in mind is right or wrong.

I will leave that difficult item unanswered.

I will give my best to choose the correct answer and not ask my classmates about it because I dislike

I will take a picture of the test item and ask my classmate for the correct answer.

If you are highly motivated to improve yourself, you will usually engage in upward comparison. Which among
the situations will you most likely do.

I will compare myself to those people I look up to.

I choose not to compare myself to other people as I am a unique individual.

I will compare myself to someone who is not performing as good as I do.

I will ask other people for validation that I am performing well.

This philosophical period holds onto the belief that the self existed because of a supreme being.


Modern Philosophy

Medieval Philosophy

Ancient Philosophy

Filipinos are known to be collectivist, all these situations present Filipinos as a collectivist EXCEPT.

Participating in relief operation to help the victims of Taal Volcano's unrest.

Going to church as a family every Sunday.

Once married, the couple leaves the family in order to establish their own life.

Joining rallies to fight for human rights against extra judicial killing.

Your parents were disappointed with the results of your GWA during the first term. You know that you did
your best and was hoping that your parents would understand your struggle just to pass the course subject.
However, at that moment you were dominated by your id. What would be your response to the situation?

I will tell my parents that I did my best, and will work even harder this 2nd term to meet their

I will defend myself and answer back to my parents who are being inconsiderate and irrational.

I will just keep quiet and let my parents nag until they are satisfied.

I will hold back whatever is in my thoughts and try to understand why my parents are disappointed
with me.

According to this period in the ancient philosophy, there is a fundamental principle on the creation of the
universe; and that this principle includes different elements.



Ancient Triumvirate

All these statements explain the concept of Tabula Rasa in understanding a person EXCEPT.

The mind is furnished with ideas based on experience alone.

Our human mind is an empty slate at birth.

People are inherently evil because we are all born with original sin.

People are all born without innate ideas.

As a college student, you are practically facing a dilemma between wanting to relax by engaging in your
hobbies and accomplishing your academic responsibilities. If you are applying the philosophy of
Epicurus, how are you going to manage the situation?

I will just relax at home because I'm already to stressed from school.

I will set a time for studying without any unnecessary distractions and once I'm done I will give my time
to rest.

I will keep on studying even if I'm already tired because I do not want to fail.

I don't know how I am going to manage the situation.

He argued that the self exist and it is best explained by the functions and state of the brain.

Paul and Patricia Churchland

Edmund Husserl

Gilbert Ryle

Maurice Merleau Ponty

In the film Nosedive, Lacie failed to make her way to Naomi's rehearsal dinner because her flight got
cancelled. And when Lacie decided to drive her way to Honeysuckle for the wedding, the car she rented ran
out of battery. Naomi also found out that Lacie's ranking flushed down to 2 point something and told her not
to come to her wedding. Lacie got frustrated with the series of unfortunate events. As a result, Lacie kicked
the car and ended up cursing at the people and cars that's passing her way. Which type of defense mechanism
did Lacie use?



Taylor Swift is a well-known singer and composer. Many people know that the songs Taylor Swift wrote
stems from her failed relationship. If we are to put the defense mechanism in this perspective, what type of
defense did Taylor Swift use?





What is the concept of knowledge in understanding oneself according to modern philosophy?

Genuine knowledge is the union to understand oneself as God designed us using faith and reason.

Genuine knowledge is inherent in man and the wisdom gained from examining one's life.

Genuine knowledge of self is when one achieve harmony between the mind, body, and soul.

Genuine knowledge must be based on independent rational inquiry and that knowledge is derived from
sense experience.

In the film Nosedive, Naomi told Lacie to remove the eating disorder thing from the maid-of-honor speech. In
understanding Naomi's personality using the Johari Window model, what do you think is the area that Naomi
is presenting to her group?





Our identity relies on our ability to be aware of what is going on in our personal life. This is what Rene
Descartes meat when he said _____.
Cogito ergo sum

Das uber ich

Tabula rasa

Semper fidelis

If you consider yourself as an individualist, what will be your behavior on social media?

I would probably post something about myself that would make me stand out from the rest.

I would create a page that will allow people to express their thoughts and opinions about my college

I will join different groups in Facebook to share my common interest with others.

I will share memes and posts that I think other people will enjoy.

Last year when the first term ended, you were invited to join your section's Christmas party. Knowing that
you have this "stoic" type of personality, what would be your response to the invitation?

I will decline the invitation because I find Christmas parties boring and a waste of time.

I will gladly accept the invitation and bring over some few drinks so that my classmates can enjoy and
party all night long.

I am undecided.

I will join the Christmas party and perhaps leave early because I do not want my parents to worry.

In the film Nosedive, Lacie had an intense argument with her brother the night she was leaving for Naomi's
rehearsal dinner. Ryan (Lacie's brother) reacted negatively when Lacie was practicing her maid-of-honor
speech. Ryan was aware that his sister was falling into the rating scale trap however, Lacie was so obsessed
with getting the 4.5 rating that she was not even care about protecting her dignity. Using the Johari Window
model, which area was Lacie presenting to others.





In the film Nosedive, it portrays a society that is too preoccupied with the rating scale. Wanting to boost up a
4.5 rating to get the 20% discount from the Pelican Cove dream home, Lacie must expand her social circle to
those individuals who are on the high 4s. In this scenario, according to sociologist, the high 4s are considered
to be Lacie's _____.

Comparison Group

Support group

Sociological Group

Reference group

A newly married Chinese couple was taught the principle of filial piety. In this regard, the newly married
Chinese couple will practice the following EXCEPT.

The newlyweds will ensure to produce a male offspring to the family.

The newlyweds will be responsible in taking care of their parents and in-laws.

Despite the difficulty dealing with the in-laws, the newlyweds will respect their decision and be kind to

The newlyweds will move to a different home to start their own family since one must leave and cleave
when married.

Expectation vs. reality: According to Carl Rogers, how can a person achieve their full potential?
The real self and ideal self must be in a state of congruence.

The real self and ideal self must be in a state of incongruence.

The ideal self must be better than the real self.

The real self must be better than the ideal self.

Victims of child abuse experienced traumatic events in their life. When the victims were asked to narrate the
traumatic incident, some of them finds it difficult to remember what had happened. According to Sigmund
Freud, traumatic experiences are sometimes repressed in the _____ to avoid re experiencing the anxiety
provoking situation.




You receive a low score in your exam which led you to engage in downward comparison so that you will feel
better about your score. All these situations shows downward comparison EXCEPT.

I will check who among my classmates got a lower score than mine.

Since many of us got a low score in the exam, I felt better knowing that I am not alone.

I will challenge myself to get a higher score in the next exam, better than the top student.

I will check the record with my prof to see that my score is not the lowest.

Everything is impermanent. We may lose something or someone we love any moment. This is why Buddhism
emphasized _____.

Believing in oneself.

Taking care of our belongings.

Being sensitive to one's needs and wants.

Showing compassion towards other people.

Understanding one's identity must be defined according to one's disposition to act and behave in certain
situations. This principle is according to whose philosophy?

Immanuel Kant

Edmund Husserl

Gilbert Ryle

Maurice Merleau Ponty

If you were taught by your parents to do what's noble and good in order to be happier and more fulfilled in
your next life, what principle in life are you practicing.

The Golden Rule

Filial Piety


Relativity of Opposites

Imagine that you won 1 hundred thousand pesos in a contest that you joined. You also happen to be
interested in buying the latest phone in the market. Knowing that your personality is inclined to
hedonism, what would you probably do with the prize money?

I will let my parents decide what I should do with the money.

I will use the money to buy the latest phone which I really love and save up the remaining money in my
bank account.

I will use that money and buy the latest phone and at the same time use the remaining money to buy the
sneakers and clothes that I also like.

I will deposit all the money in my bank account.

You would sometimes see people posting their pictures of body transformation before and after their fitness
program. In this situation, Leon Festinger called this type of comparisonUpward as _____.
Downward Comparison

Social Comparison

Temporal Comparison

Upward Comparison

Ezra often struggles when she was asked to say something about herself. Ezra mentioned that she is having a
difficult time describing herself and would just ask her classmates and friends about their impression. Ezra is
applying the philosophy of _____?

Immanuel Kant

John Locke

David Hume

Rene Descartes

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