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Logic puzzles involving liars and truth-tellers date back almost 2500 years,
but the first to apply such an idea to a mentalism effect was probably Jack
Vosburgh in �The Awful Truth,� in his 1941 booklet More Than a Trick, which
begat Tommy Dowd�s �Liars!� in The Phoenix #90, August 1945.
That said, the first approach to be based purely on a verbal construction was by
Gerald Kosky in �To Tell The Truth� in Apocalypse, June 1978.
Special thanks must go to Max Maven for the credits listed above.
More recently there has been a revival of interest in routines of this nature. The
most noteworthy of these recent contributions include -
� Manoeda - by Ever Elizalde
� Rock, Paper, Lies - by Jay Di Biase
� Tequila Hustler - by Mark Elsdon
Note: Mark Elsdon and I came up with the same logic puzzle behind Tequila
Hustler independently and since he had already decided to release it when we
chatted I decided not to include it in this booklet.
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By Manos Kartsakis
In this book, you will find a collection of routines that are based on the �which
hand� plot. Some of them are based on the liar/truth teller premise and some
of them are not. Many of these routines utilise what I call the �V� principle.
The �V� principle, allows the performer to know exactly what the spectator will
end up doing, whether he decides to lie or tell the truth, or whether he decides
to follow the performer�s instructions or do the opposite. This principle has
been around for many years in logic puzzles and has been used in mentalism
before (see credit section) but, I have never seen a name for it.
I have performed all the routines in this book many times, and have settled on
a few of them that I use all the time. However, I have included all of them here
for two reasons.
The first one is that some of the routines I do not use anymore are really
good routines and the fact that I do not use them is just a matter of personal
preference. I prefer to use another routine (which is in this book as well) but
you might prefer to choose differently.
The second reason is that all of the routines that I have come up with have
a direct link with each other and if it wasn�t for those routines that I came
up with first, I would have never conceived their improved (in my opinion)
Reading through some of these older routines might inspire you to come up
with your own variations like it inspired me. Here is a brief outline of the
routines I use most of the time and the ones I do not use so often anymore:
Verbalist � The first routine of this type I ever came up with and still use to
day all the time. One of my all time favourites.
Verbalist 2.0 � The second version of the above routine. I still use both since
they have only minor differences.
Veritas � I love it, works fine but these days I find myself performing �Velvet�
more often than this one.
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Vox � I always thought this routine had great potential but was not always easy
for all spectators to follow. I have replaced this with Vox 2.0 which is very easy
for all spectators to follow.
Vox 2.0 � The improved version of the routine above. I still use this one but not
as often as �Velvet�.
Velvet � I think this is definitely one of my favourite routines. The reason I
perform it more often than Veritas and Vox 2.0 is because it does not rely on a
liar/truth teller premise, it is extremely simple to follow and you get to reveal
more in the final revelation.
Vice Versa � I still perform this one on stage shows. One of my favourite
routines as well.
Another thing that I would like to add here before we get into the routines is
that in all the routines there is a basic presentation so that you can see exactly
how the logic puzzle which is built into the routine plays out. However, there
are additional ideas about how you can present these routines either on the
�Additional Thoughts� parts of the routines or at the �Bonus Thoughts� at the
end of the book. Please don�t let these fly under your radar because they will
allow you to reveal thought of words, PIN codes etc. besides which hand an
object is hidden in.
Thank you all for supporting my work. It really means a lot to me. I am
currently working on my next book. If you are interested in having a sneak
peek on what I am working on drop me an email to - with the title �free routine� and I will send
you a routine from my new book absolutely for free as a �Thank you� for your
interest in my work.�
I sincerely hope you enjoy what you find in these pages.

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