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Smooth traffic flow as one of the most important

factors for safety increase in road transport

Alica Kalašová & Milan Stacho

To cite this article: Alica Kalašová & Milan Stacho (2006) Smooth traffic flow as one of the most
important factors for safety increase in road transport, Transport, 21:1, 29-33

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ISSN 1648-4142 print / ISSN 1648-3480 online TRANSPORT

TRANSPORT – 2006, Vol XXI, No 1, 29–33


Alica Kalaðová1, Milan Stacho2
Department of Road and Urban Transport, Faculty of Operation and Economics
of Transport and Communications, University of Þilina
E-mail: 1; 2 Milan.
Received 10 November 2005; accepted 4 January 2006

Abstract. The elimination of the connection between the increase of transport and economical growth has been
the main aim of transport policy of the EU for a few years, which has not been accomplished yet. The volume of
transport in the EU has been growing at more or less the same rate as economy or more, by nearly 20 % with
passenger transport and by approximately 30 % with freight transport haulage. Transportation causes consider-
able external costs that although have got concrete originators, are not paid by them. The biggest external costs
are connected with emissions, noise, accidents and congestions. In our contribution we would like to characterize
congestions and possible solutions.
Keywords: external costs, traffic flows, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), ITS technologies, communica-
tion systems.

1. Introduction are not met by the parties responsible, they must be

borne by society as a whole [1].
One of the most significant factors affecting the üSignificant external costs are: accidents, when
increase of road transport safety is the reduction of transport systems are used, accidents occur generat-
external costs. External costs are described as follows. ing a whole range of costs which are only partly cov-
When consumers decide to purchase an item or ered by mutual risk insurance schemes (loss of life,
take a trip, they examine the price of a given option medical care and disabilities sustained by victims, loss
and compare it to the gain or satisfaction they expect of production, etc.),
to derive from the item or trip. For instance, an indi- üair pollution, emission of particulate matter,
vidual wishing to get from A to B will consider the carbon monoxide, lead, volatile organic compounds,
price (use of public transport or his/her private car) nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide, damaging
and the quality of the service provided before choos- health, environment and buildings,
ing a given transport mode. Users are willing to ac- üclimate change, greenhouse gases (mainly car-
commodate a whole array of parameters (speed, fre- bon dioxide – CO2) have an enduring impact on the
quent/regular service, quality, flexibility, etc.) in the earth’s climate resulting in increased desertification,
transport price they pay. raised sea levels, serious harm to agriculture and
Conversely, consumers of goods or services do other destructive environmental and health-related
not generally foot the full bill of the costs their deci- side-effect,
sion imposes on society and environment. Such costs ünoise, transport generates noise which ad-
are defined as external because they are not reflected versely affects humans in a variety of ways causing
in the price paid by users and are not factors in the disturbances, stress and more serious health prob-
market. The main sources of external costs in the lems,
transport sector are accidents, congestion, air pollu- ücongestion, more vehicles are being added to
tion, noise and climate change. Individuals using a already dense traffic flows, particularly car traffic
given form of transport are not generally aware of the flows, paralyzing the system and leading to substan-
external costs generated and indeed it is possible that tial wastage for all users. Congestion makes the en-
some of these costs have never been defined. tire transport system inefficient.
Nonetheless, external costs do exist and since they In our contribution we would like to analyze the
30 A. Kalaðová, M. Stacho / TRANSPORT – 2006, Vol XXI, No 1, 29–33

problem of congestions which currently bother driv- flow restrictions produced by crashes worsen exist-
ers in the EU and their reduction is one of the priori- ing congestion.
ties of the EU’s transport policy. The details of the relationship between conges-
tion and safety are not well understood (with the ex-
ception of lower crash severities which have been
2. Impact of congestions on safety documented in a general way for congested condi-
An individual highway crash is a rare, random, tions and the associated lower speeds). Based on the
multifactor event preceded by a situation in which limited work that has been performed, a few tenta-
one or more persons failed to cope with their envi- tive conclusions may be drawn:
ronment. In the aggregate, however, traffic crashes üCrash potential probably increases as conges-
are quite numerous and often follow certain patterns tion increases.
that can be identified. Crashes reflect a shortcoming üThere is a lower proportion of single vehicle
in one or more components of the driver-vehicle- crashes (e.g., run-off-road, rollover, collision with a
roadway system. It is therefore very important for fixed object) during congested conditions and a
freeway practitioners to monitor traffic collision ex- higher proportion of multiple vehicle crashes.
perience and to use this information to identify, plan, üCrash severities (extent and nature of personal
implement, and evaluate corrective actions. Numer- injuries) are lower during congested conditions due to
ous approaches exist for improving safety and reduc- lower vehicle speeds at the moment of crash impact.
ing crashes on highways. Many of these are beyond In general, it can be assumed that any operational
the scope of freeway management and operations, improvement that reduces congestion will lead to
per se (e.g., enforcing seat belt laws, in-vehicle crash- fewer crashes. The severity of crashes that occur will
avoidance technologies, geometric realignment); but be higher, however, and it is likely that a greater pro-
others – such as improved signing and lighting, skid portion will be single vehicle crashes. Knowing these
resistance pavement, adding shoulders and auxiliary facts target mitigation strategies can single vehicle
lanes, and removing obstacles – are well within the crashes and higher severities – such as wider road-
realm of “operations”. side recovery zones, protection of highway “furni-
As previously noted, a major goal of freeway ture,” and coordination with emergency medical ser-
management and operations is to reduce congestion; vices. Moreover, operations philosophy must take a
and a reduction in congestion may also enhance systems-oriented view where the consequences of a
safety. But how does congestion affect highway specific action (e.g., flow improvements) consider
safety? The basic theory behind the interaction is linked impacts such as safety.
that congestion leads to higher vehicle densities (i.e.,
more closely spaced vehicles on a roadway), which 3. Traffic flow theory
provides more opportunities for conflict. Conges-
tion also reduces vehicle speeds, which implies that The generalized relationships between speed,
when vehicles are engaged in a crash, the collision density and flow rate are shown in Fig 1, with these
forces are lower thus reducing the injury to occu- parameters defined as follows [2].
pants. Another aspect of the model is the concept üFlow Rate – the equivalent hourly rate (ve-
of “secondary” crashes – crashes that occur due to hicles per hour) at which vehicles pass over a given
conditions produced by an existing crash. Some of point or section of a lane or roadway during a given
these conditions – which wouldn’t exist without the time interval of less than one hour.
occurrence of the first crash – include rapid back- üSpeed – defined as a rate of motion expressed
ward queue formation (as vehicles suddenly stop to as distance per unit of time, generally as kilometre
avoid the first crash), rubbernecking by drivers, and per hour (km/h). In characterizing the speed of a traf-
the manoeuvres of emergency vehicles. Finally, the fic stream, a representative value must be used be-

Generalized relationships among speed, density and flows rate on uninterrupted – flows facilities

Fig 1. Basic traffic service

A. Kalaðová, M. Stacho / TRANSPORT – 2006, Vol XXI, No 1, 29–33 31

cause broad distribution of individual speeds is ob- a part of the problem, creating even greater ineffi-
servable in the traffic stream. The curves in Fig 1 uti- ciencies: more stop-and-go traffic conditions, longer
lize “average travel speed” which is computed by di- delays and greater potential for accidents.
viding the length of the highway segment under con- While this is a simple concept, traffic demand is
sideration by the average travel time of the vehicles not constant. It can vary significantly depending on
traversing it. the season of the year, the day of the week, and even
üDensity – the number of vehicles occupying the time of the day. Also, the capacity is not a con-
the given length of a lane or roadway at a particular stant – it can change (sometimes rapidly) because of
instant. For the curves shown in Fig 1density is aver- weather, work zones, traffic incidents, or other events.
aged over time and is usually expressed as vehicles It is not necessarily simple, either. The physical fact
per hour (veh/h). of finiteness and the principle of conservation underly
The form of these curves depends on the pre- traffic stream behaviour as reflected in the smooth
vailing traffic and roadway conditions on the segment curves in Fig 1. However, the actual performance of
under study. Moreover, while the diagrams in Fig 1- a particular section of a freeway at a particular point
6 show continuous curves; in reality they are like of time is more ambiguous, resulting from variations
discontinuities with a part of these curves not present. in individual human behaviour and the mix of vehicle
The curves illustrate the following significant points. types using the facility. It may be possible to predict
üA zero flow rate occurs under two different the average behaviour and average capacity and the
conditions. One is when there are no vehicles on the variances about these averages for a traffic stream,
facility – the density is zero, and the flow rate is zero.
but never the precise behaviour.
The second is when density becomes so high that all
The principles of macroscopic models are rela-
vehicles must stop – the speed is zero, and the flow
tions between the essential characteristics of a traffic
rate is zero, because there is no movement and ve-
flow – intensity, density (quantitative characteristics)
hicles cannot pass a point on the roadway.
and speed (a qualitative characteristic). For complete
üBetween these two extreme points the dynam-
description only two of these characteristics are suf-
ics of traffic flow produces a maximizing effect. As
ficient, the third one can be calculated according to
flow increases from zero, density also increases, since
the continuity equation:
more vehicles are on the roadway. When this hap-
pens, speed declines because of the interaction of M = H.V.
vehicles. This decline is negligible at low and medium
densities and flow rates. As the density further in-
creases, these generalized curves suggest that speed 4. Resolving of congestions using intelligent trans-
decreases significantly just before the capacity is portation systems
achieved, with the capacity being defined as the prod-
uct of density and speed resulting in the maximum One of the possible ways of increasing safety is
flow rate. This condition is shown as optimum speed to provide the participants of traffic with information
Vo (often called critical speed), optimum density Mo in advance. Conditions for steady and safe traffic are
(sometimes referred to as critical density), and maxi- made in this way. Intelligent transport systems – ITS
mum flow Vm. are able to give us this possibility. Basic aim of ITS is
Efficient freeway operation depends on the bal- to [3, 4]:
ance between capacity and demand. In the simplest üIncrease the safety of road transport.
terms, highway congestion results when traffic de- üIncrease the efficiency of transport repre-
mand approaches or exceeds the available capacity sented by cut down transport time.
of the highway system. As vehicle demand approaches üIncrease the quality of environment.
highway capacity, traffic flow begins to deteriorate. üImprove commercial productivity of a company.
Flow is interrupted by spots of turbulence and shock ITS are systems which help to make efficient use
waves which disrupt efficiency. Then traffic flow be- of road and urban communication network using in-
gins to break down rapidly followed by further dete- formation, communication and directing technolo-
rioration of operational efficiency. The result of this gies. They make basic conditions for high quality com-
spiralling inefficiency can be observed during every munication and information society that we are ap-
weekday commute in almost every metropolitan area. proaching also in our conditions.
Drivers push their way onto already crowded free- Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are the
ways to join thousands of others already caught in application of advanced electronics, computer, com-
seemingly endless traffic jams. Unfortunately, by join- munications and sensor technologies – in an inte-
ing the already impeded traffic flow, drivers become grated manner – to increase the efficiency and safety
32 A. Kalaðová, M. Stacho / TRANSPORT – 2006, Vol XXI, No 1, 29–33

of the surface transportation network. ITS encom- allow personnel at any distance to communicate with
pass technologies that can lead to: one another.
üBetter management and operations of the ex- From the point of view of ITS applications, po-
isting highway, public transportation and railroad in- sitioning systems are among leading systems and de-
frastructure to ease congestion and respond to crises. serve close attention. Considerable time and finan-
üSafer and more convenient travel for people. cial cut down should be pointed out. In this connec-
üMore efficient and secure freight movements. tion we should emphasize the necessity of creating
Effectively used ITS open the door to new ways uniform infrastructure of data gathering and distri-
of managing, operating, expanding, refining, bution, creating a central system providing with cur-
reconfiguring and use of transportation system. ITS rent data from the given length of communications.
have proven themselves as a significant enabler of This should be remembered while implementing
freeway management and operations. Combined with master systems.
ITS technologies: Global Navigation Satellite Systems. One of the
Freeway Management System (FMS) consists of most important technologies of ITS is satellite navi-
a set of resources (e.g., electronic systems, people, gation which could influence the reduction of con-
objects, and strategies) that are used to accomplish a gestions.
At present there are two radio navigation satel-
set of goals to improve the operation of the freeway
lite networks: the US GPS and the Russian Glonass
network. Other elements of an ITS-based freeway
systems, both designed during the Cold War for mili-
management system that support these functions in-
tary purposes. Since the Russian system has not gen-
erated any civil applications, Galileo offers a real al-
Surveillance and Detection Systems These de-
ternative to the de facto monopoly of GPS and the
vices collect information on traffic flow and road- US industry. GPS is used to a large extent for civil
way performance and allow operators to monitor purposes, but it does have several major shortco-
conditions (in real time) on the freeway system. The mings:
sensors may collect data (volume, speed, travel üMediocre and varying position accuracy
time), or provide video images via cameras. The data (sometimes to only several dozen metres), depend-
collected feed the control and information dissemi- ing on place and time.
nation functions and allow operators to intervene üReliability leaves something to be desired.
when appropriate into those functions. The data may Regions at high latitudes crossed by many aviation
also be stored (i.e., warehoused) for future analysis routes do not have dependable coverage. Signal pen-
and performance evaluation. Sensor technology also etration in dense areas and town centres is unreli-
allows the system to monitor roadway and environ- able. Furthermore, the predominantly military char-
mental conditions such as pavement temperature acter of GPS means that there is always a risk of civil
and weather. Roadway and environmental condition users being cut off in the event of a crisis.
information is often used in deciding how best to Whether intentional or otherwise, signal inter-
allocate resources for functions such as snow and ruptions can have disastrous consequences, especially
ice control. as there is no warning and no immediate informa-
Transportation Management Centre. The com- tion about errors [3].
puter systems and associated software, the user in- There have been signal cut-offs of a few minutes
terfaces and operators themselves and associated re- during GPS operation, which lead the system pro-
sources are typically housed and operated from a traf- vider to the adaptation to civil needs and the neces-
fic management centre although they can also be op- sity of standards development for the utilization of
erated over a communication network without the satellite navigation in civil aviation. If these standards
need of a formal centre. In systems that include TMC, meet aviation demands they will suit also other us-
it serves as the information “nerve centre” for re- ers. Standard and recommended procedures – SARP,
gional operations. which are focused on accuracy, integrity and time to
alery, continuity and availability, have been passed.
Communication Systems. The effective opera-
These standards lead to the building of augmen-
tion of all the functions mentioned above requires
tation systems such as American WAAS (wide area
communication of data, video, and voice. Communi-
augmentation system), Japanese MSAS (MTSAT sat-
cation systems transmit data and video from the field
ellite augmentation system), European services
to TMC or central location, transmit commands from
EGNOS (European geostationary navigation over-
TMC or central location to the field equipment, trans- lay service) and even probably Chinese satellite sys-
mit information among agencies, distribute traveller tem Beidou [3].
information to the systems that disseminate it and
A. Kalaðová, M. Stacho / TRANSPORT – 2006, Vol XXI, No 1, 29–33 33

Inspire of these standards they are only services gestion and speed the recovery from congestion,
based on originally military GPS of Glonass satellite therefore minimizing the inefficiencies that conges-
systems. tion causes.
The European Union (EU) therefore decided,
in close cooperation with the European Space Agency
(ESA), to develop a system of its own that meets the References
criteria for accuracy, reliability and security.
1. Schreyer, Ch.; Schneider, Ch. External costs of transport
Galileo comprises a constellation of 30 satellites update study, International Railway Union, October 2004,
divided between three circular orbits at an altitude Paris. ISBN 2-7461-0891-7.
of around 24 000 km to cover the earth’s entity sur-
2. Kalašová, A.; Stacho, M. Decrease in congestions is one of
face. They will be supported by a worldwide network the most important factors for increase in safety in road
of ground stations. transport. In: Modern Safety Technologies in Transporta-
Galileo offers superior and constant accuracy tion, 2005, Košice. ISBN 80-969106-1-2.
thanks in particular to the structure of its satellite 3. Kevický, D. – Kalašová, A. Satelite navigation system,
constellation and a ground relay system. Guaranteed EDIS – vydavate¾stvo ÞU, 2004. ISBN 80-8070-295-0
accuracy to 1 m is necessary for certain applications (in Slovak).
such as entering a seaport or guiding a vehicle into 4. European Commision, ESA: GALILEO Mission High Level
parking space. Definition, September 2002.

5. Conclusion

In the conclusion we would like to emphasize

üAny definition needs to be understandable to
the general public or to the elected officials to be
useful. Congestion occurs and is caused by bottle-
necks. All other mechanisms for describing traffic
flow are related to measures of effectiveness.
üThe speed-flow relationship is fundamental to
traffic theory.
üA metrics for congestion is total trip time at
posted speeds compared to total trip time at operat-
ing speed and an accompanying index for setting ser-
vice standards.”
üTransportation congestion has local, cultural
and time-of-duration components that defy strict ter-
üCongestion will always be relative.
With respect to the last point, congestion is typi-
cally viewed by travellers relative to their normal day-
to-day experiences. Travellers accustomed to low
speeds and congestion delays for 12 hours each day
may not consider 10 minutes of delay per trip a prob-
lem. These travellers have learned to budget extra
time or find other ways to cope with the delay.
A major goal of freeway management and op-
erations is to keep freeway capacity and the vehicu-
lar demand on a freeway in balance. The most effec-
tive way to combat congestion is to take action be-
fore traffic flow deteriorates and congestion forms.
It would be ideal to manage the demand on the free-
way to prevent traffic flow from ever breaking down
and congestion from forming. This is usually not pos-
sible and the best result is to delay the onset of con-

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