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Leadership Goals

1. I will develop my leadership as a ​Resource Provider ​for my colleagues.

Goal: ​Provide a variety of instructional resources such as website links related to teaching
strategies, assessment and teaching tools, and grant opportunities.

Short-term objective: ​Compile teaching tools and grant opportunities to share with
● Rationale: ​Students benefit from more school funding, however that is not
always an option. Financial inputs affect student achievement, especially for “minority
and economically-disadvantaged students.” Therefore, it is important for teachers to look
for grant opportunities to fund their classrooms.
● Link to rationale: ​
● NBPTS: ​Proposition 4.2: Teachers think systematically about their practices and learn
experience - teachers use feedback and research to improve their practice and positively
impact student learning.
● TLMD: ​Domain 3c: Facilitates professional learning among colleagues.

Long-term objective: ​Assist teachers in personalizing students’ learning using different

technological resources.
● Rationale: ​Since our society and educational system is moving towards a
technology-driven world, it is important that teachers know how to create personalized
learning environments using these technological resources. These resources can deepen
the education experience for students.
● Link to rationale:
● NBPTS: ​Proposition 1.1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning -
Teachers recognize individual differences in their students and adjust their plan
● TLMD: ​Domain 7b: Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for
teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students.

Teacher Inquiry: ​I will develop myself as a Resource Provider through my teacher inquiry.

2. I will develop my leadership as a ​Catalyst for Change​.

Goal: ​Create a Social Emotional Learning program for the lower elementary grade levels to
create a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students.

Short-term objective: ​Share Social Emotional Learning resources with the teachers and
principal and begin implementation.
● Rationale: ​Implementing a new program can be difficult, but would also take a lot of
time and work. There are Social Emotional Learning tips teachers can implement first to
create a welcoming learning environment. Building relationships with our students will
help our students succeed in school and their own communities.
● Link to rationale:
● NBPTS: ​Proposition 1.3 - Teachers treat students equitably.
● TLMD: ​Domain 1b - Models effective skills in listening, presenting ideas, leading
discussions, clarifying, mediating, and identifying the needs of self and others in order to
advance shared goals and professional learning.

Long-term objective: ​Create a consistent Social Emotional Learning program that progresses
throughout the grades.
● Rationale: ​Research shows that Social Emotional Learning improves achievement and
prosocial behaviors. Many students struggle with bullies and social interactions, by
implementing Social Emotional Learning programs, we can reduce these problems.
● Link to rationale:
● NBPTS: ​Proposition 1.4 - Teachers know their mission transcends the cognitive
development of their students.
● TLMD: ​Domain 1d​ - ​Strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives are
welcomed in addressing challenges.

3. I will develop my leadership skills in Student Assessment.

Goal: ​Analyze and implement effective assessment tools to meet the needs of all students.

Short-term objective: ​Meet with my mentor to create formal and informal assessments using
● Rationale: ​It is important to provide students with different assessment tools to get an
accurate representation of a student’s knowledge. Students all have different strengths
and areas for growth, if we only have one assessment it may not accurately represent their
knowledge of the topic.
● Link to rationale:
● NBPTS: ​Proposition 2.7 - Teachers generate multiple paths to knowledge.
● TLMD: ​Domain 2d: Teaches and supports colleagues to collect, analyze, and
communicate data from their classrooms to improve teaching and learning.
Long-term objective: ​Meet with the staff to discuss and share assessment tools that are used
within the classrooms. Analyze and share the effectiveness of these assessment tools and their

● Rationale: ​Although there are many assessment tools, what might be effective for one
class might not be effective for another. Meeting and discussing different assessment
tools will allow teachers to create a more student-centered classroom.
● Link to rationale:
● NBPTS: ​Proposition 3.4 - Teachers regularly assess student progress.
● TLMD: ​Domain 5b: Collaborates with colleagues in the design, implementation, scoring,
and interpretation of student data to improve educational practice and student learning.

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