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Chapter 11.


11.10.1 INTRODUCTION A computer-oriented approach to mine ventilation planning

began essentially in the late 1950s with the development of net-
Over the past three decades, the role of the digital computer work simulation programs. For this reason, major developments
has expanded in an unprecedented manner. As mainframes and in computer programming have taken place in the field of mine
personal computers became cheaper and grew to astounding ventilation planning.
size, and the FORTRAN programming language became more In designing the future ventilation system of a mine that is
sophisticated and less core bound, the general use of computers already in existence, two procedures are involved: (1) obtaining
spread to more mining companies and, more importantly, to the physical details and specifications of the existing layout by
more engineers. Present-day utilization of computers in the min- means of ventilation surveys, and (2) the reduction and utiliza-
ing industry varies across a wide spectrum of activities: from tion of these data to study the effect of changes in some parameter
operations research techniques to aid mine management through on the characteristics of airflow in the existing layout, such as
payroll processing to mine design and monitoring and control. ventilation network analysis. The computer can provide power-
During the last years, efforts have been made with encourag- ful assistance in both these stages.
ing results towards planning of ventilation systems with comput-
ers. Computers have played a greater role in evaluating ventila- Data Reduction In Pressure Survey
tion parameters and processes, largely because they can be used
conveniently to relieve the ventilation engineer of repetitive cal- An altimeter measures the instantaneous static pressure at a
culations and to reduce voluminous ventilation data often col- point underground in terms of the height of a theoretical air
lected for analysis of trends and their statistical significance. column of 50°F (10°C) dry air at the existing station atmosphere
While these are basically data-reduction applications, the tre- pressure. Assuming measurements were made simultaneously at
mendous advantage of the computer for more sophisticated utili- two locations or corrected to the same time frame through the
zation is not fully realized. The great power of a computer lies use of a stationary base instrument, corrections can be made for
in its ability to store, recall, manipulate, and modify data for difference in elevation, air density, and airstream velocity to give
analysis as well as generate copious information records, all in the absolute pressure difference between two points. Calculation
a fraction of a second. The application of energy and mass trans- methods used have been described in the literature by several
port phenomena to the quantification of ventilation engineering authors (Williamson, 1932; Krickovic, 1945–46; Mancha, 1946;
parameters for quality and quantity control is not new. However, Hall, 1951; McElroy and Kingery, 1957; and Hartman, 1961).
the solution of complex nonlinear systems of equations has taken The method developed at the US Bureau of Mines and described
a great leap forward since the advent of digital computers that by McElroy and Kingery (1957) is probably the most commonly
permit complex ventilation problems to be solved numerically used method and has been adapted for use on a programable
(Stefanko and Ramani, 1977). desk calculator by Harris et al. (1973) and for a hand-held
General mine ventilation theory and practice are discussed calculator by Anderson and Nugent (1977). Several computer
in Chapters 11.6 and 11.7. programs for the treatment of pressure survey data using digital
computers have been described by Luxbacher et al. (1977). A
sample data input for a pressure survey calculation identical to
11.10.2 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN that used in McElroy and Kingery (1957) is listed in Table
11.10.1. The output of a program using this sample data is
VENTILATION PLANNING reproduced in Table 11.10.2.
Most ventilation problems associated with the mine planning
environment are essentially engineering problems and can be Mine Ventilation System Network
scientifically analyzed. Ventilation requirements and system Analysis
structure can be defined only on the basis of a production plan.
However, the iterative and feedback nature of this process must A mine ventilation system is essentially a set of intercon-
be noted since production planning must consider the services nected airways. The system includes the fan(s), airways, and
required to support an operation. Thus all ventilation problems regulatory devices. With added legal requirements placed on the
are associated with the mine planning environment, and this in ventilation of belt lines, gob and face areas, and air velocities on
turn is usually related to the determination of the ability of trolley haulage roads, the ventilation system can be quite com-
existing ventilation plant to maintain certain legal standards. plex, and all but simple problems require computational aids to
Legal standards defined in the Federal Coal Mine Health and ease and speed their solution.
Safety Act of 1969, which dictated major changes in mine venti- The structural flow model constructed from a physical flow
lation with regards to both air quantity and quality requirements, system such as the mine ventilation system can be conceptualized
have also been placed on the ventilation of belt lines, gob, and as a connected-directed graph. The term network is commonly
face areas. These and other similar requirements have not only used instead of graph, especially when quantitative characteris-
precipitated several modifications to existing ventilation systems tics such as flow, capacity, and resistances are assigned to the
but also have greatly increased the complexities of ventilation points and interconnections. A ventilation network consists of an
planning in new mines. It is apparent that the use of computers interconnected group of branches and nodes. Branches or air-
in ventilation system analysis and design is a necessity. ways are the roadways, shafts, etc., through which the air flows

Table 11.10.1. Data Input for Pressure Survey Program mesh BCFB as mesh I and CDFC as mesh II. In all the calcula-
tions, the clockwise flow has been considered as positive. Calcu-
lation is terminated whenever the value of corrections for all the
meshes is 100 cfm (0.047 m3/s) or lower. Calculations for the
first iteration are presented in Table 11.10.3, and the flow distri-
bution at the end of the iteration is shown in Fig. 11.10.3. Note
that the junction laws still remain satisfied (Ramani, 1980).
Because the correction quantities are greater than 100 cfm
(0.047 m3/s), the calculations are continued. Iteration 2 with its
associated correction quantities and flows is presented both in
Table 11.10.4 and Fig. 11.10.4. At this stage, both ∆Q I and ∆Q II
are greater than 100 cfm (0.047 m3/s) and therefore the iterations
are continued. The calculations of the third iteration are shown
in Table 11.10.5, and the flows are presented in Fig. 11.10.5.
Now the correction quantities ∆Q I and ∆QII are smaller than
100 cfm (0.047 m3/s) and therefore the iterations are terminated
since the desired accuracy has been reached. Note that in these
calculations, it has been assumed that the fan pressure remains
the same during the variations in Qi. Such an assumption will
hold only if the fan is operating on the flat portion of its charac-
teristics. However, Scott and Hinsley (1951) have considered the
changes in fan pressure due to quantity changes and have modi-
fied the iterative equation:

and in which the state of the air can be measured. A branch (11.10.3)
begins and ends at a node, which is defined as a position at which
two or more branches meet. A mesh is defined as two or more
where is the slope of the fan characteristic at the
branches connected in series and forming a closed loop. operating point With knowledge of iterative solu-
Basically, the solution of mine ventilation network problems tions, attention can now be directed towards the solution of
satisfies the well-known Kirchhoff’s laws. The techniques for multi-mesh networks.
numerically calculating the conditions laid down by these laws
Solutions to network problems required extensive time on
were established by Hardy Cross (1936). The procedure to be mechanical calculators, and even with modern electronic digital
followed for the manual application of the Hardy Cross (1936) calculators, they still can be very tedious and time consuming.
method can be summarized as follows:
As a result, in the 1950s, there was a move to electrical analogue
1. Estimate the air quantity flowing through each branch of
computers. The normal square-law relationship between flow
the network and the pressures developed by the fans. The esti- and pressure was initially accommodated in the variable resist-
mated airflows should normally satisfy Kirchhoff’s first law at ance of electric light bulbs (Maas, 1950). The method has a
each junction.
major advantage of onsite availability that was emphasized by
2. Examine the network and decide upon a pattern of closed Kline and Suboleski (1972), but it is not very flexible when
meshes. The minimum number of meshes is given by several networks are to be solved simultaneously.
The situation has changed again with the increased use of
number of branches – number of junctions + 1 (11.10.1) digital computers. Modern machines have high calculating speed
and adequate storage capacity for solving ventilation network
3. For each mesh, evaluate the mesh correction factor from problems economically. The digital computer offers the best
the equation given below: available method for solution of mine ventilation networks, and
it can easily provide a high degree of accuracy for network
(11.10.2) Computer Solution for Mine Ventilation

where Fm is pressure drop around the mth mesh, ∆Qm is the
correction for the mth mesh branches, and Ri and Qi are the
resistances and the quantities, respectively, in branches constitut- The Hardy Cross method of network solution, explained
ing the mth mesh. in detail in the earlier section, lends itself particularly well to
4. Correct the flow in each branch. programming for digital computers. To illustrate the use of the
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all values of ∆Qm are below a digital computer for mine ventilation analysis, a network of
specified level. A satisfactory flow balance will then be reached. moderate complexity solved previously by Trafton and Hartman
Consider a simple example of a mine ventilation system, as (1964) is used. The ventilation system shown in Figs. 11.10.6
shown in Fig. 11.10.1, where the total quantity flowing and the and 11.10.7 is representative of a coal mine being worked from
resistances in the branches are given. There are two meshes, two shafts and employing bleeders for methane drainage through
BCFEB and CDGFC, in the network. Fig. 11.10.2 represents a the gob. Although the network may appear to be an uncompli-
simplified sketch of the meshes. Initially, let the quantities flow- cated one, it consists of 42 airways, 32 junctions, and 11 loops.
ing through the branches be estimated to satisfy Kirchhoff’s first Each junction in the network is numbered, and airways are
law, as shown in the Fig. 11.10.2. Kirchhoff’s second law now designated by these numbers. The loops comprised by the air-
can be applied to the two meshes, BCFB and CDFC. Identify ways are given letter-number combinations. The directions of
Table 11.10.2. Test Deck—Altimeter Survey Without Altimeter Temperature Correction

Table 11.10.2. Test Deck—Altimeter Survey Without Altimeter Temperature Correction (cont.)

Table 11.10.3. First Iteration (

Fig. 11.10.1. Ventilation network of mine A without fan. Conversion

factors: 1 cfm = 0.472 × 10–3 m3/s, 1 in. water = 249 Pa.

Fig. 11.10.2. Simplified network with initial quantities. Conversion

factors: 1 cfm = 0.472 × 10–3 m3/s, 1 in. water = 249 Pa.

flow indicated by arrows were assumed initially and are not

necessarily the correct directions. The input data necessary in
the problem, in the form in which they are read to the computer,
appear in Tables 11.10.6 and 11.10.7.
The assumed flows that appear in Table 11.10.8 are those
flows in each airway if 100,000 cfm (47.2 m3/s) quantity of air
is assumed to be entering the mine. This is demonstrated in Table
11.10.8 by the flow in airway 1-2. This assumed air input could
be any, but some assumed amount of air must be going into the
mine in order to solve the network problem. A quantity of
100,000 cfm (47.2 m3/s) was chosen since this shows what per- Fig. 11.10.3. Flows at the end of the first iteration. Conversion factor:
centage of the total amount of air input is distributed to the 1 cfm = 0.472 × 10–3 m3/s.
Table 11.10.4. Second Iteration ( Table 11.10.5. Third Iteration (

Fig. 11.10.4. Flows at the end of the second iteration. Conversion Fig. 11.10.5. Final flows in the network. Conversion factor: 1 cfm =
factor: 1 cfm = 0.472 × 10–3 m3/s. 0.472 × 10–3 m3/s.

various airways within the mine system. As an example, 40.3% Therefore, airway 1–2 has 265,608 cfm (125.4 m3/s) of air flow-
of the total air input passes through airway 3–6, while 19.8% ing through it since 100% of the air input has to pass through
passes through airway 6–7. Of course, each mine air input varies, this airway. Thus the value 265,608 cfm (125.4 m3/s) is given as
with the l00,000-cfm (47.2-m3/s) value an input parameter, and the adjusted flow with the fan in Table 11.10.8. Since airway 3–
a computer program is usually designed to allow any value to 6 only has 40.3% of the air passing through it, then with a mine
be used. input of 265,608 cfm (125.4 m3/s), only 106,995 cfm (50.5 m3/
The adjusted values are those values of airflow through each s) will pass though airway 3–6.
airway that have been computed if a fan with the given character- From an original assumed mine quantity of 100,000 cfm
istics had been installed externally to the mine ventilation net- (47.2 m3/s) and a flow route 1–2–3–4–15–17–21–22–28–29–30–
work. In order to clarify this, airway 1–2 in Table 11.10.8, which 31–32, iterations were performed to correct the airway quantities
as shown in Fig. 11.10.7, has 100,000 cfm (47.2 m3/s) flowing until the cumulative error was reduced to 210 cfm (0.099 m3/s).
within it if 100,000 cfm (47.2 m3/s) is assumed to be entering The total number of iterations required were 107. Then pressure
the mine. However, if a fan of those given characteristics (Table losses were computed; values of H and Q, based on the assumed
11.10.9) was installed, the fan H–Q characteristic curve and the mine quantity, are given in Table 11.10.8. Direction of flow is
mine characteristic curve is found by the computer to intersect at indicated by the sequence of numbers designating each airway.
265,608 cfm (125.4 m3/s). This means that this fan is generating The corresponding overall mine pressure loss is 0.37493 in. water
265,608 cfm (125.4 m3/s), which would be the mine air intake. (93.3 Pa). At the intersection point of the system curves, the

Fig. 11.10.6. Plan of room and pillar coal mine being worked with continuous equipment (Trafton and Hartman, 1964).

To increase the exhaust flow through the bleeders, room entries

could be maintained open rather than caved; this may be desir-
able and would also serve to reduce the mine head somewhat.
The practical application of such a solution to the problem
of natural splitting in a network may not be great, since practi-
cally every coal mine today employs controlled splitting. How-
ever, a rapid, simple means of obtaining accurate solutions by
digital computer means that limits can be determined easily and
a wide range of design variables can be explored readily.

Fig. 11.10.7. Ventilation schematic of coal mine in Fig. 11.10.6.

Complex network employing natural splitting with loops, airways, Computer Programs For Solution Of
and junctions labeled and directions of flow indicated (Trafton and
Hartman, 1964). Mine Ventilation Networks

Several computer programs have been developed in the

Table 11.10.6. Characteristics of Airways United States (Hartman and Trafton, 1963; Wang and Hartman,
1967; Greurer, 1977; Hall et al., 1977; Stefanko and Ramani,
1972) and abroad (Hashimoto, 1961; Hitchcock and Hoover,
1976; McPherson, 1966) with the capabilities to solve complex
ventilation networks and have been successfully used by many
mining companies (Tien and Bjork, 1976; Mishra, 1973; Press
and Johnston, 1976) and government organizations for analysis
of complex ventilation systems. The use of ventilation network
programs enables many more future situations to be investigated
than would otherwise be practicable. It should perhaps be em-
phasized that the utilization of these programs does not require
knowledge of their mode of operation. The ventilation engineer
is intimately concerned with the preparation of his/her input
actual mine quantity was read as 265,608 cfm (125.4 m3/s) and
the mine pressure loss as 2.645 in. water (658 Pa). Using the data and analysis of the simulated results, but not with the
proportion 265,608/100,000, new values of airway flows were mathematical and programming aspects of the network program.
computed. From the square of this proportion (since H = RQ2), With these simulators, the mine ventilation engineer is provided
new values of airway head losses were likewise computed. These with maximum information retrieval from the simulated net-
also appear in Table 11.10.8 and are the actual airway quantities work. In short, each possible ventilation alternative or situation
and pressure losses that result when the given fan is installed in can be easily tried on paper and evaluated before a final decision
this mine. The computer program can be adapted to perform all is taken. The general aspects of the information flow and logical
calculations without intervention. structure of the mine ventilation simulator are shown in Fig.
As expected, leakage through the gob is small (e.g., from 11.10.8. For a detailed discussion of network solutions, see Wang
2081 cfm [0.98 m3/s] in 7–9 to 6536 cfm [3.08 m3/s] in 25–27). (1982).
Table 11.10.7. Input Data (

Table 11.10.8. Corrected Quantities and Head Losses for Airways Assumed and Adjusted Values (

Number of Iterations = 107 Cumulative Error = 210 cfm

(for Assumed Flow Values)

11.10.3 COMPUTER APPLICATION TO FLOW and haulageways. Their dispersal in mine airways contribute to
interesting flow or transfer problems. Knowledge about sources,
PROBLEMS IN MINE VENTILATION emission, and transport of these pollutants is essential for ventila-
tion planning and design to ensure good engineering control
Most mine air pollutants, such as respirable dust, methane, over air quality, quantity, and environmental conditions. These
diesel exhaust, and blasting fumes, are produced in face areas physical phenomena in mine ventilation involve transient heat
Table 11.10.9. Fan Characteristics ( Simulation Of Gas Emission And

The major classifications of gases that enter a mine ventila-

tion system are (1) flow through airways (herein, fully developed
laminar or turbulent transfer of air, gas, and dust takes place in
the airways, the geometry and surface properties of which are
well defined); (2) flow through caved workings (flow through
caved working can be laminar or turbulent, depending on the
degree of consolidation of the broken strata and the pressure
difference across the area); and (3) flow through porous media
and mass transfer and can be described by parabolic differential (an example is the seepage of methane from coal beds and adja-
equations (PDEs). Solution of these equations in the past was cent strata in situ). The transport of dust, methane, and diesel
normally attempted using analytic approaches such as Laplace exhaust in mine airways is but a variant of a diffusion-dilution
transforms. Even for simple problems, when account is taken of problems relevant to underground mining practice.
only one of the variable factors such as harmonic oscillations, Modeling of mass transfer phenomena in mine ventilation is
stepwise changes, etc., calculations become complex. The advent largely based on extensive studies of turbulent dispersion in wind
of digital computers and advances in applied mathematics has tunnels and the lower atmosphere of the earth. The general
made it possible to describe emission, dilution, and dispersion of approach in the formulation of models lies in the recognition
contaminants into the mine atmosphere. The theoretical investi- that these mass transfer phenomena can be conceptualized as a
gations into pollutant flow and diesel exhaust to be presented flow problem that can be solved by the general application of
here are examples of ventilation problems that are completely Taylor’s theory (1954) of turbulent flow and diffusion with modi-
computer-dependent. The computer is programmed to solve fication appropriate to the relevant static and dynamic parame-
mathematical models, thereby enabling the flow phenomena to ters. If the face zone is initially contaminated by a pollutant
be simulated by varying parameters such as the characteristics over a long section (e.g., instantaneous exposure of large gas
of the gas source, boundary conditions, and air velocities (see accumulations, rapid methane release, etc.), the process of de-
Chapters 11.2, 11.3, and 11.5 for general coverage of contami- contaminating the mine workings can be regarded as displace-
nants). ment and diffusion of the trailing edge of the cloud of contami-

Fig. 11.10.8. Information and logical structure of the mine ventilation simulator (Didyk et al., 1979).
nants in the form of a semi-infinite gas body, for which a one- cles. These models allowed consideration of the absorption of
dimensional mass transfer equation is represented by: gases and air losses due to leakage. In later work, Skobunov
(1974) examined the concept of turbulent flow across a mine
entry cross section and developed a series of models based on
(11.10.4) transverse turbulent diffusion. These later models are applicable
to moving axisymetric sources such as diesel vehicles, and linear
sources such as a longwall plough.
In Eq. 11.10.4, the term δC/δt is the rate of growth of the
Other Russian researchers (Osipov and Grekov, 1968) sug-
concentration in the differential element, while u(δC/δx) is the
gested the use of a convection-diffusion transport model to de-
net gain of material due to convective transfer. The two terms
balance the total loss of material due to turbulent dispersion that scribe the transport of a gaseous pollutant in confined ventilation
currents. Later, Grekov and Kalyusskii (1972) examined the
is represented by Ex and f(x,t), the source term for the concept of convection-diffusion transport of pollutants in which
the current velocity varies with distance owing to air leakage.
pollutant in the roadway. The interest in increasing use of diesel-powered equipment
The approach in modeling is to use the above partial differen- in US coal mines has led to the development of mathematical
tial equation to predict the concentration growth in an airway. models for the emission, dilution, and dispersion of gaseous
Equations containing first-order spatial derivatives, such as pollutants from diesels. Stefanko et al. (1974, 1977) developed
the equation shown above, are known as “convection-diffusion” and evaluated diesel dispersion models through a grant from the
equations because of the physical processes that they describe. US Bureau of Mines.
Typically, a suspended material (such as diesel exhaust pollut- Diesel Exhaust Flow Models. When a diesel engine is travel-
ant) is carried along (convected) by a fluid at the same time as ing in an airway, load and speed change with time as a function
its concentration is being attenuated (diffused) within the flow. of the engine duty cycle. The engine exhaust volume and compo-
Numerically, more interesting problems arise when the first- sition are a function of engine speed and power, making it neces-
order (convection) spatial derivatives are large in relation to the sary to estimate the change in the pollutant volumes with time
second-order (diffusion) derivative; that is, the solution behaves and location as a function of engine speed and load. To estimate
like the solution to the limiting hyperbolic (purely convective) the source function, it is necessary to know the engine speed,
case. In the converse situation, when diffusion is dominant, ordi- engine load, and vehicle speed at frequent intervals to account
nary methods of parabolic equations can be used. for variation in the pollutant flow rate. It would not be practical,
By employing numerical methods of solving partial differen- however, to instrument every teletram or similar diesel-powered
tial equations for turbulent dispersal, the concentration of pollu- vehicle to acquire those data. It is possible, however, to generate
tants can be determined for any given source configuration, mine the engine duty cycle and exhaust volumes and analyses on the
geometry, and air distribution (Bandopadhyay and Ramani, basis of the simulation of a given production system (Ramani
1988). The option of various numerical solution techniques that and Kenzy, 1978). One advantage of this approach is that several
are available to an analyst to the convection-diffusion equation
diesel-powered equipment deployments can be analyzed to gen-
for cases in which convection is dominant include
erate values for the parameter of interest.
space discretization finite difference
Generally, diesel engines move faster than air currents in the
finite element
face areas and, consequently, the air that flows through the
haulage road is contaminated several times before it is finally
finite element (lumped) discharged into the return airways. This leads to a progressive
time discretization implicit rise in concentration in both the spatial and time axes owing to
explicit the superposition of contaminants. The concentration profile
“tricks” slope continuity does not reach a steady-state situation because the velocity vector
elements is not uniform. The concentration profile will not be fully devel-
upwinding oped in the face area because, when a moving plane source is
penalty functions used, the distance required to obtain adequate mixing to reach
dispersion correction a steady-state situation is often greater than that found in the face
higher-order time area. The concentration gradient in the return airway, however,
scheme reaches steady-state. Air velocity affects the concentration
growth in the return. The total contamination in the air at any
point is the sum of the incremental contaminants from diesel Simulation of Diesel Exhaust Dispersion
engine(s) passed by the air. When the engine and the air are
and Transport traveling in opposite directions, the predominant feature in the
The application of Taylor’s theory (1954) to the study of mass flow is the convective transfer, which causes deformation
diesel exhaust dispersion in mine airways appears to be an exten- of both the front and rear profiles of the contaminant clouds. As
sion of the Russian work on dispersal of methane, blasting fumes, the source moves further away from the face, the role of convec-
and dust. Skobunov (1970) recognized that ventilation calcula- tive transfer gradually decreases along the length of the airway.
tions based on traditional dilution formulas did not adequately In effect, the contaminant concentration front is an increasing
explain observed conditions. One reason was that multiple con- function of distance and time from the face. Utilizing the conser-
taminations of the mine air could conceivably occur as a result vative volume element methods, convection-diffusion mathemat-
of several vehicles operating in the same or parallel-connected ical models were developed for analyzing the growth of pollutant
entries. In addition, Holtz and Dalzell (l968) developed an effec- concentration for each of the following situations:
tive ventilation concept for explaining the changes in concentra- 1. A single engine moving in an airway with or without
tion due to differential vehicle and air movement in mine entries. considerable leakage.
Models developed by Skobunov (1970) calculated the growth of 2. Multiple engines in a single airway.
contaminants in mine airways for single or multiple diesel vehi- 3. Multiple engines in a network of roadways.
The physical situation for the model in case 1 is operation
of a diesel engine for face haulage. Operation of diesel engines
for secondary and primary track haulage can be studied with the
models for the other cases. Bandopadhyay and Ramani (1983,
1984, 1985) have detailed the finite difference approximation of
the convective-diffusion equations and the boundary conditions
used for the above model solutions. Simulation of Methane Flow in Mine

Much of the early work on the use of computers to simulate
methane flow rates in mine airways was carried out during the
1960s, and only two are claimed to have been used with any
success (Lidin, 1964; Airey, 1968).
Lidin’s model is an empirical equation based on extensive
research and compilation of actual gas emission data. Airey’s
model, on the other hand, was developed on the basis of the
Darcian equation of gas migration through homogenous, perme-
able solids and can be solved numerically or analytically.
The quantity of methane emitted into the mine atmosphere
and the movement of gas through solid coal and the adjoining
country rock are dependent on the physical properties of the
medium, boundary conditions, the initial gas pressure distribu-
tion, and the combination of natural and mining factors. Func-
tional relationships among the factors are not yet known (Ra-
mani and Owili-Eger, 1974). Consequently, the development of
rigorous mathematical models to predict methane flow into mine
air is difficult, and to date no model has been reported that is
capable of such a function. The mathematical model that Ra-
mani and Owili-Eger used is given in Eqs. 11.10.5 and 11.10.6,
which are further attempts in presenting practical models for
predicting the quantity of methane emission into the mine envi-
ronment. Eq. 11.10.5 is the steady-state model and Eq. 11.10.6
is the unsteady state model:


Fig. 11.10.9. Methane simulator flow diagram (Ramani and Owili-

Eger, 1974).

gas pressure. The model reacts to the changes that take place
with respect to time. The flow of methane from block to block
towards the ventilated airways is thus simulated. The simulation
program provides output information on pressure distribution
(11.10.6) and methane flow rate at each block. The flow diagram for the
methane generator program is shown in Fig. 11.10.9.
where P is gas pressure; W(X,Y ) is the source term for the steady- In the United Kingdom, a method is being developed for
state model; x and y are the coordinate axes; Kx and KY are the prediction of methane emission into longwall workings. The
directional permeabilites; Ax and Ay are the cross-sectional areas method is based on the theoretical treatment of gas emission
of the medium or block in the x direction and y direction, respec- from coal seams (Airey, 1968; Dunmore, 1980). The method
tively; x and y are the dimensions of the block in the x direction permits calculation of the emission rate from knowledge of the
and y direction, respectively; M is fluid viscosity; Z is gas devia- depth of the working, the sequence of gas-bearing coal seams in
tion factor; q is gas flow rate; T is absolute temperature (in °R) ; the disturbed strata, the initial gas content of these strata, and
is medium porosity; C is the gas compressibility coefficient; the proposed dimensions and the advance of the face. The Na-
and Vb is volume of the block or medium. The variable t is the tional Coal Board’s Mining Research and Development Estab-
time. The source term is expressed as lishment (MRDE) has developed a computer program to enable
the emission rate to be calculated as a function of time (Curl,
1978). The program considers the shift-by-shift changes in the
(11.10.7) face advance, gives the required airflow to dilute methane con-
centrations to acceptable levels, and allows for the peaking of
methane emission during the production periods. The program
A finite difference analysis is used for solution of the above also enables the amount of gas liberated to be calculated at
equations, each node being allocated initial rock properties and various positions in the gate roadways.
7. Relative humidity monitors.
8. Pressure monitors.
CONTROL SYSTEM 9. Temperature monitors.
10. Vibration monitors.
Recent advances and changes in requirements and philoso- These digital and/or analog sensors are connected to “cen-
phy have led to added emphasis being placed on remote control tral station” input circuits. The central station contains electron-
and monitoring in mines, particularly in relation to the under- ics to perform processing of sensor signals, and reduce the data
ground environmental quality in mines worldwide. Hitherto, to digital form. The total number of sensors employed under-
methods of monitoring the mine environment have been based ground can range from one to hundreds, depending on the size
on periodic spot observations by hand-held instruments. Such of the system and layout philosophy of the mining operation.
methods are labor-intensive, are expensive, provide only limited Various aspects of data collection and processing information
amounts of information, and sometimes suffer from the disad- are discussed with reference to Fig. 11.10.10, shows the physical
vantage that a comparatively long time may elapse between configuration of the Conspec mine-wide monitoring and control
measurements and availability of results. The changing and vary- system.
ing characteristics of some hazards and the recent successful
development of suitable sensors and transducers and monitoring
systems have emphasized the need for, and benefits to be derived Conspec Senturion System
from, monitoring environments mine-wide. Specially designed accessor cards are the backbone of the
Computer-based mine monitoring and control systems are Conspec system. The accessor is a single-point data transmittor/
the mining industry’s state-of-the art use of specialized computer receiver processor and “intelligent,” allowing the central com-
technology—both hardware and software—to “automate” a puter to monitor and control all the connected equipment. The
mine. It is a computerized data acquisition and analysis facility major advantage of the accessor is that it reduces the installation
with the capability of controlling underground electrically pow- wiring cost and increases system reliability. The central micro-
ered equipment. These systems lend themselves readily to remote computer station communicates over four accessor trunks. The
monitoring of the mine environment for continuous indication accessors have specially designed chips that multiplex the data
of state and early warning of abnormal conditions and adverse for communication to the central station. The accessors are in
environmental trends. In addition, such systems can be applied the form of printed circuit cards upon which all the necessary
to monitor and control machinery forming part of a mine envi- logic circuitry is mounted. Reprogrammable rocker switches on
ronmental system, such as booster, auxiliary, and surface mine the accessor allow address selection and point-data transmission.
fans. Characteristics that can be sensed by the system include Accessors are available that control equipment from simple
temperature, pressure, velocity flow rate, vibrations, and essen- start/stop functions to linear devices requiring proper feedback
tially any other parameters that can be measured and presented for control.
as electrical signals to the monitoring and control system. Envi- The primary means of displaying information is a CRT
ronmental factors such as methane concentrations, carbon mon- screen. The screen and its keyboard are the link from the system
oxide, diesel exhaust, oxygen, smoke, air velocity, and dust are to the operator. Through this, the operator programs the system,
sensed using available instruments. receives a visual description of device status, and transmits sig-
For a general discussion of monitoring and control, see nals to required accessors.
Chapter 12.6. To set up the system, it is a simple matter of knowing what
code each individual accessor was assigned and on which trunk- Monitoring System line it is communicating. From here, the processor prompts
the operator into entering information such as identification
Remote environmental monitoring enables continuous inter- number, type of accessor and device being monitored, limits of
rogation of selected parameters at one or more strategic positions operation and scaling factors, and a description of the device.
to be made so that current values can be determined, variations Once a device is coded and entered in the system, it is ready to
detected and evaluated, and early warning given of abnormalities transmit information.
and adverse trends. Action can then be considered and, if neces- The central station can also be equipped with a variety of
sary, taken more quickly than at present to correct the effects of CRTs and printers. The use of two printers allows regular alarm
an abnormal condition. Situations prior to, during and after and status change events to be printed simultaneously.
abnormal events such as spontaneous methane emission, can be The CRT and printers can interact in a variety of ways.
evaluated and factual information provided on trends, analysis, When a point is assigned to the system, it is given a code which
and potential remedies. Continuous monitoring of the under- dictates which way it appears on the screen and printers, and
ground environment involves interrogation and overall surveil- whether or not an alarm is sounded. In this way, repetitious
lance of certain parameters at strategic environmental positions events such as opening and closing of a ventilation door can be
at predetermined time intervals. A large number of on-off (digital coded not to appear on the CRT or printer but to sound an
or binary) signals are now available (Table 11.10.10) through alarm if opened too long. In all cases, an alarm will sound if a
two-state switches, relay instruments, instrument alarms, and problem arises in the hardware of the system.
the like. Analog functions, on the other hand, vary continuously Environmental monitoring with a mine-wide monitoring and
to provide precise measurements of gas concentrations, pres- control system has provided specific benefits in US mines in
sures, velocities, flows, temperatures, etc. relation to existing and potential hazards. Specific problems, for
Available environmental monitoring equipment includes example, floor and roof methane emissions, high emission rates,
1. Methane monitors. etc., have been assessed and countered.
2. Smoke monitors. Mine-wide monitoring systems offer considerable potential
3. Air velocity monitors. and scope for continuous, essential, and factual information on
4. Carbon monoxide monitors. particular aspects of the environment in relation to other param-
5. Carbon dioxide monitors. eters such as the incidence of methane peak flows or significant
6. Oxides of nitrogen monitors. changes in methane emission rates. Computer programs are be-
Table 11.10.10. Selected Remote Environmental Monitors Used In British Mines
Parameter Monitor and/or Switch States
General body firedamp concentration in airways BM.1 Single-head methane Analog and/or ON/OFF
General body mine gases Tube bundle Analog and/or ON/OFF
Carbon monoxide Tube bundle Analog and/or ON/OFF
Air velocity in roadways BA.1 Single-headed air velocity monitor Analog and/or ON/OFF
Smoke Trolex mine smoke detector ON/OFF
Vacuum in firedamp drainage pipes Vacuum switch and indicating unit Analog and/or ON/OFF
Combined vacuum and flow in firedamp drainage Combined vacuum differential switch and indicating Analog and/or ON/OFF
pipes units
Purity of drained firedamp Acoustic methanometer Analog and/or ON/OFF
Tube bundle Analog and/or ON/OFF
Vibration levels in operating fans and firedamp Vibration monitor Analog and/or ON/OFF
Ventilation system pressures Pressure switch and/or recorder Analog and/or ON/OFF
Temperature of fan or extractor motor carcases or Surface or probe type temperature monitors ON/OFF
Auxiliary fan or multi-unit booster fan clusters ducts IS or flameproof air flow switch Analog and/or ON/OFF
air velocities
Multi-unit booster fan clusters isolation doors’ Proximity switches ON/OFF
Auxiliary ventilating duct air pressures (suction or Pressure or vacuum switches or recorder Analog and/or ON/OFF
Firedamp concentration in auxiliary fan ducts BM.1 Single-head methane monitor Analog and/or ON/OFF
(exhaust systems), or at auxiliary fan site
Auxiliary fan running condition Vibration monitor ON/OFF
Source: Dunn and Swift, 1977.

ing developed to analyze such situations and determine interrela- 2. The design and analysis programs, consisting of a ventila-
tionships of variables. The results of such analysis are bound to tion database and ventilation programs.
lead to improved and safer working conditions. 3. The actual mine system which is operated on by natural
factors and from which data can be collected on a real-time basis.
Much of the internal knowledge in the knowledge base is
11.10.5 EXPERT SYSTEMS IN MINE VENTILATION experience-dependent and can be acquired from experienced
mine ventilation practitioners and from public domain sources.
Much has been discussed on the suggested use of on-line
An integration of the expert system and traditional algorithmic
computer systems for monitoring and control of the under-
programs would yield a superior decision support system for
ground environment (Chapter 22.2). The next logical step in the
mine ventilation design. Development of such system is possible
development of these systems is to add predictive capabilities to
with the current state of system technology.
simple reporting functions, such as alerting the operator that
signs of spontaneous combustion are beginning to show in a
district. Also in the sensor technology, development of “intelli-
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