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REVIEW ARTICLE Understanding the Basics of DNA Fingerprinting in Forensic Science

Understanding the Basics of DNA

Fingerprinting in Forensic Science
Vasavi Krishnamurthy, 2Reema Manoj, 3SS Pagare
Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Padmashree Dr DY Patil Dental College and Hospital
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Padmashree Dr DY Patil Dental College and Hospital
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Padmashree Dr DY Patil Dental College and Hospital
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Correspondence: Vasavi Krishnamurthy, Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, V701, Guru Samridhi Height
Plot No. 2, Sector-14, Sanpada, Navi Mumbai-400705, Maharashtra, India, e-mail:


Scientific technology has recently made significant progress in the area of human genetics. The discovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
has proven to be momentous for science. Dr Alec Jeffreys found that certain regions of DNA contained DNA sequences that were separated
over and over again next to each other. He also discovered that the number of repeated sections present in a sample could differ from
individual to individual which is the basis for its use in forensic science. Though the use of such knowledge is not fully realized yet, there is
limitless potential for the subject. This paper aims to describe the basics to understand the various methods of DNA fingerprinting and its
applications in forensic science.
Keywords: DNA fingerprinting, Forensic science, Genetic fingerprinting.

INTRODUCTION structures called chromosomes. In addition to DNA,

The study of human genetics has grown exponentially in recent chromosomes contain associated proteins, predominantly
years, and from this scientific field and its accompanying histones that organize the DNA into its native confirmation. In
techniques scientists have been able to determine the difference most human cells, there are 46 chromosomes-one pair of each
between individuals using DNA. Following discoveries of Dr type. Most cells have two sets of chromosomes and are said to
Alec Jeffreys, a British geneticist, a powerful new tool has been be diploid only excepting the male and female sex cells
developed for use in forensic investigations. Popularly known (gametes) which are haploid and contain only one chromosome
as ‘DNA fingerprinting’ it is more accurately described as the of each type. The fertilized egg, the zygote, possesses 46
determination of the sequence of bonds on part of the DNA chromosomes-23 maternally derived and 23 paternally derived.3
strand within chromosomes, which is genetically determined The various combinations of the nucleotides adenine (A),
and capable of being related to other members of the same guanine (G), cytosine (C) or thymine (T) yield the diverse
family. Only uniovular twins have the same sequences; biological differences among human beings and all living
otherwise the chances of two unrelated individuals sharing the creatures. Humans have approximately 3 billion nucleotide
same sequence was one in a million billion and even amongst positions in their genomic DNA.4
siblings, only one in 10,000 million. Unlike blood groups, the
specificity of the DNA profiles is so great in statistical terms, NATURE OF GENE3
that it is greater than the human population of the world and is
reliable and specific to any individual.1 The human genome contains approximately 3 billion base pairs
By developing a technique to examine the length variation (bp) of DNA coding for an estimated 50,000 to 100000 genes.
of these DNA repeat sequences Dr Jeffreys created the abiliy
to perform human identity tests. It was then called as genetic
First use of DNA testing in forensic setting was done in
1986. Understanding this new technology and its correct
implementation are keys for its acceptance throughout society.2


DNA, the hereditary material of living organisms is primarily
found in the cell nucleus. DNA is organized into long threadlike Fig. 1: DNA structure

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Vasavi Krishnamurthy et al

Genes are situated in discrete regions, called genetic loci, on in the human genome. However, population-specific VNTR
the 46 chromosomes. In addition, most genes exist in multiple allele frequency data form an integral part for the appropriate
forms called alleles. A single genetic locus may have many utilization of these VNTR loci in forensic identification.
different alleles and this variation is termed as genetic
polymorphism. A population may have multiple alleles at a Short Tandem Repeats
given locus and this genetic polymorphism is the molecular Short tandem repeats (STRs) refer to repetitions of 2 to 5 bp.
basis of forensic DNA typing. Because STRs are so short, they are easy to amplify by
A vast majority of our DNA molecules (over 99.7%) is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), so RFLP analysis is not done
same between people. Only a small fraction on our DNA (0.3% for STRs. DNA differing in one of two alleles is able to be
or 10 million nucleotides) differ between people and make us distinguished with great ease via STRs than with VNTRs.
unique individuals. These variable regions of DNA provide the Scientists add that STRs are plentiful—more than two thousand
capability of using DNA information for human identity are suitable for genetic mapping.9
purposes.2 In July 1993, Fregeau CJ et al came up with a new technique
for DNA typing. They analyzed eight different STRs by
GENETIC POLYMORPHISM AND amplifying with fluorescent tagged primers to directly analyze
FORENSIC DNA TYPING the DNA typing on a fluorescent DNA fragment analyzer. In
Investigators have identified >2500 polymorphic loci in the their study a minimum of 100 picograms of DNA was required
human genome. Two main types of DNA polymorphism are for the procedure.10
studied in forensic science: Single base changes or single According to Butler, also STRs have become more popular
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and minisatellite sequences for forensic typing because they are PCR-based and work with
with VNTRs (variable number of tandem repeats). Both classes low-quantity DNA samples. STRs are highly discriminating
between unrelated and even closely related individuals.2
of polymorphism are often recognizable as changes in DNA
fragment length following restriction enzyme digestion.5 METHODS OF DNA TYPING
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are differences
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)
in the DNA sequence that occur when a single base in the
genome is altered. Single base polymorphism is caused by RFLP analysis is predicated on the existence of restriction
deletion, insertion or substitution of one nucleotide. To further enzyme recognition sites that flank the polymorphic locus of
elaborate, a SNP might change the DNA sequence interest. The fidelity of restriction enzymes is such that DNA
…AAGGCTAA to ….ATGGCTAA. restriction fragments are generated in a specific and reproducible
Since, the number of alleles at these loci is small, they have manner.
limited discriminating power for forensic DNA identification.6 The basis of DNA profiling is the use of restriction fragment
length polymorphisms (RFLPs).
VARIABLE NUMBER OF The three-dimensional structure of restriction enzymes
TANDEM REPEATS (VNTRs) allows them to attach themselves to a double-stranded DNA
The class of polymorphic loci, known as VNTRs are highly molecule and slide along the helix until they recognize a specific
sequence of base pairs which signals the enzyme to stop sliding.
polymorphic in humans. Several characteristics of VNTRs—
The enzymes then digest (chemically separate) the DNA
the large number of alleles, their high heterozygosities and their
molecule at that site—called a ‘restriction site’—acting like
frequent occurrence in the genome make them highly
molecular scissors, they cut DNA at a specific sequence of base
informative for purposes of human gene mapping, identification
pairs. If a specific restriction site occurs in more than one
of individuals and determining the biological relatedness
location on a DNA molecule, a restriction enzyme will make a
between individuals.7 cut at each of those sites resulting in multiple fragments. The
They are also called as length polymorphism. For example: length of each fragment will depend upon the location of
………. (AATG) (AATG) (AATG) …………….. 3 repeats restriction sites contained within the DNA molecule.2
………… (AATG) (AATG) ………………. 2 repeats. Electrophoresis then separates DNA fragments according
Several well-characterized genetic loci contain core to their relative size. Over a period of time smaller fragments
elements (sets of nucleotides) that are tandemly repeated. The will travel farther than larger ones. Fragments of the same size
number of these repeat units varies among individuals and size stay together and migrate in single ‘bands’ of DNA.2
of the core repeat varies between the loci.5 The variability of An RFLP probe is a labeled DNA sequence that hybridizes
this information makes each set of genetic information unique. with one or more fragments of the digested DNA sample after
Polymorphisms of 9 to 80 bp (base pair) repeats are known as they were separated by gel electrophoresis, thus revealing a
VNTR.8 The advantage of examining specimens of VNTR is unique blotting pattern characteristic to a specific genotype at
the stability across generations. They also determine unique a specific locus.
sets of genetic markers for individual identification. The RFLP probes are frequently used in genome mapping
To date, over a hundred such VNTR or hypervariable and in variation analysis (genotyping, forensics, paternity tests,
minisatellite (HVR) loci have been described and characterized hereditary disease diagnostics, etc.) (Fig. 2).


Understanding the Basics of DNA Fingerprinting in Forensic Science

Polymerase Chain Reaction (Polymerase) Thus, samples used for extracting DNA have successfully
The PCR is an in vitro technique for the enzymatic amplification been reduced to a small piece of skin tissue, a single hair, or a
of small segments of DNA. PCR in its present form was invented drop of blood among other bodily fluids. If there is not a large
in 1985 and has been adapted more recently to forensic science. enough sample at a crime scene, PCR may be used to duplicate
The basic principle of PCR is based on the DNA replication. the DNA. Commonly, these DNA samples are used during crime
DNA polymerase enzyme uses the single stranded DNA (after scene investigations, paternity testing, military identification,
denaturation) as template for the synthesis of a new and animal poaching.
complementary strand and also requires a small section of Walsh DJ et al in their study have demonstrated that DNA
double-stranded DNA to initiate this synthesis. The starting banding patterns obtained from fresh saliva or various saliva-
point of DNA synthesis can be specified by supplying an stained materials, such as envelopes, buccal swabs, gags,
oligonucleotide primer that anneals (primer annealing ) to the cigarettes and forensic evidentiary samples containing mixed
template at a particular point. Both strands of DNA serve as saliva or semen stains were indistinguishable from patterns
templates for synthesis provided an oligonucleotide primer is obtained from blood or hair of same individual, concluding that
supplied for each strand. For PCR, the primers are chosen to saliva and saliva-stained material are good sources of DNA for
flank the regions of DNA that is to be amplified so that newly
synthesized strands of DNA, starting at each primer extend APPLICATIONS OF DNA FINGERPRINTING
beyond the position of the primers on the opposite strand (primer
extension). Thus, new primer sites are generated on each newly DNA fingerprintings have been used for all these following
synthesized DNA strand and cycle is repeated. Theoretically,
1. Accused and convicted felons can be set free because of
the DNA content is doubled with each complete cycle (Fig. 3).
DNA typing.
Thus, PCR is a powerful forensic diagnosis tool as it requires
2. Identifying of human remains.
only trace quantities (25 ng) of DNA and makes it realistic to
3. Determining relatedness of humans.
type the DNA from minute samples like even a single hair root
4. Studying relatedness among ancient people.
or a cigarette butt containing epithelial cells.5
PCR is most often used in STR analysis since the fragments
of interest are very short and easy to amplify. VNTR fragments
are longer and more difficult to amplify successfully.
PCR-based methods have rapidly overtaken RFLP
methods as:2
1. They are quicker
2. Need very little amount of DNA (0.1-1 ng)
3. Can be performed in degraded DNA
4. High power of discrimination
5. Automatable and capable of high volume sample processing.

Fig. 2: Process of RFLP analysis Fig. 3: Principle of PCR

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5. DNA testing of families. reproducibly quantify the amount of amplifiable human DNA
6. Identifying organisms that cause disease. from extracted DNA samples.16
7. Identifying birth parents (paternity testing). In India, Indian biosciences offers a broad range of DNA
8. Proving paternity. testing, paternity testing, genetic testing and DNA ancestry
9. Determining effectiveness of bone marrow transplants. services or DNA genealogy to provide indisputable answers to
10. Proving relatedness of immigrants. emotional questions, professionally and confidentially.
11. Confirming relatedness among animals. The current techniques for analyzing DNA are somewhat
In 1990, Haglund WD, Reay DT, Tepper SL published the specialized, many future simplifications may promote ease of
first report in the literature of a case using DNA fingerprinting usage. Better means to preserve samples of DNA in secure
in a ‘parentage’ context to establish identity of unidentified facilities will hopefully make greater advances in the future.
decomposed human remains. After routine methods failed to The ability to cure genetically inclined diseases would be a
establish positive identity of the victim, DNA typing techniques huge benefit to many suffering people for future generations.
using blood from the victim and putative parents of the victim The possibilities of DNA fingerprinting are endless. The use of
were used for establishing the identification.12 profiling has proven to be one of the greatest assets in the history
In 1992, Ginther C et al extracted mitochondrial DNA from of science and a boon to forensic science.
teeth stored from 3 months to 20 years. Blood from tooth donors
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