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Curriculum & Instruction

(HED 3052)

Malaysia National Curriculum

 KSSR (Standard Curriculum Primary School)

 KBSM (Integrated Curriculum Secondary School)

To ensure Malaysia nurtured the spirit of the nation

to mastered knowledge, skills, competency & values

The national curriculum should be reviewed to ensure

that a holistic curriculum & relevant for make a
good person which it can face the challenge of
current issue & future

Curriculum Primary School

 1983 – KBSR (New)
 1993 – KBSR (Integrated)
 2003 – KBSR (reviewed)
 2011 – KSSR (Standard)
Curriculum Transformation

The process of conducting a holistic form of changes

to existing school curriculum that involves changes
in shape, organization, content, pedagogy, time
allocation, assessment methods, materials &
curriculum management in school
Education Wish

Terrace curriculum development:

 National education philosophy
 National education policy
 Wawasan 2020
 Framework of long-term plan
 The challenges of the 21 century
 The new model of economy
 Learning theory
 4 pillars of education (UNESCO)
Responsible citizen

 Righteous
 United
 Patriotic
 Fair
Knowledgeable Worker

 Innovative
 Creative
 Thirst for knowledge
 Master in skills, information technology
& communication
The Imbalance Students in Terms of Intellect,
Physical, Spiritual & Emotion

 Knowledgeable
 Competent
 Believe in God
 Confident
Global Player

 Competitiveness
 Durability
 Communication skills
 Identity
Curriculum Transformation


management KSSR Content

Assessment Allocation
Pedagogy time
The Concept of Transformation Primary School

Based on national education philosophy

Based on the principle KBSR:

 Integrated approach
 Development of the individual as comprehensive
 Opportunities and the same quality of education
for all students
 Lifelong education
Form of Curriculum Transformation

 Communication
 Physical attitude & values
 Humanity
 Competency
 Physical & Aesthetic Development
 Science & Technology
Curriculum Focus

Phase 2
Phase 1 Primary
Primary (4–6)
Pre- (1–3)
Standard-Based Curriculum

Curriculum Transformation of Primary

Schools enacted standard-based content &
learning standards
Content Standard
• Specific statement about what students should
know and can do in a period of schooling covers the
knowledge, skills & values
Learning Standard
• A setting criteria or indicators of quality of learning
& achievement that can be measured for each
content standard
Why Standard?

 Ensuring all students pass the standard set

 Establishment of knowledge, skills, & values
that need to be measured clearly
 Identify strategies for improvement (assessment
for learning)
 Avoid the students problem from missed any lesson
 The implementation of school-based assessment
Curriculum Document

Curriculum Material
 Curriculum Standard Document

Curriculum support materials

 Text book
 Instruction module
 Manual creativity

 Thinking skills in teaching & learning

 The application of multiple intelligence theory
in teaching & learning
 The use of information & combination technology
 Future research-based teaching
 Constructivism learning
 Contextual learning
 Self-access learning
 Learn how to learn

Assessment P&P (T&L)

Undertaken on an ongoing basis to track the
progress and achievement of pupils in learning
Using a variety of assessment methods
Authentic & holistic

Improve the quality of primary education to make it

move relevant to the challenges of today & the 21
Teachers play an important role in seeking an
effectiveness P&P; and
Curriculum transformation success requires
commitments from all parties, including
policy makers, curriculum management,
parents & stakeholders
National Philosophy Of Education

Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards

developing the potential of individuals in a holistic
and integrated manner, so as to produce
individuals who are intellectuality, spiritually,
emotionally and physically balanced and harmonies
based on a firm belief in an devotion to God.

Such an effort is designed to produce

Malaysian citizens who are:
 Knowledgeable & competent
 High moral standards
 Responsible
 Capable of achieving a high level of a personal well
being as well as being able to contribute to the
harmony and betterment of the family, society
and the nation at large
History of KBSM

1. KBSM was introduced in 1980 by the

government to build a well established
curriculum for all secondary school.
2. It was introduced for language subject in 1988.
3. Later on, it was introduced for all subjects in 1989.
4. KBSM is the continuation of KBSR that is based
on 3M (reading, writing and calculating)
The Aim of KBSM

1. Is similar to KBSR that is to expand the individual

potential as a whole, balance and integrated and it
covers the expert of intellectual, spiritual, emotion
and physical to produce a well balance,
harmonious and a good moral values individual
2. It is also designed to achieve the aims of
the national education philosophy
Objective of KBSM

1. To achieve a life-long education

2. To enable students to master interaction skills in
every life situation, to expand the way of
thinking and “penaakulan”
3. It stresses on problem solving skills in every
expect of life
4. This program is in line with government
policies and needs to inaculate solidarity among
the Malaysian citizen

5. To cater student’s needs in order to face life

challenges and able to surpass other individuals
6. To expand ICT skills, creative thinking and
also knowledge on time management
Characteristic of KBSM

 Focus on life-long education and elements of JERI

 To instill positive moral values
 Stress on the importance of mastering
Bahasa Malaysia
Structure of KBSM

 Focus is given to the integration of curriculum,

co-curriculum and school culture
 KBSM includes:-
a) Communication fields that covers language
subject and mathematics
b) Human development and nature consists
of religion, moral, and social science
c) Self development that covers art subject,
physical education and curriculum activities
Teacher’s role in implementing KBSM

1. Curriculum interpreter
 Analyzing philosophy, rationality, objectives
and contents
 As an effective curriculum organizer, teacher
should appreciate and promote Bahasa Malaysia
as national language
2. Curriculum planner

 Teachers should have responsibility to provide

annual work plan, term work plan, weekly work
plan and daily work plan
 Teachers should implement every aspect of
component in preparing teaching lesson, delivering,
ending lesson and planning follow-up activities
Teacher should consider following aspects in
preparing teaching lesson:

i. Students background knowledge

ii. Students’ current skills
iii. Learning objectives
iv. Combination of different subject skills
v. Teaching and learning sources
Teacher should consider following aspects in
delivering curriculum:

i. Lesson content – steps, time allocation

ii. Skills and strategy in learning – suitable sources
To end lesson, teacher should have proper plan:

i. Ways to end lesson – wrap-up

ii. Follow up activities
iii. Rating the learning objectives
iv. Conclusion
v. Modification
vi. Planning evaluation of curriculum implementation
In preparing follow-up activities, teacher should
consider following aspects:

i. Plan activities for recovery and enrichment

ii. Gather feedback from students regarding the
learning session before making any changes in
following lesson

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