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1/20/2020 Abortion in Cattle - Reproductive System - Veterinary Manual

Veterinary Manual
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Abortion in Cattle
By Ahmed Tibary , DMV, PhD, DACT, Washington State University

Also see Management of Reproduction: Cattle.

Given the low diagnostic success rate, the high cost of laboratory work, and the low profit margin in
both the beef and dairy industries, veterinarians should not attempt to make an etiologic diagnosis in
every abortion. Instead, veterinarians should become concerned if fetal loss is >3%–5% per year or per

Noninfectious Causes
The actual incidence of abortions in cows due to genetic factors is unknown. Some genetically caused
abortions may not have phenotypically recognizable lesions. Most lethal genes cause early abortion or
early embryonic death.
Vitamins A and E, selenium, and iron have been implicated in bovine abortions, but documentation
based on experiments is available only for vitamin A.
Heat stress causes fetal hypotension, hypoxia, and acidosis. High maternal temperature due to
pyrexia may be more important than environmentally induced heat stress.
Although severe trauma may rarely result in abortion (the bovine fetus is well protected by the
amniotic fluid), farmers undoubtedly blame too many abortions on the cow “getting bumped.”
A number of toxins can cause abortion in cows. Ponderosa pine needles can cause abortion if ingested
in the last trimester; the cows may become moribund after delivery and hemorrhage excessively. The
main abortifacient compounds in Ponderosa pine needles are isocupressic acid and labdane resin.
Locoweed (Oxytropis or Astragalus sp) contains an indolizidine alkaloid that can affect the corpus
luteum, chorioallantois, and neurons, resulting in abortion or deformities. Broomweed (Guttierrezia
microcephala) ingestion can also cause abortion, as can coumarins from rat poison, many grasses, or
moldy sweet clover. Sodium iodide, IV, has been contraindicated in pregnant cows, but no abortions or
adverse effects occurred in pregnant cows treated with a single high dose in some studies.
Mycotoxins, especially those with estrogenic activity, have been implicated in bovine abortions.
Nitrates or nitrites have also been incriminated, but experimental evidence is controversial.

Infectious Causes

Neospora caninum is found worldwide and is the most common cause of abortion in dairy and beef
cattle in many parts of the USA. Dogs and coyotes are definitive hosts for N caninum and can be the
source of infection. Abortion can occur any time after 3 mo of gestation but is most common between
4 and 6 mo of gestation. Neospora can be associated with sporadic abortions or abortion storms, and
repeat abortions in cows have been reported. Most infections result in an asymptomatic congenitally
infected calf. Some infected calves are born with paralysis or proprioceptive deficits. Cows are not
clinically ill, and placental retention is not common. The fetus is usually autolyzed or, in a few cases,
mummified and rarely has gross lesions. Microscopically, nonsuppurative inflammation is common in
the brain, heart, and skeletal muscles. Organisms can be identified in these tissues and the kidneys by
immunohistochemical staining and PCR. Many late gestation fetuses have precolostral antibodies.
They remain infected for years and possibly for life. Vertical transmission is common. During 1/6
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pregnancy, Neospora organisms can become activated and infect the fetus. This is thought to be the
most common source of infection. There is no treatment. Strict hygiene to prevent fecal
contamination of feed by dogs or coyotes may aid in prevention. A commercial vaccine is available.
(See also Neosporosis.)

Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD):

In several surveys, BVD was the most commonly diagnosed virus in bovine abortion cases. The
pathology of BVD in the developing fetus is complex. Infection before insemination or during the first
40 days of pregnancy results in infertility or embryonic death. Infection between 40 and 125 days of
pregnancy results in birth of persistently infected calves if the fetus survives. Fetal infection during the
period of organogenesis (100–150 days) may result in congenital malformations of the CNS (cerebellar
hypoplasia, hydrancephaly, hydrocephalus, microencephaly, and spinal cord hypoplasia). Congenital
ocular defects have also been seen (cataracts, optic neuritis, retinal degeneration, microphthalmia).
After 125 days of gestation, BVD may cause abortion, or the fetal immune response may clear the
virus. Diagnosis is by identification of BVD virus by isolation, immunologic staining, PCR, or detection
of precolostral antibodies in aborted calves. The virus is present in a wide variety of tissues, but the
spleen is the tissue of choice. Rising antibody titers to BVD in aborting animals or herdmates is
diagnostic of recent infection. BVD virus is immunosuppressive and is found in many fetuses infected
by other agents (eg, bacteria, N caninum). Outbreaks of abortions by organisms that normally cause
sporadic abortion should raise suspicion of possible concurrent BVD virus infection. Prevention should
focus on removal of persistently infected cattle and herd vaccination. (See also Bovine Viral Diarrhea
and Mucosal Disease Complex.)

Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR, Bovine

Herpesvirus 1):
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) is a major cause of viral abortion in the world, with abortion
rates of 5%–60% in nonvaccinated herds. The virus is widespread, causes latent infections, and can
recrudesce; therefore, any cow with a positive IBR titer is a possible carrier. The virus is carried to the
placenta in WBCs; over the next 2 wk to 4 mo, it causes a placentitis, then infects the fetus and kills it
in 24 hr. Abortion can occur any time but usually is from 4 mo to term. Autolysis is consistently
present. Occasionally, there are small foci of necrosis in the liver, but in a large majority of cases there
are no gross lesions in the placenta or fetus. Microscopically, small foci of necrosis with minimal
inflammation are consistently present in the liver. Necrotizing vasculitis is common in the placenta.
Diagnosis can be made by immunologic staining of the kidney, lung, liver, placenta, and adrenal
glands. IBR virus can be isolated from ~50% of infected fetuses (most successfully from the placenta).
In most cases, maternal titers have peaked by the time of abortion. In abortion storms, rising titers
can often be demonstrated in herdmates. Control is by herd vaccination; intranasal, modified-live
virus, and killed vaccines are available. (See also Bovine Herpesvirus 1.)

The pathogenic leptospires were formerly classified as serovars of Leptospira interrogans, but they
have been reclassified into 7 species with >200 recognized serovars. Leptospira serovars
Grippotyphosa, Pomona, Canicola, and Icterohaemorrhagiae usually cause abortions in the last
trimester, 2–6 wk after maternal infection. Serovar Hardjo is host adapted to cattle and can establish
lifelong infections in the kidneys and reproductive tracts. In addition to third trimester abortions,
serovar Hardjo reduces conception rates in carrier cows and cows bred to carrier bulls.
Although dams may show clinical signs of leptospirosis, most abortions are in otherwise healthy cattle.
Abortion rates vary from 5%–40% or more. The leptospires cause a diffuse placentitis with avascular,
light tan cotyledons and edematous, yellowish intercotyledonary areas. The fetus usually dies 1–2 days
before expulsion and therefore is autolyzed. Occasionally, calves are born alive but weak. Fetuses
infected with serovar Pomona may show icterus. There are no specific lesions, but placenta and fetus
should be submitted to the laboratory for fluorescent
Cookies antibody staining or PCR testing for Leptospira.
Although maternal titers are probably waning by the time of abortion, an initial titer of >1:800 may be 2/6
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suspicious. Approximately one-third of cows aborting because of serovar Hardjo have titers of <1:100
at the time of abortion. Cows infected with serovar Hardjo can shed the organism in urine throughout
life. For other serovars, the dam’s urine can be cultured or examined for leptospires within 2 wk of

Leptospira interrogans serovar



For control, sources of infection (such as feed or water contaminated by dogs, rats, or wildlife) should
be identified and eliminated. Vaccination with a five-way bacterin every 6 mo provides good protection
against serovars Grippotyphosa, Pomona, Canicola, and Icterohaemorrhagiae but does not protect
against infection and renal shedding by serovar Hardjo. New monovalent serovar Hardjo vaccines that
prevent infection, but do not cure existing infections, are available.
The following treatments have been found to eliminate the renal carrier state: a single injection of
oxytetracycline (20 mg/kg, IM), a single injection of tilmicosin (10 mg/kg, SC), ceftiofur (5 mg/kg/day, IM,
for 5 days or 20 mg/kg/day, IM, for 3 days), or amoxicillin (15 mg/kg, IM, two injections 48 hr apart).
Leptospirosis is zoonotic, and urine and milk of dams may be infective for up to 3 mo, except for
Hardjo, in which case cows can be infective for life if not treated. (See also Leptospirosis.)

Brucellosis (Bang’s disease) is a threat in most countries where cattle are raised. In the USA, active
control programs, including test, slaughter, and heifer vaccination, have greatly decreased its
incidence. Brucellosis causes abortions in the second half of gestation (usually ~7 mo), and ~80% of
unvaccinated cows in later gestation will abort if exposed to Brucella abortus. The organisms enter via
mucous membranes and invade the udder, lymph nodes, and uterus, causing a placentitis, which may
be acute or chronic. Abortion or stillbirth occurs 2 wk to 5 mo after initial infection. Affected
cotyledons may be normal to necrotic, and red or yellow. The intercotyledonary area is focally
thickened with a wet, leathery appearance. The fetus may be normal or autolytic with
bronchopneumonia. Diagnosis can be made by maternal serology combined with fluorescent antibody
staining of placenta and fetus or isolation of B abortus from placenta, fetus (abomasal contents and
lung), or uterine discharge. Prevention is by calfhood vaccination of heifers.
Brucellosis is a serious zoonosis and a reportable disease, and the appropriate authorities should be
contacted. (See also Brucellosis in Large Animals.)

Mycotic Abortion:
Fungal placentitis due to Aspergillus sp (septated fungi, 60%–80% of cases), or to Mucor sp, Absidia,
Rhizopus sp, and a few other nonseptated fungi, is an important cause of bovine sporadic abortion.
Abortions occur from 4 mo to term and are mostCookies
common in winter. It is believed the fungi gain entry
through the oral or respiratory tracts and travel hematogenously to the placenta. Placentitis is severe 3/6
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and necrotizing. Cotyledons are enlarged and necrotic with turned-in margins. The intercotyledonary
area is thickened and leathery. Adventitious placentation is common. The fetus seldom is autolyzed,
although it may be dehydrated; ~30% have gray ringworm-like skin lesions principally involving the
head and shoulders. The diagnosis is based on the presence of fungal hyphae associated with
necrotizing placentitis, dermatitis, or pneumonia. Fungi can also be isolated from the stomach
contents, placenta, and skin lesions. Isolation must be correlated with microscopic and gross lesions to
exclude contamination after abortion.
For control, moldy feed should be avoided. (See also Mycotoxicoses.)

Trueperella pyogenes :
Trueperella (Arcanobacterium) pyogenes causes sporadic abortion at any stage of pregnancy. Rarely, the
incidence in a herd may reach epizootic levels. The bacterium is present in the nasopharynx of many
healthy cows and in abscesses. It is not normally present, even as a contaminant, in fetuses or fetal
membranes, and isolation is almost always significant. It gains entry to the bloodstream and causes an
endometritis and placentitis, which is diffuse with a reddish brown to brown color. The fetus is usually
autolyzed, with fibrinous pericarditis, pleuritis, or peritonitis possible.
Bronchopneumonia may be evident on histopathology, but T pyogenes is best cultured from placenta
or abomasal contents. Abortion is usually sporadic, and no effective bacterin is available.

Tritrichomonas foetus infection causes a venereal disease that usually results in infertility but
occasionally causes abortion in the first half of gestation. Placentitis is relatively mild, with
hemorrhagic cotyledons and thickened intercotyledonary areas covered with flocculent exudate. The
placenta is often retained, and there may be pyometra. The fetus has no specific lesions, although T
foetus can be found in abomasal contents, placental fluids, and uterine discharges. Infected cows
typically clear the organism within 20 wk, but bulls, especially those infected after 3 yr of age, can
become lifelong carriers. There is no legal, effective treatment for individual animals. Herd treatment
is based on identifying and segregating pregnant females from “at-risk" females for ≥5 mo and by
identifying and culling all infected bulls. Prevention is by artificial insemination or natural insemination
using noninfected bulls. A killed, whole-cell vaccine is available for use in cows. (See also


Campylobacter fetus fetus


Campylobacter fetus venerealis causes venereal disease that usually results in infertility or early
embryonic death but occasionally causes abortion
Cookiesbetween 4 and 8 mo of gestation. C fetus fetus and C
jejuni are transmitted by ingestion and subsequent hematogenous spread to the placenta. Both cause 4/6
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sporadic abortions, usually in the last half of gestation. The fetus can be fresh with partially expanded
lungs or severely autolyzed. Mild fibrinous pleuritis and peritonitis may be noted, as well as
bronchopneumonia. Placentitis is mild with hemorrhagic cotyledons and an edematous
intercotyledonary area. Campylobacter spp can be identified by darkfield examination of abomasal
contents or culture of placenta or abomasal contents. Isolation and identification of the species
involved is important if vaccination is to be instituted. Venereal campylobacteriosis can be controlled
by artificial insemination and vaccination. Campylobacter spp are zoonotic, and C jejuni is an important
cause of enteritis in people. (See also Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis.)

Listeria monocytogenes can cause placentitis and fetal septicemia. Abortions are usually sporadic but
may affect 10%–20% of a herd. Abortion is at any stage of gestation, and the dam may have fever and
anorexia before the abortion; retained placenta is common. The fetus is retained for 2–3 days after
death, so autolysis may be extensive. Fibrinous polyserositis and white necrotic foci in the liver and/or
cotyledons are common. Diagnosis is by culture of Listeria from fetus or placenta. There is no available
bacterin. Listeriosis is a reportable disease in many areas and is a serious zoonosis, with spread
possible through improperly pasteurized milk. (See also Listeriosis.)

Chlamydia abortus, the cause of enzootic abortion of ewes, causes sporadic abortion in cattle. Most
abortions occur near the end of the last trimester, but they can occur earlier. Placental lesions consist
of thickening and yellow-brown exudate adhered to the cotyledons and intercotyledonary areas.
Histologically, placentitis is consistently present, and pneumonia and hepatitis can be found in some
cases. C abortus can be identified by examination of stained smears of the placenta or by ELISA,
fluorescent antibody staining, PCR, or isolation in embryonated chicken eggs or cell culture. Organisms
can often be identified in the lungs and liver but not as consistently as in the placenta. There are no
vaccines for cattle, although they are produced for sheep (see Enzootic Abortion of Ewes (EAE)). The
bacterium is zoonotic, occasionally producing life-threatening disease and abortion in pregnant

Ureaplasma diversum Infection:

Ureaplasma diversum is a common inhabitant of the vagina and prepuce of cattle that also causes
abortions. Abortions are usually single, but severe outbreaks occur on occasion. The infection may
also result in stillbirths and birth of weak calves. Most fetuses are aborted in the third trimester and
are well preserved. The cows are not sick, but retained placentas are common. Placentitis and a
necrotic amniotic membrane are common features. The intercotyledonary areas are usually thickened
and sometimes contain areas of fibrin deposition and hemorrhage. There are no gross lesions in the
fetus. Microscopically, there is nonsuppurative placentitis and pneumonia characterized by
accumulations of lymphocytes around bronchi and by diffuse alveolitis. Diagnosis is by isolation of U
diversum from the placenta, lungs, and/or abomasal contents.

Epizootic Bovine Abortion (Foothill Abortion):

Epizootic bovine abortion is localized to the foothill region surrounding the Sacramento/San Joaquin
Valley and the Eastern Sierra Nevada range of California, Oregon, and Nevada. Epizootic bovine
abortion usually causes a protracted abortion storm affecting primarily heifers or cows recently
introduced to the geographic region; however, abortion can occur 3–5 mo after leaving the endemic
area. Abortion is usually in the last trimester, and rates may be as high as 60%. The animals abort
without illness, and the fetus is seldom autolyzed. Although the etiologic agent has not been
definitively determined, it is transmitted by the argasid tick Ornithodoros coriaceus and is believed to
be an unnamed bacterium in the Myxobacteria family (order Myxococcales). The aborted fetus may
have hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and generalized lymphomegaly. Microscopically, there is marked
lymphoid hyperplasia in the spleen and lymph nodes and granulomatous inflammation in most
organs. Fetal IgG is increased. Cows seldom abort in subsequent pregnancies, and heifers are often
exposed to endemic areas before breeding age in an effort to prevent abortions. 5/6
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Bluetongue is caused by an Orbivirus with 24 serotypes and is transmitted by biting midges of the
genus Culicoides. Historically, bluetongue occurred from approximately latitude 35°S to 40°N, except in
the western USA, where it occurs to 45°N. After introduction of an attenuated, live virus serotype 10
vaccine in the 1950s, abortion, mummification, stillbirth, and the birth of live offspring with CNS
malformations occurred in cattle and sheep. Since then, multiple bluetongue serotypes have been
identified as causes of similar reproductive losses in cattle and sheep. Attenuation of bluetongue virus
can increase its ability to cross the placenta. There is evidence that before 2007, reproductive losses
were caused by attenuated bluetongue vaccine viruses, either by vaccination of pregnant animals or
by spread of vaccine virus in nature by Culicoides spp.
In 2006, serotype 8 bluetongue virus appeared, spread, and became endemic across northwestern
Europe (north of 50°N), where bluetongue was previously unknown. Beginning in 2007, abortions and
birth of “dummy” calves with brain malformations occurred in bluetongue-infected herds; affected
calves were documented to have been infected in utero. Since then, many such cases have been
reported. Diagnosis is by identification of precolostral antibodies to bluetongue or identification of the
virus by PCR. Brain, spleen, and whole blood are the preferred samples from fetuses and neonates for
PCR. Control of bluetongue is by vaccination and management procedures to reduce exposure to
biting midges. Modified-live and inactivated vaccines are available, but their availability and use varies
between countries. (See also Bluetongue.)

Other Causes of Abortion:

Akabane virus (where present) causes abortion and fetal anomalies. Parainfluenza-3 virus causes
abortion in experimentally inoculated seronegative cattle, but is seldom, if ever, diagnosed in field
cases of abortion. Occasionally, Salmonella spp cause abortion storms. The cows are usually sick, and
the fetuses and placentas are autolyzed and emphysematous. Salmonellae can be isolated from the
abomasal contents and fetal tissues and from uterine fluids and the dams’ feces. Mycoplasma spp,
Histophilus somni, and a wide variety of other bacteria can also cause sporadic abortions in cattle.
Schmallenberg virus, discovered in Europe in 2011, belongs to the Simbu serogroup and has been
associated with infertility, abortion, and fetal malformation in several ruminant species.

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