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Mosquitoes are known the world over for their itchy "bites." But they’re also known

for spreading some of the world’s worst diseases, including malaria, yellow fever,

encephalitis, and dengue. Only female mosquitoes actually "bite." They use their mouth,

which looks like an upside-down funnel with the narrow end pointing down, to pierce their

"victim" and sip liquid. This liquid could be either blood (human or animal) or plant juices,

depending on the mosquito species. Male mosquitoes feed solely on plant juices. Different

species prefer the blood of particular animals. Some mosquitoes feed only on snakes, frogs,

or other cold-blooded animals. Other mosquitoes prefer birds. Still others prefer cows,

horses, and people. Like most insects, mosquitoes have two compound eyes, each of which

contains thousands of six-sided lenses that point in all different directions and move

independently. Mosquitoes can’t focus their eyes like people. Instead, their eyes stay open

to help them detect quick movements. The mosquito’s wings beat about 1,000 times per

second and create the insect’s telltale buzzing sound. The female’s wings create a higher-

pitched tone than the male’s, helping it attract potential mates. Most female mosquitoes lay

their eggs up to 200 at a time, depending on the species in water or near it, although not all

species must hatch their eggs in water. Favorite places to lay eggs include any place that
International School for Better Beginnings 2

water pools, such as marshes and swamps, plus tree holes, discarded containers, and poorly

maintained swimming pools. Transparent parts that cover the mosquito egg keep it from

sinking. In warm weather, most eggs hatch within three days. Female mosquitoes are very

attracted to blood because they need that in order to breed.

Blood has Antigens which contains proteins and lactic acid that mosquitoes need

to breed. Also blood has a liquid called plasma that makes up about half of the content of

blood. Plasma contains proteins that help blood to clot, transport substances through the

blood, and perform other functions. Blood plasma also contains glucose and other

dissolved nutrients.

The researcher came up with the idea of this study because the researcher wants to

know if there is a specific blood type that mosquitoes prefer than other blood type. The

researcher also wants to help other people to be aware about the preference of mosquitoes

in the blood type when feeding.

International School for Better Beginnings 3

Objectives of the Study

This study was primarily concerned with evaluating the common blood type that

mosquitoes usually feed on.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following objectives:

1. To specify the blood type that mosquitoes feeds on the most and the least.

2. To know if there is a specific time that mosquitoes usually goes out and feeds


3. To identify the specific nutrients that the blood type that mosquitoes feeds on

the most have that other blood types do not.

International School for Better Beginnings 4


Null Hypothesis

There is no specific common blood type that mosquitoes usually feeds on. They

just find random targets to feast and feed on. It depends on the skin surface of a person.

There is no specific time that mosquitoes usually goes out and feed.

Alternative Hypothesis

The common blood type that mosquitoes usually feeds on is type O whereby they

feeds on usually from 6pm to 8pm.

International School for Better Beginnings 5

Significance of the study

This study will help to find out if mosquitoes have a preference in blood type when

it comes to feeding.

Community to be aware that there are specific blood type that mosquitoes feeds

on the most. Mosquitoes does not just bite without preference on the blood type because

each blood type has a unique nutrients that other blood type does not have.

Doctors that they would continue to make vaccines and cure the mosquito-

bourne diseases because they would know that there are certain factors that mosquitoes

chooses their host.

For everyone in general, for everyone to be aware of the factors of how

mosquitoes feeds and chooses their host according to their blood type to avoid mosquito-

bourne diseases

Future researchers to have a basis for their future studies which is related

to the study of the researcher. Also for them to understand that mosquitoes chooses their

host according to the scent and their blood type.

International School for Better Beginnings 6




Mosquitoes are small, midge-like flies that constitute the family Culicidae.

Females of most species are ectoparasites, whose tube-like mouthparts pierce the hosts'

skin to consume blood. This insect is one of the deadliest creature on Earth. They are

responsible for millions of death each year because of the disease and virus they bring. The

female mosquitoes are the one who always suck blood for food because they need the

nutrients from the blood for them to lay eggs and multiply. Mosquito mouthparts called

proboscis are very specialized, particularly those of the females, which in most species are

adapted to piercing skin and then sucking blood.

There are many types of mosquito but according to Jones (2014) there are 3 types

which we commonly encounter. Aedes is the one of the most common type of mosquito.

We're more familiar with these mosquitos because the females prey on human blood. They

are also known as floodwater mosquito because they their egg hatching process happens

often if there is a flood. They bring diseases like dengue and yellow fever which is deadly.

Anopheles mosquitos most commonly breed in fresh bodies of water that are surrounded

by an abundance of wild plant life. Areas with still water such as pond, marshes and

swamps, are typical egg-bearing locations for female mosquitos. They are the carriers of

the malaria virus which is a dangerously fatal disease. Culex mosquitoes are a diverse
International School for Better Beginnings 7

genus with more than 20 subgenera that include thousands of species. Similar to Anopheles

mosquitoes, Culex lay eggs in still bodies of water, however they do not need to be

surrounded by plant wild life. Instead, they lay their eggs in outdoor objects that are capable

of carrying stagnant water, such as barrels, cans and garden pots. But humans doesnt need

to be worried about Culex mosquitoes because they do not prefer humans as host but they

bring diseases like malaria and West nile.

According to Pitts (2014), mosquitoes are attracted to Limburger cheese.

Limburger cheese smells like smelly feet which mosquitoes are attracted to because the

scent contains a bacterium closely related to some bacteria in a human skin. This bacterium

produces an aroma also found in human feet odor and that is what attracts the mosquito.

As Ropeik (2008) stated, They have antennae that can detect carbon dioxide, which we

exhale. Mosquitoes can also detect heat which is given off by humans. That triggers them

to attack us. They detect lactic acid from our skin which is a byproduct of muscular

exertion. In such case, mosquitoes tend to attack humans because they can sense our heat

and the lactic acid from our skin. According to Mercola (2015) male mosquitoes don't bite

humans, but rather feed off flower nectar. Female mosquitoes are the ones that require

meals of blood in order to develop and lay eggs. They us the protein and iron found in

human blood to make their eggs.

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Blood is a constantly circulating fluid providing the body with nutrition, oxygen,

and waste removal. Blood is mostly liquid, with numerous cells and proteins suspended in

it, making blood "thicker" than pure water. A liquid called plasma makes up about half of

the content of blood. Plasma contains proteins that help blood to clot, transport substances

through the blood, and perform other functions. Blood plasma also contains glucose and

other dissolved nutrients. Blood is circulated around the body through blood vessels by the

pumping action of the heart. About 55% of blood is blood plasma, a fluid that is the blood's

liquid medium, which by itself is straw-yellow in color.

Lic (2015), stated that blood proteins are proteins present in the blood but not

associated physically with blood cells, such as serum albumin, globulins and coagulation

factors. Blood proteins can function in various processes such as in transporting

metabolites and metals through the bloodstream and in immune system functions. There

are different kinds of proteins in our blood. There is the antibodies which is a specialized

protein to fight infectious agents and viruses. The main function of an antibody is to bind

specific antigens.

Henochowicz (2015), stated that antigens are classically defined as any foreign

substance that elicits an immune response. They are also called immunogens. The specific

region on an antigen that an antibody recognizes and binds to is called the epitope, or

antigenic determinant. Antigens may be a substance from the environment, such as

chemicals, bacteria, viruses, or pollen. An antigen may also form inside the body.

According to Abbas (2015) is that antigen is any substance that causes your immune system
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to produce antibodies against it. Without antigen, antibodies would not be produced to fight

them. Our immune system helps us fight those antigens in our body so that we do not get

diseases. There are antibodies in red blood cells which helps to fight of antigens and also

in white blood cells. There are 4 types of blood which has antigens. First is the Type A

which has the A-antigens. The Type B which has the B-Antigens. Type AB or also known

as the universal reciepient which can get any type of blood and has both A and B-antigens.

And the Type O which has neither antigens.

Blood types

Blood types are inherited and consist of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets

and plasma. A blood type is a classification of blood based on the presence and absence of

antibodies and also based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on

the surface of red blood cells (RBCs). These antigens may be proteins, carbohydrates,

glycoproteins, or glycolipids, depending on the blood group system. Some of these antigens

are also present on the surface of other types of cells of various tissues. Although all blood

is made of the same basic elements, not all blood is alike. In fact, there are eight different

common blood types, which are determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens

– substances that can trigger an immune response if they are foreign to the body. Since

some antigens can trigger a patient's immune system to attack the transfused blood, safe

blood transfusions depend on careful blood typing and cross-matching.

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There are some food that each blood type person should eat. It is called blood type

diet. As D’Adamo (2008) stated that each blood type represents genetic traits of our

ancestors, including which diet they evolved to thrive on. Each blood type has its

corresponding diet. Type A called the agrarian, or cultivator. People who are type A should

eat a diet rich in plants, and completely free of “toxic” red meat. This closely resembles a

vegetarian diet. Type B called the nomad. These people can eat plants and most meats and

can also eat some dairy. However, they should avoid wheat, corn, lentils, tomatoes and a

few other foods. Type AB called the enigma. Described as a mix between types A and B.

Foods to eat include seafood, tofu, dairy, beans and grains. They should avoid kidney

beans, corn, beef and chicken. Type O called the hunter. This is a high-protein diet based

largely on meat, fish, poultry, certain fruits and vegetables, but limited in grains, legumes

and dairy. With enough protein and iron, your blood would be healthy and ready for blood

donation. With enough production of antibody if there is antigen.

James (2010) agreed to D’Adamo and added that each blood type holder has their

own personality based on their blood type. Blood Type A tends to be cooperative, sensitive,

clever, passionate and smart. Blood type B individuals tend to be balanced: thoughtful like

A's and yet ambitious like O's. Blood Type AB tends to be very charming and popular.

They don't sweat the small stuff and can be seen as spiritual. Blood Type O tends to be

loners or leaders and are intuitive, focused, self-reliant and daring. In human blood there

are two antigens and antibodies. The two antigens are antigen A and antigen B. The two

antibodies are antibody A and antibody B. The antigens are present in the red blood cells
International School for Better Beginnings 11

and the antibodies in the serum. Regarding the antigen property of the blood all human

beings can be classified into 4 groups, those with antigen A (group A), those with antigen

B (group B), those with both antigen A and B (group AB) and those with neither antigen

(group O). Receiving blood from the wrong ABO group can be life threatening.


Miller (2009) stated that Antibodies against Pfs25, drawn in during a bite, can block

parasite development in the mosquito midgut, preventing transmission to other individuals.

Pfs25 is a protein of plasmodium. Plasmodium is parasite known as malaria that makes a

person feel ill and sick and in order for a person to avoid it or remove it, is with the help of

antibodies they need Antibodies to prevent the transmission of plasmodium.

Antibodies or also known as immuglobulinsm it is a person’s body protection, they

are a large Y-shaped/structure. They act as body guards to a person’s body, they guard the

person’s body and when they find a virus they will stop them from entering but some virus

can still infiltrate the body. They are small proteins that go in the bloodstream where they

can guard or protect the body from kinds of virus. Antibodies are the one that prevents a

person from getting sick.

Antibodies are always besides the blood and inside them. When a mosquito bites a

person the antibodies acts, when the antibodies recognize the saliva of the mosquitoes it
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will help the person’s body to prevent from getting sick or getting malaria especially if the

mosquito has a plasmodium in it.

Each blood type has different strength and uniqueness of antibodies with them.

Blood type A has a antigen of B for its antibodies in plasma, blood type B has antibodies

in plasma of A, blood type AB has neither A nor B antibodies in plasma, and blood type O

has A and B in their antibodies in plasma. This means blood type O has higher antibodies

in their plasma and it can protect the people from different kinds of infection or diseases

and to plasmodium

Antibodies are therefore needed for the people to live without getting and to avoid

getting malaria from mosquitoes that carries plasmodium parasite or lower the chances of

having it because antibodies cannot protect a person’s body surely it sometimes fails that

is why if people needs their antibodies to be strong for them to protect a person’s body and

to not get sick or get malaria from mosquitoes or any other kind of sickness.

Antibodies are made by the immune system with the help of antigen. Antibodies

can’t protect the body alone it needs help from a protein called Antigen to protect the body

from infection such as malaria. Antigen is needed to avoid the parasite called plasmodium

to enter a person’s body.

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Ander (2012) stated that antigen strongly inhibit parasite growth in vitro, may be

useful in developing a vaccine against this parasite. (pg.260) Antigens are the part of

antibodies to protect a person’s body from infections, diseases and so people not to get

sick. Antigens are also goes with the bloodstream for them to protect invaders when a

person gets wounds or when an infection enters a person’s body like when a mosquito bites

a person

Antigens are large molecules they’re usually proteins on the surface of cells or any

other non living substance. Antigens are the proteins that help the body or immune system

to create an antibody for a person not to get sick or infected. Antigens are also a trigger for

the immune system because when an antigen detect something that shouldn’t be inside

someone’s body they will trigger the immune system for them to prevent the infection or

diseases from spreading inside a person’s body but when the antigens are not strong it also

can fail to protect the body and let the infection go inside the body or a person resulting the

person will get sick.

Plasmodium is a parasite that can make a person ill or sick and to prevent it is with

the help of a antibodies and in order for antibodies to find the parasite it needs help from

Antigen to track it and trigger the immune system, but in the immune system can’t remove

it fully it because it depends on the strength of the immune system of the blood. Each blood

type has its own uniqueness of antigen with them

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Antigens and antibodies needs protein in order to function to trigger the immune

system and help get rid of the infections such like plasmodium in the blood stream or the

body or a person.


Clarke (2008), All the putatively apicoplast-targeted proteins bear N-terminal

presequences consistent with plastid targeting. Mosquitoes are attracted to plastids that

plants has but somehow humans exhale. Mosquitoes are also attracted to carbon dioxide

that we exhale.

Proteins do all the work they are the reason why antibodies and antigens works with

proteins a person’s body works like a machine automatically. With proteins a person’s

body exhale carbon dioxide and can be transported in the blood.

Proteins are the reason why there are a lot of mosquitoes because a female mosquito

needs a blood that is high on protein for them to produce an egg and make more mosquitos.

Mosquitoes can smell the carbon dioxide in the blood and the protein in it. Our carbon

dioxide, blood, and proteins attracts a mosquitoes but mosquitoes especially mosquitoes

with plasmodium but people with high proteins, antigens, and antibodies can protect the

body from the parasite making the chance of getting ill or sick low.
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Lactic Acid

Lactic acid, also known us lactate, is a compound produced when glucose is broken

down and oxidized. During intense exercise when oxygen levels are lower, more lactic acid

is produced, which can produce hydrogen ions and a burning sensation in muscles while

they’re active. This acid is made in muscle cells and red blood cells. It forms when your

body turns food into energy.

According to Staff (2016), A lactic acid test is a blood test that measures the level

of lactic acid made in the body. When the oxygen level in the body is normal, carbohydrate

breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. When the oxygen level is low, carbohydrate

breaks down for energy and makes lactic acid. This is the reason why mosquitoes are

attracted to people with high lactic acid in their blood because of the nutrients that makes

food into energy.

International School for Better Beginnings 16

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework will show the study of which human blood type do

mosquitoes like the most

Research Paradigm

• 1.Which blood
type do
mosquitoes feeds PROCESS
on the most and
the least?
•A • people with blood type O
•B will most likely be bitten by
• AB • Observing of mosquitoes
the data in
•O which human
• To know which blood type
human blood does
type does mosquitoes like
mosquitoes like
• A • Analysing of
• B the data OUTPUT
• AB obtained in
• O which human
blood type does
INPUT mosquitoes like

Figure 1: The common blood type mosquitoes used to feed on

Blood type O will most likely be bitten because they contain both A and B

antibodies in their plasma to protect form infection but they neither have A nor B antigens

in their red cells while blood type A contain only B antibodies and a A antigen, blood type

B contain only A antibodies and B antigen, blood type AB neither have A nor B antibodies

in plasma but have both A and B antigens in red blood cell.

International School for Better Beginnings 17

Blood type O has a lower chance of getting malaria from female anopheles

mosquitoes because of the malaria has a special protein and it bonds strongly to type A

blood cell while in type O blood cell it is weak causing lower chance of getting malaria .

With the low chance of having malaria this why female mosquitoes are attracted to blood

type O and plus blood type O needs/has more nutrients for the production of their eggs.

Most people produce a secretion that signals what blood type they are, mosquitoes

are drawn to those secretion that people release like. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon

dioxide one of the chemicals we exhale or secretes explaining why they like to come near

people and they can smell the blood in urine or any other secretion, mosquitoes are attracted

to blood type O scent.

In input, the researchers will gather the demographic note base on their blood type:

A, B, AB, and O. This research will affect the people with the liked blood type of


In process, the research will gather A, B, AB, and O blood types for the mosquitoes

to drink in a glass tank with all of the blood samples; the blood with most mosquitoes will

determine the mosquitoes’ preferred blood type of all and will answer the question what

blood type they like.

In output, people with blood type O will most likely be bitten by mosquitoes for

they have A and B antibodies which blood type A, B, and AB does not have but blood type

O does not have A and B antigens. Blood type O has the ability to weaken the special

protien of malaria making them attractive for female mosquitoes to bite on to get protiens

for their eggs

International School for Better Beginnings 18



This chapter presents the methodology of the study in assessing the common blood

type that mosquitoes usually feeds on. The following research methodologies were

considered to come up with consistent findings: research design, materials, data gathering

procedure and processes in the study.

Research Design

The researcher employed the experimental method as the research design to

determine the common blood type that mosquitoes usually feeds on.

The experimental method will be used as it seeks to determine and assess the

common blood type that mosquitoes usually feeds on in terms of the mosquitoes’

preference in blood type. The same research methodology can help in analyzing the results

of the observation to obtain the required data needed to support this research study.
International School for Better Beginnings 19

Research Instrumentation

There were already various studies with regards to the common blood type that

mosquitoes usually feeds on. For this research study, the researcher will be capturing

mosquitoes and putting them into a glass tank, then exposing them to the blood samples

and observing their behavior.

The following are the variables or components that will be used:

1. Mosquitoes

2. Glass tank

3. Petri dish

4. Blood sample of each blood type

Figure 2. A Picture of the Materials Used in the Experiment

International School for Better Beginnings 20

Data Gathering Procedure

To accomplish the results of this study, the mosquitoes will be captured using a

mosquito net and will be held in captivity in a glass tank. The research will then try to breed

the mosquitoes inside the glass tank so that there will be plenty of mosquitoes to use for

the research.

The blood samples will then be collected from the willing donor for this research.

There will be four donors of the blood samples. Each of them has a different blood type

which is blood type A, B, AB and O. After the extraction of the blood samples, it will be

immediately placed into each petri dish so the research observation can begin.

The researcher will then observe the behavior of the mosquitoes to each blood

samples in the glass tank. The researcher will then carefully observe on which blood type

the mosquitoes will land and feed on hence the result of the study. It will then be double

checked by the researcher’s adviser for further examination of the results.

International School for Better Beginnings 21



In this chapter the researcher will show the results of the said experiment and

discuss the variables that affected the outcome. The data collected from the experiment

will be explained by researcher that there is a specific blood type that mosquitoes usually

feeds on

The experiment happened for 2 hours which the blood was exposed to the

mosquitoes. The researcher made sure to observe the activity of the mosquitoes in order to

obtain the results for the study. This table shows the results of the following:
International School for Better Beginnings 22

Table no. 1 A Table on the Results of the Experiment on the Common Blood Type

that Mosquitoes Usually Feeds On

Blood Type Activity of Mosquitoes

 Blood type A The mosquitoes in the glass tank ignored

the blood sample until the researcher made
the tank darker. There was specifically 2
mosquitoes that flew in this blood sample.

 Blood type B The mosquitoes in the glass tank ignored

this blood sample completely and there
was no activity near this blood type.

 Blood type AB The mosquitoes in the glass tank did the

most activity in this blood sample. There
was specifically 3 mosquitoes that flew in
and was stuck on this blood sample.
 Blood type O The mosquitoes in the glass tank was
hovering near the blood sample but only 1
mosquito landed and feed onto the blood
International School for Better Beginnings 23

Figure 3. The Results of the Exposure of Mosquitoes to Blood Type A Sample

Blood sample A had an inactivity of the mosquitoes for almost 1 hour. The

mosquitoes were hovering around but does not land on blood type A. The researcher

covered the glass tank so that it will be dark and the mosquitoes will have more activity. A

mosquito flew at the tip of the blood sample and did not got stuck and stayed near the

sample as seen on the first photograph. Before finishing and clearing up the setup, another

mosquito flew in the middle of the sample and got stuck on the blood sample.
International School for Better Beginnings 24

Figure 4. The Results of the Exposure of Mosquitoes to Blood Type B Sample

Blood sample B has the least activity of mosquitoes in the setup. Mosquitoes would

go near the blood sample but would not land on it in any occasion. Even though the

researcher made the setup darker, there was still no activity on this blood sample.
International School for Better Beginnings 25

Figure 5. The Results of the Exposure of Mosquitoes to Blood Type AB Sample

Blood sample AB has the most activity and the most mosquitoes that flew in. There

was inactivity for atleast 45 minutes of observing. But before covering up the setup, the

researcher noticed a mosquito flew in and tried to feed and got stuck on the sample. After

6 minutes, another mosquito flew in and tried the same thing the other mosquito did and

also got stuck on the sample. The researcher covered the setup and after a while another

mosquito flew in and did the same thing as the other two mosquitoes did and also got stuck

on the sample as seen on the photograph.

International School for Better Beginnings 26

Figure 6. The Results of the Exposure of Mosquitoes to Blood Type O Sample

Blood sample O was the one that mosquitoes mostly hovered on but they did not

flew in the sample. The researcher expected that this blood type sample would have the

most mosquitoes that would land on it. On the first hour of the researcher observing on the

glass tank, mosquitoes were hovering near this blood sample but they did not feed on it.

By the time the researcher covered the glass tank, there was an activity of the mosquitoes.

They were hovering very near and one fed on the sample but it just nibbled on it and landed

near the blood sample as seen on the picture.

The results shows that there are significant factors that affects the feeding of the

mosquitoes. It shows that there is a specific blood type that mosquitoes like the most and

the least. The researcher expected blood type O to be the blood type that mosquitoes would

feed on the most because of the fact that it is the universal blood type that people around
International School for Better Beginnings 27

the world have. The results shows that blood type AB had the most mosquitoes that flew

in and fed into the sample. The researcher’s hypothesis was that blood type AB would have

the least number of mosquitoes that would feed into the sample. It shows that blood type

AB has both A and B antigen but does not have A and B antibodies in the plasma.

Mosquitoes uses antigens to suck blood from their prey which is why they suck blood from

blood type AB. Mosquitoes also seek the prey’s body heat in feeding that’s why they were

ignoring the blood sample on the first hour of observation. Mosquitoes also detects carbon

dioxide from the body because they are attracted to it.

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This chapter includes the summary of findings of the study. It also presents the

conclusions and the corresponding recommendations.

Summary of Findings

Based on the research purposes, the finding of these studies are as follows:

1. The specimen blood type AB has the most number of mosquitoes that flew in.

Because of the unique blood composition it contains which female mosquitoes need to

breed. The least mosquitoes flew in is the blood type B because it is rare and has lower

nutrients that mosquitoes need.

2. There is a specific time that mosquitoes feeds the most which is around 5pm to

6pm in the afternoon. Because there is the common mosquito that feeds on that specific

time. This was observed during the time of capturing the mosquitoes.

3. Blood type O has no A or B antigen on the red blood cells but has the A and B

antigen on the plasma which mosquitoes need to reproduce.

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In light of the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The researcher’s hypothesis about the common blood type that mosquitoes

usually feeds on was not as the researcher expected. The expected hypothesis

for the common blood type that mosquitoes usually feeds on was blood type O

because it is the most common blood type and it has no antigen which is the

foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body, especially the

production of antibodies

2. The researcher conclude that the experiment went well but for the hypothesis

was the other way around. Blood type AB has the most mosquitoes that flew in

and blood type O has the only 1 mosquito that flew in. The experiment has no

activity for an hour until a mosquito flew in one of the sample then few minutes

later more flew in.

3. The researcher states that the study should be further studied by future

researcher to confirm the results of the study. Also the future study should

consider the temperature and the environment so that mosquitoes could adjust

more because they were trying to escape before landing in the sample.
International School for Better Beginnings 30


In light of the following findings and conclusions, the following recommendations

are hereby given:

1. This study can be used a reference to other researchers in making their on

research in which relates on this study.

2. This study if well proven can help people to be aware that mosquitoes has a

specific blood type preference to feed on. It can lessen the cases of mosquito-bourne

diseases in our country because of the awareness it brought.

3. The researcher would also recommend his experimental study to future

researchers, who could use this as their backbone for future studies, investigations and

International School for Better Beginnings 31

A.D.A.M (2017, April 5). Antigen. Retrieved from
Breyer, M. (2016, May 2). 7 reasons mosquitoes bite some people more than others.
Retrieved from
D’Adamo, P (2008). The Blood Type Diet: An Evidence-Based Review. Retrieved from
Hodgekiss, A. (2015, March 17). Why DO some people attract so many mosquitoes?
Genes, blood type and even beer drinking could all be to blame. Retrieved from
Jones. (2016). 3 types of mosquitoes you need to know about. Retrieved from
Pitts, J. (2014, September 9). Mosquito facts and fictions. Retrieved from
Ropeik, D. (2008, August 10). How mosquitoes get under your skin. Retrieved from
Stromberg, J. (2013, July 12). Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than
Others? Retrieved from
International School for Better Beginnings 32


In partial fulfillment for the requirements of Senior High School with specialization

in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, this research paper entitled,

“Common Blood Types that Mosquitoes Usually Feeds On,” has been prepared and

submitted by Mark Nicholas L. Yow, who is hereby recommended for oral examination.


Research Adviser

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree, Bachelor of

Secondary Education Major in English, by the oral examination committee.


Member Member



Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Science, Technology,

Engineering, Mathematics.


Date School Directress

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