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Chlorine Di Oxide:

Fire hazard happened in cooling water sump on 15th December, 2019 the cracking sound followed
by release of yellowish to white smoke was observed and it was extinguished with DCP. Aftermath
of the incident the initial analysis of the precipitate was observed as a frozen orange colored solid,
appearing as a block of ice with faint odor of chlorine.

The remains precipitate was completely removed from the cooling tower sump and the
entire sump was inspected for any other such precipitates and the system was normalized. The
cooling water dosing was stopped and complete water blowdown was given to make sure of any
trace compound found in the system.

After analyzing the compound in the SPIC Quality laboratory, the precipitates contained
predominantly of Sodium and chlorides. And all the dosing compounds are found to be not reactive
to fire and non-flammable. Discussing the chemical with experts in the field, it was found to be
chlorine dioxide hydrate matching the description and could result in similar chemical fire without
any form of eternal heat applied to the compound when the concentration exceeds 10%.

It was decided to completely stop the chlorine dioxide dosing in the form of GENCHLORO A&
B and alternate compound as BIOSAN H as a blend of sodium hypo chlorite was introduced.

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