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Copyright © IFAC Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.

Bucharest. Romania. 1995



Gjergj Shiko

CSP/CRPI. Croupe de Recherche en Production Integree. IUT de Saint-Denis

Universite Paris XIII. Place 8 Mai 1945. 93208 Saint-Denis. France.
IUT de Cergy-Pontoise. UCP
95. rue Valere Collas. 95100 Argenteuil. France

Abstract: This paper reports on the design of a computer aided process planning system
(CAPP-GT) for the parts manufactured in a group technology cell. The software incorpora-
tes various modules for part families description, sequence modelling, rule based tool
selection, statistical model for time estimation and finally for report generation and editing.
All this modules are built around a technological data base and a knowledge base formali-
zing the group technology cell experience.

Keywords: CAM, modelling, expert systems, statistical analysis, computing systems.

I. INTRODUCTION or branched model of a parametric process plan. Data

of a given part determine the values of the model
Process plan is an indispensable interface between parameters, and as a result process plan of the part is
design, manufacturing and control for all manufactu- obtained. This technique is recommended in cases of
ring systems. It is therefore an important component high similarity of parts.
of computer integrated manufacturing systems .
Process plan includes information about the routing In manufacturing cells are produced relatively homo-
in the manufacturing of the part, about manufactu- geneous part families. This brought about the idea of
ring processes, machines and tooling involved , pro- constructing a series of models designing determined
cess parameters, etc . elements of the process plan. This paper reports on
results of GT and generalized model integration
Literature reveals that three typical approaches have research. These models make up a Computer Aided
been taken for Computer Aided Process Planning Process Planning system (CAPP-GT), which was
(CAPP) (Chang and Wysk. 1985). These are: the Group experimented in a motor piston manufacturing cell
Technology (GT) approach. the generative approach (Shiko, 1989).
and the knowledge based expert system approach.

The GT approach starts with part family formation 2. INPUT DATA MODELLING
and standard plan creation for each family (Shiko.
1992). Process planning of a new part consists in its Part describing data. i.e. input data. fall under three
classing. in finding its family standard plan and categories: geometrical data. precision data and phy-
adapting it to this given part. sical data of the material. As their number is conside-
rable even for rather simple parts, input data model-
The generalized model (Mutel. 1988). as a technique ling becomes very complicated. One solution to this
of the generative approach. aims at creating a linear problem is to consider a part of these input data as

constant. These constant data, having identical or
similar values, become common parameters for all
parts of the family. The rest of the data constitute the
variable data specific to each family member. So, the M
data set {Dj} of part j, member of a family i, may be
considered as the union of two data sub-sets:

{Dj}={ Ci}U {Pij} (I)

where {Ci} is the constant data sub-set of family i

and {Pij} is the variable data sub-set specifying part
j of family i.

The above-mentioned theoretical considerations have

been used for the input data modelling. The geome-
trical part of the model applies the principle of the
'representative part' of the family . Constant data of
the model consist of the geometrical pattern as well
as a part of the data falling under the other categories.
Variable data consist of manufactured surface dimen-
sions and its position dimensions , of lack or presence Fig. I . Representative part of the motor piston family .
of particular geometrical features, etc. In the first step
of process planning, CAPP-GT uses the GT code as a 2. Particular geometrical features belonging to the
key to search among the constant data sub-set for exi- constant data of the model can never be discarded.
sting part families. Figure I shows the representative
part of the motor piston family . All manufactured
surfaces, or surfaces influencing part manufacturing, 3. TECHNOLOGICAL DATA BASE
are components of the model. For example, the exter-
nal cylindrical surface D I. the hole D3, the reference Hierarchical data base is the most suitable struc-
surface D2, etc. Entry values of the model consist of ture of technological data storage in GT environ-
all dimension values, for example DI, LI, etc . ment.

Model functioning follows these rules: Data are recorded into the nodes, while branches
describe relations between them (Fig. 2). Every part
1. If a given part doesn't have one or more of the family has its own tree. The root contains data
particular geometrical features belonging to the belonging to the whole family, like family GT code
variable data, then the corresponding entry values are and input data model. This tree is linked to the
equal to zero; in this case, the features detennined by family member part set as well as to its process plan
this entry value are discarded. set. The particular sub-tree far left in the figure is
linked to the family process plan .

Part fam ily I Family C()51

Part i
lnput data model

SundanJ proCC ~'i plan

PH)I;c'''S ptlO uf !.he I Sl pilM Pn'K.:es~ pl ..n of p:u1 i
uf!.he fOllTul y COS] "f the famIl y C()51
Opcrolonn )ClJucm; ing muJcI L:lklcd O)SIJX) I ",,<led C()51.i

Operatum x, cooeo C05 1.000" t O peration j ClxJed C051 .I.J

I·opera.",. lime
I . Wmltng p;lr.ilmCICr,\
. MaL:htnlnj; r;L"~'
! -Spcr..:l flr..: touts
) i

Fig. 2. Technological data base structure.

Specific process plan codes have been placed into the generally grow in number with the growth of the
first level nodes . Second level nodes contain data family size. For example, always referring to the
concerning operations, like type of machining, opera- operation sequence model of the motor piston family ,
tion time and process parameters, for example manu- drilling of the hole Ds (Fig. I) and milling of the
factured dimensions . Third level contains tooling and external surface are temporary actions. These tempo-
cutting pass data. rary actions may be discarded during process plan-
ning of a given part.
Standard plan consitutes a particular sub-tree that
starts from the root. It differs from other sub-trees , There are two kinds of links for each action: 'forwards'
because it contains models and data concerning the with following actions and 'backwards' with preceding
whole family . So, first level nodes contain the ope- actions (Fig . 3). So, every action, except for end
ration sequencing model. Second level contains situated ones, can be reached both ways . In functio-
operation time estimation model, set-up time, ning , when a temporary action is discarded, new
common tools and expert system for specific tool links are created to replace its old links . New links
selection . are represented by dotted lines in Fig. 3.

Data base has also internal transversal relations, like Arguments are parameters of a given operation of the
process plan operation and cutting pass sequence . model. In the example of the motor piston family,
Data coding is of monocode type, well suited to the they are consituted by the dimensions of surfaces
hierarchical structure of data base. manufactured during one operation. They may be
unique or they may be repetitive, like in the rough
machining and in finishing operations. Arguments
assume positive or 0 value . In the first case they
4. OPERATION SEQUENCE MODELLING represent the model entry data, while 0 value of the
argument activates the discarding procedure of the
Operation sequence modelling, formalizing family corresponding temporary action .
standard plan , is made up of three components:
actions (operations), relations between them (sequen- Model structure is composed by an empty 'shell',
ce) and arguments determining these actions . where actions following a determined sequence shall
be placed, by argument entry ' gates', mechanisms of
Actions may be definite or temporary . Definite moving through the model, procedures of elemina-
actions manufacture geometrical features described tion of temporary actions and creation of new links.
by the constant data of the input data model. For
example, in the operation sequence model of the
motor piston family, manufacturing operations of the 5. THE OPERATION TIME ESTIMATION
external cylindrical surface and of the internal refe- MODELLING
rence surface are definite actions . These definite
actions may not be discarded . In fact, elemination of The goal of this study is to provide CAPP-GT with
these actions would mean that the given part doesn't an operation time estimation module . The chosen
contain the whole of the constant data sub-set of the method is a combination of the statistical estimation
family . As a result it would not belong to that family. with the technological approach , both fitted to the
GT environment. Research work was based on pro-
Temporary actions manufacture geometrical features cess plan data of parts with relatively long historical
described by the variable data of the input data record , especially data concerning operation time and
model. Being not characteristic to the family , they working parameters for each operation.

A Tl,! >:; 11


o A = Dc flnllC :1I:"o n
TA = Tc mlw rar y al.:lltm
AT!; :; Art!umt! nl TA

Fig . 3. Operation sequence model.

The first problem to be solved was defining physical First order facts are the tool sub-sets used in opera-
relationship between operation time and working tions of the same type. So. every first order fact con-
parameters. This relationship depends on machining tains all tools needed for the set-up of each operation
type and is defined by the experienced process plan- type . Formalization of first order facts is done by a
ners of the manufacturing cells. In the motor piston series of structures similar to zero order facts structu-
manufacturing cell . for example. operation time is res. First order facts. apart from constant parameters.
supposed to be proportional to the chip volume . contain variable ones. For example. the drill used in
the manufacturing of all pistons is described by the
In order to define the relationship T f (V). where T following structure:
is the dependent variable (estimated time) and V is
the independent variable (chip volume). it is neces- group code C051
sary to eleminate the deviation caused by the set-up part code Cp
time . which is incorporated into existing process plan operation code 02
data. but has no relation at all to the independent tool code Co
variable . The set-up time per part unit tends towards tool name drill
o when the manufactured part lot size becomes big quantity in the set-up I
enough. Regression analysis applied to the pairs of A parameter a
values (T. V) of parts manufactured in quite big lot B parameter b
sizes results in the 'minimal regression curve ' , which
represents the minimal envelope to the plot of these First order facts may be described as structures
pairs of values . All deviation. of course positive , of where values of existing tools will be stored. Cp, Co.
T value from this minimal curve, is caused by the a and b parameters are variables that assume their
addition of the set-up time portion per unit of part to value during the matching procedure.
the manufacturing time of this unit. This approach
makes possible the estimation of the average set-up The knowledge base contains a production rule set
time for all parts of the family . that formalizes the process planner's know-how .
Each rule is structured in such a way that. if a certain
condition is verified (IF). a consequent decision is

For every proccess plan operation, tool selection is a The inference engine is a specific program compri-
particularly important problem . Being solved nor- sing the following stages: initialization. fact extra-
mally according to the know-how of the process ction . selection, rule interpretation and application.
planner. it doesn't utilize in a satisfactory way the as well as cycle controlling.
classical algorithmic approach . Application of artifi-
cial intelligence approach, more precisely of the
expert system technique. seems in this case the most 7. APPLICATION PROGRAMS
suitable solution.
CAPP-GT has a modular structure. is thus composed
The principal elements of the expert system develo- of several modules managed by coordinating pro-
ped by the author are fact base. knowledge base and grams . The modules are constructed around data base.
inference engine. The fact base contains two types of
facts : facts of zero order and facts of first order. All The process planning module is the most important
parameters of zero order facts are constant. They one . It supervises step by step the utilization order of
describe a defined tool function in one or several the above-mentioned models. The input data proce -
determined operations. Let ' s take , for example. the dure of this module is interactive. Figure 4 represents
description of the drill used in the manufacturing of hard copies of the display during operator-computer
the piston coded C051 .00 I. dialogue .

group code C051

part code 001
operation code 02
Oat;! Input r, 'r the npcr.atuln I
tool code 04C5-023
tool name drill ! HcaJ diameter " «,2 . ~1.OJ 2 . ·00 1
quantity in the set-up I ! Pl !Ioh ln knl!lh '.' -lX. +0. -05
; Rcfc rcnl'c !.urfa't:" diameter : "' 4 2, .0 2 .. () , )
Ap parameter 11.8 Rd c n: n ~L' .\urfacc length : " 7 . .H)~ , ·0. 1

Bp parameter 65 I Bon: JI ." W"CC " 22. 0,11

Ap and Bp parameters are the specific tool dimensions.
So. 11 .8 is the diameter and 65 the length of the drill. Fig. 4. CAPP-GT data input.

of the displayed module with the editor easily realizes
Code 1211-1015121KI GT code CO~ I1 RO Opera"on "".le : 01 CI>432 Lathe all eventual corrections in existing process plans.
Operatlun I Rough turnmg of rcfercm:c surface Tm : ().I)I~" T:'\.: N.
B\)rc~ the referenl.:c !iur(;u.:c v = ]tXI .~ =0 .2 a - 2
Face cnd BOring diameter 41 ..5
I Chamfer 0 _ 5)(45 ~ Bonng depth
7 I
I Cylinder M .O I G f, TO(JI clamp M O. I The main purpose of CAPP-GT was to demonstrate
2 Chuck M .O. I G MCiLSunng device!'
~ Jaw:'\. ) IC~ · ()(H I 7 Calliper rule 12~ - 0 . 02IG the feasibility of a computer aided process planning
T\>\\\s X CaJliper rule 200.. 0 .02 I G system in a group technology manufacturing envi-
-1 Turning h\ol OIC~ · ()2) ~ Depth gauge 0 -21KI 1 G
5 Turning hkl\ A)Y - 12 10 Gauge 1OC'5-··· I ronment and to prepare the basis for a generative
11 Depth gauge I~C~ - ···I
CAPP system .
G 11101 u~d hy the whole falTlll y
••• hlll\ hI he designed

Fig. 5. CAPP-GT operation sheet.


Process plan display/print module has saving func- Chang. T.-c. and R.A.Wysk (1985). An Introduction
tion. It searches an existing process plan. displays to Automated Process Planning Systems .
and/or prints its routing. displays and/or prints all Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs. NJ.
operations according to their rank. or only some Mutel. B. (1988). La Technologie de Groupe Assistee
given operations. Figure 5 gives hard copies of the par l'Ordinateur (TGAO). Unpublished.
display during the functioning of this module. Shiko. G . (1989). Computer Aided Process Planning
in the manufacturing cells of 'Kombinati i
The correction module is a special editor for CAPP Autotraktoreve Tirane ' . Teknika, No. 2.
sub-system. It makes possible the correction of any Shiko. G. (1992). A process planning orientated
parameter of the displayed operation. This module is approach to part family formation problem in
called by the process planning module when the ope- group technology applications. International
rator does not agree with CAPP on one or more para- Journal of Production Research, Vol. 30,
meters of the just planned operation. The combination No. 8. 1739-1752.


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