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Grammar review.

Suggested by Teacher Na3im. January 2020.

‘Combine the following sentences using the connectors provided. Make any necessary changes’ is currently activity 3 / B-Text Exploration in bac exam papers.

1-Provided / providing ( that ) / as long as = if type1: Verb1 in the present / Verb2 in the future.

 Businesses will be successful provided that they are socially responsible.

 Any business will be successful as long as it is socially responsible.

2-So … that / such … that.

 Noun + verb + adjective. = Noun + verb + So adjective that + result.

 The agent is corrupt. = The agent is so corrupt that + result.

 Pronoun / Noun + verb + adjective + Noun = Pronoun / Noun + Such ( a / an ) + Noun that + result.
 The agent is a corrupt official. = The agent is such a corrupt official that + result.

3-After / As soon as / When + subject + had + pp + subject + past simple …

 Muslims started civilizing the world. Muslims founded their state in Medina.
 After Muslims HAD founded their state in Medina, they started civilizing the world.

4-Despite the fact that / although + verb phrase Despite / in spite of + noun phrase.

 Ancient Egyptians built a great society. Ancient Egyptians’ contact with other societies was very limited.

 Despite the fact that Ancient Egyptians built a great society their contact with other societies was very limited.
 In spite of building a great society, Ancient Egyptians’ contact with other societies was very limited.
Grammar review.
Suggested by Teacher Na3im.

‘Combine the following sentences using the connectors provided. Make any necessary changes’ is currently activity 3 / B-Text Exploration in bac exam papers.

5- Cause

Because He went to prison because / as / since he was corrupt.

Since + verb phrase.

Because of + noun phrase. He went to prison because of corruption.

6- Consequence

As a result He was corrupt. As a result / Therefore / So, he went to prison.


7- Purpose

In order to + bare infinitive. I’m saving money in order to buy a new mobile phone.
So as to
So that + can / will / would. I’m saving money so that I can buy a new mobile phone.
Grammar practice.
Collected by Teacher Na3im.

Combine the following sentences using the connectors provided. Make any necessary changes.
Excerpts from previous BAC exam papers: 2008 / 2019. ‫لغات أجنبية‬
1-Parents have a little to pay. Parents always complain.
2-Comprehensive schools take children of all abilities. Grammar schools are selective.
3-They created a system of writing. They wanted to record their history.
4-Muslims left Andalusia in 1492. The Islamic civilization remained an enriching element of the Spanish cultural heritage.
5-Governments have made a lot of efforts. They have been unable to stop the import of counterfeit products.
6-Local authorities are encouraging citizens. They want to be more active.
7-Damascus was a fortified town. It was conquered by Alexander the Great.
8-They invented a new alphabet. They could not use the ancient Sumerians’ writing.
9-The government grants poor students. They want to go on further studies.
10-In America, education is considered to be the responsibility of each state. Great Britain has a national educational system.
11-Many students receive grants. They still have financial problems.
12-Reading is an important skill. Students ought to master it at an early age.
13-Young girls were forced to maintain a healthy way of life. They have to produce healthy children.
14-The Helots fought for their freedom. They were defeated.
15-Our economy flourishes. We enhance agriculture.
16-Some people did not receive enough formal education. They have become famous.
17-He graduated from college. He found a job.
18-Corruoption is widespread. Many associations have launched international campaigns to eradicate this phenomenon.
19-Businesses will pay their taxes honestly. The economy will prosper.
20-A bribe is an act of corruption. A gift is not an act of corruption.
21-The soil was arid. Sumerians developed a sophisticated agriculture.
22-Sumerians were conscious of their rights. They compiled law.
23-Sumerians baked clay. They made bricks
24-Children are deceitfully convinced. Children are easily kidnapped.
25-Kidnappers are severely punished. Child abductions rates are still on the increase.
26-Parents communicate with their children. They do not want them to be deceived.
27-Highly educated people are heading towards Europe. They want to get higher wages.
28-Intellectuals do no leave. The sending countries improve the socio-economic situation.
29-Brain drain has a negative impact on poor countries. It reduces their evolution.
30-Corruption is a widespread problem. All parts of society must fight corruption.
31-Governments are making efforts to eradicate corruption. It is still prevalent in our society.
Grammar practice.
Collected by Teacher Na3im.

Combine the following sentences using the connectors provided. Make any necessary changes.
Excerpts from previous BAC exam papers: 2008 / 2019. ‫آداب وفلسفة‬
1-Athens was ruled by a king. Athens was a democracy.
2-The Athenians were proud of their educational system. Their children learned various interesting subjects.
3-A lot of parents send their children to schools funded by government. Few prefer sending their children to independent schools.
4-The system of law is well implemented. Companies avoid bribery actions.
5-Specialists consultancies will help multinational companies. Multinational companies will trade more ethically.
6-The Arabs conquered many rich provinces. The Arabs became powerful.
7-Some governors were corrupt. Their reign didn’t last long.
8-The two king brothers got into a fight. They lost their sovereignty.
9-Your business prospers. You behave ethically.
10-Corruption is widespread. It is hard to eradicate corruption.
11-The employees stopped misusing the internet. The company’s productivity increased.
12-All of the ancient civilizations developed in similar ways. They had different regional and climatic conditions.
13-Ancient people created the first calendar. They were able to calculate the arrival of growing seasons.
14-Some parents have busy schedules. They can’t help their child with homework.
15-Students have access to technology. Their test scores improve.
16-The teacher provides help in the classroom. Technology assists learning at any time.
Grammar practice.
Collected by Teacher Na3im.

Combine the following sentences using the connectors provided. Make any necessary changes.

Excerpts from previous BAC exam papers: 2008 / 2019. ‫ علوم تجريبية‬، ‫رياضيات‬، ‫ تقني رياضي‬، ‫تسيير واقتصاد‬

1-Many parents are furious at their country's dairy products industry. Their children have been contaminated by poisoned milk.
2-The authorities have warned people not to consume the contaminated milk. Some people still buy that milk.
3-Advertisers fill online games with advertisements. They want kids to buy their products.
4-To win games children arc encouraged to type in special codes. These special codes are found in packaging.
5-Some companies are unethical. It’s hard for them to reveal their financial situation.
6-A company will act responsibly. It will gain the confidence of its stakeholders.
7-Branding and packaging are important. They have become an integral part of the product.
8-You keep fit. You eat a balanced diet.
9-Americans eat in restaurants. The restaurants are reasonably priced.
10-The process of copying is easy. Students download whole sections of existing work.
11-Ethical principles are maintained. Educators transmit the traditions of ethical thinking to each generation of students.
12-People are reminded of moral standards. They don’t cheat.
13-Some employees may deceive their bosses. They want to earn more money.

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