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At Lecturer’s Room
Dilla : (knocking the door) Assalamu’alaikum.
Prof. Aini : Wa’alaikumussalam.
Dilla : May I come in?
Prof. Aini : Yes, please.
Dilla : Good morning Prof. Aini. (shaking the lecturer’s hand)
Prof. Aini : Good morning. Please have a seat.
Dilla : Thank you. My name is Dilla. I’m your student in Educational
Psychology class.
Prof. Aini : Oh, what major are you?
Dilla : My major is Architecture. I come to your room to submit my final
Prof. Aini : I see. Let me check your paper first, please.
Dilla : Alright. Here you are.
Prof. Aini : (Looking at the student’s paper at a glance) Hmm… I think you have
done it well.
Dilla : Alhamdulillah. So, is my paper accepted, ma’am?
Prof. Aini : Yes, of course. You can just put it on that shelf and I will continue to
check it thoroughly tomorrow morning.
Dilla : OK, Prof. Aini. Excuse me. (going straight to the shelf)
Prof Aini : Err… Dilla.
Dilla : Yes.
Prof. Aini : I’m afraid I have to be going now. I have a class in Nursing School.
Dilla : Alright, Prof. Maybe we can talk again later. I also have an
appointment with my classmate in the library.
Prof. Aini : Until the next time, Dilla.
Dilla : Good-bye Prof. Assalamu’alaikum
Prof. Aini : Wa’alaikumussalam.

Answer the following questions:
1. What is the student’s major?
2. Why did the student come to meet the Professor?
3. When will the professor completely check the student’s paper?
4. According to the dialogue, what class does the Professor have to teach?
5. Why does the student have to go to the library?
At the Library
Hafshah : Assalamu’alaikum.
Librarian : Wa’alaikumussalam.
Hafshah : My name is Hafshah. I’m a midwifery student.
Librarian : Please to meet you, Miss. Hafshah. I’m Suherman, one of the
librarians here.
Hafshah : Please to meet you too, Mr. Suherman. I would like to have a
library’s card. Would you mind helping me with that?
Librarian : Of course, not. Do you bring your photograph with you?
Hafshah : I think I have it in my purse. Wait a second, please. (finding the
photograph in the purse). Alhamdulillah, here you are.
Librarian : Nice. I will ask you several questions to fill in the form on the library’s
Hafshah : Okay, Never mind.
Librarian : What is your full name?
Hafshah : Hafshah Zulaikha.
Librarian : How do you spell that?
Hafshah : H-A-F-S-H-A-H Z-U-L-A-I-K-H-A
Librarian : Okay. What’s your date of birth?
Hafshah : 19 July 1994
Librarian : hmm… What’s your address?
Hafshah : Jl. Sudirman No. 46 Yogyakarta
Librarian : errr…. Sorry, what is your major again?
Hafshah : Midwifery.
Librarian : Okay. Please wait for a few minutes while I’m processing your data.
You may sit on the sofa.
Hafshah : Oh, Thank you.

A few minutes later…

Librarian : Hafshah Zulaikha
Hafshah : Yes?
Librarian : Your card is ready, miss. Please take it.
Hafshah : Oh, yeah.
Librarian : Please sign here, on the left side of the card.
Hafshah : Here? Next to my photograph?
Librarian : Yes, right there.
Hafshah : Hmm… Like this?
Librarian : Perfect. You can now use your card
Hafshah : Thank you very much, Mr. Suherman.
Librarian : Anytime.

1. What does Mr. Suherman do?
2. What is the student’s major?
3. What is the requirement to make a library’s card?
4. How old is the student now?
5. Where does the student live?
At Campus’ Corridor
 Assalamu’alaikum, Oemar.

 Wa’alaikumussalam.

 Oemar, may I introduce Farhan to you? He comes from Malaysia. He ha heard

about yoU and is very eager to meet you.

 I'm delighted. How do you do?

 How do you do?

 What part of Malaysia do you come from, Farhan?

 From Penang, though I was born and educated in Kuala Lumpur.

 Farhan’s father has recently been transferred to Yogyakarta. So, Farhan willy-nilly
has to move as well. He will continue his study here in our university.

 Great. Is this your first visit to Yogyakarta, Farhan?

 No. My father came here often on official business, and he liked to take my

 mother and me to come along with him.

 Oh, did you travel a lot when you were here?

 No, not really. We spent most of our times in the hotel where we stayed.

 But, sometimes we went to Malioboro to find some local souvenirs and enjoy

 traditional food from Yogyakarta.

 Hmm.. Do you like our traditional food?

 I think so. It tastes good on my tongue.

 Good, then. Anyway, my sister will get married this Sunday. I’m sure there

 will be various kinds of traditional foods from Yogyakarta on her wedding.

 You both are cordially invited.

 Seriously? I will be very happy to come.

 Yeah, me too. I’m wondering how Gudeg tastes like. Will I have it there?

 I bet you will. Gudeg is a must-served-food on such occasion. Please, do

 come.

 Insya Allah, I will.

 Yes, Insya Allah I will manage to come.

 See you there, guys. Bye

 Bye.
 and Adam

1. Was Oemar happy to meet Farhan?
2. Where does Farhan come from?
3. Why did Farhan move to Yogyakarta?
4. When will Oemar’s sister hold her wedding?
5. Do you think Farhan and Adam will attend the wedding?

A: Hi, Meta. How are you?
A: Not bad. Have you done the English assignment?

A: . . . Well, It’s been a pleasure.
A: Talk to you later, Abdul.

A: _____________________________________
B:Wa’alaikumussalam. Nice to meet you Musa.
A: ______________________________________
B: I’m from Bengkulu.

Raka: Andi, I would like you to meet Ikhsan, a good friend of mine.

Andi: Raka has told me a lot of good things about you, Ikhsan.

Zakky: Assalamu’alaikum Prof. David. It’s please to meet you.
Prof David:_________________________________. Have you finished your
Prof. David: ________________________________
Zakky: _____________________________________

A and B are students at the university in different department. They see each other in
the elevator.
1. greets B 1. greets A, asks about A’s first day class
2. Talks about his/her first day class, asks
about B’s class
2. answers question
3. Gives preclosing 3. replies to preclosing
4. closes Replies

A is a University Academic Staff. B is Student of Communication science. B would
like to pay for his/her semester tuition.
1. greets B 1. greets A, introduce his/her self
2. Introduce his/her self 2. Tell his/her reason coming to the office
3. Gives a help/asks several questions 3. answer the questions
4. closes 4. says thanks and replies to the closing
Three university students meet in university’s cafeteria at lunch time. A knows B
and C, but B and C don’t know each other. B has just finished his/her lunch when
she/he meets A and C.
1. greets B 1. greets A
2. introduces C 2. greets C 2. replies to B
3. asks C about his/her 3. tell what classes he/she is taking class

4. tells B how good is C on 4. Amazed on C’s 4. replies to the compliments

achievement his/her class

5. Gives preclosing 5. replies to preclosing

6. closes 6. closes
7. replies the closing

A is taking an introductory course in islamic study. A doesn’t know any of the
classmates very well and is nervous about an upcoming test. Finally, A decides to talk
to one of the students from the class and ask if they could study together.

1. greets B and introduce his/her self 1. greets A
2. explains the problem, and offer a 2. accepts suggestion and makes
arrangements for the meeting or reject
suggestion and give reason suggestion

3. expresses pleasure/thanks or expresses 3. replies to preclosing

regret, gives preclosing

4. closes 4.replies

Professor A and student B meet in the corridor. B has a class in another building and
is already late, but doesn’t want to be rude to Professor A, who is friendly and
talkative this morning.

A is a new student at the university and wants to make new friends. A introduces
himself or herself to B, who seems know the campus well.

At Campus’ gate
Fikri : Hi, Good morning.
Hasan : Good morning.
Fikri : My name is Fikri, a Management student.
Hasan :Hi, Fikri. I’m Hasan, from Communication Department.
(shaking hand)
Fikri : I’m really sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me how
I can getto the Soekarno-Hatta’s building? I’m going to have
a class there at 7.30 in room201.
Hasan : Yes. No problem. It's that way. You only need to keep
straight ahead. Then, after you pass the library you have to turn left. After that,
take your first right and it's just across from the bus stop. You cannot miss
Fikri : Thank you so much! It’s my first day at the university, so I
don't know
how to get anywhere yet.
Hasan : Oh, I know that feeling. My brother and I have started the
course here
since 6 months ago, and I still don't know how to find certain places! This
university is so big.
Fikri : It really is. So, just to double check. Keep walking straight
ahead till I
pass the library, then I have to turn left and take the first right. Then it's
across the bus stop. Is that correct?
Hasan : Yes, that is correct.
Fikri : Well, thanks for helping me. I must go now. My class will be
started in
5 minutes. Hopefully I haven't miss it!
Hasan : OK, bye.

1. What are the speakers’ major?
2. Where does Fikri’s class take place this morning?
3. Do you think Fikri is a new student at the university?
4. How long has Hasan studied in the university?
5. What building Fikri has to pass to get to his class?
At Dean’s Room
Amir : Assalamu’alaikum
Secretary : Wa’alaikumussalam. May I help you?
Amir : Yes. I would like to meet Prof. Muhammad. Is the professor in the
Secretary : Oh, have you made any appointment previously?
Amir : Yes. I have sent him a message and he is willing to meet me at 1.p.m
Secretary : Alright. It’s a quarter to one, now. I think the professor is still attending
the seminar upstairs.
Amir : Oh, I see.
Secretary : You can wait for him here or you can go directly to the seminar’s room.
Amir : Is it alright if I wait for the professor upstairs, in front of the seminar’s
Secretary : Yes, I think so. The professor is fine to meet anywhere.
Amir : OK, then. I think I will go straight to the seminar’s room. But, anyway,
can you direct me to the seminar’s room?
Secretary : Oh, it’s just upstairs, the second floor. You can pass this corridor
and go up the stairs. When you get the second floor, you will see the
seminar’s room on your right side, at the corner of the floor.
Amir : Is there any elevator in this building? I had an accident last two weeks,
my leg is still painful.
Secretary : Oh I’m sorry to hear that. Yes, there is an elevator in this building for
sure. It is right there, just one block from this room. But you need to be patient a
little bit because it’s usually crowded at this time.
Amir : Hmm.. Well, No problem. I’ll take the elevator. Thanks for your help.
Secretary : You’re welcome.
1. What time did the student come to meet the professor?
2. Where is the professor now?
3. What happened to the student last two weeks?

A: Assalamu’alaikum
B: Wa’alaikumussalam
A: __________________________?
B: You mean Diponegoro Hall?
B: That’s easy. Just_________________________
A: ________________________
B: Don’t mention it.
B: Excuse me. Do you know where Laboratory is?
A: ________________________________. Just go through this corridor, then turn
right. The Laboratory is on your left. You will see the room’s sign.
A: ______________________________________________
B: My pleasure.

A will have a class in Teuku Umar Hall in room 105. He/she does not know where the
room is. He/she meets B and asks for the direction to the room.
1. greets B 1. replies
2. explains situation, asks where Teuku
Umar Hall is
2. gives direction
3. asks for clarification and where 105
room is
3. reexplain the direction, and gives
complete direction to 105 room
4. repeats directions 4. confirms directions
5. thanks B 5. replies to thanks

A is a student from Communication Department. He/She would like to attend an
international conference in Diponegoro Hall. He/she has arrived at the hall’s lobby
but does not know where the conference exactly takes place. He/she then goes to meet
the receptionist.
1. smile 1. greets A
2. replies 2. offers help
3. explains the situation and asks where
the conference takes place
3. gives direction
4. thanks B 4. replies to thank
5. thanks B 5. replies to thank
Pair practice
You are A and your partner is B. Ask B how to get to these places. Write the
numbers on the map. Answer B’s questions. Always start from the starting point.
You are strongly prohibited to look at your partner’s map. Take turns.
1. Cafeteria 4. The park
2. Hospital 5. Soeharto Hall
3. Laboratory 6. Masjid

You are B and your partner is A. Answer A’s questions. Ask B how to get to these
places. Write the numbers on the map. Answer B’s questions. Always start from the
starting point. You are strongly prohibited to look at your partner’s map. Take turns.
1. Food court 4. Psychology Department
2. Pharmacy 5. School of Midwifery
3. School of Nursing 6. Parking area

Lecturer : May I have your attention, please?
Student 1 : Shhhhhh!
Lecturer : Now to begin with, let's be clear what we mean by
learning style.Learning style is the easiest way to
learn or study. Different people
have different learning style. Now, do you know how many basic
learning style that have been identified by psychologist?
Student 1 : Pardon, can you repeat your question, Sir?
Lecturer : OK, can you mention how may types of learning
Student 1 : There seven basic learning styles, Sir.
Lecturer : Seven, yes. What are they?
Student 2 : Linguistics, Logical, Visual, Musical, Kinesthetic,
and.. errr..
Student 3 : Can I add something? The last two types are
Intrapersonal and
Lecturer : Yeah… excellent! So we are going to talk about
linguistics first.
Based on the situations in the pictures, can you think of what will you say
to your lecturer when you are in the situations.
Student 4 : (knock..knock) I’m sorry, Sir. I’m late. Can I
come in?
Lecturer : OK, but tell me why are you late?
Student 4 : I had to pay the tuition in the bank and queued for
an hour. I’m so
sorry, Sir.
Lecturer : It’s okay. Please sit down. you know
how do linguistics
people learn?
Student 1 : These people learn by using language, Sir.
Lecturer : That’s right.
Student 4 : What does it mean by using language, Sir.
Lecturer : Good question. Using language means linguistics
people learnthrough listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Do you follow me?
Students : Yes, sir.

Answer these following comprehension questions based on the conversation.

1. Where does the conversation take place?
2. What does student 1 say when she does not get the question?
3. What does student 3 say when he comes late?
4. Why are he late?
5. Can you analyze the sentences in bold?

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