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AB-Philosophy 2

Environmental Science

The sound of silence crept unto my ears as darkness enveloped my peach colored room, I
lay awake on my bed, staring blankly up to my ceiling, gone the interests of reading my newly
purchased book or scribble in my phone. Goodness, I shouldn’t have taken coffee before going
to bed, it’s past two in the morning already, most of the people must be sleeping soundly while
I’m on my bed, sleep hardly visited me.

I’m not a coffee person, I just drink them during midterm week or finals, pretty much like
any other individual relaying to the power of caffeine, it boost me up to stay late at night where
I can stay awake to review. However, there times that I would get a mug and stir my self a
coffee just because I like it, this would leave me wide opened after I consumed it and would
cause me a staring contest with my ceiling which is not fun to do in the middle of the night.

If I were to be asked what is it that I can fully commit to eliminate in my life that would be
coffee although I have already swear to myself for nth time already that I’ll stop consuming
one, but in desperate times my system seeks for it help, and with that whenever I feel like
drinking one I would just gulp for water and I’ll look for other alternative that would make me
wide awake if I needed to be. Thus, starting tomorrow (October 23,2019), I promise to my self
and for other entity as a witnessed while I’m writing this one, that I’ll never sip a coffee as I
live in this material world no matter how much I needed it to energized my blood.

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