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“Spending a day all by yourself” This phrase may seem very common but it carries a lot of

weight. As a normal person, we have always been surrounded by people all the time. When we’re in
school, we spend half of our day with our classmates and teachers. When we go home, we spend
the rest of the day with our family members. During the weekends, there will always be other plans
such as, family gatherings, attending tuitions, doing house chores and others . As much as it is crucial
to spend time with the people around us, it is also vital to give our self some space.

If I had been offered to spend a day for myself, there would be several stuffs that I would do to
make that day unforgettable. Apparently, my house is located on the hilltop. Every morning, I would
feel the sunrays gleam through my window, illuminating my entire room. I would hear the birds
chirping, perched on the branch of the tree. I presume that it will at least take five minutes to drag
my body from my bed to the bathroom. As soon I turn on the shower, my body would start getting
drenched by the hot water and eventually I would feel my body muscle relax by the steam of the
water. I am confined from going to the spa and beauty parlours until I reach the age of 25. So, my
pretend-to-be spa is my bathroom. I wouldn’t mind spending hours in it.

If I’m about to spend the day for myself, I would consider wearing my favourite yet the comfiest
clothes ever which is a hooded sweatshirt and a high waist pants. For my breakfast, I would prefer
making myself a banjo and a cup of coffee. I’m the eldest child of the family and I’ve been taught to
be independent in several ways. Preparing myself a breakfast without troubling my mother is one
way of it. After having my breakfast, I would shove all my items like, headphones, charger, purse and
a novel in my back pack and spring into the pavement with my bike. The Borders bookstore is
located at the downtown. It will take approximately 25 minutes from my place to the Borders

The best part of the Borders bookstore is they provide couches, tables for their readers. They also
have this tiny cafeteria where you can get your favourite beverages. They have all sorts of books,
like, colouring books, magazines, literatures, books that cover world geography. I would lose my
track of time over there. I love to hang out at the Borders because they let their customers access
their Wi-Fi. By the time I walk out from the Borders, it would be 2.30 p.m. I would see the palm trees
planted on the roadside swaying gently in the breeze in the warm tropical sunshine. Well, that’s the
undeniable fact of Evergreen County. It is always idyllic. I would see the sun shining brightly,
spreading its glow throughout everywhere and I would still feel the breeze caressing my cheeks.
Next, I would go find a perfect restaurant to get my lunch. I prefer having Chinese food. The
price is definitely affordable though the portion of their meals are be large. Chinese food has always
sated my hunger. Once I’m done with my lunch, I bet that I wouldn’t have the energy to ride the
bike, instead I would rather saunter to the nearest shopping mall. We get most of our items at the
nearest mall. I let my parents do the grocery shopping. I go to the mall to check out on the latest
arrivals at H&M, Padini and also the Brands Outlet. I’m not the person that spends my money on
clothing. I just love to look at the designs. I’m aware that if I buy something unnecessarily, I should
be prepared to have a discussion on why I bought those at home. I would rather not complicate my
life. I’m grateful and happy with what I have.

I presume by the time I get out of the mall, it would be 6.30 p.m. I would have to be back home
by 7.30 p.m. I’m confined to these rules. No matter where I am, I should be home before sunset. One
my way back home, I would listen to my soundtracks. Music tackles a human’s mind in a different
way. I always find music hoisting up my spirit. Once, I reach home, I would just go take my bath
again. Like I said, it would feel like heaven. My stress and pain would melt down by the steam. After
that, I would just wear my pyjamas and head out to the kitchen. As much as I love trying various
food outside, I would love cooking my own food too. I have learnt all these from the YouTube. As
much as I love cooking, I also loathe cleaning up the kitchen at the end. The last stuff I would want to
do is continue binge watching my favourite Netflix series which 13 Reasons Why. This is how I would
spend a day by myself.

In conclusion, spending time alone encourages me to be more independent. When I am

alone I can focus on personal progress, problem solving and enjoying myself which I believe the vital
aspect in self- love. Being in solitude helps us regulate our emotions, it can have a calming effect that
prepares us to better engage with others. I feel being yourself with no distractions gives you the
chance to clear your mind ,focus and think more clearly and it is a great way to recharge.

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