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1. The nurse calls together an interdisciplinary team with members from

medicine, social service, the clergy, and nutritional services to care for a
patient with a terminal illness. Which of the following types of care would
the team MOST likely be providing?
a- Palliative
b- Curative
c- Respite
d- Preventive
2. A six year – old patient has been diagnosed with acute rheumatic fever. The nurse
knows that the antibiotic of choice for this illness is:
a- Benzathine penicillin (Megacillin)
b- Amoxicillin(Amoxil)
c- Erythromycin(Erythrosine)
d- Vancomycin(Vancocin)

3. A 20 year – old woman takes cyclosporine 100 mg by mouth twice per day. She had
Transplant two months ago and complains of dizziness, shortness of breath, light
headedness and fatigue.
Capillary refill >3.
Blood pressure 90/50 mmHg
Heart rate, irregular 100/min
Respiratory rate28/mm
Temperature 38.0°C
What is the most likely underlying cause of the patient's problem?
a- Cyclosporine toxicity
b- Hyperkalemia
c- Organ rejection
d- Infection

4. In evaluating a patient after a cerebrovascular accident (eVA), which of the following

is an expected outcome of the nursing diagnosis of impaired physical mobility related
to motor deficits?
a- Oriented to person, lace, and time
b- Maintains body alignment, no contractures
c- Communicates appropriately
d- Voids on command at 2-hour intervals

5. A patient has come to the clinic for follow- up one week after being discharged from
the hospital for treatment of a hypertensive crisis. Blood pressure stabilized at
The patient report feeling well, has no edema, and no longer has daily headaches.
Blood pressure is 156/90mmHg. During evaluation the patient admits to having stopped
taking medication that had been ordered because headaches are no longer present. Unless
the symptoms return, the patient states they will not be returning to the clinic.What should
the nurse do?
a- Continue car plan as written
b- Refer pt to dietitian ‫جاني نفس السؤال بس‬
‫صياغة غير والجواب نفسه‬
c- Add a new problem to the care plan, non- compliance
‫ الغامدي‬77 ‫سؤال‬

6. A woman who has been discharged from hospital with a permanent colostomy in lace
is per forming irrigation at home for the first time. After five minutes from the start of
the procedure, she begins to have stomach cramps. Which intervention would most
likely decrease the symptoms?
a- Increase the flow of irrigation solution
b- Decrease the temperature of the water
c- Clamp the catheter for 1- 2 minutes
d- Elevate the bag of irrigation solution

7. A patient is on oxygen using a nasal cannula at home. The doctor has ordered this
patient to receive oxygen 6L. The oxygen concentration is at:
a- 20%
b- 27
c- 35 ‫ الغامدي و‬127 ‫نفس فكرة سؤال‬
d- 42 ‫نفس الشارت اللي بالسؤال‬

8. During surgery requiring general anesthesia, the patient's heart stops and a carotid
pulse is not palpated. How many compressions per minute should be administered?
a- 50
b- 60
c- 80
d- 100

9. A 22 year – old man presented to the Mental Health Clinic with a low - mood, a
general loss of interest in activities and inability to experience pleasure. He admitted to
suicidal thoughts and extreme lack of energy. He was prescribed a
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor to be taken daily. One month later, he presented to the
clinic and reports feeling more energetic, but still has a low- mood.
What is the patient's level of risk committing suicide at this time?
a- None
b- Low
c- Medium
d- High

10. A nurse is documenting in patient records several events that occurred during
home visits. Which of the following is an example of the correct way to document
patient information?

a- Patient fell walking to bathroom. Busy preparing for sterile dressing change when
patient left the room
b- Patient got out of bed without assistance. Denies any symptoms when ambulating
c- Patient sitting in chair. Strict bedrest orders ignored
d- Patient showering. Electronic epidural infusion pump on floor by shower stall

11. A patient who is preparing for hip surgery has an order for external pneumatic
compression devices. The nurse teaches the patient that pneumatic compression can
help prevent:
a- Upper respiratory infection
b- Decreased breath sounds
c- Deep vein thrombosis
d- Bleeding at the surgical site

12. A 30 year – old married man presents to the clinic with complaints of feeling sad
for the past three months. He is unable to maintain a regular sleep routine, has lost his
appetite and has difficulty concentrating. He is prescribed a medication which prevents

the reuptake of specific neurotransmitters that could Contribute to his mental health
problem. Which side effects would be most important for the nurse to advise the
patient of?
a- Polyuria
b- Photophobia
c- Fluid retention
d- Sexual dysfunction

13. A 34 year-old quadriplegia patient resides at home with his wife. In order to
prevent Contractures of all extremities, the community care nurse will instruct the
patient’s Wife in performance of:
A. Active range of motion exercises .
cast ‫اذا المريض عنده جبيرة‬
B. Passive range of motion exercises
.C. Active-assistive range of motion exercises . Isometric exercise
D. Resistive range of motion exercises . ‫اذا طبيعي مافيه شي‬

Active range of motion

14. The nurse is caring for full-term newborn who was delivered vaginally 5minutes ago.
The infant’s APGAR Score was 8 at one minute and 10 at 5minutes. Which of the
following has the highest priority?

a. Maintaining the infant in the supine position

b. Assessing the infant’s red reflex
c. Preventing heat loss from the infant
d. Administering humidified oxygen to the infant

15. A 6-year-old patient has been diagnosed with acute rheumatic fever. Then nurse
knows that the antibiotic of choice for this illness is:
a. Bezathgine penicillin(Megacillin)
b. Amoxicillin (Amoxil)
c. Erythromycin (Eryhrocin)
d. Vancomycin (Vancocin)

16. Prior to initiating therapy with unfractionated heparin for a patient hospitalized with a
deep vein thrombosis, the nurse should plan to:

a. Weigh the patient

b. Administer aspirin
c. Limit fluid intake
d. Undress the patient

17. An infant who weighs 9 kg (19.8 lbs) requires 900ml of fluids per day for
maintenance fluids. The infant typically consumes 120ml during each feeding. The infant
must have how many feedings per day to meet the fluid maintenance needs?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 10
d. 12

18. A co-worker informs that the nurse about experiencing increased level of stress
associated with daily responsibilities to help cope with professional stress, the nurse
should encourage the co-worker to ;
a. Make a list of unfinished tasks
b. complete complex mental task before physical tasks
c. Acknowledge daily accomplishments
d. Spend time with colleague away from work

19. A patient is seen in the emergency department with complaints of angina.

Nitroglycerin (Nitrostat) is ordered by the physician. This medication is to be
administered via which of the following routes?
a. Intradermal
b. Buccal
c. Parental
d. Topical

20. The nurse receives an order to obtain an arterial blood gas (ABG) specimen on a
patient. The nurse will use the radial artery to obtain the specimen. Which of the
following will the nurse assess before puncturing the radial artery?
a. Allen test
b. Partial pressure of arterial oxygen
c. Partial carbon dioxide
d. Prothrombin time

21. A 21-year-old female is being discharged after a 2-day admission for pelvic
inflammatory disease (PID). Which statement BEST identifies the patients understanding
of follow-up care for PID?
a. “My sexual partner needs to be treated with antibiotics”
b. “It’s OK to resume sexual relation now”
c. “I need to inform any sexual partners I have had in the past 30 days that I had PID”
d. “In order to prevent getting PID I need to continue to take birth control pills"

22. The responsibility for teaching patients how to take medications safely when they are
discharged from the hospital belongs to the:
a. Nurse
b. Physician b ‫ وناس قالو‬a ‫ناس قالو‬

23. Which of the following discharge planning instructions takes PRIORITY in patient
with congestive heart failure?
a. Maintaining a low cholesterol, low sodium and low potassium diet
b. Recognizing signs and symptoms that require immediate medical attention
c. The importance of remaining physically active
d. The importance of drinking plenty of fluid

24. During the assessment phase of a preoperative interview, the patient reports feeling
nervous. The patient conveys to the nurse that a parent died in surgery due to malignant
hyperthermia. To whom would this information be MOST pertinent?
a. Post-anesthesia care unit(PACU) nurse
b. Scrub nurse
c. Anesthesia team
d. Charge nurse

25. During surgery, the patient has the following intake and output: intravenous fluid
650cc, intravenous antibiotic 50cc, I unit of packed red blood cells (PRBC)
350cc,nasogastric output 120cc, estimated blood loss 80cc, and urine in the Foley
catheter 240cc. What is the patient’s total output?
a. 120cc
‫تجمعون اللي اشرت عليه بالسؤال‬

b. 200cc
c. 240cc
d. 440cc

26. When planning a class on pregnancy, the nurse should include symptoms of
pregnancy that must be reported immediately, such as:
a. Leg cramps
b. Vision disturbance
c. Swelling of the legs
d. Constipation

27. The nurse is caring for a patient two hours after a pacemaker placement. The patient
suddenly starts complaining of chest pain. The nurse observes dyspnoea, cyanosis and
absent breath sounds on the right side. The nurse should anticipate what complications?
a. Hemothorax
b. Perforation of the heart
c. Pneumothorax

d. Hemorrhage
28. A patient report difficulty sleeping through the night since the death of spouse 6
months ago which of the following is an appropriate LONG term goal?
a. Feeling well rested each morning
b. Not feeling tired each afternoon
c. Taking brief nap in the middle of the day
d. Using sleep aid on a nightly basis


Which of the following anatomical best describe the motion in picture above?

34. which of the following sign indicate patient has meningitis:

Positive brudzinski sign

35. 5 years-old patient hospitalized which of the following reduced anxiety: Play
36. effect of regular insulin: 30- 60 minutes
37. patient take many medication which of the following medications increased risk for
a. metformin
b. warfarin

38. which of the following should withheld Digoxin and report to the physician?
HR= 51 ( bradicardia)
39. Myopia )‫ (قصر النظر‬definition
the ability to see close objects more clearly than distant objects.
40. Nurse educate students about healthy diet to prevent disease what is the level of
prevention? Primary prevention

41. goal of pap smear? Early detection

42. disadvantage of democratic? Not use in emergency
43. How to explain Craniotomy endoscopic to the patient? involves the insertion of a
lighted scope with a camera into the brain through a small incision in the skull.,P08767

44. Vaccine for 6 months infant?

At birth BCG Hepatitis B
2 months Hepatitis B DTap Rota HIB IPV PCV
(HEP B) Diphtheria, Homophiles Inactivated Pneumococcal
tetanus, and Influenza polio vaccine conjugate vaccine
pertussis Type B
4 months HEP B DTap Rota HIB IPV PCV
Oral polio
9 months Measles MCV4
12 months PCV OPV MMR MCV4

mumps and
18 months HIB OPV Varicella MMR HEP A DTaP
2 years HEP A
4-6 years Varicella MMR OPV DTaP

45. most accurate diagnosis to detect TB?

‫وبالسؤال يقصد الفحص الدقيق الكتشاف مرض‬
a. motex skin test ‫السل والمريض بالسؤال محتمل اصابته فيه‬

‫كيف نتاكد ان مافيه المرض؟ بعد مانسوي‬

b. x. ray ‫ مرات‬3 ‫المزرعة وتكون نيقاتيف‬

c. sputum culture

46. Case manager definition? Coordination


47. Abg
Pa02 Co2 PH HCO3
80 - 100 35 - 45 7.35 – 7.45 22 - 26

Co3 Ph
‫يشبهون بعض دوم‬

Acidosis ( less than)‫اقل من‬ Alkalosis (more than) ‫اعلى من‬

7.35 7.45
22 26
Co2 Ph ‫يكرهون بعض دوم معاكسين‬

Acidosis ( more than)‫اعلى من‬ Alkalosis (less than) ‫اقل من‬

45 35

‫نجي للحالة األولى اذا ‪ph‬طبيعية يكونون ثاني اكسيد الكربون و البيكربونات ابنورمال‬
‫فكيف يكون الحل؟ نشوف أي وحدة فيهم بعيد عن المعدل الطبيعي و الحل على اساسه‬
‫مثال‪ph= 7.35/ co2= 60/ co3= 30 :‬‬
‫‪Acidosis‬‬ ‫‪normal‬‬ ‫‪alkalosis‬‬
‫‪Co2 = 60‬‬ ‫‪ph‬‬ ‫‪Co3= 30‬‬
‫دايم سوو جدول زي هذا عشان يكون سهل عليكم‬
‫طيب الحين طلع ان ثاني اكسيد الكربون اعلى من المعدل الطبيعي بكثير يعني المشكلة في التنفس و ‪ph‬طبيعية فنقول‬
‫‪Compensated respiratory acidosis‬‬

‫نجي للحالة الثانية اذا ‪ph‬مش طبيعية يكونون ثاني اكسيد الكربون و البيكربونات واحد منهم نورمال والثاني ال‬
‫فكيف يكون الحل؟ نشوف حامضي او قاعدي من ‪ph‬‬
‫‪ph= 7.2/ co2= 35/ co3= 10‬‬ ‫مثال‪:‬‬
‫‪Uncompensated metabolic acidosis‬‬ ‫‪Acidosis‬‬ ‫‪normal‬‬ ‫‪alkalosis‬‬
‫‪Ph / Co3‬‬ ‫‪Co2‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

48. patient with pacmecare education? Avoid MRI

49. nurse meet many patients during meeting some of patients have concern what should
the nurse do? Lessen concern…‫مش متاكدة‬

‫هنا السؤال يقصد انو في مرضى يشتكون من الستاف واألكل فشنو‬

‫تسوي الممرضة معهم؟‬

‫اخترت انو تسمعهم وبعدين تعطيهم رايها وتحل المشكلة‬


50. both parent have sickle disease? 100% of children have a disease




51. Therapeutic treatment? Encourage patient to verbalize feelings


52. patient with suspected TB will go to x ray who is the one should wear mask?
a. Patient
‫وفي ناس جاهم خيار الممرضة و النيرس صحيح‬
b. Nurse
c. Technician
53.Health care team develop new treatment which prevent death but not a disease?
Increase prevalence
54. type of study of the association between Cancer and Bluetooth? Cohort

‫ بعدين يشوفون‬.. ‫ القروب الثاني ال‬..‫ قروب يعرضونهم للفاكتور وبالهسؤال هو البلوتوث‬..‫الدراسة هذي يقارنون فيها بين قروبين‬
‫ وتكون بوقت معين محدد‬..‫هل جاهم المرض او ال‬

55. 10 years- old patient with fracture refused to talk with nurse. How the nurse deal with
a. continue the procedure
b, refer patient to psycatric
c. friendly ….. ‫مش متأكدة‬
56. 100 intern students total weight= 75 +-10 / how much proportion between 65 kg and
85 kg? 34%, 50%, 95%
%68 ‫ في ناس جاهم خيارات غير نفس اللي شرحته دلع وكان‬%50 ‫انا جاوبته‬

‫شوفو شرحها‬

57. patient came in ER with sexual abuse, the nurse want take photo from her and take a
history, what should the nurse do? Take consent…. ‫مش متأكدة‬

58. chest compression location

‫الصورة هذي للتوضيح‬

‫باالختبار كان صورة قفص‬
‫صدري وحاط عليها حروف‬

59. which of the following nurse should advice patient who take Lithium? Increased fluid
‫الليثيوم يأثر ع الثايرويد‬

60. How deal with patient has Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in school?
‫مكان هادئ‬
61. Epidemic source? Water contamination ‫واذا قال يبغى ابيديميك ديزيز يكون الحل‬Tb

62. Vaginal discharge green with foul odor, painful during urination? Trichomonas

63. Community health nurse go to the elderly patient with CVA but her daughter want to
go work, what should the nurse do? Arrange another visit

64. Pregnant come to gynecological want to mischarge, midwife advised her to not do
that, what method of midwife advise? Ethical response
65. A woman who is pregnant with a girl and does not want her husband to know? Share
66. nurse missing medication then she call the pharmacist to tall hem about that?
67. which age of the following the children feel hospitalized is punishment? Preschool

68. Patient ask nurse to not tell anyone about her disease except her husband?
69. which of the following site nurse should avoid to take temperature if the patient has
heart attack? Rectal
70. what should nurse do if she/ has error document? Draw line and wright error, then

- Write her error in special space

- Take another sheet
71. Manager give one day off because patient tell charge nurse/ she is good nurse what is
the type of action? Encourage & reward
72- Morphine for any type of pain? Severe
73- patient repeat what the mother say…? Clearfication ‫هالسؤال ناسية تفاصيله بس موجود‬
74. How evaluate nurses? Patient satisfaction ‫كمان هنا ناسية السؤال ومش متاكدة من الجواب‬
75. Type of study for cardiac disease 1992 complete in 1996? cohort
76. Plastic factory for some employee have study association between cancer and
factory? Case control

77. Pregnant come to gynecological for assessment and has rash in sole of feet and palm
of hand what should nurse do? Infection control
78. Pregnant has elective cesarean suction what should nurse do? Tell her about
anesthesia type
79. pregnant tell the nurse she can't take contraceptive pill because she and her family
this type of control birth cause ‫عقم‬, what is the problem the nurse have to …?
- Family
- educational and understanding
- pregnancy and birth
80. how the nurse let childe to talk with her? Greeting and show friendly
81. pregnant with HIV positive? Prevent infection
82. nurse go to the cafeteria and she see 2 men fighting with each other one of them
shouting and the other go away from him? Assault ‫اعتداء لفظي‬
Butry ‫اعتداء لفظي وجسدي وادخلو قناة دلع في ملف شرح لها‬

83. Name of cataract surgery? ICCE

84. how the nurse know if the elderly patient has abuse?
- Path the patient and check her.
- Malnutrition
- Bed sore ‫احترت بذا والمالنرشمنت‬
85. nephrostomy? 3 ‫اقرأو عنه غير عن مستند‬
86. which of the following is priority?
- Mom can doesn't know how breastfeeding
-elderly women who was current diagnosis pneumonia before 3 days

- Patient with chest pain

- Patient eat all the Lasix.
Survival Death
40 60
60 40
40 * 40 = 0.44
60 * 60
88, 89 abgar score
90, 91 GCS
Patient with GCS 6 what the symptom should the nurse anticipate?
Decorebrate …. ‫ جاوبت ذا مش متاكدة‬

92. color of amniotic fluid? Yellow (normal)

93. Placenta in lower uterine? Placenta previa

94. ‫مريض عنده حرق وسوا شي غلط بالجرح والممرضة بعد الكيرنصحته مايعيده وهو اعتذر منها؟‬
- Change agent
- Nursing advocator
- Nursing care
‫اقراو الن ناسية السؤال بس هو يبي عن انواع الكريات البيضاء‬
96. ‫اقراو عن انواع جراحة الثدي وتعاريفها‬

97. ‫طفل عنده انيميا والدكتور عطاه حديد و دايت ليش؟‬

‫الطفل عنده ضعف بامتصاص الحديد‬

98. how the manager evaluate staff?

- when delegate task
- focus on strength point only
- every meeting tell them about goal
- close meeting if necessary
99. ‫مريضة استئصلو منها الثدي المطلوب وين تروح بعد الخروج من المستشفى وفي جدول حاطين انواع لل‬
Therapeutic ‫وامثله له الجدول سهل وبتعرفون الجواب‬

100. patient with tachypnea, thick secretion and low saturation?

- Oxygen
- suction
101. sign of plural effusion? Fine crackle sound
102. sign if cardiac tamponed?
- 140/90 Tachycardia, tachypnea,
- paradoxes pulse 40 during inspiration hypotension, dyspnea,
increased CVP, Distention
- deviated tachycardia neck vein, Muffled sound,
altered mental status, pulse
-absent lung sound paradoxes

‫دراسة ب‪ 80‬جزيرة صار لهم انفجار قبل ‪ 20‬سنة وحصل لهم مرض سوو دراسة بين الناس القريبة من ‪103.‬‬
‫االنفجار و بين الناس اللي بعيدة عنه يبغى نوع الدراسة‬
‫‪Case control‬‬
‫‪Case crosser‬‬
‫‪Case tries‬‬
‫‪104. comparison between weight baby for mother have high education and mother with‬‬
‫‪low education? correlation‬‬
‫? ‪105. Diabetic patient systolic pressure( +-20) 150/ systolic for 95%‬‬
‫في قاعدة هذي حفظ اذا كان طالب بالسؤال ‪ %68‬معناها نضرب الوحدة اللي بالسؤال وهي ‪ 20‬ب ‪1‬‬
‫واذا كان طالب ‪ %95‬معناها نضرب ‪ 20‬ب ‪2‬‬
‫واذا كان طالب ‪ %99‬معناها نضرب ‪ 20‬ب ‪3‬‬
‫نرجع الجابة السؤال ‪ 40 =2*20‬فنقول ‪ 40 -150 \ 40+150‬الجواب ‪190-110‬‬

106. Alzheimer patient his son signed the consent, the patient lost which of the
following? Autonomy


6. Dysarthria: difficult forming word

‫يعني المريض يتلعثم‬

Disphasia: impaired speech

‫يعني مشكلة في الكالم‬

aphasia : defective or loss of speech

‫صعوبة الكالم او النطق‬
‫ انواع‬3 ‫هنا بالصعوبة الكالم في‬
not able to speak
‫مايقدر يتكلم‬

not comperhend spoken
‫مشكلة بنطق الكالم‬

‫يشمل النوعين اللي قبل‬

10. pt with bradycardia? Atropine ‫شوفو ملخصي تبع التخطيط‬

11. pre op stop medication? Anticoagulant ‫ وارفرين‬and antiplatelet
14. yellowish face signs of what?

‫نيرس راحت لمتابعة حالة مريضة ولدت من اسبوع الحظت ان الطفل لما يرضع فجأة يتوقف ويطلع من خشمه الحليب هذي‬.17
cleft lip palate‫اعراض ايش؟‬
18. MI? in ecg … ST elevation and q wave abnormality.. lap result: elevation CK- enzyme, troponin

19. Type of abuse? Physical abuse – ‫هنا المريضة شافت جروح ع الطفل فيعتبر من ضمن‬

20. chest pain every 2 days, sweating, vision disturbance, stress, tremor? Panic disorder

21. specific gravity ..

increase self esteem ‫هذا ؟‬session ‫ ممرضة تعمل تمارين لكبار في السن وحفلة ايش فايدة‬.23
new activity‫ مريض يتجول بالمستشفى طفشان و يهاوش ايش تسوي النيرس؟‬.24

25. signs of shoulder fracture?

‫انا اشوف‬swelling of arm

29. The nurse is caring for patient with deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The patient’s heparin sodium
infusion has been discontinued and the patient is receiving prescribed warfarin sodium (Coumadin).
The nurse should advise the patient that which of the following needs to be continued?
a. Daily complete blood count (CBC)
b. Laboratory tests for partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
c. Strict bed rest
d. Wearing elasticized support stockings
30. Community health definition? Focus on groups of people with the primary responsibly being in
31. purpose of epidural anesthesia? Low Lower extremities sensation while awake

37. A patient with an unnecessary gait and a history of falls has a care plan intervention that includes
keeping the walker in reach and pathway free of obstacle. On evaluation after 1 week, the patient has had no
falls, but the gait remains unsteady. The nurse should:

a. Continue the plan of care as written

b. Allow the patient to replace the walker with a cane
c. Allow the patient to ambulate short distance without the walker
d. Have the patient practice stepping over small objects

38. Pulmonary secretion? Increase fluid intake

42. nurse administer nebulizer for patient after that she use stethoscope to check lung sound? Evaluation

44. Side effect of Penicillin? Upset stomach

45. ‫موجود بملف بو تركي انواع الترامنزشن‬

‫يعني فترة التبويض وسوا لها مشكلة بالرؤية ايش فاتصلت بالعيادة ايش اول نصيحة تقولها النيرس؟‬ovulation ‫ مريضة تاخذ عالج عشان‬.46

‫ بعدين تقولها تعالي العيادة‬stop medication ‫اول شي تقولها‬

47. Type of relationship for patient with copd at end stage? Termination
49. Long term side effect of manitol? Decrease urine output
51. Symptoms of diabetic insipidus? Thirst(polydipsia) polyuria
52. antidote ‫الصورة اللي عندكم‬
55. delegation to nursing assistant? Measure vital signs
60. hematoma vulva? Semi recumbent
61. A 26 year-old woman is receiving an intravenous infusion of 5% dextrose in 0.45% sodium
chloride. The intravenous had been started one day prior and now the patient complains of
tenderness at the site. On examination, the site is pink-coloured, swollen and tender to the touch
what is the most appropriate initial action?
A. Decrease the rate of infusion
B. Notify the doctor
C. Discontinue the infusion and make another site
D. Aspirate the injection port

66. ‫العصب المسبب أللم االسنان‬

67. Patient with problems of fine motor of finger referral to which of the following? Neurologist

69. post op appendectomy complication?

70. first organ affected by radioactive iodide ? Thyroid

71. A female pregnant 37 weeks came to ER with dark blood and severe cramping what is the
diagnosis? Bleeding or placenta abruption ‫مالقيت اجابة‬

85. to avoid respiratory complication after surgery should educate patient about use of:
Incentive spirometer


‫اكثر مكان يسحبون دم منه ‪Medial capital vein‬‬

‫اكثر مكان يحطون الكانيوال فيه اذا مالقو العرق هنا ‪Doral metacarpal vein‬‬
‫يبدون يصعدون لفوق‬

‫أولياء امر رضيع عنده التهاب باألذن الممرضة لحظت عليهم عدم المامهم‬
‫بحاله الطفل السؤال كيف تتخاطب معهم الممرضة ؟ الخيارات تقولهم‬
‫‪1‬الم باالذن‬
‫‪2‬التهاب بالصدر‬
‫مريض عنده كسر باالنف راجع الطوارئ كل العالمات الحيويه األخرى سليمه‬
‫تقييم حاله المريض بيكون ايش ؟‬
‫‪urgent -1‬‬
‫‪emergency -2‬‬
‫‪elective -3‬‬
‫‪immediate -4‬‬
‫ممرض الحظ جرح صغير بقدم رجل مريض بالسكر ايش يعمل الممرض ؟‬
‫‪dry dressing -1‬‬
‫‪antibiotic ointment -2‬‬
‫‪depridment -3‬‬

‫مريض عنده ‪ aortic aneurism‬مع ظهور أي عالمات نبلغ الطبيب ؟‬

‫‪local abdominal pain -1‬‬
‫‪chest pain radiate to neck and shouler -2‬‬
‫مريضة جات الطوارئ عندها تسمم ‪ co2 toxicity‬اعطيها اكسجين وايش نسوي بعدها؟ ‪ABG‬‬
‫مريض جا الطوارئ راحته كحول و اطراف جسمه مزرقه ممرضه استقبلت‬
‫الحاله الممرضه الثانيه ما المفروض انها تعمل ؟‬
‫‪lavag kit‬‬
‫؟ ‪Severe‬‬ ‫المورفين يعطى الي أنواع األلم‬
‫ماهي وضعيه تركيب القسطره المركزيه بالعنق ؟‪Trendelenburg‬‬
‫اول شي نشيك عليه لمريض عنده ارتفاع ‪ICP‬؟ ‪If patient have severe headache‬‬

‫مريضه راح يعمل لها منظار عن طريق الفم سالت الممرضه عن االجراء‬
‫الممرضه اخبرتها انه سيتم ادخال أنبوب عن طريق الفم وسيكون صعب عليها‬
‫وستشعر بعدم الراحه ولكنها مجبره عليه ما هو نوع التواصل اللي استعملته‬
‫الممرضه ؟ ‪assertive‬‬

‫مريض نفسي يعاني من أرق وفرض في الحركه وغير طبيعي اخته قامت‬
‫ كيف تعرف‬،، ‫بزيارته بالمستشفى وسالت الممرضه هل هو يأخذ الدواء‬
movement of jaw front and back‫الممرضه ان المريض منتظم على الدواء ؟‬
or chewing movement

‫ام تسال لماذا حليب االم افضل من االنواع االخرى ماهو افضل رد من‬
‫النه اقل تكلفه‬-1
Endogenous infection because of? Normal flora

psychiatric pt not trust for mother and fair from baby became like her and tell
the nurse how many month the nurse advise her?
a. 0-18month

‫مريض عمل عمليه بتخدير نصفي كتب له خروج وبعد فتره اتصل بالممرضه‬
‫يقولها انه يشتكي من صداع ايش افضل رد ترد عليه الممرضه ؟‬
drink fluid 1000 ml/day
bowel incontinences ‫أي االمراض التالية تسبب‬

‫مريض دائما يتبرز على السرير ما هو افضل عالج ؟ في سؤال يشبهه بود الشمال‬
A nurse has been visiting a bed-bound patient with decreased bowel mobility in the home for one month. The family
tells the nurse that the patient is becoming incontinent of feces. The nurse evaluates the plan of care and notes which
of the following intervention would MOST likely beneficial? a. An enema two times a week b. Increased fiber in the diet
c. Aroutinebisacodyl(Dulcolax) suppository d. An enema three times a week

apical pulse location

at the 5th intercostal space (ICS) at the midclavicular line.
Fursmide side effect? Hypokalemia

what is BP ?
pressure in the walls of bigger blood vessels called arteries

‫مريضه عملت عمليه ازاله عصوات بالكى اكتشفت مؤخرا انها مريضه‬
‫بارتفاع الضغط المريضه التزمت بالدواء والضغط محكمه فيه بشكل طبيعي‬
‫المراه حامل االن ماهي المضاعفات التي تقلق منها الممرضه في هذه الحاله ؟‬
‫‪- ٢‬خطوره الحاله نظرا لحاله المريضه الصحيه‬
‫‪Short goal‬لطفل امه وابوه ماتو؟ ‪let him cry‬‬

pt tachycardia and hypotensive.? a. Bleeding
tromatic pt what symptom of increase ICP.? a. Confusion and restlessness

pt haveBMI=17and nurse care for her .15 nutrition what nursing action? a. nutrition

pt with nervosa anorexia which of the following suport her diagnosis ?

b. decrease eat

pt have problem in walk what he need and side to side up stand ?

a. Remborge ‫لفحص التوازن‬
snullen test ‫لفحص النظر‬
pt with stroke and she have some muscle movement and nurse visit her and find
poor hygiene and sad she need refer to ?
a. neurologist
‫هذا الجواب‬occupational ‫واذا كان في بالسؤال‬

what appropriate statement of ADHD? Have no test

randomize take and compere out com ? clinical trail
effective feedback? discuss goal and achievement
pt psychotic after admissions she became well and want walk out of the word and tell the
nurse after walk she try to suicide by jumping from high place and the nurse return her by
staff help what nurse action ?
a. increase security

pt pre eclamsia coming to ginicological and she express her concern for her life and baby the nurse
tell her she has recive helping from the
doctors and nurses what need acording to masllow herarchy ?
a. security and save
pt ciming to shelter what she need ?a.Save
public nurse order to stop threw chemical substances in river ?a. environment justice
conistipation coming from immobility what causing ?
a.increase undification

pt diagnosed with apendisitis has fever, takycardia, hypotensive what expected ?


pt has rupture diverticulum what suspected ?

a. peritonitis

pt recive irrigation from10yers and she well what nurse do ?continuos irrigation
as order

how to decrease phantom pain post opratevly?

a. preopratevly treatment

nurse notes bleeding On dressing what symptoms suspected ?

takycardia ,hypotensive, restlessness

psychotic pt have motor and mod changed the nurse ask doctor to change his
medication what symptoms remain ?
a.motor change and mod status

pt coming to ER with trachia deviation and has nek swellen what first nurse do ?
a.refer pt to do x. ray

pt coming with diaphoresis and and nek vein destention what care catogaries ?

leader role ?
a. inhance helth level
b. promot pt comfort

pt have coccycox area injury and infection what out com expected ?
a.decrease infection and prevent recurrent

pt have inguinal hernia and sever pain what statement prescribe this proceder ?
b.relive stick tissues and prevent infection
what registred nurse highst proirity care? Chest pain
pt diagnosed with hypertention and now have cardiac attack what risk factor perform this
problem? Hypertension
pt decrease cardiac out put what causis ?decrease cardiac contraction

what proper statement for prevent MRSA? wear gloves and gown any person enter pt

what best advice post hysterectomy ? ambulate erly as possiple

vaginal surgery position? Lithotomy


pt coming with burn and he used traditional treatment and symptoms worst and
nurse lam him and he agree he is wrong what the nurse care catogaries?
a. care giver provider
pt have cancer on tonsill what proiority goal ?
b.inhance swallowing
pt have RT arm weak ness and right side weakness what catogaries? hemiplegia

pt with pnemonia and he is discharge what outcom indicate pt became well ?

a. decrease WBCs

psychotic pt he is life alone and he fair and ansious what nursing advice ?
a.coping with invironmental
what of the following site not give medication by it ?a.ear

what purpose from pulling ear upward and down ward during instilling drop ? facilitate medication absorption

nurse give medication but 2pt not give them and talk lwill give them after
breakfast the other nurse over hear her and tell the charge nurse what charge
nurse do ?
a.ligal contability

pt recently catogaries for hemodialysis and he concern and antious what important
information? b.decrease wight gain

diet for conistipation? Banana (increased fiber intake)


the nurse teach oregnent woman in third trimester about epedural anathesia ? get wake during delivery

Apical pulse

post operation pt complain from pain on site of operation and yellow dranage discharge
from site what this proplem ?a.wound infection

magnisum sulphate toxicity ?a.decrease deep tendon reflex ‫ بالساعة‬30 ‫ممعدل البول اقل من‬

‫ لون وجه المريض شاحب‬8 ‫ارتفاع المغسنيوم عن‬

‫انخفاض الضغط والتنفس‬


pt coming with non reactive puples what meaning ?a.hyporeflexia

pt undergone partial thyrodism what discharge advice ?

a.monitor symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism

alzhymer pt agitated and upset and hurt other pt the nurse put him alone in room
what this acourt ?a.false preson

preterm infant what risk ?a.hypothermia related to low fat

pt with pypolar disorder have lithum what hormone minimize with lithum?TSH

pt with urinary catheter what proper method to take urine specimen? from first frish intonation

what statement indicate the client how to collect urine specimen ?a.morning midstream urine

child have low concentration and attention in the scool which of the following the nurse requesting
from his teatcher ?a.decrease distract simulation around the child

pt have low body mass index what need ?high protein and high calorie

how the mother decrease allergic to her child with asthma when she is cleaning the hous ?
a. modified the hous pefor cleaning

7 ‫مستند‬

COPD diet? High-calorie, high-protein diet

A patient was diagnosed with depression 6 weeks ago, and was prescribed
anti-depressant drug.1 week ago the patient started to complain of irritability
and had difficult sleep for only 3 hours daily. Which of the following is the
best nursing action:
a- Inform the doctor to increase the dose
b- Ignore the patient complaint
c- That’s a side effect of the medication
d- Give the patient hypnotics

An adult client is admitted with a diagnosis of left-sided congestive heart failure. Which
assessment finding would most likely be present?
a- Distended neck veins
b- Dyspnea
c- Hepatomegaly
d- Pitting edema

212-The nurse is assessing a patient who just had surgery under general anesthesia. The
patient’s respiration rate is 4 per minute and the O2 saturation on 3L per minute of oxygen via
nasal cannula is 84%. The nurse is awaiting the results of an arterial blood gas (ABG) and
anticipates that which of the following will be ELEVATED?
a- Arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2)
b- Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)
c- Partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2)
d- Partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2)

415-A nurse is caring for a three year-old child with a fractured arm.Which of the following
interventions is the MOST appropriate for pain
a- Administer analgesics when necessary
b- Assess pain once a shift
c- Anticipate pain and intervene early
d- Encourage the use of self-quieting techniques

456-A community health nurse is teaching a health class about infectious diseases process.The
nurse instructs the class that rabies would be considered which of the
following type of infection?
a- Viral
b- Protozoan

c- Fungal
d- Bacterial
A 65 year-old woman presented to her care provider with complaints of bright red blood in the
stool, a loss of appetite, a feeling of fullness and fatigue. She had lost 5 kilograms in the past
three weeks without dieting. A faecal occult blood test is positive and the patient is scheduled
for additional screening test.
Which screening test is most likely for this patient?
a- Barium enema
b- Colonoscopy (black)
c- Endoscopy
d- Computed tomography scan

454-The patient is receiving mechanical ventilation set at fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)
100%.The nurse should understand that which of the following can improve this
patient’s oxygenation?
a- Adding positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)
b- Place the patient in trendelenburg position
c- Increasing the FiO2
d- Suctioning the patient hourly

252-A home care nurse visits a diabetic patient who was started on insulin injections. Upon
examination, the nurse observes small lumps and dents on the right upper arm where the
patient has injected insulin.
What is the BEST nursing intervention?
a- Refer the patient to a dermatologist for diabetic cellulitis
b- Instruct the patient to rotate the sites of injection✅
c- Refer the patient to an endocrinologist for better control of glucose level
d- Instruct the patient to inject in the muscular area instead of the subcutaneous

266-Which vitamin deficiency is most likely to be a long-term consequence of a full-thickness

burn injury?
a- Vitamin A
b- Vitamin B
c- Vitamin C
d- Vitamin D

170-A female client has severe menstrual pain, which of the following drugs you
would recommend for this patient to relieve her dysmenorrhea:
a- Ibuprofen
b- Zantac
c- Aspirin

‫مهم الرابط فيه حل اسئلة عن قرصة العقرب و الثعبان والعالج‬

‫مؤخرا ورد سؤالين يتعلقان بالقيم الطبيعية لفحص ‪ CSF‬السائل الشوكي‪.‬‬

‫احد السؤالين يتعلق باللون الطبيعي للسائل الشوكي ‪..‬وكما هو موضح اعاله فان اللون الطبيعي هو‬

‫‪Clear and colorless‬‬

‫والسؤال الثاني يطلب تحديد اي من العناصر التالية اذا وجدت في فحص السائل الشوكي فانها تعد نتيجة غير طبيعية ويضع لك من‬
‫ضمن الخيارات ( البروتين ‪ ،‬الغلوكوز ‪ ،‬كريات الدم البيضاء ‪ ،‬كريات الدم الحمراء ) ‪..‬ولذلك الحظ من خالل المعلومات اعاله ان‬
‫وجود البروتين والجلوكوز وكريات الدم البيضاء بعدد او قيمة معينة يعتبر امر طبيعي‪.‬‬

‫ولكن يجب ان اليحتوي السائل الشوكي على كريات دم حمراء ‪..‬ولذلك في هذه الحالة تكون االجابة الصحيحة هي كريات الدم‬
‫مريض تعرض لحادث وصار معه‬

paraplegic ‫مريض تعرض لحادث وصار له‬

‫وين االصابه تكون‬


‫مريضة بأخر مرحلة من مراحل السرطان تقول اذا تشافيت بتبرع بكل فلوسي هي بأي مرحلة من مراحل الموت؟‬

Kidney function? Regulation of electrolyte, acid- based balance, control of water balance
Liver? Detoxification, storage glucagon, vitamin, iron, blood
ear? Body balance
Mitral stenosis? Diastolic murmur
Aortic stenosis? Systolic murmur

Funnel chest

Pigeon breast

Nail abnormalities

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