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P6 – Animation Alternative Design – Part 3

Purpose: The purpose of the amination that I am about to create is to attract as many people as
possible to the college so that they can apply there. In addition, it will be providing information
about courses and the pass rates that the college offers. And that is all done to catch the attention of
students who are currently in Year 11. Having an animation that displays all these sorts
of information will make students most likely to enrol onto that college, so that’s why is it good to
have a web advert.

Target Audience: The target audience for this animation is going to be students who are currently in
Year 11 doing their GCSE’s because the college advertises pass rates and possible courses that
students in Year 11 might want to apply for.

User Requirements: The user requirements for the web advert is to last 10 seconds so I will design it
to ensure it contains enough information. Another user requirement of the web advert is for it to
stop once it reaches the end. A roll over button must also be added so when the web advert stops it
can be replayed. The final user requirement is that the animation must include a combination of
movement techniques such as masking and morphing.

Format: The format that my animation will be stored in is going to be the SWF file format.

Frame Rate: The frame rate that I will use when creating the web advert is 24 so that the frames
don’t move too fast and it can display the images smoothly.

Dimensions: The canvas size of the web advert is 800 by 200.

Target Duration: The duration of animation is going to be around 15 seconds. The reason why I want
my animation to be that long is because, I want to persuade my audience with several reasons on
why they should come to the Joseph Chamberlain College.

Storyboards and Annotations

Welcome to joseph Jcc logo

chamberlain college

In the first frame I am going to place the JCC logo on the top right of the banner and a writing which
says ‘’Welcome to Joseph Chamberlain College’’ on the top left of the canvas. The writing will be in
font size 30 and written in a navy-blue colour. The reason why I put that writing in that particular
size and font is because I want to make sure that the people can see everything clearly. Movement
will be applied on the JCC logo, which will make the logo move towards the writing. Whole process
will be going from frame 1 to 130 which is roughly 5 seconds. After that, both frames will be
standing there for another 1.5 seconds.
Image of Image of Image of
building building building


In this frame I will place three images that shows the building of JCC. Those images are going to stay
there for 3 seconds. After that, the writing ‘’Fantastic building’’ will experience morphing and that is
where the writing will be morph into a shape. The process is going to take 2 seconds. The whole
process will be starting from frame 130 and end roughly at frame 270.

99% btec pass rate & 99.4%

a level rate
Courses offered: IT, science,
maths, English etc.

In this frame, I will have two writing which are both going to be navy-blue colour and written font
size 30. Both writing will be experience movement. The first writing will be moving from the right
side to the left side of the canvas, whereas, the second writing will be moving from the left side to
the right. Both texts are going to move at the same time, so therefore are both writing also going to
reach their target at the same time. The movement process will be taking 2 seconds. After that, they
will just stand there still for another 3 seconds. Process will be from frame 270 to frame 405.

Ofsted Image of Image of

logo facility facility

In this next frame I will add 3 images. 2 of those images are going to be showing facilities that the
colleges offer, whereas the third one is just going to be a logo of Ofsted. All 3 images will be
experiencing movement which will make all three images move from outside of the box to the
centre of the box. The whole process will be starting from frame 405 and end at frame 495, which is
approximately 4 seconds.
Jcc contact details

In the frame, I will have a text that will include all the contact details of the joseph chamberlain
college. On that text, I am going to add movement so that the all the contact details (telephone
number, email, address and etc) will be moving from outside the box to the centre of the box. After
that the contact details will be standing there for roughly 3 seconds, so that the audience can
memorise the contact details if they want to. The whole scene will be starting at frame 495 and
finish at frame 550.

Jcc logo masking Apply now

masking Progress onto university

In this final frame, I will once again going to have the JCC logo on the top left side of the canvas.
However, this time the logo is not going to experience a technique of movement, it is just going to
stand there. In addition to that, I will be adding to 2 texts. One is going to be ‘’Apply now’’ and the
other one is going to be ‘’Progress onto university’’. Both texts will be experiencing masking and that
will basically make a box slide through those two texts. The whole experience is going to be
approximately 5 seconds. So that people can memorise those last few important information. The
process will be starting at frame 550 and will roughly finish around frame 680 and 700.

Animation Log Sheet

Key Real
Frame Layer(s) Assets (images etc) Description Sound
Frame? Time
1 Movement 6.5 2 image and text The writing will be standing there no
whilst the JCC logo moves
towards the text
2 Morphing 5 2 Images, text 3 images will be standing there no
before the text will be morph into
a shape
3 Movement 5 2 Text Both writing will be moving no
around the canvas
4 Movement 4 3 Images Images will be moving from no
seconds outside the box to the centre of
the canvas.
5 Movement 3 1 text Contact details will be moving no
from outside the box to the
centre of the canvas
6 Masking 5 3 Text, images JCC logo will on the left side and no
seconds underneath is where to text will
be experiencing masking. The
boxes are behind the text and
when animation is played, the
mask will be revealed.

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