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This chapter provides a presentation of the data collected throughout the study

along with a systematic analysis and interpretation of the data which meant to answer

the specific questions of the study. The following data are obtained through the data

collection period of the study.

Table 1.
Parental Involvement in their child’s Academic Achievement.

Themes Frequency

Motivation 1

Financial 4

Table 1 presents the involvement of parents in their children's academic

achievement. As shown in Table 1, (4) out of (5) or majority of the participants stated that

their parents are involved financially on their children's academic achievement. On the

other hand, (1) one of the participants stated that through motivation his parents are

involved in academic achievement.

The foregoing finding appeared to be correlated with the study of Calarco (2011), where

parents are seen as primary source of opportunities and resources and children are

viewed as passive recipients. In relation to the present study, majority of the participants

in the study are receiving involvement from their parents through financial.

Table 2.

Positive Effects of Parental Involvement

Themes Frequency

Becoming Diligent 1

Gains Self-Confidence 1

Motivated in School 2

As shown in Table 2, the positive effects of parental involvement perceived by the

participants of the study are; Becoming diligent, Gains self-confidence, and Motivated in

school. One (1) of the participants stated that becoming diligent is a positive effect of

parental involvement. Also, one (1) of the participants claimed that parental involvement

of his parents has positive effects in academic achievement. In addition, two (2) of the

participants stated that being motivated in school has a positive effect on academic

achievement. In this regard, the aforementioned finding is corroborated with the study of

(Collins C. et al, 1982), revealed that parental involvement has positive effects which

include improved academic achievement, reducing absenteeism, improved behavior, and

restored confidence.

Table 2.1

Negative Effects of Parental Involvement

Themes Frequency

Lack of Communication 1

High Expectations 1

Only Financial Support 1

Loss of Self-Confidence 1

As shown in Table 2.1, negative effects of parental involvement are categorized in

themes. Themes are lack of communication, high expectations, only financial support and

loss of self-confidence. One (1) participant stated

In line with this , Dumont et al, 2012; Pomerantz et al, 2007 found out that when

parents help is inappropriate, confusing, inconsistent with teacher expectations,

controlling, unwanted by the child, or includes negative parental involvement emotions it

produces negative relationship between parental involvement and student academic

success. In relation to the present study, participants perceived negative effects of

parental involvement due to the themes presented in the table.

Table 3.
Actions Proposed in terms of the Positive and Negative Effects.

Themes Frequency

Monitor their Child 2

Establish Communication 2

Moderate Expectations 1

As shown in Table 3, there are (3) themes and actions proposed on positive and

negative effects of parental involvement. (2) of the participants agreed that parents should

"Monitor their child". Also, (2) of the participants stated that parents should "Establish

communication" with their children. And (1) one of the participants stated that parents

should "Moderate expectation" from their children. Engagement of parents is important

on students’ academic life.

In this regard, the aforementioned findings are associated with the article on the

importance of parental involvement from North Carolina State University, 2012, that

quoted Dr. Poby Parcel as saying, "the bonds between parents and children, such as

trust, open lines of communication and active engagement in a child's academic life. In

relation to the present study, involvement of parents through monitoring and

communication are in need to improve positive effects of parental involvement in students

academic achievement.



This chapter discussed the summary of research work conducted by the

researchers, the conclusions were drawn from the findings which formulated the

recommendations for the beneficiaries of the said study. This study is about the perceived

effects of parental involvement on students academic achievement of senior high school

students in Paliparan II Integrated High School. Summary of findings are as follows:


SOP#1 How do parents involve themselves into their children’s academic


Theme#1: Motivation

It was unraveled that parents involve themselves into their child’s academic

achievement through motivating them into doing their best in doing academics in


Theme#2: Financial

Parents tend to involve themselves into their child’s education through financial

support to help their child accommodate their basic needs in school.

SOP# 2: What are the positive and negative effects of parental involvement?

Theme#1:Becoming Diligent

It was revealed that through the parents involvement into their child’s academic

achievement, students are becoming diligent which helps them achieve more in school.

Theme#2: Gains Self-confidence

It was seen that students gain more self-confidence through the help of their

parents to their child’s academic achievement.

Theme#3: Motivated in school

One of the positive effects of parental involvement helps the child become

motivated in school that helps the child in achieving more in school.

Theme#4: Lack of Communication

Lack of communication from the parent tend to affect the child’s understanding

which also affects their way of achieving in school.

Theme#5: High Expectations

Parents tend to have high expectations from their child that causes major self-

doubt from the students for their parents are in authority to what must their child achieve

in school.

Theme#6: Only Financial Support

Financial support is the only reason why their parent are involve into their

students which makes them not motivated to do well in school.

Theme#7: Loss of Self-Confidence

Students are more likely to lose their self-confidence for their parents are not in

the midst of being involve into their child’s academic achievement. Also, parents tend to

say inappropriate words that make their child lose their self confidence in school.

SOP#3: What actions can be proposed to the positive and negative effects of

parental involvement?

Theme#1: Motivate their child.

It was unraveled that parents should motivate their child more in order for them to

perform well in school.

Theme#2: Establish Communication

Both parents and the students must establish communication to each other. By

this, parents can become more responsible to their child’s academics which can also

help the child achieve more in school.

Theme#3: Moderate Expectations

Parents should lessen their expectations and accept what their child had only

achieved in school. By this, students can perform well in school for parents are

accepting the effort their child performed in school.


Based on the findings, following conclusions were drawn:

1. Parents are more likely to support their child’s education through financial


2. Parents involvement onto their child’s academic achievement tends to have

positive and negative effects on the child’s performance in school.

3. Parent should involve themselves more into their child’s education in order for

to have promising results and can achieve more in their academic especially in



Study concerning the parental involvement in student academic achievement is

necessary in generating new knowledge on how to ease this problem.

1. It is also suggested that parent should always communicate to their child day by

day, communication is key to have an understanding between the parent and the

students. By communicating, students can express their self, and also parents are

responsible to check their academics and find ways to support opportunities that

will enrich their lives. Parents should imply effective communication and provide

support to be a successful individual. In addition, parents should provide moral

support, not only financial support. Thus, highly recommended that parent always

monitor their child to establish a communication between the student.

2. this study recommends that student should have effective communication with

their parents. Voice out their concern about something to make their parents

identify if there any hindrance in their academics. Also, students should ask more

guidance or let their parents be aware in their academic to lessen the hindrances

to their success. Students need motivation from their parents to lead them to

success. Motivation is the number one need of the student especially to student

who has low grades because of lack of communication. Additionally, students can

perform well when they are motivated by their parent academically.

3. This study recommends that teacher stand as second parent of the students, so

they must motivate them in school. Student needs a support from their teachers to

have a motivational to doing their academics goes to success. Also, by

communicating their students can easily to understand what's the hindrance to be

successful. In addition, teachers enhance their skills also they can motivate the

student to talk to their parents.

4. Future Researchers may deal with this kind of study that focuses on the aspect of

Parental involvement in student academic achievement like the perceived effects

of it.


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