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Conversation; Verbal and Non-Verbal both, being important part of our lives have
significance along with mostly advantages and a very few disadvantages. Conversation is the only
medium through which we let others know about our ideas, thoughts, plans, problems etc. There
our numerous types of conversation i.e. Verbal, Non-Verbal, Technological etc.
Verbal communication includes both oral and written communication. In verbal
communication we pass our ideas/thoughts to another person through words. For Instance Writing
Letter to your business partner, writing letter to your friend or WhatsApp messages, text messages
etc are all examples of Verbal Communication. Verbal communication is the most common way
being used to communicate. It is simple to understand and direct.
Verbal Communication also have some disadvantages i.e. It sometimes create confusion,
specially, in Written type of Verbal of Communication because reader has to depend solely on
written part without any idea of writer’s feeling or state in which the letter etc was written.
Non-Verbal Communication work both ways, with Verbal communication and without
Verbal Communication. Non-Verbal Communication is an effective part of Verbal
Communication specially in oral conversation. It removes misunderstanding and give accurate
idea to listeners about what they are listening. Moreover, Non-Verbal Communication also works
independently i.e. Sign Language, Bill Boards, Traffic Signals etc are all examples of Non-Verbal
Communication because there is no or minute Verbal Communication included.
Non-Verbal Communication also have some disadvantages i.e. traffic signs, when there is
nothing written below traffic sign it sometimes very confusing because people are usually not fully
aware about all traffic signs.
Foregoing above, it is evident that both Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication are inter-
linked and combinedly help listeners, readers and viewers to easily decode the information being
provided to them without any misunderstanding or confusion.

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