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Adisti Nur Andini (2018120023)

Analysis Character Characterization of Little House on the Prairie

1. Pa (Charles)
He’s kindly patient and never give up. It can be seen by his action. He tries to find the
best place to his family’s live, even though it’s hard and must be through so many
obstacles out there, he is till patient, he loves his children very much.
2. Ma (Caroline)
She is loyal, to her husband it can be seen by her action. She always besides her husband
no matter what happened. She never complain when there’s no place for sleep or when
they have no food to eat. She always support her husband, she also treats her children,
She is good mother too.
3. Marry
She is uncommunicative and submissive. She never get so much talk. She also doesn’t
complain to much like her sister Laura. She never complain what is her father doing.

Analysis Setting of Little House on the Prairie

1. Time : Winter, seen on third paragraph, page 2 “in the wrong winter evenings”.
2. Place :
Big woods of Wisconsin (seen on first paragraph)
“Pa and Ma and Marry and Laura and Baby Carrie left their house in the big woods of
The Town of Pepin (seen on third paragraph, page 6)
“They drove a long way through the snow woods till they come to the town of Pepin”.
Minnesota (seen on fifth paragraph, page 9)
“But they were not, they were in Minnesota”.
Missouri River (seen on second paragraph page 10)
“That was the Missouri River”.
Analysis Plot of Little House on the Prairie
 Exposition : Pa, Ma, Marry, Laura and Baby Carrie left their little house in the Big
Woods of Wisconsin. Their were going to Indian country because there were too
many people in big woods now.
 Rising Action : They started their journey to the Indian country with the way on and
left the little house. They drove a long way through the snow woods, till they came
to the Town of Pepin. Day after day they travelled through the place by place until
they arrived in Kansas.
 Climax, Falling Action, Resolution : In this chapter, there haven’t show about that
maybe will be show in the next chapter.

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