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Micha+el Mo+rris

4th Edition – Completed June 2006

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Dusk ©1996 – 2006 Michael Morris
Distributed online by the Wizards of the Coast ® Community.
The materials herein contained are protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. Reproduction
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She fell, and with her the future - with her the hope. The world was
spinning before her eyes, fading in and out of the light. Then a
moment of focus came to her, and she saw her cousin's face. Eric was
pleading with her to stay alive. She lay in his arms, mortally wounded.
She saw the others gathered like vultures to take the kingdom that was
rightfully hers. And the anger this compelled found a voice and she cried
out, "No man shall ever unite this land."
That said, she shuddered, her eyes closed, and she fell into the night.
The two suns, like angry eyes watched her go, and she, and her kingdom,
was no more. Thus died Queen Anne. Thus died Dalsundria.
Two hundred years later, her prophecy remains true.
No man has united this land.
Dusk has fallen.
Forward............................................................4 Wizards............................................... 53
Character Creation Basics ................................5 Prestige Classes ......................................... 54
Arcanist .............................................. 54
I. Introduction .................................................6 Death Speaker..................................... 55
The Telzoan World ........................................7 Listral’s Hand....................................... 56
Life and Death........................................7 Mage .................................................. 59
Wealth and Trade ...................................8 Pandaemonicist.................................... 61
Nobles and Commoners...........................8 Specialist ............................................ 63
Riot and Disorder.................................. 10 Spellfilcher .......................................... 69
Legal Status of Women.......................... 11 Traprunner .......................................... 71
The Telzoans and “Others”..................... 12
Magic and Miracles................................ 14 IV. Skills & Feats ........................................... 73
History ...................................................... 15 Rolling 1 and 20 ......................................... 74
Origin of the Peoples ............................. 15 Taking 0.................................................... 74
The High King ...................................... 16 Skill Descriptions ........................................ 74
Hanial’s War......................................... 16 Feat Descriptions.......................................109
Attempts at Reunification and Conquest .. 17
The Rise of Pentalism ............................ 18 V. Description and Equipment...................... 123
The Natural World ....................................... 19 Alignment.................................................123
The Sky Above ..................................... 19 Aborean (Green) .................................124
The Telzoan Zodiac......................... 20 Balcridian (Blue) .................................125
Geography and Climate ......................... 22 Shunrian (Red) ...................................126
Rituals ....................................................... 23 Sodrean (Black) ..................................127
Rites of Birth........................................ 23 Valrean (White) ..................................128
Rites of Passage ................................... 25 Religion....................................................130
Rites of Marriage .................................. 26 Equipment................................................156
Rites of Death ...................................... 27 Description ...............................................161
Portraying a Character ...............................168
II. Races ........................................................29
Languages ................................................. 30 VI. Art of Magic............................................ 173
The Races .................................................. 30 Casting Style ............................................174
Humans............................................... 30 Colors of Magic .........................................174
Dwarves .............................................. 31 Sorting the Spells ......................................175
Elves................................................... 33 Spellcasting ..............................................196
Gnomes............................................... 37 Spell Descriptions ......................................200
Half-Elves ............................................ 39 Wild Spellcraft...........................................204
Half-Orcs ............................................. 40 Summoning ..............................................206
Halflings .............................................. 41
VII. Spells.................................................... 210
III. Classes ....................................................43 Altered Spells............................................210
Core Classes .............................................. 43 Bard Spells ...............................................212
Barbarians ........................................... 43 Cleric Spells..............................................212
Bards .................................................. 44 Cleric Domains ..........................................215
Clerics................................................. 45 Druid Spells ..............................................225
Druids ................................................. 47 Mage Spells ..............................................227
Fighters............................................... 48 Paladin Spells............................................229
Monks ................................................. 49 Ranger Spells............................................229
Paladins............................................... 50 Sorcerer / Wizard Spells .............................230
Rangers............................................... 51 Spell Descriptions ......................................236
Rogues................................................ 51
Sorcerers............................................. 52 Appendix: Acquisition System...................... 329


nce again, Welcome to Carthasana. Although it doesn’t seem like it, ten

years have passed since the first 78 page Campaign Sourcebook of the Dusk
setting was penned. One and a half editions later and after three years
silence the time has come to once more enter the world of the Oyasini and
Island of Fire – Telzoa. Within the 320 pages of this tome you will find magic
and mysteries enough to keep you entertained for many an evening whether
you run the setting as is or graft its materials to a world of your own
devising or another published world. Whatever path you choose all I ask is that you and
your fellow players have fun with it.
The setting you have before you is quite different
from the one that was released ten years ago. It
has been changed from having the default psuedo-
medieval backdrop that remains the default of
most fantasy settings and is instead set against a
psuedo-classical backdrop – though Carthasana is
no more historically accurate than any other
setting. It has picked up a new magic system with
explores the conflicts of the five colors of magic
first introduced in the Magic: The Gathering card
game. Also, despite the size of this tome, you’ll
find that almost all of it can be used alongside the
materials of the Player’s Handbook and other
Dungeons & Dragons supplements without having
to supplant anything. The rules of this book that do
require tinkering with the core rules are contained
in the last appendix of the book and can be safely
ignored without affecting the rest of the volume.
Whether you use one spell or the whole setting
though, I hope you have as much fun playing with
these materials as I had devising them.

~ MichaEl M+orris
Character Creation Basics
Follow these steps to create a 1st level
4. Select Skills
character for use in the Dusk campaign
setting. The Dusk setting expands the descriptions
of nearly all the skills, so review those
1. Determine Ability Scores skills you intend to use before play in
Chapter 4. No new skills are introduced.
Roll 4d6 twelve times discarding the
lowest die on each roll. From the twelve
5. Select a Feat
scores created choose 6 scores to use for
your character. There are several new feats available for
use in the Dusk setting which you may
2. Choose Race & Class wish to consider. These are listed in
Chapter 4.
All of the races of the Player's Handbook
are present in Dusk and almost all of them
6. Review Description
are unchanged, the sole exception being
female halflings which are winged (the Review Chapter 5 for details to apply to
males have no wings). They do not have your character. You should also choose an
the halfling +1 racial bonus to all saving alignment and a religion as this point.
throws and instead can glide or effectively
feather fall using their wings (they can't 7. Select Equipment
fly outright though). Characters in Dusk don’t tromp around in
full plate armor swinging longswords and
All the Player’s Handbook classes are
shooting crossbows for the setting is
present and largely unchanged, though
patterned after Ancient Greece - not the
you should review the entry for your
typical medieval fare.
choice before play.


<< Savra, of the world of Ravnica. Ravnica

Carthasana is but one of countless planes
in a common multiverse known as
‘Dominiria’. These planes are bound by similar
laws of magic. While this Book is concerned
with the plane of Carthasana in particular,
The Rules you will find in this book can be
used to roleplay adventures within any of
the planes within the greater multiverse of
Dominiria. It is also possible to reach planes
like Ravnica from Carthasana through

s the first light of a newborn day old as memory itself and even beyond its grasp I yet

spills onto the walls of an ivory recall days that even my elven kindred no longer speak
white castle tower a prince of. And still, I wait, and watch.
dreams of taking his dying father’s
Welcome to my world traveler. I share some of its
throne – at any cost. As that many wonders with you here upon these pages that you
light crosses to the west it drives might be prepared for the days to come. If you are
away the shadows from a city whose nights have not wise you will learn. If you are not, you will still
passed without at least one victim from an ongoing learn, but at a far higher price.
war of thieves. Proceeding further it spills onto
steppe plains with mineral wealth that have ~ +Telsindria
attracted generations of miners, and those who
scavenge upon them. To the south that light reaches Hello and welcome to the Dusk setting.
out to meet the ruins of a once mighty kingdom that Set in a time after the fall of great
has been ripped asunder by its warring nobles. Finally empires, the peoples of the Dusk setting
the dawn comes to a kingdom whose king is still a are just beginning to rediscover the
child and is yet to understand the dangerous world secrets of the past. Unlike most settings
beyond the walls of his keep. which have a psuedo-medieval backdrop,
Dusk has a psuedo-classical backdrop
These lands of Telzoa are home to over a five million (think Ancient Greece and stores such as
souls from a dozen sentient races. I am but one of The Odessy, The Illiad, the tales of
those souls and my name is Telsindria. During my life I Herecles, Medea, Cyrce and so on).
have traveled throughout this land to places few if Because of this the equipment available to
characters is notably different than in the
any other eyes have seen. I have witnessed the
Player’s Handbook.
histories of nations unfold and yet I endure. I am as
In this chapter we will discuss the culture, on an island as volatile as the tempers of
society and world of man in the Dusk their lords
setting. This overview is intended to set
the stage – you don’t need to read it all at
once and you won’t be tested on it at the Life and Death
end. "Each life is a circle. Each existence is a chain."

The Telzoan World ~ +Druidic Teaching.

The people of the Dusk setting are known
Life expectation in Telzoa is exceedingly
as the Telzoans as they live upon an
low by our standards, with most folk dead
island they call Telzoa. The island was
before the age of thirty. Part of this is
named by conquerors from the south
due to the alarming infant mortality rates
called the Malchani, and in their language
of the island - only half of all children born
the word Telzoa means “Fire Mountain.”
see their first birthday. Half this surviving
The Malchani came to Telzoa some number die before the age of five. The
eight-hundred years ago and their empire average woman in Telzoa will give birth
has long since fell and faded into memory twenty times, but only three of her
– though some ruins of the time remain. children will see adulthood.
Many of the nobles of the island trace
Not surprisingly, this mortality rate has
their lines to the officers of the Malchani
an effect on the attitudes of the people
armies. They settled in the east displacing
concerning infants. Telzoans regard their
the native people known as the Cuolshans
very young children much as we would a
and also dispersing elves, orcs, goblins, et
family pet – with caring and affection, but
al as they settled the coasts and lowlands.
the expectation that death may take them
After a time they formed a nation called
at any moment. Grieving is usually short
Dalsundria which controlled the eastern
for those taken at this precarious time.
part of the island.
As children age and approach adulthood
Telzoa marks the northernmost reach of though, the attachment afforded them
known human civilization, making it a increases and at the age of fifteen the
frontier region of the world. They call their child is assumed to have reached
world “Carthasana,” meaning “All Earth majority.
and Sky.” The Telzoans are a xenophobic
Several factors conspire to maintain a
and troubled lot, with a history of internal
life expectancy this low - plague and war
struggles that have left their island
chief among them. In the last century
scarred. Understanding the Telzoan
alone Telzoan scholars have estimated
peoples involves understanding how those
that the sporadic warring between the
struggles have shaped their attitudes
baronies has killed as many as 100,000.
about the outside world.
Smallpox and bubonic plagues have also
As Telzoa enters its fifteenth century swept the island several times along with
since the closing of the great gates to a unique magical disease called Crimson
Selacdrual at Castle Semberholme, the Death. While priests magically abate the
kingdom faces the difficult task of worst of smallpox and bubonic plague, the
reuniting itself or, failing that, the dread last outbreak of Crimson killed as many as
fate of falling in on itself. Although the 270,000 people. Predatory and poisonous
people of Telzoa think of themselves as creatures, most famously dragons, but
one to some extent, they've already also ranging from dragons to humble
begun to form the national identities of mountain lions and snakes account for as
their baronies. Even as the nobility many as 7,000 deaths over the last
struggle to subjugate one another, the hundred years. And the effects of 4 major
people struggle to continue their existence earthquakes and one volcanic eruption in

the last century cannot be overlooked in
terms of their death toll, which may be as
high as 90,000.
Wealth and Trade
"While you can't take it with you, you can enjoy your
If death is a far more familiar sight in
Telzoa, its counterpart - birth - is as well.
With no birth control available beyond the
most primitive of forms, many sexual
~ +Timmon.
interludes will lead to pregnancies. Some
Telzoan women bear children quite Although the death rates in Telzoa are
literally whenever they can. While this alarming, her population is growing. A
has lead to families numbering with as combination of the censuses taken in
many as 27 children, it would also explain 1300 SR place the number at or around
why so many women die at a young age 2,306,000, although this figure doesn't
of apparently natural causes. Marriage include demi-human races. Analysis of
too often occurs very early – noble the Matachan Ruandi Nombren would
children have been betrothed at as young indicate that the population in 1360 SR
as five, but actual marriage doesn't occur was around 2,615,000 and currently it is
until 9 at the very earliest (Even this is probably somewhere in the neighborhood
very rare - 12 is the usual age). Most of 3,000,000.
women don't successfully bear children The population growth has led to a
until 15 - those that do are often killed by growth in trade throughout the island and
the pregnancy. with its neighbors. Eastern Telzoa's chief
Despite all of this, faith remains strong products cross a wide range of goods.
upon the islands in the gods. Priests The island is rich in iron, gold and copper
remain somewhat detached from the ore, so much so that gold has a lesser
situation, and even if they can help they value as a currency on the island than
often won't, as disease is viewed as a elsewhere in Carthasana. Her agricultural
manifestation of the will of the gods - a products are dominated by wool, but this
punishment for transgressions either in is supported by the growth of potatoes,
this life or in another. rye, barley, wheat and oats. Eastern
Telzoa also trades a large amount of
The general attitude towards life and finished goods with the nearby nations of
death in Telzoa is that it is part of a Armandy and Telmandy. These nations,
never-ending cycle. Telzoans believe in for their part, provide rare spices from the
reincarnation after a time - and that the southlands, silver ores and gems and a
acts in life are either rewarded in the trickle of rare fabrics brought up from the
paradises of Aborea or Valrea, or punished Estarian Empire far to the south.
in the hells of Shuun and Sodrea. This
afterlife lasts, according to most beliefs, Of the various industries on the island
for a century or so, and then most must the textile industry is the fastest growing.
return to life and begin a new test. Once Telzoan wool and cloths command high
all the tests are complete then the soul prices in Estarian markets, and the profit
will reach its perfection and be allowed to to be made in these ventures has not
rest for eternity. This belief, which escaped the attention of the nobles of the
pervades much of the priestly rhetoric island. As a result, in the last hundred
given in the temples, helps to soothe the years there has been a dramatic growth in
heartache of the populace. the amount of sheep enclosures on the
estates of the island. While in most areas
this hasn't caused too much trouble, in
some areas it has caused food shortages.
This is particularly true in Alsland, where
commoners sometimes complain of being
starved to death by the sheep. The
balance of trade shift this causes is more not require manual labor, but is meager in
than a little dangerous - the fields of its own right. The actor in turn holds
Telzoa, what with their rich volcanic soil more prestige than an artisan such as a
and fairly temperate, if geothermically cobbler, who does work with his hands but
induced weather, is the only favorable does not work out of doors. Those who's
area to grow foodstuffs north of the lot it is to till the land are held in lowest
Calishmere. There is some terrace regard, especially if their work is
farming done in the cliff-lands of Armandy indentured for crimes or past debt.
and in Telmandy, but the output of these
The actual distribution of wealth is
farms is barely sufficient to support these
indeed stark - 90% of the wealth of the
nations and can little afford to export to
country is in the hands of 6% of the
Telzoa should the increased sheep-herding
population. This upper tier of nobles also
on that island cause a shortage of some
control 85% of all the land in Telzoa that
type in the future.
is under human control. The power
Within the island trade is mostly dealt enjoyed by these families is enormous -
with on a barter basis. Nobles typically and their shifting allegiances are the
tax their charges in terms of a number of principle agency by which the Succession
foodstuffs, such as chickens, cattle, Wars have been continued, on and off, for
vegetables and wood chords. Players be the last 200 years. There are only 15
warned that coinage is not used in most families in Telzoa with heraldry dating
areas, and money holds value equal to its back to the arrival of the Malchani.
weight and purity. Most gold pieces are Beyond this core are only around 42 more
alloyed with silver such that they only families that have lands and titles granted
count for half value outside the by the self-styled kings that control the
jurisdiction of their minters. To further twelve baronies of the island.
complicate matters, no less than 24
The middle classes are still considered,
nations and cities are printing money
along with the nobles, to be "gentlemen."
somewhere on the island. Despite this
This hodgepodge group also contains the
trade is on the rise, and several countries
landless nobles - who are, as a rule, the
have made inroads to attempt to
second and third born sons of the landed
standardize currency. Dalsundria and
families, denied lands and titles by the
Dabrinia have been the most successful in
predominate inheritance system of
this endeavor.
primogeniture. Knights, priests, scholars,
entertainers, lesser government officials
Nobles & and persons of similar station round out
the group. Craftsmen may or may not be
Commoners included in this group - blacksmiths
certainly aren't, but whitesmiths (those
"I will never understand why one minority sect of your who work in soft metals, particularly silver
society treats all the rest as dogs." and gold) are. This class holds
considerable power in the cities and their
~ +Trishdare, Elven Sorcerer. wealth has earned them some begrudging
respect from the upper nobles who often
find themselves in need of their services.
Telzoans have an interesting sense of
It can be assumed that most
what separates the gentle classes from
"adventuring" characters, such as the role
the rabble, tied mostly to idleness - the
the PC's most likely fit, fall into this social
ability to pursue earthly pleasures whilst
strata and as such are charged with the
avoiding earthly work. This is not to say
modes of behavior appropriate to their
that Telzoans are lazy, but the noble Lord
station (the details of this are to be
who does no direct work is held in higher
detailed further in the book).
esteem than the actor who's trade does

The commonfolk who work the land are
not considered gentile in any way, and are Riot and Disorder
often the butt of jokes and derision of the "The peasants are revolting - that much is known at
upper classes. Despite their lowly stasis
all times. Pray then that rank alone is their
though, their role is important enough
that they do enjoy some basic rights offense, as opposed to arms."
under common law.
~ +Quip from the play A Noble
Telzoa society's classes are fairly locked
down, and while movement does occur Supper.
through the ranks, it is rarely more than
one or two steps in a single generation. Between the harsh conditions imposed by
Those who attempt to fight their way up nature and the harsh conditions imposed
the social ladder are usually admired by by those in power, it should not be
those beneath them; begrudged respect surprising that several times in Telzoa's
of those who are their equals, and history that armed revolt by the peasantry
disrespected by their superiors. The two has occurred. Typically these rebellions
main exceptions to this are priests and are put down in brutal and sometimes
wizards. Priests have their own hierarchy gruesome fashion. That only one rebellion
based primarily on merit (depending on - The Merchant's Rebellion in Dabrinia
the temple). Wizards are feared (1343) - has been successful and
universally by non-wizards, and they are hundreds have not hasn't daunted those
so lacking in number that they rarely who would move against the powers that
attempt to striate themselves within their be. Most of these uprisings have been
own number (so far as is known by the pell-mell attacks that collapse on
commonfolk). themselves. Most of the participants are
slain, the leaders hunted down and
There have been some half-hearted
publicly executed, and then the nobles
attempts to keep the rabble in their place,
most famous of which are the sumptuary usually rectify the problem that caused
the uprising in the first place - provided
laws. These laws prohibit the wearing of
that is convenient.
expensive cloths and jewels by those of
low station. As a rule, these are almost The afore mentioned Merchant's
never enforced, and even when they are Rebellion can be measured successful
such enforcement is by moderate fine. since it ended King Maidoc of
There are also innumerable loopholes in Milicsundria's control of Dabrinia and
the law that have found themselves established the island nation's
placed there over time. One of the independence. Fought between 1343 and
principle obstacles to their enforcement is 1345 SR, it took advantage of the fact
the ready proof of station. Only high that Maidoc had already weakened his
nobles carry badges of heraldry to prove resources in a vain attempt to pursue
their lineage, and the sumptuary laws are territorial rights in Telmandy. In its wake
not so specific as to limit cloths to them. Dabrinia has become on the surface the
Thus, in the end, the only effective most forward thinking territory of Telzoa,
obstacle in what a character can cloth although it is rife with political
himself in is what he can afford - although maneuvering between its powerful
players should be warned that bureaucrats merchant families.
are infamous for using little known laws to
Other rebellions have met more
advance their cause.
ignominious ends. The so-called Barley
Rebellion of 1306 in Dalsundria is a typical
case. Provoked by several bad harvests,
a rumor somehow got started that then
Duke Charles Orlanis was stockpiling huge
amounts of barley and grain for export to Paranoia comes cheap on an island of
Hone Rae despite the fact his people were near constant civil war, and chief amongst
starving. The two weeks of fighting and the targets of the fear are adventuring
insanity ended with the perpetrators being companies. These well armed groups
burned at the stake in the marketplace at often gain some amount of fame from
Ultan. their exploits, and as their popularity
grows so too grows the suspicions of the
Many of the riots that have occurred in
nobility. Wise kings know to keep very
Telzoa have shared several causes. Most
close tabs on the allegiances of these well
of the time a shortage of some type,
armed, well trained, and often magically
usually food, compels the rebellion. At
adept groups so they do not become a
other times festivity simply gets out of
threat - or can be removed at the first
hand and turns ugly. Classic times for
sign of being a threat. Wizards and
this to occur include the Rizaldi Tunis
sorcerers in particular are kept closely
(Rose festival), the Hula Tunis (Harvest-
watched - for they had a key role to play
tide festival) and the new year's
in the Merchant's Rebellion, which was
celebrations. These outbreaks are to be
successful - a fact not lost on anyone
expected and sometimes even go
holding power in Telzoa. Adventurers are
somewhat unpunished - depending on
advised to tread lightly and move often.
how much blood is spilled during the
More insidious, at least from the noble Legal Status of
point of view, are planned rebellions.
"You call me fair, beautiful and super-praise my body.
Never forget my wit, or my power "

~ +Queen Tiliansia.
Women are denied many basic rights
throughout most of Telzoa, especially
once they consent to be married. Single
women are the charges of their fathers or
uncles, but in the absence of each of
these they can hold and inherit property,
run a business, sign her name or affix her
seal to legal documents or even sue at
court. Most women in this position are
widows, as fathers and uncles usually try
to get their unwed daughters and nieces
married as soon as they can afford the
dowry and find an appropriate suitor.
Neither men nor women have any legal
right to choose their spouses – this is
decided by their parents.
Women do not traditionally gain political
office unless no men are present to
inherit. Even then it is unclear how far
into other family branches one can go in
search of a male heir before a female heir
is accepted. This is a particular point of

contention in Dalsundria, where Princess
Nelaria Ellery Tuval is the direct heir to The Telzoans and
Elgrel's throne, yet her uncles each
conspire to take this from her or at least “Others”
act as her regent whether she wants this
to occur or not. "Racism exists where understanding does not - the two
cannot coexist."
There are exceptions to this rule of
course, but as mentioned previously most ~ +Telsindria.
of those exceptions are widows. The most
famous case of this manner is Teresa
Non-human races exist outside of Telzoa’s
Orlanis, Duchess of Dibili and the
social structure, and this presents
matriarch of House Orlanis. Baroness
numerous problems but also some unique
Jalsi and Baroness Mintrube of Ultan are
opportunities for members of these races.
two more examples of powerful women in
Telzoa on the local political scene. On a Legally the Telzoans recognize elves,
national scale one of the most famous oyasini (halflings), and gnomes as
figures is Queen Tiliansia of Hone Rae. A “civilized” races. Despite this, they hold
highly intelligent and endlessly crafty almost no legal rights beyond a right to
individual, this half elf has kept her live and not be killed or robbed without
country out of many wars through virtue cause. Depending on the region and
of her unwed status and the manipulation relations with races in the area though
of powerful suitors, including Prince even these rights can disappear. This is
Parsifal of Poc Sian. still better than the situation faced by
other races that can be hunted and killed
Married women do enjoy some power.
like animals without legal ramification.
She is the primary heir to all his estates
until she bears a male heir. Further, she Telzoans have an even dimmer view of
can legally divorce him, but by strange half-elves and half-orcs in most areas.
quirk of Telzoan law, he cannot divorce The very existance of each these races
her. In the role of wife many women drives a cold knife into the ideas of blood
have mastered the art of husband purity and human superiority. Half-orcs
manipulation in order to continue to enjoy are particularly reviled most circles and in
some freedom and independence. some areas they can be killed like animals
just as their orcish parents can.
Within careers women usually advance
as their merits allow. This is particularly Despite all this, the amount of
true in those priesthoods that admit antagonism to be viewed between the
women, and it should be noted that there local populace and any of the demihuman
are several priestly sororities - Cuane's races is more likely than not to be caused
priestesses most famous among them. by recent events rather than be triggered
Women tend to take to the art of magic by long standing racial prejudices. Since
more readily than men and there are, as a most of the demihuman races live longer
result, more female wizards than men. than humans they have learned how to
Among the ranks of warriors and knights avoid testing the volatile tempers of
are women seen least often. Women are humans, especially large groups of
not generally as strong as men, and this, humans. Nevertheless mob attacks on
combined with the chauvinistic nature of demihumans do occur from time to time,
most military orders has limited their and anyone not of human race within the
numbers in this profession. The parity cities of Telzoa is highly advised to
between male and female rogues is about observe caution.
even - as this is a field where personal
Elves have perhaps the easiest time, so
skill and aptitude alone are the keys to
long as they can conceal their racial
both success and survival.
identity. It is a trivial matter for most
elves to pass them off as adolescent boys most people in Carthasana follow suit.
or girls in the right costuming, and most The halflings native to Telzoa almost
do when traveling outside of their own exclusively stay west of the wall, and only
domains. Nevertheless elves face some the rare few adventurers come out of
severe prejudicial laws in some areas. In those domains to mingle with humankind.
Altania it is not against the law to kill an Of those folks who've seen an halfling, the
elf, regardless of the circumstances. In vast majority have only seen the males,
most of the other countries of Telzoa elves or Oyasoi. Females (oyasi) are too rare
cannot testify in human court as they are and valuable to the race to be readily
deemed untrustworthy, expert liars. Most found outside their clan-holds, despite the
areas have a bounty out for any elven fact that the females run the society from
mage - and many an unfortunate elf has those clanholds (a concept that boggles
been brought in for the bounty simply the minds of more than a few knights told
because he's able to read. of the fact). Oyasi that do make these
sorts of journeys take special care to
In other areas elves are more accepted.
conceal their wings from casual
While the laws in Dalsundria are still
observance, as they (rightfully) fear that
barbaric where elves are concerned, the
the more ignorant members of the
people don't seem to notice even openly
Telzoan populace would accuse them of
costumed elves overmuch - particularly in
witchcraft or of being demons.
the cities. In Hone Rae they are held in
the highest regard - but this is to be While individual gnomes often manage
expected perhaps in a country with a to make individual impressions on
populace composed of at least 40% half- Telzoans, as a race they are held as a
elves, and nearly everyone in the country great unknown. Few indeed are the
has an elven parent within 3 generations humans that can remember seeing a
of themselves. grouping of gnomes, and some believe
that they aren't a race at all, but aberrant
Dwarves can't conceal their identity as
dwarves - a belief dwarves actively deny
easily, but their skill in "useful" crafts,
and gnomes ignore while they continue to
particularly weapon smithing, has kept
smile and nod. Very much the great
them clear of most admonishment, except
enigma to humans, gnomes would prefer
from jealous human competitors. Still,
to keep things that way lest they fall upon
dwarves distrust humankind, especially in
the kind of hatreds that humans have
light of the treatment of the elves in
espoused to the other races from time to
recent generations (the Black Week
massacres in Pildania, were as many as
40 elves were rounded up, drawn and While humans may dislike elves, distrust
quartered is still spoke of in dwarven and dwarves and ignore the small folk, their
elven circles). Dwarves want no part in feelings for orcs are very plain: hatred.
such insanity, and unlike the elves they And the feeling is mutual. However, orcs
see no reason to believe that the Telzoans are pragmatic enough never to pass up on
will change their ways unless they want an opportunity to fight as mercenaries,
something - and then your only safe until and as a result most of the fighting that
they get what they want. Hence dwarves orcs have been involved in since Hanial's
maintain a cold relationship on the island War have been as mercenaries. And while
with the Telzoans. They also harbor a human lords won't turn orcs loose on any
collective grudge for the failure of task requiring finesse, supervision, or
humankind to help them when Kilidzear non-combat related skills, they will
was destroyed. certainly hire them as ready, and usually
willing, cannon fodder. Trick is, human
Halflings are the least seen of the
paymasters often assign the orcs to
"common" demihuman races in Telzoa.
assignments that virtually assure half of
They refer to themselves as “Oyasini” and
them are killed - reducing the actual pay

that must be made. In return, orcish traveling among humans usually do so in
chieftains usually only send good troops to comparatively large robes to conceal their
human commanders that have proven stature.
themselves willing to use those troops
well. Others are supplied
inexperienced or outright green troops.
Magic & Miracles
This habit has led to the assumption by "It never ceases to amaze me what faith and will can
many lords that orcs are weak. That is a
dangerous assumption - for the orcs
remain some of the best fighters in the
region, and they've repeatedly proven
~ +Telsindria.
themselves to be among the better
soldiers of the world. The role of wizards in the history of Telzoa
has been one carried out mostly in the
Goblins, on the other hand, mostly shadows. These mysterious figures of
deserve their reputation as fierce but power are almost universally feared
utterly incompetent fighters. Goblins regardless of race, and male or female
actually perform better than orcs in small they are almost never shown quarter by
groups though, and orcs recognize this their enemies. While there may indeed be
fact and make extensive use of goblin five forms of magic, to the Telzoan
scouts. Telzoans claim to despise goblins, commoner there is only one form of magic
but most can't tell them apart from orcs - not granted by the gods - black. To this
as indeed the differences between the two end, even when the local government
races are about as slight as the doesn't sanction it, wizards are persecuted
differences between elves and humans. and often hunted, especially when they
Goblins avoid confronting humans in large are weak in power.
numbers, but enjoy preying on individual
travelers and virtually any other target of Most priesthoods do little to mitigate the
opportunity they can find. All the nations situation. They view wizards at best as
of Telzoa have a bounty out goblin scalps, charlatan rivals - persons granted power
and all goblins realize that going into a by the dark gods yet tricked into believing
human city is just asking to have that they wield their power by themselves to
bounty collected. fuel their ambition and arrogance. These
factors have conspired to drive wizardry
Kobolds are at once the most dangerous underground, but not completely from the
and most maligned of the "goblin" races, island, or from history. Such is magic's
despite being physically the weakest. lure that no amount of danger or social
Kobolds are opportunists like the goblins, prejudice can drive everyone away from
and use highly structured units to make its grasp.
up for their physical weakness while
exploiting such opportunities like the orcs. Secretly wizards thrive in Telzoa. The
Kobolds have become masters of making most famous of the wizard orders among
sure that any misbehavior on their part is the commonfolk are the members of the
blamed on the goblins. For their effort mysterious Order of Tanzeos. Allegedly
they are actually able to carry on trade established by the brother of Otal I,
with the Telzoans of some regions, Alblasker, the Order of Tanzeos is said to
particularly in Altania, where one band of control those who would assault the
kobolds has figured out how to spin crown, or the nobility with magic.
spider's silk into cloth and garments. Secretly they keep tabs on any magician
They have been able to demand and gain of note. Publicly they register and track
very high prices for these items. While the heraldic badges from their offices in
kobolds aren't actively hunted in most Merryville - and by some twist of fate they
regions, they are still viewed with disdain have managed to remain the only national
and fear, and they know it. Kobolds office of Otal's Dalsundria that has not
disintegrated with the breakup of the
Outside the council the only known
While it is possible through the
society of wizards are the Academy in
consultation of elves, dragons and other
Hone Rae. This organization actively
long lived races to trace the history of
teaches magical arts to those willing to
Telzoa back a couple of milenia, this
pay the price of tutelage. As a result the
section will only address what the
Academy has become quite wealthy, even
Telzoans know themselves of their history
if they've demonstrated a marked
which is, with the exception of some
willingness to teach almost anyone with
scattered legends, limited to the last four-
either a great amount of money or a great
hundred years.
amount of talent.
For the most part it is only the nobles
Whispers abound of wizardly
and the temples that track history to any
involvement in history, but outside of a
great degree. Commoners rarely worry
few isolated episodes there presence can
about events beyond their own experience
never be proven conclusively. Why this is
and those of their parent’s generation.
remains unclear to outsiders. Perhaps it is
Hence the ongoing war between the
because wizards enjoy the prestige the
nobles is, to the commonfolk, the only
mystery brings. Or perhaps something far
condition they’ve ever known. They,
darker is being hidden by the ancient
sadly, cannot remember a time when their
nation wasn’t embroiled in civil war.
As for priests, they and their magic
remains quite open and overt.
priesthoods will grant a spell boon for
Origin of the
sufficient donation and penance to the
temple - and as a result most of the
temples have become quite wealthy.
"There are certain things that will never be found. A
Some of the finest buildings on the islands
are the monasteries, with which few river without a source for one."
mortal buildings can compare.
~ +Telsindria.
Noble trust of the priesthoods has
always been uneasy. The temples have
The peoples who inhabit the island of
been given roughly 10% of the land in
Telzoa come from four stocks. The first,
Dalsundria, and there are more than a few
and most common, are the Dalsundrians,
manors ran by this or that abbot. What
who speak the language that serves as a
worries the nobles most is the sheer
common tongue on the island,
power the temples of the way have over
Dalsundrian. They include the nobles who
the heart of the people - both through
came during the Malchani conquest of the
magic and also through faith. But they
island. The second group is the Cuolshan
dare not move against the priests, and
people who are, as far as is known, the
would instead maneuver the priests
original inhabitants of the island.
against each other, relying on their
Intermingling and intermarriage of the
historical hatreds of each other to keep
Cuolshans with the Malchani and later the
their powers in check and their forces
Dalsundrians has led to their near
disappearance from the island. The third
group, the Telmish, where driven onto the
island by the same orcs who destroyed
the Malchani empire. They married into
the Dalsundrian families and, with time,
have disappeared as a distinct group in

Telzoa though they hold a nation of their survival against the orcish warlord
own across the Channel of Miandris that Tancher.
separates the island from the continent.
It is unclear to this day how or why
The fourth, and smallest group, are the
Tancher came to power when he did, what
Jilini – a people from the distant south
is clear is that he somehow amassed an
who occasionally wander the island in
orcish army over 20,000 strong. With this
tribal bands. The Jilini are certainly the
army in tow he struck into the southern
most transient, holding no lands and
regions of the eastern peninsula of Telzoa,
coming and going from the island on
in the areas now known as Threndis and
Poc Sian. The conflict between the two
To the current inhabitants these armies lasted well over two years, and
historical footnotes affect their language ended when Otal managed to isolate
and religion. The Telzoan faith, Telensitary Tancher from the rest of his army and slay
(“The Way”), was formed from the merger him. This having been done, the rest of
of at least three distinct religions, with the army melted away.
isolated deities that may have came from
The rest of Otal's reign was a period of
a fourth. The merger of peoples also has
building. Otal repaired and built roads
affected languages – while the people
throughout the island to encourage it's
speak Dalsundrian many of their place
trade, drove the goblin species to the west
names have Cuolshan roots.
entirely, and built what would eventually
The peoples who came to Telzoa settled become known as Otal's Wall to mark the
in over a period of four hundred years. For western frontier of Dalsundria and guard it
a time they were united under the from goblin assault.
Malchani Empire, but as that empire
collapsed the island split into tribes with
incursions of the Telmish. Telzoan history Hanial’s War
as a distinct subject usually starts with the
collusion of those tribes, due in large part "It is much harder to rule well than to serve well, so
by the actions of King Mirand. He began why is that one task - hardest of all tasks - is the
his campaign in earnest around 870 SR one so many men seek?"
and it ended in 986 SR when he captured
and executed his last rival, Elsered. ~ +Princess Anatole, in her diary.

The High King The latter half of Otal's reign as well as

that of his son Elgrel I are often
"Many men have been a King of Dalsundria. But considered the golden age of Dalsundria.
Dalsundria has only known one king that was great." It was during this time that the many of
the standing roads and major temples of
~ +Alblasker. the island were built. Local trade
flourished and the Dalsundrian empire
pushed it's holdings south into
The son of Mirand would be fated to
neighboring Armandy and east into
become the most famous of all the kings
Telmandy. Yet despite these glories the
of Dalsundria, due in large part to the epic
kingdom began to decay from within. The
circumstances that erupted during his
nobles became decadent and the common
reign. Otal was crowned King Otal in 997
classes began rioting with increasing
SR. He was the eldest of triplet children -
frequency near the end of the 12th
his siblings being Princess Anatole and
century Sealed Reckoning. The fatal blow
Prince Alblasker. He would be on the
would come from without however, not
throne less than a month before he was
forced to raise an army and wage a war of
In the year 1154 an orcish warlord those words she died.
known as Hanial attacked and destroyed a
Until the orcs were vanquished the rivals
section of Otal's Wall, and then poured
for the vacant throne co-operated, but
into Dalsundria with an army of enormous
afterwards they fell into infighting, with
size. Human accounts of the time placed
Erin Tuval, Alan Yorick, and Stalnin Haskel
the army's size at nearly 100,000, but
as the chief rivals for the throne. Within a
elven records and memories from the
couple of generations the territories were
period put the estimate at a more
further divided among their sons, with
probable 7,000 orcs. Regardless of the
only Erin's line staying relatively intact.
size of Hanial's army, their effect on
Dalsundria was immediate, especially once
Hanial successfully surrounded King Alskin
I's army and captured him. When ransom
Attempts at
negotiations with the orcish warlord broke
down (and when, according to some
Reunification and
records, Alskin slapped or spit on Hanial)
Hanial executed the king and sent his Conquest
severed body piecemeal back to his "To give is easier than to take. To give is more
rewarding than to take. So why do men take?"
Alskin's lack of a male heir did little to
slow down the Dalsundrian hunt for ~ +Princess Anatole.
Hanial, which was redoubled after the
king's death. Finally, in 1172 Erin Tuval A great number of skirmishes have been
raided the orcish camp and killed Hanial in fought between the kingdoms of eastern
his sleep. With their leader gone the orcs Telzoa since the first split in 1180, and in
fell into disarray. Eventually they gained this introduction it serves little to no
new leadership under Exeter, but he purpose to detail them all. Most of the
would not prove to be as effective a leader notable ones are located in the timeline,
as Hanial, and his forces were soundly and in the descriptions of each individual
defeated at the Battle of Stone Bluff. country the conflicts its citizenry have
After this victory though, the Dalsundrian become embroiled in are detailed in full.
forces fell to infighting to determine who The largest of these conflicts will be
would be the new king. discussed in brief here.
At first Anne Tuval attempted to take The first real attempt to bring the rebel
the throne. As Alskin's lone daughter, she kings back in line was launched by Miro IV
unquestionably had the strongest claim in 1212 and would continue until 1223.
save for one flaw - her sex. While Known as the Owl Ridge war for the
Dalsundria had a regent queen in Alanis a location of a great many of the battles,
generation before, many of the nobles neither the Dalsundrians nor the
balked at the idea of serving a woman. Milicsundrians gained any real headway
Nevertheless, Anne was crowned Queen unless their goal was to form a lot of bad
Anne I. Her reign would last only two blood between each other, bad blood that
months before an assassin shot remains to the present, as
her in the stomach with a Milicsundria and Dalsundria have
poisoned crossbow bolt. As she fought no less than 8 times in
lay in the arms of her courtiers, wars of varying lengths. In the
who included Erin and Alan Yorick end the war died with its
in their number she uttered a instigator, Miro IV. His wife,
curse and prophecy that has so Sarah, sued for peace as soon
far went fulfilled - "No man shall as she had control as regent.
ever unite this country." With The country had hardly settled
down when Tezolan broke away

from Dalsundria. This time Queen Sarah
was not as pacifistic, and she ordered the
rebels caught and beheaded. By the time
she was able to mobilize any real force
though, the rebel nobles had assembled
an army of nearly equal size.
Such was the nature of the fractionation
of the country. Alsland broke up when
Alan's son and grandson (through
different wives) decided to peaceably split
the country rather than bow to one
another. Milicsundria lost Pildania while
weakened from the Owl Ridge war, and
lost Dabrinia when King Maidoc exhausted
his military and economic resources
pursuing territorial rights in Telmandy.
Creania broke off from Tezolan when the
alliance was no longer convenient and
when the priests of the island all but
eliminated the nobility there.
Hone Rae, as is its wont, presented the
oddest case of all. During the reign of
Elgrel II the region was established as a
protectorate of the crown in 1107 for,
according to the charter, "Persons of elven
descent who are outcast either from their The Rise of
society, or ours." At that time the region
was one of the last stretches of
completely untamed wilderness left east
"One people, One religion."
of Otal's Wall. But by the time the
fighting broke out between the would-be
kings of Telzoa Hone Rae had become
~ +Priest Colsken, at the execution
sizable sub-nation. When the true king of several Pentalist heretics in 1392.
became unclear the council of the country
decided to declare their sovereignty, and When diplomatic ties were first
did so with little notice from any of the established with the Estarian Empire by
other nations until well until the late 13th Dalsundria in mid-1370 a new religion
century when Hone Rae's wealth became from that distant land found its way onto
readily apparent. Several attempts have the island. Known as Pentalism, or the
since been made to subjugate the silvan "Five Paths." this new religion rebuked the
state, but Hone Rae's rulers have become idea that there were several hundred gods
masters at playing each of the kingdom's and put forth that their were only five.
rulers off of one another. It is currently The religion began around 300 SR in
understood by all the rulers in the region Sandiem with the teachings of Cleric
that it is better for Hone Rae to remain Gregory. Since then the religion that
independent than for its libraries and, evolved out of those teachings has
perhaps more importantly, its mages to become the state religion in the Estarian
come under the sway of another ruler. To Empire, and bitterly embroiled in war with
date Hone Rae and its rulers have done "The Way" elsewhere. In Telzoa "The
their best to foster this uneasy neutrality, Way" had been unchallenged, but
but even they’ve been invaded - most Pentalism is finding fertile soil amongst
recently by Altania.
the middle class and some of the nobles. to much of Telzoa’s mythology and
It is most popular in Dabrinia, but religion – though the Telzoans themselves
nowhere has it managed to debunk the believe fervently that their gods brought
standing religion or even get a temple about these changes in the land and that
built. these myths are indeed fact.
The established priestly courts of Telzoa
have already begun to move to snuff out
the religion, but unlike those they have
The Sky Above
fought before this religion holds equal "All things begin in dreams, and dreams begin above -
appeal for the masses and, more 'tis little wonder then that the dreamers face the
dangerously, can't be tracked down to one sky."
point. Having already lost incredible
amounts of ground to the Pentalists ~ +Telsindria.
elsewhere, the priests of The Way in
Telzoa do not wish to lose the
Carthasana’s sky would truly be alien to
considerable influence they hold now.
us. In the daytime not one but two suns
Their current removal activities focus
move through the sky. Each one is about
priority, naturally, on the Pentalist priests
three-quarters the size of our sun in the
who are capable of magic.
sky, though together they provide the
With the country still largely caught up world with the same amount of radiation.
in a political civil war, the leaders of the Usually they appear to wobble about
country not only would prefer to keep slowly as months pass by since they orbit
religion out as a side issue, but quell the each other. Occasionally one eclipses the
priests from dividing precious man power other.
from their own cause. For the most part,
The Telzoan names of the suns are Ria
the established Way priests begrudgingly
and Li – the right and left eyes of Tean,
agree, but the Pentalist are attempting to
Lord of the Suns and also God of Justice.
convert rulers to their cause and make
Tean watches the world for evil, records
their attempts to hold their own kingdom,
its passing, and in his due time he mets
or conquer the others, into a holy cause.
out punishment. When the suns eclipse
The situation is dire indeed, especially
one another the Telzoans believe that
given rumor that King Salsis of
Tean is simply resting an eye.
Milicsundria may convert. There is
already enough bad blood between There are three moons that orbit
Milicsundria and Dalsundria without the Carthasana, all of which are smaller than
former changing religions and bringing all are own moon, although there orbital
that entails into the mix. Yet it would distance makes them appear to be
seem that Salsis, who is known to roughly the same size. The closest, and
consider himself abandoned by the gods smallest, is Matacha. Barely beyond being
of The Way, might do precisely that. a glorified asteroid, Matacha appears to
sail on the celestial sea at dusk and dawn.

The Natural
This "sea" is the rings of the planet, which
from the ground look like a whitish haze.
Telzoans liken this to a flock of sheep and
World picture Matacha as their shepherd. Like
our moon, Matacha only shows one face
The world around the Telzoans has shaped to the world. She makes one trip around
their culture in many ways. Telzoa is a the world in 12 days.
harsh land of short summers and bitter
winters punctuated by the occasional Second out is Tiania. This moon is most
earthquake and even volcanic eruptions. like our own. Telzoans, interestingly,
These natural phenomena have given rise associate this moon with the earth

mother. The second moon has a very point in the year). The first ten we will
discernible face pattern, even more so examine are visible during years with an
than our own nightly companion, and even number. The second ten belong to
many regard it as the watching face of the years with an odd number. The area of
mother that bore the world, much as a constellation in the sky is sometimes
real mother always watches her children. called its "house" and an astral body is
Tiania has a 28-day orbital period. said to be in the "house" of a constellation
if it is superimposed on that constellation.
The third moon is Kepho the dark one.
The twenty signs of the Telzoan Zodiac
This odd moon does not have a day
synchronized to its orbit, spinning once
every 3 days (so in effect, there is no dark  Januel: The beginning of the true
side of Kepho). The 44 day orbit of this year, or "yuron" is ruled by Januel,
globe is in retrograde compared to the God of Elves and respected by
others - and it perhaps for this reason Telzoans as the God of
that Telzoans have named this third commencements, beginnings and
sphere for their God of Doom and Evil remembrances. People born under
Death. The orbit of Kepho is also elliptical this sign are quiet, reserved and
enough to cause its face to noticeably reflective. They are loath to commit,
change size to the astute observer over but once they do it is unshakable.
time. Kepho also remains volcanically
 Thachatean: In Telzoan legend
active, and on very rare occasions she has
Thachatean was the god of the dead
a violent enough eruption to be seen from
that was destroyed by Sekoon and
Carthasana, sometimes prompting meteor
replaced by Matacha and Kepho.
showers within a few days of the event.
Exiled to the night sky, he now
Due to the destabilizing effect of the watches the world of the living he once
binary stars, no planet in Carthasana’s held in so much fear. People born
system is closer in than she. However, under this sign tend to be slow and
there are three other planets further out – deliberate in their actions. Their
Sana, Sekoon and Pektos, in that order. emotions run deep.
The backdrop upon which these bodies  Arisane: Queen of Nymphs and the
move is most interesting. Ria and Li are sister to the Goddess Narisane, in
just outside of a huge nebula, and this Telzoan legend Narisane scarred her
body occupies a quarter of the sky every face and strangled her in a fit of sibling
other winter. Often referred to as the rage. While Cuane could restore her
Night gate or blood pool, it is a considered beauty she was unable to restore her
a bad sign when the planets align to it a life, and she placed her spirit into the
certain way. This nebula is no brighter sky to watch over. People born under
against the Carthasanan sky than our this sign tend to have beautiful and
Milky Way galaxy is in our night sky. compassionate personalities, but they
also tend to be emotionally frail.
The Zodiac  Eantonia: The half goddess Eantonia
From the Telzoan point of view the most is said to be one of many products of
important part of the night sky are the the various trysts of Poen. A wild and
zodiac constellations. The Carthasanan vibrant spirit, she roamed all of the
sky has twenty such constellations, forests and wilds of Telzoa and she is
divided into upper and lower houses. said to have been the first Grand
Years alternate between being ruled by Druid. After she died her father put
the upper or lower houses, so any given her among the skies to watch the wilds
year sees ten constellations (in truth all she had always loved and protected.
twenty are visible in the night sky at some Those born under her stars are
notoriously free spirited individuals
who follow their heart before heading hoard everything they can lay claim
to any logic or reason. to.
 Cuane: The Goddess of Love rules  Nethuan: The former god of night,
the fifth constellation of the Telzoan Nethuan was laid into a deep
zodiac. People born under this sign enchanted slumber by Senda and has
are known for their love - both its since passed from the active minds of
depth and usually for its brevity. most of the populace. He has no
Flighty is another word used for the priests, though he still is said to have
people born under Cuane's stars. power over dreams and possibilities by
some. Most theologians believe these
 Rosalynn: The second active deity
powers to have been subsumed by
with a constellation, Rosalynn is the
Oralea, leaving Nethuan nothing
Goddess of Self-Sacrifice. She was
beyond his stars to influence the
murdered in life by her father for
world. People born under this sign are
thwarting his plans to enslave the
reputed to be dreamers, planners and
world. People born under her sign
schemers. They also have a
tend to be introspective to a fault.
reputation for becoming easily
They constantly question how their
depressed when the world does not
actions can affect those they love.
fulfill their dreams.
 Lystrania: The fairy Goddess of
 Dulthos: The God of Treasures Below
Laugher and Terix's constant
and Patron Father of Dwarves rules
companion rules the seventh
the constellation that launches the
constellation of the Telzoan pantheon.
second cycle of ten. This is sort of odd
It was for her soul that Terix entered
since dwarves take no stock in
into a seven-year servitude beneath
astrology, but the association is largely
the Gods Oberon and Titania, taking
a human one. People born under this
the form of "Puck" during this time.
sign tend to be dwarf like - gruff,
People born under this sign are
uncompromising and usually
notoriously chaotic and unpredictable.
uncharismatic in the extreme.
 Larindal and Arinas: The twins of
 Apenca: The Goddess of Retribution
valor are the children of Tean. They
and Revenge is next in the zodiac.
were conceived when Terix beguiled
People born under her sign tend to
Tean into falling in love with a mortal
have chip on their shoulder. They are
woman. They lived their life in service
bitter and reserved.
to Tean and to King Mirand. With him
they united Telzoa. Larindal's son,  Narisane: The Goddess of Lust and
Alangyle, became the most famous Hedonism is the chaotic ruler of the
paladin of all time on the island. thirteenth house of the Telzoan
People born under this sign tend to be Zodiac. People born under her sign
very serious about everything, with can be lustful, beautiful, but also very
very strongly ingrained senses of duty. tactless and straightforward. They
have a reputation for over-indulgence.
 Draco: In the ancient days the land
of Telzoa had to be wrested from the  Derin: Cuvanill's predecessor was an
grasps of the dragons. While they still extreme pacifist who was slain long
persist on the island, their king has ago by Sana. She cast his body into
long since been slain and his body laid the fires of the suns, but Tean
in the heavens. Each race has a interceded and placed his resting form
different name for Draco, and each in the sky. People born under this sky
race takes credit for his slaying. tend to be easy going and quiet
People born under this sign tend to individuals.

 Poen: This constellation, named for Note: While all of the constellations have
the God of the Sky contains Austrasis, expected behavior types associated with
the brightest star of the Telzoan the people born under them, these are no
nightsky (it is roughly twice as bright more binding to your character than the
as Sirius at magnitude 8.1). People zodiac of our own skies is binding to you.
born under this constellation are often However, if you'd like a sign for your
artistically gifted and outgoing. character your free to choose your birth
 Berenash: The God of Strife and
Tyranny murdered his own daughter,
Rosalynn, to punish her for thwarting
his plans. For this and other acts he
Geography &
ascended to godhood. People born
under this sign tend to be harsh,
judgmental and oppressive to those "You cannot escape the ground you stand upon."
around them.
 Anatole: The only outright mortal in ~ +Meglar, Dwarven chief
the nightsky, Anatole was the sister of
High King Otal. She was sacrificed to Telzoa is a geologically active land with
the gods so that they would aid the multiple volcanoes, especially in the west.
Telzoans in pressing back Tancher's Everyone on the island has felt a noticible
Horde. She performed the ceremony earthquake at some time, as this occurs
upon herself without ever questioning at least once every five years. Highly
the judgment that cost her life. For destructive earthquakes occur on a less
this selflessness Rosalynn placed her frequently cycle of around 30 to 60 years,
into the skies. People born under this and the last one of note was in the year
sign tend to be equally selfless, though 1395, so it is unlikely that another will
their friends sometimes accuse them occur soon. When earthquakes do occur
of being to frivolous with their own on the island they are usually followed by
life. tidal waves of varying magnitudes.
 Cuvanill: The Goddess of Defense Telzoans have learned over time how to
and Mothers rules the eighteenth build on such unstable ground to some
house of the Telzoan Zodiac. People degree, and most homes can withstand
born under this sign are known to be modest to strong earthquakes without
an overprotective lot. sustaining enough damage to destroy
them outright. Temples and major
 Char: The Lord of Destruction is the
structures are built with magical
Lord of the nineteenth house. People
reinforcement when necessary, or at least
born under this sign are expected to
under magical guidance to insure the
be violent in all things they do -
buildings can withstand the restless earth.
passion as well as war. Many of them
are extremists. Eruptions are a different matter.
Telzoans know the locations of each of the
 Senda: The final house is a region of
more powerful volcanoes and fear them.
the sky that has no stars known as the
All of them are basalt volcanoes like Mt.
nightshade. A large nearby nebula is
St. Helens or Mt. Vesuvius, meaning they
the reason for this, though that is
will explode rather than gently erupt like
unknown to the people of Telzoa.
the Hawaiian volcanoes. Many local
They name the region for the Goddess
traditions have evolved around the
of the Night. People born under this
volcanoes ranging from ritual sacrifices to
sign are quiet and secretive, and they
the mountains of livestock or, although
have a reputation for nursing grudges
illegal, fellow humans. Char, the dark god
for way to long.
said to rule the volcanoes is fickle in his
behavior, and though his priests are
reviled, they are protected somewhat by
the volitale power wrapped within the "What we do is part of who we are."
The weather itself is also harsh and ~ +Telsindria.
particularly active. Telzoa is a land
surrounded by seas warmed by The lives of most Telzoans are punctuated
geothermal activity while Artic airmasses by rituals, of which four are of keen
slam into the island during winter. Rain importance: Birth, Coming of Age,
and snow is frequent, especially on the Marriage and Death.
island’s west face where falls of as much
as 10’ (2.1 meters) have been recorded.
Winter is spectacular and fierce lasting Rites of Birth
three months of the ten-month year. It is
followed by a highly rainy spring which The beginning of life holds high
turns into a humid though somewhat dry significance to nearly all societies and the
summer and late summer. Fall tends to be Telzoans are no exception to this rule.
dry with only occasional rain, and the There are three ceremonies associated
threat of forest fires sparked by dry with birth as follows: Asiana, Madriana,
lightning is ever present. and Nosiana.

This weather is reflected in the clothing

of the Telzoans. Even in summer most
dress fully as summertime temperatures The first ceremony formally recognizes
are only around the 60’s and 70’s. At the and celebrates the pregnancy. It is a
height of winter temperatures can drop to private ceremony that is held at home
–20 and below. with only close friends of the family
invited unless the parents to be are high
ranking nobles, in which case the event is
occasion to throw a large celebration,
especially if the pregnancy is the first for
the marriage. The involvement of a priest
in this ceremony is limited to a blessing on
the expectant mother, and this act may
be carried out at a temple if the priest
cannot (or more likely will not) go to the
home of the expectant parents. The first
Asiana also finalizes the consummation of
the marriage bed.
The only act of special significance
carried out in these quiet ceremonies is
the choosing of the Anglecani, or "Angel
Parents." This individual(s) will serve as
the step-parents of the child should death
claim the blood parents at some point in
the child's life. Also it is traditional that a
male noble child serve his squire training
under his Anglecani should that person be
competent and able to provide such
training when the time comes. This high
honor also has political repercussions in
the case of royal children. Should the

King and Queen die before the child is of not take part in this ceremony for the
age to take the throne it is the Anglecani most part, nor are any priests involved.
who serves as the Regent to the throne. Her friends give gifts to the mother and
they spend part of the evening praying for
Given these facts it's not surprising that
a safe birth for both mother and child. In
an Asiana is an elaborate affair for the
some areas the Madriana is not practiced
nobility, but then again, aren't all things
at all, and in others it is a more elaborate
elaborate when the rich and powerful
affair with the whole village involved.
become involved. For the poor the Asiana
may only involve the nuclear family but
otherwise carry on without to much Nosiana
hoopla. Only the first or Asiana Primera In a sense this ceremony begins with the
receive special attention among the poor rigors of birth itself. Once the birth is
and there a couple of reasons for this. For complete the child is "set before the eyes
the father the event marks the assurance of Tean" which is to say he or she is
that his bloodline will continue in some presented to the suns, then the true name
form, although total assurance won't be of the child is called out.
had until the child is proven to be male.
For the mother the event marks the Within the next ten days the ceremony
fulfillment of her womanhood. With this of the Nosiana is performed. The child is
event she becomes the equal of her own brought to a temple of Aurnon and there
mother in a sense, and for this reason the presents the child before three priests -
Asiana is a female dominated celebration one of Cuvanill, one of Tean and one of
where the actual ceremony takes place. Matacha. The mother kneels on her right
knee and calls out to the priest, "The one
The ceremony, whether at home or in who speaks for the Mother of Mothers
temple, occurs along these lines. The speak, for I seek her guidance."
couple stand before either the altar (in
temple) or the hearth (at home) with the The reply she receives is "I am here
priest before them. He blesses them child. Cuvanill guides you."
both, then a second bless is set upon the Her next line is "The one who speaks for
mother. Next the parents offer the the Ever-watching Father speak, for I seek
Anglecan to the individual they have his protection."
chosen for the task, and that individual
accepts before the priest and swears to And the reply, "I am here child, Tean
protect both the parents and the child. At protects you."
this point the formalities are concluded The two priests receive the child and
and what occurs next is largely an issue of place it upon the altar. The child is
personal taste. As a general rule though blessed by each priest which involves
the parents ironically separate to be with marking the forehead in ash powder and
their sexual peers - that is the men sprinkling holy water upon the child. As
congratulate the father in one room while this is done the parents speak the true
the women congratulate the mother in name of the child when prompted. Then
another. Feasting may be (and often is) the presiding priest of Matacha adds what
thrown into this mix, but on the whole the is arguably the most ominous part of the
evening is segregated as a rule. ceremony, "Mother, speak the name of
your child that all may know, that I may
Madriana record it herein in this the Roll of Names."
Essentially a Telzoan baby shower, this The elaborate reply is, "I call (him/her)
private occasion is held at about the (name), and may Oralea bless (him/her)
middle of the third trimester. A friend of with many years before (his/her) name is
the mother to be or the Anglecani recorded again thereupon."
arranges it if that person is a she. Men do
Now it should be noted that what while their relatives join the circle of
transpires above is the consistent core of druids at the grove's edge.
the ceremony. Other areas add their own
Three matriarchs occupy the space
distinctive touches, as do individual
between the girls and the ring formed by
families. A royal Nosiana is a full day
their sisters and mothers. The first
affair, while the poor may barely afford
represents Cuvanill, Goddess of Mothers.
the cost to go to temple. Regardless of
The second represents Cuane, Goddess of
the amount of pomp and circumstance
love. The third, and master of ceremonies
actually afforded the occasion though, it is
is a priestess of Tiania, Goddess of Nature
an important one in the lives of all people
and Natural cycles. For about an hour
- it is the beginning.
hymns and chants are sung in praise of
the three while the girls sit quietly facing
Rites of Passage out from the center stone of the grove.
As this is concluded the priests approach
"There is a special time in the lives of all people when the children. The first to speak is the
the child without dies and the adult within is born" priestess of Cuvanill.
"I, who speaks for our Mother of
~ +Telsindria. Mothers, welcome you children. Today
you pass from Chiantu my daughter's
Telzoans celebrate four major coming of protection unto mine. Today you
age ceremonies held at the ages of 9 and celebrate the first step of womanhood.
15. Further the nature of these Ayla! " With that said the children are
ceremonies is highly segregated by sex. motioned to stand. The ground beneath
The various coming of age ceremonies are their feet begins to glow.
held by many persons in Telzoa as
cherished memories. Further, it is at this The priestess of Cuane speaks, "Today
time that many Telzoans begin to walk the thou art fertile. Today thou may bear
path they will follow in adult life. children as your mothers, your
grandmothers, and all the generations
before. Ayla!! " The ground beneath the
Untalis Crindal feet of the girls catches fire, but they and
Translating literally as "First Bleeding," the priests next to them are unharmed by
this ceremony is held for girls after they the flame.
experience their first menstrual bleeding, The priestess of Tiania speaks, "Today
at between the ages of nine to as late as you have completed a circle of life, yet
twelve. The ceremony is a solemn one many circles remain before you. We shall
with no men present, and it is usually held continue to watch, we shall continue to
during the moon festival of Tiania that pray, and we shall continue to guide.
occurs immediately after the event. The Ayla!!" The flames catch the girl's dresses
ceremony is overseen by druids and held and begin to burn them away. Some of
within their groves when possible. the girls flinch in pain, and almost all
The girl (or girls, for it is not unusual for present begin to cry.
several to undergo this ceremony All the priests and women present begin
together) that are to undergo the rite are to chant along with the girls, "All are born
dressed in brilliant white cotton or linen by us! Ayla!! All are nurtured by us!
dresses for the occasion and are Ayla!! We are the keepers of the flame!
unadorned by makeup, jewelry or the like Ayla!! We are the sources of the river!
before the ceremony begins. All others Ayla!! We are women! We are forever!!
present at the ceremony are completely Ayla!!! "
nude. As the ceremony begins they are
lead by their mothers and elder sisters to The flames subside with a blinding light,
the center of the grove, and there left and the girls are left as nude as their

mothers and sisters. They are covered in The marriage ceremony itself is all that
sweat, but unhurt. With this the is covered here. Proposals of marriage
ceremony concludes. and betrothals (in the case of arranged
marriages) vary to wildly for an
Decandi introduction to handle, but the marriage
vows are one of the most consistent parts
The male companion to the Untalis Crindal of the Telzoan religion. Priests of Cuane
has no biological signal, so the tenth and Poen are preferred when handling a
birthday is used as the marker to ceremony, but any married couple will do.
celebrate this transition in life. At or That is the one caveat of the Telzoan
around this point of the child's life he is wedding ceremony - it is not a priest, but
taken by his father to the nearest temple another wed couple that marries one.
of the branch of faith the father holds Further it cannot be your parents. Since
trust in. The child is put alone in a room priests of Cuane and Poen invariably
(or in the center of a grove if druids are intermarry they are often chosen - further
involved) and not given food or water for they have access to spells to further
two days. The location is gradually sanctify the marriage.
heated (or exposed if outdoors). During
this the boy is to meditate. Most fail to The ceremony begins at dusk of the
really do so during the whole time period, preceding day. From sunset to the
but those that are the most successful in ceremony itself it is considered bad luck
this task do often garner the attention of for anyone of the opposite sex to see
the priests. Eventually the boy passes out either member of the ceremony, and this
and has a vision. The priest interprets the is often enforced with the occasional
vision and it determines the vocation of exception given to overly doting parents.
the boy and to whom he is to be At morning the two are led to opposite
apprenticed (In theory. Some parents sides of the ceremonial grounds in the
and children go against the vision and nude, and then one at a time they walk to
take up some other task). the center of the grounds alone. In the
center of the grounds, also nude, are the
After this rather grueling test a feast is priests or presiding couple. To the right of
held in the child's honor at his home. The the priests are the bride's parents, and to
vision, the parent’s finances, and their left the grooms - the three couples
everyone’s personal tastes shape the form a triangle. Parents may or may not
details of this feast. be clothed for the occasion as determined
by age and area. The bride and groom

Rites of Marriage enter the triangle from the side of their

parents. The words of the ceremony are
"We all live - never truly alone, and never truly as follows:
together save with one - or without one." Priestess: "Her enchanting lady,"

~ +Alisan, Priestess of Cuane. Priest: "And her eternal consort."

Both: "Invest their power in us."
Marriage is the most important pact a Priestess: "Oralea [fate] has chosen
Telzoan will ever make. It forms a bond that you to meet."
of trust and love that is never truly
severed without great consequence. A Priest: "And you have chosen to
spouse is seen as such a part of one that love."
cutting them off is as serious as needing Priestess: "This love has grown."
to amputate a hand or foot. Divorce can
occur and be justified, but divorcee's are Priest: "Hence you have brought it
ostracized in Telzoan society all the same. before us"
Priestess: "For eternal blessed Groom: "Yes, I, now and forever,
confirmation." claim her compassion,
hearth, mercy and love!"
Priests: "Shall we proceed?"
Priestess: "Two came unto us,"
Couple: "Yes"
Priest: "Two as one depart,"
Priest: "Very well, Do you give your
heart to this woman, that Priestess: "Two shall love forever."
she shall never be alone;
Priest: "Two shall ne'er depart."
Do you give your faith, so
that she shall never be in (The priests give a rose to the couple, and
want of trust; Do you give they place it tightly between their palms
your life, that she shall and face one another.)
never fear harm; Do you
Priestess: "Cuane of the Roses"
give her your love, through
which each of you shall be Priest: "And Poen of Song"
eternally strong."
Both: "Bless you, Unite you, and
Groom: "I give my heart, none else Free you, Two made One."
can tame it; I give my faith,
none else can claim it as
she; I give my life, for none Rites of Death
shall shame her while I live; "The end which comes once and comes to all is always
and I give my love, with no
at hand - prepare."
restraint now or ever."
Priestess: "And do you accept what he ~ +Matachan saying.
will give?"
Bride: "Yes, I, now and forever, Much ado is made over the whether or not
claim his heart, faith, life one will have peace or torment after they
and love!" die, or in the cases of some of the evil
sects of Telensitary, whether one receives
Priestess: "Very well, Do you give your torment or gets to inflict it. Hence
compassion, that he may placating the gods almost always has
never again know sorrow; death in mind anyway.
Do you give your hearth,
that his journeys may This said, funerals are for the living and
always find an end; Do you not the dead. It is in these ceremonies
him give your mercy, so his that we remember the ones we loved and
wounds might find comfort; lost. Funerals serve the necessary
Do you give him your love, function of allowing the living to find
through which each of you closure. As for the dead, they too need
shall be eternally strong." closure – an unburied or mistreated
member of the deceased can come back
Bride: "I give my compassion, his to haunt the living in Telzoa, and some
tears are mine alone to care is taken in Telzoan tradition to
weep; I give my hearth, his placate the dead.
home is mine alone to
keep; I give my mercy, his If one knows they are going to die they
joy is mine alone to need; will seek the counsel of a priest of their
and I give my love, with no patron god so that they might confess
restraint, now or ever." their sins before dying. If this is not
possible a Matachan priest can take such
Priest: "And do you accept what a confession, any priest is preferable to
she will give?" none and at the very least someone

should be there. Telzoans hate to die royal or high noble funerals this ring will
alone. be arranged by pecking order and a fifth
ring will be formed of the non nobles
When someone dies in a character's
presence they are expected to know and
to say the decorum or last rite. There will be one or two presiding
priests – the first is always of Matacha.
The second is determined by whether or
Delce de decorum trist not the deceased had a patron god (most
Delce de decorum delenerum torum do). In this case the god of the priest will
be the same as the patron.

Translated this Liternanin phrase means The Matachan priest begins the
"All are born hence, all are fated to die Incardra by repeating the decorum. The
someday." second priest then recounts the deeds of
the deceased, and this may take around a
The preparation of the body for burial half hour. The Matachan priest then calls
takes only a few hours and if a priest is out to the spirit to behold those who have
involved it will include castings of bless come to bid them farewell. Each person
and gentle repose. The rich often have present then says their last words to the
elaborate costumes prepared for their priest and concludes with, “I, [Name] bid
death, and the body is cleaned for its thee farewell.” It is customary to keep
journey, but left undressed. Naked we this last farewell under a minute or so,
enter the world, so too do the Telzoans depending on how many folk must say
deliver the bodies of the dead to their their last farewell. In the case of very
rest. large ceremonies only the inner two
Burial ceremonies begin at dawn when circles perform this process. After each
the body is set out for visitation. The person says their farewell they turn away
friends and relatives of the deceased from body, and light a candle.
remain on the premises. Two hours When all have turned away the
before nightfall the body is taken to the Matachan priest opens a copy of the
local temple and the Incardra is performed Ruandi Nombren and sets it upon the
by the priests of Matacha. During this altar, and then enters the name of the
ceremony the body lies just before the deceased into the book. He says what he
altar and the immediate children of the writes aloud. The song of the Ruandi
deceased form a semicircle around the Nombren is sung afterward, and when this
casket. They are arranged from eldest to song is completed the Matachan priest
youngest from the right to the left of the slams the book shut. With this cue all
body if it were to stand and face them. If present snuff their candle, and hold the
the parents or spouse of the deceased wick as long as they can even if it burns
survive they stand on the rightmost hand them.
before the children, although this is a rare
occurrence, it is not unheard of. Behind All present bow their head as eight
them in a second row are any “Death Speakers” enter the ceremony
grandchildren. In the third circle come all room (or grounds) from behind the altar.
other relatives, and these relatives make They close and take up the casket, and
a full circle around body and altar if there deliver it to the burial grounds. After they
enough of them. They are arranged leave the survivors are free to go. Some
starting directly in front of the altar and accompany the body to it’s burial grounds.
progress clockwise around the body in this In some areas the body is cremated on
order – siblings, uncles & aunts, cousins. the spot.
A fourth ring is composed of all other
friends to the deceased – in the case of
<< Sashana.
Sashana Grand druid during the reign of
High King Otal and his son Elgrel I. Legends
say she mothered at least one bastard child
to the king. She is the three generations
removed great grandmother of the current
Grand Druid, Alisan. Sashana was a half elf,
and like most of her race she outlived her
human contemporaries but died too young to
truly be accepted by her elven father despite
her accomplishments as one of the most
powerful priests of any religion ever to
walk the lands of Telzoa.

nce we were all the same, before but five. I suppose if you asked one of them, you would

the first rebirth, before the learn if this story is true – after all, each race has
schism. At that time the only their own version where they get to play the hero.
peoples of the world where the Who knows what the truth is? It, like this summary,
Tal ‘Isan. probably lies somewhere in the middle.
There was a wizard-king, whose ~ +Teresa, Human Wizard.
name was Mariel. He desired more than earthly power,
and made war upon the heavens. He gathered his
There are dozens of major races in the
finest armies and laid siege to the plains of Valrea. world of Carthasana, but only seven are
And so enraged where the gods at his audacity that eligible to become player characters in the
each army was changed to hate the others. So arose Dusk setting. Each race has a proud
the goblins, the orcs, the bugbears and their lot. history and often several cultures
encompassing far more material than can
There were those who did not follow Mariel into the be covered in any depth here. Instead this
æther, but when his forces returned they began their book will only touch upon the perspective
assault. The remaining peoples where scattered by and physiology of each race.
this blight to the four corners of the world. The
Note that what follows are the norms for
survivors where blessed with powers of their own to each race. How well or poorly your
stand off the assaults of the goblin races. So arose character conforms to the status quo of
the elves from the forests, the men from the plains, his or her race is entirely up to you. Just
the oyasi of the islands, the dwarves of the mountains remember that oddballs tend to have a
and the gnomes of the swamps. harder time in social situations than
Of the Tal ‘Isan, only a few remained, and their
numbers have since dwindled in the succeeding wars to


All characters know at least one language
as determined by race.
Race Language
Dwarf, Gnome Kilasric
Elf Silvani
Halfing Oyasin
Human Dalsundri
For convenience, non-human player
characters also speak Dalsundri (the
prevailing human tongue in Telzoa). For
each positive point of ability modifier for
intelligence a character has he receives a
bonus language. This language must come
from the list given with the character’s
Literacy: A character can read only if
he knows an alphabet. Most languages
spoken in Carthasana have no written
forms. A character must know at least one
language that uses an alphabet before he
can learn the alphabet. Only wizards know
how to write as a class ability, although
many deities require literacy as part of the "So how do elves view us?" Teresa asked Trishdare.
training of their priests. The elven sorcerer shook his head, "As the waves of the
Class-Related Languages: Some sea. Individually brief - collectively constant,
classes can choose certain languages as unchanging and overpowering."
bonus languages even if they’re not on
the lists found in the race descriptions. The human race is the most direct
These class-related languages are as descendant of the fabled Tal ‘Isan race.
follows: They remain the most adaptable of all the
races and the best at organizing
Cleric: Abori, Valrea, Balcridi, Sodri, themselves into cities, kingdoms and
Shunri empires. While the shortest lived of races,
Druid: Sylvan. they tend to build the most lasting
national and physical structures. Humans
Wizard: Liternanin build on grand structures that other races
don’t quite understand, grasp or

The Races appreciate.

Personality: Humans cover a wide range
Listed below are the races of Carthasana.
of personalities, but as a race they are
The first name is that most commonly
ambitious with a strong urge to take back
given to the race in D&D parlance. The
the lands they have been driven from by
name in paranthesis is the name the race
other races or other human kingdoms.
has for itself and the name it is most
Humans have extremely strong
commonly referred to in Carthasana.
nationalistic tendancies and tend to show
Each entry is divided down into several their greatest prejudices against those
sections detailing the race’s physiology, outside their nation regardless of race.
personality, relations and so on. Order and law are important to the race
as a group, but individuals buck this trend Human Lands: The Kingdom of
with enough regularity that no one really Dalsundria in Telzoa was covered in the
knows what to expect when they previous chapter, and it is essentially a
encounter a stranger of the human race. human kingdom. The other significant
human kingdom in Carthasana is the
Description & Clothing: Humans of
Estarian Empire to the south. Once the
Carthasana are capable of the same wide
two kingdoms were united under the flag
variation of appearance seen on earth, but
of the Malchani empire, but this time
as a rule the Humans encountered in
period predates the memories of the elves
Telzoa will be of a stock best described as
and most records kept in Telzoa.
Grecian or Mediterranean. Those people
have black hair, rounded eyes, but a Religion: Humans worship many deities
creme colored skin tone more akin to depending on region. Some deities are
those seen in northern earth regions than organized into pantheons, some are
in the Mediterranean. independent; some deny the worship or
existance of other deities and others do
Humans of other skin tones and
not. Thanks in part to the presence of
appearances can be seen in other regions
divine magic though deities maintain a
and sometimes migrate into Telzoa as
real presence throughout Carthasana and
traders or adventurers.
it is believed that they have a vested
Clothing patterns throughout interest in maintaining this status quo,
Carthasana vary radically within culture so though exactly what is not well
an exhaustive listing would be futile, understood even by the sages which study
however within Telzoa itself humans tend the matter.
layered heavy wool garments. Telzoa has
Language: Languages switch rapidly form
fairly harsh winters and so the peoples of
region to region, even within a country,
the region must dress accordingly or
such that Carthasana has no “common
freeze to death.
tongue.” The most common language
Relations: Humans will have dealings within Telzoa, where Dusk is usually
with any race willing to submit to the staged, is Dalsundri.
authority of their governments and laws.
Names: Names in the lands of Dalsundria
While some individual clans of other races
are usually corruptions of other common
are willing to do this, other races as a
languages of the area and ancestral
whole are not. Also, humans of different
tongues such as Dalzendri, Malchani, and
nations may or may not recognize each
other. So, all in all, this is a mixed bag
that is very dependent on the local area Adventurers: Humans adventure for a
and custom. variety of reasons – risk, profit, glory,
religion. The reasons are as varied as the
Marriage & Family: Again, marital ties
people who seek the adventure.
vary considerably between cultures, so
only the Telzoan regions will be
considered here, and then only briefly. Dwarves
Marriage, among the nobility, is chiefly a "Beware a cheery dwarf."
means of land acquisition or to cement
political ties. Even among the lower
classes marriages are arranged and men
~ +Berondibas, gnome wizard.
and women rarely know their spouses
before the ceremony begins; though the Denizens of the deep mountains, dwarves
rebellious Rizaldan priests are trying to throw themselves passionately into any
change this practice and let people be free and every task they engage in. Producers
to find each other and fall in love. Still, of some of the finest arts or all types in
this concept is foreign to most Telzoans. the realm of Carthasana, dwarves are

than humans they weigh the same and
are equally strong despite their size.
Dwarven bones are massive and,
ironically, dwarven thighbones are a
favorite club among orcs.
Dwarves have exagerrated livers,
spleens, appendices and kidneys. Their
bodies are far more efficient at dealing
with and removing poisons from their
system. Dwarves are also outright
immune to several substances that can
slowly kill humans outright – not the least
of which is lead. Dwarves use lead in
almost all their utensils yet it has no effect
greatly honored by all races for their skills whatsoever upon them. Thanks to
even though their temperments can divinations other races are aware of the
sometimes make them very difficult to get slow danger lead poses on Carthasana,
along with. though dwarves brag it is just weakness.
Physiology: The differences between Mineral poisons have next to no effect on
dwarves and humans run far deeper than dwarves in general, though natural and
a difference in stature. Despite their synthetic poisons can affect them
height dwarves weigh as much or more normally.
than humans on average. They also are These abilities are the reason for the +2
have a wider stance than humans, which racial bonus dwarves have to their
exagerrates their short, squat constitution scores.
Birth & Childhood: Dwarves develop
Longevity: Dwarves of Carthasana don’t slower than humans, due largely to their
live appreciably longer than humans. Their massive bones. They don’t stop growing
lifespans typically run into the 75 to 100 until age 30, and childhood is generally
year range (remember that humans on regarded to last until the same. Dwarven
Carthasana rarely live past 30) with some pregnancies last 11 months.
venerable dwarves reaching 125.
Personality: Carthasna’s dwarves are not
Senses: Dwarves are best known for the dour and taciturn, but rather bombastic
extraordinary ability of darkvision. This and overbearing to an extreme that is
ability allows a dwarf to see the reflections equally annoying. A dwarf says what he
of the light of his own aura – though such thinks before taking any time to ponder
light is weak, hence the limited range of how others may react. This extreme lack
this ability. A dwarf’s normal vision is of tact is why dwarves, as a race, have a -
roughly as good as a humans though the 2 charisma penalty.
race has a much higher occurance of
near-sightedness. Description & Clothing: Dwarves make
and wear clothing we’d describe as
Dwarven hearing, touch and smell are Scottish, with elaborate patterns
roughly equivalent to a human’s, but their throughout. Dwarves decorate all their
sense of taste is decidedly poor. Dwarves tools and often fashion their hair and
ironically love spicy foods though, but as a beards into knotwork patterns. The
result of their poor taste they often spice attitude of most is that if something is
their food to the point nearly worth making it’s worth making well.
Relations: Dwarves are extremely warm
Physical Build: Dwarves are more dense and friendly with their family and clan and
than other races. While physically smaller equally guarded in their dealings with
strangers. They prefer to keep other races move in and among dwarven settlements
at arms reach – but especially men. as much as halflings move among the
Several times in the last two centuries has humans of other worlds (though halflings
one or more Telzoan king tried to claim do not mingle with humans often in
the mountains for their own, only to be Carthasana). The language has an
beaten back by the dwarves. alphabet known as the Smarskritic and
that alphabet is often co-opted by
Marriage & Family: Family is at the core
goblinkin when they have cause to write
of dwarven life, though dwarves don’t
something down (which is rare).
tend to keep large clanholds on
Carthasana like they do in other worlds. Dwarven is a very harsh and guttural
Instead, clans loosely ally into councils tongue. Elves sometimes jokingly refer to
which meet only to drink and argue, rarely it as “growling earth speak.”
deciding on anything unless an urgent
Names: Dwarves tend to be proud and
need presents itself.
yet secretive about names. They proudly
Dwarven females have far more parity vant out their clan names and work to
with their male counterparts than human honor their clan. Further, most go by their
women. Unlike human females dwarven clan name when working with outsiders
females do not tend to be any frailer or (even dwarves from other strongholds).
less aggressive. Indeed, their willingness Personal names are kept relatively secret,
to be beligerent often catches humans off and true names are given out only rarely
guard. and it is a mark of high trust.
Dwarven Lands: Dwarves typical lord Adventurers: Most dwarven adventurers
over freeholds in narrow mountain valleys are out for a thrill and a fight – not
that are both mineral rich but also afford necessarily in that order. That they might
them the ability to grow what food. profit during the struggle is often only
Dwarves prefer to be self-sufficient and secondary to enjoying themselves in the
will avoid lands that cannot produce all process.
their needs.
Dwarven cities can grow quite large, but
grow organically with little planning. Since
Elves (
most are primarily underground it is "So Teresa," Trishdare began, "How do humans view
possible to become lost for days or weeks elves?"
in the mazelike passages.
"As the fern envies the oak," she replied smoothly.
Religion: Dwarves engage in what is
essentially an elaborate form of ancestor Elves are the most prominent of the
worship. Each clan, during ceremonies, “sylvan” races of Carthasana. Humans
recites the names of all the members often see them as idealic versions of
passed and sings the tales of their glory. themselves, yet the free spirit of the elves
At the head of the ancestry are three has grated on the nerves of more than
powers presiding over the cycle of life in one human king and emperor. While elves
this world – most commonly called are willing to be allies, they are not willing
Freyalis, Dulthos and Nalru. However, to be servants.
most clans have a local deity and it is not Physiology: While physically closer to
unknown for the names of principle deities humans than any other race on
to be changed from stronghold to Carthasana, the elves are upon close
stronghold. examination more alien than any other
Language: Dwarves speak a tongue they race. While grotesque in visage, goblins,
call Kilrasic, and it is essentially the same orcs, ogres and the like share humanity’s
as the tongue used by gnomes. This frailties of disease and mortality. Elves
probably owes to the fact that gnomes are free of these concerns, and this

freedom shapes their very psychology on
a level that is not easily appreciated or
As has been said many a time in Telzoa,
appearances deceive – the elves are not
like us.
Longevity: The most dramatic difference
between elves and humans is longevity.
Elves live to approximately 300 years,
though individuals over 400 years old
aren’t unknown. To human eyes elves
seem to live forever and seem to have all
the time in the world to explore the all). Elves also have a greater likelihood of
nuances of this or that craft. being born colorblind than humans.
In addition to a naturally long lifespan Elves have a functioning and
elves are immune to all diseases that transparent third eyelid that protects the
affect humans. Elves however do have to eye from flashblindness (the lack of this
contend to diseases unique to their third eyelid by goblinoids is why they are
species – most of which are at least vulnerable to flash blindness and elves are
partially magical and difficult to treat. not).
They also are in danger of dying from an
ailment called the ashtasila sundre, or Elves have a more sensitive and higher
“weary death” where an elf becomes so hearing range than humans. An elf can
depressed from his memories and hear a “dog whistle” and it isn’t
experiences that he goes into a catatonic uncommon for elven scouting parties to
state and starves. use such whistles as signals their foes
can’t intercept. Despite this advantage,
Senses: Elves are generally believed (and elves are no better at discerning the
they frequently brag) of having better direction of a sound than humans are.
senses all around than a humans. This is
mostly true. Elves have about the same sense of
smell and taste as humans, and their
The elven eye is about twice as sensitive sense of touch is actually weaker at
to light as a human’s having a far more picking up temperature changes than
dense concentration of rods than a humans.
human’s. It is also about a quarter size
larger than a human eye. Elven eyes have Extrasensory: Elves have an almost
a much more reflective timpanic instinctual sense when it comes to magic.
membrane behind the retina that reflects Even those with no training whatsoever
unabsorbed light back to the retina for a can feel the presence of a spell if they
second try at absorbtion. Some of this enter its area of effect (and with most
light escapes though so an elf’s eye shines spells by then, it’s too late).
in the dark just as a cat or dog’s will. Elves also have the ability to feel the
This visual acuity comes at some price. emotions of those they touch. Two elves
The muscles that move the eye are less holding hands know the emotions of the
developed in an elf than in a human. This other and they, as a rule, find physical
means that an elf cannot look out of the contact more desireable at all times than
corner of their eyes or cast a sidelong humans. Elves like to touch and be
glance at someone. To follow most objects touched and they don’t discriminate
an elf must move her entire head just an sexually in this regard. A typical elf would
owl does (which can’t move it’s eyes at prefer to have someone else groom them
or to groom another than to groom
themselves. So great is this need for between reveries increases the elven mind
contact that those who capture elves becomes increasingly disoriented until
frequently have learned that solitary finally it collapses in on itself and the elf
confinement works wondered on the elven enters a coma. These comatose episodes
resolve. are about the only time an elf experiences
unconsciousness and it is frightening to
Physical Build: Elves have a much less
them in the extreme despite the fact that
dense bone structure than humans.
it is in this state that most elven infants
Though their bones are about the same
linger in on and off until their minds are
size, they are more hollow. Major bones
developed enough to begin to reverie.
such as the femur (legbone) and hip have
strips of cartilage intermingled with true Birth & Childhood: Elven females, unlike
bone to give added flexiability. This comes their human counterparts, are only
at a price, elven bones break easier than capacle of becoming pregnant once a
human ones though usually they will bend year. This phenomena is known as an
first. “eustral cycle” and is seen in deer and
other prey animals. Even when the
Elves do not weigh and indeed cannot
chance of pregnancy is present it is fairly
weigh as much as humans – their
rare – most elves only successfully get
skeletons would collapse under the
pregnant five or six times in their
weight. Elven muscle tissue is stronger
lifetimes. Since elven females need not
per pound than human muscles, but there
fear unwanted pregnancies as often they
is less of it in most individuals adding to
tend to be more promicscuous than
their frail look. These highly dense but
human females, and elven society is
light muscles take a long time to grow,
certainly more tolerant and unstructured
adding the immature period most elves
where sex is concerned.
When an elf does become pregnant she
Elves therefore have much more
undergoes a year long pregnancy that
flexiable bodies on average than humans,
delivers up two infants of three to four
but at a price of being more easily injured
lbs. In almost all instances one of the
– hence their -2 adjustment to
infants is stillborn and it isn’t unusual for
both to be. Elven infants are born even
Reverie: It is well known that elves not less developed than human babes with
only don’t sleep, but can’t. Their minds their eyes closed. They will not open their
are always active on some level and they eyes at all until around six months old.
are always aware of their surroundings. They also have no hair at all and lack
However, elves do have to enter a state fingernails and toenails.
called the reverie. While in many respects
The babes must suckle for the first year,
this is an advantage, sometimes it can be
their digestive system being unable to
a weakness.
handle anything more complicated than
During reverie the elven mind mother’s milk. Elven milk isn’t especially
accomplishes what the human mind does nourishing either, but it is reflective of the
with sleep – discarding unneeded slow developing process that is the racial
memories and strengthing those that are achillies heel of elves.
desired. However, for an elf this is largely
Another elven weakness from a
a conscious process.
physiological standpoint is that once an
Elves need to spend at least four hours elven female has bore a child –
a day in this state though they can spend successfully or not – it will be some ten to
more. Elves who fail to reverie the proper as long as twenty years before she can
amount of time don’t suffer the same kind bear another. During this time her body
of fatigue as humans, though the game doesn’t ovulate at all.
effects are the same. As the period

Elves take around 24 years to reach Marriage & Family: Since elven females
physical maturity, and around considered do not run a risk of pregnancy for most of
adult until 30 years. Human musing of the year they have a reputation (largely
elves requiring a hundred years to reach deserved) of being promiscuous. Despite
adulthood are largely false though elven their long life spans elves rarely enter into
society doesn’t confer full adult rights to long term commitments (although this is a
anyone less than a century in age. relative thing - a commitment of 40 years
is hardly long term to them) as they see it
Personality: Elves delight in the world
as wearing to their souls. Love is one
around them as they’ve always known it
such aspect that elves hold a much
as a culture. Their personalities can be
different view upon than humans do -
warm, passionate or reserved, but they
elves do not marry in the human sense,
often give off a feeling of reserve. Elves
and fathers are never really involved in
can live a long, long time, and most aren’t
the lives of their very young children even
willing to risk that longevity to rash
if they do know which child is theirs.
dangerous actions, yet at the same time
Women raise their children one at a time,
they speak with their hearts as well as
a process that takes twenty years. At this
their mind when asked.
point the care of the children is passed
Description & Clothing: Frail and thin, from parent to maschadri, which is an
elves epitomize beauty to the eyes of elven term roughly equivalent to god
many humans. Their clothes are long and parent. It is this individual, who is almost
flowing, but cut with comfort instead of always male and usually the father (or
modesty in mind. Since they aren’t assumed father), that trains the child in
bothered as much by temperatures as whatever art they've chosen. This training
humans they tend to dress lightly, and in turn tends to last twenty years as well.
they have no qualms about not dressing
Elven families are traced by via
at all when among their own kind, though
matriarchy, though elves do not value
they find that is best to be appear to be
long term family heritage in the manner of
modest when dealing with humans.
the other races. They are also aloof and
Elven weaving processes take a long cold when they observe such ties among
time to perform by tradition, and these humans and have no understanding of it
items are never rushed. Their fabrics are whatsoever in the extreme that dwarves
highly prized and very durable. Elves tend take it. The affection afforded between
to use forest colors with all their fabrics – mother and child is extremely strong,
be that green in spring and summer, or though all other bonds are missing. Elves,
stark whites for winter and oranges and for their own part, see no problem with
golds in fall. this, and tend to explore love (or as
observing races put it, lust) in as many
Relations: Elves prefer to remain aloof in
ways possible. Indeed, in this one respect
their dealings with the members of other
elves show no signs of their age. Their
races. Part of this is again due to the
love burns hot, but it burns briefly.
differences in lifespans – individuals of
other races don’t live anywhere near long Elven Lands: Elven domains are fairly
enough to honor what elves would ambiguous in boundary as elves make no
perceive as a long-term commitment. This attempt to divide the land as other races
non-commital stance is very off-putting to do. Nor do elves answer to a common
Carthasana’s dwarves, though humans elven king (though in their negotiations a
don’t like it either. This same attitude local clan leader may say he’s “king” to
actually helps them get along with placate human needs to speak to an
gnomes and oyasini, each of which tend to authority figure). This lack of a marking
want to tinker with things more than elves on their territories make it possible to
like. enter and leave elven villages and cities,
often without even knowing you were separate languages except that, once
there. written down, they can be read readily.
Elves dislike artificial and unneccesary Elven writing is an artform in and of
changes to the land. Hence elven homes itself, and it is very important to them.
and cities blend into the landscape and An elf’s memory of event specifics is no
wildlife is welcome to move within their better than a human’s, so without
villages. Elves do not establish large cities writing’s to remind them they’d forget
because of the damage such their childhoods and young adulthood by
establishments can do to the the time they become venerable.
environment. Several large tracts of
The elven alphabet has 31 letters with
apparent wilderness in Carthasana, such
three distinct modes for each letter
as the Calishmere and the Voolrean
depending on whether it is the first,
Forests, are elven nations.
middle or last letter in the word.
Unlike the elves of other worlds,
Perhaps the most interesting trait of the
Carthasanan elves are not especially
elven tongue is it’s complete lack of
capacle craftsmen of metals or magical
plosive sounds such as ‘b’, ‘p’, ‘c’ and so
devices. They also prefer magic drawn
from the land or from the self and study
magic in an introspective pattern as Names: Elves purport to hold little
opposed to “book learning” of the art as meaning in names and change them
elves of other worlds do. frequently. Unlike most races, they rarely
have or go by family names – if asked for
Religion: Elven religion is centered
a last name most will give their mother’s
around the dichotomy of the Seelie and
name. Elves, like other races, have a true
Unseelie courts. There are five deities in
name, but most elves rarely know their
each court and they are held to each rule
true name having never been told it by
half the year. Every elf is said to have an
their parents.
unseelie side which must be suppressed
Like so many other aspects of elven life, Adventurers: Elves adventure primarily
religion is a personal pursuit that each out of curiousity, or for many of the same
individual must walk for themselves. reasons as humans do – except that they
Elves do not congregate except on the rarely attempt to amass wealth or
turns of the seasons, and the religious property. Most adventuring elves are still
focus of those celebrations tends to be fairly young, as elder elves tend to settle
overshadowed by reveling. down and enjoy finer and more peaceful
Outside of these ceremonies elven
priests contemplatively follow the path set
before them by life. They make Game Mechanics
themselves available to council those The favored class of elves in the Dusk
elves who request it, and they maintain setting is the sorcerer instead of the
shrines and holy sites for the benefit of wizard. The race is otherwise unchanged.
their communities, but on the whole
religion and religious observance does not
dominate elven life in the way it
dominates humans.
"Seen one gnome, seen them all," Timmon quipped.
Language: The elven tongue is more or
less uniform throughout the race unlike "You only see what we wish you to see boy." Johan
the human tongues, though it has regional sternly corrected.
dialects. These dialects can be so
contorted that they should be treated as Of the major races, gnomes are the most
reclusive and secretive. Often confused for
dwarves and sometimes even for halflings,

Description and Clothing: Gnomes, like
dwarves, do not delight themselves in
exceptionally fine garments. They hold
functionality over beauty in most respects,
however gnomes love to encrust their
garments and tools with polished stones
of various values. No race can begin to
compare with gnomes in the arts of jewel
crafting and white smithing (working
precious metals). Gnomes use lame
(metallic cloth) more often than other
races, and often they embroider precious
cloths gained from other races in trade.
Gnomic dress resembles dwarves in that
males do wear kilts - however their
designs are always solid or two color
designs, unlike dwarven weaves which
gnomes prefer to keep to themselves and may use up to 15 different color threads.
have no dealings with others as a race. Gnomes also love hats - it is rare to find a
The ones which adventure are more gnome without a hat, and many
outgoing than this, but they have a individuals feel naked without them.
(mostly deserved) reputation for Among their own kind gnomes where a
scamming those they encounter as they conical hat known as a cycla, but in the
try to get ahead in the game of life. company of humans they prefer to use
Physiology: Gnomes of Carthasana stand hats that don't label them as readily as
around 3 feet tall, and would easily pass gnomes.
for halflings where it not for their facial Gnomic female dress is virtually
hair and enlarged noses. Gnomes have a identical to male dress save that skirts
superb sense of smell and enjoy stand in for kilts. Women sometimes
particularly strong odors of all types the forgo a hat for a headscarf, but like the
same way that other races revel in strong gentlemen they rarely go without wearing
colors. Like dwarves they have darkvision something on their head. Like dwarves,
and they share the dwarven ability to all male gnomes wear beards, although
injest materials that could easily kill most unlike dwarves, gnomes find some of the
men. most outlandish ways to style their
Gnomes can live for up to 150 years, beards, from goatees to sideburns.
making them the second longest lived Relations: Gnomes get along acceptably
race in Carthasana after the elves. with all races, though humans and elves
Personality: Carthasana’s gnomes tend tend to suspect their motives. Gnomes
to be self-centered in one or more ways. lack the physical strength to hold and
Even the more gregarious ones tend to maintain kingdoms of their own, so they
deal with others in terms of what they mesh into other socities and exploit gaps
stand to gain or lose. They love to tinker they leave behind. Unfortunately, gnomes
with people as much as things, and often often get blamed for catastrophes and the
push buttons until someone explodes. Of like, and mobs have more than once sent
course, the amount of malice in such acts all the gnomes in one kingdom packing
depends on the individual gnome. Gnomes and leaving for the next.
are very fast to shoot off insults, and one Marriage & Family: Gnomes marry, and
can rarely be sure if those insults are marry for life. Divorce is a completely
meant in jest or not. alien concept to them, and if a spouse
should befall misfortune it is uncannily
rare for a gnome to remarry. Despite this that most respond to “hey gnome” faster
stability within the marriage, family takes than whatever name they happen to be
a back seat to guilds in gnomic life. using at the moment. Gnomes do not
Gnomes usually marry within their guild, readily share their given name (let alone
and their children join a guild at true name) to non-gnomes. Instead they
adolescence and the bond they forge with use nicknames, particular ones that are
the guild quickly eclipses their family. difficult to say.
Why this is so is something of a mystery
Adventurers: Gnomes adventure in
to outside races, but gnomes view it as a
search of one or more of three things –
practical issue. The trades of the
fun, trouble or profit. Adventuring is one
community must be passed on, and the
of the few activities that provide a lot of
guilds do that more efficiently than the
all three.
This is not to say that family has no
place to gnomes. Even when they enter a Half-Elves
different guild, gnomes retain tight ties to Just as Trishdare and Teresa began to kiss Timmon
their family. Also, for many gnomes guild
merrily piped in from the other side of the campfire,
and family are one and the same - but if
an individual wants to leave one family "Now, now you two - the world has enough mongrels
and its trade for another than there is no such as I."
fuss involved in that at all.
Dwelling in the gap between two cultures
Gnomic Lands: Gnomes tend to settle with a great deal of animosity and
into enclaves within kingdoms ran by prejudice for one another, the life of a
larger races and hold no lands of their half-elf is a precarious one at best, and a
own, at least in the vicinity of Telzoa. dismal one at worst. For bigots in both
They’re willing to at least pay lip service camps their very existence brings up the
to the ruling race’s customs, but if they specter of miscegenation - that elves nor
become overbearing gnomes will simply humans are as separate from each other
leave. as some would rather believe.
Religion: Gnomes participate in a religion Half elves usually favor the elven parent
ruled by four deities – one for each in bone structure, and their human parent
season. A gnome’s patron is as much a in hair and eye color, but this is by no
function of his age as it is his beliefs. But means constant. In all but an
gnomes aren’t a particularly devout folk – extraordinarily few cases half elves are
and to outsiders they often seem to have raised by their mother and almost never
no faith at all. Even clerics rarely mention know their father. Be they born of love or
their deities to non-gnomes. To further hate, theirs is the lot despised by those
confuse matters gnomic religious who should call them kindred. Half elves
observances, when held, are more
accurately described as festivals –
festivals known to often get quite out of
Language: The gnomes don’t have a
tongue of their own but have co-opted the
language of the dwarves. This, along with
other similarities, has lead sages to
suppose the two races are actually one –
a theory both races deny.
Names: Gnomes use names as a matter
of convenience and switch them so often

get along best with half orcs, who like as a result of this awful trend which only
they are despised by the races of their serves to redouble the hatred humans
parents. have for any nearby orcs, especially in the
aftermath of any large incursions.
The abilities of half elves are not variant
with their elven parent, although the The emotional scars that such an
exact subrace of elf that was a parent will upbringing leaves causes many half orcs
be noticeable in the features of the to act as monstrously as their orcish
individual. This can lead to additional parentage would indicate they should.
racism on the part of both elves and Not a few go insane by the incessant
humans. emotional, and as often physical attacks
rendered to them by the society they
The half elves do have one place to call
grow up within. Despite all of this a rare
home and a people who will call them
few of them come up civilized, and a rare
friend. The Kingdom of Hone Rae, and
few of them also come into power in one
her people accept half-elves, and many
of the two races that form their heritage.
other misfits as well. The reason for this
is largely historical - for the kingdom of Half orcs tend toward sullen, moody and
Hone Rae was founded as a protectorate quiet behavior more so than any other
for the half-elves of Telzoa (or more group. All of them have rage pent up
accurately a place to banish them to). inside though, and one should be very
Now the people of that kingdom have cautious about drawing their ire or wrath.
strong elven blood in their veins, so much Try as they might to avoid it, most die as
so that their children occasionally are half- orcs do - in battle or on the end of a rope.
elven even when the parents are not (see Many of them though would have it no
Human, Hone Raean). other way.

Since half-elves have no real culture of

their own, refer to the race which raised
your character for details personality
quirks, costume and so on.

Hugo tapped on Timmon's shoulder, "Mongrel?" then he
snorted in contempt and left into the darkness.
"I think you hurt his feelings," Teresea snapped at
"Feelings? Him? He's part orc.." Trishdare teased.
Teresa slapped him hard and left in the opposite
"Oh well," Johan the gnome giggled, "That'll set you
back at least two weeks Trish."
As much as orcs and humans hate one
another and find each other's appearance
to be repulsive it is not surprising to note
that, unlike half-elves, half orcs are more
often than not the unfortunate products of
rape. Most half orcs have human mothers
Halflings among the oyasini is the question game –
where every response is phrased as a
“The world can be a big place for one as small as I, question. This said, oyasini are only truly
irritating when they want to be – most are
but being small gives you a proper prespective.”
wise enough to understand that the bigger
races don’t appreciate the endless
~ +Geldasin interrogation.

The halflings of Carthasana call Still this irritation stems a bit from
themselves the "oyasini." They lie something deeper. Oyasini always
between the world of elves and pixies, question things. They are patient to a
similar to each race but directly tied to fault and want to make sure that they all
neither. their options are understood. So despite
their nimble forms, oyasini society and
individuals tend to be a bit plodding when
Physiology: Oyasini are the smallest of plotting courses of action.
the kindred races, standing 3’ tall at the Description & Clothing: Oyasini prefer
most with some as short as 2 ½’. Their flowing gowns above all other types of
skin ranges from chalk white to a light dress, and both the males and females
blush hue - their silk fine hair runs the are unlikely to be found in any other type
gamut of red and blond shades, although of garment while among their own kind.
on rare occasion light cyan and white are Their dress is not colorful - usually it is a
seen among their number. Oyasini eyes single white or with a hint of color. When
are blue, pink, violet or steel grey. traveling among humans or elves they
Like elves, Oyasini have somewhat favor the use of cloaks and other
exaggerated eyes, but they don’t share garments that break up their outline.
the larger race’s inability to move their Relations: Oyasini lack the size to easily
eyeballs. They have much the same bone defend themselves in a head to head
structure as elves, but since they are conflict, so they prefer to act as
smaller they don’t suffer the slow growth peacemakers, particularly when travelling
effects of the larger race. In some sense in foreign lands. Their easy-going nature
they have the best of both worlds. makes them welcome among all of the
Oyasi (the females) have a pregnancy of kindred races, though their reputation for
7 months and childhood for the oyasini is picking things up or outright stealing
only 10 years, though many act socially makes sure they are usually well watched.
childish well into their thirties. Player Marriage & Family: Oyasini practice
character Oyasi are assumed to be around polyandry - which is to say that one wife
20 at which time they’ve developed a bit will have multiple husbands. Three is the
more common sense. usual number, though rich matriarchs with
Oyasini differ from the halflings of other as many as twenty husbands are not
worlds because the females have wings unknown. Part of the reason for this
that, while too small to allow true flight, practice is that females only account for
can allow them to fall safely from any one-sixth the population of race. Males
height. These wings grow out to 6’ when are expendable - females are not. While
extended, but they can retract down and matriarchy may tinge some of the other
be hidden under flowing robes and gowns. cultures so far explored in this book, it is
firmly entrenched in Oyasini society and
Personality: Oyasini are infamous for the status quo. Females wield great
their senses of curiousity. Some are all political power within the numbers of
too willing to parrot an near endless series oyasini. They hold all the priestly and
of “why’s” to anyone foolish enough to administrative positions of the clan hold
answer the question. A popular game

government and
their rule is largely Female Halflings
Female halflings, as mentioned above,
Oyasini Lands: Oyasini prefer to live have wings. The wings are wisp thin,
near to the sea or in commerce centers highly fragile and believed to be semi-
where news travels quickly. Their magical, and they can be collapsed and
homelands are the Great Kristobal Forest hidden under flowing robes and cloaks.
in the south of Losineris. There giant trees They are identical to the halflings of the
hold whole cities miles off the ground. Player’s Handbook in all respects except
Oyasini, regardless of where they are, as noted below.
prefer to sleep as far off the ground as
practical.  Oyasi do not tend to get into as much
trouble as the Oyasoi (males) and so
Religion: Oyasini religion is purely don't have the +1 luck bonus on their
monotheistic. They believe that the saving throws.
goddess Ooyas-shandra created the world
for them and then created spirits to  So long as her wings are not bound in
administer her world. Oyasini tend to some way, an oyasi who is prepared
classify the gods of other religions as for a fall can fall any distance without
mere spirits that have gone renegade and harm, covering the same distance
forgot their true place in the world. each round as if feather fall where cast
upon her. If she is caught off guard
Language: The oyasini language is by a drop she will fall 30’ before her
similar in most respects to elven (silvani) wings can snap into place, and it will
save that it contains plosive sounds. take another 20 feet before her wings
Oyasini use a modified version of the slow her fall to a safe speed. While
elven alphabet for their writings. falling in this manner the Oyasi can
Names: An oyasi will have 3 main names carry up to her own weight before the
– her own is first, then her mothers and fall accelerates to a speed greater than
then her clan’s. An oyasoi (male) will have her wings can compensate for. While
4 – as listed above and his “maiden” she falls, she can move horizontally as
name since lineage in oyasini society is if running (4x base move), and if she
traced by matriarchy. Among humans gets a run before she jumps she can
oyasini tend to use whatever nicknames increase her horizontal distance to 6x
their friends have given them. her base move each round she falls.
Adventurers: Most oyasini adventure to
sate their endless curiosity.
<< Nelaria Ellery Tuval.
Tuval The only surviving
child of Jonas Tuval, the crown prince of
Dalsundria who has been missing at sea for
seven years and is presumed by most of the
court to be dead. Her twin brother died in a
hunting accident soon after her father’s
disappearance, leading some to suspect foul
play in both their deaths. For this reason
the princess was removed from Dalsundria to
the land of Hone Rae, where she awaits the
day she is recalled by her grandfather should
he choose to pass the crown to her by-
passing her uncles Valsil and Ander.

ach member of a well honed

organization has a purpose, and
each member is expected to serve
their purpose. If they don’t, their “He raged at the world, at his family, and at his life.
organization will fail. I do not But mostly, he just raged.”
accept failure gentleman – am I
– Legend of the Raging Goblin.
~ +Travis Triel. Barbarians are primal warriors who tap
into their inner fury of their hearts to drive
themselves into rages that are terrifying
One of the first decisions you’ll probably for opponents to behold. Though usually
make (after rolling your ability stats) is from lands outside Telzoa, they quickly
which class? Class defines your role in the find acceptance in a land in search of
party more than any other choice you’ll powerful warriors.
make about your character.
Adventures: Barbarians typically either

Core Classes
adventure to find new lands for their
people, or when their people have been
driven from their homes by more powerful
Core classes are those which you can start
monsters. Even things other characters
play with. All eleven classes in the Player’s
accept as mundane are often wonderous
Handbook are present in Dusk and the
to a barbarian.
following information details the role they
play in this setting and the changes (if Characteristics: Barbarians are best
any) to the rules governing their abilities. known for their ability to fly into a
powerful fury which increases their
strength and endurance for a time.


Game Mechanics
Unless otherwise noted the following rules
apply to all barbarians in the Dusk setting.
 Alignment: Barbarians must have a
dominant Shunrian (red) alignment,
which they use to tap the primal fury
of their rage.

“I sing of life and of death, of love and yet of hate,
of joy and yet of sadness, and yet I sing.”
Barbarians are also masters of survival in
wilderness environments. ~ +Kerith.
Religion: Barbarians who find
themselves in Telzoa more readily accept The most famous bards of Telzoa hail from
and are accepted by Court Rizaldi and the land of Hone Rae. These people are
Court Shadrea, depending on the largely descended from half-elven stock,
alignment of the individual. Terix and his and their love of music, lore and dance is
priesthood in particular enjoy having unparalleled on the island, such that
barbarians around - they make ideal (if members of that culture consider the bard
somewhat dangerous) strait-men for their favored multiclass. But music is not
pranks. More traditional barbarians will the property of the Hone Raeans alone -
follow the teachings of the druidic courts. bards can be found among all of the
Tiania figures most prominently in the peoples of Telzoa bringing cheer, or at
lives of these individuals. In the teachings least some mystery to the locales they
of war Sana and her wild (if evil) ways visit.
appeal more to barbarians than the slow, Adventures: Bards travel to gather and
prodding defensive teachings of the spread tales. Stricken with an incurable
priests of Cuvanill. wanderlust, a bard adventures for the
Background: As mentioned above, most sake of adventurering alone.
barbarians are outsiders. As such they Characteristics: Bard dabble in multiple
usually speak the local tongue with a areas. They are Jack’s of many trades,
halting, heavy accent, as befits both the and masters of none save one – they are
individual's intelligence and willingness to the entertainers and inspirations of many
be accepted. Barbarians from closer to an army.
Telzoa are likely to be half-orcs who have
left their violent orcish parentage to seek Religion: Most, if not all bards follow
out a new, hopefully better life. Court Rizaldi. The College of the Rose is
devoted to this group of deities and is the
Races: Barbarians are rarely from any of largest bardic college native to the island.
the established human cultures save the Within the court Poen, Lord of Music and
Cuolshites, which have a large number of God of Love is the most popular of the
barbarians in their midst. deities. More than a few legends relate
that it was Poen who invented the
Methods of Loom which are used by bards
to cast their spells. Terix the prankster is
also a popular choice, and evil aligned
bards sometimes swear fealty to Narisane.
for them to gain at least one success
on many different questions, but
multiple successes will require training
of them.
Note: If the optional rules in Appendix 8
are in use the bard becomes a prestige
class as detailed in Unearthed Arcana.

“Faith can move mountains, that and a lot of magic.”

Background: Any given bard's ~ +High Priest Colsken of Tean.

background is guaranteed to be at least as
colorful as he. Some bards are simply Clerics are the best known practioners of
born to the music and ply their trade for mana de invocia, or “Magic by divine will.”
years before being accepted into one of Their spells usually come from established
the colleges or societies. Others work as deities, but almost any outsider can grant
apprentices to the masters and already a cleric some magical power and clerics
have considerable prestige as they begin which worship demons and devils instead
their careers. Still others are of gods are not unknown though they are
independents, owing no allegiances. rare.
Races: All races have bards, though the Adventures: Clerics most frequently
musical style of a particular bard will be adventure to proactively seek out and
largely shaped by his racial heritage. destroy enemies of the faith.
Human bards are the most diverse both in
styles, aims and goals. Dwarven bards Characteristics: Clerics are devout and
are famous for their abilities in freeform fanatical followers of whatever deities they
percussion. Elven and half-elven bards serve. This can make them valuable allies
are masters of the stringed instruments, to some and determined foes to others.
whilst Oyasini bards are among the best Religion: Clerics come from almost any
at the wind instruments. Beyond this religion given to actively fighting others
each race has its own ideas on what is (which is most of them).
beautiful in music - for even the best
dwarven music is classified by elves to be Background: Many of the priests which
"noise." later become clerics are the second and
third born sons and daughters of the
nobility. As primogency is the primary
Game Mechanics scheme of inheritance, these individuals
Unless otherwise noted the following rules have little to gain in remaining with their
apply to all bards in the Dusk setting. families and can become a financial
burden to the smaller houses. As a result,
 Alignment: Bards must have a
many of them are given over to the
Shunrian alignment, which allows
various temples at a very young age.
them to tap into the passion required
Also, many of the good aligned temples
for music, dance and art.
run orphanages and will train orphans
 Bardic Knowledge: Bards are with talent to further their cause (and
allowed to make untrained knowledge even some of the evil aligned temples
checks on any subject and add their have been known to do this).
level to the first roll only of the check
(See the skills section later in this
chapter). This makes it relatively easy


Table 2-1: Deities

Deity Alignment Domains PHB Equivalents (if any)*
Alisar GU Elf, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, Sun Correlan Latherian
Apenca BG Hate, Retribution, Strength St. Cuthbert
Balaxa WR Artifice, Creation, Knowledge, Liberation, Metal Kord
Belandra B Charm, Corruption, Darkness, Elf, Hate Hextor
Berenash WB Discord, Earth, Hate, Nobility, Tyrrany
Calrudal WB Gnome, Knowledge, Creation, Fire, Sun Garl Glttergold
Char BG Air, Corruption, Destruction, Fire, Storm
Cuane UR Charm, Community, Family, Liberation, Sea, Water
Cuvanill WR Community, Family, Purity, Strength, War
Dulthos RGW Cavern, Dwarf, Earth, Metal, Protection, Strength, Moradin
Elrico UB Darkness, Death, Destruction, Gnome, Water
Fas BR Animal, Earth, Gnome, Magic, Plant
Frey GW Elf, Rest, Sea, Sun, Water
Freyalis GW Ancestor, Community, Dwarf, Family, Guardian,
Healing, Renewal
Gintuse WU Knowledge, Purity, Scribe
Grimwall RG Darkness, Elf, Guardian, Retribution, Strength
Imlocrin BRG Darkness, Destruction, Elf, Fire, Storm
Indralia WG Aid, Air, Community, Healing, Protection, Renewal
Januel G Animal, Elf, Family, Plant, Sun
Kepho UB Corruption, Death, Undead Wee Jas, Nerull
Landala WR Charm, Earth, Fire, Luck, Retribution
Lirashnal UB Corruption, Darkness, Elf, Shadow, Stealth
Matacha WB Fate, Guardian, Protection, Purity, Rest
Nalru UBR Ancestor, Darkness, Death, Destruction, Dwarf,
Earth, Undead
Narisane BR Charm, Corruption, Trickery
Ooysashandra WUBRG Air, Community, Earth, Family, Fire, Halfling, Yondalla
Protection, Purity, Water
Paltos U Air, Magic, Travel, Trickery, Water
Panial RG Elf, Liberation, Luck, Sun, Trickery
Pektos WUBRG -- No Clerics -- Boccob
Poen UR Air, Charm, Guardian, Liberation, Music, Protection
Rosalynn GW Aid, Healing, Purity
Sadier WB Darkness, Death, Destruction, Liberation, Undead Erythnul
Sana WB Corruption, Metal, Retribution, Strength, War
Sanshan BG Air, Family, Gnome, Healing, Trickery
Sekoon BR Death, Destruction, Fire, Hate, Infliction, Tyranny, Hextor
Seloku BR Liberation, Trade, Travel Fharlanghn
Senda B Corruption, Darkness, Death, Discord, Infliction, Vecna
Shadow, Trickery
Tala WU Animal, Family, Guardian, Plant, Storm, Water
Heironeous, Pelor
Tean W Glory, Justice, Purity, Renewal, Retribution, Sun
Tela B Fury, Hate, Infliction, Pain, Trickery
Terix R Liberation, Luck, Trickery Olidammara
Tharpoen UB Death, Hate, Stealth
Tiania G -- No Clerics -- Elhonna, Obad-Hai
Trishdare BG Charm, Darkness, Elf, Luck, Trickery
Warrick RG Elf, Protection, Strength, Sun, War
* Some of these approximations are closer than others and are here only for new players
needing to pick a deity quickly. Read the description of the deity in depth before finalizing a
character can’t be reduced to less than
1st level. Adjust the character’s
experience point total down to his new
spellcaster level but don’t change any
character stats other than his
spells/day and caster level. Once the
character’s spellcaster level and actual
level become equal again he resumes
advancing normally.
Note: If the optional rules in Appendix 8
are in use the cleric is replaced by the
priest class detailed in Appendix 8.

Races: Religion is the most divisive “To hear the voice of Tiania, listen to the silence. To
factor in Telzoa. Though a character of know the mind of Tiania, focus upon the land. To
any race can be a cleric, he must follow a understand the heart of Tiania, first understand the
god of his race's pantheon. Clerics who
hearts of her children.
follow gods not of their race are practically
unheard of. Animists (called druids in other worlds)
are the guardians of the most sacred
Game Mechanics woods and places throughout Carthasana.
They couple magical power with the ability
Unless otherwise noted the following rules to shapeshift into the forms of the
apply to all clerics in the Dusk setting. creatures of the world.
 Alignment: Clerics must choose only Adventures: When animists adventure it
alignments matching those of their is often to learn more about themselves or
deity (most deities have 1 to 3 about the forces which threaten the lands
alignments associated with them). they hold sacred. Some adventure to
 Languages: Clerics do not gain any explore new vistas they haven’t seen.
access to the bonus languages in the Characteristics: Animists are the
Player’s Handbook - specifically servants of Tiania, the goddess the
Celestial, Abyssmal and Infernal. They woodlands and natural cycles. While not
instead gain Liternanin, the language as militaristic as clerics, they are more
of the Malchani Empire and the only powerful and more dangerous as
surviving written language in Telzoa spellcasters.
(When something needs to be written
in the other human languages Religion: Animists are the servants of the
Liternanin is pressed into service just religion of Siliani, practiced principly by
as English uses Latin letters). the Cuolshan tribes which occupied Telzoa
before the coming of the Dalsundrians.
 Divine Sponsorship Required:
Divine magic in the Dusk setting Background: Animists are very much on
cannot be wielded except by prayer the fringe of Telzoan society. While the
alone. Each cleric is required to have a clerics of Telensiarty begrudgingly
sponsor deity. acknowledge the role of the deities of
Siliani, they have all worked to undermine
 Changing Gods: Should a cleric lose the role of the animists in Telzoan society.
faith in his deity and desire to change Clerics of Pentalism do not even begin to
deities he loses 1 spellcaster level. The


“While there are many who try to fight, there are
few who master the art.”

~ +Alangyle.
While war persists there will always be
men and women to fight those wars. A
fighter may be short on many things, but
work is rarely one of them. Few also are
the fighters that need to worry about a
acknowledge animists as divine retirement plan, for their lives tend to be
spellcasters in any form. nasty, brutish and short.

Individual animists are usually the Adventures: There are as many reasons
children of animists themselves, and those for fighters to adventure as there are men
that are not are all but adopted by their and women who take up the sword. Some
mentors at a very young age. fight for a cause, others fight for
themselves. Some fight to amass glory,
Races: Like barbarians, animists tend to and other fight to amass wealth.
hail from primitive societies with a more
primal tie to nature. Characteristics: Fighters are the
undisputed masters of combat, melee or
otherwise. While a barbarian can come
Game Mechanics close while in a rage, he doesn’t even
Unless otherwise noted the following rules come close without it.
apply to all druids in the Dusk setting.
Religion: Two deities are likely to figure
 Alignment: Druids must maintain prominently in a fighter's life - Sana,
strong ties to nature and hold an Goddess of Aggressive War and
Aborean alignment. Slaughter; and Cuvanill, Goddess of
Defensive War and Protection. Between
 Divine Sponsorship Required: As
these two most fighters make a choice.
outlined for the cleric class above –
Then again, fighters tend to be among the
typically druids worship Tiania or one
more free of classes where religion is
of her servants such as Sere,
concerned, and there are many fighters
Damnisu, Tethas or Barindas.
who fight for no deity whatsoever. Also,
 Changing Gods: As outlined for the many folks with strong religious beliefs
cleric class above.
 Spontaneous Casting: The Dusk
setting merges the summon nature’s
ally spells into the summon monster
spells. Druids spontaneously cast
summon monster spells and choose
creatures from the Aborean list when
doing so (see appendix).
Note: If the optional rules in Appendix 8
are in use the druid becomes a prestige
class as detailed in Appendix 8.
tend to become paladins or clerics. outside world indeed. And as the years of
persecution have forced the Listralans to
Background: Fighters tend to hail from
hone their combat skill (particularly
military backgrounds. Many have already
unarmed combat skill since carrying
served in one or more wars, proven
weapons attracts unwanted attention), it
themselves, and become decorated.
would be a formidable and deadly task to
Some have found they have a real knack
try to destroy one of those monasteries.
for it and would rather test their skills and
courage becoming a legend. After all, it Races: Humans are the only race known
beats the hell out of simply guarding some to espouse the Listralan Way. A PC of any
fat lord's castle. other race is allowed, but such an
individual would be a unique example.
Races: Everyone fights. Enough said.

Game Mechanics Game Mechanics

Monks in the Dusk setting function as
There are no game mechanic changes to
described in the Player’s Handbook with
the fighter class in the Dusk setting.
the exceptions noted below.

Monks  Alignment: Monks must have a

Valrean (White) alignment. They seek
“There is a power in all of us, but only a few have the perfect order within and without
themselves, a philosophy that is only
patience and courage needed to unlock it.”
compatible with the Valrean
~ +Tia Listral. alignment.
 Weapons: As there aren’t any oriental
Monks in the Dusk setting are members of weapons in the Dusk setting monks
the relatively young, widely feared and are allowed to use any simple weapon
misunderstood religious sect known as the they choose. They are also proficient
Listralans. Founded c. 1000 SR by Tia in light and one handed martial
Listral, in the years since the weapons.
establishment of her order, the Listralans  Multiclass Restrictions: The
have become the hated targets of nearly restrictions on a monk when
all the priesthoods of Carthasana. multiclassing are slightly different in
Religion: Monks teach and believe that Dusk as follows: The training of a
the gods, all of them, are nothing more monk requires the character to deny
than ascended mortals themselves, that the divinity of gods. As such, any
there is divinity locked in every soul and divine abilities from other classes are
one can, with patience and practice, tap lost when a character becomes a
into that divinity. The path one follows on
the way to such enlightenment is bent
towards focusing mind, body and spirit
into a cohesive whole.
Background: The Listralan Way has its
roots in the western section of the
Estarian Empire, but its followers have
been driven from that area through the
persecution of the Pentalist League.
Scattered to the four winds, it is possible
to find a Listralan anywhere, though if
they still maintain monasteries these
structures have been well hidden from the

monk. Outside this stricture a monk
may move to and from the monk class
as they desire – so combinations such
as fighter / monk are certainly

“Even the strongest darkness retreats before the
weakest candle.”

~ +Priest Colsken of Tean.

Champions of good and purity, paladins Races: Historically paladins have always
are the rarest of all warriors in Telzoa. As been members of the Human and Half-
agents of Aurnon, they are called upon to elven race, but who knows what the
deal with the worst of dangers to the future holds.
Adventures: Paladins serve Tean, lord of Game Mechanics
the twin suns. All adventures and actions
they undertake in the name of their lord. Unless otherwise noted the following rules
apply to all paladins in the Dusk setting.
Characteristics: The paladin is a holy
warrior with supernatural abilities and  Alignment: Paladins must have a
spells which augment his combat prowess. Valrean alignment. They are the
defenders of the order the tenents of
Religion: Paladins serve Court Aurnon, this alignment holds so dear.
and in particular Tean, God of the Twin
Suns. They are directly responsible to the  Smite, Detect and Protection: Since
priests of Tean, then to the priests of there is no “evil” in Dusk per se, the
Court Aurnon. paladin’s abilities affects creatures that
are Shunian (Red) or Sodrean (Black)
Background: Paladins are called. The aligned – the two enemies of the
when, the why, and even the how is a Valrean (White) alignment.
personal experience unique to each
paladin, but after the call comes the Test  Divine Grace: This ability now only
of Purity. This test occurs just before the counts against spells of the red
paladin reaches first level. The player and (Shunian) and black (Sodrean) type.
the DM are encouraged to detail the  Divine Sponsorship Required: As
events of the test, as they can be life outlined for the cleric class. Further
shaking. The test shakes the character's the deity must be purely Valrean (Only
wisdom, constitution and charisma - the Tean of the human pantheon fits this
character must successfully roll an ability requirement).
check for each of these during the test.
The wisdom test is one of insight - the Note: If the optional rules in Appendix 8
character must solve a moral dilemma. are in use the paladin becomes a prestige
The constitution test is one of sheer class as detailed in Unearthed Arcana.
endurance of pain to see whether the
character can maintain his faith through
physical adversity. The third test, of
charisma, pits the character against his
worst fear. The nature of each test is
customized to the would-be paladin.
“The wild can be both enemy and friend. One can
never hope to conquer her – but only to understand

~ +Devon the wanderer.

Guardians of the woodlands, or at least
exploiters thereunto, rangers act as
civilizations vanguard against the
Adventures: Rangers typically act as
guides and guardians in the wilderness, are somehow linked to that mysterious
though just as often they act as trackers religion.
seeking to trace down those who would
use the wild to hide. Game Mechanics
Characteristics: Rangers make excellent Unless otherwise noted the following rules
and highly mobile skirmers in combat. apply to all rangers in the Dusk setting.
They can strike a foe hard and out of
nowhere, then disappear as quickly as  Changing Gods: Rangers must
they appeared. maintain strong ties to nature and hold
an Aborean alignment.
Religion: Rangers of Telzoa follow Court
Siliani in preference to any other set of  Divine Sponsorship Required: As
gods. They are closely aligned with the outlined for the cleric class.
druids of that court, though unlike  Changing Gods: As outlined for the
paladins they are under no compulsion to cleric class.
follow the orders of the druids. They
often do anyway. Rangers receive their Note: If the optional rules in Appendix 8
spell abilities from Tiania, so they will at are in use the ranger becomes a prestige
least revere the Mother of Cycles. class as detailed in Unearthed Arcana.

Background: Rangers are loosely

organized in Telzoa, with such Rogues
organization aided partly by the druids.
They are either born to the wilderness or
“Priests live of their faith, wizards off their magic,
sought it out in preference to the and warriors off their swords. Us? Why we live off
civilization they hail from. All rangers them of course.”
tend to be solitary, coming into towns and
villages only rarely to pick up what few ~ +Timmon.
supplies they cannot manufacture on their
own. More so than any other class a Thieves, scoundrels, rapscallions, bandits,
ranger is likely to learn a wide variety of charlatans, the list of names go on, and all
crafts in order to be completely self- of them describe rogues. As long as there
sustaining. are things of value to take, there will be
Races: The most famous rangers are folks out to take them, be it simple gold or
elven, and the most common ones are trust.
Cuolshite. Cuolshite rangers get along Adventures: To a rogue, life is often one
better with druids than any other group, adventure after another, as most of them
as it is believed that the Cuolshite people

have a penchant for getting into a lot of very dangerous as a group.
trouble one way or another.
Adventures: Sorcerers adventure to
Characteristics: Rogues rely on their explore themselves and unlock the latent
skills more than other characters do. This power locked within themselves. Their
makes them one of the most flexiable comrades find their devestating powers to
groups since their role in a party often be a boon on almost any situation.
changes depending on the role they take
Characteristic: In terms of sure magical
potential, the sorcerer is easily the most
Religion: Rogues tend to follow chaotic powerful of the spellcasters, although he
deities - Terix is the current favorite, but isn’t the most flexiable.
Narisane, Poen, Cuane, and Tharpoen
Religion: A very few sorcerers worship
rank right up there. Many rogues are at
Pektos, God of Magic, but the vast
least slightly altruistic in their religious life
majority follow the principles of the
- willing to convert at lightning speed if it
Listralan Way. This rebellious sect
will save their bacon.
teaches that one can become a god by
Background: Rogues come from all perfecting one's abilities and uniting the
backgrounds - this is as true of Telzoa as mind, body and soul. This sits well with
it is true of anywhere else in the D&D sorcerers who, as a group, tend to rank
game. among the more vainglorious and
egotistical individuals of the land. True
Game Mechanics devotees of the Listralan Way become
monks however.
There are no game mechanic changes to
the rogue class in the Dusk setting. Background: Sorcerers are their family.
Outsiders believe that a sorcerer's spells
are predestined by his family in the same
Sorcerers way as hair or eye color. This isn't true,
but sorcerers play up that belief - further
“For some magic is faith, for others it is a study, and it is a well-known fact that certain clans
for a few, it simple is.” have trademark spells.

~ +Trishdare Races: Any member of any race may

potentially become a sorcerer. The gift
does run down family lines though, even
In Telzoa, and throughout Carthasana, among barbaric races such as orcs, and it
sorcerers are members of clans. The is uncannily rare for a sorcerer to manifest
bonds of blood encourage them to act in in families with no history of such an
concert, choosing different spells to ability. When this happens the fledgling is
complement each other, and making them often sought out by the established
societies as it helps relieve their lines from
excessive inbreeding.

Game Mechanics
If the optional acquisition rules in
Appendix 8 are in use a sorcerer can
follow them to learn spells previously off
limits to the class (such as cure spells) but
at the cost of giving up access to spells
the character would normally learn by
class). Otherwise this class is unchanged.
“Some pursue the art for power, others for glory, still
others like me seek only to know.”

~ +Teresa
While there are many users of magic,
there exists only one group that studies
magic. Wizards not only personify magic
and possibility, but they alone study it's
laws and structure exhaustively. They are
the only class in Carthasana that is free to only accepted method of teaching - elves
create any new spell they desire, on any believe in the principle of one master, one
whim that may occur to them. Sorcerers apprentice in all tasks. Humans are more
rarely really understand what they are pragmatic, but it is rare to see a master
doing, and usually do not care about with more than one apprentice. There is a
arcane formulae enough to actually college of wizardry in Merryville, and a
explore them to the degree that wizards much larger academy in far off Sandiem,
do. Wizards are the only class that, in but aside from those two locations there
theory, can learn all the spells in the are no schools that teach the craft as one
game. They are the innovators and might learn physics in a college today.
tinkers of the world of magic.
Races: Dwarves who learn magic face
Adventures: Wizards adventure in search being ostracized by their clan hold - and
of lore to add to their scroll collections. It that fact is a serious deterrent to insure
is extremely rare to see a wizard travel that dwarves who learn magic are very
without one or more well armed rare. If a dwarf can endure such a fate
companions in case her spells should (most can't) he can become a wizard -
prove useless. and every generation or two it does occur.
Characteristics: If sorcerers are the Oyasini are inclined towards conjuration
most powerful spellcasters, wizards are and gnomes towards illusion - neither race
easily the most flexiable. Wizards are the is stigmatized for choosing other schools
only spellcasting class to pass down their or none at all. Wizardry requires writing -
knowledge of the art through spellscrolls and very few cultures and races have
(books haven’t been invented yet in developed this art.
Telzoa so most wizards use vellum
scrolls). Game Mechanics
Religion: Pektos, God of Magic, figures Wizards can't specialize (though they can
most prominently in a Telzoan wizard's life enter a specialist prestige class later in
if he is at all religious, although he grants their careers) and use spell scrolls instead
no prayers and has no (known) priests, so of books to record their spells. If the
how one is to worship the "Keeper of optional acquisition rules in Appendix 8
Mysteries" is very much in the air. Some are in use a wizard can follow them to
wizards follow other deities of course, learn spells previously off limits to the
though their devotions are as unique as class (such as cure spells) but at the cost
each individual. of giving up access to spells the character
would normally learn by class).
Background: Most wizards in Telzoa are
taught by the time-honored method of
apprenticeship. Among elves this is the


Prestige Classes
The following prestige classes are present
in the Dusk campaign setting.

“Some rely solely on inborn talent. Others apply
themselves intensely to overcome such shortcomings.
On rare occasions you will find someone with talent
who applies themselves to achieve more.”
Unified Spells: At 1st level the arcanist
~ +Telsindria. loses his prepared spell progression
(typically the one from his wizard class)
and gains one spell caster level for each
The arcanist is an unusual and powerful
level of spells he could cast other than
spellcaster who takes the inborn talents of
cantrips in his spontaneous casting class
the sorcerer and applies the study of
(typically the sorcerer class). The
wizardry to them. The result is a
character then adds all his known spells to
spellcaster with an awesome range of
his spellbook if they aren’t already there
spells and the ability to cast them
for free.
The arcanist is no longer able to
The purpose of this prestige class is to
advance as a wizard but continues to
reward the usually unwieldy
advance as a sorcerer with the manner in
sorcerer/wizard multiclass, although it is
which he casts spells altered in the
possible to combine the wizard and bard
following manner.
classes with some loss in effectiveness.
The character still casts spells from his
Arcanists make powerful allies and
spells known list as normal. However, by
dangerous enemies to every party.
consulting his spellbook the arcanist can
Hit Dice: d4 change the spells he “knows” for the
purpose of casting. Effectively the
Requirements character has the best of both the
sorcerer and wizard’s world, in exchange
All of the following are requirements to for being roughly two levels behind his
become an arcanist. fellow characters in terms of raw casting
 Spellcasting: Ability to prepare 2nd power.
level arcane spells and the ability to When the character rises in level as a
spontaneously cast 3 2nd arcane spells spontaneous caster he adds two spells to
/ day. his spellbook and his spell’s known list
 Feats: Any three metamagic feats expands but he doesn’t add any spells to
those slots until he prepares spells into
Class Skills
The arcanist’s gains no skills on the sole
level of this class. Table 2-2: The Arcanist
Level Attack Fort Reflex Will Special

Class Features Bonus Save Save Save

All of the following are the abilities of the 1 +0 +0 +0 +0 Unified

arcanist. Spells
Death Speakers To become a Death Speaker, a character
“So tell us the reason our lives here must go on must fulfill the following.
And tell us the reason our loves here are lost  Alignment: White or White/Black
We demand the answer we know shall never come
 Spells: The character must be able to
For every man a dying, a new baby is born.”
cast 4th level white spells.
~ +The Song of the Ruandi  Feats: Extra Turning
Nombren  Skills: 8 ranks Knowledge
Death speakers are the servants of the
Matacha, the Goddess of Natural Death
and the Dead. Unlike many deities
Class Skills
controlling this portfolio, Matacha is good The Death Speaker’s Class skills and the
aligned and her priests are charged with key ability for each are Concetnration
the task of maintaining the sanctity of (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
death. Part of this charge is the duty to Intimidate (Cha) Knowledge
destroy any and all undead they (Arcana)(Int), Knowledge
encounter as she considers undeath to be (Necrology)(Int), Profession (Wis), Scry
a direct mockery of her. (Int), and Spellcraft (Int)
Most death speakers are clerics in Skill Points at each level: 2+Int
service to Matacha before they enter this modifier
prestige class, but this isn’t mandatory.
While the common folk revere the
protective role they play, they
Class Features
nevertheless unnerve the common folk in All of the following are the abilities of the
their role as undertakers and occasionally death speakers
pallbearers. Turn Undead: Death Speakers continue
Hit Die: d8 to turn undead. The levels as a death
speaker stack with any cleric or (rarely)
paladin levels the character might have.

Table 2-3: The Death Speaker

Level Attack Fort Ref Save Will Special
Bonus Save Save
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Spellcaster Level +1, Turn Undead

2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Draining Touch
3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Spellcaster Level +1

4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Negative Levels -1
5 +4 +4 +1 +4 Spellcaster Level +1, Improved Turning

6 +5 +5 +2 +5 Spellcaster Level +1, Improved Draining

7 +6 +5 +2 +5 Spellcaster Level +1

8 +6 +6 +2 +6 Negative Levels -2
9 +7 +6 +3 +6 Spellcaster Level +1, Greater Turning

10 +8 +7 +3 +7 Spellcaster Level +1

Improved Draining Touch: The Death
speaker’s touch assigns two negative
levels to eligible undead per successful
touch attack.
Greater Turning: A greater turn
expends three uses of the turn ability for
the day. The death speaker is considered
four levels higher than he actually is for
the attempt and affects triple the normal
number of undead on the attempt.

Ex-Death Speaker
Spellcaster Level +1: At these levels
A death speaker that ceases to be purely
the death speaker can add +1 to her
Valrean loses all spell abilities and granted
previous spellcasting class’ levels when
abilities of this class until she returns to a
determining which spells the character
purely Valrean mind-set.
gains. Other abilities associated with
gaining a level are not gained.
Draining Touch: The touch of a death Listral’s Hand
speaker disrupts negative life forces. Any
undead creature gains an effective
"The fool looks without for support. The weak stand
negative level when a death speaker upon the backs of tools The wise knows that true
makes a successful touch attack. If the strength and purity comes from within. Only by
undead creature itself is able to drain purifying oneself can one begin to be whole, divine,
ability levels the death speaker will not be and great."
affected by that ability when making this
touch attack. ~ +Tia Listral, 987 SR.
Negative Levels: At 4 level the death
speaker ignores the first negative level he Since their inception during the latter half
receives each round. At 8th level he of the Orgstal Wars in what is now the
ignores the first two negative levels he Estarian Empire, the teachings of Tia
receives each round. Negative levels Listral have earned the persecution of any
assigned to a Death Speaker disappear at and all priests they encounter. For she
a rate of one per minute and are never taught that the gods where nothing more
permanent (no fortitude save is required than ascended mortals - great in power
to be rid of them). yes, capacle of granting spells, certainly,
but the cosmos was not their plaything,
Improved Turning: The Death speaker and that they were no better than the
can elect to do an improved turn attempt. mortals that served them and that they
Each such attempt counts as two uses of once where. She also taught that if one
the turning ability instead of one. During worked hard enough they could awaken
such a turn the Death speaker is the divinity inherent in all souls - a
considered to be two levels higher than divinity that gods harvested through
normal and he affects double the normal worship and a power that was not
number of undead. rightfully theirs, but only rightfully
belonging to each soul that possessed it.
Table 2-4: Listral’s Hand
Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special
Bonus Save Save Save
1 +1 +2 +2 +2 Monk Abilities, Magic Fist

2 +2 +3 +3 +3 Spellcaster Level +1
3 +3 +3 +3 +3 Enchanted Touch

4 +3 +4 +4 +4 Spellcaster Level +1
5 +4 +4 +4 +4 Ray Touch

6 +5 +5 +5 +5 Spellcaster Level +1
7 +6 +5 +5 +5 Power Wave Punch

8 +6 +6 +6 +6 Spellcaster Level +1
9 +7 +6 +6 +6 Improved Power Wave Punch

10 +8 +7 +7 +7 Spellcaster Level +1

Despite persecution, the Listralan way The first known Listrals in Telzoa arrived
has spread - especially among individuals in 1112. Many settled in Hone Rae where
already given to a certain degree of they mingled with many of the other
meglomania such as wizards and exiles of the land. It was an Hone Raean
sorcerers. sorcerer named Nicholi Perian that first
blended the arts of the Listrals with the
The aesthetic way of the monk was the
sorcery his clan taught him so well. Nicholi
first path to evolve from Tia Listral's
had long since lost faith in the gods when
teachings. Although unarmed martial
his family was slain by a company of
combat forms have existed in Losineris
Hanial's orcs in 1166. After the war he
since the days before the Malchani
assembled some like-minded followers
Empire, they were meant primarily as
and set out for the slopes of Mt. Kiras to
back-up combat systems for use after one
establish a monastery. It has flourished
had been disarmed. Tia Listral embraced
well despite it's place in some of Telzoa's
them as a physical exercise regimen to
most desperate wilds, and recently the
insure that the monks of her order would
monastery has sent out some of it's
be stay in physical shape both to defend a
brightest to teach their new twist on "The
temple system she knew would be
Way" to others, especially the Listrals of
subjected to frequent attacks, but also
the south who so desperately need a force
because physical fitness was part of the
of magic to stand against the Pentalists.
greater whole of personal perfection she
believed was necessary to become Hit Die: d8
In the 400 years since her death (or Requirements
direct ascendance into the heavens as her To qualify for the ranks of Listral's Hand
followers put it) her followers have been requires special dedication. The following
under constant attack, particularly by a requirements must be met.
religion known as Pentalism that was
being formed at the same time Tia Listral  Base Attack Bonus: +3
was alive by a man known as Gregory the  Alignment: Dominant Valrean
Clark. Pentalism has become the state
religion of the Estarian Empire, and the  Special: Evasion, Unarmed Strike,
Listrals have retreated to strongholds in Stunning Attack, Ability to
the Christobal Mountains or to the Island spontaneously cast 2nd level arcane
of Telzoa. spells. The character cannot have a

determining how many times you may
use the stunning attack ability. While
you can still opt to stun opponents,
you also can embed any spell you
know with a range of "touch" into the
attack instead of the stunning effect.
The spell so embedded is cast as a
free action as part of the attack, and
unlike a normal use of the touch spell
you will lose the spell if you miss.
Spells embedded this way have an
effect calculated from the levels of all
classes mentioned above.
For instance, Nik wants to employ a
shocking grasp empowered strike on
Class Skills an illithid. His character is 2nd Listral's
The class skills of the monks of Listral’s Hand, 3rd Monk and 5th Sorcerer. If
Hand and the key ability for each skill are the strike hits it will deal 1d8+10
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration points for the spell and 1d8 damage
(Con), Craft (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge for the attack itself.
(Arcana) (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Swim  Enchanted Touch (Su): You may
(Str), and Tumble (Dex) cast a spell that normally targets
Skill Points at each level: 2+INT touched weapons upon your fists.
Modifier.  Ray Touch (Su): You may embed
spells that require a ranged touch
Class Features attack (most such spells are ray spells)
into your magic fist attacks.
All of the following are the abilities of the
monks of Listral’s Hand.  Power Wave Punch (Su): You may
perform a power wave punch. Your
 Monk Abilities: Certain monk abilities
fists project a glowing ball of force
continue to progress for members of
about twice the size of a basketball
this class. Specifically, add your levels
composed of ki. The ball flies outward
in this prestige levels with any levels
until it dissipates or strikes something.
you have in the monk class to
Attacks with the punch are handled as
determine your unarmed damage, AC
missile attacks, and the power wave
bonus and unarmored speed. You may
has a range increment of 50'. The ball
total you base attack bonus from your
can travel 5 range increments before it
spellcasting class, Listral's Hand and
dissipates. Each range increment
Monk classes to determine when you
beyond the first has the normal -2
receive the flurry of blows, improved
penalty. This ability requires a full
flurry and greater flurry of blows feats.
move action to employ. The power
 Spellcaster Level +1: At these levels wave punch deals the same damage
the character can add +1 to her as your fists would deal - this includes
previous spellcasting class’ levels when any enhancement bonuses your fists
determining which spells the character carry from spells you have cast upon
gains. Other abilities associated with them with the enchanted touch ability.
gaining a level are not gained.
 Improved Power Wave Punch
 Magic Fist (Su): You combine your (Su): The power wave can carry your
arcane spellcaster levels, monk levels magic fist attacks, but this counts as
and levels in this prestige class when
two uses of the magic fist attack for others, clerics who desire to use powerful
the day. battle magics for their gods, and sorcerers
who wish to delve deeper into the dark
 Monk Advancement: The character
arts of necromancy than any before. For
may gain levels in the monk class
each of these characters the path of the
again after achieving 1st level in this
magi calls.
class. Thereafter, as long as the
character advances either in this class Magi dedicate themselves to a type of
or as a sorcerer the character can magic and forsake the spells that fall
advance as a monk - ignoring the outside those types. In so doing they –
usual restriction that monks have wittingly or not – join into one of
against multi-classing. Carthasana’s most ancient and eternal
battles; the struggle among the five types
Ex-Listral’s Hand of magic. As each mage progresses their
character changes to match the type of
A Listral’s Hand who ceases to be lawful magic they employ. Blue mages are
loses all monk abilities and all special thoughtful, long to plan and slow to act,
abilities of this class, although he does with an unquenchable thirst for
retain his spellcasting ability. He cannot knowledge. White mages seek to heal the
advance further in this class unless he world of all it’s hurts, no matter what
returns to a lawful mindset. enemies of their people must be
destroyed to accomplish this. Red mages

Mage follow their hearts and tempers and

usually end up blowing stuff up in the
“All lessons can be learned with an open mind” process.
Since there are five orders of magic,
~ +Telsindria. there are five orders of the magi, but the
abilities of each order are basically the
In the previous chapter the five types of same so all five classes are dealt with in
magic – black, blue, green, red and white one entry. However, one cannot multiclass
– where introduced. For most spellcasters between two different forms of mage.
type has little bearing upon their casting
Hit Die: d4
and many aren’t even aware of this subtle
nature of spells. But then there are
wizards driven to learn how to heal

Table 2-5: The Mage

Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special
Bonus Save Save Save
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Spellcaster Level +1, Enemy Orders, Favored Order

2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Spellcaster Level +1
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Spellcaster Level +1

4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Spellcaster Level +1
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Spellcaster Level +1

6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Spellcaster Level +1
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Spellcaster Level +1

8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Spellcaster Level +1
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Spellcaster Level +1

10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Spellcaster Level +1


Class Skills
The magi’s class skills (and the key ability
for each skill) are Concentration (Con),
Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int),
Knowledge (all skills, taken
individually)(Int), Profession (Wis), and
Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Points at each level: 2 + Int

Class Features
All of the following are the abilities of the
 Spellcaster Level +1: A mage hones
his magical skill according to his order.
Each mage level can be added to a
previous spellcasting class level to
determine spells / day and the power
of the effects generated by those
spells. Other class abilities of the
previous spellcasting class are not
gained. The previous spellcasting
class chosen by the character must
have a spellcasting progression (and
not build on another class’ spell
progression as this one does), and if
the character has multiple previous
spellcasting classes she must choose
one to which she adds all magi
spellcasting levels.
 Enemy Order: A mage can only add
half her mage levels to her previous
spellcasting class when determining
her effectiveness with those spells with
a type opposed to her chosen order.
Further, the character may only use
Requirements these spells if they belong to their
base class’ casting list.
The following are the requirements to
become a mage.  Favored Order: A mage possesses
great skill with the spells of her own
 Spellcasting: Ability to prepare and
order. Any spell whose base level is
cast 7 different arcane spells of the
equal to the mage’s level minus one
order the character wishes to join, all
can be cast by the mage provided the
of which must be at least 1st level and
spell belongs to the mage’s order.
one of which must be 3rd level or
 Feats: Any three metamagic feats
Pandaemonicist consider insane.
 Spells: Ability to cast 7 spells with
“Wanna try your luck?” the wild descriptor, all of which must
be at least 1st level and one of which
~ +Meece. must be 3rd level or higher.
 Other: Must have been exposed to
Wild spellcraft (introduced in Chapter 8) a mishap that had a permanent
spells are those that cause random and effect on his body or mind, which he
unintended side effects. These spells are must not have willingly removed or
shunned by most casters due to their dispelled. It is a mark of the
unpredictable natures, but some casters Pandaemonicist’s willingness to
embrace them for that very reason. They meddle with chaos that he’ll seldom
become pandaemonicists. try to undo even the harmful effects
Pandaemonicists are spellcasters who of mishaps. If someone other than
use wild spellcraft to create random, him dispels the mishap’s effect, he is
chaotic effects, usually simply for their still eligible for entry into this class.
own entertainment. The Pandaemonicist’s
abilities, while highly chaotic and Class Skills
unpredictable, can be bent toward goals
(both constructive and destructive) that The Pandaemonicist’s class skills (and
could be useful to adventurers. If one the key ability for each skill) are Bluff
thing defines any Pandaemonicist, it is his (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
willingness to take risks. Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Profession
(Wis), Scry (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).
After all, what fun is life without a little
risk? Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + INT
Hit Die: d4.
Class Features
Requirements All of the following are abilities of the
Becoming a pandaemonicist requires a bit pandaemonicist:
more than the willingness to take risks
with magic that other spellcasters would  Spellcaster +1: At each
pandaemonicist level the character

Table 2-6: The Pandaemonicist

Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special
Bonus Save Save Save
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Spellcaster Level +1, Wild Spellcaster, All wild spells

2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Spellcaster Level +1, Enwild Spell

3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Spellcaster Level +1, Wild Aura 10’

4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Spellcaster Level +1, Reckless Dweomer

5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Spellcaster Level +1, Bonus Feat

6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Spellcaster Level +1, Wild Aura 20’

7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Spellcaster Level +1, Terix’s Favor

8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Spellcaster Level +1, Delude Divination

9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Spellcaster Level +1, Wild Aura 30’

10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Spellcaster Level +1, Personal Pandemonium


may add a level to his previous have this feat. Doing so increases the
spellcasting class for determining his spell’s casting time by a full round. All
caster level and spells known. If the modes and targets for the spell must
sorcerer would be at a level where be selected normally. Any spell cast
they can swap a spell, this is this way gains the wild descriptor.
permitted. Other abilities associated
 Wild Aura (Su): Chaos follows close
with gaining a level in a class are not
on the heels of a pandaemonicist, and
nearby spellcasters run the risk of
 Wild Spellcasting: Upon taking his having their spells mishap. At 3rd
first level of the Pandaemonicist, a level the range of this aura is 10’, at
spellcaster automatically gains the 6th it is 20’ and at 9th it is 30’. The
Wild Spellcaster Template if he does pandaemonicist cannot drop this field.
not already have it (see Chapter 8).
 Reckless Dweomer (Sp): At 4th
 All Wild Spells: The pandaemonicist level the pandaemonicist acquires the
can learn, prepare and cast any spell ability to create a reckless dweomer.
with the wild descriptor at its base To do this he picks any spell he knows
level even if the spell isn’t normally on or has observed being cast in the
his spell list. previous 24 hours of and a spell slot at
least one level higher than the level of
 Enwild Spell (Su): Beginning at 2nd
the spell he’s attempting to create. A
level the pandaemonicist can
mishap is generated by this ability. He
spontaneously append the enwild spell
still must be able to fulfill all
feat to his spells even if he doesn’t
component costs of the spell and the
statistics of the spell he attempts are This ability affects even the
normal although possibly modified by Pandaemonicist's own spells unless he
the mishap. If the mishap doesn’t turns off the field (A free action).
mention a spell then nothing happens
If the Pandaemonicist already has
other than the mishap, but if a spell is
spell resistance from some other
mentioned then the pandaemonicist
source, use whichever amount of spell
gets his spell (i.e. if the mishap reads,
resistance is greater. Regardless of
“A stream of butterflies shoots from
which amount is higher, his spell
your fingertips” then you get no spell.
resistance always causes a mishap if it
If the mishap reads “Spell occurs
blocks a spell.
centered on caster” then you get your
spell – wanting it that way is a
different matter).
 Bonus Feat: At 5th level the
character gains a bonus metamagic
feat. Specialist
 Terix’s Favor (Sp): Starting at 7 th “I would rather be the master of one art than the
level, once per day the Pandaemonicist apprentice of many.”
can bestow the Wild Spellcaster
Template upon another magic-user. ~ +Teresa.
As a standard action, the
Pandaemonicist chooses any creature A specialist is a spellcaster who
within 30 feet, and that creature must concentrates on one school of magic and
save (Will DC 10 + ½ Pandaemonicist gains great power over that school. There
levels + Pandaemonicist's Charisma are actually eight prestige classes within
bonus) or gain the effects of the Wild this group – each class being dedicated to
Spellcaster Template for one day. a single school of magic.
 Delude Divination (Sp): Beginning Hit Die: d4
at 8th level, the Pandaemonicist is
warded by a permanent delude
divination spell.
 Personal Pandemonium (Su): By Requirements
10th level, chaos has become so All of the following are requirements to
intrinsic to the Pandaemonicist that a become a specialist.
field of wild sorcery protects him,
encompassing his body. He may raise  Spellcasting: Ability to prepare and
or lower this field as a standard action. cast 7 different arcane spells of the
While the field is up, he has spell school the character wishes to
resistance equal to 10 + his caster specialize in, all of which must be at
level. However, if spell resistance least 1st level and one of which must
blocks the spell, instead of being be 3rd level or above.
canceled, the spell instead mishaps.  Feats: Any three metamagic feats
Even if the spell affects others beside
the Pandaemonicist, as long at it could
be canceled by his spell resistance, the
Class Skills
entire spell effect can mishap because The class skill list and skill points at each
of this ability. If a spell only indirectly level varies by the school of magic the
affects the Pandaemonicist (such as by character specializes in (see below).
a summoned monster, or an
earthquake causing him to fall into a
chasm), this ability does not affect it.


Class Features is of the chosen school.

All of the following are the class features  Barred School: The specialist also
of all specialists. chooses two schools (or only one if he
specializes in divination) that he
 Spellcaster Level +1: A specialist discontinues his studies in. He cannot
trains intently upon his favored school choose divination. The specialist
and loosely upon other magic. Each cannot learn any new spells from the
specialist level can be added to a barred schools and he cannot add his
previous spellcasting class level to specialist levels to his caster level
determine spells / day and the power when casting spells from those
of the effects generated by those schools.
spells. Other class abilities of the
previous spellcasting class are not  Talents: At 4th, 7th and 10th level the
gained. The previous spellcasting character develops a talent to go with
class chosen by the character must his school of magic.
have a spellcasting progression
(and not build on another class’
spell progression as this one does),
and if the character has multiple
previous spellcasting classes she
must choose one to which she
adds all specialist spellcasting
 Favored School: When the
character becomes a specialist he
must choose a school in which to
specialize in. There after he may
prepare one extra spell / day as
long as the spell belongs to that
school. If the character doesn’t
prepare spells he gains the ability
to know one more spell of each
level instead, as long as that spell

Table 2-7: The Specialist

Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special
Bonus Save Save Save
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Spellcaster Level +1, Barred Schools, Favored School

2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Spellcaster Level +1
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Spellcaster Level +1

4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Spellcaster Level +1, First Talent

5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Spellcaster Level +1

6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Spellcaster Level +1
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Spellcaster Level +1, Second Talent

8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Spellcaster Level +1
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Spellcaster Level +1

10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Spellcaster Level +1, Third Talent

Abjuration Conjuration
Abjurers are specialists of the School of Conjurers specialize in spells that bring in
Abjuration. Abjuration spells invariably do outside help to do their dirty work, or
one of two things – passively ward against outside materials to do damage for them.
something, or actively destroy harmful Possessing a reputation for being boorish,
spells either in place or as they are cast. overbearing and swaggering, many
Other casters regard abjurers as a conjurers have no qualms about letting it
cowardly lot. They avoid unnecessary be known that they are a wizard – after
risks whenever they can and are loathe to all, if you have a problem with them
enter combat, even when they have they’ll simply summon in something to
enough magical wardings to make them take care of business, or drop you dead
all but impregnable. Some abjurers on the spot with a single word.
become so over-concerned with protecting
 Skills – (2 + Int modifier / level):
themselves and their holdings that they
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
fail to prepare the spells necessary to
Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all
simply kill or remove the threat that they
skills, taken individually) (Int),
are guarding against.
Intimidate (Cha), Profession (Wis),
 Skills – (2 + Int modifier / level): Scry (Int), Sense Motive (Wis) and
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Spellcraft (Int).
Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all
 First Talent – Extra Creature
skills, taken individually) (Int),
Group: In Chapter 8 this book divides
Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Sense
the groups of creatures that can be
Motive (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int).
summoned five ways according to the
 First Talent – Aura of Protection types of magic. Each class has
(Su): At 4th level the abjurer gains an between 2 to 4 groups that they are
aura of protection against the physical able to summon. A conjurer selects an
and magical attacks of his foes. This extra group beyond those he already
aura provides a deflection AC bonus summons as his first talent.
equal to the character’s abjurer level.
 Second Talent – Spontaneous
 Second Talent – Resistance to Summoning: At 7th level the conjurer
Energy (Ex): At 7th level the abjurer can spontaneously summon creatures.
gains a resistance to energy attacks. A conjurer/druid can instead select a
At the beginning of each day he bonus metamagic feat since they
selects a energy form (acid, cold, already have this class ability.
electricity, fire or sonic) for the
 Third Talent – Planar Cohort: At
resistance to apply to. The resistance
10th level the summoner may gain the
is equal to the character’s abjurer level
services of a planar cohort with an
+ her casting ability modifier
equivalent character level of up to two
(Example: 11 for a 7th level
less than the character’s spellcasting
abjurer/wizard with an 18
level. This cohort must be of the same
alignment as the conjurer, but
 Third Talent – Spontaneous otherwise will serve loyally and
Dispelling (Ex): At 10th level an faithfully so long as it is well treated.
abjurer can expend a spell slot of 4th
level or higher to automatically dispel
a spell three levels lower than the
expended spell slot.


Divination Enchantment
The enchanters are the penultimate social
The only arcane school that essentially
animals of the wizard world. Of all
devoid of any directly defensive or
wizards, these specialists are the most
offensive spells, divination has a
likely to be charming, witty, and actually
surprising number of societies that are
give a damn about current fashion. Other
dedicated to its study. Diviners are
wizards sometimes see them as over-
perhaps the most varied group of
fawning lackeys.
specialists in philosophies. While it is true
that they all value and ultimately seek Enchanters don't play human nature by
knowledge and insight through magic – ear as much as sorcerers and bards
they are, as a group, highly split as to though. They are what we would consider
how to use that knowledge. psychologists. They study human
behavior patterns and enjoy making
Some diviners are honorable scribes
predictions on someone else's behavior,
that you'll have a hard time convincing to
and even manipulating it. Many consider
leave the libraries and academies they
manipulating others without their magic to
tend to haunt. Others, however, use their
be more fun, rewarding, and even safer,
magic to blackmail their victims.
but that does not mean they won't use a
 Skills – (4 + Int modifier / level): charm person spell in a heartbeat if it
Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), suits their fancy.
Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int),
 Skills – (4 + Int modifier / level):
Knowledge (all skills, taken
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft
individually) (Int), Listen (Wis),
(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather
Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Sense
Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Speak
Knowledge (Arcane Lore) (Int),
Language, and Spellcraft (Int).
Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Sense
 First Talent – Uncanny Insight Motive (Wis), Speak Language, and
(Ex): At 4th level the diviner may add Spellcraft (Int).
her diviner level as an insight bonus to
 First Talent – Manipulator: At 4th
her listen, spot, scry and sense motive
level the enchanter gains a +2 bonus
to all bluff, diplomacy, gather
 Second Talent – Detect Magic at information, intimidate and sense
Will (Sp): At 7th level the diviner can motive checks.
detect magic at will without expending
 Second Talent – Cohort: At 7th level
a cantrip slot to use it. Further the
the enchanter gains a cohort with an
diviner uses this spell as a free action.
equivalent character level of up to 2
 Third Talent – Prescience (Ex): At less than her spellcaster level. After
10th level the diviner gains such this cohort is acquired though it
extraordinary insight into the world continues to gain levels normally.
around her that she can add her
 Third Talent – Extended
diviner level as an insight bonus to any
Enchantment: At 10th level the
attack roll, saving throw, skill check or
duration of all non-instantaneous
level check she makes. This ability is
enchantment spells cast by the
not an action and can be used out of
enchanter are increased by one time
turn, but must be declared by the
increment as per the improved extend
player before the die is cast. This
spell feat in Chapter 4.
ability doesn’t stack with the uncanny
insight ability (both are insight
Evocation  Second Talent – Overcome
Resistance (Ex): At 7th level the
The practitioners of evocation, known as evoker may expend a spell slot as an
evokers, command the fear (or at least additional cost to cast a spell and add
the respect) of nearly everyone they twice the level of that slot to his roll to
meet. Subtlety is not in the vocabulary of defeat a creature’s spell resistance.
most of these wizards. More than any
other school, evokers are the most likely  Third Talent – Intense Spells (Ex):
to have very few spells in any other The evocation spells cast by a 10th
school, not just the ones they are opposed level evoker have their damage die
to. The attitude of many is that no spell increased one step and any modifiers
in existence can compare to the sheer to the die roll are doubled.
thrill of calling down a lightning bolt on a
foe, so why bother with the pleasantries of Illusion
the other magics.
Illusionists remain the most secretive of
Evokers tend to be the most overbearing all the schools. The various styles of
and acquisitive wizards in Carthasana. illusion rarely speak to one another, let
The magic they specialize in gives them alone other wizards. Of all the wizards,
essentially something for nothing and this illusionists are the most likely to
carries over into many of their multiclass so that they might pretend to
personalities. Evokers tend to dress to be something they are not.
make the fashion statement "I am a
Most illusionists are quite and subdued,
wizard, and a damn good one too."
although gnome entertainers are an
Further, many of them swear by the
exception to this rule. Illusionists would
statement - "There is no personal problem
rather let their spells gain attention while
that cannot be solved by the timely and
they quietly hide in the shadows.
appropriate application of a fireball spell."
 Skills – (4 + Int modifier / level):
While evokers can be brass and
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft
arrogant, they are not stupid. Many
(Int), Disguise (Cha), Hide (Dex),
spend considerable time and resources
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills,
investing in the necessary measures to
taken individually) (Int), Move Silently
protect themselves from their own spells
(Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession
(rings of fire resistance are extremely
(Wis), Scry (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).
popular among the fireball throwing set).
 First Talent – Chains of Disbelief
 Skills – (2 + Int modifier / level):
(Ex): At 4th level the spells of the
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
illusionist become very difficult to
Decipher Script (Int), Intimidate
disbelieve. If a viewer disbelieves an
(Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken
illusion and communicates the details
individually) (Int), Profession (Wis),
to his allies those allies don’t gain the
Scry (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).
usual +4 bonus against the spell. Even
 First Talent – Energy Substitution if presented with incontrovertible proof
(Ex): At 4th level the evoker may of the illusion’s nature the subject
expend a 1st level spell slot as an cannot automatically save against the
additional cost to cast a spell in order spell although they do get a +10
to morph the spell’s energy type to a bonus on saves against it.
different one. Hence a fireball can be
 Second Talent – Chicanery (Ex): To
made to deal cold, acid, electric or
any illusionist bluffing comes naturally.
even sonic damage. Note that if a spell
At 7th level the illusionist gains a +10
deals multiple types of damage (such
competence bonus on all bluffing
as thundering weapon) this ability only
changes one of the types.

 Third Talent – Free Concentration
(Ex): At 10th level the illusionist has Transmutation
become so good at concentrating on Endlessly fascinated about how the world
his illusions that he can engage in works and how it is put together,
other activities – even spell casting – transmuters have produced more spells
while maintaining a number of illusions than all the other schools. Perhaps the
up to his casting ability modifier. least iconoclastic of all the wizard types,
transmuters care little for station and
Necromancy other transient concerns. They know from
their own magic that anything can be
Necromancers are fascinated by the forces
changed in a heartbeat, for better or
that make life, and for that matter unlife,
possible. Their fascination however is
rarely appreciated by mainstream society  Skills – (2 + Int modifier / level):
and they often find themselves shunned Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
especially since necromancy is considered Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all
by most to be little more than a subset of skills, taken individually) (Int),
the black arts – and a particularly Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), and
dangerous one at that. Spellcraft (Int).
 Skills – (2 + Int modifier / level):  Talents – Metamagic Feat: At 4th,
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), 7th and 10th level the transmuter
Decipher Script (Int), Intimidate selects a bonus metamagic feat.
(Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken Further, the level adjustment of the
individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), feat is re duced by one (For example,
Scry (Int), and Spellcraft (Int). quicken spell normally has a level
adjustment of +4. If the transmuter
 First Talent – Rebuke/Command
selects it as one of his three special
Undead: At 4th level the
metamagic feats its level adjustment
necromancer’s influence over undead
becomes +3 instead).
is such that he can rebuke and
command undead as a cleric of his
spellcaster level. If the
necromancer is already an evil
aligned cleric, he gains a +4 bonus
to all attempts to rebuke or
command the undead. If the
necromancer is a good aligned
cleric he gains a +4 bonus to all
turning attempts instead.
 Second Talent – Enhanced
Undead: At 7th level all undead
created by the necromancer gain a
+4 bonus to strength and
dexterity; and a +2 bonus to all hit
 Third Talent – Life’s Shadow: At
10th level the necromancer has so
mastered the life forces and unlife
forces around him that he can block
attempts to attack his own. The
character becomes immune to death
and level draining effects.
Spellfilcher Requirements
Becoming a spellfilcher requires innate
“There is nothing you can gain that I cannot simply
talent for magic, a willingness to acquire it
take away.” by any means and insight into certain
~ +Markson of Altania.
 Spells: Ability to spontaneously cast
3rd level arcane spells.
Some arcane casters spend years honing
their skills and researching new  Feats: Any three metamagic feats
applications of spells. Others take short-
 Skills: 11 ranks Knowledge
cuts and others earn their magic the old
fashioned way, they steal it.
5 ranks Pick Pockets
Spellfilching is the art of stealing magic
and magic items. This is, not surprisingly, 5 ranks Disable Device
a dangerous profession as spellcasters
5 ranks Open Locks
tend to guard their magic carefully and
use rather punitive measures in defense 5 ranks Search
of their hordes. Spellfilchers are a cut
5 ranks Use Magic Device
above the common thief (or so they say)
because of the danger of their targets. In
a world of magical vaults and treasures, Class Skills
spellfilchers are an analogous to modern The spellfilcher’s class skills and the key
day museum thieves and safecrackers. ability for each skill are Bluff (Cha),
Sorcerers make by far and away the Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int),
best spellfilchers, and this isn’t surprising Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Arcane) (Int),
since sorcerers – unlike wizards – already Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex),
have a penchant for laziness in developing Pick Pockets (Dex), Search (Int),
their talents. Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha)

Hit Dice: d4 Skill Points at each level: 6+INT


Table 2-8: The Spell Filcher

Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special
Bonus Save Save Save
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Spellcaster Level +1, Spell Filch

2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Spellcaster Level +1, Scroll Filch

3 +1 +1 +3 +3 Spellcaster Level +1, More Spells

4 +2 +1 +4 +4 Spellcaster Level +1, Book Filch

5 +2 +1 +4 +4 Spellcaster Level +1, Item Filch

6 +3 +2 +5 +5 Spellcaster Level +1, More Spells

7 +3 +2 +5 +5 Spellcaster Level +1, Filch Spell-like Ability

8 +4 +2 +6 +6 Spellcaster Level +1, Greater Filch

9 +4 +3 +6 +6 Spellcaster Level +1, More Spells

10 +5 +3 +7 +7 Spellcaster Level +1, Spell Catch


Class Features
All of the following are the abilities of the
 Spellcaster +1: The character gains
another level in her previous
spellcasting class’ caster level. He
gains all the benefits associated with a
higher caster level except more spells.
Unlike other prestige classes with this
ability, the spellfilcher does not learn
new spells when he advances as a
spell filcher. Hence a 8th level
sorcerer, 4th level spellfilcher has the
casting ability of a 12th level sorcerer,
but she only has the spell selection of
a 8th level sorcerer.
 Spellfilch (Su): Spellfilching is the
most famous power of the spellfilcher.
It allows her to pull spell preparations
from other spellcasters and
temporarily add them to her own list  Scrollfilch (Su): At 2nd level the
of known spells (This ability doesn’t spellfilcher, as a standard action that
work on casters who don’t prepare provokes an attack of opportunity, can
spells). pull a spell off a scroll and into her
To use this power the spellfilcher mind. Until she rests she considers
names a spell and expends a spell slot the spell to be known and may cast it
of equal or greater level than that freely.
spell. The enemy caster makes a The spellfilcher can only nab spells
willpower save DC 10+ the on her previous spellcasting class’ list
spellfilcher’s level + the spellfilcher’s with this ability.
casting ability modifier. A successful
save negates the filch attempt, and if  More Spells: At 3rd, 6th and 9th
the target caster doesn’t have the level the spellfilcher gets to learn a
named spell prepared the spellfilcher few more spells. He learns a number
nabs a random spell of equal or less of spells equal to his casting ability
level than the named spell. modifier at the time he gains the level.
He cannot learn more than one spell
Once a spell is successfully nabbed per level and cannot learn any spell of
the spellcaster can use it as if she his highest level (so if his highest spell
knew it normally. She retains level is 7th he can’t learn 7th level
knowledge of the spell until she rests spells). If his casting ability modifier
for the day. later changes he neither gains nor
The spellfilcher can only nab spells loses spells.
on her previous spellcasting class’ list  Item Filch (Su): At 4th level the
with this ability. character can pull energy off a magic
Spellfilching is a standard action that item other than a scroll in able to use
provokes an attack of opportunity. It one of the spells involved in it’s
works from medium range (100’ + 10’ creation. Doing so renders the item
/ level). inert for 1d4 days. This is a standard
action that provokes an attack of previous spellcasting class’ list in order
opportunity. to use the various filch abilities to gain
it is removed at 8th level.
The spellfilcher can only nab spells
on her previous spellcasting class’ list Spell Catch: At 10th level the
with this ability. spellfilcher can use a ready action to
capture a spell as it’s being cast. This
 Book Filch (Su): At 5th level the
ability is similar to a counterspell – the
spellfilcher can pull spells from the
spellfilcher expends a spell slot of equal or
magical writings in a spellbook in order
greater level than the spell he wishes to
to know the spell for a day. Doing so
catch and makes a caster level check. If
permanently erases the writings. This
she succeeds the spell is countered and
ability is a standard action that
added to the spell’s known list of the
provokes an attack of opportunity.
spellfilcher until she rests for the day.
The spellfilcher can only nab spells
on her previous spellcasting class’ list
with this ability. Traprunner
 Improved Spellfilch (Su): At 7 In the dusty tombs and catacombs
level the spellfilcher gains the ability to beneath Telzoa lie many traps designed to
filch spell-like abilities and the ability maim and kill any who dare get near
to filch spells off of other spontaneous them. The traprunner is a specialist in
casters. This ability is a standard dealing with such devices and even
action that provokes an attack of staying alive while doing it.
opportunity. The target doesn’t lose
The Dabrinian Trap Runner’s Guild is
their spell or spell-like ability in this
based out of Clarson, though its agents
are present throughout most of Telzoa
The spellfilcher can only nab spells and more than a few rogues have broken
on her previous spellcasting class’ list their ties to the group and now pander its
with this ability. skills to those who show promise in the
 Greater Filch: The limitation that a
spell the spellfilcher steals be on the Hit Die: d6

Table 2-9: The Trap Runner

Level Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Special
Bonus Save Save Save
1 +0 +2 +2 +0 Sense Trap

2 +1 +3 +3 +0 Armor Class +1 vs. Traps, Uncanny Dodge (Dex

Bonus to AC)
3 +2 +3 +3 +1 Defensive Roll vs. Traps

4 +3 +4 +4 +1 Armor Class +2 vs. Traps, Uncanny Dodge (Can't

be Flanked)
5 +3 +4 +4 +1 Improved Evasion

6 +3 +5 +5 +2 Armor Class +3 vs. Traps

7 +4 +5 +5 +2 Skill Mastery

8 +5 +6 +6 +2 Armor Class +4 vs. Traps

9 +6 +6 +6 +3 Spell Resistance to Traps

10 +6 +7 +7 +3 Armor Class +5 vs. Traps


To qualify for that most dangerous of
exercises that is trap running the
character must have the following
 Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus
in Search or Disable Device.
 Skills: 8 ranks Search, 8 ranks
Disable Device
 Other: Evasion, Trap Finding

Class Skills
The traprunner’s class skills and the key
ability for each skill are Balance (Dex),
Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script
(Int), Disable Device (Int), Hide (Dex),
Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently
(Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis),
Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Wis),
Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Item (Cha)
Skill points at each level: 8+INT

Class Features
All of the following are the class features
of a traprunner.
 Sense Trap: The DM secretly rolls a
damage dealt. Evasion does not apply
search roll anytime a traprunner
to this roll since a reflex save to
moves close enough to a trap to be in
reduce the damage isn’t normally
danger of triggering it (usually 5’,
sometimes further, sometimes closer).
If the search roll succeeds the  Improved Evasion: The character
traprunner becomes aware of the trap only takes ½ damage on a failed reflex
even though he wasn’t actively save for half damage, and no damage
searching for it. on a successful save.
 Uncanny Dodge: The traprunner has  Skill Mastery: The character becomes
the same uncanny dodge abilities as a absolutely certain of the skills listen,
rogue. When determining which spot, search, disable device, open
uncanny dodge abilities the levels in all locks and decipher script. He can take
classes with the uncanny dodge ability ten on these skills even when under
stack. duress that would normally not allow
 Defensive Roll vs. Traps: The
character rolls a reflex save against  Spell Resistance to Traps: The
any trap he is aware of that attacks character has a spell resistance of
him and if successful he halves the 10+his reflex bonus against any
damage dealt. The DC of this roll is the magical trap
<< Telsindria.
Telsindria For one of the most powerful
sorcerers in the multiverse, Telsindria is
extremely quiet and unassuming, traveling
seemingly at random between locations
advising king and pauper alike as suits her
fancy and perhaps goals she alone fully
appreciates or understands, Telsindria can be
encountered at any time and in nearly any
guise. Indeed many who have met her where
entirely unaware that they had
encountered the being the elves reverently
refer to simply as “The Lady.”

alent is a rare thing, training  Sequenced Check: The sequenced

rarer still, and rarest is talent check is used for any task that takes
refined by training.” time to do, and how much time is in
doubt. It is used instead of a simple
~ +Lord Travis Triel. check when time is at issue and
dramatic tension can build, such as
when a rogue needs to get a door
open so the party can escape a pack of
From picking someone’s pockets to hiding orcs.
from them after you’re caught, skills cover
Each time the character has a
a wide range of activities, indeed all the
success against the task the margin of
activities outside of spell casting and
success is written down and added to
combat are handled by the skill system.
the margin of any previous successes
This chapter expands the skill system against the task. Once the total
providing more detailed versions of reaches the DC, the task is complete.
existing skills or adding uses to existing For instance, a rogue is opening an
skills. When skills have been massively average lock (DC 25). On the first
rewritten information that still applies to round he rolls and gets a result of 31,
them (such as synergy bonuses) is 6 above what he needed. On the
repeated. second he gets a result of 30, 5 above,
and has a total of 11. On the third
The following skill check methods are
round he has no success, so he
used on occasion in addition to the
continues on to the fourth round and
traditional d20 against a DC and opposed
gets a result of 35, giving a total of
21. On the next round his roll gives a

result of 29, raising the total to 25 and on. It is possible, though unlikely, for
defeating the lock. very high DC’s to be hit this way.
A sequenced check is like casting a
multiple round spell, each round
On a roll of 1 a character makes a
working is a full round action. Any
second check with a -20 penalty. If a
successful attack on the character
second 1 is rolled roll again at a –40
ruins his work for that round only
penalty and so on. It is possible for very
unless he succeeds at a concentration
skilled characters to succeed on very bad
check. Any failure, even a roll of 1,
die rolls.
simply indicates no progress on the
check for that round. Unless the DM
rules otherwise a character engaged
on a sequenced check cannot defend
Taking 0
and therefore provokes an attack of The character makes the check as if she
opportunity. rolled a 0. This rule is used only in
opposed checks where your character is
 Complex Opposed Check: In a
not putting any effort into the task. As an
complex opposed check each character
example, sleeping characters take 0 on all
must do better against a target listen checks – it is quite possible for an
number than his foe – not merely get untrained character trying to move silently
the highest result. This matters when
in plate mail to make enough noise to
the target numbers are for some awaken someone, especially a mid to
reason different for each character high-level rogue with a lot of ranks in
(creating a handicap for one or the listen.
other). For example, two characters
arm wrestling must overcome each
other’s strength. The strength ability
score of each participant is the target
number for his opponent. The odds of The following listings either expand or
a character with a STR score of 9 replace their counterparts in the Player’s
(rolling d20-1 against DC 18) Handbook. Skills with no changes aren’t
defeating a character with a strength listed.
score of 18 (rolling d20+4 against DC
9) are not very good under this
system. Appraise
 Cascade Check: Finally, a cascade (Int)
check is simply a series of simple If an object has a maker’s mark on it you
checks made until a failure occurs. It can make an appraise check to recognize
is most commonly used when a the mark.
character attempts to recall
information using a knowledge skill or Checks of appraise are always made in
discovers information using a skill such secret by the DM. Your character always
as spellcraft. This check is used when believes his appraisals are accurate.
the DM not only needs to know
whether or not a character succeeds,
but also how well. Balance
(Dex, Armor Check Penalty)

Rolling 1 and 20 Use balance to keep your footing while

traversing treacherous surfaces, or even
On a skill roll of 20 a character rolls again to cause another character to lose their
with a +20 bonus. If he rolls 20 again he balance, such as by rocking a boat.
rolls again with a +40 to the roll, and so
Check: When running or charging even Finally, the following tools and abilities are
innocent surfaces may break your charge available to help improve your chances of
or trip you. succeeding at a balance check.
Surface DC Situation Check
Uneven Flagstone 10
Balancing pole* +2
Hewn Stone Floor 10
Wall +5
Loose Gravel 10
Handrail +10
* Only a skilled character can make use of a
Narrow surfaces are a challenge even if balancing pole.
you don’t try to rush things. A normal
balance check presumes that you move If you fail a balance check you’re
half your speed. You can move your movement stops. If you fail by 5 or more,
normal speed if you wish, but you take a - you fall.
5 penalty. If you try to run or charge Being Attacked while Balancing: You are
across such a surface, you incur a -10 considered flat-footed while balancing,
penalty instead. since you can’t move to avoid a blow, and
Narrow Surface DC thus you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC
(if any). If you have 5 or more ranks in
1’ or less 10 Balance, you aren’t considered flat-footed
6” or less 15 while balancing unless you fail your check
(in which case you’ll be flat-footed until
2” or less 20 you make a balance check). If you take
damage while balancing, you must make
another Balance check against the same
The following modifiers apply to any of the DC to remain standing.
above checks.
Shake Off: If you and another character
Situation DC are both on a very or extremely unstable
modifier surface you use a move-equivalent action
Slippery +2 to shake the foe off. Each of you make an
opposed balance check and if you beat
Very slippery (ice, grease) +5 your opponent by 5 he is off balance and
Angled surface +2 considered flat-footed. If you beat him by
10 he falls.
Lightly obstructed +2
(scattered gravels) Action: Varies. Most Balance checks don’t
require an action; they are made as part
Heavily obstructed (loose +5 of another action or as a reaction to a
gravel) situation. If you attempt to shake a foe off
Surface unstable (rickety +2 though this is a move-equivalent action
bridge) that doesn’t provoke an attack of
Surface very unstable +4
(small boat, log) Special: If you have the Agile feat, you
get a +2 bonus on Balance checks.
Surace extremely +6
unstable (tight rope) Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in
Tumble, you get a +2 bonus on Balance


Bluff Situation Sense

(Cha) Motive
Use bluff to temporarily distract or
confuse foes, or to make them believe a The Lie is…
lie. Bluff is limited to simple hoaxes;
Solid (No reason not to believe it) -10
more elaborate scams are a function of
the diplomacy skill. Plausible (Out of the ordinary, a -5
little truth stretching)
Check: A Bluff check is opposed by the
target’s Sense Motive check. Favorable Feasible (Could happen, +0
stretching the truth)
and unfavorable circumstances weigh
heavily on the outcome of a bluff. Two Unlikely (Rare event described, +5
circumstances can weigh against you: The real fabrication)
bluff is hard to believe, or the action that Far Fetched (Hard to believe) +10
the target is asked to take goes against its
self-interest, nature, personality, orders, Conflicting with NPC’s first +20
or the like. If it’s important, you can hand experience
distinguish between a bluff that fails To the NPC you are…
because the target doesn’t believe it and
one that fails because it just asks too Very credible (Anything you say -10
much of the target. For instance, if the is to be trusted)
target gets a +10 bonus on its Sense Credible (Would only doubt you -5
Motive check because the bluff demands given strong evidence)
something risky, and the Sense Motive
Unknown (A stranger) +0
check succeeds by 10 or less, then the
target didn’t so much see through the Known to lie occasionally +5
bluff as prove reluctant to go along with
Known to lie a lot +10
it. A target that succeeds by 11 or more
has seen through the bluff. The NPC…
If the NPC wins he sees through the Wants to believe you -5
bluff. The DM is free to decide a course of
Doesn’t care +0
action depending on the NPC – a
particularly crafty individual may pretend Doesn’t trust you or is +5
to believe the bluff. If so then re-roll to skeptical
see if the player sees through this counter
If the NPC goes along with the lie, the
bluff (Their sense motive check will be at
result is (to the NPC)…
a -25 since this outcome is desirable,
what the PC wants to believe and they Desirable -10
have no reason to doubt their own
Favorable -5
Of no consequence 0
If the PC succeeds at all the NPC will at
least go along with the story until they Unfavorable +5
leave, after which the NPC may check Harmful +10
their story out if interested.
Highly Dangerous +15
If the PC succeeds by more than 5 the
NPC will take the lie wholly as truth and Other Modfiers
not bother to re-examine their story. The PC has physical -5
If the PC succeeds by more than 10 the Intelligence (1 or 2) it’s even harder; you
NPC will believe their story so well that take a –8 penalty. Against a nonintelligent
any character attempting to relay the creature, it’s impossible.
truth will have to successfully bluff the
Feinting in combat does not provoke an
NPC and/or present some strong evidence
attack of opportunity.
to the contrary of the PC’s story.
Creating a Diversion to Hide: You can use
A bluff requires interaction between you
the Bluff skill to help you hide. A
and the target. Creatures unaware of you
successful Bluff check gives you the
cannot be bluffed.
momentary diversion you need to attempt
Feinting in Combat: You can also use Bluff a Hide check while people are aware of
to mislead an opponent in melee combat you. This usage does not provoke an
(so that it can’t dodge your next attack attack of opportunity.
effectively). To feint, make a Bluff check
Innuendo: This task involves conveying a
opposed by your target’s Sense Motive
message to a character that you don’t
check, but in this case, the target may
share a language with. The nature of the
add its base attack bonus to the roll along
message sets the DC. Both speaker
with any other applicable modifiers.
(using bluff) and listener (using sense
If your Bluff check result exceeds this motive) must defeat the DC for the
special Sense Motive check result, your message to be conveyed correctly.
target is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC
Less commonly, innuendo is used to
(if any) for the next melee attack you
conceal the true nature of a message from
make against it. This attack must be made
unwanted listeners. Two assassins may
on or before your next turn.
seem to be talking about the weather
Feinting in this way against a when they are really discussing knocking
nonhumanoid is difficult because it’s off the local baron.
harder to read a strange creature’s body
Most often a pre-arranged cant is used
language; you take a –4 penalty on your
(see Knowledge – Cant) for this purpose.
Bluff check. Against a creature of animal

While using a cant eliminates the need for
any check, it does mean the message will
be understood by anyone else who knows
the cant. (Str, Armor Check Penalty)
Situation DC Use climb to scale slopes, walls, trees and
other vertical surfaces.
Universal concept (Life, death, 10
pain) Check: With a successful Climb check,
you can advance up, down, or across a
Basic Concept (Food, Danger) 15
slope, a wall, or some other steep incline
Abstract Concept (Emotions, 20 (or even a ceiling with handholds) at one-
simple ideas) quarter your normal speed. A slope is
considered to be any incline at an angle
Obscure Concept (Minor spells, 30
measuring less than 60 degrees; a wall is
any incline at an angle measuring 60
Erudite Concept (Complex spells, 40 degrees or more.
higher math)
A Climb check that fails by 4 or less
means that you make no progress, and
one that fails by 5 or more means that
Action: Varies. A Bluff check made as
you fall from whatever height you have
part of general interaction always takes at
already attained.
least 1 round (and is at least a full-round
action), but it can take much longer if you A climber’s kit gives you a +2
try something elaborate. A Bluff check circumstance bonus on Climb checks.
made to feint in combat or create a
The DC of the check depends on the
diversion to hide is a standard action.
conditions of the climb. Compare the task
Try Again: Varies. Generally, a failed with those on the following table to
Bluff check in social interaction makes the determine an appropriate DC.
target too suspicious for you to try again
You need both hands free to climb, but
in the same circumstances, but you may
you may cling to a wall with one hand
retry freely on Bluff checks made to feint
while you cast a spell or take some other
in combat. Retries are also allowed when
action that requires only one hand. While
you are trying to send a message, but you
climbing, you can’t move to avoid a blow,
may attempt such a retry only once per
so you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if
round. Each retry carries the same chance
any). You also can’t use a shield while
of miscommunication.
Special: If you have the Persuasive feat,
Any time you take damage while
you get a +2 bonus on Bluff checks.
climbing, make a Climb check against the
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in DC of the slope or wall. Failure means you
Bluff, you get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy, fall from your current height and sustain
Intimidate, and Sleight of Hand checks, as the appropriate falling damage.
well as on Disguise checks made when
Accelerated Climbing: You try to climb
you know you’re being observed and you
more quickly than normal. By accepting a
try to act in character.
–5 penalty, you can move half your speed
(instead of one-quarter your speed).
Making Your Own Handholds and
Footholds: You can make your own
handholds and footholds by pounding
pitons into a wall. Doing so takes 1 minute
per piton, and one piton is needed per 3
Situation Climb Catching a Falling Character While
DC Climbing: If someone climbing above you
or adjacent to you falls, you can attempt
Slope Condition (Choose one)
to catch the falling character if he or she
Can’t be walked up, but no appreciable +0 is within your reach. Doing so requires a
weight need be bore by the character’s
successful melee touch attack against the
falling character (though he or she can
The character must bear at least half +5 voluntarily forego any Dexterity bonus to
his weight with his arms
AC if desired). If you hit, you must
The character must at times bear all +10 immediately attempt a Climb check (DC =
his weight with his arms
wall’s DC + 10). Success indicates that
Slope slants towards the character so +15 you catch the falling character, but his or
that his back is to the ground her total weight, including equipment,
The “slope” is an overhang or ceiling +20 cannot exceed your heavy load limit or
you automatically fall. If you fail your
Traction (All the below apply) Climb check by 4 or less, you fail to stop
Surface rough -5 the character’s fall but don’t lose your grip
on the wall. If you fail by 5 or more, you
Surface shifts easily (i.e. gravels) +10 fail to stop the character’s fall and begin
Surface wet +5 falling as well.
Surface icy +10 Action: Climbing is part of movement, so
it’s generally part of a move action (and
Handholds & Footholds (Choose one) may be combined with other types of
Abundant -10 movement in a move action). Each move
action that includes any climbing requires
Adequate +0 a separate Climb check. Catching yourself
Poor +10 or another falling character doesn’t take
an action.
Very Poor +20
Special: You can use a rope to haul a
Other Modifiers (Choose all that apply) character upward (or lower a character)
Knotted Rope +10 through sheer strength. You can lift
double your maximum load in this
Rope* -5 manner, and multiple characters can add
Two perpendicular surfaces to brace -5 their strength together in such a task.
A halfling has a +2 racial bonus on
Two parallel surfaces to brace between -10 Climb checks because halflings are agile
feet of distance. However, taking the time and surefooted.
to do this reduces the DC of the climb by If you have the Athletic feat, you get a
10. Only a trained climber knows how to +2 bonus on Climb checks.
properly place pitons so that they won’t
come out when bearing weight. In this A creature with a climb speed has a +8
same way, a climber with a handaxe or racial bonus on all Climb checks. The
similar implement can cut handholds in an creature must make a Climb check to
ice wall. climb any wall or slope with a DC higher
than 0, but it always can choose to take
Catching Yourself When Falling: It’s 10, even if rushed or threatened while
practically impossible to catch yourself on climbing. If a creature with a climb speed
a wall while falling. Make a Climb check chooses an accelerated climb (see above),
(DC = wall’s DC + 20) to do so. It’s much it moves at double its climb speed (or at
easier to catch yourself on a slope (DC = its land speed, whichever is slower) and
slope’s DC + 10). makes a single Climb check at a –5

penalty. Such a creature retains its
Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any)
Situation DC
while climbing, and opponents get no
special bonus to their attacks against it. It Universal concept (Life, death, pain) +0
cannot, however, use the run action while Basic Concept (Food, Danger) +5
Abstract Concept (Emotions, simple +10
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in ideas)
Use Rope, you get a +2 bonus on Climb
Obscure Concept (Minor spells, +20
checks made to climb a rope, a knotted philosophies)
rope, or a rope-and-wall combination.
Erudite Concept (Complex spells, higher +30

Decipher Script You know

the alphabet, not the -5

(Int, Trained Only)

You can attempt to decipher the meaning If you do not know the language then
of scripts written in languages you do not consult the number of successes against
know, or you can attempt to decipher a this table:
coded message or you can create a code
(or cipher) to send a message in secret. Knowledge Gained Successes
Check: You can create a code that you General knowledge, no details 1
can then teach to others for the relaying Specific knowledge, some major 2
of messages in secret. When the code is points missing or obscure.
first created you make a check to Specific knowledge with some 3
establish the base difficulty of cracking the minor points missing or obscure.
code. Deciphering a single message in
Complete and accurate 4
your code must beat your check – information
deciphering your code once and for all
must beat your check by a margin of 5.
The check is made in secret since you The check is rolled by the DM in secret.
don’t know how difficult the code will be to If you roll a ‘1’ and fail your check by
break. Creating a cipher usually takes more than 10 you draw a wrong
several days. conclusion.
Breaking a code is largely based on the Action: It normally takes 1 minute per
nature of the message, but even the page to decipher a script. It takes 1 hour
simplest of messages can be devilishly per page to encode a message and a day
hard to break. The base DC is 20 for a to devise a new cipher.
message in a language you do not speak,
or the DC is the check result of the Try Again: Not on the same message or
encoder if you understand the language code. You can try on different messages
used. If you are reading a deliberately or create different codes.
coded message in a language you do not Special: A character with the Diligent feat
understand the DC is 20+ the encoder’s gets a +2 bonus on Decipher Script
check result. The check is a cascade checks.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in
If the message is simply a code of a Decipher Script, you get a +2 bonus on
language you know then a single success Use Magic Device checks involving scrolls.
allows you to break the code for that
message only and know exactly what it
says. Three successes allow you to break
the code once and for all.
Situation DC
Diplomacy Adjust
With respect to the PC, the NPC is…
A trusted ally -4
Unlike bluff, which gets an NPC to take a
single action in your favor or look the Friendly -2
other way for a moment, diplomacy allows
Indifferent 0
you to influence NPC’s over the long term.
It also determines how well you impress Unfriendly +2
NPC’s. How well you lead and influence
Hostile +4
NPC’s is largely a function of the
diplomacy skill. A long time enemy1 +8
Check: Diplomacy has several checks, all Charmed, as per charm person -4
of which a DM can use as a general
Charmed, as per charm -6
guideline as to how minor NPC’s are going
to behave around PC’s. Major NPC’s
should be more directly controlled. To the NPC the PC’s intended result is…
Initial Impression: First impressions are Desirable -4
everything. The DM will decide an initial
Favorable -2
attitude of the NPC. Perhaps he’s had a
bad day and is a rotten mood – he’s likely Of no consequence 0
to be unfriendly to anyone, not just your
Unfavorable +2
character. Or the NPC could be naturally
one of the friendly sort. This initial Harmful +4
attitude has nothing to do with your
Highly Dangerous2 +8
character, but it might be changed by
your character’s appearance on the scene. Other modifiers
This check is rolled in secret.
NPC is suspicious +2
Convincing: You attempt to convince the
PC employs a suggestion spell. -20
NPC’s to follow a plan you’ve devised or
get them to allow you to do something. 1 Only possible with a suggestion spell, or if the
intended result is desirable.
Whenever you try to convince NPC’s of a
course of action, this task is being done. 2 Only possible with a suggestion spell, or with a
The above modifiers apply to this roll, as trusted ally.
do the modifiers below You can attempt to
intimidate an NPC into doing something
for you if “asking them nicely” didn’t work.
You cannot do this after an intimidate
attempt though.
Haggle: You can attempt to gain goods
and services below asking price. Assume
that the asking price for a good or service
is 150% of the price given in the PHB.
Your check is opposed by the merchant’s
diplomacy check, or the GM can rule that
if you hit DC 15 you can get the merchant
down to the normal price – if you hit DC
20 you can get him down to half normal

Change Attitude: You interact with the word seduction is uttered, and while
NPC in order to change their attitude sexual seduction is the most infamous
towards you. This can take anywhere form of this task it is not the only one.
from a minute to several to accomplish. Characters may be seduced by promises
The following modifiers apply to the DC of of wealth, power, or even revenge. Most
the roll. every character can be seduced by some
Situation DC
Adjust Seduction is always a long and involved
NPC is a racist against the PC’s
process, but the payoff is usually great.
Race For it to have a chance of succeeding at
all the target must believe that you have
PC has threatened or harmed the +10
NPC or ally the means to provide what they want.
You can bluff this if you wish, but the
PC offers a gift of some value -5 target gains a +2 circumstance bonus to
PC offers a gift of great value -10 their sense motive check against your
The check is made at the proverbial
Who’s in Charge: By observing a group “moment of truth.” Suppose you’ve
and watching who defers to who you can seduced a fighter into assassinating a
gain a general idea of the power structure baron. When the time comes for him to
of the group you are observing. actually perform that action they make a
Sometimes this is obliquely obviously – sense motive check against your
such as in a King’s court. But if the real diplomacy check. If they win they come
power lies behind the throne with the to their senses. The DM may modify the
regent you can use this skill to get a check based on the overall circumstances
sense of this. Provided the leader doesn’t and the time you’ve spent with the
advertise his status openly, the DC ranges subject.
from 10 for a pack of goblins who wear
little or no badges of honor, to 30 for a Try Again: Usually no. Haggling can be
stealthy wizard who is manipulating the conducted with the same merchant over a
king with charm spells and the like. In different object.
the latter case this skill may only establish Special: Codes of behavior vary from
the hunch that someone is controlling the region to region, so you may experience a
apparent leader, but exactly who is doing penalty to your checks when dealing with
so is hard to say. If you roll a ‘1’ and new groups whose traditions and codes of
miss by 10 you draw a false conclusion. behavior are different from your own.
Debate: You can formally debate another A half elf has a +2 racial bonus on
character, attempting to prove your point diplomacy checks.
of view is superior to another character.
This is resolved as a complex opposed If you have the negotiator feat, you get
check against the charisma score of your a +2 bonus on diplomacy check.
opponent. Whoever has the highest Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in
margin of success wins, though a margin Bluff or Sense Motive, you get a +2
of 5 is required for a conclusive win. A synergy bonus on Diplomacy. Knowledge
character with five ranks of Perform and (nobility) and knowledge (racial lore)
knowledge of Oratory gains a +2 synergy grants a +2 synergy bonus to diplomacy
bonus on this task. when working with those groups.
Seduction: This is the art of gaining
services or favors from a character with
the promise of something greater in
return. Most people think of sex when the
Disguise Detail DC
(Cha) Conceal as common persona (beggar, +5
Use this skill to conceal your identity or to
pass yourself off as someone you are not. Conceal as uncommon persona +0
(merchant, soldier)
The better your disguise check, the harder
it is for foes to spot the disguise. Conceal as rare persona (nobility, -5
upper class)
Check: The various disguise checks are
Conceal normal clothing -2
based upon whom you are trying to
disguise yourself as or occasionally what Conceal armor -non-
you are disguising yourself as. magical
AC value
You can attempt to conceal your identity
or the identity of a friend by appearing to
be someone you are not. The more Conceal small weapons +0
removed that individual is from you the Conceal medium weapons -5
harder this becomes. The more common
that individual type is the easier this Conceal large weapons -10
becomes. It is relatively easy for a king Each step of change in age category -2
to impersonate a beggar, while it is quite
difficult for a beggar to impersonate a Change to similar race (humans to elf -2
king. or half-elf)
Change to a dissimilar race (humans -4
A spot check against conceal identity will to orc)
only be allowed if the character is closely
Imitate physical disability (i.e. -2
observed – and some disguises by their blindness)
very nature tend not to be observed. It is
Imitate loss of limbs -5 each
rare for a guard to pay much attention to
a beggar at the main city gate – but if a NPC’s Familiarity with Subject Modifier
beggar tries to get into the palace he will
Only heard of the individual -4
be examined closely. It is possible for a
character to get into trouble if his disguise Seen rarely, and from a distance only -2
is too good sometimes.
Seen rarely, but up close +0
Do not count the armor and weapon
Seen occasionally +2
modifiers if those items are part of the
disguise. You can don a hasty disguise as Recognizes easily +4
a common persona as a full round action,
Friend or associate +6
but you have a -20 penalty to the check.
Close friend +8
Impersonation: When you attempt to
impersonate a specific individual, all of the Intimate (Known for years) +10
above factors apply. Further, you’re
Laying Low: You can attempt to hide
ability to play the role you’ve chosen will
among the people, using the sheer
be tested, so the modifiers below apply to
number of people in a settlement to
both your disguise check and to the sense
conceal you from those who would find
motive check of observers. Hence, you
you. This task works in opposition to
have a +6 bonus to disguise yourself as a
Gather Information.
friend, and an observer who has only
heard of them has a -4 penalty on their You have a base bonus to your roll of 10
sense motive check. since seeking is by its nature harder than
hiding. Half your own level (round down)
is applied as a penalty to your roll since as

you rise in power, you rise in fame (So if
you are 12th level, you have a -6 penalty Forgery
to this roll). If your race doesn’t match
most common race(s) of the settlement
you’re in you have a -2 penalty to your Use this skill to create counterfeit
roll. documents of all sorts, from military
orders to bogus currency. You also use
Spot checks against your disguise are
the forgery skill to detect forgeries.
usually made upon meeting and once an
hour or so. If a character is simply Check: Of the various forgery checks
blending in with a crowd there are no spot possible, only detect forgery can be
checks against him unless an individual is attempted untrained.
trying to specifically find him – even then
Detect Forgery: You attempt to determine
only the searching character checks upon
if an object has been forged. The DC is
set by the forger of the item, though if
Action: It takes from 1 to 10 minutes to you roll a ‘1’ and miss by 10 you come to
don a disguise properly depending on the mistaken conclusion that an authentic
whether you keep your own clothes and object is fake.
armor on underneath the disguise (though
Tools that allow you to examine the
this can make the disguise harder to
minutiae of the object, such as a
maintain). As with armor you can halve
magnifying glass, grant you a +2
this time and don the disguise hastily but
circumstance bonus to this check if
you take a -4 penalty to your check.
examining the object’s details would help
Actually creating the costume and props determine if it is a forgery.
for a disguise can take hours, weeks or
Forge Seal: In a world where many
even months depending on how exacting
characters are illiterate a forger need only
of a likeness that is desired.
duplicate the seal correctly and the local
Try Again: Yes. You may try to redo a bailiff will take the character’s word that
failed disguise, but once others know that the document says what the character
a disguise was attempted, they’ll be more claims it does. A seal can be forged by
suspicious. carefully carving it into dry wax or, more
convincingly, by forging a signet ring to
Special: Magic that alters form,
make the impression. Carving a seal
specifically but not limited to alter self,
grants the reader a +10 bonus to detect
change self, polymorph other, polymorph
the forgery – it’s relatively easy to see the
self or shapechange, grants the individual
carving as a fake. This is also quicker
a +10 enhancement bonus to disguises
though, taking only a day to do and only
and often allows a character to ignore
requiring a penknife. Making a false
penalties for changing weights, gender or
signet ring requires a forge to
race since these changes are rendered
Situation Modifier
actual by the magic. Divination magic,
even true seeing, doesn’t see through Reader unfamiliar with seal -4
mundane disguises, but can detect the Reader has seen the seal only rarely -2
magical component of a disguise.
Reader has seen the seal occasionally +0
If you have the Deceitful feat, you get a
+2 bonus on Disguise checks. Reader sees the seal often (weekly) +2
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Reader sees the seal very often +4
Bluff, you get a +2 bonus on Disguise
checks when you know that you’re being Reader only casually views the seal -2
observed and you try to act in character.
Seal broken -4
manufacture such a ring, but once done scraps are then melted down into more
as many forged seals as the character coins. Shaving is common where coins
desires can be made with the ring. It are worth their weight in metal and the
takes 1 week to make the ring. If the minting process makes it difficult to
character uses his forged ring too much maintain a consistent weight from coin to
the authorities may switch seals. Other coin. Shaving is the reason careful
modifiers include the following: merchants weigh coins. Shaving 100 gold
pieces will produce enough gold for
Each seal created by a signet ring has
another gold piece, but the DC to do this
the same DC. Once a character realizes a
is only 10. Easy to do, it is not profitable
particular seal is fake he’ll be on the alert
enough for most players to attempt and is
for more like it, granting a +4 modifier to
mentioned here only as a footnote.
notice other bogus seals made with the
same ring. You can try to forge an individual coin or
make a forged mold. Forging one coin
Forge Currency: Sometimes the quickest
takes a week. Producing a mold takes
way to wealth is to literally make it. This
two weeks. All coins produced by a given
is most tempting in nations that use
mold have the same DC.
currency with a high amount of ignorance
– that is the value of the materials that A coin that failed to fool one merchant
compose the currency is far less than the might fool another, so long as you elude
currency itself. Due to the destructive the guard to try again. Once counterfeit
effect widespread counterfeiting can have currency has been discovered in an area
on the economy of a kingdom, this type of all characters become suspicious of it and
forgery carries extremely heavy penalties gain a +2 circumstance bonus.
when the character is caught – which can
Forge Document: All sorts of mischief can
include being executed.
be caused by forging legal documents and
The higher the value of a coin, the less handwriting, from making a false order to
it is seen. A character is unlikely to honor faking a deed to a tract of land.
any coin he has never seen before except
To forge a document on which the
on a basis of the value of its metal. In
handwriting is not specific to a person
medieval times coins that were worth
(military orders, a government decree, a
more than their component metals were
business ledger, or the like), the character
needs only to have seen a similar
Related to coin forgery is a process document before. To forge a signature,
known as “shaving.” In this scam the an autograph of that person to copy is
rogue cuts away some of the coin but needed, and the character gains a +4
leaves it relatively intact. The shaved bonus on the roll. To forge a longer
Situation Modifi
Foreign gp -4
Foreign sp -2
Foreign cp, Domestic gp +0
Domestic sp +2
Domestic cp +4
Character only glances at coin -2
Character examines the coin closely +4
Character weight tests the coin* +10

Situation Modifier then the reader can’t try using his own
skill again, even if he’s suspicious about
the document.
Unknown to reader -4
Special: If you have the Deceitful feat,
Seen rarely by reader (once a year) -2 you get a +2 bonus on Forgery checks.
Seen occasionally by reader +0 Five ranks in the craft skills related to
the creation of the forgery grants a +2
Seen often by reader (weekly) +2 synergy bonus to the skill – for instance
craft (calligraphy) is helpful in forging
Seen very often by reader (daily) +4
documents and craft (metalworking) is
Document type… useful with coin forgeries.
Unknown to reader -4 Restriction: Forging writing requires you
Seen rarely by reader (once a year)
to be able to read and write the language
in question. You can still do forgeries of
Seen occasionally by reader +0 items that have no writing, or you can
(monthly) attempt to duplicate existing writing
Seen often by reader (weekly) +2 without changing what it says (which
usually isn’t helpful).
Seen very often by reader (daily) +4
Common Document (Bill of Lading,
Business Leager)
- 10
Gather Information
Uncommon Document (Land Deed, -5 (Cha)
Specific Contract)
Rare Document (Warrant) +0 Use this skill to learn the local gossip,
news and other scuttlebutt, or to find out
Very Rare Document (Decree) +5 if any merchant has a masterwork sword
Other modifiers or, in very large cities, a magical sword
for sale.
Reader only glances at document -2
Check: Gathering information in a large
Reader compares the document to +5 city is far different from scouting out a
one that is known to be genuine
hamlet. The larger city is more likely to
document written in the hand of some have the information, but it will be harder
particular person, a large sample of that to find. These modifiers are on the table
person’s handwriting is needed. below and apply to all gather information
A document that contradicts procedure,
orders, or the previous knowledge of the In the wilderness you can gather
reader will prompt him to examine it more information on each square mile as if it
closely, giving him a +2 bonus on his were a small town.
Learning News: The character learns the
Try Again: Usually, no. A retry is never local news headlines of the community.
possible after a particular reader detects a The base DC is 10 in thorps and hamlets.
particular forgery. But the document Larger communities hire town criers who
created by the forger might still fool shout out the news at least once per day
someone else. The result of a Forgery – finding the crier, if there is one, doesn’t
check for a particular document must be require a check.
used for every instance of a different
reader examining the document. No
reader can attempt to detect a particular
forgery more than once; if that one
opposed check goes in favor of the forger,
Community Population Presence Gather Time
Size Modifier Info
Plant a Rumor: You can plant a rumor in a
Mod community. This takes the base time
Thorp 20 – 80 -16 +8 1 hr. interval of that community. Anyone
seeking similar information to your rumor
Hamlet 81 – 400 -8 +4 2 hrs.
that fails to beat your plant rumor check
Village 401 – -4 +2 6 hrs. uncovers your rumor instead of the
information they wanted.
Small 901 – +0 +0 1 day
Town 2000 Five ranks of bluff grants a +2 synergy
bonus to this task.
Large 2001 – +2 -2 2 days
Town 5000 Locate Item: You attempt to find an item
Small City 5001 – +4 -4 3 days in a community. Your DM will make a
12,000 presence check by dividing the item’s
Large City 12,001 – +8 -6 1 week price by the communities’ base price value
25,000 below – if the item’s price is less than the
Metropolis 25,000+ +10 -8 2 wks. community’s base price then it is
automatically present. For the purposes
of this check the value of magic items is
Investigation: You attempt to learn more doubled. Round this number up and add
about a rumor. The GM may make a 10 to it to find the DC of the item being
presence check to see if the knowledge is present. Your gather information must
present in the community. You must beat meet or exceed the presence check.
this check with your gather information Community Base
check. For instance, you are looking for Price
rare knowledge in a large town (+2). The
GM rolls first to see if anyone knows the Thorp 25

rumor and gets a result of 15. Your Hamlet 50

investigation will take 2 days and you’ll Village 100
have a -2 penalty to the roll because of
Small Town 500
the size of the area your searching.
Large Town 750
Situation Presence Find
Small City 1000
Large City 2500
Common knowledge 0 10
Metropolis 5000
Uncommon knowledge 5 15
Rare knowledge 10 20
Obscure knowledge 15 25 Locate Individual: You attempt to find
Erudite knowledge 20 30 someone specific or a person of a specific
profession or class.
When a character simply needs to find a
The check is a cascade check. Count the character of a certain level (usually a
successes and compare them to the table spellcaster able to cast a spell) the
below: settlement needs to make a presence
Knowledge Gained Successes check against a DC set by the total
character level of the sought after
General knowledge, no details 1
character, then the player needs to equal
Specific knowledge, some major 2 or beat that presence check to find the
points missing or obscure location of the individual (arranging a
Specific knowledge with some minor 3 meeting is another matter).
points missing or obscure
When seeking a specific individual the
Complete and accurate information 4
DC can be set as follows: 25 - total

character level. If the sought character
doesn’t want to be found he rolls a Heal
disguise check to set the DC. In each
case your check is modified by the size of
the city. You can use a heal check to attempt to
determine the cause of death. The DC
Try Again: If you fail to turn up anything
increases by 5 for each day that has
while searching, you can check again after
passed since the death occurred. The DC
the base time interval elapses again.
is as follows
Each time you do this you gain a +2
check. So in our example, if you search Cause of Death DC
the town for 6 days you can make a check Physical Wounds 0
at a -2 penalty after 2 days, no penalty
Environmental (Fire, suffocation, etc.) 5
after 4 days and at a +2 bonus after 6
days. The presence check is not rerolled Spell with visible effects (fireball) 10
though – so it is possible to search Poison 15
fruitlessly for an item that isn’t present.
Spell with no visible effects (slay living) 20
Plant Rumor can only be retried with a
different rumor.
Special: A half-elf has a +2 racial bonus
on Gather Information checks. Hide
If you have the Investigator feat, you get (Dex, Armor Check Penalty)
a +2 bonus on Gather Information checks.
Use this skill to sink into the shadows,
Teamwork works a little differently on trail someone unseen, hide companions
gather information. A group can search a for an ambush or hide an object so you
community faster than an individual. For can smuggle it past a guard.
each extra person that investigates the
effective size of the community drops by Check: Your Hide check is opposed by
one when determining how difficult it will the Spot check of anyone who might see
be to search or how long it will take – not you. You can move up to one-half your
both. Hence four party members can split normal speed and hide at no penalty.
up to make a search of a large town over When moving at a speed greater than
2 hours at the normal penalty for a large one-half but less than your normal speed,
town, or they can look for 2 days and gain you take a –5 penalty. It’s practically
a +4 bonus to the check. One character impossible (–20 penalty) to hide while
coordinates the search and makes the attacking, running or charging. If you stay
gather information check. still behind an object you gain a bonus to
hide depending on how much of you is
covered. You gain a +5 bonus just for
keeping still, +10 if you stand behind an
object that conceals at least half of you,
and a +20 bonus if the object all but total
conceals you (hiding in a barrel with a
You need cover or concealment in order
to attempt a Hide check. Total cover or
total concealment usually (but not always;
see Special, below) obviates the need for
a Hide check, since nothing can see you
Blend Into a Crowd: You can use hide to A +2 synergy bonus is gained from 5
avoid being spotted among a crowd by ranks of sleight of hand on this type of
someone watching the crowd from a hide check. Palming the object into a
distance, though persons in the crowd see hiding spot while watched requires a
you clearly. sleight of hand check to prevent the
observer from seeing where the object
Tail: When you are following someone at
was hidden. If this spot check is failed
a discreet distance (60’ or more) you
they must search you to find the object
check every 10 minutes. In an urban
with is opposed by this type of hide check.
setting a crowd can be used in place of
Hidden weapons can be quick drawn
constant cover and concealment. If the
(using the feat) and attacked with,
quarry is sure he isn’t being followed he
automatically catching the victim
has a -5 penalty to his spot check, but if
surprised and flat-footed unless he spots
he is worried about being followed he
the weapon prior to the attack or has
gains a +10 bonus to his spot checks. If
reason to believe you are armed (You can
he spots you and doesn’t know you you
still catch them flat footed by winning
can try a bluff check to appear to not be
initiative of course).
following him if you are in a crowd.
Instead of an armor check penalty,
Hide Object or Person: A character can
armor grants a bonus to this type of check
hide objects. Being perfectly motionless,
equal to half its normal penalty (if the
objects have a +4 bonus to this roll,
penalty is -4, a +2 bonus is gained
characters apply their dexterity modifier
instead). Bulky armor affords a character
and armor check penalties instead of your
additional hiding spots. However, few
intelligence modifier. Modifiers for the
characters are going to assume an
size of the object or person apply. This
armored character is unarmed.
check is opposed by a search check.
Hiding a person or object takes a minute. Heavily layered clothing grants a +2 to
+4 circumstance bonus to this check,
You might totally conceal someone or
whilst being scantily clad will put a –2 to -
thing with this skill, in which case the
4 penalty to this check. Nude (or nearly
dexterity of the person hidden is
so) characters cannot hide an object
irrelevant. The search check is then
larger than they could fit into their mouth.
based on finding the opening of the
Characters may gain a +2 circumstance
container the object or person was put in.
bonus to this check by hiding the object
Often these hidden chambers are pre-
on a particular risqué area of their body if
constructed, but they can be improvised
the searching character is unwilling to
(stowing someone in a large barrel for
search those areas for whatever reason.
Sniping: If you’ve already successfully
Hide Object on self: A character can hide
hidden at least 10 feet from your target,
objects on their person with hide. The
you can make one ranged attack, then
difference between the size of the object
immediately hide again. You take a –20
and the size of the character modifies the
penalty on your Hide check to conceal
check, and a character can never hide an
yourself after the shot.
object equal to or exceeding their own
size on their person. An object one size Creating a Diversion to Hide: You can use
smaller than the character has no penalty Bluff to help you hide. A successful Bluff
to be hidden on that character, and check can give you the momentary
smaller objects have a +2 circumstance diversion you need to attempt a Hide
bonus for each additional category of size check while people are aware of you.
they lack beyond the character’s. The
Action: Usually none. Normally, you make
smallest routinely hid objects, rings, have
a Hide check as part of movement, so it
a +8 circumstance bonus for this hide
doesn’t take a separate action. However,

hiding immediately after a ranged attack Situation Save
(see Sniping, above) is a move action. Modifier
Special: If you are invisible, you gain a With respect to the PC, the NPC is…
+40 bonus on Hide checks if you are Indifferent +0
immobile, or a +20 bonus on Hide checks
Unfriendly +5
if you’re moving.
Hostile +10
If you have the Stealthy feat, you get a
+2 bonus on Hide checks. A long time enemy +15

Larger and smaller creatures have To the NPC the PC’s intended result is…
adjustments to their hide checks as Desirable -4
follows: Favorable -2
Creature Hide Of no consequence 0
Size Modifier Unfavorable +2
Fine +16
Harmful +4
Diminutive +12
Highly Dangerous +8
Tiny +8
To the NPC the consequences of the PC’s
Small +4 threat are
Medium +0 Of no consequence +5
Large -4 Unfavorable +0
Huge -8 Harmful -2
Gargantuan -12 Highly Dangerous / Painful -4
Colossal* -16 Potentially Lethal -8
* Creatures beyond this size have an additional -4
penalty for each size category they have beyond
Compared to the PC the NPC is
colossal. More than 5 levels above the PC +10
A gunny suit grants a +2 circumstance Within 5 levels of the PC +0
bonus to hide checks out of doors. A More than 5 levels below the PC -5
black suit grants a +2 circumstance bonus
to hide checks at night. Proper use of this Other Factors
equipment requires training. For each credible ally the PC has -2

A character that fails to spot a hidden NPC has magical ability and the PC +5
character at the start of a combat is “flat- doesn’t1
footed” against the first action that PC has magical ability and the NPC -5
character takes that blows his hiding spot. doesn’t1
NPC believes the PC will not follow +10

through with the threats2

target’s modified level check (1d20 +

(Cha) character level or Hit Dice + target’s
Wisdom bonus [if any] + target’s
Use this skill to get a group of thugs to modifiers on saves against fear). If you
back down or get an orc to spill the beans beat your target’s check result, you may
about their planned attack on the village. treat the target as friendly, but only for
Intimidation is a mixture of verbal threats, the purpose of actions taken while it
body language and physical violence. remains intimidated. (That is, the target
Check: You can change another’s retains its normal attitude, but will chat,
behavior with a successful check. Your advise, offer limited help, or advocate on
Intimidate check is opposed by the your behalf while intimidated. See the
Diplomacy skill, above, for additional Torture is resolved as a coercion check
details.) The effect lasts as long as the (see above). Divide the NPC’s hit points
target remains in your presence, and for by his hit dice then double that number to
1d6×10 minutes afterward. After this find the amount of damage needed to be
time, the target’s default attitude toward dealt to the NPC to prompt a check.
you shifts to unfriendly (or, if normally Every time that amount of damage is
unfriendly, to hostile). dealt to the NPC a new saving throw at a -
2 pe nalty is made to resist the coercion.
If you fail the check by 5 or more, the
Every time a check has been prompted
target provides you with incorrect or
the penalty to the save goes up by 2. The
useless information, or otherwise
DC of the save is your coercion check.
frustrates your efforts.
Five ranks of concentration grants the
Coercion: You attempt to get an NPC to
resisting character a +2 competence
perform a minor task or tell a secret. The
bonus against torture.
NPC opposes this check with a willpower
saving throw Demoralize Opponent: You can also use
1 This includes allies.
Intimidate to weaken an opponent’s
resolve in combat. To do so, make an
2 To resolve this the PC makes a bluff (lying) check
Intimidate check opposed by the target’s
opposed by the NPC’s makes a sense motive check
modified level check (see above). If you
Torture: You inflict real physical harm on win, the target becomes shaken for 1
a creature in order to get your way. round. A shaken character takes a –2
Torture is regarded as an evil act by most penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and
good societies. saving throws. You can intimidate only an

opponent that you threaten in melee moving silently the base DC is the result
combat and that can see you. of their move silently check.
Action: Varies. Changing another’s If the modifiers above add up to more
behavior requires 1 minute of interaction. than 10 there is a possibility that you will
Intimidating an opponent in combat is a
be unable to hear things people want you
standard action.
to hear, particular speech. If this
Try Again: Optional, but not situation the speaker must overcome the
recommended because retries usually do DC above with a perform check or you
not work. Even if the initial check must succeed at a listen check. You can
succeeds, the other character can be Situation DC
intimidated only so far, and a retry Modifier
doesn’t help. If the initial check fails, the
other character has probably become Base Noise Level is…
more firmly resolved to resist the Completely quiet -2
intimidator, and a retry is futile. A notable
exception to this is of course torture. Relatively quiet 0
Special: You gain a +4 bonus on your Crickets chirping loudly / birds +2
Intimidate check for every size category singing
that you are larger than your target. Typical City streets +4
Conversely, you take a –4 penalty on your
Intimidate check for every size category City markets / small tavern +6
that you are smaller than your target. People talking loudly +8
A character immune to fear can’t be People shouting (large party) +10
intimidated, nor can nonintelligent
creatures. Battle without gunpowder +12
Any bonus to saving throws against fear
also applies on any check to resist Howling Wind +14
intimidation checks. Thunderstorm / Battle with +16
If you have the Persuasive feat, you get gunpowder1
a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks. Gale1 +18
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Hurricane1 +20
Bluff, you get a +2 bonus on Intimidate
checks. Distance / barriers to sound source…
Sound is close by (within 30 +0
Listen ft.)
Sound is nearby (within 100 +2
(Wis) ft.)
Use this skill to hear someone sneaking up Sound is distant (within 100 +5
on you or to make out a conversation yards)
from a few tables away. You will most
frequently use a listen check against a Sound is very distant (over +10
move silently attempts. 100 yards)

Check: Just as cover and concealment Through a wood door2 +5

can make spotting a foe more difficult, Through an iron door 2
ambient noise such as a storm, a fierce
battle or a rowdy party can make it more Through a stone wall +15
difficult to hear. The base DC of any Around a corner +2
listen check is 0. Against a foe that is
try both at the same time. Project Voice: In particularly noisy
situations you can use a performance
Try Again: Yes. You can try to hear
check to project your voice over the
something that you failed to hear
ambient noise. See the listen skill for
previously with no penalty.
more details.
Special: The subject of a hypnotism spell
Action: Performances typically take a
suffers a -4 penalty on listen checks.
minute to do. Each round they persist you
The subject of a bard’s fascinate ability must spend a standard action on them.
suffers a -4 penalty on listen checks.
Try Again: You can retry projecting your
A character with the alertness feat gains voice over noise. Other performance
a +2 bonus on listen checks. checks can’t be retried.
Elves, gnomes and halflings have a +2 Special: For every two ranks you have in
racial bonus on listen checks, while half- perform you have mastered a specific type
elves have a +1 racial bonus. of performance. Types include juggling,
oratory, singing, playing musical

Move Silently instruments (by type) and so on. If you

attempt to use an instrument or
performance method that is unfamiliar to
you then your check is considered
The gentle footfalls of a trained rogue can untrained.
thwart the extraordinary ability of certain
Synergy: At the DM’s option certain types
monsters to track foes by the vibrations
of performances are synergistic with
their footfalls make.
certain skills. Dancing is synergistic with
You can attempt to evade a creature tumbling, juggling is synergistic with
with tremorsense by moving silently. sleight of hand, and so on.
Instead of a listen check, they oppose this

check with a spot check – further they
gain a +5 competence bonus to their
check. If they fail to beat your move
(Int, Trained Only)
silently check you will be effectively
invisible to them unless they can see you Use spellcraft to identify spells and the
some other way. works of spells including magic items and
materials wrought by magic.

Perform Check: You check spellcraft whenever

you wish to identify a spell or magic item.
(Cha) The DC is set by what you wish to
identify, and you make a cascade check –
Use this skill to entertain, awe, inspire or
each success reveals one property of the
project yourself. As every good bard
item, starting with the most obvious /
knows, pleasing the crowd is the first step
powerful. Note that curses or concealed
to controlling it.
features of an item may have higher DC's
Check: You can make a perform check to than those listed below.
entertain a group or impress them.
 Identify Glyph (DC 13): When using
Perform can be used in place of diplomacy
the read magic spell you can identify a
to improve the disposition on NPCs if they
glyph of warding on a check of DC 13.
listen to the performance. As with craft
This takes one minute.
checks, the higher you can routinely roll
on performance, the higher the price your  Identify a Spell in Casting (DC 15 +
skills command. spell level): You can identify a spell
while it is cast on a check DC 15+spell

level. For each component of the spell suffer a –4 circumstance penalty on
that you cannot observe the check is this check. This takes 1 minute
penalized by –4. You can’t identify a
 Identify Wondrous Item: (DC 30+
spell that you cannot observe any
spell level): You can identify one
component of. This is a free action.
function or property of a wondrous
 Prepare a spell from a borrowed item per success. The DC is 30+spell
spellscroll (DC 15 + spell level, Wizard level. You start from the weakest spell
Only): You can prepare a spell from a involved in the process and move up
captured or borrowed spellbook on a the ladder until you fail a check. This
check DC 15+spell level. Only wizards takes 1 minute.
can attempt this action, and it is done
 Identify Arms, Armor or Wand (DC 35
as part of their normal spell
+ spell level): You can identify one
function or property of magic
 Identify School or Type (DC varies): weapons, armor or a wand per
When you use detect magic you can success. The DC is 35+spell level.
identify the school or type of the
 Identify Rod, Staff or Ring (DC 40 +
strongest spell in the area on the first
spell level): You can identify one
round, the second strongest spell on
function or property of a magic rod per
the next round and so on until all
success. You start from the weakest
school and types have been identified.
spell involved in the process and move
The DC of this check is 15+spell level
up the ladder until you fail a check.
+ 2 per higher level effect present. If
This takes 1 minute.
the effect is not generated by a spell
then the DC is 15+ ½ HD or caster  Identify Unclassified Effect: At the
level of the creating creature. This DM’s option you may roll a spellcraft
takes 1 round, see the description of check to identify the properties of
the detect magic spell. magical effects that don’t fall into any
of the above categories.
 Identify Symbol (DC 19): With a DC
19 check you can identify a symbol Action: Varies, as noted above.
with a read magic spell. This takes 1
Try Again: Usually no, but see above.
standard action.
Special: An identify spell grants you a
 Identify Spell in Place (DC 20 + spell
+20 insight bonus on spellcraft checks.
level): You can identify a spell that’s
already in place so long as you can see A character has a -4 penalty to
it’s effects. The DC is 20+spell level. recognize a spell not cast in his style of
This takes 1 minute. magic (a wizard trying to recognize a
priest spell). A character who isn’t a
 Identify Materials formed by a
spellcaster who has spellcraft applies this
Conjuration (Creation) effect (DC 20 +
penalty to all his rolls.
spell level), You can recognize
materials have been conjured by a Any race has a +2 circumstance bonus
spell such as wall of iron or wall of to spellcraft rolls to identify items crafted
stone. This takes 1 minute for their race. Hence an elf can apply this
bonus to identify a cloak of elvenkind.
 Decipher a Scroll (DC 25 + spell
level): This action can be done without If you have the Magical Aptitude feat,
a check with the read magic spell. This you get a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks.
takes 1 minute.
Additionally, certain spells allow you to
 Identify a potion (DC 25): You can gain information about magic, provided
identify a potion on a DC 25 check. that you make a successful Spellcraft
You need alchemist tools or you will check as detailed in the spell description.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in distracted (not concentrating on being
Knowledge (arcana), you get a +2 bonus observant).
on spellcraft checks involving arcane
Condition Penalty
Per 60’ of distance -5
If you have 5 or more ranks in
Knowledge (religion) you get a +2 bonus Spotter distracted -5
on spellcraft checks involving divine
For each 10% of concealment -2
If you have 5 or more ranks in Use
Magic Device, you get a +2 bonus on Action: Varies. Every time you have a
Spellcraft checks to decipher spells on chance to spot something in a reactive
scrolls. manner you can make a Spot check
without using an action. Trying to spot
If you have 5 or more ranks in
something you failed to see previously is a
Spellcraft, you get a +2 bonus on Use
move action.
Magic Device checks related to scrolls.
Try Again: Yes. You can try to spot

Spot something that you failed to see

previously at no penalty. You can attempt
to read lips once per minute.
Special: A fascinated creature takes a –4
Use this skill to notice anomalies in your
penalty on Spot checks made as
environment, enemies waiting in ambush,
or to make out the colors of a distant
sailing ship. A spot check is used to see if If you have the Alertness feat, you get a
your character notices any unusual sight +2 bonus on Spot checks.
or smell.
An elf has a +2 racial bonus on Spot
Check: The Spot skill is used primarily to checks.
detect characters or creatures who are
A half-elf has a +1 racial bonus on Spot
hiding. Typically, your Spot check is
opposed by the Hide check of the creature
trying not to be seen. Sometimes a
creature isn’t intentionally hiding but is
still difficult to see, so a successful Spot
check is necessary to notice it. (Dex, Trained Only, Armor Check Penalty)
A Spot check result higher than 20 Use tumble to deftly move past foes with
generally lets you become aware of an grace. You can’t use this skill if your speed
invisible creature near you, though you has been reduced by armor, excess
can’t actually see it. equipment, or loot.
Spot is also used to detect someone in Check: You can land softly when you fall
disguise (see the Disguise skill), and to or tumble past opponents. You can also
read lips when you can’t hear or tumble to entertain an audience (as
understand what someone is saying. though using the Perform skill). Tumble is
most frequently used to move through
Spot checks may be called for to
combat with relative impunity. If you
determine the distance at which an
tumble past a foe you can make a tumble
encounter begins. A penalty applies on
check – and if it is higher than your
such checks, depending on the distance
normal AC the check replaces your AC for
between the two individuals or groups,
that any attacks of opportunity provoked
and an additional penalty may apply if the
by movement. You can also try to tumble
character making the Spot check is
through an opponent’s square, but they

gain a +4 bonus to hit you when you do when fighting defensively instead of the
this. usual +2 dodge bonus to AC.
Obstructed or otherwise treacherous If you have 5 or more ranks in Tumble,
surfaces, such as natural cavern floors or you gain a +6 dodge bonus to AC when
undergrowth, are tough to tumble executing the total defense standard
through. When attempting to move action instead of the usual +4 dodge
through these areas your tumble must bonus to AC.
meet at least a DC of 10 or you trip up
If you have the Acrobatic feat, you get a
and your tumble is stopped. Penalties
+2 bonus on Tumble checks.
apply to this roll, depending on the
surface as outlined below. Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in
Tumble, you get a +2 bonus on Balance
Situation DC
and Jump checks.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Jump,
Slippery +5
you get a +2 bonus on Tumble checks.
Very slippery (ice, grease) +10
Angled surface +5
Lightly obstructed +5
(scattered gravels)
Heavily obstructed (loose +10
Surface unstable (rickety +5
Surface very unstable +10
(small boat, log)
Surace extremely unstable +20
(tight rope)

Accelerated Tumbling: You try to tumble

past or through enemies more quickly
than normal. By accepting a –10 penalty
on your Tumble checks, you can move at
your full speed instead of one-half your
Action: Not applicable. Tumbling is part
of movement, so a Tumble check is part
of a move action.
Try Again: Usually no. An audience, once
it has judged a tumbler as an
uninteresting performer, is not receptive
to repeat performances.
You can try to reduce damage from a
fall as an instant reaction only once per
Special: If you have 5 or more ranks in
Tumble, you gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC
Craft Skills check to make a complex item, such as a
Craft (bowyer / fletcher) check to make
straight arrow shafts.
Most crafts require artisan’s tools to give
The craft category contains all the skills
the best chance of success; if improvised
used to manufacture items from weapons
tools are used instead, the check is made
to alchemical potions. A character that
with a -2 circumstance penalty. On the
has access to the “craft” skill actually has
other hand, masterwork artisan’s tools
access to all the skills in the craft category
provide a +2 circumstance bonus.
except for alchemy. Alchemy requires a
character to have at least 1 spellcaster To determine how much time and
level for it to be available. money it takes to make an item:
Five ranks in any craft skill grant a +2 1. Find the item’s price, or have the DM
synergy bonus to the appraise checks of set the price for an item not listed. Put
the items created by that skill. the price in silver pieces (1 gp = 10
The craft skills have two universal tasks –
creating and repairing items and 2. Find the DC listed here or have the DM
recognizing trademarks. set one.
3. Pay one-third the item’s price in raw
Creating and Repairing Items materials.
The most basic function of any craft skill is 4. Make a skill check representing one
to allow you to make an item of the week’s work.
appropriate type. The DC depends on the
difficulty of the item created. The DC, If the check succeeds, multiply the check
your check results, and the price of the result by the DC. If the result x the DC
item determine how long it takes to make equals the price of the item in sp, then
the item. The item’s finished price also you have completed the item. (If the
determines the cost of raw materials. (In result x the DC equals double or triple the
the game world, it is the skill level price of the item in silver pieces, then
required, the time required, and the raw you’ve completed the task in one-half or
materials required that determine an one-third the time, and so on.) If the
item’s price. That’s why the item’s price result x the DC doesn’t equal the price,
and DC determine how long it takes to then it represents progress you’ve made
make the item and the cost of the raw this week. Record the result and make a
materials.) check for the next week. Each week you
make more progress until your total
In some cases, the fabricate spell can be reaches the price of the item in silver
used to achieve the results of a Craft pieces.
check without your needing to make the
check. However, you must make an
appropriate Craft check when using the If you fail the check, you make no
spell to make articles requiring a high progress this week. If you fail by 5 or
degree of craftsmanship (jewelry, swords, more, you ruin half the raw materials and
glass, crystal, etc.). have to pay half the original raw material
A Craft check related to woodworking in cost again.
conjunction with the casting of the Progress by the Day: You can make
ironwood spell enables you to make checks by the day instead of by the week,
wooden items that have the strength of in which case your progress (result x DC)
steel. is in copper pieces instead of silver pieces.
When casting the spell minor creation
you must succeed at an appropriate Craft

Creating Masterwork Items: If you
have 5 ranks in a craft you can make a
Item DC
masterwork item (an item that conveys a
bonus to its use through its exceptional Acid 15
craftsmanship, not through being Alchemist Fire 20
magical). To create a masterwork version
Smokestick 20
of an item on the table below, you create
the masterwork component as if it were a Tindertwig 20
separate item in addition to the standard Antitoxin* Varies
item. The masterwork component has its Sunrod 25
own price (300 gp for a weapon or 150 gp
Tangelfoot bag 25
for a suit of armor) and DC (20). Once
both the standard component and the Thunderstone 25
masterwork component are completed, * The DC to manufacture an antitoxin is the same as
the masterwork item is finished. (Note: the toxin it counters. Hence an antitoxin against a
The price you pay for the masterwork DC 15 poison is DC 15 to manufacture.
component is one-third of the given Special: You must have alchemical
amount, just as it is for the price in raw equipment to make an item or identify it.
materials.) If you are working in a city, you can buy
Repairing Items: Generally, you can what you need as part of the raw
repair an item at the same DC that it materials cost to make the item, but
takes to make it in the first place. The alchemical equipment is difficult or
cost of repairing an item is one-fifth the impossible to come by in some places. For
item’s price. identifying items, the cost represents
additional supplies you must buy.
Purchasing and maintaining an alchemist’s
Recognize a Trademark lab grants a +2 circumstance bonus to
Most merchants place a mark on the Alchemy checks (from the favorable
goods they create to let customers know condition of having the perfect tools for
who made them. Some cities and guilds the job) but does not affect the cost of
require such “trademarks.” Craftsmen any items made using the skill.
can make a check modified for intelligence Gnomes get a +2 racial bonus on
to recognize the trademarks of Alchemy checks because a gnome’s
competitors. On a critical failure the sensitive nose allows him to monitor
character misidentifies a trademark. alchemical processes by smell.
Appraise can also be used for this task, Alchemists which specialize in herbs are
but appraise can be used on any item – often called herbalists, while one who
not just items of a particular craft. specializes in potions is known as an
Craft Skills
The following are the craft skills most Architect
frequently found within Telzoa. The architect's craft is the design of
buildings, although understandably it
Alchemy takes lot of people to carry out the plans
of a single architect. Architecture is not
Alchemists combine strange ingredients in
merely a factor of determining what can
secret ways to make marvelous
be done with building materials, but why.
substances. This skill is a craft skill that is
As an example, architects who work
available to a different set of character
closely with priests often design a building
classes than the other craft skills are
with religious symbols placed directly into
available to.
the structure.
Checks: An architect’s plans are relatively Blacksmith
simple to craft but the execution can take
years. The check is slightly different from Blacksmiths work with iron and typically
other crafts. The DC for the check is 10 + fashion horseshoes and the like.
1 per 1,000 gold pieces required to realize Item DC
the plans. The time is 1 day / 1000 gold
Bit & Bridle, Horseshoes 5
pieces required, though architects usually
do not rush themselves and “take 10” on Wheel Rim 10
the check with good reason – a critical Nails 5
failure will result in the building having a Simple Iron Tool (i.e. crowbar) 10
flaw that causes it’s collapse within 1d20
months of the completion of the structure.
The architect must roll if he attempts to
use a new building innovation the Bowyer/Fletcher
construction engineers may have never
This is the art of bow and arrow
tried before, such as an arch.
manufacture. Such a character does not
An architect may review the plans of a necessarily know how to make new
building made by another architect to arrowheads, but since these often survive
insure there are no weaknesses that a battle where the arrow does not this
would compromise the structure and isn't a problem.
cause its collapse. If there a flaw to be
Item DC
found a DC for its discovery will be
determined by the DM though, as a rule, Arrows
the more damaging the flaw the more
- Shortbow 10
obvious the problem. A character may
also review the plans of a building to - Longbow 12
determine how best to undermine it in a
Quarrels (Crossbow bolts)
siege. A successful check grants a +2
bonus to all damage rolls against the - Hand Crossbow 12
structure made by a siege engine. It is
- Light Crossbow 10
for this reason that plans to fortresses are
often destroyed after their completion. - Heavy Crossbow 12
Special: Dwarves have a +2 bonus to Bow 12
this skill if the structure is to be made
Composite Bow 15
entirely of stone. Architecture provides a
+2 synergy bonus to the search skill when Strength Bow 15 +2 / STR
searching for hidden chambers and doors. Bonus
Emphasizes possible in architecture are
divided by structure types such as
bridges, temples, fortresses, etc.
Armorsmith The character is a student of the
manufacture of alcoholic beverages.
The armorer, or armor smith, makes There are three areas to this art - brewing
armor and shields. The DC is 10 + the AC grains (which yields beers), fermentation
bonus of the armor or shield. of fruits (wine-making) and hard distilling
Special: Dwarves have a +2 bonus to (whiskey). A character may emphasize on
this craft. Armorers may make untrained any area. Brewers are almost as secretive
leatherworking, blacksmithing or as wizards about their craft as a rule.
metalworking checks. Humans are about the only race to try
anything in this arena - elves stick to
fermentation, dwarves to true brewing

and gnomes distill (using kilns of amazing Area is DC
complexity). Small (A city, maybe a dozen sq. miles) 10
The better the check, the more potent Medium (A province, maybe 100 sq. miles) 20
the brew. The DC on the fortitude save
Large (A kingdom, maybe 500 sq. miles) 30
against the brew is ½ the check result,
round down. The penalties of being drunk Very Large (An empire, 1000’s of sq. miles) 40
are discussed elsewhere. A continent 50
A world 60
Calligraphy Area exhaustively explored and surveyed -5
Calligraphy is the art of writing, or more Area explored but not surveyed completely -
precisely illumination of scripts that
Area explored but not surveyed +5
involves painting them and applying gold
leaf to some of the more valuable pages. Most of the area explored +10
Area only partially explored +20
Calligraphy is checked once per item,
and the check determines the value of the Area described only in legend +30
item. A DC is only used when a client sets
a minimum quality for the work.
The DC’s given above produce an accurate
map. For every 5 less than the DC the
Special: Calligraphy grants a +2 synergy cartographer achieves there is an
bonus to forgery when that skill is used on inaccuracy. Either the number of
handwriting. Wizards have a +2 inaccuracies increase or their magnitude
competence bonus when attempting increases as the cartographer falls short of
calligraphy checks as spell inscribing is the mark, DM’s choice. A cartographer
quite similar to calligraphy. can in no case place a location on a map
he does not know about at all.
Carpentry The more accurate the map, the more it
Carpenters are all woodworkers, and more will sell for on the open market.
than any other craft this one has Special: Cartography gains a +2 synergy
numerous specialists in its various areas bonus from Profession (Navigator) and
that the character can emphasize in. grants a +2 synergy bonus to the same.
These include cabinet and furniture Dwarves have a +2 racial bonus to map
makers, wheelwrights, shipwrights, underground locals properly.
structural carpenters, roofers and
Cartography The cobbler, or shoemaker's trade is
primarily a marriage of carpentry and
This is the art of map making. leatherworking. Cobblers make unskilled
Cartographers are highly prized in checks in each of these areas. As their
maritime communities and their charts, field of expertise is already somewhat
which reveal favorable winds and specialized there are no emphasizes in
treacherous currents are jealously their trade. As with calligraphy, the check
guarded. A skilled cartographer can make result indicates the price the item will
an accurate map given time and tools, command, but has little to do with the
though any literate person can read one, difficulty of producing the work.
any navigator can navigate with one and
so on. The difficulty is tied to the amount
of information known about the area to be
Fur Curing
mapped and its size. Individuals that prepare furs for use in
clothing are known as furriers. This is a
close cousin to leatherworking, although Instrumentcraft
the goal is to cure the hide so the fur will
remain on the skin, which requires a You know how to make musical
different process than leatherworking. instruments. For each rank you take you
know how to manufacture one instrument.
Special: Furriers can attempt unskilled The base DC of an instrument is 10+ it’s
leatherworking checks. Barbarians, cost divided by 10 to a maximum of DC
Druids & Rangers have a +2 competence 20.
bonus on furrier checks, but a multiclass
character does not receive a bonus from Special: Bards have a +2 competence
each class. bonus to craft instruments.

Jeweler Leatherworking
Jewelers cut and fix gems. The process A leatherworker can emphasize in hard or
has not changed remarkably since ancient soft leather if she wishes. Hard-boiled
times to today. leather is used for leather armor and
saddles. Soft leather is used for book
Special: Gnomes have a +2 racial bonus covers, backpacks and the like.
to the jeweler’s craft.
Special: Leatherworking grants a +2
synergy bonus to the armorer craft when
Heraldry leather armors are being constructed with
Any scholar can recognize coats of arms that skill.
with the correct knowledge skills (esp.
Knowledge – Nobility). The craft of Metalworking
heraldry is concerned with the creation of
heraldic signs following a strict code This skill involves the working with soft
known as the laws of tincture. Learning metals - primarily with pewter but also
the herald’s art is highly prestigious in silver, gold, tin and copper.
typical medieval societies.
Checks: The herald can copy or direct the Special: Dwarves receive a +2 racial
making of a copy of a coat of arms (such bonus to metalworking. Metalworking
as when it is weaved into a tapestry). The grants a +2 synergy bonus to armorer
DC is 15. This application receives a +2 checks when metal armors are created.
synergy bonus from craft: painting.
Recognize Heraldry: A herald can of Painting
course recognize heraldry. The DC’s are In its own way, painting is a perform skill,
below and a favorite past time of many bards. A
Coat is DC painter can emphasize on a specific
medium such as fresco, mosaic, oil or
From …
water painting. When a painting is made
the herald’s homeland 10 the height of the roll determines its value
a neighboring land 15 – you cannot take 10 or 20 on the roll. A
a distant land 20
client may require you to reach a certain
level of quality (i.e. hit a certain DC)
Seen … before they will accept the work.
Frequently -5
Infrequently - Plumbing
Rarely +5 Plumbing is the ancient art of getting
Only once or twice before +10 water to move where desired. Most piping
is made of tin or ceramic - and such is
Never seen before, only heard descriptions of +15
usually found only in the wealthiest of

homes. The DC of the check is 10 + 1 per
100 foot of piping in the system being
constructed (not counting source
aqueducts or sewer). It takes about a day
to fashion a 100’ section of ceramic pipe,
not counting any trenches that might need
to be dug or the like.

This is the art of making ceramic objects,
usually bowls, jars and lids for the same.
Special: Dwarves have a +2 racial bonus
to pottery rolls.

Sculpting Weaponsmithing
While most think of stone when sculpting In a world fraught with peril and filled with
is brought up, sculpture can also be done armies to equip, the weaponsmith is
in wax and then cast into bronze (which rarely in need of work.
involves this skill and metalworking to do) Item DC
As with painting, the higher the DC met
Crossbow 15
by the sculptor, the more valuable his
work. A minimum DC of 10 must be met Simple weapon 11
for any sculpture 1 foot in height, and the Martial Weapon 15
DC rises by 2 for each additional foot in
Exotic Weapon 18
height of the sculpture. If this DC is not
met the stone cracks under its own weight Special: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus to
during the crafting and the work is ruined. craft any weapon made entirely of metal
or stone. Someone untrained can craft
Special: Dwarves gain their usual +2
simple weapons, such as a club.
racial stonecunning bonus when sculpting
from stone. This bonus does apply to
wood sculpture or other forms. Weaving
Weavers manufacture cloths or carpets. A
Stonemasonry weaver’s check result determines the price
the item commands once completed. A
Masons work in conjunction with
weaver with a handloom can make about
architects to realize their plans, building
1 square yard of material every three
wall, hewing passages and performing
other works with stone.
Special: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus Wickercraft
when working with stone.
The character can weave baskets and
other objects of wicker, including privacy
Trapmaking screens, wicker throw rugs, chairs, certain
From animal snares to deadfalls, this tables and even scabbards and some
craftsman concentrates on the adventurer’s gear. Again, the check result
manufacture of traps. The DC of the determines the value of the goods on the
check is the same as the disable DC of the open market, though a minimum DC of 10
trap. On a critical failure the trap maker must be met or the item breaks once put
springs the trap on himself. to use.
Knowledge Skills The check is a cascade check. Count the
successes and compare them to the table
The knowledge category of skills allow
characters to recall facts. All characters Knowledge Gained Successes
have a smattering of knowledge gained General knowledge, no details 1
through life experiences and can make
Specific knowledge, some major 2
untrained knowledge checks in some
points missing or obscure
knowledge skills. However, to answer
difficult or exacting questions, or to apply Specific knowledge with some minor 3
points missing or obscure
that knowledge requires skill.
Complete and accurate information 4
All knowledge skills are intellegence
Try Again: No. Either the character
Bardic Lore knows the answer or he doesn’t. On a
critical failure the character erroneously
Bards tend to be veritable fountains of
recalls a fact.
(mis)information. Because of the focus
their class has on memorizing facts rather
than writing them down, bards are Research
especially astute at knowledge checks. A A character can research a question in a
bard adds his class level to the first roll of library or book. These items have ranks
any knowledge check he makes. A bard in knowledge skills just like characters do,
can also make any knowledge check and a character can have them make a
untrained since there’s always a chance a knowledge check for them as outlined
bard has heard something about the topic. above. However, the more ranks a library
or book has, the harder any given bit of
Classes & Knowledge Skills information will be to find. Every rank the
Bards & wizards have access to all library has adds a day to the research
knowledge skills. Other classes have time. Searching through the largest
access to knowledge skills if they are library in the campaign world might
listed under the name of the knowledge guarantee you’ll find the answer – if you
skill in it’s description. have 6 months to spare. Fortunately
most libraries have attendants who make
it their job to find information in the
Recalling Facts library – see the Profession (Sage) skill.
The most basic task shared by all Try Again: No. The information is either
knowledge skills is the recalling of facts, there or it isn’t. If a critical failure is
though a few knowledge skills let you do rolled the character finds bad information.
other things as well. The DC of the
question is determined by how widely
known the knowledge is. Knowledge Skills
Situation DC The knowledge skills of the Dusk setting
and the classes which use them (other
Common knowledge 10 than bards & wizards, who may use any
Uncommon knowledge 15 knowledge skill) are listed below
Rare knowledge 20
Obscure knowledge 25
Arcane Lore
Erudite knowledge 30 (Clr, Drd, Sor)
Arcane Lore, or Arcana as it is sometimes
called, allows a character to recall facts

regarding the ancient mysteries, magic Cosmology
traditions, arcane symbols and cryptic
phrases of the world. It grants a (Clr, Sor)
character insight into the structure of The character knows the myths and
magic. legends about the outland worlds that
border his own world and their denizens,
but little to no concrete facts. Once the
Special: The spell focus feat in a school character has had the opportunity to
grants its +2 bonus to checks of this skill directly travel to a plane he will need to
where that school is concerned. Spellcraft specify which planes he knows about as if
grants a +2 synergy bonus to arcane lore. they were regions.

(Clr) Geology
The character uses the stars to predict the (Rng)
future based on myths and legends
surrounding them. Knowledge of the The character is versed in the various
myths and legends within astrology is a terrains and climates of the world, as well
simple knowledge check. A second task of as some knowledge of the people of those
this skill is prediction. regions and their customs. Each two ranks
the character has allows him to know
Check: Using the laws of astrology the about one region (other regions are
character predicts the future. Normally unknown to him and are treated as
these predictions are extremely vague unskilled.
(look up a horoscope in the newspaper to
get an idea of what they look like). A
divine caster can augment the augury or
History, Ancient
divination spells in this manner. This skill covers the written histories of
events more than 400 years prior to the
An augury spell cast using astrology
current date. Each two ranks the
removes the focus requirement, but limits
character has allows him to recall facts
the spell’s casting to nighttime under a
about one ancient civilization. Other
clear sky and lengthens the casting time
civilizations are unknown to him and are
to one hour.
treated as unskilled.
A divination spell cast using astrology
removes the material component History, Local
requirement, but the cleric must observe
the sky throughout the whole night, vastly The character knows the local history,
increasing the casting time. legends and rumors of his homeland. This
skill concerns events up to 400 years in
Try Again: No. the past.
This skill is region specific. For
Cant example: Local History for the Telzoan
(Rog) region is considered a separate skill from
local history for the Estarian Empire.
Cants are psuedo-languages. Unlike other
knowledge skills this one is not directly Special: All characters consider this a
checked. For each point of cant the class skill for their homeland and have a
character knows the slang of a particular +2 competence bonus when checking the
group. This differs from innuendo in that skill for home.
innuendo is the ability to decipher a cant
without prior knowledge of the meanings
(Drd, Rng)
The character has an understanding of the
natural world and the things within it. On
a successful check against DC 20 the
character can determine how the weather
will behave in the next 24 hours.

The character knows the myths, legends
and smattering of concrete facts about the

The study of the nobility is a study of
custom, etiquette, active heraldry (as
opposed to dead coats which can only be
identified easily by a possessor of the
craft: heraldry skill), and the laws of
chivalry. A certain amount of familiarity
with dance and music is also acquired with
this knowledge skill. The character will
also know the most famous nobles of his
area, but this part of the knowledge skill is
subject to regional constraints. The
Law genealogies of the nobility are a separate
(Pal, Clr) knowledge skill.
The character knows the codified laws of
one country per two ranks he has. Philosophy
Philosophy is a search for wisdom that is,
Lore, Racial for the most part, divorced from religion.
Its study includes the study of logic and
The character knows the legends and lore
the rules of argument and grammar. It is
surrounding a specific group. Typical
a discipline few understand and fewer still
groups that lore is collected about include
truly appreciate.
but are not limited to player character
races, sylvan races (i.e. centaures, pixies,
etc.), goblinoids (i.e. kobolds, goblins, Theology
hobgoblins, etc.), giants, fiends, etc. (Clr, Pal, Drd, Rng)
Special: Any character considers the lore This skill is a concerted study of all active
surrounding their own race to be a class religions and living deities of the setting,
skill and they have a +2 competance and the myths and histories thereunto.
bonus when checking this skill for their The character can be objective in this
race.. study, but those who follow a religion
have a +2 with their checks when their
own faith is the subject of the check.


Profession Skills Language Skills

Professions are service careers, as A character is either fluent in a language,
opposed to crafts which create objects. or functional with it. A character is fluent
They often combine knowledge in in his mother tongue automatically. To be
numerous small tasks. Most professions fluent in any other language the character
aren’t worth detailing here as their name must double purchase it. Functional
makes it pretty self evident as to what command of a language is all that is
they do. A few have game effects though required to understand it and speak it
that characters might want to use. (albeit with an accent). Fluency removes
any trace of an accent, but is more a
Boat Pilot matter of taste than restriction, though
certain NPC's may be impressed by your
The pilot of a vessel steers it. Pilots often possession of it and it is critical to
come in two specialties – general pilots maintaining certain disguises and bluffs
steer a ship on the open sea, while each (without it you may have a -4
harbor is likely to have pilots that know circumstance penalty applied to your
the shoals and reefs of their home harbor. check).
Other pilots specialize in moving goods on
rivers. Literacy: A character can only be literate
in a language that possesses an alphabet.
Cook Only the wizard class automatically begin
play fluent in a tongue that enables
A skilled cook can not only make a literacy. Other characters must learn a
wonderful food but can on a DC 15 check tongue that includes an alphabet before
ascertain whether food has spoiled or not. they can read. If their mother tongue has
This check cannot be done untrained. A an alphabet they must spend a skill point
check can also be made to determine to know how to read if they are not a
whether something is edible – this check wizard or cleric.
is between DC 15 and 20 depending on
how exotic the item. This check cannot be Ancient Languages: These languages
done untrained. Finally a character can are the reverse of the normal tongues -
make a check to prepare food. A check they no longer exist in spoken form, so
result of 5 or less indicates the cook has while a character may know how to read
contaminated the food through and write them, they won't recognize
incompetence. All who eat it will be food them when they hear them spoken.
poisoned on the next day and must make
a fortitude save DC 10 or lose 1d4 points Language Families
of constitution for one day.
Many of the languages are very closely
related to each other, so much so that the
Navigator lines between them can become blurred.
The character knows how to navigate For example, an elf and an oyasini can
using tools such as a compass, sextant converse on fairly simple topics, albeit
and astrolabe. Without these tools this slowly and with great difficulty if neither
skill is useless. The DM makes the check speaks the other's language. The key to
secretly, and the normal check is DC 20. this lies in the number of cognates (words
Most navigators take 20 on their checks, in two different languages with a similar
but adverse conditions such as storms or sound and identical meaning) the
overcast skies may prevent this. languages have between them. If a
character is at least fluent in any one
language of a family, she spend her skill
points more effectively on the languages
of that family, gaining two language
points for each skill point spent. This also but accented level. A single skill point
affects any ancient languages within the gives the well traveled the ability to
family, as they will cost one point instead speak in any of these three dialects.
of two for each degree of fluency.
 Dalzendri (Ancient): This is the
Cuolshan family: The language of the language lying at the root of
native peoples of Telzoa is mostly lost. It Dalsundrian, Tennen and Milisal and
is theorized that this family includes the was at it's height four hundred years
secret druidic tongue, but the druids have ago - so short a time that many elder
not ventured their language forth for elves still know the language and could
examination to prove or disprove this speak it fluently if they desired. A
theory. Cuolshite is the only language of speaker of any of its descendent
the family known to outsiders. It has no tongues will have a +2 bonus to any
written variant. Words borrowed from decipher script checks against
this tongue crop up frequently in Telzoan Dalzendri - sorting through this tongue
place names (e.g. Hone Rae means is akin to an English speaker trying to
"Meadow Glorious" in Cuolshite). sort through Chauncer's Middle English
- it's very difficult but possible. Very
Dulsandan Family: The Dulsandan
few texts exist in Dalzendri, and the
family of languages is primarily
language uses a variant of the
represented by Dalsundrian, but also
Liternanin alphabet when notes upon it
includes the divergent and emerging
are found.
tongues of Tennen and Milisal. The
ancient languages of Dalzendri and  Dulsandan (Ancient): This language
Dulsand help to round out the family dates back six to seven hundred years
within the isle of Telzoa. Telmandan and from the current campaign date.
Armandan, each of which are spoken by Knowledge of its distant descendants
Telzoa's neighbors, are descendants of is of little use to those attempting to
Dulsand and are considered members of understand this language. Indeed,
the Dulsandan language group. most of what is known about the
language is through study of its
 Dalsundrian: On the island of Telzoa
descendant tongues, elven memories,
this is the de facto standard language.
and the occasional passage describing
In reality a hodgepodge mix of
it's words in Liternanin. To it's credit
languages with Dalzendri as the
many of the more obscure place
backbone, Dalsundrian is a language
names in Telzoa, such as Dalze (from
lacking respect among the learned as
Dulzhe meaning "cove"), Ultan
a crude commoners language.
(Yuultain, meaning "river bends") and
Nevertheless its usefulness as a
Paldace (Poldacei, meaning "harbor
language nearly everyone can speak is
with rocks" ) are Dulsandan in origin.
undisputed. There is no formal written
The peoples who spoke this language
form of Dalsundrian, though Liternanin
where also the practitioners of what
characters can be used to represent its
would later become courts Aurnon and
Damosi, and again the names of many
 Tennen and Milisal: Tennen is of these gods have their roots in this
dominate on the southwestern side of language (Tean comes from Tei Ayn,
the island of Telzoa whereas Milisal meaning "Two Eyes.")
has taken root in Milicsundria and
 Telmandan: The language of the
Dabrinia. As of yet both lack enough
Telmish is on the opposite side of the
distinct words and terms to make
channel from Telzoa and follows a
them a full fledged language on its
different evolutionary path. This
own - a native speaker any of the
language lacks many of the Elven and
three can converse freely with
Cuolshite borrowed words which dot
speakers of the other two on a fluent,

the landscape of Dalsundrian. A more considerable number of borrowed
guttural language, Telmandan borrows elven words in their tongue.
far more words from the orcish
 Kort (colloquially, Orcish) sounds like a
peoples whom the Telmish compete
dwarf with rabies. It is filled with
with for space to this day.
vicious guttural snarls, whoops and
 Armandan: The Armandal peoples growls.
inhabit the lands south of Telzoa on
 Junri (colloquially, Goblin) isn't much
the far shore of the Channel of
better, but has a much shorter range
Miandris. Their tongue bears more
of words and applications.
dwarven marks than does Telzoan
proper, but theirs is a tongue both Elven Family: The most ancient of
more tuned to the sea (They have 26 languages of Carthasana are naturally the
different words to describe a wave) property of her most ancient people.
and with a tendency to borrow other Elven is curious for it's tendency to use
tongues. intonation to disguise the nature of the
message being given, and this carries
Rosalynn Sign: Developed by Priests of
across to their writing.
Rosalynn who have taken a vow of silence
within their temples and monasteries, this Elven is known simply as elven by
language is automatically obtained by the outsiders. Some scholars in search of a
priests devoted to her. Other characters better name call it Tel'Ank, or "The
treat it as a language completely Tongue" in elven. Elves name their
unrelated to all the others. language Silvani.
Dulshadral family: This group of  Honial is the only language that is
tongues includes dwarven, orcish, goblin related to elven, yet not elven. This
and gnomic, and any of the four races language is largely a cross between
tend to smack scholars for this Dalzendri and elven, with a healthy
classification. Nevertheless it cannot be dose of Cuolshite and Liternanin
denied that there are many, many thrown in for good measure. This
identical root words in these tongues, befits it's nature perhaps - for Honial is
pointing to a dark episode in the history of the official language of the half-elven
dwarves and gnomes indeed if there is peoples of the tiny principality of Hone
any truth behind the hints the etymology Rae - a nation founded for and by half-
is providing. elves who found themselves to be
outcasts elsewhere.
 Kilrasic (colloquially, Dwarven) is the
only language of these four with an  Oyasi is a distant cousin to elven, and
alphabet. The others use this can barely be considered to be in the
alphabet, because - according to same language family. This language
dwarves - "they're too damn lazy to is a bridge of sorts to the other fairy
invent their own." Dwarven characters languages from elven. Oyasi has it's
look very wedge-like to human eyes. own alphabet that is similar at a
They are simple, to the point, and very glance to the elven, but it only has
easily carved into stone. Indeed, 150 characters to elven count of 900.
dwarves rarely if ever write anything
Liternanin Family: This family includes
down - they carve it. "If it isn't worthy
Liternanin and its descendant tongues. It
of stone it isn't worthy of recording."
is one of the most widespread tongues in
goes one dwarven saying.
the world of Carthasana.
 Knorasi (colloquially, Gnomish) sounds
 Liternanin: The Liternanin language
gentler than dwarven, and it is
has many descendants despite the fact
perhaps the least abrasive to the ears
that the language itself is still alive
of the four. The gnomes also have a
and well as the standard of
communication between the literate jest, some now take it seriously. The very
souls of the world. Speaking origin of kobolds as a race on Carthasana
Liternanin is almost equivalent to is very much in doubt though, and the
being literate - for this language's 51 kobolds aren't talking (which isn't a
letter alphabet is borrowed by most of problem, no one has been asking).
the human tongues we will be Kobolds have no known written script.
discussing for purposes of writing.
Other tongues: The tongues of such
Since the process of writing is
creatures as centaurs, pixies, nixies,
embedded into the teaching of
extraplanars, dragons, illithids, and
Liternanin a speaker of this language
whatever else that can squirm and think
can write it - further they may use its
at the same time are not available to
letters to phonetically encode most
player characters at the beginning of play,
other languages they know.
and it is unlikely that they will be learned
 Malchani: The lords who conquered unless a player goes to considerable
the island between 200 and 400 SR length to try to learn them.
never completely abandoned their own

tongue, since it gave them a way to
give each other's council in the present
of the rabble. That language is largely The following feats join the list of available
lost elsewhere. The common folk and
feats from the Player’s Handbook. A
many demihumans often derisively call couple of feats in the Player’s Handbook
this language noble-speak. All the are revised here.
same the nobles semi-fiercely guard
this language, as fluency in it is a Metamagic feats in this section have a
mark of culture and refinement. There level adjustment entry in addition to those
is a written variant of Malchani, though found in the Player's Handbook. This entry
the alphabet is descended from indicates the number of levels a spell
Liternanin changes when the metamagic feat is
applied to it.
 Estarian: The language of the people
of the Estarian Empire, this tongue is
dates back to the days of Sandielansta Access Weaker Magic
and may be older than Liternanin (it is [General]
unclear as to which is the older).
You can cast weaker spells with the
There is an alphabet to this tongue,
knowledge of more powerful ones.
but it has fell out of use and will not be
known to characters who do not Prerequisites: Spontaneous Caster,
deliberately set out to learn it (which Frequent Adjustment, Improved Frequent
costs a skill point). Adjustment, Ascending Magic, Reversing
Kolric: The language of the of kobolds is
very interesting to scholars, if for no other Benefit: You may cast any spell of the
reason than the sheer number of words it same level or lower than a spell you know
shares with what little is known of the so long as it belongs to the same chain
dragon tongues. How, and or why this is and it is on your spell list.
so is a matter of debate among scholars,
for what could the weakest of creatures Additional Power Usage
have in common with the strongest that
they could possibly share a language at [General]
some point in their history. One scholar You can use your deity’s granted power
scoffed the kobolds are the result of some more frequently.
dragon magic experiment gone badly
wrong - and although spoken originally in Prerequisite: Any domain granted
power with a limited usage.

Prerequisite: Spontaneous Caster,
Frequent Adjustment, Improved Frequent
Benefit: Whenever you learn a spell you
may swap a weaker spell that is chained
to it for any other spell. This is in addition
to the spell swap allowed by the feat
improved frequent adjustment. For
instance, a sorcerer at 8th level can
choose greater invisibility for his 4th level
spell and swap invisibility with a new 2nd
level spell.
Normal: Normally a sorcerer may only
swap one spell at 4th level and each even
level thereafter that is at least two levels
lower than the highest level spell he can

Augmented Creation

Benefit: Choose a domain power that You create stronger undead than normal
you can use only once within a specific Prerequisite: Spell Focus (Necromancy)
time frame (usually once per day). You
can use the ability an additional time Benefit: The undead you create through
within that time frame. the use of animate dead or more powerful
spells have 2 extra hit points per hit die.
Special: You can take this feat multiple
times and it can stack, or you can choose
to apply it to a different domain power
Blind Casting
with limited uses. [General]
You can cast a spell at foes you cannot
Allure see.
[General] Prerequisite: Blind Fight
You are attractive. Benefit: You can cast at a foe you can’t
Prerequisite: CHR 13+ see provided they are in range. You still
have a 50% miss chance, even if you use
Benefit: Gain a +2 competence bonus on a spell that normally cannot miss (i.e.
all charisma skills checked against magic missile).
members of your race and opposite sex.
Note that for purposes of this feat elves, Normal: Targeting spells normally
half elves, and humans are the same race. require you to be able to see the target.
Area spells do not and this feat is not
Special: This feat is only available to 1st required for them to hit targets the caster
level characters. cannot see.

Ascending Magic Bounding Climb

[General] [General]
You can replace weaker spells with more You can climb short distances by bouncing
powerful versions off opposing surfaces.
Prerequisite: DEX 13+, Tumble 8 ranks, roll a natural 20 you threaten a brutal hit
Climb 8 ranks instead of a critical hit which deals
weapon damage multiplier +2 (So a x2
Benefit: You can climb up to 20’ as part
becomes x4).
of a normal move by bouncing between
two opposite vertical surfaces such as a
tree and a wall. Those surfaces cannot be Cantrips
separated by more than 10’. [General]
Special: A monk may choose this feat as You have learned a pair of arcane
his 6th level bonus feat even if he doesn’t cantrips.
meet the prerequisites.
Prerequisite: Charisma 10+
Break Barrier Benefit: Choose any two cantrips from
the sorcerer spell list. You can cast either
of those cantrips once a day as a 1st level
You can prepare a spell that will do more sorcerer. Normal Arcane spell failure
damage than normal chances still apply for characters that
wear armor.
Prerequisite: Empower Spell, Greater
Empower Spell
Combat Archery
Level Adjustment: +2
Benefit: A break barrier spell’s damage
cap is increased by half. For instance, if You keep your wits about you while using
you prepare a fireball with this feat it will a bow.
have a damage cap of 15d6. If you apply Prerequisites: Point Black shot, Precise
this feat twice to a spell you will double Shot, Shot on the Run, Dodge, Mobility,
the cap, and so on. Dex 13+, Base Attack +8
Normal: Spells with level variant damage Benefit: You can use a projectile weapon
usually have a maximum amount of while threatened without provoking an
damage given in their description. attack of opportunity. You can fire a bow
at a foe who threatens you without
Brew Elixer penalty.
[Item Creation] Normal: Normally using a projectile
weapon in melee provokes an attack of
You can create especially strong potions.
Prerequisite: Brew Potion
Benefit: As brew potion, except the Conditional Spell
maximum spell level is 5th. [Metamagic]
You can set a spell to end prematurely.
Brutal Hit
Level Adjustment: +1
Benefit: A conditional spell ends when
You land brutal critical hits upon foes.
you dismiss it (even if you normally can’t
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus, Greater dismiss it) or when certain conditions are
Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, met. The spell still ends when its duration
Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved expires even if these conditions haven’t
Critical, Base Attack Bonus +10 been met.
Benefit: The critical multiplier is
increased by 1 (x2 becomes a x3). If you


Craft Wondrous Item Cycle Spell

[Item Creation] [Metamagic]
You can enchant miscellaneous magic You prepare a spell that can be easily
items such as crystal balls and flying replaced.
Prerequisite: Spell Mastery.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 3rd+, see
Level Adjustment: +2
Benefit: A cycle spell can have another
Benefit: You can create any
spell prepared in its place of up to one
miscellaneous magic item whose
level less than its adjusted level.
prerequisites you meet. Enchanting a
miscellaneous magic item takes 1 day for
each 1,000 gp in its price. Dodge
You can also mend a broken [General]
miscellaneous magic items if it is one you You are adept at dodging blows.
could make. Doing so costs half the XP,
half the raw materials, and half the time it Prerequisite: Dex 13+
would take to enchant that item in the Benefit: During your action, you
first place. designate an opponent and receive a +1
Some wondrous items incur extra costs dodge bonus to Armor Class against
in material components or XP as noted in attacks from that opponent. You can
their descriptions. These costs are in select a new opponent at any time you
addition to those derived from the item’s could take a 5’ step. If you are fighting
base price. You must pay such a cost to defensively the +1 dodge bonus applies to
create an item or mend a broken one. all foes fighting you, though you still must
select one opponent for any feat for which
This feat alone is sufficient to create a dodge is a prerequisite. If you go on total
single function miscellaneous magic item defense you gain a +2 dodge bonus to
that requires a move equivalent action to your Armor Class against all opponents
activate. To create an item that has instead of a +1. Remember that dodge
charges you must also possess the craft bonuses stack and any condition that
wand feat. To create an item that has causes you to lose your dexterity
multiple uses you must also possess the adjustment to armor class also causes the
craft rod feat. To create an item that can loss of dodge bonuses.
be recharged you must have the craft
staff feat. To create an item that Duplicity
functions continuously without being
activated by the wearer requires the forge [General]
ring feat. You can replace unused preparations
Special: The extra limitations of this feat freely.
beyond those listed in the Player’s Prerequisite: Spell Mastery, Cycle Spell,
Handbook are intended to stop ingenious Split Spell, Entwine
players from creating equivalent
miscellaneous magic items for rings, Benefit: Whenever you prepare spells
wands, staves. For instance, without this unused spell preparations count as unused
rule a player might try to make a bracelet spell slots.
of fireballs with 50 charges that, other
than form, was identical to a wand of
Prerequisite: Split Spell
Level Adjustment: +5
Benefit: This feat lets you put two spells
into one slot and either cast both
simultaneously or one at a time. The level
adjustment is applied to the highest-level
spell of the two.

You can make a spell ignore allies
Prerequisite: 8 ranks spellcraft.

Echo Spell Level Adjustment: +3

[Metamagic] Benefit: An exemption spell will not

affect creatures you designate at the time
You can target multiple creatures with a of casting.
Level Adjustment: +1 / additional target Exotic Language
Benefit: An echo spell affects one [General]
additional target for each level that you
You can speak a language that is normally
prepare the spell above normal. The base
restricted to certain races or classes of
spell must normally only target one
which you are not a member.
creature, and the all the creatures you
wish to target must be within 30’ of each Prerequisite: Varies
other. If the base spell is touch range you
Benefit: You can perfectly speak a
need only touch one target at the time of
“secret” or an exotic language, such as
the druid’s tongue. Your DM may wish to
create additional restricted languages.
Elven Blood The ability to speak such a language may
[General] win you prestige with some NPC’s bringing
with it a +2 bonus to diplomacy checks
You have significant, though minor, elven with those NPC’s. Alternatively the
blood. Most characters with this feat are language may have supernatural effects
the children of half-elves. when properly spoken.
Prerequisite: Human race
Benefit: The character has a +1 on
Extra Domain
saves vs. enchantments and a +4 on [General]
saves vs. the sleep spell. The character
You have more of your deity’s potential
also has low-light vision as a half-elf does.
than normal.
Special: This feat is only available to 1st
Benefit: You choose a third domain and
level characters.
can prepare domain spells from its list.
You cannot use the domain power of this
Entwine third domain unless you take the extra
[Metamagic] power feat.

You can prepare two spells in the same Special: You may take this feat multiple
spell slot. times. Its effects don’t stack. Each time

you do it applies to a new domain of Level Adjustment: +1
Benefit: On the round after you cast a
flashback spell you have the option of
Extra Power spontaneously casting it again. You can’t
[General] append a metamagic feat to this casting.
The spontaneous casting is not itself a
You have more of your deity’s power than “flashback” spell.
Prerequisite: Extra Domain Frequent Adjustment
Benefit: Choose a domain you have [General]
gained using the extra domain feat. You
You can adjust your spell list more
can use the granted power of that
Prerequisite: Spontaneous Caster.
Special: You can take this feat multiple
times: Its effects don’t stack. Each time Benefit: You may swap out one spell that
you do it apples to a new power. is at least two levels lower than the
highest-level spell you can cast for
Fast Healer another spell of the same level each time
you go up in level.
Normal: Sorcerers normally may only
You recover from wounds quickly. swap one spell out at 4th level and each
Benefit: You heal 2 more hit points per even level beyond the 4th. Bards may do
day of rest. If attended to by a character the same at 5th level and every third level
with the healing proficiency for a full day beyond.
you heal an additional 2 hit points that
Special: This feat is only available to 1st Greater Spell Focus*
level characters.

Finesse Choose a spell or descriptor, such as

illusion or fire, that you already have spell
[General] focus in. Your spells of this school or
You use agility rather than strength to descriptor are now even more potent than
move. before.
Benefit: You use dexterity instead of Prerequisite: Spell Focus
strength for the climb, jump and swim Benefit: Add +1 to the DC of all saving
skills if you are unencumbered and wear throws against the spells within the school
an armor that has no armor check or possessing the descriptor of your
penalty. choice. This bonus stacks with the bonus
Special: The DM may still rule strength from spell focus.
necessary in exceptional circumstances Note: You can take this feat multiple
despite your possession of this feat. times, but its effects don’t stack. Instead,
each time you take this feat it applies to a
Flashback Spell new school or descriptor.
You can release a spell a second time
Guarded Flank
Prerequisite: Spell Mastery, Cycle Spell
You’ve learned that some foes are Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+, Armor Use
particularly dangerous unless watched. Feat appropriate to the armor worn (i.e.
Heavy Armor, Medium Armor or Light
Prerequisite: Dodge, Expertise
Benefit: The foe you chose to receive a
Benefit: The maximum dexterity limit of
+1 dodge bonus to your AC against
one armor of your choice is improved +2
cannot get sneak attacks against you for
steps. (Chain Mail, with a Max Dexterity
flanking unless their level exceeds yours
bonus of +2 becomes a +4 with this feat).
by 4. That opponent also does not get a
This training represents learning how to
+2 bonus to hit for flanking you, though
move the armor to deflect the blow as it is
other opponents who flank you do.
designed to do rather than trying to get
Normal: Any character that can flank you completely out of the way, which armor
can get sneak attacks against you if they largely blocks. You also gain back up to
have that ability. 10' of movement lost to the armor
(though not beyond your base speed).
Special: A fighter may select this feat as
a fighter bonus feat. Normal: Armor normally has a maximum
to the AC bonus for dexterity you can
Hit the Deck claim when you wear it.
[General] Special: You may take this feat multiple
times. Its effects do not stack. Each time
You can drop prone to avoid area of effect you take the feat it applies to a different
spells. type of armor (Chain, Banded, etc). A
Prerequisite: Lightning Reflexes, Evasion fighter may select this feat as a fighter
bonus feat.
Benefit: If you fail a reflex saving throw
you may re-roll it. If you succeed at the
second save you become prone. You can't Improved Caster Level
use this feat while prone. [General]
Your talents at spellcasting aren’t affected
Immediate Spell as much by your other talents.
[General] Benefit: You have a +1 bonus to your
You can cast a spell out of turn as a free caster level. Your caster level can’t
action. exceed your character level with this feat.
Prerequisite: Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Special: You can take this feat multiple
Spell times and its effects will stack. This feat
is meant for multiclass characters and is
Level Adjust: +6 similar to the spellcaster +1 ability of
Benefit: The casting time of the many prestige classes. However, this feat
metamagicked spell is changed to 1 only confers an increased caster level.
immediate action so long as its normal Extra spell slots, levels and known spells
casting time is one standard action. are not gained through this feat, although
Immediate actions can be taken any time they are gained by most prestige classes
you’re not flat-footed. with a “spellcaster +1” ability (see the
specific class’ description).
Improved Armor Use
Improved Domain Magic
You have trained to move in armor in
order to reclaim your dexterity bonus You use your deity’s specialized spells
while in armor. more often.

Benefit: You may prepare domain spells
as if they were on the main cleric list. You
still may only prepare domain spells in
domain slots.

Improved Eschew Materials

You can cast spells without material
Prerequisite: Eschew Materials.
Level Adjustment: Varies [see below]
Benefit: You may cast spells with a Prerequisite: Spontaneous Caster,
material component costing up to 10 gold
Frequent Adjustment.
without a material component. You may
prepare a spell at one level higher to Benefit: Each time you level you may
avoid a material component cost of up to switch out one spell of any level with
50 gold; two levels higher to avoid a another spell of the same level.
material component costing 100 gold; Normal: Even with the Frequent
three levels higher to avoid 500 gold; four adjustment feat, bards and sorcerers can
levels higher to avoid 1000 gold, and for normally only switch out spells that are
each 1000 gold cost you wish to avoid two levels lower than the highest level
further, the spell slot must be raised by spell they can cast.
one (A spell with a material component
costing 5000 gold must be prepared 8
levels higher than normal to be eschewed Improved Heighten Spell
of it’s material component). [Metamagic]
You can heighten the effects of a spell.
Improved Extend Spell
Prerequisite: Heighten Spell, Empower
[Metamagic] Spell
The spells you cast last a very long while Benefit: This feat works like heighten
Prerequisite: Extend Spell spell except you that in addition to
increasing the spell’s level, you increase
Level Adjustment: +3 your caster level for that spell by the
Benefit: Increase the spell’s duration by same amount. For example, if you
one base increment. Spells that would heighten a magic missile to 3rd level you
last for a number of rounds last a number will increase your effective level by +2. If
of minutes, spells that would last for you are 5th level, you will be considered
minutes last for hours. Spells with 7th level when you cast the spell.
durations of instantaneous, concentration,
permanent or a number of hours aren’t Improved Magical Defense
affected by this feat.

Improved Frequent You are as adept at avoiding spells as at

throwing them.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus
Benefit: Any bonus from spell focus or
Your ability to switch out spells has
greater spell focus that you apply to the
DC of your spells can be applied to your
own saving throws against spells from the
schools or descriptors the spell focus Improved Spell Resistance
affects. [General]
You resist spells especially well.
Improved Mastery
Prerequisite: Spell Resistance
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your
Your mastery of a spell has improved.
spell resistance.
Prerequisite: Spell Mastery, Cycle Spell,
Special: This feat does not grant spell
Flashback Spell
resistance, it improves it. A character
Benefit: Choose a spell you have spell who takes this feat must already have
mastery in. You may cast it spell resistance through another source,
spontaneously. such as a monk’s diamond soul class
Special: You can take this feat more
than once. Each time you take this feat
you must choose a different spell for it to Inquisitive
affect. [General]
You learn quickly.
Improved Move Adjustment
Prerequisite: INT 13+
Benefit: Gain 4 skill points at 1st level
You can move short distances with
and an extra skill point each level
blinding speed.
thereafter, as if you were human. If you
Prerequisite: DEX 13+, Dodge, Mobility, are human, gain 8 skill points at 1st level
Tumble 8 ranks and an extra 2 skill points thereafter
Benefit: You can move 10’ as a free
action instead of 5’. This move is identical
to the 5’ free action move in all respects Light Sleeper
except the distance covered. [General]
Special: A fighter may select this feat as You awaken easily
a fighter bonus feat.
Benefits: You may make listen checks at
a -4 penalty while asleep. You awaken on
Improved Sneak Attack a successful check. On the round you
[General] awaken you can take standard actions
instead of partial actions.
You can deal devastating blows to
unprepared foes. Normal: Creatures are assumed to roll 0
on listen checks while sleeping. A
Prerequisites: Sneak Attack, Base
creature that has just been awakened
Attack Bonus +8, Improved Critical
takes partial actions for the first round
Benefit: When you deal a critical hit you after awakening.
use d10’s instead of d6’s to roll the sneak
Special: This feat is only available to 1st
attack damage. You must use the weapon
level characters.
that you have an improved critical bonus
with to receive this bonus damage.


Luck of Heroes Learn More Spells

[General] [General]
You avoid mishap readily You acquire more spells upon leveling
than normal.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all
saving throws. Prerequisites: Ability to prepare spells
from a spellbook.
Know More Spells Benefit: When you increase in level you
[General] gain an extra spell to put in your
You know more spells than normal.
Normal: Wizards normally add two spells
Prerequisites: Spontaneous Caster. to their spellbook each time they rise in
Benefit: You know an extra cantrip or level. With this feat a wizard can learn
1st level spell the first time you take this three spells each time she rises in level.
Special: You can take this feat multiple Lunge
times, and it’s effects stack in a peculiar [General]
way. Each additional time you take this
You can make a lunging attack
feat the maximum level of extra spells you
can learn increases by 1, but never Benefit: A lunge is a short-range charge
beyond your current highest spell level in which you move less than 10 feet. If
(So a character who has taken this feat 4 you lunge you will still suffer the penalties
times knows 4 more spells which can be for charging.
up to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level
Normal: You normally need 10' of room
to charge.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as
a fighter bonus feat.
Magnify Spell Permanent Cantrip
[Metamagic] [General]
Your spells deal great damage. You benefit from the effects of a cantrip
Prerequisite: Empower Spell, Maximize
Spell Prerequisite: Heighten Spell, Extend
Spell, Improved Extend Spell, Spellcaster
Level Adjustment: +1
Level 9th
Benefit: A magnified spell uses better
Benefit: Choose a cantrip with a range of
damage dice and doubles all bonuses to
personal or an emanation from you and a
those dice. Damage dice are increased by
non-instantaneous duration (such as
one step (i.e. d4 becomes d6): d12’s
detect magic). That spell becomes
become 2d8; d20’s become 4d6.
permanent on you. If it is dispelled, then
instead it is only suppressed for 2d4
Noble Blood rounds.
You are a member of the nobility Persistent Spell
Benefits: The following skills are class
skills for you – Knowledge (Nobility), You can prepare a spell whose use can be
Knowledge (Geneology). You gain a +2 divided over the course of the day.
bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate
Prerequisite: Extend Spell, Improved
checks against the commoners of your
Extend Spell
society. You have the authority to make
special requests of government officials Level Adjustment: +2
and other nobles in accordance to your
Benefit: Whenever you dismiss a
rank, but be aware they may call in such
persistent spell record its remaining
favors at any time.
duration. You can recast the spell and
Special: This feat is only available to 1st continue its use where you left off. You
level characters. may cast the spell as many times as you
wish as long as it has some remaining
Opportunistic Casting duration, but you still lose a persistent
spell if your casting is disturbed. Material
[General] components and XP costs are only paid on
You may use magic to punish foes that the first casting. You must normally be
drop their guard. able to dismiss a spell in order to be able
to make it persistent.
Prerequisites: Combat Casting, Combat
Poison Immunity
Benefit: You may cast an employ a touch
range spell with a casting time of one
standard action or less against a foe who You have developed a very high resistance
has provoked an attack of opportunity to a specific poison. Note that this isn’t a
from you. That foe may not attack you total immunity, and particularly massive
for this spell casting but any other nearby doses could still kill you.
foes may.
Prerequisite: Great Fortitude
Normal: Spell casting cannot be used for
Benefit: Name a poison. Against that
an attack of opportunity.
poison you apply a +20 circumstance
bonus to your fortitude saving throws. If
the poison in question doesn’t normally

allow a saving throw then you are entitled Benefit: You may cast a spell with a
to a saving throw without a bonus from metamagic feat without increasing its
this feat. casting time so long as the greater spell
focus applies to it.
Pounce Normal: Sorcerers, bards and other
[General] spontaneous spell casters increase their
casting times by one round when they
You can pounce upon a foe with a full choose to use a metamagic feat. Note
attack with a favored weapon. that this feat makes quicken spell a legal
Prerequisite: DEX 13+, Dodge, Mobility, choice for bards and sorcerers.
Expertise, Bounding, Spring Attack,
Whirlwind Attack, Razor Run, Weapon Razor Run
Focus, Weapon Specialization*, Base
Attack Bonus +11
You can strike all foes along a single
Benefit: You can take a half move and
straight-line path.
make a full attack. You must have
weapon focus and specialization in any Prerequisite: INT 13+, Expertise, DEX
and all weapons you use in this attack 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Base attack bonus
unless you are a monk, in which case you +8 or higher, Spring Attack, Whirlwind
may forgo weapon specialization if you are Attack.
making an unarmed attack. If you do this
Benefit: You may move half your speed
you take a –2 penalty to your AC as if you
in a straight line and attack all foes
had charged until your next turn.
adjoining your path. You do not provoke
Normal: If you move beyond a fee action attacks of opportunity during this
step you cannot perform a full attack movement. You may not attack a foe
option. more than once per use of this ability.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as Special: A fighter may select this feat as
a fighter bonus feat. a fighter bonus feat.

Precise Memory Retaliate

[General] [General]
You have an accurate memory that might You can strike opponents who make lousy
be described as photographic. attacks against you.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Prerequisite: Dodge, Combat Reflexes
attempts to recall information, including
Benefit: If the opponent who you’ve
but not limited to the recall task of the
designated to receive a +1 dodge bonus
knowledge skills.
against misses all attacks they make
Special: This feat is only available to 1st against you on their action then you may
level characters. make an attack of opportunity against
Quicken Metamagic Special: A fighter may select this feat as
[General] a fighter bonus feat.

You can quickly prepare a spell with a

metamagic feat on the fly.
Reversing Magic
Prerequisites: Spontaneous Casting,
Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus You can reverse your spells
Prerequisite: Spontaneous Caster, The bonus the shield gives, particularly if
Ascending Magic, Frequent Adjustment, it is magical, offsets this lack of
Improved Frequent Adjustment concentration in reflex saves.
Benefit: You can cast the reverse of any Special: A fighter may select this feat as
spell you know as long as it is on your a fighter bonus feat.
spell list. A spell’s reverse is one whose
effect is diametrically opposed to it and Sidestep
the two spells will be listed as countering
each other. Examples include: haste and [General]
slow; enlarge and reduce. You avoid oblique attacks with grace and
Shadow Spell Prerequisite: Dodge, Mobility
Benefit: Whenever the opponent who
You may cast a spell upon foes on a you’ve selected to receive a +1 dodge
bordering plane. bonus to your AC against takes an attack
option that provokes an attack of
Prerequisite: Knowledge (Cosmology) 8
opportunity (q.v. bull rush) you may forgo
the attack of opportunity and take a 5’
Level Adjustment: +0 step. If you do you have a +20 dodge
bonus to your AC against that attack. An
Benefit: You prepare a spell that will
opponent who attempted a bull rush and
only affect creatures and objects on the
misses moves into the square behind your
Aether or Shadow plane (your choice).
previous position or strikes the wall if
The spell will not strike creatures on the
there was a wall behind you unless they
material plane.
succeed at a reflex save higher than their
Normal: Most spell effects will not strike own attack roll. (If they fail and move off
creatures on bordering planes – effects a cliff edge, that’s their problem).
with the force descriptor are the only
Special: A fighter may select this feat as
normal exception to this rule.
a fighter bonus feat.

Shield Deflection Song Spell

You are especially skilled at blocking
You can make spells last longer by
ranged weapons with a shield.
Prerequisite: DEX 13+, Shield
Prerequisite: Bardic Music Ability
Benefit: You may expend a bardic music
Benefit: You may use a shield rather
use for the day as you cast any bard spell
than your bare hands to deflect arrows.
which has a duration other than
This works identically to the deflect arrows
instantaneous, while sung or
feat though larger shields are more
concentration. If you do, then you sing as
effective than arrows. A small shield
the spell begins. The spell’s normal
grants a +1 to your reflex save and a
duration doesn’t start counting down as
large shield grants a +2 to your reflex
long as you sing. Singing this way is a
save. If the shield has a magical bonus,
move-equivalent action that doesn’t
apply that bonus to your reflex save.
provoke an attack of opportunity. (If you
Note: While this seems more powerful cast a spell that lasts 1 round / level at
than the deflect arrows feat, remember 6th level this way, then sing for 4 rounds
that the classes that use shields routinely after casting the spell, the spell will last a
do not favor reflex saves as monks do.

total of 10 rounds instead of the normal Prerequisite: CON 13+
Benefit: You gain +1 hit point per level.

Spell Focus Note: This feat is too useful at low levels

and too weak at high levels. The scaling
[General] change above fixes this problem. This
Choose a spell or descriptor, such as version of the feat cannot be taken more
illusion or fire. Your spells of this school than once.
or descriptor are more potent than
normal. Twins
Benefit: Add +1 to the DC of all saving [General]
throws against the spells within the school
You and another character are twins and
or possessing the descriptor of your
there exists between you a mystic tie.
Prerequisite: Two characters must take
Note: You can take this feat multiple
this feat together. If one player character
times, but its effects don’t stack. Instead,
takes this feat her twin must also be a
each time you take this feat it applies to a
player character.
new school or descriptor.
Benefit: As twins you have an empathic
Split Spell link that is identical in all respects to the
empathic link that exists between a
[Metamagic] sorcerer and his familiar (see pg. 51 of
You can prepare two spells in one slot. The PHB). Because of the higher
intelligence of both characters this link is
Prerequisite: Ability to prepare spells. far more useful then that with a familiar.
Level Adjustment: +1 Special: A character may only take this
Benefit: You prepare two spells in one feat at 1st level.
slot and can cast either spell from that
slot. The level adjustment is calculated Twin Share Spell
from the highest-level spell of the two.

Stealth Attack You can share spells with your twin as a

sorcerer can with his familiar.
Prerequisite: Twins feat
You can kill foes without making a sound.
Benefit: You can share spells with your
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack, 8 ranks twin as long as you remain on an
Move Silently adjoining square with (and therefore
Benefit: You can choose to lose 1d6 of within 5’ of) her. Additionally you can
your sneak attack damage to attempt to cast a spell with a range of “you” as a
kill your foe silently with a sneak attack. touch range spell on your twin.
Roll a move silently check if your sneak Your twin can also deliver touch spells for
attack hits to set the DC for anyone to you. When you cast a touch range spell
hear the attack. Note that if your foe you can designate your twin to be the
survives your attack they may spread the “toucher” (You and your twin must be in
alarm anyway. contact at the time of casting). Your twin
can then deliver the touch spell just as
Toughness you could. As normal, if you cast another
[General] spell before the touch spell is delivered, it
You are tougher than normal.
<< Lady Courtney Mintrube.
Mintrube Matriarch of the
Mintrube family of Ultan, Lady Mintrube is
famous, or perhaps infamous for her feud
with Lady jalsi. The two matriarchs have led
their respective clans in a bloody civil
insurrection within Ultan that has been
ongoing for ten years. Such feuds are
unfortunately quite common in Telzoa,
usually only ending when one family or
another is destroyed and long after the
incident which started the feud has been

our character is nothing

more than a piece of paper
until you put yourself into
the role and breathe life In the Dusk setting alignment is a link
into it and by extension leading back to creation itself. The setting
the world that it is a part has not nine but five alignments, and
of. Up to this point this those alignments not only describe what a
book has set down the mechanics character believes is important in his life
surrounding your character, but this is but also how he responds to magic and
only half the game. The other half is how it responds to him. Each alignment is
playing and portraying the role. This named for the outer plane it is linked to:
chapter deals with the roleplaying Aborean, Balcridrean, Sodrean, Shunrean
techniques and creating a fun and and Valrean, but most characters refer to
engaging role for you to play and for the the color each alignment presents under
other players to interact with. It also deals the scrutiny of a Know Alignment spell –
with descriptive elements that have a green, blue, black, red and white.
game effect but that don’t fit neatly into
While the forces of alignment play an
any other chapter, such as alignment and even more significant role in Dusk, they
religion. Finally this chapter presents the don’t interpret good and evil. Alignments
equipment available to you in this setting
are thoughts and natures – not actions.
as it differs considerably from the list Only actions can be judged as good or
offered in the Player’s Handbook. evil, and this interpretation is rather left
up to individuals who naturally interpret
good and evil according to their own


have this alignment in order to receive

Aborean (Green) their spells.
The Aborean is an interesting and often
“Everything begins and ends in life – misunderstood alignment. Sure, it’s about
for even as one passes on, they give nature and the natural way, but what
life to the scavengers feeding upon does that really mean? Well, to Aboreans
them.” life is the most important and powerful
~ +Sashana, Grand Druid thing in the world. In life all things are
possible. Life will overcome – it will find a
way. To an Aborean death is a necessary
The aborean alignment is associated most part of life. To kill to acquire food is a part
strongly with life, nature, and green of life, for the strongest and most able will
magic. Druids and rangers are required to
survive and life, as a whole, grows can’t see the truth in front of them.
stronger. Killing for sport is another Though this can be tolerated, the attitude
matter entirely, and a hideous evil in the many Balcridreans have towards the world
Aborean mind. is offensive to Aboreans. The Balcridreans
see the world as nothing more than
Aboreans are happiest watching things
resources with which to build machines
grow – be they grains or the cows grazing
and cities without any care to the
upon them. On an individual basis the
destruction these things can cause to
Aborean belief is that everyone is born
nature. Hence the Aboreans actively seek
with potential, and it is best to let them
to keep their moves checked lest they
live to see that potential.
recast the world in an artificial mockery of
Aboreans look to nature to see cycles its current self.
and they revere and adore them.
Aboreans view Sodreans as short-
Coexistance with these cycles is a source
sighted, selfish morons. While Aboreans
of strength. Coming to understand them is
allow themselves to bend to nature’s will,
a source of wisdom. However, the
Sodreans want nature (and everyone else
Aborean doesn’t wish to take the world
for that matter) to bend to their will. Many
apart to figure out how it works – given
Sodreans think nothing of hunting and
time and observation the world will reveal
killing for sport alone, a horrific concept to
its secrets to the Aborean on its own
an Aborean. Hence the Sodreans must be
terms and in its own time.
stopped before they destroy anything in
All the other alignments tend to want to pursuit of their selfish desires.
reshape the world in some fashion to suit

Balcridrean (Blue)
their desires, but the Aboreans want the
world to remain exactly as it is and don’t
want anyone to change it. Artificial change
“All actions have consequence, and
they feel is always for the worst and
ultimately futile – for eventually nature often enough the less thought the
takes back the land taken from her. more consequence.”
Aboreans see in the Valrean mindset a ~ +Alblasker of Granis
fellow alignment that values community
and coexistance. They each understand Members of this alignment
that there is order in the world, though cherish thought and
the Aboreans don’t understand why learning above all else. Balcridreans wish
Valreans seem to need laws for every to know as much as possible about
conceivable thing – to the point of denying anything and everything. Endlessly
the emotions that are part of themselves curious, Balcridreans are equally
much of the time. fascinated by what is and what could be.
It is in the Shunreans that Aboreans find Knowledge and the eternal quest for
a fellow alignment that celebrates the omniscience are the prime goals of the
power of emotions and instincts, though Balcridreans. Knowledge is everything to
the Aboreans are sometimes amused by them, and when they aren’t learning they
how blindly Shunreans will follow their are developing plans and schemes to learn
feelings and disturbed by the destructive still more. This isn’t to say that all smart
power their red magic can give them while characters have this alignment though –
in a rage. it’s just that Balcridreans are preoccupied
with learning before anything else – be
As for Balcridreans, Aboreans find them
that others, themselves, their emotions or
to be distasteful and idealistic fools at best
the world around them. It’s not that they
and destructive scoundrels at the worst.
may not care about these things; it’s just
Balcridreans too often get so caught up in
that they are all secondary at best. The
esoteric theories and formulaes that they

Balcridrean is an inquiring mind that has about it their way. Balcrideans think the
to know, and they don’t understand that best way to learn about something is to
the act of discovery itself can sometimes take it apart. While Aboreans insist that
forever change what they have nature is more than the sum of its parts,
discovered. the Balcrideans want to find out about
those parts first and worry about the sum
Balcridreans are happy curled around an
later. If the Aboreans won’t get out of the
old tome studying or sitting at a desk,
way, they’ll just have to be dealt with.
writing. Slow to actually take action to a
fault, most Balcrideans want to make sure Shunreans embrace everything
everything is in place before proceeding. Balcridreans pride themselves in
This puts them at a disadvantage when shunning. Balcridreans believe knowledge
haste is necessary – for there is not paves the way to victory – Shunreans
always time to “sew the last button upon believe that passion does; Balcridreans
the last coat of the last soldier in the prefer to think – Shunreans prefer to act;
army.” Balcridreans believe that rash actions are
deadly – Shunreans believe waiting is
Balcridreans feel that anything is
deadly; Balcridreans are cold intellects –
possible if the right lessons are grasped
Shunreans are renowned for their hot
and the right resources acquired. The
tempers (and spells).
world is nothing more to them but those
resources – to aquire them, understand
them and then use them.
Shunrean (Red)
In the Valreans the Balcrideans find an
“So long as I am free I am alive.”
alignment that shares their love of
planning and thinking things through, but ~ +Trishdare, Elven
they can’t quite understand the
importance of precedent and they Sorcerer
certainly don’t understand the value
Valreans place on living in peace with Freedom is the most
nature. Just go ahead and reshape it goes important thing to the
an old Balcridian sentiment, what could Shunreans, and they pursue it with
possibly go wrong? untamed passion. This alignment fully
embraces emotions of all types and the
To the Balcridreans the Sodrean
Shunrean heart is guided by how it feels,
alignment is one that isn’t scared of the
never stopping to think about why. No
occasional ugliness of truth. Neither
alignment is as caring in love or deadly in
alignment understands the concept of
fury than the Shunreans. Barbarians need
passing judgement on knowledge, though
to have the Shunrean alignment to tap
unlike the Sodreans the Balcrideans
into their hearts and use their rage ability.
understand that the application of some
Bards require this alignment in order to be
knowledge is dangerous no matter the
in touch with the passion that drives
perceived benefit. Balcrideans also can’t
understand why Sodreans sometimes
allow their selfishness to drive them to Unlike other alignments, Shunreans
rash or reckless (in Balcridrean eyes) don’t set long term goals or plans, rather
actions. they live exclusively in the moment. Many
of them are daredevils seeking to milk
Balcridreans find Aboreans fustrating
every ounce of adreniline they can out of
because they accept the world as is.
existence by taking chances. This isn’t to
Balcridreans have a never-ending series of
say that they are incapacle of planning or
why’s and how’s on the world and resent
setting goals, it’s just that these tend to
the Aborean opposition to allowing them
be short term and their execution
to ‘tinker” with nature in order to learn
haphazard. Methodical is not a word to out of their cloistered learning cells and
use to describe them. live. What is life without passion? Without
love? Without fury and all other emotions?
Shunreans enjoy freedom, including the
These aren’t as the Balcridreans say
freedom gained by living impulsively and
“things which cloud the mind,” but rather
without a plan. They are firm believers in
they are things that make life worth living.
the principle that life is a journey and not
A dangerous assumption though is that
a destination. Despite the violence they
Shunreans can’t think or plan – they
and their spells are capacle of, friends are
indeed can but when they do they, unlike
important to Shunreans. They enjoy
the Balcridreans, put passion and
sharing their feelings after all and enjoy
creativity into their work; as opposed to
personal relationships with a few others.
the cold logic of the Balcridreans. If
Freedom is the principle underlying all Shunreans are to be free to create they
other Shunrean thought. As long as they must stay clear of the banality of
are free to act as they will when they will, Balcridrean thought.
they care little for other concerns. They

Sodrean (Black)
also believe that freedom must be
extended to everyone, and to this end
they don’t interfere with the lives of
“There are two types of people in
strangers unless they present a threat.
the world – those who use people
Shunreans find Sodreans to be kindred and those who get used. I spent my
free spirits, though they don’t understand
time as a member of the latter
why the Sodreans are so insular and
selfish, and they certainly don’t appreciate
society, now excuse me if I refuse to
the Sodrean need to dominate others. return to it.”
In the Aboreans the Shunreans see ~ +Markson of Altania
fellow lovers of passion and emotion,
though they don’t understand why the Sodreans cherish three things: me,
Aboreans sometimes restrain their myself, and I. They view the world in this
emotion for the good of nature. Creatures light as well – everyone is trying to get
in nature can act unfettered the ahead in life so why pretend that it is
Shunreans argue, so why can’t we. different. While the opponents of this
alignment call it selfish, Sodreans call it
As to Valreans, Shunreans hate them
and their uncountable laws. “Who gives
others the right to tell me what to do?” is Sodreans want to gain as much personal
a question asked by many a Shunrean. power as they can so as to further
Sure, you listen to your parents, your advance their own adjendas. Their
lovers, and your friends, but why give ultimate goal is omnipotence. They have
authority in your life to someone who no qualms about taking what they need
doesn’t know you, doesn’t care for you. and what they want unless someone
It’s not so much following orders that stronger is around to stop them, for isn’t
bother Shunreans – they can and do the law of nature survival of the fittest?
follow the orders of their peers. The And Sodreans are intent on doing
problem lies in asking a Shunrean to everything they can to insure they are the
follow orders from an organization or fittest. This said most Sodreans
other faceless authority – they constantly understand the value of restraint, for
balk at this concept. If the Shunreans are reckless power grabs can backfire. It’s
to be free to follow their destiny the useless to take something you don’t have
Valreans must be defeated. the strength to keep ahold of.
And the Balcridreans? They are stupid The term evil is used to describe
and plodding philosophers scared to come Sodreans often enough, but this label is

unfair. All the Dusk alignments have a aren’t afraid of the occasional ugliness of
capacity for evil actions in order to further truth though they are sometimes afraid of
their goals. Sodreans put themselves the consequences of using that
before others and believe that their own knowledge. Then again, to the Sodreans
needs come before anyone else; but that they seem to be afraid of taking any
attitude doesn’t preclude acts of kindness action at all without overplanning.
– though admittedly when a Sodrean is
The Shunreans earn Sodrean respect by
being nice to you chances are he wants
acting in their own best interests most of
something from you that he can’t steal for
the time. Unfortunately they are easily
some reason. The “me first” attitude of
swayed that they can be tricked into doing
Sodreans does mean that this alignment
things that, in the long run, aren’t in their
has the highest propensity to commit evil
best interest. Then again, that’s probably
acts and it is also the alignment with the
fortunate – it makes them more easily
most infighting. But there is a difference
between being inclined towards being evil
and actually being evil. The Valreans make Sodreans sick. They
believe in ludicrous concepts that defy the
It should be noted that Sodrean
laws of nature (as Sodreans interpret
selfishness isn’t entirely bad. The
them). Protect the weak from the strong?
importance of the individual is a key
Bah, the weak should be culled from the
concept in capitalism and modern
earth. Equality for everyone? Bah, the
best and brightest deserve to get ahead in
Good implies, among other things, a life, and the weak and stupid deserve to
respect for moral authority. Sodreans eek out whatever lot they can. Valrean
don’t believe in morality at all – they are emphasis on morality is also repugnant to
amoral – but this isn’t the same as acting Sodreans – such idealism is meaningless
immorally. An immoral person actively in the end, and it has no value.
seeks to be disruptive in society and to
Aboreans embrace a similar sort of idocy
overturn morality. An amoral one simply
as the Sodreans see it. Life is important
believes that morality doesn’t mean
yes, but only if it can be used to serve
anything. This having been said, Sodreans
you. If its existence doesn’t benefit you,
have no compulsions about acting in a
why care?
moral fashion if this helps them get
The problem is that Sodreans don’t Valrean (White)
usually have a problem with doing
“There is no value in being alone,
anything to get ahead. They don’t pass
moral or ethical judgements on their serving oneself. Each of us are
actions, they just evaluate whether or not impermanent shadows in a greater
the action is a good idea. Stealing is a play – and he who serves only
good idea only if you’re sure you can get himself serves a shadow that will
away with it. Other Sodreans don’t feel pass away into nothing as a flower
that the problems created defying the in the wind.”
local laws are worth their trouble. These
are the types who will do everything they ~ +Princess Anatole.
can within the law to get ahead. And
these guys are no less Sodrean than their “The needs of the many outweigh the
outlaw counterparts, though they do have needs of the few, or the one.” This
more of an air of respectability. sentiment is the key of the Valrean
In Balcridreans the Sodreans have an alignment, the alignment of peace,
ally who is willing to learn whatever is harmony, order and community. This is
necessary to get ahead. Balcrideans the alignment of paladins and monks,
each of which follow and excersize rigid there are few among us that would call
discipline in their training and in their facism good.
Valreans believe in a set of moral laws
Global harmony for all people is the goal and that these laws should be followed at
of the Valreans. To achieve this harmony, all times. Morality, to Valreans, is cut and
Valreans embrace and use law. Valreans dried – there are no shades of grey. In
also have the most extensively codified addition to this, Valreans have a highly
and developed religions, though gods developed sense of honor. Honor defines
exist in every alignment – there worship is an individuals place in society, and a slight
strongest in the alignment were to a Valrean’s honor will provoke a fight.
subservience is a virtue.
In the Aboreans the Valreans see an ally
It is easy to call the Valrean mindset the who shares their love of community and
“good” alignment of Dusk, but this would order, albeit natural order. If only the
be a mistake. True, Valreans thought Aboreans would go by the book more
espouses many of the moral laws most instead of following their gut.
people would call good – The sanctity of
In Balcridreans the Valreans find an ally
human life, peace, harmony, and so on.
who loves learning and order, though they
But Valreans also believe that individuals
are bit too inclined to delve into things
can and must be sacrificed for the good of
best left alone for Valrean tastes.
their society, though that sacrifice should
be voluntary if it must be enforced, so be To the Valreans, the Sodreans are a
it. Valreans also believe that those outside blight. Their complete lack of moral
the group have no rights whatsoever. sensibility and respect for moral authority
Before calling Valrea good consider that makes them dangerous mavericks at best
facism is a very Valrean concept, and and enemies that must be destroyed at

worst. If the Valreans are ever to have therefore only detail those deities that
harmony, the Sodreans must be wiped player characters are likely to follow.
And the Shunreans? The Valreans
cannot and will not tolerate their constant
disregard for civil authority and their While strongest on the Isle of Telzoa itself,
attempts to drive the world into chaos and Telensitary is found throughout Losineris
anarchy. If the world is to ever know and northern Delcerni in one form or
peace the Shunreans must be put down. another. In many regions though some
deities disappear from the canon of

Alignment in Play legends and tales, and others move in to

take their place.
Players begin play with one declared Telensitary is divided into five courts,
alignment. As time progresses their four of which are opposed along lines of
attunement to that alignment either grows alignment. While general clerics owe
stronger or they branch out and develop fealty to no court or power in particular,
multiple alignments. Repeated use of neither do they hold any real influence in
spells of a given color can also taint a the temple hierarchies. They do however
character's alignment. There is no harm in serve a vital role as go betweens and
having multiple colors of alignment in and messengers between the various courts,
of itself, just be aware that your character and their importance has risen
counts for all the alignment colors he has. significantly since the beginning of the
Some classes require that a character Pentalist incursions (See Pentalism).
have a certain alignment be dominant – in Clerics can be found in the service of all
other words most of the character's courts save Siliani, which exclusively has
alignment history must fall in line with druids in its service.
that of the class. The paladin class
however requires its members to be
purely Valrean with no deviation.
“Behold the light of truth, hear the chorus of justice,
Alignments never disappear from a and obey”
character unless purged away with an
atonement spell. ~ +The Tedisa, Book I, Canto 30

Religion The court of Aurnon and its deities have a

well-deserved reputation for conservatism
“All serve someone, whether they are aware of it or and reactionary behavior. Of the five
not.” courts of Telzoa, Aurnon is the most
vehement in its persecution of Pentalist
~ +Sirrom priests regardless of the aims they may
profess unto. Aurnon is without doubt the
Religion plays a significant role in the lives most politically powerful court, with many
of the Telzoan people. Both gods and kings and nobles professing faith in Tean
priests are quite active and demonstrate and placing large donations into the court.
their power on a regular basis. The Enemies of the court snidely remark that
humans of Telzoa practice a faith knowns the priests have duty first to their earthly
as “Telensitary,” meaning “The Way,” patrons before higher matters are
though a new religion – Pentalism, has concerned. Aurnon views its detractors as
begun to enter the region. On top of this simply another burden to bear.
each of the major races has deities
Militarily Aurnon is stronger than the
dedicated to themselves. This book will
other courts combined. Fortunately for
the others the large court can never seem
to bring it's might to bear. Also Aurnon mind and the body are kept pure. Justice
has considerable resources tied up in the is achieved through obedience to
attempt to quell the now 200-year-old war authority, and all just authority is divine in
of succession in Telzoa. Despite these nature so to defy a king is to defy Tean
problems no one questions the virtue of himself.
the temples, or of its champions the
paladins (All paladins of Telzoa serve court The Clergy
Priests of Tean are found in the larger

cities of Telzoa acting as emissaries and
advisors to the noble rulers of the island.
Paladins act as direct agents for these
priests as they are bound by code to defer
to these priests before any others.
The Watching One, Lord Ceremonial vestments of the priests are
of Burning Eyes white with red skullcaps. Higher priests
use gold embroidery of varying degrees of
Symbol: A twin Sunburst complexity - the degree of which is
Alignment: White determined by the rank of the priest.
Portfolio: The Twin Suns, Justice, Duty,
Honor, Chivalry
Domains: Glory, Justice, Purity,
History & Relationships
Renewal, Retribution, Sun The faith of Tean predates most of the
Favored Weapon: The Longsword other deities of the pantheon except for
Senda, goddess of the night and the
The Power principle nemesis to the lord of the twin
suns. Tean rules over Court Aurnon with
Tean is Lord of the twin suns of mostly unquestioned authority (Matacha is
Carthasana, which are said by legend to the most likely to disobey, and then only
be his burning eyes as they watch the rarely).
world. He is final judge of the dead that
are brought before him by Matacha and Tean particularly hates individuals who
Kepho, whose actions he weighs before are unwilling to be open and honest in
turning them over to one of those two to their affairs with others and deities that
do with as they please. He is the patron espouse secrecy in any form for any
of duty, honor and chivalry, and the reason draw his ire. This causes
precepts of these have said to have been occasional friction with Matacha as she is
passed down to mortals from his hand. a guardian of the secrets of the dead that
went with them to the grave. Tean
Tean is depicted as a young man with however loathes the entire Shadrean court
fire red hair, glowing all white eyes which more strongly than any other deity of his
project beams of light which can part any own court and most of his efforts and
shadow. His skin is white yet glows with a those of his priests remain focused on
golden hue. He wields a longsword thwarting the aims of Senda and her
named in legend as Landrasindrel. His allies.
armor, when he chooses to wear such, is
made of pure gold.

The Ethos
Tean's faithful are ethically and morally
unreproachable, save for those who resent
its purity. His priests teach that the light
of the soul can shine from within if the


come if one leads an evil life. This life
is but a test meant to earn the right to
paradise in the beyond - those who
succeed are fated to be rewarded by
Matacha (or their patron god in the
The Shepherdess, Lady of Regret case of priests). Those who fail are to
Symbol: The Crow be turned over to Kepho to be
Alignment: White/Black punished and tortured as he wills.
Portfolio: Natural Death, The 1st Moon,
The Good Aligned Dead. The Clergy
Domains: Fate, Guardian, Protection, Priests of Matacha wander the island with
Purity, Rest copies of the enigmatic Ruandi Nombren,
Favored Weapon: Morningstar a roll containing the names of all souls
born and died in this world. It is said that
The Power when a name is recorded into a priest's
As one of the two Gods of Death and the Ruandi Nombren, it appears in the copy
Dead, Matacha and those who worship her held by Matacha herself and used as a
are most curious individuals indeed. The ledger to track the movement of souls.
general populace of Telzoa fear her, for Ceremonial garments are deep black
Tean's wrath has been expressed through gowns and cloaks with hoods drawn over
her, and many in the whole island the head. Priests where thin veils which
remember her visitation on the night of force anyone to be very close to them to
the first anniversary of the destruction of actually recognize them. As this dress is
Castle Maldanca by the Milicsundrians very similar to Senda's priests many of
when 112 noble children died in their the priests of Matacha accent their garb
sleep - the same as the number of priests with a bright white sash.
murdered one year before by King Salsis.
Normally though Matacha's purpose is History & Relationships
guardian of natural death. She abhors the
existence of the undead and charges her The sister of Kepho in life, Matacha’s
priests with the task of destroying all such hatred of the god of the damned runs as
creatures they encounter. deep as the betrayal between the two.
According to legend the prior god of the
Matacha is depicted as a middle aged dead, Sekoon had promised all of his
woman who, while certainly not young, power to Kepho and that Matacha had
has yet to really show her age. Her interrupted the ritual meant to bring about
visage exudes a silent strength to it, yet the transfer of that power. In response
the weariness of age. Her eyes and hair Sekoon chose to split his powers between
are raven black. She is always dressed the two and be content to see them both
with a black cloak and a white gown. She tormented for eternity while torturing one
is also said to be able to shape change another. Sekoon’s priests still teach that
into a crow at will, and superstition holds one day their dark lord shall tire of this
that she takes this form when she ferries game and take back what is his. Whatever
dead souls to the beyond. truths lie behind the legends lie deep
Matacha also rules over the nearest though and are largely lost to time.
moon of the sky as it nightly moves amid Matacha remains Aurnon’s most
the celestial sea of souls. mercurial deity given to boughts of rage
particularly when her plans are thwarted,
The Ethos but despite her temper she has a heart of
The teachings of the priesthood are gold and is deeply caring for all she calls
dominated by warnings of the dangers to friends. She is however one of the more
dangerous deities to call an enemy.
The Clergy
Cuvanill's priests guard the temple
establishments of Aurnon and defend
them without question, to the bitter end.
If assigned to protect someone a priest of
The Mother of Mothers, Lady Cuvanill will not live to see them harmed.
of the Shield The stalwart reputation of the priests
Symbol: A Gold Shield proceed them, and their enemies loathe
Alignment: White/Red having to fight them. Cuvanill's priests
Portfolio: Defensive War, Mothers, are often assigned the duty of protecting
Protection key positions in a fight - and as such
Domains: Community, Family, Purity, when they see fighting, they find
Strength, War themselves in the thick of it.
Favored Weapon: Longspear
Outside of combat the clerics were
simple white robes with a red sash and a
The Power polished gold-tinted wooden shield. These
She of the shield, Cuvanill is stubborn and ceremonial shields are rarely, if ever
resolute goddess of defense and actually used in combat.
protection. She is the sworn enemy of
Sana, the Goddess of Aggressive War and History & Relationships
Slaughter. While a skilled warrior,
Cuvanill hates war craft and battle and Mother of Chiantu, demi-goddess of
prefers the ways of peace. But she and children, Cuvanill is one of the more
her followers recognize the inevitability of popular deities throughout Telzoa. She is
war as long as evil hearts exist in the also one of the more fickle deities of
world and the necessity of preparing to Aurnon as one might suppose from her
combat them and drive them back into white/red alignment. Her principle enemy
the darkness from which they came. is Sana, the goddess of aggression and
aggressive war. While the methods of the
Cuvanill is depicted as matronly figure in two deities are very similar, their aims
full plate armor and a full body shield of could not be more different. Cuvanill uses
light in her left hand. In her right hand the tools of chaos to try to insure order
she holds a halberd which is her weapon remains preeminate – while Sana uses
of choice. She is also often depicted carefully planned strategy and order in an
without any arms and in the company of attempt to bring about the chaos of total
children - for she is patron of motherhood. unending war. Few deities in the Telensia
Just as their is no end to a mother's love tary religion are more diametrically
and willingness to protect her children, so opposed than these two.
too does Cuvanill show no lack of
compassion or love as she smites those
who would harm her priests or children.

The Ethos
War is evil - yet it must be fought when
brought unto you. There is no honor in
surrendering to oppression, no good in
allowing the wicked to rule the virtuous.
One prepared for war does not invite
attack, and if vigilance and preparation
prevents war so much the better. The
strong must protect the weak.


combined give dignity to the individual -
which is a very different thing from pride.
Most Rosalynn followers are quiet
introverts preferring to demonstrate their
teachings through action.

The Martyred One, Lady of The Clergy

Symbol: A Crying Eye The worshippers of Rosalynn are very few
Alignment: White/Green in number, but their impact can be great.
Portfolio: Suffering, Matyrs All the other priests of Aurnon have a
grave amount of respect for the priests
Domains: Aid, Healing, Purity who take, embrace and endure what is
Favored Weapon: None sometimes called the "quiet path."
The ceremonial vestments of the
The Power Rosalites are black but often tattered, for
these priests own only their priestly habits
Known as the "Martyred Goddess,"
and forsake many other possessions.
Rosalynn is one of two deities in the
They also tie a red necklace of woven
pantheon held to have ascended from a
hemp about their necks to symbolize their
mortal state after giving up her life to
matron's death wound.
protect her people from the tyranny of her
father. Though the circumstances of her
death and the heroism of her actions History & Relationships
change from telling to telling of the story, The name of the goddess Rosalynn
Rosalynn's actions are always seen as changes more frequently from land to land
pivotal in saving her people from than any other. Of the deites, she and her
darkness. The truth of the matter is itself father Berenash are the most recently
lost to time. ascended mortals of the pantheon. Where
Today Rosalynn is seen as the willing most ascended deities work to hide their
sufferer, the one who takes mantle of mortal lives, Rosalynn embraces it and
other's burden's upon themselves. Hers is critics say embellishes it.
not a popular faith to follow, although the In life she was a princess of an empire –
line of persons willing to take advantage most say the Malchani, but since she was
of the charity of her priests remains long. a goddess during the time of this empire it
Rosalynn's avatar is said to be that she is more likely that she ascended prior to
had just after death - a girl of fourteen this empire’s rise. She foiled a plot by her
years whose throat has been cut open father by destroying an artifact he had
with a knife. Due to this injury she cannot used to become a god. In so doing she
speak, and her priests similarly do not ascended herself and was placed in a
speak in their temples and only very position to administer and see to those
rarely will they quietly speak outside such afflicted by her father and his agents.
circumstances. In order to communicate Rosalynn’s faith is not a popular one,
despite this practice the priests have but it given a silent honor and prestige by
developed an elaborate sign language. most other priests and the allied priests of
Aurnon will fight to protect the priests of
The Ethos Rosalynn regardless of their ability to
defend themselves. Cuvanill and her
Humble thyself not only before the gods,
priests are particularly protective of
but also before your fellow man. Nothing
Rosalynn as the goddess Cuvanill sees
in the world is as worthless as empty
Rosalynn as an adopted daughter of sorts,
pride. The next greatest virtue to a priest
of Rosalynn is patience, and both
and some speculate Rosalynn worshipped interpretation of the law (a function of
Cuvanill while she was mortal. Tean's power and position) Gintuse often
throws himself willingly into the role of

devil's advocate in the debates of the
Gintuse is depicted as a scholar - strong
and robust for such an individual, but a
The Scribe of Law, Keeper of scholar all the same. Most paintings and
the Tomes statuary paint him as balding with the hair
on the back of his head and his beard
Symbol: A scroll
Alignment: White/Blue both flowing to his waist. He usually
Portfolio: Literature, Law, Knowledge carries a book or scroll and the more
Known tedious, realistic renderings of him stain
Domains: Knowledge, Purity, Scribe his fingertips with ink ever so slightly to
Favored Weapon: Staff signify his roll as scribe of the gods.

The Power The Ethos

Gintuse is the Lord of Scribes, Law and all Knowledge must be preserved - to be
preserved it must be written - and once
knowledge known to man. It is he that is
charged with the guarding and protection written it must be guarded. This applies
of the written word - and to his eyes all equally to evil as well as to good
literature, for good or ill, must be knowledge, although those things man is
preserved. While not charged with the not meant to know must be sealed away
and left only as a weapon to combat it

should that knowledge be rediscovered by deal of the court's time is spent redressing
the wicked. lapses in better judgment.
Ever since Rizaldi and Aurnon came to a
The Clergy tenuous peace some 270 years ago the
The most pedantic members of Aurnon, two sub-religions have had a strained
the priests and devotees of Gintuse urge history. More than once individual priests
caution to the point that caution itself have come to blows, and while the two
becomes risky. As a result of this courts do not officially war, they do keep
tendency priests of Gintuse are more their fences hedged high and try to stay
sedentary and don't range far afield. away from each other's affairs. Most of
the arguments between the two arise
Gintuse's priests have a bit of a rivalry when they attempt to cooperate.
with Matacha and her brood despite the
two being allies. Gintuse is somewhat Rizaldi espouses the virtue of freedom
critical of Matacha for often thinking with and its priests argue against any strictures
her heart instead of her head, and his to it save one - freedom must be given to
priests follow through with this accusation all, and any act that restricts the freedom
on her followers. The rivalry is not heated of another cannot be taken. Rizaldans
though, as each group recognizes the often recklessly exploit their own freedom,
needs of the others role - but they are at to the point of disgusting outsiders. For
ends with each other when trying to example Rizaldans usually walk nude
influence the other three. within the confines of their own temples,
for why conceal the bodies the gods have
History & Relationships so perfectly made?

Gintuse is a great fan of the status quo

and in any meeting among the deities he
is always the voice advocating caution and
deliberation before action, even to the
point of annoying his allies. Gintuse
counts deities with no regard for law as
his most bitter enemies, and his
relationship with the frolicking court of
Rizaldi is worse than any other member of

“A passionate heart knows more than all the libraries
of the world.”

~ +Alisiana of Cuane

The popular Court of Roses is as chaotic
as Aurnon is lawful, and while Aurnon
follows a doctrine of spiritual fulfillment,
Rizaldi espouses a philosophy of earthly
pursuit and hedonistic pleasure. Rizaldan
priests indulge themselves to the brink of
hedonism and sometimes beyond.
Though none of them would ever
intentionally harm someone else, they
occasionally do so by accident and a good
Rizaldi is unique among the four courts His Enchanting Lady - with that lesson in
for its lack of hierarchy. A Rizaldan hand teach love to all.
temple has a floor plan that lacks
procession or altar. The temples are laid The Clergy
out in radial around the deity statue and
no one person has status over the others. Cuane's personal following is a sorority -
While there are certainly priests that there are no men in her following -
maintain and guard the structure and fight contrawise women do not follow Poen her
to defend the faith, they take no husband. There is a duality between
prominence in prayer. All are equal these two orders, and many of the priests
before His Enchanting Lady and Her and priestesses are married. Marriage is
Eternal Consort. not a contract between Rizaldans as it is
between dedicates of Aurnon. It

is a spiritual bond. Neither is
sexual contact exclusive to the
marriage, although it is still
somewhat taboo there are
justifications. Adultery does not
Of the Waves, Lady of Dance. carry the connotations of betrayal
Symbol: Right half of a heart among the Rizaldans that it does
in the shape of a face. in our culture or the followers of
Alignment: Red/Blue Aurnon. This "free love" principle
Portfolio: Love, The Sea, Poen (left) and Cuane’s is one of the strongest points of
Feminine Beauty, Dance combined holy symbol. contention between the courts.
Priestly vestments are bright
Domains: Charm, Community, Family, pink and blue ribbons that barely conceal
Liberation, Sea, Water the wearer's breasts or genitals. Rose
Favored Weapon: The Bow and flower garlands complete the outfit
and have given rise to the nickname
The Power "flower-children." Cuane's priests find the
His Enchanting Lady of the Roses, of the nickname amusing, but far from formal.
waves, of the dances, of charm - Cuane Outside their temples the priestesses
has many titles that Rizaldans use in front dress to allure, but within the constraints
of outsiders, but among them she is of the local culture and law.
simply "Cu." Her name comes from the
Liternanin Cu for "Love" and Anne History & Relationships
meaning "Grace," hence "Beloved Grace." For as long as anyone can remember the
Cuane rules over the sea - and like it she god and goddess of love have been tied
can be beautiful in her calm and terrible together in the Rizaldian mythos. To
when enraged. Her depictions are speak of one without mentioning the other
impossibly beautiful - for she is the is largely pointless for the two remain as
Goddess of Feminine Beauty. And with inseperable as they teach their priests to
the waves it is said that she invented and be.
is the Patroness of Dance.
Cuane is the more vocal of the pair in
most tales, and she isn’t shy about who
The Ethos she considers friend or foe. She despises
Love. Do whatever the hell you want, but Gintuse of the court of Aurnon but will
love. Insure freedom for all and love. tolerate him to maintain a tenuous peace.
Bring beauty to world, and do it with love. She considers the very mention of the
You must learn to love yourself to truly name Sekoon to be an affront and her
know how to love anyone else, including priests will attack his on site.


some areas give him a beard. It is rare to
see him or Cuane depicted alone - they
are almost always together.

The Ethos
Of the Skies, Lord of Song Love. Essentially the same as Cuane's
Symbol: Left half of a heart in the shape ethos - love others, but Poen also teaches
of a face. faith. One should not spend their seed
Alignment: Red/Blue upon those whose potential children you
Portfolio: Love, The Sky, Bards, cannot care for or protect. Life is sacred.
Masculine Beauty, Music It is the duty of women to create it, men
Domains: Air, Charm, Guardian, to protect it, and of both to serve it.
Liberation, Music, Protection Poen's priests are the most forward
Favored Weapon: Bow thinking on the island where women's
rights are concerned.
The Power
Her Enchanting Consort is the title by The Clergy
which Poen (Liternanin meaning, Poen is followed by a fraternity - no
"Guards") is usually addressed, and it women are in his direct following just as
implies that his is a secondary role in the no men follow his wife Cuane. Priestly
pantheon. This is partially true - Cuane vestments are scarlet and deep blue and
does most of the speaking for the two, but are everybit as skimpy (often moreso) as
his role is quite strong. All the waters of the garments worn by Cuane's following.
the world flow into the sea, and all those
waters come from the sky - just as the
waters of a man flow into his spouse to
History & Relationships
plant the seed of new life. Such sexual There are those who underestimate the
metaphors are constant within Rizaldan lord of bards severly since he allows
doctrine. Woman may hold the waters Cuane to speak for him most of the time.
from which new life springs, but man is However, he does speak on his own behalf
required to protect her especially when when necessary, though he has never
she bears such burdens. Some sects also been known to publically break with
hold that while a woman must give birth Cuane. He keeps the same list of enemies
to the body of a child her husband must as she, and Sekoon – God of Hate and
mediate at the same time in order to give Strife is nearly always at the top of that
birth to the soul. list.

Poen rules all things that flow into the
sea from the sky. He is therefore Lord of
the Sky, though things within the sky are
the properties of other deities. He rules
the rivers and streams that flow to the
sea. The sound of their flowing gives rise Of the Smith, Lord of Craft
to the first music, and he is the Patron of Symbol: A workman's
Music. Dance without Music is not whole, hammer
and neither is Music without dance whole. Alignment: Red/White
Two make one. Portfolio: Crafts, Invention
Poen is depicted as an impossibly Domains: Artifice, Creation, Knowledge,
handsome man as befits his status as Lord Liberation, Metal
of Masculine Beauty. He is robust and Favored Weapon: The Warhammer
well formed, but not overly so. He is
usually depicted as clean-shaven, though
The Power
The Lord of Artifice, Balaxa is the
craftman of the gods. He is at least
partially responsible for the creation of
many of the artifacts wielded by his fellow
powers, and his priests have likewise Of the Merchants, Lord of
created many of the magic items that Coins
exist in Telzoa. Balaxa rules over the Symbol: A coin
creative arts and the products of those Alignment: Red/Black
arts are highly sought by mortals and Portfolio: Commerce, Travel and
occasionally even the gods. Messengers.
Domains: Liberation, Trade, Travel
Balaxa is depicted as an incredibly well Favored Weapon: The Mace
muscled blacksmith or weapon smith,
although occasionally he is depicted as a
painter or sculptor. He always has a thick
The Power
beard, piercing blue eyes and a powerful Seloku is the known as the Lord of Coins.
figure. Within his purview are all matter of
exchanges made with the aim of profit by
The Ethos one or both parties so long as they are
done in good faith. Seloku is a guardian
Within the act of creation lies the renewal of travelers and roads. He is the sworn
of the world. When a new invention or enemy of Tharpoen, thieves and all who
item is first used the world changes. As would disrupt free trade.
an artisan, you are responsible to see to it
that such changes are for the good of all Seloku is depicted in much the same
mankind. way as any merchant except that his
wealth abounds about him - coins are
often stacked all the way to the ceiling in
The Clergy most paintings depicting him. He has
Balaxa is followed by artisans of all shoulder length black hair and is usually
callings and many of his clergy members mustachioed.
are likewise skilled artisans. His priests
regularly create magic items of varying The Ethos
degrees of power - and those who would
seek to buy a magic item know that these Wealth promotes wealth. Gold should not
priests are often the first group to contact. be horded - it should be invested in
ventures to gain ever more gold. Wealth
Priestly vestments are simple brown is not a matter of one person ending up
tunics over white breeches and with everything - wealth creates more
undertunics. Most priests wear a belt that wealth for everyone, but especially for
holds the tools of their favorite craft. those who promote it's acquisition. A coin
in the pocket is as worthless as the lint -
History & Relationships to have value it must be used in trade.
Balaxa is interested solely in creative
tasks and counts as his enemy those who The Clergy
destroy his creations. This puts him in a Seloku's priests rank among the
bit of a bind when devices of war are wealthiest individuals on the islands. He
pitted against devices of peace. Balaxa actually has temples of his own separate
rarely chooses to take sides instead from the rest of Rizaldi, and these
providing arms to all sides of a conflict so establishments function much as banks do
long as they do not engage in destruction in our own world. Some of the priests
for it’s own sake. have even begun the practice of insuring

goods - though the profit in this is as yet The Ethos
Have fun at any cost. Push life to it's
In ceremony the clergy wear as much limits. Living without pleasure is not
gold as they can afford in jewelery and living at all. Bring humor to the world and
other nick nacks. The main fabric of their spread joy and laughter - even if this
costumes are plain white with gold thread means making some self-righteous boob
coin designs upon them. High priests the butt of one or more jokes. Never let
tend to wear silk instead of cotton. an ego go by unscatched - teach the
arrogant the true value of humility
History & Relationships through humiliation. But in all this
wildness, don't kill or seriously injure
Perhaps one of the more pragmatic deities
anyone - you can't play anymore pranks
of the Telzoan faith, Seloku has no qualms
on them if that happens.
about whom he deals with so long as the
basic needs of commerce are served.
Seloku tries to remain neutral as possible The Clergy
in conflicts – for while conflicts may Many whisper that all of Terix's clergy are
disrupt trade they also make an arms insane - and while many of his devotees
merchant’s living. Unlike most of the are, not all of them could be certainly.
deities who have decided enemies Seloku Can they? Terix's priests often serve as
is at least on icy terms even with deities jesters, entertainers and other never-do-
such as Sekoon. As such he is usually wells. Bards that entertain by means
chosen to be Rizaldi’s ambassador to the other than music often swear fealty to
other courts whether he wants to be or Terix. Terix's clergy rarely gather in
not. ceremonies exclusive to themselves, and
beyond the carrying of the holy symbol of

+Terix the order – an unmarked die - they do not

have anything approaching an organized
set of clerical vestments.

Of the Laughter, Lord

History & Relationships
Fool Mad Terix is at the center of many a
Symbol: An unmarked bard's tale by fireside. Accounts of his
Die chicanery upon the other figures of the
Alignment: Red pantheon, and even within his own court
Portfolio: Luck, Chaos, Rogues, are legendary and grow with each telling.
Madness, Trickery One tale recalls how he, spurned by
Domains: Liberation, Luck, Trickery Cuane, cut off her hair and presented it to
Favored Weapon: The Blackjack. the other gods, much to her
embarrassment. Almost all the other
The Power gods have at least one run in with Terix,
and all of them tend to keep him at arms
Terix is depicted as a young child of reach least they become the target of his
indeterminate sex with an ever-present next prank.
smile crawling across his face. Everything
is a delight to him, and his eyes are in Despite his happy go lucky nature Terix
constant wonder. Perhaps this is the does have some confirmed enemies. His
reason why he is constantly getting into hatred for Sekoon and his allies is
trouble. More likely it's because he lacks complete since they were responsible for
any sense of control. the death of Terix's mother, Tersha,
within the last century.
Damosi about everyone, even their "ally" Shadrea.

“I could stip the skin from his flesh, flay the flesh The Damosin doctrine is one of rule by
oppression, fear and malice. Theirs is an
from his bones, and bake his bones dry and still not be
organized evil - rarely overt, but
satisfied that he had suffered enough.”
dangerous nonetheless. And while there
are few professed clerics of the various
~ +Griselda the Shaded. Damosin orders, there are more than
enough Rogues and Blackguards about
The Court of Hatred reviles everyone and whom through the forwarding of their own
everything around it, and has a knack for agendas further the agenda of the Court
receiving much the same treatment. of Hate.
Damosi has a tenuous alliance with
Shadrea insomuch as the two courts avoid By necessity Damosi is more or less
getting in each other's way and underground. As the traditional enemy of
occasionally they will work together to the Rizaldan court it was drawn into
keep the Aurnon / Rizaldi alliance from Telensitary's networks of myths. If there
wiping them both from the landscape of was a deal cut by the deities involved at
the Telzoan island. this time no mortal is privy to it.

While the precious few priests of this Damosi is not as underground as Court
order worry about this constantly, the Shadrea though. In strife torn areas
gods of this court seem to thrive with temples to Apenca are frequently seen,
comparatively little direct prayer or and the other four deities are never far
worship. If a god's power is based on the behind. Most Damosin sacred sites are
number of people that acknowledge their privately owned - for instance no
existence though it is easy to see why this assassin's guild is complete without a
court's deities continue to thrive even as small shrine to Tharpoen.

their followers flounder and rarely mount
any serious offensive against their sworn
enemies which include, incidently, just

The Black, Lord of Hate

Symbol: A black flame on a
red field
Alignment: Black/Red
Portfolio: Fire, Hate, Strife

Domains: Death, Destruction, Fire, Hate,

Infliction, Tyranny, War
Favored Weapon: Spear

The Power
No deity in the Telensitaran pantheon is
capacle of eliciting as strong a set of
reactions as Sekoon. While his power as
the god of fire is undeniable and his sway
over dark thoughts is irrefutable, Sekoon
is still rarely mentioned, and then either in
contempt or fear, and often both. Sekoon
has few clerics, but many men swear by
his name when cursing their enemies.

Occasionally, it is whispered, the Lord of the father of several major demon and
Hate answers their call. devil lords, some of which aspire to
become gods in their own right.
Long ago it is said Sekoon had the

ability to take on a handsome young man
who could beguile anyone and turn the
hearts of men against each other at a
glance. While the legends conflict as to
why, it is known that currently Sekoon
cannot take any form that is pleasing to The Bitch, Lady of Pain
the eye - outside of that restriction he can Symbol: A barbed whip
(and does) take any form he wishes. His Alignment: Black
favored form is a pillar of black fire. He is Portfolio: Torture, Agony, Contempt
not known to take any remotely human Domains: Fury, Hate, Infliction, Pain,
looking form, neither is he depicted in Trickery
such forms in temple art. Favored Weapon: Whip

The Ethos The Power

Love is a lie. Dreams are a lie. The truth Tela has earned the tile of "Bitch Among
is to be found in the cold reality of hatred. the Gods," by alienating virtually everyone
Hatred is a fire that can burn away all around her except her father, Sekoon, and
weakness and temper the soul. Only a her few priests. Paranoid and prone to
coward forgives, only a fool sets his lash out at anyone, including her own
differences behind. If someone offends faithful at the slightest provocation, Tela
you, then they are your enemy. Enemies represents all that is ugly in human
are to be hated until the day they die - nature. She and her clerics share a love
and it is your duty to hasten the arrival of in inflicting pain and agony upon others
that moment if you can without frequently. Whatever hatreds, contempts
compromising greater goals. and fustrations cannot be taken out on the
source are usually taken out on hapless
The Clergy victims.
Faith in Sekoon is rarely open. His priests Tela is depicted as a beautiful young
usually dodge the question when asked woman with a narrow scar that runs down
about the source of their powers, or feign her right cheek - a wound given to her by
being wizards and save their healing her sister Sana whom she tried to usurp
magics for themselves. Then there are with her father's help. Sana has since
those few clerics that are powerful enough migrated to Court Shadrea. Tela is
to not give a damn about who knows if usually to be found carrying one or more
they are a cleric of the Black Lord. instruments of torture, and her face is
In ceremony the clerics of Sekoon wear usually in glee from inflicting pain, or a
dark grey robes trimmed in bright red fire horrible scowl.
The Ethos
History & Relationships Do unto others before they do unto you.
Sekoon rules Damosi by fear alone. Only Strike them and hurt them both physically
his daughter Tela is remotely close to him, and emotionally - let them know that they
and his other children – Sana, Char, and live only by your grace - a grace you will
Tharpoen stay apart from him much of the dismiss at the slightest provocation or
time – two even going so far as to join failure on their part. As to those you
other courts. Sekoon has also had liasons cannot control - kill them.
with numerous demons and devils and is
The Clergy him are depicted as being tortured,
already slain, or enslaved.
As with Sekoon, Tela's following is sparse
at best. The priests do keep in fairly good
contact with each other, but range far
The Ethos
afield lest they get on each other's nerves, The weak exist only to serve the strong.
with usually fatal consequences. In If something is weak you either control it
ceremony the priests wear maroon robes or kill it - anything else grants it more
with black trim. honor than it deserves. Rule by fear - for
no other form of rule is consistent or
History & Relationships strong. Show no weakness - or be
prepared to fall as a consequence of that
Tela’s most prominent enemy is Rosalynn weakness.
who represents resistance to her attacks
and teachings of brutality. That said, few
if any deities call her friend. As
The Clergy
permiscuous as her father, Tela has Aside from Apenca, Berenash's clergy are
birthed several fiends of the lower planes the most visible members of Damosi.
personally and has set them out to They are always scheming to gain control
torment the world of Carthasana and of some group or power structure. The
others. ongoing Succession War has given them
many opportunities to thrive. In ceremony

Berenash's priests wear white robes with
silver trim.

History & Relationships

Father of Rosalynn, priests of Berenash
The Fallen, Lord Strife hunt the priests of his daughter with great
Symbol: A broken crown vigor in vengeance for the fall of the
Alignment: Black/White deity’s mortal empire. Berenash keeps
Portfolio: Tyranny, only allies of convenience and will betray
Slavery, Oppression even long term acquaintences to advance
Domains: Discord, Earth, his goals. As such no deity in the
Hate, Nobility, Tyrrany pantheon, even those in court Damosi,
Favored Weapon: The trust Berenash or his following, but this
Partisan works just fine in the court where none of
the members trust one another.
The Power
Legend holds that Berenash once
controlled an empire of unimaginable
power in the centuries preceding even the
Malchani Empire (Though many scribes
believe this to be a boast). Through
treachery or, some say, his own will his
empire fell apart and Berenash was taken
into the depths by Sekoon himself to
serve at the Black Lord's right hand.
Whatever the case, few doubt Berenash's
qualifications for the post.
The Lord of Tyranny, Berenash is
depicted in temple art as a resplendent
king to whom all bow. Those who oppose


History & Relationships
Son of Tersha, the former goddess of luck,
and Sekoon, half-brother to Terix,
Tharpoen has at least a macabre sense of
humor as befits his maternal lineage, and
The Assassin, Lord Murder his priests share this insofar as to make
Symbol: A dagger sheathed in a sure that the assassinations they perform
vial of poison have some ironic humor to the victims
Alignment: Black/Blue death – though this isn’t required. So
Portfolio: Conspiracy, Intrigue, while an assassin may poison food, an
Murder assassin of Tharpoen would go to some
Domains: Death, Hate, Stealth pain to make sure it was the victim’s
Favored Weapon: Dagger favorite food that contained the fatal
The Power Both Tharpoen and his priests are fairly
Tharpoen is rarely mentioned directly in insular – available for hire but rarely
any temple's literature, but he and his making any long lasting agreements.
agents are never far from the mind of any

deity or priest. Numerous times in the
past he has assassinated his fellow gods,
most recently Tersha - the former
Goddess of Luck and Insanity (portfolios
that fell to her son Terix). His priests
likewise tend to dispose of their enemies The Black Hand, Lady of
quietly. Vengeance
Symbol: A coiled black
Tharpoen is the known as The Assassin,
a title that fits him well since he is also
Alignment: Black/Green
Lord of Conspiracies and Intrigues. The
Portfolio: Retribution,
two go well together, especially when
coupled with his control of murder.
Domains: Hate, Retribution, Strength
When Tharpoen is depicted at all in Favorite Weapon: Hand Ax
temple art it is a shadowy, vaguely human
form with, occasionally, a dagger visible. The Power
Known among detractors as Her Lady of
The Ethos the Eternal Grudge, Apenca has a long list
The foolish advertise their strength. The of enemies befitting one known to never
wise strike silently from the shadows, forgive. This attitude of hers falls through
leaving no survivor and no clue as to the to her priests, many of whom would be
identidy, let alone the strength of the otherwise ‘good’ souls were it not for a
attacker. Let others take risks for you, persecution complex so deeply rooted in
then reap the rewards through their their psyche’s that they lash out at any
elimination while they are yet weak. they perceive to be wronging them.
Apenca rules over this hatred in all men’s
The Clergy hearts – the third for revenge regardless
of its justification and regardless of the
Most of Tharpoen's followers are slight.
assassins, and his clerics make especially
potent members of that class once they Apenca is depicted as a ravenhaired lady
reach the requisite level to enter it. clad in full plate and holding an ax legends
call Milcarda. She has recently been
depicted more and more often with
Sekoon, and some legends hold that the
two have married. Shadrea
“Shadows know the one secret the light shall never
The Ethos pierce though it shall always foolishly believe – Purity
Trust no one. Trust nothing. Everyone is a lie.”
has an agenda that is to pursued at your
expense. No one is truly benevolent - ~ +Kerith
they always have altruistic motives. Hurt
those that wrong you. Slay those who The enigmatic Court of Shadow, Shadrea
threaten your life. Punish the crime and its agents are feared by all other
before it can be done – for thought alone courts. Little is known of the court by
is guilt enough. outsiders beyond the identidy of the
deities which grant their spells and answer
The Clergy their prayers. Their agendas, motives,
Apenca’s role in Damosi is a very uneasy powers, resources and number are all
one for her clerics, then again they are a secret, and numerous murders of spies
group that has enough trouble and would be traitors have worked to
cooperating with each other – let alone insure it will remain so.
with the other clerics in this court, and Shadrea is sometimes known as the
given their choice of allies even a paladin Court of Whispering Death. Where
can understand their sense of paranoia. Damosi destroys, Shadrea corrupts, and
There is a great deal of distrust between for this reason more than any other all
Apenca’s flock and Tharpoen’s, and the four other courts have a healthy fear of
two keep apart as much as possible. Shadrea, its lure and its power.
The clerical vestments of these priests While the clergy of Shadrea may be
are emerald green with yellow accents. quite underground, it’s deities are not.
Indeed, three members of the court –
History & Relationships Senda, Char and Kepho have at their
disposal some of the most powerful
She of the eternal everlasting grudge has
portfolios for havoc and destruction. More
very few friends. Apenca was Sekoon’s
often then not they obliquely employ
first wife, though most of his children are
these powers. Why then the clergy is
bastard children born to Tersha before she
underground is not understood unless one
was ultimately destroyed by Sekoon.
considers that they may be pursuing a
Apenca has slowly begun drifting away
darker agenda still.
from Sekoon’s influence since being
betrayed. Shadrean doctrine is one of corruption.
Divide and conquer is a classic theme, and
Historically Apenca was a much more
more than one conflict between Aurnon
powerful deity than she is now, but
and Rizaldi can be laid at the feet of a
Sekoon managed to pull much of her
Shadrean agent. Their world of secrecy is
portfolios away and grant them to his
necessary to protect them not only from
children. While Apenca still works with
their enemies, but also from each other.
Sekoon, she hates him deeply and above
Although Shadrea puts up a unified face,
they have a tendency to turn on each
other far more often than the other


eventually it will consume and destroy
you. There is no light that does not know
the touch of shadow. Everything is or can
be corrupted – it is only a matter of time
until this shall occur. Time itself began in
Of the Night, Lady Black darkness, and it shall end that way.

Symbol: A near black The Clergy

disk with solid
black eyes. Sendites are known to produce robes
Alignment: Black which act as cloaks of elvenkind in any
Portfolio: Darkness, amount of darkness, and they wear these
Shadow, Night, at all times. They are a very secretive lot
Corruption, Lies and tend to pose as priests of other gods
intentionally, that they might more easily
corrupt the foolish followers of other gods.
Domains: Corruption, Darkness, Death,
The faith is organized tightly despite being
Discord, Infliction, Shadow, Trickery
mostly chaotic. Priests belong to circles of
Favored Weapon: The Net
two to twelve individuals, and the number
in any circle is always even.
The Power
Lady Black has been Tean’s mortal enemy History & Relationships
since the beginning of time. The Goddess
Senda is one of the oldest powers in the
of Darkness, Shadow and Night holds
pantheon along with her natural nemesis
great power, or at least fear throughout
Tean. The creation story told in most
the land, but her hold is never complete –
areas of the world involves these two
banished completely by day and
powers. Though through the years many
weakened at night by Carthasana’s three
powerful beings have arose, few can move
moons. All the same, Telzoans have a
the people for good or ill quite as much as
great deal to fear her and the malice that
the god of light and the goddess of the
is born within her soul.
Senda is depicted as a completely near

black shadowy form, sometimes
humanoid, more often amorphous, with
two eyes that are even blacker than the
rest of her black form. If she is capacle of
other forms she has yet to adopt them.
She rarely speaks aloud, but her voice can Of Violence, Lord of
be heard as a whisper in the mind, the Storms
little voice that encourages us all to do the Symbol: A lightning bolt
wrong thing is said to be of Senda’s afore a tornado.
design. Alignment: Black/Green
Portfolio: Destruction,
The Ethos Storms, Malice,
The weak are those which foolishly believe Domains: Air, Corruption, Destruction,
that the world is clear and crystal if only Fire, Storm
the light can be brought upon it. It is the Favored Weapon: The Hammer.
light that is the lie, the truth lies in
darkness, and it is far more frightening
than any fool can comprehend. Side with
The Power
the darkness and Senda will embrace and Char. The very name can send shivers of
protect you. Fight the darkness and dread and fear up the spine of the most
stalwart paladin. The only deity of History & Relationships
Shadrea that does not know the meaning
of the word subtle, while he may be the Another of Sekoon and Tersha’s violent
most visible of the Shadrean powers, his bastard children, Char has proven to be
priests have to be as secretive as possible far too uncontrollable for Sekoon’s taste
to survive the wrath of the many who’ve and he has been cast out of his court.
lost lost loved ones to Char’s tremendous Senda has embraced him and not only
and near continual wrath. allowed him to do as he wishes but
actively aided and magnified his power by
Char could probably count his active adding storms to his initial powers over
worshippers on one hand. That matters volcanism. Char for the most part serves
little to him, cause nearly no one on the as a distraction for the forces of good –
island doesn’t acknowledge his existence the more attention his destruction garners
and power, and he constantly reminds the easier a time Senda has in more
them of it. Volcanoes, Tornadoes, subversive destruction.
Thunderstorms, Gales, Blizzards, and

natural disasters of all other kinds can be
blamed solely on Char, and he relishes in
it with great intensity.
Char is depicted as the legendary
Tarrasque, for it is said this beast is his
avatar and true form – an unstoppable
Of the Bleeding Field, Lady of the Sword
engine of destruction with nothing but
Symbol: A greatsword soaked in blood.
malevolence for the world. He holds
Alignment: Black/White
tornadoes of pure fire in his hands and
Portfolios: Aggressive War, Conquest,
breaths lightning bolts out of his mouth.
Fortunately he has not been seen in this
Domains: Corruption, Metal, Retribution,
form for centuries.
Strength, War
Favored Weapon: The Greatsword
The Ethos
Destroy. Any way. Any means. It The Power
matters not. The world was created so it
Goddess of Attack and Slaughter, Sana
could be destroyed. The mountains where
appears as an impossibly beautiful woman
raised up to be broke down. The seas
in full plate but wearing no helmet, with
where laid down to be evaporated away.
blood red hair and eyes. Despite her lithe
Nothing is eternal, so gain power in the
form she is incredibly strong and more
destruction of all things.
than a match for any who would fight her.

The Clergy The Ethos

A character wishing to become one of
War is the means by which the strong cull
Char’s five or so priests has his work cut
out the weak. It is to be encouraged, for
out for him in gaining followers, or staying
the survivors are always stronger because
alive – but it does happen on occasion.
of it. Peace is nothing more than a time
There is one village in Creania that has a
of rest between conflicts, and a rest that
priest and a following to Char – the
need not be lengthy. War is truth of the
villagers struggling to appease the god
hatred of man – unabashed, honest and
and his priest lest the volcano less than
pure. Peace is a lie in its horrible light.
two miles away erupts killing them all.


The Clergy Kepho is depicted as a powerful lich

wielding a scythe who is willing to torture
Sana’s following is large, as befits a nation any and all who would so much as annoy
at war. She may not be personally him. The bodies of the dead and dying
popular, but many of the champions of each grasp at his tattered robes, and
her order have gained great popularity. decay abounds everywhere in his
Her priests wear a red bandana into battle presence.
to symbolize Sana’s blood red hair and
wear no helmet. They charge furiously
into battle – for it is a great honor to gain
The Ethos
the first kill in any battle. Decay is the natural order of things.
Death is a release to be given only after
History & Relationships the cleansing torture of torment by
disease and pestilence. Cling to your
Sana is the daughter of Sekoon and was gods, for if thou art false Kepho shall have
in Damosi until he aided Tela in an your very soul to torment for eternity.
attempt to kill her. Though Sana was
victorious, she has become alienated to
her father and sister. Her hatred for them
The Clergy
is hotter than for any good aligned entity. The silent deathbringers that form Kepho’s
Cuvanill, the Goddess of Defense, is following are rarely seen, but said to
Sana’s usual antagonist. haunt graveyards looking for likely victims
for use in their nefarious schemes of
torture and revilement. They, like most of

Senda’s following, wear solid black robes
with no adornment.

History & Relationships

One of the few ascended mortals in the
Of the Depths. Lord Doom Telzoan pantheon, Kepho is the brother of
Symbol: A blackened skull Matacha and became a god as a result of
Alignment: Black/Blue her interference with his attempt at
Porfolio: Undeath, Disease, Pestilence, “merely becoming a lich.” Kepho is
Evil Souls, the Third Moon. somewhat bemused at the situation and
Domains: Corruption, Death, Undead does what he can to further his power and
Favored Weapon: Scythe further torment his sister. Kepho sees
himself as the lord of undeath, that his
The Power powers can bring death to the living is a
Death is always feared, and that can be mere convenient annoyance to his sister
seen merely by how much Matacha’s and many of his enemies.
priests unnerve folks in their travels. But
if Matacha’s good aligned followers
unnerve, Kepho’s following tends to scare
the hell out the commonfolk.
Kepho is the God of Unkind Death.
When one dies to pestilence or disease
Kepho is held to blame. His priests lurk in
the shadows, waiting to torture the souls
of the innocent even further by animating
their remains and forcing them into a
slavery beyond the grave.
History & Relationships
Self destructive and self serving to a
fault, Narisane is the twin sister of Arisane
the Queen of the Nymphs. Jealous of her
sister she concocted a means to scar her
The Whore, Lady permanently believing Cuane her mother
Seduction would be forced to make Narisane queen
Symbol: A nude or a since Arisane’s beauty would no longer be
black heart unearthly. Her plan backfired and her
Alignment: Red / parents expelled her from the court until
Black she repented. Instead she has fell into
Portfolio: Lust, Senda’s fold to become more powerful still
Seduction, Coercion and a dangerous corrupting force against
Domains: Charm, Corruption, Trickery the power of love.
Favored Weapon: The whip

The Power
The final court of Telensitary is Siliani, the
Narisane is the Goddess of Lust, seduction
druidic court. Concerned with the
and coercion. Secrets whispered atop
maintanence of the natural world, the five
pillows over liquored minds are hers to
deities of this court remain somewhat
know and she is the guardian of all who
aloof and removed from the
use sex in any means to control or profit
machinizations and plots of the other four
over others. She is the power over sex for
members of the court. Its deities also
it’s own sake and more darkly, sex
remain the most popular with the country
without love but for selfish pleasure alone.
folk that are far more dependent on their
Though she holds an attractive lure, she is
indeed dark and due to her nature she
may be the most dangerous deity in the As it’s nickname implies, only druids act
Shadrean host, although she is not the within Siliani. There are no clerics in this
most powerful. court, so there is no need to detail the
domains granted by the deities of this
The Ethos court.

Lust is the truest weakness of the human
soul, and like all weaknesses it exists to
be exploited. Pleasure is found in
exploitation and controlling others through
their emotions, thoughts, fears and
dreams. Satisfy the dark urgings of The Lord of the West
others, but leave them hungry for still Wind
more at all times. Symbol: A brown disk
with a withered leaf.
The Clergy Alignment: Green/Red
Portfolio: Autumn, The
Most followers of Narisane are prostitutes.
West Wind, Drought.
While Telzoa has not historically had that
Favored Weapon: The Staff.
much of a taboo associated with this
profession, the fall of Narisane to
darkness and the changes it has incurred The Power
in her following has begun to darken the Lord Basia rules the chaotic withering
reputations of the “Ladies of the Night.” touch of drought that usually comes
during the early fall preceeding the

harvest. His time is one of great The Power
splendor, especially of color. Basia is
sometimes depicted as a mad painter as a The Summerlord has become
result of the turning leaf colors. More progressively weaker both in following and
often he is shown as an emancipated old in power in the last century. Char is
man with badly chapped lips and the suspected to be the culprit, as the
symptoms of dehydration. portfolios of the two have left them in
great conflict since the Siliani entered

Telensitary. If Tethas does fall he would
not be the first deity to do so over time.
All the same, Tethas is the ruler of the
south winds and the rain that comes on
them. At one time the violence of the
The Lord of the East Wind summer thunderstorms was his to claim,
Symbol: A blue disk with but Char has since subsumed that identidy
a green leaf in the pantheon.
Alignment: Green/Blue
Spring, The

Favored Weapon: The

The Lady of the North
The Power Symbol: A white disk
The Springlord is one of the most popular with a snow flake
of the deities of Telensiarty. He is Alignment:
considered a god of hope and birth as well Green/Black
as his official positions of Spring and Portfolio: Winter, The North Wind, Cold
Renewal. Damnisu’s rise in power has, it Favored Weapon: The Mace
is rumored, led to some clerics following
him in addition to druids, but as of yet The Power
such individuals have yet to be found. For
now the druids themselves are quiet on Lady Sere is known in most of Telzoa as
the issue, though there are many druids the Bitch Queen of the North. Easily the
that are unduly loyal to the myst lord. most well known of the “druid” deities
even among those who do not worship her

directly, Sere has managed to defend her
portfolio against Char’s incursions into
natural calamities far better than her
counterpart Tethas has. This may be due
to the fact that she is easily as ruthless as
The Lord of the South Char when driven to rage, and she is far
Wind more patient. The wrath of Sere is
Symbol: A black disk something that no Telzoan jokes about,
with a rain drop. for snowfalls on the island of up to a foot
Alignment: are not unknown and the past few winters
Green/White have been especially harsh and viscious.
Portfolio: Summer, The North Wind,
Favored Weapon: Scimitar
Tiania Oralea
Her Lady of the Eternal The Seer, Fate
Circle Symbol: Unknown.
Symbol: An unadorned Alignment: Blue
disk Portfolio: Time, Fate, Prophecy.
Alignment: Green
The Power: As goddess of time, at least
Portfolio: Cycles, The Natural World, The
as mortals understand the concept, Oralea
Second Moon.
is a goddess apart from all the others.
Favored Weapon: Scimitar
She is alone among the gods in being able
to see the future perfectly, or rather she
The Power sees all futures that might occur. She
Known as the Silent Mother, Tiania is the holds in her hands the fate of all mortals
most powerful deity in Court Siliani and and, some whisper, all gods as well. All
one of the most powerful deities in the the other gods respect her if not fear her
whole pantheon. Yet she is quiet. Beyond outright, and even the likes of Char and
granting spells to druids she does not Sekoon have never dared reproach her,
communicate to the outside world at all. even for a moment.
Auguries and other divinations done by Oralea is served by The Oracle, a
druids are always answered by one of the prophetess who holds court in the Valley
four gods of the winds – Tiania herself of the Gods far to the west of Dalsundria
never speaks. All the same the belief in proper on the side of Mt. Calnis, the
her existence remains strong, and some highest mountain on the island. This area
druids maintain that she does speak – if is known to be inhabited by some of the
you know how to listen to the world all most treacherous creatures in the world,
around you. and many adventurerers who have sought
out The Oracle, whoever and whatever
Fate & Magic she is, have never returned.

Two of Telensitary’s deities aren’t
associated with a court. Each of them
rules powerful portfolios that require their
utmost neutrality in the affairs of mortals.
Although clerics and the common folk
refer to them often and sometimes Lord Mage
beseech their favor, they each lack a Symbol: Unknown
following in the sense that the other Alignment: White,Blue,Black,Red,Green
deities have priesthoods. Indeed, each of Portfolio: Magic, Knowledge Unknown,
them has only one priest each, individuals The Supernatural.
so unique that the details of their prestige
classes are detailed with them.
The Power
While Pektos claims no titles, he holds
many names in the references of wizards
and other spellcasters everywhere. He is
known as the Master of the Craft, Lord of
Wizards and to a few as the One True
Spell. The scope of his powers is known
to none, and it is said that mystery lies at

the core of his being and that of magic so
much so that if magic where ever fully Pentalism
understood, Pektos would be destroyed.
The religion of Pentalism, in contrast to
Whatever truth or fiction lies in this
Telensitary, has only five deities of
witticism, it is known that Pektos is the
roughly equal powers. Pentalism is a
most secretive of the deities of
highly aggressive religion, with its roots in
Telensitary. He seems unconcerned with
the Estarian Empire. Founded by Gregory
the activities of all the other deities.
the Clark c. 300 SR, it has since grown to
Perhaps he shouldn’t be as he commands
become the state religion of that empire.
the very energies they use to garner
worship.  Landala: Goddess of Fire and Law,
Landala is known as the Light of Truth.
Pektos has no known priest at all, which
Her priests are referred to as Heresy
makes him the only power in Carthasana
Examiners, and they have a great deal
that is completely removed from the
of power and influence in the Estarian
restriction of belief. Or perhaps it is the
Empire, where they all but control the
belief in magic itself that makes it possible
courts. Landala’s alignment is white /
for Pektos to exist without any priesthood
red grants spells from the domains of
Charm, Earth, Fire, Luck, and
Retribution. Her favored weapon is
the morningstar.
 Indralia: Indralia rules the
soothing winds and air. She is also
the manifest power behind those
forces when they show her rage,
which is rare but awful to behold.
Seen as a healer and teacher, it is
the priests of Indralia which are
most likely to be found in Telzoa -
acting as the vanguard of the
Pentalist teachings. They have been
met in Telzoa with suspicion and
hatred by the native priests, even to
the point of being executed by
Aurnonian priests. She is aligned
white / green and her favored
weapon is the quarterstaff. She
grants domain spells from Aid, Air,
Community, Healing, Protection, and
 Tala: The Pentalist Goddess of
Water and Chaos, Tala is the
trickster but also the warrior of the
pantheon. She is blue / white in
alignment and her favored weapon
is the longsword. She grants
domain spells of Animal, Family,
Guardian, Plant, Storm and Water.
 Sadier: Sadier is the God of Earth
and the dead in Pentalist lore. He
rules over all of the fallen souls of
the world (so the Pentalist say) and
punishes heretics above all others. He
The Seelie Court
is black / white in alignment and his  Januel the Guardian. His people are
favored weapon is the Scythe. He the green elves. He oversees the
gives domain spells from Darkness, cycles of the world and this includes
Death, Destruction, Liberation, and the transition of his court's power to
Undead. that of the Unseelie court during the
Dramial. He rules all three moons,
 Paltos: The Mediating One, Paltos is and in artistry these globes circle his
the deity that keeps the other four head as ioun stones. His favored
focused on their common goal of weapon is the longsword. He is green
destroying all competing religions. aligned and grants spells from the
Paltos is Blue aligned only and grants domains Animal, Elf, Family, Plant, and
spells from the domains Air, Magic, Sun.
Travel, Trickery, and Water.
 Alsiar the Keeper of the Tomes.

Courts of
His people are the Kindani. He guards
the elven peoples and bids his people
do the same. A scholar, historian and
warrior, Alsiar is a strong proponent of
Night & Day applying the lessons of the past
towards the future. His favored
Elves follow a faith hinged on the passage weapon is the spear. He is green/blue
of power between the Seelie and Unseelie anligned grants spells from the
courts. Each court has five members. domains of Elf, Healing, Knowledge,
According to the Elven faith there was Magic, and Sun.
once only five deities, but during an  Panial is the trickster and rapscallion
ancient battle with the goblins the carnage of the seelie court. His people are the
was so great that madness consumed the Crystali. Nothing is certain about this
elven gods. To save their sanities each of deity, even its sex. Laughter, song
them split in half. In the interceding and dance - the frolic for which all
years each of these deities have become elves are so well known are his
more polarized from their counterpart. province. His favored weapon is the
Elven priests warn of the danger of staff. He is red/green aligned and has
forgetting either side of their nature the domains Elf, Liberation, Luck, Sun,
altogether, and it is often during the and Trickery.
equinox festivals that elves will indulge
their "darker selves" (or lighter selves as  Frey is the captain of the grey fleet
the case may be). During such times which takes the souls of the elves to
elven priests and other oath-bound their heavenly rewards. His people
characters are often set free from normal are those rare few Duransi who have
obligations - and many tales are chosen to shun their Unseelie ways. A
whispered of dark elven revenges taken somber deity, he speaks only in
on these nights, known as Samial, which whispers, as do most of his priests His
is in the spring, and Dramial, which is in favored weapon is the long sword. He
the fall. green/white aligned and grants spells
from the domains of Elf, Rest, Sea,
Elven seelie deities grant spells from the Sun, Water.
green, white and red alignments. Unseelie
deities grant spells from the black, red  Warrick is the violent elven god of
and green alignments. war. Overly jolly in the face of the
slaughter of the field, Warrick is said
by his detractors to represent the
worst of a people - their capacity to

destroy sentient life. Warrick's priests  Grimwall is the Unseelie aspect of
often retort, "since when did goblins Warrick. Where Warrick and his
count as sentient?" Warrick favors the following engage in chivalrous warfare,
great sword (The better to dice orcs Grimwall has a take-no-prisoners
with). He is red/green aligned and anything goes approach. His only
grants spells from the domains of Elf, redeeming quality is said to be his lack
Protection, Strength, Sun, and War of subtlety once he is striking. Before
he strikes is the problem - Grimwall is
The Unseelie Court a master of ambush. He is red/green
aligned and He favors the longbow.
 Imlocrin the Disruptor. He who He grants spells from the domains of
brings about the end of all things. Darkness, Elf, Guardian, Retribution,
Imlocrin, and most of the rest of the and Strength.
Unseelie court have no real claim to
any of the elven races, but he is most
strongly opposed to Januel. He The Glory of
oversees the activities of the Unseelie
Court and begrudgingly surrenders its
authority during the Samial. He is
Black/Red aligned and grants spells Dwarves engage in what is essentially an
from the domains Darkness, elaborate form of ancestor worship. Each
Destruction, Elf, Fire, and Storm. clan, during ceremonies, recites the
names of all the members passed and
 Trishdare is the liar. He is seeks to sings the tales of their glory. At the head
destroy the world's knowledge and of the ancestry are three powers presiding
bring ignorance to the world. He is over the cycle of life in this world.
Black/Green aligned and favors the
longsword and grants spells from the  Freyalis is the eternal mother, with
domains of Charm, Darkness, Elf, power over birth and renewal. When
Luck, and Trickery. forced to protect her children she
relies on the mace. She is green and
 Lirashnal is the thief. The exploiter white in alignment. She grants spells
of the weak and defenseless, usually from the domains Ancestor,
by treachery and always by some form Community, Dwarf, Family, Guardian,
of trickery. He keeps the followers of Healing, and Renewal. She is the
Panial at particular unease since he mother of the following two deities.
and his followers love to imitate and
implicate Panial in their schemes. His  Dulthos is the keeper of the secrets
favored weapon is the dagger. He is under the mountain and the protector
Blue/Black aligned and grants spells of the dwarven race. He is a warrior
from the Corruption, Darkness, Elf, first and foremost, and distrustful of all
Shadow, and Stealth domains. other races and their gods. He is also
somewhat implacable and plodding.
 Belandra the Bitch Queen is the His favored weapon is the dwarven
seductress who lures elves to embrace waraxe and he is aligned red, green
their seelie natures with a promise of and white. He grants spells of the
an eternity in this realm. Elven player Cavern, Dwarf, Earth, Metal,
characters are more likely to come into Protection, Strength, and War
conflict with priests of this deity than domains.
any other. She is black aligned and
her favored weapon is the sickle. She  Nalru is the slayer, the lord of greed.
grants spells from the domains Charm, Sometimes known as the dark twin of
Corruption, Darkness, Elf, and Hate. Freyalis, he rules over death and his
touch is feared by all dwarves. His
favored weapon is the spear and he
aligned red, black and blue. He grants gnome, Sanshan is sometimes called
spells of the Ancestor, Darkness, the giggler by outsiders. She favors
Death, Destruction, Dwarf, Earth, and the staff as a weapon and she is
Undead domains. Nalru, in practice, aligned black / green. She grants
has almost no priests, but dwarves spells from the domains of Air, Family,
constantly try to appease him and Gnome, Healing, and Trickery.
pray that he gives the souls of their
 Calruldal rules Summer and the Sun.
loved ones a safe journey to the
He is a golden colored gnome who,
during the night, works long hours in
his shop working on gizmos and
Dance of Seasons gimcracks. He thus embodies the well
known (and occasionally feared) spirit
Gnomes have a set of four deities, each of gnomish inventiveness. His favored
which rules a season. Gnomes are curious weapon is the crossbow and he grants
in that they do not maintain set holy days spells in the domains of Gnome,
based on any pattern humans recognize. Knowledge, Creation, Fire, Sun. He is
However, most of the time this is due to aligned black / white.
the fact that the gnomish calendar is
 Fas is the Goddess of Autumn.
insanely complex - taking 250 human
Depicted as a mad painter, Fas loves
years to complete a cycle.
to display her abstract brilliance in the
 Sanshan is the Goddess of the Spring. leaves of the world. Despite the
She rules the Air and the breeze. chaotic appearance of her works
Depicted as a beautiful little girl though, she is very methodical. She is
aligned black / red and she favors the
dagger. She grants spells of the
domains of Animal, Earth, Gnome,
Magic, and Plant.
 Elrico is the Keeper of Winter. The
Gnomic God of Endings is despised by
the race that believes in him, but his
position in the pantheon is
unquestioned. He is aligned black /
blue and favors the dagger. The
Gnomes who follow him are granted
spells from the domains of Darkness,
Death, Destruction, Gnome, and

The Spirit Mother

Oyasini follow an entity known as Ooyas-
shandra, who is there sole deity. They
view the rest of the gods of the world as
mere spirits that have gotten full of
themselves in asking for worship.
Ooysashandra embodies all five colors of
magic – she grants spells from the
domains: Air, Community, Earth, Family,
Fire, Halfling, Protection, Purity, and

information. Note that if an item’s
presence DC is less than the location’s

bonus to the roll the item is automatically
The stage of the D&D game has
traditionally been the middle ages, but the
Dusk setting is patterned after Ancient
Wealth & Money
Greece. This means that many of the For convenience this book continues to
items that exist in a typical D&D game refer to item prices in copper, silver and
have yet to be invented locally and aren’t gold pieces, but be aware that this is an
in common use. This doesn’t mean they abstraction that serves to speed up play –
won’t show up – plane hopping can and in the campaign world itself many
does occur between Carthasana and more different coins from a numerous areas are
technologically advanced worlds, but around. Outside the cities and nations of
these items will not be as common as they their origin their buying power is
are elsewhere. The tables in this book determined by their metallic content.
contain the presence rating of each item What follows are the coins most common
from the PHB and some weapons are in the nation of Dalsundria – other
shifted from being martial to exotic due to countries will have other coin systems
their rarity. present.
The most common coin is the tundred.
Equipping a Printed during the reign of Otal I for a 200
year span up until the reign of Queen
Character Anne, these pieces are still in fairly large
circulation in the larger cities. The tundred
The equipment of a starting character is is composed of silver, but it has the
determined by his starting class as buying power of the D&D gold piece. It is
outlined in the PHB. All characters start about 1 ½ inches across and weighs 1
with a light Chiton (or toga among ounce.
dwarves and gnomes), a pair of sandals, a Egrets are the next most common coin.
belt (male) or sash (female) and clips that They are also made of silver, but are
hold the garmet in place. Chitons and thinner and and only a third of an inch
togas are little more than a specially cut across. It takes 10 egrets to meet a
sheet. The can be worn in a variety of tundred – and the egret is analogous to
ways depending on what the wearer is the D&D silver piece.
doing and their sex – as women tend to
wear chitons which drape down to the Darvals are the same size as the egret
ground and men tend to wear them at but they are made of copper. They hold
knee length. In winter the character will the value of a D&D copper piece. And it
also have a heavy “super-chiton” to ward takes 10 of them to make an egret.
off the cold that is worn over a normal Finally there is the extremely rare tarvel
chiton. piece, which is as large as a tundred but
slightly thicker and is worth 100 tundreds.
Availability Trade bars are the largest type of
wealth. These are valued by their wealth
Items have a presence DC. If a character and have been seen in sizes of up to 100
seeks an item the location he is in must onces in weight, and worth some 20,000
be able to hit this DC for the item to be tundred pieces each. The most famous of
present in the town. See the gather these are the “talents” which have a
information skill description for more certified value of 10,000 tundred.
Table 5-1: Weapons
Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight Type Pres. DC
Simple Weapons, Light Melee
Dagger 2 gp 1d3 1d4 19–20/x2 10’ 1 lb. P 10
Knife 1 gp 1d3 1d4 x2 10’ 1 lb. S 5
Mace, light 5 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 — 4 lb. B 10
Sickle 6 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 — 2 lb. S 5
Simple Weapons, One-Handed Melee
Club — 1d4 1d6 x2 10’ 3 lb. B 0
Mace, heavy 12 gp 1d6 1d8 x2 — 8 lb. B 10
Morningstar 8 gp 1d6 1d8 x2 — 6 lb. B/P 15
Shortspear 1 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 20’ 3 lb. P 5
Simple Weapons, Two-Handed Melee
Longspear 5 gp 1d6 1d8 x3 — 9 lb. P 10
Quarterstaff — 1d4/1d4 1d6/1d6 x2 — 4 lb. B 0
Spear 2 gp 1d6 1d8 x3 20’ 6 lb. P 5
Simple Weapon,
Dart 5 sp 1d3 1d4 x2 20’ 1/2 lb. P 10
Javelin 1 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 30’ 2 lb. P 10
Sling — 1d3 1d4 x2 50’ 0 lb. B 5
Bullets, sling (10) 1 sp — — — — 5 lb. — 10
Martial Weapons, Light Melee
Axe, throwing 8 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 10’ 2 lb. S 10
Hammer, light 1 gp 1d3 1d4 x2 20’ 2 lb. B 5
Handaxe 6 gp 1d4 1d6 x3 — 3 lb. S 5
Pick, light 4 gp 1d3 1d4 x4 — 3 lb. P 5
Sap 1 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 — 2 lb. B 5
Shield, light special 1d2 1d3 x2 — special B 10
Spiked armor special 1d4 1d6 x2 — special P 15
Spiked shield, light special 1d3 1d4 x2 — special P 10
Sword, short 10 gp 1d4 1d6 19–20/x2 — 2 lb. P 10
Martial Weapons, One-Handed
Battleaxe 10 gp 1d6 1d8 x3 — 6 lb. S 15
Flail 8 gp 1d6 1d8 x2 — 5 lb. B 15
Longsword 15 gp 1d6 1d8 19–20/x2 — 4 lb. S 15
Pick, heavy 8 gp 1d4 1d6 x4 — 6 lb. P 10
Shield, heavy special 1d3 1d4 x2 — special B 15
Spiked shield, special 1d4 1d6 x2 — special P 15
Trident 15 gp 1d6 1d8 x2 10’ 4 lb. P 15
Warhammer 12 gp 1d6 1d8 x3 — 5 lb. B 15
Whip 1 gp 1d2 1d3 x2 2 lb. S 10
Martial Weapons, Two-Handed
Greataxe 20 gp 1d10 1d12 x3 — 12 lb. S 15
Greatclub 5 gp 1d8 1d10 x2 — 8 lb. B 0
Flail, heavy 15 gp 1d8 1d10 19–20/x2 — 10 lb. B 15
Greatsword 50 gp 1d10 2d6 19–20/x2 — 8 lb. S 20
Lance 10 gp 1d6 1d8 x3 — 10 lb. P 15
Scythe 18 gp 1d6 2d4 x4 — 10 lb. P/S 15
Net 20 gp — — — 10’ 6 lb.
Martial Weapons, Ranged
Arrows (20) 1 gp — — — — 3 lb. —
Bow, normal 30 gp 1d4 1d6 x3 60’ 2 lb. P 5
Bow, +1 pull 50 gp 1d4 1d6 x3 60’ 2 lb. P 10
Bow, +2 pull 75 gp 1d4 1d6 x3 60’ 2 lb. P 15
Bow, +3 pull 100 gp 1d4 1d6 x3 60’ 2 lb. P 20
Bow, +4 pull 150 gp 1d4 1d6 x3 60’ 2 lb. P 25
Bow, +5 pull 200 gp 1d4 1d6 x3 60’ 2 lb. P 30
All weapons not on this list but in the PHB or any other sourcebook are exotic weapons in
the Dusk setting.

Table 5-2: Armor & Shields
Armor Cost Bonus Max Armor Spell Speed Presence Weight
Dex Check Failure (S/M) DC
Light armor
Padded 5 gp +1 +8 0 5% 20’/30’ 5 10 lb.
Leather 10 gp +2 +6 0 10% 20’/30’ 10 15 lb.
Studded leather 25 gp +3 +5 –1 15% 20’/30’ 15 20 lb.
Chain Chiton 100 gp +4 +4 –2 20% 20’/30’ 20 25 lb.
Medium armor
Hide 15 gp +3 +4 –3 20% 20’/15’ 5 25 lb.
Scale mail 50 gp +4 +3 –4 25% 20’/15’ 10 30 lb.
Breastplate, Bronze 200 gp +5 +3 –4 25% 20’/15’ 15 30 lb.
Heavy armor
Splint mail 200 gp +6 +0 –7 40% 20’/15’ 15 45 lb.
Banded mail 250 gp +6 +1 –6 35% 20’/15’ 20 35 lb.
Breastplate, Iron 600 gp +7 +0 –7 40% 20’/15’ 25 50 lb.
Buckler 15 gp +1 — –1 5% — 10 5 lb.
Shield, light wooden 3 gp +1 — –1 5% — 10 5 lb.
Shield, light bronze 9 gp +1 — –1 5% — 15 6 lb.
Shield, heavy wooden 7 gp +2 — –2 15% — 15 10 lb.
Shield, heavy bronze 20 gp +2 — –2 15% — 20 15 lb.
Shield, tower 30 gp +43 +2 –10 50% — 20 45 lb.

Table 5-3: Adventuring Gear

Item Cost Wt. Pres.DC Item Cost Weight Pres. DC
Backpack 2 gp 2 lb. 5
Mirror, small tin 10 tp 1/2 lb. 15
Mug/Tankard, 2 dp 1 lb. 5
Barrel (empty) 2 gp 30 lb. 5
Basket (empty) 4 sp 1 lb. 5
Oil (1-pint 1 ep 1 lb. 5
Bedroll 1 sp 5 lb. 0 flask)
Bell 1 gp — 10 Parchment 2 ep — 15
Blanket, winter 5 sp 3 lb. 0 (sheet)
Block and tackle 5 gp 5 lb. 10 Pick, miner’s 3 tp 10 lb. 5
Bottle, wine, 2 gp — 5 Pitcher, clay 2 dp 5 lb. 5
Piton 1 ep 1/2 lb. 5
Bucket (empty) 5 sp 2 lb. 5
Pole, 10-foot - 8 lb. 0
Caltrops 1 gp 2 lb. 15 Pot, iron 2 tp 10 lb. 15
Candle 1 cp — 5 Pouch, belt 1 tp 1/2 lb.1 5
Canvas (sq. 1 sp 1 lb. 5 (empty)
yd.) Ram, portable 10 tp 20 lb. 10
Case, map or 1 gp ½ lb. 15 Rations, trail 5 ep 1 lb.1 5
scroll (per day)
Chain (10 ft.) 30 gp 2 lb. 20 Rope, hempen 1 tp 10 lb. 5
Chalk, 1 piece 1 sp — 5 (50 ft.)
Chest (empty) 2 gp 25 lb. 10 Sack (empty) 1 ep 1/2 lb.1 5
Crowbar 2 gp 5 lb. 10 Sealing wax 1 tp 1 lb. 5
Firewood (per 1 cp 20 lb. 0 Sewing needle 5 ep — 5
day) Signal whistle 8 ep — 10
Fishhook 1 sp — 5 Signet ring 5 tp — 20
Fishing net, 25 4 gp 5 lb. 5 Sledge 1 tp 10 lb. 10
sq. ft.
Soap (per lb.) 5 ep 1 lb. 5
Flask (empty) 3 sp 1½ lb 5
Spade or shovel 2 tp 8 lb. 5
Flint and steel 1 sp — 15
Tent, single 10 tp 20 lb.1 10
Grappling hook 1 sp 4 lb. 15
Tent, 2 man 15 tp 30 lb. * 10
Hammer 5 sp 2 lb. 5
Tent, pavillion 30 tp 50 lb. 15
Ink (1 oz. vial) 8 gp — 15
Torch 1 dp 1 lb. 5
Inkpen 1 sp — 0
Vial, ink or 1 tp 1/10 lb. 15
Jug, clay 3 cp 9 lb. 5 potion
Ladder, 10-foot 5 cp 20 lb. 5 Waterskin 1 tp 4 lb.1 5
Lamp, common 1 sp 1 lb. 10
Whetstone 2 dp 1 lb. 5
Table 5-4: Special Substances & Items
Table 5-8: Tools & Skill Items
Item Cost Wt. Pres.DC
Item Cost Wt. Pres. DC
Acid (flask) 10 gp 1 lb. 15
Alchemist’s fire 20 gp 1 lb. 15 Alchemist’s lab 500 gp 40 lb. 25
(flask) Artisan’s tools 5 gp 5 lb. 15
Antitoxin (vial) 50 gp — 15 Artisan’s tools, 55 gp 5 lb. 25
Everburning 110 gp 1 lb. 20 masterwork
torch Climber’s kit 80 gp 5 lb. 15
Holy water 25 gp 1 lb. 15 Disguise kit 50 gp 8 lb. 15
(flask) Healer’s kit 50 gp 1 lb. 15
Smokestick 20 gp ½ lb. 20 Holly and — — 0
Sunrod 2 gp 1 lb. 20 mistletoe
Tanglefoot bag 50 gp 4 lb. 20 Holy symbol, 1 gp — 5
ThundersCtone 30 gp 1 lb. 20 wooden
Tindertwig 1 gp — 20 Holy symbol, 25 gp 1 lb. 15
Hourglass 25 gp 1 lb. 20
Table 5-5: Clothing Musical 5 gp 3 lb. 10
Item Cost Wt. Pres. DC instrument,
Chiton, full 2 sp 2 lb. 5 common
length Musical 100 gp 3 lb. 20
Chiton, half 1 sp 2 lb. 5 instrument,
length masterwork
Chlamydon 1 sp 1 lb. 5 Scale, 2 gp 1 lb. 15
Chlamys 2 sp 2 lb. 5 merchant’s
Fibula 5 sp — 5 Spell 5 gp 2 lb. 10
Himation, large 2 sp 2 lb. 5 component
Himation, small 1 sp 1 lb. 5 pouch
Petasos 1 sp 1 lb. 5 Spellscroll, 15 gp 3 lb. 25
Sandals 1gp 1 lb. 5 wizard’s
Thieves’ tools 30 gp 1 lb. 15
Table 5-6: Mounts & Related Gear
Thieves’ tools, 100 gp 2 lb. 25
Item Cost Wt. Pres. DC
Bit and bridle 2 gp 1 lb. 5 Tool, 50 gp 1 lb. 15
Dog, guard 25 gp — 5 masterwork
Dog, riding 150 gp — 15 Water clock 1000 gp 200 lb. 25
Donkey or mule 8 gp — 5
Feed (per day) 5 sp 10 lb. 0
Table 5-9: Food, Drink & Lodging
Horse, heavy 200 gp — 20 Item Cost Wt. Pres. DC

Horse, light 75 gp — 15 Ale

Pony 30 gp — 15 Gallon 2 sp 8 lb. 5
Warhorse, 400 gp — 20 Mug 4 cp 1 lb. 5
heavy Banquet (per 10 gp — 5
Warhorse, light 150 gp — 15 person)
Warpony 100 gp — 15 Bread, per loaf 2 cp ½ lb. 0
Saddle 5 gp 5 lb. 15 Cheese, hunk of 1 sp ½ lb. 5
Stabling (per 5 sp — 10 Inn stay (per
day) day)
Good 2 gp — 15
Common 5 sp — 10
Table 5-7: Transport
Poor 2 sp — 5
Item Cost Weight Pres. DC Meals (per day)
Cart 15 gp 200 lb. 15 Good 5 sp — 15
Trimere 30,000 gp — 25 Common 3 sp — 10
Rowboat 50 gp 100 lb. 15 Poor 1 sp — 5
Oar 2 gp 10 lb. 10 Meat, chunk of 3 sp ½ lb. 5
Sled 20 gp 300 lb. 15 Wine
Wagon 35 gp 400 lb. 15 Common 2 sp 6 lb. 5
Fine (bottle) 10 gp 1½ lb 10

aristocrats as a one piece outfit –
Clothing though wearing one and keeping it on
restricts movement (while it won’t
Descriptions restrict spellcasting it will probably fall
off when the wearer casts a spell).
Telzoan clothing is composed of a Only men wear it in this fashion.
relatively small number of items that can Women wear a smaller, lighter
be combined, draped, and built in a huge version along with a chiton – often
variety of ways. A beginning character using it as a headscarf, especially in
starts with one outfit. The prices given in the winter.
Table 7-6 reflect the simplest versions of
these outfits – more expensive cloths,  Petasos: A wide-brimmed straw hat
dyes and weaves can increase the cost of used by travellers.
clothing considerably.
 Chiton, full length: Chitons are the
most common Dalsundrian outfit.
Formed from rectangular cloth,
chitons may or may not have
sleeves depending on the style of
the area. The garment is held in
place using girdles and fibulas.
When worn by men chitons
usually are cut off at the knees,
while women’s chitons are full to
the ground. However, the garment
can be adjusted with an overfold at
the girdle (or girdles in the case of
men, who often wore two).
Military chitons, especially chain
chiton armor, are sown to fit rather
than being held in place by pins.
 Chlamydon: A shawl like item
worn by women.
 Chlamys: Similar to a mantle, this
item is most frequently worn by
travelers and drapes over one
 Fibula: Pins used for holding
garments in place, often looking
like safety pins or c clasps. Larger
Fibula can be used as weapons
dealing damage as daggers,
though any wielder is automatically
non-proficient in their use (-4
penalty to hit).
 Himation: A piece of cloth cut in a
semi-circle and measuring around
6 to 12’. The large ones are
favored by philosophers and
Description Physical
The rest of this chapter contains questions
and creativity spurs for fleshing out your Description
character. It is important to stress here The physical externals of your character –
though that you do not and should not be such as eye color, hair color, skin color,
able to answer all of these questions at weapons carried and clothing worn are the
the beginning of play. If you take the time first thing that other characters will see.
to answer them you could easily spend Indeed, the first question you are likely to
several hours in character creation. If you be asked is “what do you look like?”
enjoy this go ahead, but don’t feel
compelled to do this just because this
book contains these questions. With time Hair
your character will be fleshed out What color? Curling or straight? Long or
normally. short? Bald? How is it worn? Free or in a
pony tail? Dreadlocks? What about
beards and moustaches? Blackbeard the
pirate was famed for wearing lit candles in
his hair and beard during battles, and
A Word of Caution while your character may do nothing like
that, there may (or may not) be
It is possible to spend several hours something memorable about your
creating a character. character’s hair (or lack thereof) and the
way it is worn. What about a halo? (A
Don’t. halo is a stock of white hair among normal
Give yourself the chance to discover your colored hair. The character Rogue from
character over time. Feel free to read over the X-Men comics is an example character
this chapter and get a feel for all the with this hair feature.)
questions you might ask yourself about
your character, but if an answer doesn’t Descriptive Words
come to mind, don’t rack your brain over it,
just move on. It can be very Hair color is often described as blonde,
counterproductive to spend six hours on a red, black or brown. Here are a few
character that ends up being killed on the words to more specifically describe a hair
sixth round of the first combat the color beyond those words.
character gets into. If you answer just six  Black Hair: Jet, Midnight, Smokey,
or so of the many questions in this section, Off Black, Brownish Black
you’re off to a great start.
 Brown Hair: Chocolate, Cinnamon,
Consider novels for a moment. Most of Pecan, Walnut
them do not have 20 page character
expositions on a character before any  Red Hair: Deep Flame, Rust, Sunny
action starts. Likewise you shouldn’t Red, True Auburn
prepare any more material about your  Blonde: Butterscotch, Deep
character than can reasonably be used by Red/Blonde, Dull, Gold, Honey,
yourself, the DM and the other players. Strawberry, Yellow
Develop the character’s description over
the course of the campaign – not all on day  Gray: Silver, Snow-White, Dull Gray,
one. Platinum


Eyes and Face by no means stereotypical – yet many

players do select and play a stereotype
The color of your eyes and the set of your when running across gender. The results
face can be your most memorable are at best comical, but at their worst
features. What color are your eyes? How insulting, especially in a mixed group.
are they set in your face? Close together While men and women have different
or far apart? Are they wide (Typical of behavioral tendencies that entire
Caucasians & Africans) or narrow (Typical psychology doctorate papers have been
of Asians & Native Americans)? Eyebrows written on, they are just that –
– are they thick or sparse? Are both eyes tendencies. Each character is an
present? (a character missing an eye will individual. Some things the character
have a bit of menace to him). does may fit the stereotype, but it is
Ears? Large or small? Does the highly unlikely that everything about the
character have a large bulbous nose like a character will fit any stereotype.
gnome, or a broad flat one like an orc?
Other details will be memorable only if Race
they are unusual, like a character with
Each of the standard races has certain
high cheekbones or a low, sloping brow.
advantages and disadvantages that make
Facial scars stand out and are difficult to
them better suited to some character
classes and skills than other. While it may
There is a limit to how much facial be fun to play an off-color class race
description you can give with words before combination, such as a half-orc paladin,
the other players and the GM nod off to you have to ask yourself – is it worth the
sleep, but if one member of the group trouble?
knows how to draw well you’d be well
Ignoring the rules for a moment,
served to bone up on your ability to
remember that each race has certain
verbally describe your character’s
tendencies of behavior that help to define
appearance if you are to effectively
them. Your character is by no means
convey to them what your character is
bound to behave like the other members
supposed to look like. Another approach is
of his own race, but the more eccentric he
to write down the description of your
is the harder a time he will have dealing
character, make copies, and hand those
with members of his own race. A stoic,
copies out to the other players to give
hard-headed dwarf is no surprise to an elf,
them something to read while the action
but an elf that encounters a stoic-hard
doesn’t involve their characters.
headed elf is going to be put off. Worse
In the end, a picture here goes a lot yet, the very paranoid may believe your
farther than a lengthy description. Failing character to be polymorphed.
that use a photo. “Cast” a movie star as
Like the character’s gender, her race is
your character and simply give their
something that she cannot escape from
name. Or go online – many actors keep
easily. It is part of her identity and self
studio portraits in their online résumés
image in a way that our own nationalities
that you can “borrow” for your own
define us, but even more so since they
private use.
cannot be laid aside (without magic
Most players play their own gender Movement
because it is, simply put, easier. It is
Is the character graceful or clumsy?
more difficult to play across gender than
Dogged or refined? Limp? Note a
might first be apparent. Unlike the
character with a low dexterity may have
fantasy races of the game, which are
no choice but to move in an awkward
largely stereotypes, men and women are
manner – but a character with a high tongue. For instance, Chinese speakers of
dexterity may feign clumsiness out of English often forget articles such as “the”
habit. “a” and “an” because these simply aren’t
present in their native language.
Is the character right or left handed?
Japanese speakers have difficulty with the
Most players choose the hand they favor
“r” sound because their own language has
themselves. Another way is to roll a d6
no equivalent. English speakers of
and a d20. If the d20 roll is higher, the
Spanish often are unable to trill their r’s
character is right handed. If the d20 is
for the same reason.
lower or there is a tie the character is left
handed. While odd voices and accents can be
fun, be careful about giving your character
Clothing a voice that is uncomfortable for you. A
roleplaying game is a poor excuse to give
A character’s clothing choices – or yourself a case of laryngitis.
costume – reflects the character and her
environment in subtle and not so subtle
ways. A character who is somber and Strengths and
restrained is likely to wear conservative
clothing, while an outgoing individual is
more likely to keep up with fashion trends
and add flash and dazzle to their costume Everyone has some personality strengths
or wear jewelry. A character who doesn’t and weaknesses. While one character
like to be noticed won’t wear clothes that may be able to befriend anyone, another
grab people’s attention. may have very few friends at all and be
afraid of letting anyone close.
The current environment of the
character will also affect costume choices.
Despite the illustrations of many fantasy What does the character do well, or what
artists, a female wearing a chainmail comes easy to the character? What about
bikini in a snowstorm is brazenly tempting the reverse? Consider things like
fate. prioritizing tasks and making plans,
socializing, thinking clearly – especially
Distinguishing Marks under duress.
Does the character have a mole? A
tattoo? A scar? If yes to any of these
questions then where? What about a
Likes and Dislikes
hunchback? Missing limb or finger? How Favorite foods, colors, sports, activities,
were those marks received, and does the and not so favored tasks like studying,
character conceal them or show them off. training or combats, each help to define a
character as an individual. Not all
Voice characters will like the same things, let
alone enjoy them. Sometimes a
How does your character talk? Nasally or character’s likes may not be in sync with
with a lisp? Loud or at a whisper? An his daily activities. For instance, a wizard
uneven cadence to the character’s speech may not enjoy preparing spells from a
can be an indicator to a low intelligence as spellbook even though this is an essential
can the character’s word choices. Unusual activity for the character. On the other
vocal qualities to the character can also hand, one is unlikely to find a bard that
make it clear as to what you said in and doesn’t like to perform, but finding one
out of character. Also, unusual word who would much rather play his lute than
choices can indicate that the common sing isn’t too unlikely.
tongue is not your character’s native


Mental Problems Homeland

Where did the character grow up and what
Mild metal conditions can be used to put a was it like? Did the character grow up in
fun color on the character. Perhaps the the area of the campaign or has he
character has an uncontrollable stutter. journeyed to the site of the campaign? If
Or the character is terrified of spiders. he journeyed, then why?
Keep the character’s ability statistics in A character will know much about home.
mind – a character with a high intelligence He may not know the local wizard's level,
is unlikely to have cerebral palsy, while a but he's likely to know his location and the
character with a high charisma will not be local superstitions surrounding such an
prone to bouts of catatonia. enigmatic individual. Players should be
careful to sketch out what the character
History would know. This certainly would include
maps of the area and brief NPC sketches.
Your character’s history helps to place her
Also consider the character’s
in the campaign world. Often the future
relationship with home. Is he welcome or
grows out of the past, so a character
is he an outcast from his own society? If
history can always be useful to the
he’s an outcast, what did he do?
gamemaster. However, don’t feel that
Sometimes his class itself is an answer –
you need to write a novel about what has
while the rules allow dwarf spellcasters,
led your character up to the beginning of
that doesn’t mean such a character will be
the campaign. Instead let the character’s
welcome or wanted in his homeland.
history enter the game gradually as both
you and the other player characters get to
know the character Parents
Note that the term parents here will also
Campaign History stand for adopted parents, guardians and
other parental figures that had a
At this point it may be helpful to ask your
significant impact on the character’s
DM what has happened in the world
during the character’s lifetime and shortly
before so that you can give some thought We acquire much from our upbringing,
into how the recent events have shaped and the stability of childhood, or the lack
your character. A war fought while the of it, continues to echo through our adult
character was a child may have taken lives. If your character had a stable
away an elder sibling or a parent. A raid childhood then he is more likely to be
during that war might have occurred right lawful and good, but instability breeds
on the very doorstep of the character’s contempt and can tip the scales towards
home, and she could have been physically chaos or evil. Abused children often
or emotionally scarred at the hands of the abuse their children as adults; hence evil
enemy. has a way of propagating through the
Not all campaign events need be
traumatic though – but if they are All too often in RPG’s a character’s
memorable to the character at all it is parents are out of the picture, but in
worth the time of both DM and player to reality most of us reach middle age before
work them into character backgrounds. our parents pass on. While a character
Campaign backgrounds, while setting a will certainly remember a tragedy that
stage for the story to come, lack the took his parent(s) away, it is cliché for
personal effect that character every character to have this trait. Many
backgrounds provide. Therefore work to character’s parents will still be alive and,
make them compliment each other. eventually, they may appear in the
campaign as NPC’s under the GM’s mother in Star Wars: Episode II? Or the
control. Then again, another player could end of the Star Wars saga where Luke
play one of them. This is unusual in the struggles to save his father from the evil
extreme in role-playing games, but not that has consumed him? It is not too
unheard of in literature for parents and hard to see a paladin doing the same
children to travel together. Perhaps orcs thing, carrying the secret that the local
destroyed the village while father and son blackguard is his father. Maybe a
where tending the sheep, leaving them as character is carrying on the work of his
sole survivors. Neither has adventured, parents, or maybe they or their death is
so allowing them both to be 1st level his entire reason for adventuring, as is the
despite a 20 year difference in age isn’t case with Batman.
too out of whack – people get off to late
If the character’s parents are famous
starts all the time. Also, doing this
then the character stands to inherit some
relieves the DM of the need to unite two
of that fame and some of the expectations
characters – they can be introduced to the
arising from that fame. How the character
rest of the group together.
reacts to those expectations is up to you.
Living or dead, PC or NPC though the
relationship a character has with his
parents will be significant to the
character’s nature. If the character views Contemporaries include a character’s
his relationship with his parents as siblings and childhood friends, primarily
insignificant – that fact itself is significant. those within five years or so of the
character’s own age that the character
Parents can be a great source of quests. grew up with. Unlike parents, these
Remember Anakin’s attempt to save his

characters tend to live as long as the
characters and indeed given the nature of
Role Models
the adventuring business they may outlive In a fantasy setting the local tenth level
the characters. paladin (if there is one) would definitely
be an influence upon the first level paladin
in the party who is familiar with his
Siblings and friends can be helpful or heroics. Such persons are the stuff of bard
annoying, maybe even dangerous. If a tales around tavern fires. If such a person
rivalry erupts, it can be long and is alive the character may assign meeting
protracted. Each character knows what him face to face as one of his lifetime
proverbial buttons to push. An epic level goals. Most of us as children can
paladin’s sister who is only a first level remember wanting to be just like
commoner may be able to make him lose someone, and the characters in our
his cool with a single quip – something games are no different. Describing the
demons may have tried to do and failed. character can help give you some
perspective on your character's dreams,
First loves, training partners, the list can and it may also provide your DM with a
go on a long way and it can be easy to get good NPC.
carried away. For a first session just
decide if you have any relatives and leave
it at that. As the game goes on they may Other Prior Events
enter the session. Most characters did not train to delve into
It is possible for PC’s to be friends deep, near bottomless dungeons to face
before the game begins or even siblings. the creatures that are the stuff of
Again, this relieves the DM of the task of commoners' nightmares. Indeed, the
bringing the group together. Also, its wizard is the "ugly duck" of the
easier to believe that brothers will risk adventuring world. Ill suited as the
their lives to save each other than it is to members of that class are to adventure, it
believe strangers will do the same, would be wise to explain their pursuit in
especially when the characters are the traditionally risky endeavor that is
chaotic. adventuring.
Priests often have to secure special
Childhood permission for such expeditions, rare
indeed is the character that can leave
Think back for a moment on your own without permission and suffer no
childhood. Chances are good you can consequences. Rogues, Bards and Fighters
remember a dozen key events. A dozen tend to be more suited to this task, but
more will come to mind if you where even they really need a justification to join
exposed to circumstances similar to them. and risk their lives with a band of fellow
A character may be haunted by something adventurers.
he saw, said or did.
Just as important is the source of the
In some ways this question is related to knowledge. No one is born knowing what
question three above since parents have a they need to know to pursue a career, and
great deal of control over their children. all characters must have learned their
But what about a character who is an skills from someone. Was it a kind and
orphan lacking in any real parental benevolent master or the College of Hard
figures? Indeed, if the GM allows a Knocks? Did the teacher volunteer his
character may still be a child when the services, or did he receive pay? Who
adventure begins, rules for this appear provided the pay? Did the character
earlier in the chapter. choose his vocation or was it thrust upon
Ancestry Goals
Having a famous ancestor can give a
character a reputation that is undeserved, Knowing what your character seeks to
and despite the glamour most clever GM's obtain gives you a sense of purpose. Your
can make it more trouble than it's worth. character’s goal may be specific (Kill Duke
Again, this can be a plot hook for the Frederic) or vague (Get Rich), but it needs
character. If the character is the great- to be important enough that your
grandson of the man who killed the red character will take some risks to
dragon, guess who's going to get called accomplish it.
upon to face the next dragon. Goals are one of the last questions your
asked to consider, but they are also
Enemies and Allies important to the GM because they help
him draw up adventures that are tied in
While a character’s childhood some manner to your character.
acquaintances fall into this area, this
question broadens out to include power Some goals obviously can’t be
groups the character may have dealt with, accomplished immediately. If a high level
or recently acquired allies and foes. wizard kills your parents and you seek
Perhaps such an individual only recently revenge, it will be a long time before you
entered the picture and their appearance can gain the skills and equipment
may have spurred the character into necessary to kill this individual. Your
adventure. For example, a wizard could character will need to have short-term
have shown up on dragon-back and slew goals that build to the longer term one.
the character’s whole village. Certainly Most people have short term and long
the character may seek revenge, but he term goals, and work toward them. By
will need to gain a lot of experience before now, you should find this question easy to
he can seriously threaten a wizard that answer, and its resolution will be a key of
can ride a dragon. the campaign for as long as the character
is a part of it. More than any other answer
Birthdays & Anniversaries this one will affect the day-to-day play of
the game.
When and where your character was born
may not be significant in and of itself, but
it does give an ideal of what events in the Reaching Goals
world history your character would have If the fighter intends to become a
been alive to hear about as “news” or celebrity, killing the local dragon may well
experience directly. It’s one thing to hear be in order, but what about the thief who
about a famous plague in an ancient flees the priests of the temple he stole
tome, quite another to have lost a that ruby from? Certainly he has things
younger sister and father to a plague. he'd rather do than crawl through the
Also, does your character celebrate their overgrown forest.
birthday? It helps to bring a setting alive While goals can be vague to outside
if, on occasion, this mark of the passage observers, actions cannot – a story with
of time occurs in the game. What about vague action becomes boring quickly. For
other anniversaries of the character, such you to be able to choose clear and
as a coming of age? If the character has compelling actions you must understand
loved ones who have died, he might your character’s goals completely. No
commemorate that dark day. matter how convoluted and twisted they
might seem to the other players or even
the GM, to you they must be clear.


Portraying a Physical Action

Character In simplest terms, “to act” is “to do.”
Actors do things according to a script, or
Creating a vivid character is only a first in the absence of a script (as is the case
step. The second step is to execute that with an RPG or improvisation) on raw
role. This section offers advice to this end. impulse. Each physical action you choose
must meet nine criteria for it to have
We see actors ply their trade on an maximum dramatic effect.
almost daily basis on television, motion
pictures and the stage. Then, at our An action must …
gaming tables, we take the craft by the 1. be physically capable of being
horns for our own entertainment with done.
varying degrees of success.
2. be fun to do.
However, there are several common
misconceptions about acting, and the 3. be specific.
saddest is the belief that acting cannot be 4. have its test in the other person.
taught. You either can or can’t do it. The
truth is quite different. Not only can it be 5. not be an errand.
taught, but there are several schools of 6. not presuppose any physical or
thought on how to approach it – some emotional state.
which contradict greatly. This section will
7. not be manipulative.
present one of those systems to you in a
form adapted for gaming. What follows is 8. have a “cap.”
intended as a starting point that should
9. be in line with the established
aid novice and veteran players alike in
history of the character.
bringing more life to their characters and
stories. To expand upon this …
As gamers we are all writers. But 1. An action must be physically
before that all of us were readers. By the capable of being done. You should be
same token, all actors start out in the able to do this action at any time. For
audience. Ask yourself, what draws you example, “begging for mercy” is
to film, television or stage? What creates something you can do immediately. You
the moments that pull us to the edge of cannot, however, “pursue the path of
our seats or brings us to tears of sadness righteousness” on a moment’s notice or
or joy? even in a single scene. To say that an
action has to be physically possible does
The first thing for you to realize is that
not necessarily mean it involves intense
these moments and qualities are the
physical activity such as jumping around
creation of many people – not one. You
or assaulting someone. Indeed the more
cannot assume the burden of creating
violent activities your character engages
such magical moments at your gaming
in will certainly be resolved by the rules of
table by yourself – everyone at the table
the game itself (that’s what they are there
will have a part to play in creating them.
for). Begging for mercy or Belittling an
Acting requires both bravery and inferior are actions that can be done while
willpower: You must have the bravery to sitting in a chair.
throw yourself into the action of the game
2. An action must be fun to do. This is
despite fear of failure and self-
a game after all. But a “fun” action need
consciousness about your ability as an
not be comedic. Instead the action needs
actor; and you must have the willpower to
to be compelling and interesting to you to
adhere to your ideals.
be fun. It needs to appeal to your sense
of play. Ever wanted to tell someone off?
Here’s your chance. It is certainly more
fun to “get the dirt” on someone than to
simply “gather information.” While you
don’t need to come up with a creative way
to think of everything you do in the game
for this to work – but what you do need to
do is find something that gets you going
and fires up your passion. And what does
that? Only you can say. Remember this
though: the way you speak to yourself
influences the way you act in play. If you
are clear and concise with yourself about
your intentions then those intentions will
be all the more clearer for your scene
partners (the other players and the DM).
3. An action must be specific. If you
choose vague and general actions then
your acting will in turn be vague and
general. It is more fun to describe how
your character searches over a room for a
hidden door than to simply announce a
search roll and cast the die. It is more fun
to “prove the baron is a phony” than to
“find out something.”
4. The test of the action must lie in
the other person. An action is the
pursuit of a goal, and that goal must lie
with your scene partner, be it the DM or
another player. By looking at that person
you should be able to gather how close 6. An action cannot presuppose and
you are to accomplishing your goal. emotional or physical states. You
Concentrating this way also helps reduce cannot control your emotions, so don’t
self-consciousness about your bother trying. If you live truthfully in the
performance. If your action is “bully the imaginary circumstances of the game you
goblin to reveal his tribe’s lair” you should will have natural emotional reactions to
be able to tell how close you are to what is going on and these naturally
accomplishing this goal and only when he occurring states will be a thousand times
does this (or you give up) will you have more interesting to watch and play than
completed this goal. presupposed states. So “making Alice
know how angry she’s made me” is a bad
5. An action cannot be an errand. An
action choice because it requires you to be
errand cannot be sustained for a whole
angry. If you are not, the action falls flat.
scene, so your action can’t be an errand.
“Cheering up Sharon” is also a bad action
It only takes a sentence or two to “give a
for the same reason since it requires the
gift to a friend,” and for the remainder of
other person to be in a specific emotional
the scene you have nothing to work on
state to work (in this case, they must be
with your partner. However, “convincing
a friend of my devotion” is something you
can do while giving a gift and can be used In the former case try, “putting Alice
to sustain a scene. back in her place” and in the latter case
try “building up Sharon’s confidence” since

it doesn’t matter how confident Sharon is, they give you without first passing
you can always work to add to it. Physical judgment on your impulses. If this
states are slightly different since the game sounds frightening, it can be done, even
will bring them upon your character – but when it runs contrary to character’s goals.
whatever they are you need to treat them For instance, while consoling another
externally from your action. You can player-character you get angry and yell at
“show off to the barmaid” while sober or him. Now you have to work against your
drunk – although in the latter case being own mistake in the scene.
drunk may impair your action. More on
Since all of your work will be done in
this a bit later.
improvisations as opposed to the scripted
7. An action cannot be manipulative. work of a professional actor you have a bit
A manipulative action is one that desires more leverage in your choices. You don’t
to produce a certain effect on your have to say a certain thing so the danger
partner. An example is “make someone of you choosing to deliver a line a certain
angry.” By contrast, “telling someone off” way ahead of time is certainly less. But
may well make them angry, but the anger you do need to react to the other players
may well be an honest reaction to your in real time and not try to direct the action
words rather than the product of a along a certain presupposed path.
8. The action must have a “cap.” An
action must have a conclusion. “Begging
for mercy” has a cap since you can look to The term “externals” is actor-speak for
your partner and determine whether or any prop or physical condition placed upon
not they are willing to bestow mercy to the character. Accents are the most
you. “Maintaining someone’s interest” by obvious and common external found at
contrast is an action that can go on gaming tables. However, the mental
indefinitely. Depending on the dice or the conditions created by enchantment spells
whim of the DM you may never achieve are likewise externals, and some of those
your action – but you should always be spells (such as emotion) seem to be
working towards an end. unworkable with the techniques given
above. Consider this though – if you act
9. The action must be in line with the
out the emotions incurred by a spell on
established history of the character.
your character those emotions will seem
Your character’s actions should be
artificial – yet is that not exactly the
generally consistent from day to day just
reason why the sense motive skill allows a
as our own actions are consistent.
character to determine if a friend is under
a charm?
The Truth of the The DM in particular will tend to deal
with externals more often than the
Moment players. In order to make the game more
unpredictable for the players he will often
It might seem odd to speak of there being use the rules of the game to randomize
“truth” in a fantasy role-playing game in the NPC’s behaviors to a certain degree.
any sense. This term is used in acting Following the dice while portraying a
quite frequently, and it a reference to the believable character is a difficult and
following: when you seek the truth of exacting task, but not an impossible one.
the moment you act true to the
imaginary circumstances of the game.
To do this you must deal with each event
in the game as it comes and not try to
build to any preplanned moment. React Movies and plays have scenes as their
honestly with the other players and what most basic unit of action. Role-playing
Games have encounters as their emotional states is a myth and cannot be
fundamental unit. There are many done. Do not decide you’ll be angry and
parallels that can be drawn between the then act it out – however if something
two, so much so that some RPG systems occurs that makes you angry then act on
refer to encounters as scenes. that feeling.
An encounter must contain two
elements for all players – an objective and 4. What are my given
an obstacle. The objective is what the circumstances?
character wants in that encounter. It may
The term “given circumstances” refers to
or may not be part of a larger goal. The
the collective body of knowledge your
obstacle is what is preventing the
character has at the time, as opposed to
character from getting what they desire.
what you as a player may know. Review
Between these arises conflict. Conflict is
mentally what your character knows and
the soul of drama – and where there is no
do not confuse it with player knowledge.
conflict there is no drama.
DMs can, will and should penalize you for
Keep these questions in mind as you acting on player knowledge when they
proceed through encounters. They can discover this.
help you in gain focus and present your
character with a clarity and sense of 5. What are my relationships?
purpose that makes watching the play as
interesting as being involved in it. How your character is related to the other
characters in the scene affects how you
will react to them and what you will say to
1. What time is it? them. Avoid the “PC” label and treat an
Both the time period that the game occurs unfamiliar PC as you would any other NPC
in and the actual time come into play that your character encounters. Just
here. You don’t need to know specifics – because your best friends with the other
morning, afternoon, twilight or night do players doesn’t mean your characters will
just fine, and in medieval times those get along.
where the limits of timekeeping for most
characters. Season is also important – it 6. What do I want?
gets cold in the wintertime and hot in the
summertime and this will affect how your Character goals can be divided into short
character dresses, acts and behaves. and long term. Long term goals can be
vague, but short term goals must be
specific for the actions accompanying
2. What surrounds me? them to be specific. Short term goals also
Are you knee deep in snow or in a warm, do not have to be complex – they can be
cozy but noisy tavern? The DM must as simple as “get into the castle,” or
provide you these details, and if he “open the chest.” The more specific your
doesn’t ask questions. A crafty rogue goal is, the better.
always watches for a hiding spot and
looks ahead with a mind for ambush. 7. What is my obstacle?
Your obstacle is something that prevents
3. How do I feel? you from achieving your goal. It can be
This question deals only with your people – guards at the castle – or it can
character’s physical sensations. A be things – traps on the chest. For any
character that is badly wounded or scene to have dramatic tension and
recently healed will be sore and act therefore be of any interest to you or the
differently from one waking up from a other participants there must be an
good night’s sleep. Do not decide on an obstacle.
emotional state – controlling your


8. What do I do to understand that you create your character

based on the actions you choose for that
get what I want? character – but no matter how many
So, what’s your character going to do actions you choose for that character, it
about it? Here you have the fun the has no life beyond the words on the page.
professional actor is denied by the script – You, however, are a different matter.
you get to choose what you will do, and
Over time you will find that you bring to
you can never be certain if you will
each of your characters a different
succeed at the attempt.
combination of your own personality
traits. The more expressive you are with
9. What is the ‘as if’? these traits, the more compelling these
An “as if” is a loose comparison between characters will be, and along the way the
your character’s actions and your own real more you’ll learn about yourself.
life experiences. You should choose an as
if that is fun to play with. For instance,
you could play bluffing past the castle Play Nice!
guard “as if” you were trying to get past Always remember that everybody came to
the bouncer at a club without an ID saying the game table to have fun. With that
you’re 21. You could play opening a play nice and cooperate with your fellow
trapped chest as if you where trying to get players and DM. While conflict is the soul
Windows ME to work after a bad crash. of drama, it is the bane of productivity.
Be careful, some “as if’s” are not good. Don’t engage the DM in rules debates in
Choosing an “as if” that resembles a the middle of a heated battle – save it for
recent painful experiences for you is never after the game. Leave what has occurred
a good idea. Playing your character’s outside the game outside the game, and
reaction to a comrade’s death as if it were leave what occurs in the game within the
your father who had died three days after game – especially if the group has evil
is not a good idea. characters.
Whatever you do, don't destroy the
The Myth of motivation of another player's character.
Playing abusive characters is simply rude

Character in most cases. It puts a great deal of

strain on the other players to explain why
their characters are associating with your
Despite the belief of some misguided
jerk. There are fixes - if the jerk is the
individuals, it is quite impossible for you
sibling of a character whom the rest of the
to become the character you are playing.
group likes, and he has a worthwhile skill
Your character is merely an illusion
the party needs he can be tolerated. But
created by the words you choose and the
ask the other players how they feel about
situations that arise during the course of
such an arrangement.
the game.
In that vein, keep your characters on a
We come to the game table to stretch
leash. Don't let them go out and do
our imaginations. This creates a
things that the other players and/or their
suggestible atmosphere in and of itself. If
characters are going to hate. Also, keep
you tell the other players that you are an
in mind that brash play is often stupid
elven paladin, they will accept that fact.
play - survival requires teamwork and the
That you are an elven paladin is a given –
rest of the team may rid themselves of a
but you must find out what this role
means to you.
Aristotle defined character as the sum
total of a person’s actions. In this light,
<< A Boros guildmage.
guildmage With the power to
both heal and to harm, the Boros wield a
magic quite unlike any found in the typical
Dungeons & Dragons setting outside
multiclass characters. Both in Ravnica from
where the Boros hail and in Carthasana the
line between divine magic and arcane is
meaningless. Instead the attunement of
the soul determines the magic one wields.
An old wizard is said to have mastered
magic, a wise wizard understands that the
magic has mastered him.

hen it began none can say. Since magic might do. One must open their very souls to

the dawn of dragons has magic possibility - and thereupon is the single truth that
flowed through the veins of this cuts the line between the master and the apprentice.
world, and it will continue long
Magic is majesty and destitution. It is in the singing
after the elves are gone and men
of our music and the whispers of our secrets. It is the
are nothing more than creatures
aspiration of greatness and the stooping to low
of fable in books written by rabbits. Empires rise and
folly. It is the king's wish and the wizard's destiny. It
fall. Races come and go. Gods ascend and then are
is the truth and the lie. It is all that is good, but
forgotten. Magic stays. Magic is.
also all of evil. It is in the light and dark. It is
The study of magic, in all of its forms and ways is as found in love and hatred. It begins in thought and
ancient as writing and thought itself. It drives us to ends in action. It lies in instinct and resolves in a
do that which is impossible. It, like us, changes. It, strike. It is the everything - it is the nothing. It is
like us, evolves slowly over time. So it is that magic the realization and reality of our very dreams. That
in the means and ways that it is studied has come to is the danger - for with dreams must follow
its current form by a slow and painful process. nightmares.
Magic is belief. As such it is subject to the whims of ~ +Telsindria
the collective unconscious body of all the souls who
wield it and those who fear it. It is not enough to In this chapter we will explore how spells
study what magic can do, it is not even enough to are used in the World of Carthasana. On
study what magic should do. One must study what the surface magic in the Dusk campaign

works much like any other D&D setting – of the alignment it belongs to, further it is
wizards and clerics prepare spells and cast sourced from the outer plane that bears
them while sorcerers and bards the alignment’s proper name. The natures
spontaneously cast from fixed lists. of the alignments where discussed in the
Indeed, the core rules for the use of magic previous chapter – the natures of the
are largely unchanged save for the colors of magic are, in brief, as follows:
absence of the old alignment descriptors
 Black Magic is a magic of self
and a few spells entirely dependent on
empowerment. Black isn’t necessarily
alignments are rewritten to work with the
evil – but the fact that spells of death,
new alignment system.
corruption, and decay are black gives
Spells however are re-sorted in this book the color much of its sinister
and the rules that are based upon spell reputation.
types are expanded and clarified. New
 Blue Magic is that of thought and
descriptors are added to those found in
learning. It is a strongly elemental
the Player’s Handbook. In the lists
magic as its roots delve into the sea
that follow you will find that a few spells
and the sky upon which messages
are given descriptors from the PHB that
have long since traveled. Blue magic
they didn’t have before (for example, fly
is about the possible but also of the
now has the air descriptor). These
changes should be treated as revisions,
albeit minor ones.  Green Magic is that of the physical
and natural world. Druidic magic is

Casting Style
largely found in this type of magic, but
green magic doesn’t include druidic
death effects like finger of death
The Player’s Handbook introduced the
(These are black) or elemental druidic
concept of Arcane and Divine magic. This
effects like flamesphere (These are
book classifies these two types as casting
styles – they have little to do with the
spell itself but a lot to do with the caster.  Red Magic is that of the heart –
There are three styles altogether – passionate, furious, quick to anger,
Intuitive being the third and this is the swift to act, chaotic and barely
magic of sorcerers and bards (which is no controllable as the fires the magic
longer considered arcane). controls with ease. Like blue magic,
red magic is largely elemental – but
A very few spells can only be cast in one
the elements commanded here are fire
style. For instance, divine power draws
and earth. Red casters have at their
upon the power granted by a deity, so it
disposal the most awesome of the
must always be cast in the divine style
destructive spells in the game.
and can never be used intuitively or
arcanely. Twincast requires an intuitive  White Magic is that of order and
casting style and Rary’s Mnuemonic community. It is a magic for curing,
Enhancer is strictly arcane. Very few spells healing and protection, though this
throughout this book and from the magic is capable of lashing out at its
Player’s Handbook are restricted to only foes. But when white magic spells do
one style of casting. deal damage, they do so only to
certain foes based on their race, their

Colors of Magic alignment, or other criteria.

Overall, color presents a clear label to
Just as characters have one of five the thematic purpose of a spell, while
alignments in the Dusk setting, so too do schools & descriptors form a mechanical
spells have one of five colors. A spell’s representation of what a spell does.
color matches the mood and general goals
Sorting the Spells
 If you have spell focus (abjuration)
you may add +1 to your dispel checks.
If you have greater spell focus
Below are the schools, colors and
(abjuration) add another +1 to your
descriptors used in this book along with
dispel checks.
the spells found in these groups. New
spells found in this book are in bold on  If the defending caster has a spell
the lists which follow. New subschools and focus for the type of effect you’re
several new descriptors are introduced attempting to dispel, add +1 to the
along with the colors. DC. If they have greater spell focus
add another +1 to the DC.

Abjuration Ward
Abjurations are protective spells. They
Wards are magical barriers that prevent
work by warding an area or dispelling a
the passage of certain creatures or
hostile magical effect. There are two sub-
respond to their passage by creating an
schools to abjuration: Dispel, which
effect. Most wards are centered upon
breaks up magic effects and Ward; which
their caster and move with her, others are
protect a recipient or an area from harm.
centered upon another creature – usually
one the caster has touched. Still others
Dispel don’t move at all once created.
Abjuration (Dispel) effects break up Wards are typically invisible to the
magical effects and magically conjured unaided eye until they are struck or they
conditions of all types. The iconic spell of produce an effect. The base DC to spot a
this group is dispel magic. Most, though ward is 30 – spell level (stronger wards
not all, dispel effects require a dispel are more noticeable). If two wards
check to be performed against the caster remain within 10’ of each other for 24
of the effect you wish to dispel. This check hours a resonance effect will occur that
is a d20+your caster level. The DC of the makes each ward easier to spot – this
check is 11 + the spellcaster’s level. drops the DC by 2 for each ward present
Note: beyond the first (It drops by 4 if three
wards are present, 6 if four are present,
Abolish Hesitation etc.).
Abolish, Greater Hydroblast
Atonement Mordenkainen’s
Wards that overlap create a resonance
Banishment Disjunction immediately but function normally unless
Bask Necroblast their effects are similar or opposed. If
Break Enchantment Power Sink they are similar then one of the effects
Break Slumber Purify
Circumvent Refutation
may be subdued (see stacking effects in
Counterspell Rejuvenate the DMG, the enhancement descriptor
Demystify Remove Curse below and triggered effects rules in the
Desertion Remove Fear next chapter) – this is usually the case
Disempower Serenity
Disenchant Serrin’s Theft
with wards that enhance a creature’s AC.
Dismissal Shattering Pulse For example: two different spells that
Dispel Magic Shatterstorm provide armor bonuses don’t stack.
Dispel Magic, Greater Simplify
Dispelling Screen Song of Freedom Opposed wards react far more violently
Dispersal Shield Spell Blast than other wards when they touch. As
Dissipate Splinter soon as the effects are within 10’ of each
Essence Filter Stifle
Freedom Truthsay other each field will begin to shimmer and
Gainsay Unsummon glow. Wards of opposite alignments will
Wisesay keep out each other just like they keep
out creatures – a magic circle against evil

holds at bay a creature warded by
Abandon Hope Holy Aura
Absolute Duty Imprisonment protection from good. As a rule of thumb
Absolute Grace Insane Jealousy the stronger spell will push out the weaker
Absolute Law Inviolability and whatever creature that spell holds. If
Absolute Reason Ivory Mask the two wards are forced against each
Absolute Truth Limited Resources
Aether Flash Lull other (see below) then both of them are
Alarm Mind Blank subject to being dispelled immediately –
Antilife Shell Mishap Shield each caster makes a dispel check. If both
Antimagic Field Obscure Object win or lose both wards are destroyed. If
Antimagic Shell, Greater Prismatic Sphere
Antiplant Shell Prismatic Wall there is only one winner his ward stays in
Arcane Lock Propaganda- place and the other’s ward is destroyed.
Aura of Protection: Black Protection from Arrows
Aura of Protection: Blue Protection from Black Many wards create barriers that are
Aura of Protection: Green Protection from Blue impassable to certain creatures. You
Aura of Protection: Red Protection from Energy cannot use these wards to directly force a
Aura of Protection: White Protection from Green
creature’s retreat by pushing them (You
Back to Basics Protection from Red
Black Ward Protection from Spells can indirectly herd them if they are afraid
Blue Ward Protection from White of contacting the ward and retreat of their
Bright Circle Red Ward own volition). Approaching such a
Circle of Protection: Black Reflect Gaze
creature creates discernable pressure
Circle of Protection: Blue Repel Metal or Stone
Circle of Protection: Repel Vermin against the ward that you can feel. If you
Green Repulsion continue to force the barrier against the
Circle of Protection: Red Resistance creature you will break the spell. Wards
Circle of Protection: Restrain
that create barriers to creatures extend
White Retribution
Conceal Lies Ring of Fire their effects onto the ethereal and astral
Control Revocation Sanctuary plane.
Crown of Awe Seclude
Dampening Field Sequester
Death Ward, Greater
Shield of Faith
Dimensional Anchor Shield of Law
Dimensional Lock Shield Other
The acid descriptor encompasses a fairly
Dispelling Screen Shield Other, Mass small group of spells that create acid as
Dispersal Shield Shield, Greater part of their effect. This acid then rapidly
Endure Elements Sirrom’s Foul Link corrodes almost anything brought into
Energy Field Sound Shell
Entropic Shield Spell Immunity
contact with it.
Explosive Runes Spell Immunity, Greater Damage dealt by acid spells is “acid
Fire Trap Spell Resistance
Flaring Pain Spell Turning damage” unless otherwise noted. No
Flickering Ward Spirit Link creature suffers extra damage from acid
Forbid Steadfast Heart attacks however several are invulnerable
Forbiddance Stoneskin to it including but not limited to demons
Force Void Tainted Aether
Fortify Telsindria’s Aura and the air and fire elementals.
Freedom of Movement Telsindria’s Blessing
Globe of Invulnerability Telsindria’s Invulnerable
Acid damage is continuous. A creature
Globe of Invulnerability, Globe that was hit on a prior round by any acid
Lesser Telsindria’s Radiance spell must make a concentration check to
Glyph of Warding Telsindria’s Reflection cast a spell even if the acid spell won’t
Glyph of Warding, Greater Telsindria’s Spell
Green Ward Immunity
deal damage this round.
Guards & Wards Telsindria’s Spelltrap Since acid works over time characters
Hide from Animals Tiania’s Sanctuary
Hide from Undead Tranquil Domain will attempt to get it off. Full immersion
Hold Portal Undetectable Alignment in rapidly moving water will wash acid off
Unholy Aura in 2 rounds. On the first round of
Ward from Rain immersion the character takes ½ damage
White Ward
Worship from the acid and on the second round
they will take ¼ damage. If the
immersion doesn’t last two rounds than Air
the divisor applies to all further damage
The spells with the air descriptor
done by the acid.
manipulate air or conjure it. Some air
Acid is flammable, so fire provides spells also grant the properties of air
another means to get it off in a hurry, but elementals to creature, most notably
this often deals more damage to the flight.
character than the acid would have dealt.
Air spells don’t typically damage
A character who would take at least 10
directly, though they can propel
points of fire damage from any source
projectiles effectively and blow creatures
takes only ½ damage from any acid that
around against their will.
was burning the character prior to the fire
spell. A character who would take 20 Most air spells don’t function at all
points of damage from a fire spell takes ¼ underwater.
damage and a character who would take
30 points of damage will not take any
more acid damage, though he may not be Air Walk Overland Flight
alive to care. Control Winds Overland Flight, Mass
Elemental Swarm* Planar Ally*
(Note the use of the phrase “would Feather Fall Planar Ally, Greater*
take.” A character who would have taken Fly Planar Ally, Lesser*
Fly, Mass Soar
30 points of damage but has all of it
Gaseous Form Whirlwind
prevented by a protection from fire spell Gate* Whispering Wind
still has the acid burned off of him even Gust of Wind Wind Walk
though he didn’t take any damage from Levitate Wind Wall
the fire. Many of the spells and rules * This spell is an air spell only when it is used to
throughout this book care whether contact, call or summon a creature from an air-
dominated plane.
damage was dealt to a character or
whether it might be done. See the section
on damage reduction and prevention in
Chapter 4 for more information).
Black, or more properly “Sodrean” magic,
Acid stinks. Any acid spell can be
is drawn from the plane of Sodrea. Its
clearly smelled from 30’ away, or 60’
image is that of a dark and brooding
away by creatures with the scent ability.
magic obsessed with power and
This stench lingers for 1 hour / level of the
corruption. While it is true that a great
acid spell, and for tracking purposes the
many black spells are evil, it is not the
scent remains 1 day / level of the smell to
case that black itself is evil. Black magic
a creature with the scent feat.
is simply concerned with selfish interests
If a metamagic effect or class ability and self-promotion to its logical fault.
makes a damaging spell into an acid spell,
Much of black’s sinister reputation arises
divide the damage in half and apply the
out of its powerful dominance of
damage over the course of two rounds.
necromantic effects. Black spells are able
to create and empower undead creatures
with frightening efficiency, and these
Acid Fog Corrosive Weapon
spells tend to overshadow black’s other
Acid Rain Melf’s Acid Arrow
Acid Splash Stream of Acid abilities. Black also is powerful at
Acidic Blast Transmute Water to breaking up a spellcaster’s mind and
Corrosive Burst Acid rendering him unable to use some or all of
his spells effectively even before he casts
a single spell. Black is also the master of

death magic, a thought ever present in Creatures with the cold subtype are
those who have to face it. immune to the cold damage of a cold spell
but are subject to any indirect effects of
The list of black spells is in the
the spell and to any other damage types
dealt by the spell. For instance, while an
ice mephit is immune to cold damage, he
Blue could still be trapped and harmed by
water freezing around him (see below).
Balcridian or “blue” magic doesn’t
Cold can be used to rapidly freeze
commonly enter the thoughts of the
water. One cubic foot of ice forms for
commonfolk, unlike the nightmares of
every 2 points of damage the spell can
black magic and the healing spells of
deal. If the area of the spell is a cone or
white. Indeed, of the types of magic this
line of effect then the ice starts forming as
is the one most commoners never see
close to the caster as possible, and if the
cast in their lifetimes and if they do
spell has a defined center point the ice
witness it they often don’t recognize it for
forms as close to this center as possible.
what it is, for blue is the magic of thought
A caster aiming a cold spell at a lake or
and possibility – and with that comes
river can aim the spell at the surface and
illusions, divinations and other highly
form a bridge 6” deep sufficient to cover 1
subtle spells.
foot for each point of damage the spell
While blue is an excellent illusionist, this dealt. Such a bridge can support the
is only one of a number of suits worn by weight of most player characters.
this highly flexible type of magic. Blue is
Creatures in an area where ice is
a powerful diviner as well as well as a
forming are expelled from the square if
guardian of secrets. If blue where merely
possible – even if they are immobile the
an illusionist and a diviner though it would
ice will push them out.
quickly fall behind the other types in
power. But oddly a blue wizard is the one Water elementals (and similar creatures
all others are loathe to fight a spell duel with both the water and elemental
with, for blue has the most powerful subtypes) only take subdual damage from
metamagic spells at its disposal giving it cold spells, but if such a spell reduces
the ability to quickly adapt its already them to 0 hit points or less they are
flexible spell selection to the needs at frozen solid. The creature recovers from 1
hand. point of this damage each minute. For
instance: a water elemental at 12 hit
The list of blue spells is in the appendix.
points is struck by a cone of cold for 30
points. It will be frozen solid for 18
Cold minutes.
Reptiles and other exothermic (cold-
These spells create intense cold. If the
spell deals damage, that damage is cold blooded) creatures are slowed by cold
spells for 1 round / level of the caster
damage unless otherwise noted.
unless they succeed at a fortitude save.
Cold deals half again (+50%) as much
damage to creatures with the fire subtype. Chill Metal Otiluke’s Freezing
Cone of Cold Sphere
The evasion class ability doesn’t affect this Fire Shield * Polar Ray
extra damage, and the improved evasion Frost Weapon Ray of Frost
class ability only reduces it to half. (This Ice Storm Sleet Storm
means a creature with evasion that passes Icy Burst Weapon Wall of Ice
it’s save still takes ½ damage, and a * Fire shield only is a cold spell in its chill shield
creature with improved evasion takes ¾ mode.
damage on a failed save and ¼ damage
on a successful one).
Conjuration thickness is warded from all black calling
spells and Sodrean creatures can’t appear
in such an area. Lead has a similar effect
Each conjuration spell belongs to one of
on white callings and Valrean creatures,
five sub-schools: Summoning, which
silver bars red callings and Shunrian
brings manifestations of objects, creatures
creatures, copper blocks blue callings and
or certain types of energy to you for a
Balcridian creatures and iron wards out
limited time; Calling, which brings actual
green callings and Aborean creatures.
creatures from another plane to your own;
Teleportation, which physically Although actually present on the plane
transports you and/or others from one called creatures are still warded by
place to another, even across planes at protection from black and similar spells
the higher levels; Healing, which recover and they can’t appear inside such a ward
loses in hit points, abilities, levels or unless it is focused inward – instead they
removes negative statuses such as appear at the closest point they can
blindness and even death; and Creation, outside the ward.
which actually produces materials from
nothing for you to employ. Animal Scouts Planar Ally, Greater
Gate Planar Ally, Lesser
Creatures you conjure will usually (but Planar Ally
not always) obey your commands.
Whether called or summoned they appear
within the spell’s range but are not obliged
to remain therein. A conjured creature or
object can’t appear within living things, Creation spells manipulate or conjure
nor can they appear within an area at matter to create an object or creature in
least 90% enclosed by living creatures the place the caster designates (subject to
(such as a wizard’s tower with ivy vines the limitations of the spell and those
on the outside). The object or creature outlined above). If the spell description
must appear on an open surface capable lists a duration other than instantaneous
of supporting its weight unless it can fly the object is held together by magic and
and aquatic creatures must be conjured in vanishes without a trace when the spell
water. ends; otherwise the created item is
merely assembled by magic and cannot be
dispelled. It will last indefinitely though it
Calling is still subject to the ravages of time and
Calling spells bring actual creatures to you tide.
from other planes of existence. The spell
also grants the creature a one-time ability Abundance Melf’s Acid Arrow
Acid Fog Minor Creation
to return home although the spell may Acid Rain Mordenkainen’s Faithful
limit the circumstances under which this is Acid Splash Hound
possible. Calling spells conjure the actual Acidic Blast Obscuring Mist
creature – not a manifestation of it. Cloudkill Phantom Steed
Create Food & Water Phase Door
Hence a called creature can actually die Create Water Pyroclastic Flow
when killed – it doesn’t disappear and Evard’s Black Tentacles Sepia Snake Sigil
reform at a later time as a summoned Fire Seeds Shambler
creature does. Calling spells are Fog Cloud Sleet Storm
Gate Solid Fog
instantaneous so they can’t be dispelled, Glitterdust Stinking Cloud
but the creatures are still subject to Grease Stone Rain
banishment and dismissal. Heroes’ Feast Stream of Acid
Incendiary Cloud Unseen Servant
Calling spells have all the descriptors Leomund’s Secure Wall of Iron
appropriate to the planes they connect to Shelter Wall of Stone
Mage Armor, Greater Wall of Thorns
– i.e. a calling spell connecting to Sodrea Major Creation Web
is black. An area encased in gold of any


Healing Summoned creatures are magical

replicas of the actual creature so its fate
These spells restore life energy to the while summoned has no bearing on the
subject – restoring hit points and even creature’s actual existence. If it is “killed”
bringing back the dead. Unlike other by being reduced to 0 hit points or less
conjurations most of them can be cast the replica is destroyed but the creature is
under any circumstances a non- unharmed. However, that specific
conjuration can be cast. The exceptions summoned creature can’t be summoned
are raise dead and its related spells that for 24 hours afterward.
must call back the soul of the departed –
these spells won’t function where calling As with callings special materials can
spells can’t function. ward out summoned creatures (see the
entry for calling).
Healing spells are imbued with positive
energy. They will inflict damage to When the spell that summoned a
undead creatures, usually acting as their creature ends and the creature
reverse when used upon the undead. disappears, all the spells it has expire. A
Raise dead and it’s kindred force an summoned creature cannot use any
undead creature to make a fortitude save innate summoning abilities it may have,
or be destroyed just as if their inverse had and it refuses to cast any spells that
been cast. would cost it XP, or to use any spell like
abilities that would cost XP if they where
Cleanse Life Burst spells.
Cocoon Raise Dead
Contemplation Regenerate Avalanche of Squirrels Summon Monster I
Crumble Reincarnate Ball Lightning Summon Monster II
Cure Critical Wounds Remove Choking Vines Summon Monster III
Cure Critical Wounds, Blindness/Deafness Creeping Doom Summon Monster IV
Mass Remove Disease Creeping Mold Summon Monster IX
Cure Light Wounds Remove Paralysis Drawmij’s Instant Summon Monster V
Cure Light Wounds, Renewal Summons Summon Monster VI
Mass Renewal, Mass Elemental Swarm Summon Monster VII
Cure Minor Wounds Renounce Insect Plague Summon Monster VIII
Cure Moderate Wounds Restoration Ishrala’s Summons Summon Swarm
Cure Moderate Wounds, Restoration, Greater Leomund’s Secret Chest Summon Warlord
Mass Restoration, Lesser Storm of Vengeance Trap the Soul
Cure Serious Wounds Resurrection Summon Instrument
Cure Serious Wounds, Reverse Damage
Mass Revive
Delay Poison
True Resurrection
White Fire
Heal Mount Wildcure These spells transport creatures and
Heal, Mass
Holy Missiles
objects across great distances. The most
Illusions of Grandeur powerful of these spells can cross planar
Infusion boundaries. Unlike summoning spells, the
transportation is (unless otherwise noted)
one-way and cannot be dispelled.
Summoning Teleportation is instantaneous travel via
Summoning spells instantly bring a the astral plane.
creature or object to a place you
designate within the guidelines set forth Dimension Door Teleport
Maze Teleport Object
above. When the spell ends or is dispelled Plane Shift* Teleport, Greater
a summoned creature is instantly sent Refuge Teleportation Circle
back to where it came from, but a Serrin’s Phase Step Tree Stride
summoned object is not sent back unless Switch Costumes Word of Recall
the spell description specifically indicates Ten feet of stone, 1 foot of lead
this. mortared brick, lead, or gold in any
thickness presents a barrier to Phantasmal killer and disintegrate both kill
teleportation, as do force spells instantly, but do not have the death
(particularly forcecage and wall of force). descriptor and therefore victims of these
spells can be returned by raise dead.

Darkness Spells with the death descriptor snuff the

life force of their victims directly rather
than harm their bodies.
The darkness descriptor is given to those
spells that create magical darkness. Constructs and Undead are immune to
Unless otherwise noted in the specific death effects unless otherwise noted in
spell description normal sight, low light the spell’s description.
vision and darkvision don’t function in
these areas.
Also unless otherwise noted a light spell
counters any darkness spell of equal level Each divination spell is a member of one
or less and can be used to dispel any of three subschools: Insight, which give
darkness spell two or more levels lower. you knowledge about the future, the
Likewise a light spell can be countered by present, or the past and allow you to
an equal level darkness spell or one that is communicate with creatures you normally
a level higher, and it will not function in can’t; Sensory, which allow you to sense
areas of darkness created by spells at (usually see) things you normally can’t;
least two levels higher than it. and Scrying, which allows you to spy
upon foes at a distance.
Darkness Sirrom’s Impenetrable
Deeper Darkness Darkness Most divinations have a cone shaped
Nightshroud area of effect – this is the area you can
study on a given round of the spell’s

Death Insight
Easily one of the most feared groups of
The insight spells allow you to see into the
spells in the game, the death spells
future or past directly, or consult extra-
instantly kill any target that fails a saving
planar creatures with questions.
throw against them by snuffing their life
Alternately these spells will allow you to
force directly. Raise dead cannot restore
talk to creatures you normally wouldn’t be
victims of a death spell, but resurrection
able to understand (or grant them the
and higher magic will work.
ability to understand you).

Circle of Death Power Word: Kill Ascertain Value Moment of Prescience

Dark Fate Repel Death Augury Oathbind
Dark Ritual Sirrom’s Deathgate Catalogue Prophecy
Dark Ritual, Greater Sirrom’s Foul Commune Speak with Animals
Dark Ritual, Lesser Transformation Commune with Nature Speak with Plants
Death Burst Sirrom’s Spite Comprehend Languages Spell Scan
Death Knell Slay Living Contact Other Plane Stone Tell
Death Stroke Swat Divination Talisiasia’s Insight
Destruction Symbol of Death Evasion Tongues
Exterminate Vile Consumption Familiar Eyes True Strike
Hatred Wail of the Banshee Foresight Vigilance
Last Breath Wasting Curse Guidance Vision
Wind of Despair Legend Lore

Not all spells that have a save or die

condition count as death spells.


Scrying Earth
Scrying spells create an invisible sensor
that sends you information. Unless noted Earth spells manipulate or conjure earth,
otherwise, the sensor has the same rock and stone, or they confer the
powers of sensual acuity that you do. properties of an earth elemental onto a
This will usually include spells that target creature, such as the rock hard skin of
you, but not spells that emanate from stoneskin.
you. The sensor is treated as a separate, Burrowing Statue
independent sensory organ for you and it Earthquake Stone Grasp
will function even if you are blinded, Elemental Swarm* Stone Rain
deafened or suffer some other sensory Flesh to Stone Stone Shape
Gate* Stone Tell
impairment. Sensors can be noticed on a Meld Into Stone Stone to Flesh
scrying check against DC 20, and this Planar Ally* Stoneform
particular check can be made untrained. Planar Ally, Greater* Stoneskin
The sensor is subject to dispelling. Planar Ally, Lesser* Transmute Mud to Rock
Repel Metal or Stone Transmute Rock to
Rolling Thunder Lava
Arcane Eye One with Nature
Shower of Coals Transmute Rock to Mud
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance Scrying
Soften Earth & Stone Volley of Boulders
Displace Perspective Scrying, Greater
Spike Stones Wall of Stone
Forest’s Eyes Visualize
Yarenic’s Firebolts
Lay of the Land
* This spell is an earth spell only when it is used to
contact, call or summon a creature from an earth-
Sensory dominated plane.

Sensory spells allow you to sense things

you normally can’t. Many of them have Electricity
detect as part of their name. Unless
otherwise noted sensory spells are line of Electricity spells produce powerful
sight effects – even if you can see electrical discharges, almost always for
invisibility they can still hide behind a the purpose of dealing damage to foes.
tree. You can’t detect for the alignments When such a spell deals damage, that
of creatures you can’t see. damage is electricity damage unless
otherwise noted.
Analyze Dweomer Find the Path
Arcane Sight Find Traps
Electricity deals half again (+50%) as
Arcane Sight, Greater Identify much damage to creatures with the water
Clearsight Keen Ear subtype. The evasion class ability doesn’t
Detect Animals or Plants Keen Eye affect this extra damage, and the
Detect Chaos Know Direction
Detect Evil Locate Creature
improved evasion class ability reduces it
Detect Good Locate Object to half. (This means a creature with
Detect Law Magnify Sight evasion that passes its save still takes ½
Detect Poison Prying Eyes damage, and a creature with improved
Detect Scrying Prying Eyes, Greater
Detect Secret Doors Rary’s Telepathic Bond
evasion takes ¾ damage on a failed save
Detect Snares & Pits Scent and ¼ damage on a successful one).
Detect Thoughts See Invisibility
Detect Undead Sentinel Electricity is also a potent means to
Discern Lies Sonar harm foes with metallic armors. A
Discern Location Status character wearing half plate or heavier
True Seeing metal armor takes an extra point of
damage / die when struck by an electricity
Electricity can be used to start fires,
though they aren’t as reliable in this
regard as fire spells.
The discharge of any electricity spell can
be clearly heard for 100’ / level of the
spell. Further, any listen check made These spells compel a specified course of
within 10’ on the round after a lightning action or change the way the mind works.
spell suffers a penalty equal to the spell’s The compulsion can be specific to the
level, this due mainly to the ringing of the spell, free for you to choose, or the spell
ears caused by the thunderclap of the may afford you ongoing control over the
spell. subject. Other compulsions increase the
combat effectiveness of the creature by
Electricity spells leave behind a faint removing negative emotions or increasing
smell of ozone in their wake. Creatures their morale.
within 30’ of the location of the discharge
can note it for up to 10 minutes Abeyance Hold Monster, Mass
afterward, and creatures with the scent Aid Hold Person
ability may note this at 60’ away for up to Animal Messenger Hold Person, Greater
Animal Trance Hold Person, Mass
half an hour after. Antipathy Humble
Apathy Hypnotism
Arc Lightning Shocking Grasp Bane Insanity
Call Lightning Shocking Weapon Bedlam Lullaby
Call Lightning Storm Spellshock Binding Magic Missive
Chain Lightning Storm Blast Weapon Bless Mind Fog
Hellfire Blast Weapon Storm Weapon Calm Animals Modify Memory
Hellfire Weapon Thunderbolt Calm Emotions Otto’s Irresistible Dance
Lightning Bolt Wall of Lightning Command Pacifism
Lightning Rift Zap Compulsion Pacifism, Mass
Shocking Burst Weapon- Confusion Power Word: Blind
Confusion, Greater- Power Word: Kill
Confusion, Lesser Power Word: Stun
Conviction Prayer

Enchantment Convince
Crushing Despair
Ray of Command
The enchantment spells change the Daze Monster Retaliate
mental qualities and attitudes of their Decree Reverent Mantra
Deep Slumber Sleep
subjects. All enchantments are mind- Demand Song of Blood
affecting spells. The two sub-schools of Dissention in the Song of Chaos
enchantment are charm, which changes a Ranks Song of Discord
creature’s disposition and compulsion, Dominate Animal Song of Holding
Dominate Monster Stampede
which compel a specific action or course of Dominate Person Stupor
action. Feeblemind Suggestion
Forest Maze Suggestion, Mass

Charm Geas, Lesser

Symbol of Insanity
Symbol of Sleep
Good Hope Symbol of Stunning
Charm spells change the subject’s Grievance Sympathy
perceptions of others. Typically these Halt Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
spells make the subject see you favorably, Heroism Taunt
but some charms bring about negative Heroism, Greater Touch of Idiocy
Hold Animal Unquestioned
feelings towards the caster or others. Hold Monster Authority
Hold Monster, Greater Zone of Truth
Charm Animal Paranoia
Charm Monster Paranoia, Mass
Charm Monster, Mass Puppet Strings
Charm Person Puppet Strings, Mass
Conviction Song of Charm
Enthrall Symbol of Persuasion


Enhancement Aggression
Animal Growth
Leech Wisdom
Mage Armor, Greater
These spells as a group can be the most Animal Weaponry Magic Fang
damaging to campaign balance if not Armor of Thorns Magic Fang, Greater
Barkskin Magic Stone
managed carefully. Enhancement spells Bear’s Endurance Magic Vestment
“enhance” a creature or object: granting it Bear’s Endurance, Mass Magic Weapon
a bonus of some type to one or more Bless Magic Weapon, Greater
ability scores; granting a bonus to attack Bloodlust Malice
Bloodlust, Lesser Mental Discipline
rolls, saving throws, level checks, etc.; or Brute Resolve Might of Oaks
granting a creature access to a feat or Bull’s Strength Mythic Proportions
other ability it would not otherwise have. Bull’s Strength, Mass No Mercy, No Quarter
Carapace Owl’s Wisdom
Most enhancement spells name the Cat’s Grace Owl’s Wisdom, Mass
bonus they give (i.e. a “+1 holy bonus” or Cat’s Grace, Mass Pixie’s Grace
Clutch of Undeath Pixie’s Grace, Mass
a “+3 enhancement bonus”). Regardless Common Cause Quickling’s Grace
of the number of enhancement spells on a Corrosive Burst Rampage
creature, only the strongest bonus of any Weapon Reaching Weapon
one name applies. If a creature has a +1 Corrosive Weapon Reduce Animal
Crown of Fire Reduce Person
holy bonus and a +3 holy bonus then only
Crusade Reduce Person, Mass
the +3 holy bonus is expressed. The sole Despondency Rise of the Meek
exceptions to this rule are dodge bonuses Diabolic Strength Sadistic Glee
and circumstance bonuses. Spells do Diseased Weapon Shillelagh
Divine Favor Shocking Burst
not directly give either of these bonus
Divine Power Weapon
types to creatures but may indirectly do Eagle’s Splendor Shocking Weapon
so (i.e. cat’s grace grants an enhancement Eagle’s Splendor, Mass Song of Blood
bonus to dexterity which in turn will Enlarge Person Spelldraining Blade
Enlarge Person, Mass Squirrel Growth
increase the dodge bonus of a creature).
Expeditious Retreat Squirrel Riot
Circumstance bonuses only stack if they Flaming Burst Stone’s Endurance
are from differing circumstances. Weapon Storm Blast Weapon
Flaming Weapon Storm Weapon
Weapons and items can only have Focus Surefoot
one enhancement spell upon them at Fox’s Cunning Target Lock
a time, not including the spells that Fox’s Cunning, Mass Terix’s Boon
Frost Weapon Thunder-Clapping
permanently enchant a magic weapon or Gambit Weapon
item. This rule prevents a clever caster Giant Vermin Thundering Weapon
from putting the new spells flaming Giant’s Strength Tiania’s Blessing
weapon, icy weapon, thundering weapon, Giant’s Strength, Tiania’s Blessing, Mass
Mass Tiania’s Endowment
etc. on an item to create obscene Glibness Tiania’s Enlightenment
amounts of damage on each swing. Gratuitous Violence Tiania’s
Hellfire Blast Weapon Enlightenment,
If multiple enhancements are placed on Hellfire Weapon Mass
a weapon then only the strongest (e.g. Horse’s Stamina Tiania’s Greater
highest level) one will be expressed – all Horse’s Stamina Splendor
Icy Burst Weapon Tiania’s Insight
the others will be subdued. Note that a
Insight Tiania’s Splendor
monk’s unarmed strikes are weapons for Keen Ear Tiger’s Prowess
purposes of this rule. Keen Edge Tiger’s Prowess, Mass
Keen Eye Titan’s Strength
Leech Cunning Treant’s Endurance
Leech Endurance Treant’s Endurance,
Leech Grace Mass
Leech Splendor Vampiric Blade
Leech Strength Vindicate
Wolf’s Tenacity
Wolf’s Tenacity, Mass
Anarchy Incinerate
Arc Lightning Invisibility Purge
Although spells that don’t name their Backdraft Leomund’s Tiny Hut
bonus are rare they do occur. Multiple Bigby’s Clenched Fist Light
Bigby’s Crushing Hand Light of Day
instances of these spells do not stack with Bigby’s Forceful Hand Light of Day, Greater
each other unless otherwise noted. If Bigby’s Grasping Hand Lightning Bolt
several spells in a chain of spells do not Bigby’s Interposing Hand Lightning Rift
name their bonus, then only one spell in Blade Barrier Magic Missile
Blade Storm Meteor Swarm
the chain can affect a creature at a given Blaze Mind Burn
time – usually the spell with the strongest Blinding Light Miracle
effect. (Spells belong to a chain if the Burning Hands Nightshroud
higher level ones say “as X spell, except Call Lightning Oathbind, Greater
Call Lightning Storm Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere
this spell does Y” somewhere in their Capsize Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
description). Chain Contingency Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere
Chain Lightning Pandemonium
Chaos Ball Parch
Evocation Chaos Bolt
Concussive Fireball-
Planar Collapse
Polar Ray
Cone of Cold Power Wave
These spells manipulate energies drawn from
Cone of Flame Price of Progress
the planes. They include some of the most Consecrate Prismatic Spray
explosive and spectacular combat spells in the Contingency Produce Flame
game. Continual Flame Pyroclastic Burst
Dancing Lights Pyrostatic Field
Darkness Radiate
Daylight Ray of Frost
Deep Water Reaching Weapon
Deeper Darkness Replenish
Delayed Blast Fireball Rolling Thunder
Desecrate Scorching Ray
Despondency Searing Light
Devastation Sending
Divine Favor Shatter
Divine Power Shocking Grasp
Douse Shockwave
Earthbind Shout
Earthquake Shout, Greater
Faerie Fire Shower of Coals
Falling Timber Sirrom’s Spite
False Life Sizzle
Fanning the Flames Sound Burst
Fire Shield Spellshock
Fire Storm Spiritual Weapon
Fireball Summer Bloom
Fireblast Sunbeam
Firebreathing Sunburst
Fissure Surge
Flame Blade Sympathetic Vibration
Flame Strike Telsindria’s Trigger
Flaming Sphere Tenser’s Floating Disk
Flare Thermal Shock
Force Hull Thunderbolt
Forcecage Twincast
Gust of Wind Unhallow
Hallow Unholy Blight
Hands of Fire Wall of Fire
Helping Hand Wall of Force
Holy Wall of Ice
Holy Smite Wall of Lightning
Holy Sword Wave of Reckoning
Holy Word Whirlwind
Ice Storm Wildfire
Ignite Wind Wall
Imbue with Spell Ability Word of Chaos
Implosion Yarenic’s Firebolts
Incendiary Zap


Fear Blaze
Burning Hands
Hellfire Weapon -
Concussive Fireball Incendiary
These spells inspire fear in the heart and Cone of Flame Incendiary Cloud
mind of the subject. By their very nature Delayed Blast Fireball Incinerate-
fear effects are also mind-affecting. Devastation Meltdown
Elemental Swarm* Meteor Swarm
Halflings enjoy a +2 morale bonus to Fire Seeds Parch
Fire Shield Planar Ally*
their saving throw against fear effects
Fire Storm Planar Ally, Greater*
since as a race they have a powerful Fire Trap Planar Ally, Lesser*
sense of curiosity that often overrides Fireball Produce Flame
their better judgment. This bonus stacks Fireblast Pyroclastic Burst
Firebreathing Pyroclastic Flow
with their racial +1 bonus on all saves.
Fireform Pyrotechnics
Constructs and undead are immune to Flame Arrow Ring of Fire
Flame Blade Rolling Thunder
fear, and since most all fear effects are Flame Guide Scorching Ray
mind-affecting, mindless creatures tend to Flame Strike Shower of Coals
be immune to fear as well. Flaming Burst Weapon Sizzle
Flaming Sphere Thermal Shock
At 2nd level Paladins become immune to Flaming Weapon Transmute Rock to
fear effects. This is a supernatural ability. Hands of Fire Lava
Further, allies within 10’ of the paladin Heat Metal Wall of Fire
Hellfire Blast Weapon Wildfire
gain a +4 morale bonus to their saves. Yarenic’s Bloody
This is likewise a supernatural ability. It Flame
does not stack with the halfling race’s +2 Yarenic’s Firebolts
morale bonus against fear effects since While creatures with the water subtype
both bonuses are morale bonuses. aren’t completely immune to fire, they do
take half damage from fire spells.
Bane Phantasmal Killer
Bloodcurdling Scream Scare Fire spells are at their most dangerous
Cause Fear Symbol of Fear
when they ignite dry brush and
Dirge of Dread Terror
Doom Weird vegetation. Even an innocent ignite
Fear cantrip can start a forest fire that is able
to burn down whole cities, given time.

Fire When a fire spell is cast upon an area

that the DM deems could have items catch
Fire spells remain one of the largest and on fire then 1 small fire is produced per
perhaps the most flexible group of spells damage die of the spell, and these small
for dealing damage. Unless otherwise fires are spread out more or less evenly
noted the damage dealt by a fire spell is throughout the area of effect. None of
fire damage. them occur in a square occupied by a
creature. As a move equivalent action a
Fire deals half again (+50%) as much creature can stamp out such a small fire.
damage to creatures with the cold On the next round each of these small
subtype. The evasion class ability doesn’t fires either goes out or balloons into a
affect this extra damage, and the 5’x5’ bonfire (50% chance of either).
improved evasion class ability reduces it
to half. (This means a creature with Once a bonfire occurs characters have a
evasion that passes its save still takes ½ problem. The DM needs to roll a d10 to
damage, and a creature with improved determine wind direction and consult
evasion takes ¾ damage on a failed save grenade like effects diagram in the DMG
and ¼ damage on a successful one). (Normally this chart uses a d8 – on rolls of
9 and 10 the wind is calm that round and
no spread occurs). There is a base 50%
chance that the fire spreads to all
adjoining squares in the direction of the spell attacks from outside planes cannot
wind. If the wind is particularly good affect creatures on the material plane.
(gust of wind spell) the fire spreads 10’ in
the direction of the wind.
Burning squares remain engulfed for a
minute then will start to die unless they Aborean or “green” magic spells are
have a tree or other large burn source. concerned with driving the forces of
natural growth. Commoners often
Characters caught in a burning square
beseech druids and other casters of this
take 1d6 fire damage. Characters down
magic to use their powers to insure a
wind of a fire must make a fortitude save
good harvest or to stave off nature’s
DC 15 or be nauseated by the smoke.
wrath. However green can also invoke
Creatures with the fire subtype are such wrath and will often do so to destroy
immune from damage by a fire spell and the forces it views as enemies.
they are also immune to being nauseated
Green is a color of birth, growth, and
by smoke, but they are subject to other
renewal, and as such most of the spells
effects a fire spell might generate (such as
that enhance living creatures belong to
the impact damage of Shower of Coals).
green. Green also has charm effects and
growth effects in spades. The type
Force doesn’t have an especially
complement of defense spells, and most

These spells create a field of force. They of those are aimed towards hampering the
may erect a barrier as is the case with undead and death spells. Green has
wall of force, or they might actually be offense in the form of acid and cold spells,
used as an attack form. Force spells deal not to mention the offensive possibilities
bludgeoning damage just like a hammer inherent in its weather control spells. The
or club unless otherwise noted. green type is perhaps the most balanced
of the five but other than its nature focus,
Bigby’s Clenched Fist Magic Missile but its defense lags behind both blue and
Bigby’s Crushing Hand Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere white in quality and it’s offense (or any
Bigby’s Forceful Hand Otiluke’s Telekinetic other type’s) lags far behind red and
Bigby’s Grasping Hand Sphere
Bigby’s Interposing Pandemonium
Hand Power Wave The list of green spells is in the
Blade Barrier Price of Progress
Blade Storm Reaching Weapon
Capsize Restrain

Chaos Bolt Sepia Snake Sigil
Deep Water Shield
Earthbind Shield, Greater
Explosive Runes Shield, Greater Illusion spells deceive both the senses and
Falling Timber Spellshock minds of creatures and in one case
Fissure Spiritual Weapon
Force Hull Tenser’s Floating Disk (sleight of mind) spells. These spells
Forcecage Wall of Force remain among the hardest in the game to
Leomund’s Tiny Hut Wave of Reckoning adjudicate due largely to their flexibility.
Mage Armor, Greater Even low-level illusions can create the
appearance of anything. The illusion
school is divided into five subcategories –
Unlike other spells, force effects extend
figments, glamers, patterns, phantasms
onto any border planes a world may have
and shadows.
to affect creatures there. Hence creatures
on the shadow or æther planes are
subject to force attacks from the material
plane. The reverse is not normally true –


Figment subject of the illusion and the observer’s

familiarity with the subject of the illusion
Figments create false sensations to one or will affect the outcome of the spell as if
more senses. Observers of a figment that you were using the disguise skill (see
believe in it observe the same thing, not Chapter X).
their own personalized version of the
figment (that’s what a phantasm is, see Because figments are unreal they can’t
below). produce real effects the way that other
types of illusions can. They can’t deal
Figments can’t directly conceal existing damage, support weight or provide
objects (this is what a glamer does), but protection. They are useful for
they can “cover them up.” For instance, a confounding and delaying foes, but
chest could be concealed beneath a heap useless in attacking them directly.
of illusionary trash or within an illusory
rock. If someone picks up the rock or Creatures are inclined to believe what
sifts through the trash the chest will they observe until it contradicts their prior
remain where it is and be quite visible. experience. When creatures interact with
Figments can create concealment in an illusion they will usually gain a save
combat even up to 100% until they are when the illusion fails to behave as
disbelieved in. For instance, you could expected, but if the controller of the
create an illusion of a large oak tree over illusion makes it react then the illusion can
an archer, and they could fire upon foes be maintained. (For instance if you make
from that spot with near impunity until an illusion of a guard and an enemy fights
someone notices the shots are coming out that guard they will believe in it as long as
of the tree, at which point they are it dodges, weaves, and reacts when
entitled to a save against the spell. actually hit).

Figments have no force component, so When you must make an illusion react
they cannot resist real pressure against to a foe make a bluff check with a DC set
them or support real weight. If someone by the intelligence score of that foe each
touches an illusion that is capable of round it reacts with the illusion. This DC
creating tactile sensations they will feel it increases by 2 every round the interaction
but if they push beyond the illusion’s goes on. If you fail the creature is
boundary they’re entitled to a save. entitled to a saving throw as it has noted
a flaw in the illusion.
A figment that includes audible effects
can’t duplicate intelligible speech unless
the spell says it can. If intelligible speech Ghost Sound Mislead
is possible, it must be in a language you Illusory Wall Permanent Image
speak. If you try to replicate speech you Imaginary Pet Persistent Image
don’t know then the spell produces Major Image Programmed Image
Minor Image Silent Image
gibberish. Mirror Image Ventriloquism
Mirror Image, Greater
For much the same reason, you cannot
easily reproduce creatures you haven’t
encountered or that do not exist. If you
create a creature based solely on your
imagination then make a bluff check with
a – 20 penalty to set the DC. If you try to
mimic a creature you haven’t seen then
observers gain a +4 circumstance bonus
to their saves.
If you attempt to create an illusion of a
specific creature your familiarity with the
Glamer Shadow
A glamer changes or conceals a subject’s Shadow spells employ energy and
sensory qualities. A glamer cannot create material from the plane of shadow. These
an illusion out of nothing (that is what a spells can have quasi-real effects and deal
figment does). real damage to foes.

Blur Mask Deepen Shadows Shadow Conjuration,

Disguise Self Mirage Arcana Grasping Shadows Greater
Displacement Misdirection Project Image Shadow Evocation
False Vision Mislead Serrin’s Shadow Spy Shadow Evocation,
Hallucinatory Terrain Screen Shades Greater
Intangibility Seeming Shadow Conjuration Shadow Killer
Invisibility Silence Shadow Walk
Invisibility Sphere Still Touch Simulacrum
Invisibility, Greater Veil
Invisibility, Mass Wink Out
Leomund’s Trap Zone of Silence
Magic Mouth

Like a figment, a pattern creates an image
that others can see, but a pattern spell
creates an image that others can see, but
patterns affect the minds of the
observers. All patterns are mind affecting

Color Spray Scintillating Pattern

Hypnotic Pattern Sleight of Mind
Rainbow Pattern

These spells create mental images visible
only to their subjects. These spells can be
very dangerous since the mind can
become so scared of what it believes it
can cause harm to the body or even

Dream Serrin’s Phantasm

Illusory Script Terror
Phantasmal Killer Weird


Language- Abeyance Hold Person, Mass

Dependent Agonizing Memories

Hypnotic Pattern
Animal Messenger Hypnotism
These spells require spoken language to Animal Trance Illusory Script
convey orders or other information Antipathy Insanity
between caster and target. These spells Apathy Lullaby
Bane Magic Missive
typically have both the sonic and the
Bedlam Mind Fog
mind-affecting descriptors. If for any Bestow Trick Modify Memory
reason the subject cannot hear the caster Binding Otto’s Irresistible Dance
the spell will not work. Bless Pacifism
Bloodcurdling Scream Pacifism, Mass
Bloodlust Paranoia
Bloodlust, Lesser Paranoia, Mass
Command Message Brute Resolve Phantasmal Killer
Command, Greater Speak with Dead Calm Animals Power Word: Blind
Convince Suggestion Calm Emotions Power Word: Kill
Enthrall Suggestion, Mass Cause Fear Power Word: Stun
Geas, Lesser Unquestioned Charm Animal Prayer
Geas/Quest Authority Charm Monster Puppet Strings
Charm Monster, Mass Puppet Strings, Mass
Charm Person Rage
Command Rainbow Pattern
Command, Greater Rally
Light Compulsion
Ray of Command
Recurring Nightmare
Confusion, Greater Retaliate
The spell conjures light. Unless otherwise
Confusion, Lesser Reverent Mantra
noted a light spell counters any darkness Conviction Scare
spell of equal or lower level less and Convince Scintillating Pattern
dispels any darkness spell two or more Crushing Despair Serrin’s Phantasm
Daze Sleep
levels lower.
Daze Monster Song of Blood
Decree Song of Chaos
Deep Slumber Song of Charm
Demand Song of Discord
Blinding Light Light
Dirge of Dread Song of Freedom
Continual Flame Light of Day
Dissention in the Song of Holding
Dancing Lights Light of Day, Greater
Ranks Soul Exchange
Daylight Searing Light
Dominate Animal Spell Stealing
Faerie Fire Sunbeam
Dominate Monster Stupor
Flare Sunburst
Dominate Person Suggestion
Doom Suggestion, Mass
Dream Symbol of Fear
Enthrall Symbol of Insanity
Mind-Affecting Fear
Symbol of Persuasion
Symbol of Sleep
Forest Maze Symbol of Stunning
The spell affects or alters the mind of the Geas, Lesser Sympathy
subject. Geas/Quest Tasha’s Hideous
Good Hope Laughter
Constructs, oozes, plants, undead and Grievance Taunt-
vermin are all immune to mind-affecting Heroism Telsindria’s Intuition
spells; as are any and all other creatures Heroism, Greater Terror
Hold Monster Touch of Idiocy
that are mindless (they will have an Hold Monster, Greater Unquestioned
intelligence score of 0). Hold Monster, Mass Authority
Hold Person Weird
Hold Person, Greater Zone of Truth
These spells alter other spells or the
capacity of creatures to use spells – not
unlike the metamagic feats. These spells
bend a few rules of the game and
sometimes outright break them.
Note the following: Any spell
preparation or addition to a spell’s known
list created by a spell doesn’t count
towards your character’s normal limits.

Addle Imbue with Spell Ability

Agonizing Memories Limited Resources
Alacrity Mind Burn
Aluren Mind Over Matter
Anarchy Mnemonic Absorption
Attunement Mystical Tutor
Backdraft Necrology
Boomerang Oathbind, Greater
Brainstorm Oppression
Browse Permanency
Chain Contingency Persecute
Chaos Bolt Pyrostatic Field
Chill Rary’s Mnemonic
Circle of Hands Enhancer
Clear Mind Reckless Dweomer
Concentrate Refresh
Confiscate Refresh, Mass
Contingency Reigns of Power
Dark Ritual Repercussion
Dark Ritual, Greater Replenish
Dark Ritual, Lesser Reverse Damage
Deflection Siphon Field
Delay Sleight of Mind
Demonic Tutor Soften
Differentiation Spectral Hand
Discombobulate Spell Lodestone
Discordant Dirge Spell Stealing
Donate Spellshock
Duress Spellstaff
Fanning the Flames Stampede
Fluctuate Summer Bloom
Fluctuation Surge
Freedom from the Telsindria’s Belabored
Masters Casting
Halt Telsindria’s Intuition
Hesitation Telsindria’s Trigger
Zone of Chaos


Gentle Repose Symbol of Pain

Necromancy Ghoul Touch

Symbol of Weakness
Syphon Soul
Touch of Fatigue
Necromancies manipulate the life forces Halt Undead Undeath to Death
present in creatures – usually to do harm Harm Vampiric Drain
Hatred Vampiric Touch
or to snuff them. The creation and Honor the Fallen Vile Consumption
bolstering of life forces is a function of Horrid Wilting Virtue’s Ruin
conjuration (healing) spells. Inflict Critical Wounds Wail of the Banshee
Inflict Critical Wounds, Wasting Curse
Afflict Inflict Light Wounds, Mass Waves of Exhaustion
Agonizing Memories Mass Inflict Light Wounds Waves of Fatigue
Animate Dead Inflict Minor Wounds Weakness
Animate Dead Animals Inflict Moderate Wounds Will of the Damned
and Vermin Inflict Moderate Wilting Curse
Astral Projection Wounds, Mass Wind of Despair
Befoul Inflict Serious Wounds Yarenic’s Bloody
Bestow Curse Inflict Serious Wounds, Flame
Blight Mass
Blindness/Deafness Last Breath
Blood Pet Leech Cunning
Bloodcurdling Scream
Brittle-Bone Curse
Cause Fear
Leech Endurance
Leech Grace
Leech Splendor
Chaldulsul’s Hex Leech Strength The spell changes the shape or the
Chill Touch Leech Wisdom material composition of the subject.
Circle of Death Lycanthropic Curse
Clone Magic Jar Oozes and plants are immune to
Clutch of Undeath Mark of Justice polymorphing.
Command Undead Matacha’s Edict
Contagion Matacha’s Will
Alter Shape Iron Body
Control Undead Matacha’s Will,
Animal Shapes Polymorph
Corpse Control Greater
Animal Weaponry Polymorph Any Object
Create Greater Undead Necrology
Baleful Polymorph Polymorph, Mass
Create Undead No Rest for the
Carapace Regression
Curse Item Wicked
Changestaff Root
Curse Water Pain Touch
Fireform Stoneform
Dancing Vermin Pain Touch, Greater
Focus of Hatred Swarmform
Dark Fate Pain Touch, Lesser
Form Lock Tree Shape
Death Burst Pestilence
Gaseous Form
Death Knell Poison
Death Stroke Radiate
Death Ward Ray of Enfeeblement
Demonic Tutor
Ray of Exhaustion
Recurring Nightmare
Destruction Repel Death
Dirge of Dread Scare
The often fiery magics of Shun are known
Disanimation Seal Fate as “red magic.” Among commoners these
Discordant Dirge Sirrom’s Agenda spells rank right up with black magic as
Diseased Weapon Sirrom’s Deathgate being the most feared of spells, and many
Disrupt Undead Sirrom’s
Drain Life Impenetrable
societies do not differentiate between red
Dregs of Sorrow Darkness and black magic.
Energy Drain Slay Living
Enervation Smother While red is denounced as a magic of
Eternal Respite Soul Bind destruction, it is reality a magic of
Exsanguination Soul Exchange unbridled passion. Red is active,
Exterminate Speak with Dead energetic, primal and when need be it is
Eyebite Spectral Hand
False Life Spreading Plague furious. Red spells are famous for hurting
Fear Subversion people. The number of red spells that
Final Punishment Swat don’t mention dealing damage to
Finger of Death Symbol of Death creatures and objects account for less
Foul Presence Symbol of Fear
than a fifth of the type’s spells – and even
those can usually deal damage indirectly Animal Weaponry Owl’s Wisdom
as is the case of magic weapon. Animate Objects Pass without Trace
Animate Plants Passwall
The list of red spells is in the appendix. Animate Rope Persecute
Armor of Thorns Pixie’s Grace
Attunement Pixie’s Grace, Mass
Sonic Awaken
Plant Growth
Polymorph, Mass
Baleful Polymorph Polymorph
The spell employs sound. Either the
Barkskin Polymorph Any Object
subjects must hear the spell (as is the Battle Strain Prepare Costume
case with many bard spells) or the spell Bear’s Endurance Purify Food & Drink
deals damage through vibration. Spells Bear’s Endurance, Mass Pyrotechnics
Bestow Trick Quench
that deal damage this way have the sonic
Bless Water Quick
damage type. Usually sonic spells don’t Bless Weapon Quickling’s Grace
work in zones of magical silence, although Blink Reduce Animal
shockwave is an exception. Bloodlust Reduce Person
Bloodlust, Lesser Reduce Person, Mass
Animal Trance Song of Blood Boomerang Refresh
Blasphemy Song of Chaos Brainstorm Refresh, Mass
Bloodcurdling Scream Song of Freedom Browse Regression
Concussive Fireball Song of Charm Brute Resolve Reigns of Power
Convince Song of Discord Buoy Repel Wood
Dictum Song of Holding Buried Alive Repercussion
Dirge of Dread Sound Burst Burrowing Retrieve
Discordant Dirge Storm Blast Weapon Carapace Reverse Gravity
Enthrall Storm Weapon Cat’s Grace Righteous Might
Hellfire Blast Weapon Sympathetic Vibration Cat’s Grace, Mass Rise of the Meek
Hellfire Weapon Thunderbolt Changestaff Root
Holy Word Thunder-Clapping Chaotic Strife Rope Trick
Shatter Weapon Chill Rusting Grasp
Shockwave Thundering Weapon Chill Metal Rusting Ray
Shout Unquestioned Circle of Hands Sadistic Glee
Shout, Greater Authority Clear Mind Sculpt Sound
Sonar Wail of the Banshee Common Cause Second Chance-
Word of Chaos Concentrate Secret Page
Confiscate Shapechange
Control Plants Sheltering Branches
Control Water Shillelagh
Control Weather Shocking Burst
Transmutation Control Winds
Corroding Burst
Shocking Weapon
Corrosive Burst Shrink Item
Transmutations effect a change in physical, Weapon Siphon Field
temporal or positional state in their targets. Corrosive Weapon Slow
With 117 spells in the Player’s Handbook, the Crown of Fire Snag
school of transmutation is the largest and most Crusade Snare
Darkvision Snow Walk
flexible school.
Deflection Soar
Delay Soften
Accelerated Decay Mending Diabolic Strength Soften Earth & Stone
Addle Mental Discipline Diminish Plants Speaking Shape
Aether Slide Message Discombobulate Spell Lodestone
Aggravated Assault Might of Oaks Disintegrate Spell Stealing
Aggression Mind Over Matter Disrupting Weapon Spelldraining Blade
Air Walk Mnemonic Absorption Donate Spellstaff
Alacrity Mobilize Dry Spider Climb
Alluring Scent Mystical Tutor Duress Spike Growth
Alter Self Mythic Proportions- Eagle’s Splendor Spike Stones
Aluren No Mercy, No Quarter Eagle’s Splendor, Mass Squirrel Growth
Amok Oppression Early Harvest Squirrel Riot
Animal Growth Overland Flight Empyrial Armor Statue
Animal Magnetism Overland Flight, Mass Enlarge Person Stone Grasp
Animal Shapes Owl’s Wisdom Enlarge Person, Mass Stone Shape


Entangle Stone to Flesh Manipulate Fate Water Walk

Erase Stone’s Endurance Meld into Stone Whimsy
Ethereal Jaunt Stoneform Meltdown Whispering Wind
Etherealness Storm Blast Weapon Rampage Wildshape
Expeditious Retreat Storm Weapon Rary’s Mnemonic Wind Walk
Fabricate Subjectional Gravity Enhancer Wolf’s Tenacity
Feather Fall Surefoot Reality Shift Wolf’s Tenacity, Mass
Firebolt Survival of the Fittest Wood Shape
Fireform Swarmform Zone of Chaos
First Strike Target Lock
Flame Arrow Telsindria’s Belabored
Flame Guide
Flaming Burst Weapon
Flaming Weapon
Telsindria’s Intuition
Temporal Flux
Flesh to Stone Temporal Stasis Spells with the water descriptor draw
Flicker Tenser’s Transformation energy from the elemental plane of air or
Fluctuate Terix’s Boon
they manipulate air already present upon
Fluctuation Thunder-Clapping
Fly Weapon the material plane.
Fly, Mass Thundering Weapon
Focus Tiania’s Blessing Creatures with the water subtype only
Focus of Hatred Tiania’s Blessing, suffer subdual damage from cold. If they
Form Lock Mass take an amount of cold damage to reduce
Fox’s Cunning Tiania’s Endowment them to 0 hit points they are frozen solid
Fox’s Cunning, Mass Tiania’s
Freedom from the Enlightenment-
for one minute per extra point of damage
Masters Tiania’s the spell would have inflicted. (For
Frost Weapon Enlightenment, instance: a water elemental at 12 hit
Gambit Mass points is struck by a cone of cold for 30
Gaseous Form Tiania’s Greater
Giant Vermin Splendor
points. It will be frozen solid for 18
Giant’s Strength Tiania’s Insight minutes). Further, water based creatures
Giant’s Strength, Mass Tiania’s Splendor are immune to water spells and take
Glibness Tiger’s Prowess double damage from electricity attacks.
Goodberry Tiger’s Prowess, Mass
Gratuitous Violence Time Spiral
Halt Time Stop Buoy Planar Ally*
Haste Time Twister Capsize Planar Ally, Greater*
Heat Metal Time Walk Control Water Planar Ally, Lesser*
Hellfire Blast Weapon Time Warp Create Water Plane Shift*
Hellfire Weapon Titan’s Strength Deep Water Quench
Hollow Tree Trancendence Douse Transmute Water to
Horse’s Stamina Transference Elemental Swarm* Acid
Horse’s Stamina, Mass Transmute Metal to Gate* Water Breathing
Icy Burst Weapon Wood Water Walk
Insight Transmute Mud to Rock
Iron Body Transmute Rock to
Ironwood Lava
Jinx Transmute Rock to Mud
Jump Transmute Water to
Keen Edge Acid
Knock Transport via Plant
Levitate Treant’s Endurance
Liveoak Treant’s Endurance,
Longstrider Mass
Magic Fang Tree Shape
Magic Fang, Greater Twin Hits
Magic Stone Vampiric Blade
Magic Vestment Venomous Vines
Magic Weapon Vermin Shape
Magic Weapon, Greater Vindicate
Magnetism Virtue
Make Whole Volley of Boulders
Malice Warp Wood
Manifest Probability Water Breathing
Triggered Wild
These spells wait for an event to occur Wild spells use the uncertainty of chaos to
and then create an effect in reaction to power them. These spells can cause
that event. mishaps when they are used (see Chapter

Chaos Ball Guards & Wards

Aether Flash Pyrostatic Field
Chaos Bolt Insanity
Alarm Refuge
Chaotic Strife Jinx
Cloak of Chaos Repel Death
Cloak of Chaos Manipulate Fate
Contingency Repercussion
Confusion Mishap Shield
Dispelling Screen Retribution
Confusion, Greater Reckless Dweomer
Dispersal Shield Sirrom’s Deathgate
Confusion, Lesser Second Chance
Explosive Runes Sirrom’s Retribution
Discombobulate Song of Chaos
Fire Shield Spellshock
Entropic Shield Subjectional Gravity
Fire Trap Symbol of Death
Flame Guide Temporal Flux
Forbiddance Symbol of Fear
Flicker Terix’s Boon
Glyph of Warding Symbol of Insanity
Flickering Ward Whimsy
Glyph of Warding, Symbol of Pain
Fluctuation Wildcure
Greater Symbol of Persuasion
Gambit Zone of Chaos
Hesitation Symbol of Sleep
Incendiary Symbol of Stunning
Lightning Rift Symbol of Weakness
Mark of Justice Tainted Aether
Programmed Image

Universal spells belong to all arcane and
most divine casters. While their effect
might well be best placed in a type or
school, their utilitarian nature is such that
no spellcaster should be denied them.

Arcane Mark Prestidigitation

Detect Magic Read Magic
Limited Wish Reckless Dweomer
Mage Hand Telekinesis
Open/Close Wish

The magic of Valrea, or white magic, is
the only type not feared by most of the
commonfolk. White spells include all of
the cure spells and most of the better
defensive spells.
The list of white spells is in the


certain casters can’t use certain modes
of spells).
In this section we’ll review the rules 3. Begin the spell: Now the spell
surrounding the casting of spells and begins. At this stage spells and
introduce some new wrinkles and characters can use ready actions set to
clarifications. New terms are given in bold trigger upon the casting of a spell. A
the first time they occur. trigger is the condition(s) under which
a character can take a readied action
The increased number of counterspells
or a spell with a trigger will act
in this book along with the increased
number of triggered effects also makes 4. Concentration: If circumstances
a revision and exploration of the spell require it, you make a concentration
initiative rules necessary. check.
A counterspell is either the mode of a 5. Resolve the spell when its turn
spell that counters itself (see comes up (see below). All die rolls for
counterspells, below) or a spell that the spell are cast, including the spell
counters another spell as part of its effect. resistance rolls and saving throws of
the targets. At this point the spell is
A triggered effect is any effect of any
successfully cast. All costs are
spell that occurs in reaction to an outside
assessed against you and certain
event. For instance, the alarm of the
spells that trigger when a spell is
alarm spell is a triggered event that
successfully cast go off.
occurs in reaction to an intruder entering
the area of effect.
A mode is a variation of a spell that is Sequences
accessible from one given preparation.
When only one caster is casting things are
simple. The player’s turn arrives, they
Stages of choose the spell, begin it and resolve it.
However, ready actions, immediate
Spellcasting actions and triggered spells complicate
Every spell goes through the following If anyone chooses to use a ready action
stages regardless of caster. in response to step 3 of spellcasting a
1. Choose the spell: First you choose sequence is created: A sequence is a
the spell itself. At the time you choose series of actions that occur on the same
the spell you must be able to pay all initiative and all of them follow these
costs (XP, Material, etc.) associated rules:
with it and perform all actions (verbal, 1. Sequence actions are resolved in
somatic, etc.) it requires. If you the reverse order that they are
choose a spell you can’t cast nothing declared in. Example: Teresa,
happens, though you can certainly Timmon and a hobgoblin are in
bluff the casting of a spell. combat. Timmon is guarding Teresa
2. Choose the mode: A spell with and has readied an action to attack
multiple versions available in one anyone who attacks her. The
preparation is said to have multiple hobgoblin has readied an action to
modes. At the time you choose the attack any spellcaster. Teresa’s
mode you also select the targets and initiative comes up, and she casts
any other factor of the spell that is magic missile at the hobgoblin. The
variant. The mode and all targets hobgoblin takes its ready action and
must be legal for you to choose (you begins its attack on Teresa. Timmon
can’t target things you can’t see, and takes his ready action to attack the
hobgoblin. Now the actions are casts silence on the kobold, but since
resolved: Timmon attacks and kills that spell creates an emanation it
the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin, now waits until the sequence is over to act.
dead, can’t act. Teresa loses her spell The kobold gets off his fireball, hurting
not because she was hurt but because both our heroes. Now the silence
the target is dead (she can’t change takes hold, which means the creep
targets after the sequence has been won’t hit them again.
5. Once the last action of the
2. Spellcasters in a sequence can’t sequence is declared, no more
change their minds about targets characters can perform ready
as a result of other events in the actions until all the actions in the
sequence nor can they choose to sequence are resolved. Spells
abandon the spell. Example: Teresa however can continue to trigger as
casts fireball to hit some goblins their conditions are met, and they
surrounding Devon. She isn’t worried are resolved as they trigger during
about hitting Devon because he has the sequence. Example: Dranock has
protection from elements (fire) in a contingency set to teleport him
place. However, as she casts her spell home if he goes to less than 20 hit
an enemy caster uses sleight of mind points. He begins a chain lightning
to change her fireball into a cold spell. spell and Trishdare uses a ready action
She can’t abandon her spell, and to hit him with a fireball. Teresa uses
Devon is badly hurt. her ready action to cast deflection on
his spell, changing the chain lightning
3. If two characters try to react to
target to Dranock himself. Teresa,
the same trigger, the one with the
who declared last, goes first, casting
lowest rolled initiative declares his
deflection. This triggers a lightning rift
action first. Example: Timmon and
Dranock had put in place earlier. The
Teresa both have readied actions set
spell lets Teresa deal 5d6 damage to
to when some enemy begins a spell.
Dranock. That is resolved, and
Teresa has the better initiative, so she
Trishdare goes with his fireball. The
can decide what to do based on what
Lightning Rift triggers again and
Timmon does. She can’t wait to see
Trishdare has it deal 3d6 damage to
the outcome of his action. Since she
Dranock. Dranock at this point feels
knows the enemy is casting a fireball
that casting lightning rift before the
at them she decides to counterspell.
battle was a poor idea. Although he’s
Her counterspell goes off before his
managed to make all his saves and
attack, since the last declared action
concentration checks he’s down to 19
goes first.
hit points. His contingency now
4. Effect spreads (such as silence) triggers, teleporting him miles away.
and area emanations (such as When he gets there he completes his
cloudkill) can’t act while a deflected chain lightning, which roasts
sequence is being resolved and him quite succinctly.
they can’t change their center
points either – they must wait for
the end of sequence to do so. Triggers
Example: Teresa, Devon and a kobold
All readied actions and many spells have
sorcerer are in combat. The kobold
triggers. Since multiple spells can trigger
begins a fireball, and both Teresa and
on the same event there are rules to deal
Devon use a readied action set for
with what occurs when this happens. The
when someone casts a spell. Teresa
event a spell creates when it triggers is
uses deflection, but fails her caster
called a triggered event.
level check against the kobold. Devon

1. Spells go last after any creatures or
characters in the sequence (They have Counterspells
an effective rolled initiative of 0)
Counterspells are the primary source of
unless it was an event in the sequence
sequences. They are discussed in the
that triggered them, in which case
Player’s Handbook, but the following facts
they activate immediately.
about them need to be made clear:
2. When multiple spells trigger: If
two or more different spells trigger 1. Counterspell is a mode of all
against the same event, the higher spells. All spells can be used to
level one goes first. If the spells are counter themselves. Some spells can
the same level, the spell with the counter a wide variety of spells based
highest caster level goes first. If there on circumstances, but these dedicated
is still a tie, check to see which caster counterspells aren’t the same thing as
has the highest casting ability score. the counterspell mode of a spell. They
If there is still a tie, flip a coin. can have material components and
3. When multiple instances of the other costs for example.
same spell would trigger on the
2. The counterspell mode of a spell
same event only the strongest
has neither material component
spell triggers. This is critical to
nor XP requirement.
remember otherwise you could do
obscene amounts of damage using 3. A countered spell doesn’t consume
multiple instances of spells like aether material components or XP but the
flash. The strongest spell is the one preparation of it or spell slot given
with the highest caster level, and if to it is lost.
this is a tie use the casting ability
4. Spell slots paid as an extra cost to
modifier for all casters as a
cast a spell are lost if it is
comparison, and if this still is a tie flip
countered (see Spell slots as costs
a coin.
4. Spells can trigger multiple times
before discharging, even if they 5. The counterspell mode of a spell
only actually discharge once. For has a duration of instantaneous
instance, hesitation says, “Whenever and a casting time of one ready
the first spell or spell-like ability is action.
being cast in the area of effect,
6. Counterspells have no saving
counter it.” So if one character casts a
throw or spell resistance – the
spell, hesitation triggers, then if
target is a spell.
someone else casts counterspell
targeting that spell hesitation triggers For more information on counterspells,
again, then someone aware of the see their entry in the Player’s Handbook.
hesitation casts stifle against
hesitation which causes it to trigger
again. Now that everyone has Modes
declared their intentions the action can Spells can have multiple modes, but all
be resolved. Hesitation counters stifle the modes of a spell are available from
and discharges. Next the counterspell one given preparation. Modes are chosen
is cast and eliminates the first spell at the time the spell is cast. Note the
that began all of this business. following: Not all modes of a spell are
available to all casters. Check the spell
All spells that can trigger against an event description.
are given the triggered descriptor.
Special Spell Creatures immune to death attacks
are likewise immune to loss of life
effects, but they can’t cast spells
Effects requiring loss of life payments.

The spells in this book have additional A loss of life effect that kills someone
special effects beyond the list given in the slays them as surely as a death spell –
Player’s Handbook. meaning that they can’t be raised by
raise dead.
 Spell Slot Costs: Some spells say
that you must expend a spell slot or a Loss of life is a form of vitality loss
preparation as an additional cost to that is recovered very slowly. Each
cast them. These spells are balanced day after suffering a loss of life the
by this requirement – the higher the creature regains 1 hit point if they
power level of the slot the more make a fortitude save against the DC
powerful the spell is (usually). There’s of the spell that caused the loss of life.
a big difference between casting fork  Loss of Spells: Some spells rip spells
on magic missile and casting fork on a (or spell potential) away. Spell slots
meteor swarm. or preparations lost to an enemy
The preparation contained in the slot caster’s spell are gone as if cast. The
(if any) is usually irrelevant, but if it next time you can prepare spells the
isn’t the word “preparation” will be slots (and the spell) will be restored
used instead of “slot.” Note that bards unless otherwise noted by the spell. If
and sorcerers, who don’t prepare a spell specifies that it causes the loss
spells, can’t use the spells requiring of spell preparations then it will not
specific preparations to be sacrificed. affect bards or sorcerers – they don’t
normally prepare spells.
Some spells require you to choose
and expend a spell slot of equal or Since many of these spells cause a
higher level than a target spell. You random spell to be lost, get in the
must succeed at a spellcraft check to habit of preparing a method of
learn the level of the spell. If you fail, determining a random slot from your
you can guess, but if you guess low character before play to keep things
the spell will be wasted with no effect. moving smoothly. The best method is
to use index cards with one spell
Unlike other costs, spell slots are lost written on each one. You then shuffle
if the spell is countered or interrupted the cards and pull one at random from
somehow. the stack to determine the lost spell.
 Loss of Life: This is hit point damage  Damage Prevention: Though not a
that cannot be cured by magic or new concept, damage prevention has
prevented by magic. Some spells special effects on certain spells in this
inflict loss of life and some incur it as a book that wait to trigger when damage
cost. is dealt, or when damage would be
Loss of life is difficult to prevent. If dealt. There is a key difference.
you are paying it as a cost it can’t be Consider a spell that triggers
prevented by any means without whenever a creature receives 5 points
countering the spell. Damage of fire damage. If the spell uses the
prevention doesn’t stop loss of life, nor phrase “is dealt” then wait until the
does damage reduction. Only effects damage is actually subtracted from the
that block or mitigate level loss will character’s hit point total. Prevention
affect loss of life. Loss of life counts stops the trigger, so if the character
as a negative energy attack, so death has evasion and rolls a successful
ward and similar spells stop it cold. reflex save or a protection from

elements spell set to ward fire absorbs only affect undead and spells (or
the damage, then it wasn’t actually abilities) that bestow negative energy
dealt since the character’s hit point levels only affect the living. When the
total hasn’t changed. reverse is true bonuses are received.
A living creature can only benefit from
However, if the spell says “would be
1 positive level at a time and an
dealt” then it triggers. Consider a
undead creature can only benefit from
spell that says, “The next time any fire
1 negative level at a time.
damage would be dealt to the target
creature from a single source, prevent  When Spells “Can’t be Cast:” Some
that damage.” If such a ward was in spells simply state that other spells
place then it will go off and prevent can’t be cast. When an opponent
the damage before protection from attempts to cast such a spell anyway,
elements can absorb it. Speaking of there is no effect from the attempt.
damage absorption, what about it? Spell slots and XP costs aren’t
When a spell absorbs damage it is consumed, and material components
preventing it. If damage prevention is are usually unharmed, though the
blocked somehow then the spell won’t manner of some castings will cause
function. The two terms are used them to be destroyed anyway (i.e. the
somewhat interchangeably depending grasshopper leg of the jump spell is
on which is easier to read. In the swallowed by the caster). The attempt
end, just remember that the only time to cast does take a standard action
you’ve dealt damage to something is and still provokes attacks of
when its hit point total has been opportunities.
 Death Effects: Death effects aren’t a
 Positive and Negative Energy new concept, but the Dusk setting
Levels: Certain spells (such as embraces the epic rule that has these
enervation, energy drain or Matacha’s spells dealing 50d6 damage on a failed
Edict) assign positive or negative save.
energy levels to creatures. Negative

energy levels are discussed in the
DMG in the glossary under the heading
“energy drain and negative levels”
Applied to undead creatures, a Descriptions
positive energy level has much the Note all the following changes and new
same effect as a negative energy entries you will see in the spell
level. If a living creature receives a descriptions given in the next chapter.
positive energy level then the following
effects occur:
 +1 bonus to skill checks and ability Level
checks This book adds an entry for the base level
 +1 bonus to all attack rolls and of a spell in parenthesis before the level
saving throws for any class is given. The base level of a
spell is the lowest level the spell can be
 +5 temporary hit points normally received by any class. With the
 +1 effective level (whenever the spells in the Player’s Handbook look for
creature’s level is used in a die roll the lowest level given among the cleric,
or calculation, increase it by one druid, sorcerer and wizard classes to find
for each positive energy). the base level. If none of these four can
cast the spell use the lowest level given
Keep in mind that spells that from those that remain. Base level is
typically bestow positive energy levels primarily a means to aid the DM in
developing new spell lists, however a few and are nearly impossible to conceal.
spells want to know the base level of a Think of the scene where Gandalf
spell rather than its actual casting level. raises his voice to Bilbo in The Lord of
the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Components for an example of this effect. The

silent spell feat won’t snuff the noise
the spell itself makes.
In addition to affecting when you can cast
a spell, the verbal and somatic  Somatic (S): Spells with a somatic
components affect how easily you can component have a base spot DC of 0
conceal your spell casting and how it looks minus their level. However, spells of
to others. New components also appear the illusion or enchantment schools
in this book. have a DC half that other spells while
evocations or conjurations have DC’s
 Verbal (V): Spells with a verbal
twice that of the base. The higher the
component have a base listen DC of 0
spell’s level the more exaggerated and
minus their level. However, spells of
fast the caster’s gestures become.
the illusion or enchantment schools
Higher level spells also cause nearby
have a DC half that other spells while
lights to dim, arcs of electricity to
evocations or conjurations have DC’s
appear, wind to kick up and so on.
twice that of the base. Higher-level
The still spell removes the caster’s
spells amplify the caster’s voice, and
need to make exacting motions, but
high level spells echo off nearby walls

the feat doesn’t affect the visual The more time you spend, the more
signatures the spell may produce. powerful the end result. You have to
spend at least 1 round on a charging
 Material (M) and Focus (F): These
spell. On each subsequent round you
are physical props your character must
may release the spell or charge it
possess in order to cast the spell.
another round. As a rule, charge
Material components are consumed by
spells are great for ambushes but
the act of casting, while foci survive to
weak elsewhere because of the danger
be used repeatedly.
of continuous casting.
A spell with a tiny material
 Immediate Action: An immediate
component or focus grants observers a
spell can be cast at any time as a swift
+2 circumstance bonus on their spot
action even when it isn’t your turn as
check to notice your casting. This
long as you aren’t flat footed. You can
bonus increases by +2 with each
only cast one immediate or swift
increase in the size of the component.
action spell a turn.
The feats eschew materials and
 Ready Action: The spell requires a
improved eschew materials let you
ready action to use (usually because it
dodge material component and focus
targets a spell). Most of the time
requirements, depending on costs.
these spells also outline the trigger
You may choose to use exceptional
material components with any spell Level Increase Cost

(even those that don’t normally call for 0 500 gp

material components). As a general 1 1500 gp
rule these exceptional material
components append metamagic feats 2 3500 gp

to the spell. Finding out exactly what 3 7000 gp

the component is will require research 4 10,000 gp
and it will vary depending on both the
spell and the metamagic feat you wish 5 15,000 gp

to apply. 6 25,000 gp

 Divine (D): You must channel positive Each Additional level +25,000 gp
or negative energy as part of the circumstances you have to wait for in
casting of this spell. This will expend order to cast them.
one of your turn undead or rebuke
undead attempts for the day.  Swift Action: A swift action spell can
be cast as a swift action – a swift
 Song (Sg): You must use your bardic action is like a free action except you
music as part of the casting of this can only take one per turn whereas
spell. This will expend one or more of the rules do not place a limit on the
your bardic music uses for the day. All number of free actions a spell allows.
spells with the song component will A quickened spell has a casting time of
also carry a verbal (V) component and one swift action.
have the [sonic] descriptor.

Casting Time Area, Effect and

This book introduces the following casting
times to the list you’ll see in the Player’s
Spells either have a listed area, effect or
 Charging: You can choose the
target as determined by their nature.
amount of time to spend on the spell.
 Targeting Spells: A spell with a the spell was cast on counts towards
target line “targets” the subject. it’s duration – there is no 0 round).
Certain spells will trigger when a
If their caster changes initiative
creature is targeted, and some spells
through holding an action, readying an
will block spells that target. Targets
action or other means, the spell gains
are affected immediately when the
it’s own initiative on the same count it
spell is cast unless they are the center
was cast on – it doesn’t move with it’s
point of an area emanation or effect
caster to a new initiative count.
spread (see below).
Continuous effects that do something
 Effect: With the exception of spreads,
each round do it at the end of their
Effects are generated immediately.
caster’s turn, but you may need to roll
Spreads begin at the end of whatever
the damage earlier: for instance if the
sequence generated them (which is
damaged target is a caster wanting to
usually immediately, but if several
cast a spell, roll to see what the
ready actions need to be resolved then
damage for the round will be to find
those are taken care of before the
the DC of the concentration check.
spread is taken into account). If the
However, the damage by the spell isn’t
center point of an effect spread is
actually subtracted from the
moved then the effect only changes at
character’s hit point total until the end
the end of the sequence it was moved
of its caster’s turn. This difference will
only matter when continuous effects
 Area: Bursts and spreads occur are used with readied actions.
immediately. Area emanations, like
Example: Teresa is readying her
Effect spreads, must wait until any in
action to cast a spell at anyone or
progress sequence resolves to begin.
thing that attacks Timmon, who’s
If their center point changes during a
working on a trap. An orc barbarian
sequence, they must also wait for the
comes screaming around a corner and
sequence to end before reasserting
charges Timmon. She uses her
readied action to hit it with Melf’s acid
 Spells: Spells can be targeted while arrow. The damage will apply at the
they are cast or afterward. Note that end of her turn, but since she
only a spell that is in the process of interrupted the orc it gets to act before
being cast can be “countered.” the damage is actually applied. The
Otherwise, the term “dispel” will be orc uses its rage ability and attacks
used. As a rule it’s easier to counter Timmon anyway. Then the acid burns
spells than to dispel them once they in it’s damage – the orc is still up since
are in place. it’s rage gave it the hit points needed
to stay up. Teresa chides herself for

Duration not using a faster acting spell like

magic missile.
A spell’s duration tells you how long the  Fading: A fading spell gets weaker
spell will last the longer it lasts. These spells grant
a +1 bonus to something for each
 Continuous Effects: Any effect that
round remaining in the spell.
isn’t instantaneous is known as a
Whatever that something is gets a
“continuous effect.” These effects
“fading” bonus. Hence, a +5 fading
check to see how long they’ve been in
bonus will be a +5 on the first round
effect at the beginning of their caster’s
of the spell, +4 on the second, and so
turn and end at that time when the
on until the spell expires. Often a
elapsed duration is equal to the
maximum bonus is given for these
maximum (In other words, the round
spells, and the bonus cannot exceed

the maximum even if the remaining not have to be wild. For instance, a Cleric
duration does. of Terix (an extremely chaotic deity) could
have the wild spellcaster template on their
 While Sung: Seen on many bard
cleric spells, then later become a wizard
spells with the song component, these
and not have that template on their
spells require the bard to sing
wizard spells.
continuously round after round (a
move equivalent action that doesn’t Unlike most other templates, the
provoke an attack of opportunity). presence of the wild spellcaster template
Maintaining a song when struck in doesn’t change the character’s ECL or CR
combat requires a concentration check since the benefits and hindrances are
DC 10 + spell level + damage dealt. about equal to one another. They are:
Targets of a spell with a duration of 1. The character’s save DC is 1d20+spell
“while sung” are freed from the spell if level, not 10+spell level. Wild
the bard moves out of range or they spellcraft spells vary considerably in
are somehow rendered unable to hear their effectiveness.
the spell. If the spell has a duration
2. If the character rolls his level on the
after the singing stops this duration
d20 when setting his DC, a mishap
continues normally for the subject.
occurs with the spell. Epic level
 Cumulative: A cumulative spell has a characters mishap on a roll of ’20.’
bonus gets stronger the longer it lasts, Mishaps can be baleful or beneficial.
up to a prescribed maximum for the
3. The character qualifies for feats that
spell. Multiply the bonus by the
require the wild spellcaster template.
number of rounds that has passed
since the spell began. This is the Note that some spells and effects can
reverse of fading. temporarily assign the wild spellcaster
template to a character. This temporary
 Discharge: All discharge spells have
assignment only applies the first 2 effects
the triggered descriptor and follow the
on the character; the third are reserved
rules for triggered spells given earlier
for characters that are permanent wild
in the chapter.
spellcraft casters.

Wild Spellcraft Mishaps

This book expands on the concept of wild
Wild spells work much like any other
spellcraft first introduced by Ryan Nook in
spells except that they sometimes mishap
his book Wild Spellcraft and includes a
with effects that range from colorful and
multitude of new spells with the wild
benign to the downright weird and
descriptor (as well as reprinting a few
dangerous. When a mishap is indicated
from Wild Spellcraft in their 3.5e
by the DC roll d%, add the character’s
willpower saving throw adjustment and
then consult the mishap table.
Wild Spellcasters
In addition to the fact that some spells
Types of Mishaps
can be wild, so can some spellcasters. Mishaps come in four basic forms—spell,
The choice to be a “wild” spellcaster is personal, target, and general—which can
made at character creation or when the overlap. A mishap could, for instance,
character first acquires their spellcasting say, “Major Image; you and target look
class. The choice is permanent for that like each other.” In this case it would be
class, but if the character later acquires a a Spell, Personal, and Target mishap.
second spellcasting class that class does
If a non-Spell mishap grants a saving 16 (10 +3 from Wisdom +3 for spell
throw to resist it, it is a Will save, DC the level). The fireball would deal 7d6
same as that of the spell that instigated damage.
the mishap. See below for details on
If the mishap simply says the ‘spell’
saves against Spell mishaps.
does something, it affects the spell you
were initially trying to cast. If you try to
Spell cast a lightning bolt and the mishap says,
If a mishap mentions the ‘spell’ or gives a “Spell DC is at -10,” then you still cast a
spell name (like fireball), it is a Spell lightning bolt, albeit a version easier to
mishap. Instead of using a Will save with dodge.
the DC of the spell that caused the
mishap, use the saving throw appropriate Personal
to the spell as if you had actually cast the
Mishaps that mention ‘you,’ ‘your,’ ‘thine,’
etc. are Personal mishaps, and they affect
For example, Anna is a 7th level wild you, the caster. If the mishap is caused
cleric with a 16 Wisdom. If her spell by the activation of a magical item, the
mishaps with the result “fireball centered Personal mishap affects the activator, not
on you,” she would get a Reflex save DC

Table 6-1: Mishaps

d% Result
01-05 The spell targets you, or if an area of effect, it centers on you. If it cannot target you or center on you, the spell simply fails.

06-10 Wild spell energy deals 1d4 point of damage per spell level to you.

11-15 The spell affects a random target or area of effect. The GM should randomly determine a different target from among those in range of the
spell. If the spell has no specified target or area of effect, it simply fails.

16-20 A random spell that you have prepared (or a random spell you know if you cast spontaneously) occurs, targeted as close to your original
target as the parameters of the spell allow. The slot of the spell that occurs is expended instead of the one you intended to cast. It is
possible the random spell could be the one you originally intended. The spell that occurs is (1d6: 1-2, one level lower than; 3-4, the same
level as; 5-6, one level higher than) the spell you were originally casting. If you have no spells of this level, the mishap has no effect.

21-25 The spell fails, but its energies manifest as a luck penalty to all your ability checks, skill checks, saving throws, attack rolls, or level checks
for the next minute. This penalty is equal to 1 + the spell’s level.

26-30 Wild spell energy deal 1 point of damage per spell level to any creatures or objects that would have been affected by the spell.

31-35 Nothing happens. The spell fails just as if it were disrupted in casting.

36-40 Odd sensory elements and bizarre (but harmless) phenomena occur in the area of effect the spell would have affected, lasting as long as the
spell’s duration would have lasted.

41-45 Bestow curse on you.

46-50 The spell functions normally, but your next spell automatically mishaps, with a –20 luck penalty to the roll.

51-55 The spell fails, but the wild spell energy leaves a permanent change in your body. The change is no more drastic than that which alter self
can achieve.

56-60 Nothing happens. The spell does not function, just as if it were never cast, and thus costs the spellcaster no spell slots or material

61-65 For as long as the spell’s duration would have lasted, your appearance changes in moderate ways, such as alteration of the size, color, or
shape of a body part, your facial appearance, or your sex. The change is no more drastic than that which alter self can achieve.

66-70 The spell functions, but odd sensory elements and bizarre (but harmless) phenomena accompany it for its duration.

71-75 Spell appears to function normally, but is only an illusion. Will DC 20 to disbelieve if interacted with. If the spell has no obvious sensory
effects (like a charm person), nothing happens.

76-80 The spell functions normally, but your next spell automatically mishaps.

81-85 The spell fails, but its energies manifest as a luck bonus to all your ability checks, skill checks, saving throws, attack rolls, or level checks for
the next minute. This bonus is equal to 1 + the spell’s level.

86-90 The spell functions normally, but with subtle changes in its appearance, such as fireballs being green, or a fly spell leaving a trail of feathers.

91-95 The spell functions normally, but you can cast it again. The spell slot or prepared spell is not expended, nor are any material components.

96-00 The spell functions at full potential, automatically defeating spell resistance and not allowing a saving throw to resist.

the creator of the item. Undoing the Damage of
Unless the mishap is also a Spell Mishaps
mishap, you can negate the mishap effect
Unless noted in the mishap description,
with a successful Will save.
permanent mishap effects can be negated
with a successful dispel magic, remove
Target curse, or break enchantment cast against
Mishaps that mention a ‘target’ are Target the caster level of the character whose
mishaps, and only have an effect if the spell caused the mishap. If the target
spell that caused the mishap had a does not want the permanent effect to go
specific target. If the spell that caused away, she is allowed a Will save to negate
the mishap does not have an exact target the dispelling effect. The DC of this Will
(such as with a fireball or commune spell), save is equal to 10 + the dispeller’s caster
the Target mishap has affects the person level.
closest to the center of the area of effect.
If there is no area of effect, there is no
result. If the spell had multiple targets, Summoning
you choose one that is affected by the The list that creatures are summoned
mishap. Spells that create an effect that from changes depending on the type of
affect deliberately chosen targets (like ray magic used by the caster. Just as there
spells or magic missile) can cause Target are five types of magic, there are five
mishaps, but touch spells cannot. types of summons. The creatures of each
Unless the mishap is also a Spell type complement the spells of the same
mishap, the target can negate the mishap type closely – so red creatures tend to be
effect with a successful Will save. aggressive, difficult to control and often
composed of earth or fire; black summons
General are often undead or spirits, white
summons are usually celestial beings.
General mishaps are those that are not
Personal or Target mishaps. General Summoned creatures are manifestations
mishaps have an effect centered at where of the actual creatures that live on each of
the spell that instigated the mishap was Carthasana’s five outer planes. As such
targeted or centered. If the spell that they aren’t actually killed if they are dealt
caused the mishap had no specific target lethal damage in combat. Summoned
or focus (such as a commune or locate creatures can be hedged out by antimagic
object spell), the general mishap has no shells and similar wards, and they are
effect. vulnerable to some spells that don’t affect
other creatures, such as reigns of power.
General mishaps can have a plainly
stated effect (like “the ground gets muddy Spellcasters summon creatures with
in a 10 foot radius”), or can have the alignments matching their own dominant
same effect as a normal spell (like alignment. A multialigned caster may
“grease”). In the prior case, any people, summon creatures as if 2 levels lower
and/or magical items receive a Will save than he is from any list matching his
to negate the effect (a magic item’s additional alignments.
saving throw bonuses are each equal to 2
+ one-half its caster level, or uses the Summon Nature’s Ally
bearer’s saves, whichever are better). In
This spell series is roughly equivalent to
the latter case, the General mishap is also
the green list here and is removed from
a Spell mishap, and uses those rules for
play. Druids spontaneously cast summon
determining the DC.
monster spells.
Master (huge), pixie, shambling mound, snake,
giant constrictor, spider eater, troll,
tendriculos, troll (scrag), werebear,
Creature List weretiger, winter wolf.

The following table lists all the creatures 6th level: dire bear, dire tiger,
of the Monster Manual sorted by the type elephant, gynosphinx, monstrous scorpion
and level of magic that summons them. (huge), monstrous spider, (gargantuan),
In most cases the creature is identical to nymph, treant, rust monster (large, 10
the entry in the Monster Manual, although HD), rhinoceros (huge, 16 HD).
some have added hit dice, templates or 7th level: frost giant, monstrous
even class and level. At least 5 different centipede, (colossal), monstrous scorpion
creatures for each color and level are (gargantuan), wooly mammoth (Treat as
given. a 15 HD elephant), winter wolf (huge, 11
Note: Players intending to summon a HD), owlbear (huge, 11 HD), shambling
creature that has changes from the base mound (huge, 13 HD), snake (gargantuan
Monster Manual entry are required to constrictor, 25 HD), ankheg (huge, 9 HD),
prepare the creature before the session to wood elf ranger, (10th level).
speed up play. 8th level: monstrous scorpion
(colossal), monstrous spider (colossal),
Green Summons troll hunter (6th level ranger), dire bear
(huge, 22 HD), praying mantis (huge, 12
1st level: baboon, badger, elf, halfling,
HD), grig druid (9th level), spider eater
monstrous centipede (medium),
(huge, 12 HD), tendriculous, (gargantuan,
monstrous scorpion (small), monstrous
18 HD), nymph bard (4th level), young
spider (small), snake (small viper).
adult green dragon.
2nd level: giant ant (worker), giant
9th level: ghaele, bralani (large, 14
bee, gnoll, grig, hyena, monstrous
HD), dire tiger (huge, 28 HD), human
centipede (large), monstrous scorpion
ranger (14th level), gynosphinx, (huge, 14
(medium), monstrous spider, (medium),
HD), pixie sorcerer (6th level), human
nixie, snake (medium viper), spider
druid (14th level), frost giant ranger (4th
swarm, wolf.
level), shambling mound (huge, 21 HD),
3rd level: ape, black bear, bison, boar, snake (gargantuan constrictor, 33 HD)
cheetah, dire badger, dire weasel, giant
ant (queen), giant ant (soldier), giant
bombardier beetle, leopard, monitor
White Summons
lizard, monstrous centipede (huge), 1st level: aasimar, dog, eagle, hawk,
monstrous spider (large), satyr, snake celestial cat, celestial monkey.
(constrictor), snake (large viper), 2nd level: camel, riding dog, heavy
wolverine. horse, light horse, light warhorse, mule,
4th level: ankheg, assassin vine, human fighter (1st level), human cleric (1st
brown bear, centipede swarm, centaur, level), celestial eagle, human paladin (1st
dire boar, dire wolverine, dust mephit, level).
ettercap, formian warrior, giant praying 3rd level: lantern archon, blink dog,
mantis, giant stag beetle, giant wasp, hippogriff, heavy warhorse, aasimar
grick, locust swarm, monstrous scorpion Paladin (1st level).
(large), owlbear, pixie, polar bear,
rhinoceros, rust monster, snake (huge 4th level: giant eagle, lion, pegasus,
viper), tiger, wereboar. unicorn, aasimar Paladin (2nd level).

5th level: bralani, monstrous 5th level: hound archon, celestial lion,
centipede (gargantuan), monstrous spider dire lion, djinni, griffon, janni, ravid.

6th level: lillend, celestial unicorn, half octopus, giant, shield guardian, giant
celestial human fighter (3rd level), aasimar squid, elder tojanida.
Paladin (6th level), hound archon
9th level: colossal animated object,
barbarian (2nd level).
10-headed cyrohydra, elder air or water
7th level: androsphinx, avoral, behir, elemental, myrmarch formian, human
djinni noble, lammasu, roc, zelekhut. wizard, (11th level).
8th level: couatl, cloud giant, half-
celestial human paladin (9th level), half- Black Summons
dragon celestial, lammasu, guardian naga. st
1 level: dire rat, skeleton (human
th warrior), zombie (kobold), zombie
9 level: celestial charger (unicorn),
kolyarut, leonal, aasimar paladin (12th (goblin), zombie (dog).
level), human cleric (13th level). 2nd level: fiendish dire rat, tiefling,
zombie (human commoner), orc zombie,
Blue Summons skeletal eagle (magical flight).
1st level: celestial owl, human adept, 3rd level: darkmantle, duergar, drow
aquatic elf, human expert, porpoise. elf, ghoul, grimlock, lemure, lizardfolk,
shrieker, wolf skeleton, troglodyte zombie.
2nd level: tiny animated object,
formian worker, gnome, locathah, 4th level: bat swarm, choker, imp,
merfolk. dire bat, dretch, quasit, rat swarm,
skeleton, owlbear, skum, vargouille,
3rd level: small animated object,
wererat, bugbear zombie.
small air or water elemental, githyanki,
svirfneblin gnome, homunculus, manta 5th level: allip, derro, dire ape, dire
ray, octopus, medium shark, squid. wolf, dryad, gelatinous cube, ghast,
howler, ooze mephit, salt mephit,
4th level: medium animated object,
phantom fungus, shadow, troll skeleton,
crocodile, kuo-toa, sahuagin, large shark,
violet fungus, werewolf, wight, yeth
hound, pureblood yuan-ti, ogre zombie.
5th level: large animated object,
6th level: aranea, barbazu, greater
juvenile arrowhawk, doppelganger,
barghest, bearded devil, carrion crawler,
medium air or water elemental, ethereal
cloaker, gray ooze, green hag, harpy,
filcher, ethereal marauder, air mephit, ice
hieracosphinx, 6-headed hydra, mummy,
mephit, water mephit, ogre, merrow,
nightmare, ochre jelly, otyugh, shadow
giant owl, juvenile tojanida.
mastiff, skeleton, chimera, skeleton, ettin,
6th level: achaierai, huge animated vampire spawn, wraith, half-blood yuan-ti,
object, adult arrowhawk, giant crocodile, minotaur zombie, umberhulk zombie,
displacer beast, large air or water wyvern zombie.
elemental, gibbering mouther, mimic,
7th level: annis, babau (demon),
orca, phase spider, sea cat, sea hag, huge
belker, black pudding, cachalot whale,
shark, adult tojanida.
chain devil, chaos beast, digester, drider,
7th level: aboleth, gargantuan gauth (beholder), human fighter ghost (5th
animated object, baleen whale, chuul, 6- level), flesh golem, half black dragon,
headed cyrohydra, huge air or water human fighter (4th level), 8-headed hydra,
elemental, formian, taskmaster, invisible lamia, medusa, advanced megaraptor
stalker, water naga, phasm, remorhaz. skeleton, cloud giant skeleton, spectre,
succubus (demon), umber hulk, vampire
8th level: elder arrowhawk, 8-headed
(5th level fighter), will o’ wisp, xill, yuan-ti
cyrohydra, dire shark, dragon turtle,
abomination, gray render zombie.
greater air or water elemental, giant
8th level: bodak, bone devil, mephit, fire mephit, magma mephit,
destrachan, erinyes, gray render, half steam mephit, ogre, flamebrother
fiend (7th level human cleric), hellwasp salamander, minor xorn.
swarm, 10-headed hydra, mind flayer,
6th level: basilisk, large earth or fire
mohrg, dark naga, spirit naga, night hag,
elemental, gargoyle, manticore, minotaur,
green slaad.
9th level: barbed devil, bebilith,
7th level: bulette, chimera,
cauchemar (nightmare), devourer, harpy
criosphinx, dragonne, elasmosaurus
archer, 12-headed hydra, rakshasa,
(dinosaur), huge earth or fire elemental,
retriever, gray slaad, dread wraith.
ettin, hill giant, girallon, hellcat,
megaraptor (dinosaur), ogre barbarian, 6-
Red Summons headed pyrohydra, average salamander,
level: giant fire beetle, goblin, red slaad, wyvern, average xorn.
kobold, goblin adept, kobold expert. 8th level: athach, delver, efreeti,
2nd level: dwarf, hobgoblin, orc, greater fire or earth elemental, stone
stirge, kobold fighter. giant, gorgon, nessian warhound
(hellhound), ogre mage, 8-headed
3rd level: small earth or fire pyrohydra, greater shadow, young adult
elemental, githzerai, krenshar, red dragon, blue slaad, triceratops
pseudodragon, troglodyte. (dinosaur), tyrannosaurus rex, vrock
4th level: azer, bugbear, shocker (demon), elder xorn, yrthak.
lizard, thoqqua, worg. 9th level: elder fire or earth elemental,
5th level: cockatrice, deinonychus fire giant, clay golem, stone golem,
(dinosaur), medium earth or fire hezrou, hill giant, dire wereboar, 10-
elemental, hell hound, magmin, earth headed pyrohydra, noble salamander


<< Spells can take many

forms, from the highly
dramatic to the extremely

pells are the item the Dusk  Blasphemy: Instead of affecting any

setting is best known for non-evil creature, this spell affects any
and appropriately they non-black aligned creature.
comprise nearly a third of
 Bless Weapon: Instead of granting
this volume. The spells
an ability to strike evil creatures it
herein help to reinforce
grants the weapon the ability to strike
and underscore the often
outsiders native to Sodrea or Shun
antagonistic relationship between the five
colors of magic even more so than the  Chaos Hammer: This weapon affects
spells of the Player’s Handbook. any non-red aligned creature. It only
deals half damage and does not slow
Spell entries in this book include flavor
black and green aligned creatures.
text snippets between the header of a
spell and its effect block in italics. These  Cloak of Chaos: Where this spell
snippets provide little windows into the would affect lawful creatures it instead
setting and help make the reading of the affects white-aligned creatures.
spell lists a little less boring.
 Contact Other Plane: Five versions
of this spell, one in each color of
Altered Spells magic. Each version can only contact
the plane corresponding to it’s color –
Some spells are modified for the Dusk and that plane counts as an outer
setting – most of these changes can be plane (Carthasana has no inner
listed on a single line but a few are planes). All five versions can contact
rewritten as indicated below: the æther plane.
 Detect Chaos, Detect Evil, Detect
Good, Detect Law: These spells are
removed from play and replaced by  Planar Ally and Planar Binding
the second level spell Detect spells: Each of these spells has five
Alignment. versions corresponding directly to the
outer plane in question and the color
 Detect Magic: The colors of each aura
of the spell matches the color of the
become apparent on the third round
plane from which the summoned
and this knowledge is obtained
creature appears.
automatically (no spellcraft check
needed).  Plane Shift: This spell exists in five
versions, one for each of the five outer
 Dictum: This spell is removed, its
planes. The metal rod is silver for
function being contained within the
Valrea, copper for Balcridan, lead for
rewritten version of holy word.
Sodrea, iron for Shunrea and a piece
 Dispel Chaos, Dispel Evil, Dispel of wood made into ironwood by a druid
Good, Dispel Law: These spells are for Aborea.
removed and have equivalents titled
 Protection from Chaos / Evil /
Dispel White Magic, Dispel Blue Magic,
Good / Law: These spells are
Dispel Black Magic, Dispel Red Magic
removed and have equivalents titled
and Dispel Green Magic. These
Protection from White, Protection from
replacements are attuned to the
Blue, Protection from Black, Protection
alignments indicated in their names.
from Red and Protection from Green.
All of them are white spells.
These replacements are attuned to the
 Holy Aura: Where this spell would alignments indicated in their names.
affect evil creatures it instead affects All of them are white spells.
black aligned creatures.
 Rage: The bonus is a rage bonus
 Holy Smite: This spell affects any instead of a morale bonus.
non-white aligned creature. It only
 Shield of Law: Where this spell would
deals half damage and does not blind
affect chaotic creatures it instead
green or blue aligned creatures.
affects red-aligned creatures.
 Holy Weapon: Where this weapon
 Unholy Aura: Where this spell would
would affect evil it instead effects red
affect good creatures it instead affects
or black aligned creatures – caster’s
white aligned creatures.
choice at time of casting.
 Unholy Blight: The spell affects all
 Holy Word: Instead of affecting any
non-black creatures. It only deals half
non-good creature it affects any non-
damage to blue and red aligned
white aligned creature.
creatures and they are not sickened.
 Identify: This spell is significantly
 Word of Chaos: Instead of affecting
rewritten – see entry among the spell
any non-chaotically aligned individual
this spell instead affects any non-red
 Magic Circle against Chaos / Evil / aligned individual.
Good / Law: These spells are
removed and have equivalents titled
Circle of Protection: White, Circle of
Protection: Blue, Circle of Protection:
Black, Circle of Protection: Red, Circle
of Protection: Green. These
replacements are attuned to the
alignments indicated in their names.
All of them are white spells.


3rd level Bard Spells

Bard Spells Compulsion: Subject repeats an action each round
if able.
Song of Freedom: Song breaks down charms and
0-level Bard Spells compulsions.
Convince: Nudge a creature into performing an Song of Holding: Sing a song that holds foes fast.
action they are hesitant to do but favor.
Mask: Alter your facial appearance, gaining a +5
enhancement bonus to disguise checks.
4th level Bard Spells
Meece's Cartomantic Flourish: Control objects of Blinding Light: Intense light blinds and dazzles
chance nearby you. foes.
Prepare Costume: Instantaneously clean your Bloodcurdling Scream: Target creatures gain a
clothing. fading morale penalty to attack rolls.
Reckless Dweomer: Create a mishap which might Catalogue: Know everything written in a library.
become a spell of level equal or less than that of Dirge of Dread: Song causes fear in all who hear.
an expended spell slot. Discordant Dirge: Song causes spellcasters to lose
Ward from Rain: Weak field of force blocks rainfall prepared spells.
from touching you. Jinx: Target creature takes the lower of two d20
Wink Out: Invisibility for one round only. rolls.
Rally: Creatures gain a fading morale bonus to

1st level Bard Spells attack rolls.

Break Slumber: Dispel natural sleep, make a dispel

check against magical sleep.
5th level Bard Spells
Buoy: Creature or object floats easily in water. Disenchant: Dispel one spell the caster could end.
Still Touch: Touched creature moves without Reverent Mantra: Creatures gain a fading morale
making vibrations or sounds. bonus to AC.
Switch Costumes: You transport all clothing you

6th level Bard Spells

wear to a special location and simualtaneously
the clothing in that location is transported upon
you. Back to Basics: Antimagic shell that suppresses
Taunt: Target creature is compelled to attack you. enhancement bonuses.
Understand Unorthodoxy: Gain a mental picture Confiscate: Move a spell with a single target onto
of what an object looked like unbroken. yourself.
Greater Confusion: As confusion, but with an area
of effect of a 30' radius burst.
2nd level Bard Spells Mass Pacifism: As pacifism but affecting 1 creature
/ level.
Alluring Scent: Touched creature gains a pleasant Shockwave: Deal 10d6 damage to creatures in area
odor that suppresses nauseating spells such as and possibly deafen them permanently.
stinking cloud. Song of Blood: Each round the song of blood is
Animal Magnetism: Touched creature gains wild sung creatures gain a +1 cumulative morale
empathy. bonus to attack.
Delude Divination: Divination spell gives random
nonsensical results.
Evasion: Gain evasion as per the class ability
Identify: Gain a +20 insight bonus on a spellcraft Cleric Spells
Jibber Jabba: Speech of subjects becomes
unintelligable to those not affected by the spell. 0-level Cleric Spells
Pacifism: Target creature goes to total defense and
can take no actions other than movement or Dancing Vermin: As animate dead, but on an
speaking. animal or vermin which had only up to 3 hit
Ray of Command: Dominate Person for one round. points in life.
Song of Chaos: Each round you may spend a bardic
music slot to attempt to confuse a foe.
Song of Charm: Each round you may spend a
bardic music slot to attempt to charm a foe.
1st level Cleric Spells
Sound Shell: Create a barrier through which sound Animate Dead Animals and Vermin: Animates
doesn't pass. twice your level (up to 20) hit points of dead
Surefoot: Subject gains a +10 enhancement bonus animals or vermin.
to balance and tumble checks. Dampening Field: Gain damage reduction equal to
an expended spell slot +1
Matacha's Will: Make a bolstered turning attempt
by a bonus determined by an expended spell
4th level Cleric Spells
slot. Blinding Light: Intense light blinds and dazzles
Cleanse: Remove status effects that heal removes,

2nd level Cleric Spells but doesn’t heal damage.

Conceal Lies: Guard lies from magical detection
Abeyance: Target creature can’t cast spells. (non-magical detection still works).
Dark Ritual: Slay a dying creature by touch and Contemplation: Be cured 1 hit point / level of each
boost caster level on next spell by 3. spell cast.
Decree: All persons who hear words off a scroll Conviction: Charm person and the victim acts as if
remember the words forever. white aligned.
Delude Divination: Divination spell gives random First Strike: Foes entering your threatened space
nonsensical results. provoke an attack of opportunity from you.
Sadistic Glee: Creature gains a +1 bonus to attack Light of Day: Holy light drives back undead.
and damage each time it kills a foe. Malice: Weapon gains a +1 unholy bonus and deals
Talisiasia's Insight: Gain a +20 insight bonus to extra damage to green and white foes.
heal checks. No Rest For the Wicked: Return to unlife a number
Telsindria's Spell Immunity: You are immune to a of corpses up to twice your level in hit dice.
spell you expend a preparation of at casting. Retribution: Creatures that strike you suffer the
Vigilance: Creature gains +10 enhancement bonus same damage.
to spot and listen checks while guarding an Revive: As raise dead, but creature cannot have
assigned area. been dead for more than 1 round / caster level.
Sentinel: As vigilance but with several additional
Spell Lodestone: Spells which can target you must
3rd level Cleric Spells target you.
Spirit Link: As shield other but cure spells can pass
Common Cause: Creatures gain a +1 bonus to
through the link.
attack and damage rolls for each creature with a
Terix's Blessing: Target creature gains the wild
shared alignment within 5'.
spellcaster template.
Crown of Awe: Undead have a -2 to all attack and
damage rolls against you and you have a +2
holy bonus to your effective level when turning.
Duress: Target creature can't use spells from 5th level Cleric Spells
highest two spell levels.
Enlighten: Touched spellcast can spontaneously Bright Circle: Create a barrier impassable to
cast curing spells. undead.
Eternal Respite: Touched body can't be raised or Despondency: Target creature's strength is reduced
animated. to three.
Greed: Target creature gains the compulsion of Empyrial Armor: Target creature gains a +1 bonus
greed. for each other spell affecting it.
Halt: Target creature can't cast spells. Fortify: Ward a creature from sneak attacks.
Hatred: Slay a creature you strike in combat Nightshroud: As deeper darkness but you and
although you may slay yourself in the process. undead see through it normally.
Holy Missiles: As magic missles, but heal the living Pestilence: Creatures are sickened and dealt 1d6
and harm undead. damage / round.
Infusion: Take damage and heal twice as much to Puppet Strings: Subject made charmed and
target creature. inflicted with paranoia to all others but you.
Oathbind: Bind two creatures to an oath and know Recurring Nightmare: Subject unable to sleep and
when it is broken. can't recover spells.
Pacifism: Target creature goes to total defense and Transferrance: The touched creature may deal it's
can take no actions other than movement or melee damage to summoned creatures to their
speaking. controller instead.
Paranoia: Subject believes everyone is his enemy. Unquestioned Authority: Creatures sharing your
Propaganda: You gain a +1 AC bonus against a alignment follow your orders.
creature for each prior attack they've made. Wasting Curse: Bestow a curse that ages the
Renounce: Sacrifice spells you have to gain hit subject a year every day.
points. Weakness: Creature gains a 1 strength.
Reverse Damage: Reverse the damage of target
spell so it cures.
Sound Shell: Create a barrier through which sound
doesn't pass.
6th level Cleric Spells
Wave of Reckoning: Creatures are damaged by the Agonizing Memories: Subject inflicted with
weapons they wield. nightmares that prevent sleep.

Aura of Protection – Black / Blue / Green / Red Dispelling Screen: Field attempts to dispel any
/ White: Against the chosen color you gain the magic brought into the area.
following: Damage resistance 10/-, +4 Grievance: Bolster a creature so they may seek
deflection bonus to AC, +4 resistance bonus to revenge.
saves, protection from possession or Holy: Bolt of holy light deals massive damage to red
domination. and black foes and undead.
Counterstrike: Melee attacks against you provoke Inviolability: Touched creature gains Damage
an attack of opportunity. Resistance 25/-
Dissention in the Ranks: Target creature attacks Last Breath: Subject dies and immediately becomes
all nearby creatures as if it had the whirlwind a ghost. At spell's end the subject ressurects
attack feat. without level loss.
Magic Missive: As suggestion, but written on a Greater Light of Day: Holy light drives back and
surface and triggered when read. damages undead.
Necrology: Lose life instead of spell slots when Manifest Probability: Probable actions always
spells are cast. occur.
Mass Shield Other: As shield other but affecting 1 Greater Oathbind: As oathbind, and a spell is set
creature / level on contingency to trigger when the oath is
White Fire: Conjure a fireball of positive energy broken.
which cures the living and damages the undead. Mass Puppet Strings: As puppet strings but
affecting up to 1 creature per level.
Purify: As Mordenkainen's Disjunction, except it

7th level Cleric Spells

does not affect antimagic shells and artifacts.
Purify is also limited to the spells upon one
Befoul: Touched creature is blinded, dazed, dazzled, creature.
deafened, diseased, exhausted, feebleminded, Sirrom's Impenetrable Darkness: Area of
insane, nauseated, sickened and poisoned. darkness leeches lifeforce from creatures within.
Chaos Sphere: All spells in the area of effect Worship: Your hit point total remains 1 as long as
mishap. you have devout followers or summoned
Greater Matacha's Will: As Matacha's will with a creatures nearby.
bonus to turning level in addition to the
increased turning damage.
Mass Pacifism: As pacifism but affecting 1 creature
/ level.
Mass Paranoia: Subjects believe everyone is their
enemy, including each other.
Purge: As finger of death, but affecting undead.

8th level Cleric Spells

Control Revocation: As spell turning except affects
only enchantment (compulsion) spells.
Greater Death Ward: As death ward, but turns
death spells back upon their creators.
Exsanguination: Subject bleeds from all wounds
taking extra damage each round.
Greater Hold Person: As hold person with a 1
minute / level duration and only 1 save is
Prophecy: As divination but with the potential to
see far into the future.
Trancendence: Sources that would damage you
cure you, but if you gain more than double your
usual hit points you die.
Virtue's Ruin: Deal 1d6 / level to white creatures
and 1d6 / level to green creatures, max 10d6.

9th level Cleric Spells

Circle of Hands: Allow multiple creatures to share
spell effects together.
Disanimation: Destroy a single target undead or
multiple undead with a total of 100 or fewer hit
Cleric Domains Spells
1. Detect Undead 6. Quest
Most of these domains appear in the 2. Flicker 7. Legend Lore
Player’s Handbook but many of them 3. Speak with Dead 8. Prophecy
feature new spells from this book instead 4. Divination 9. Foresight
5. Atonement
of the spells given in the Player’s
Handbook. New spells from this book are
in bold. Animal Domain
Aid Domain
Deities: Tala, Januel, Fas
Granted Power: You may use speak with
Deities: Rosalynn, Indralia animals once a day as a spell-like ability.
Granted Power: When you use the aid Add Knowledge (nature) to your list of
another option you grant a +4 bonus to cleric class skills.
the other character’s check instead of the
normal +2. Spells
1. Calm Animals 6. Antilife
Spells 2. Hold Animal 7. Animal Shapes
3. Dominate Animal 8. Summon Monster
1. Infusion 6. Rejuvenate
2. Aid 7. Aether Slide 4. Summon Monster IV (Green Only)
3. Enlighten 8. Greater Restoration (Green only) 9. Shapechange
4. Revive 9. Circle of Hands 5. Commune with Nature
5. Spirit Link

Air Domain Artifice Domain

Deities: Balaxa
Deities: Poen, Char, Paltos, Sanshan,
Ooysashandra Granted Power: Gain a +4 bonus on
Craft checks. You cast conjuration
Granted Power: Turn or destroy earth
(creation) spells at +1 caster level. (Those
elementals as a good cleric turns undead.
with access to the creation and the artifice
Command or rebuke air elementals as an
domains cast conjuration (creation) spells
evil cleric commands undead.
at +3 caster level).

Spells Spells
1. Obscuring Myst 6. Chain Lightning
2. Wind Wall 7. Control Weather 1. Animate Rope 6. Major Creation
3. Gaseous Form 8. Whirlwind 2. Wood Shape 7. Simulacrum
4. Air Walk 9. Elemental Swarm 3. Stone Shape 8. Prismatic Wall
5. Control Winds (air only) 4. Minor Creation 9. Prismatic Sphere
5. Fabricate

Ancestor Domain Cavern Domain

Deities: Freyalis, Nalru
Deities: Dulthos
Granted Power: A number of times per
Granted Power: You gain the dwarven
day equal to your charisma bonus
ability of stonecunning. If you already
(minimum once) you can summon an
have stonecunning double the bonus for
ancestor and channel some of the
stonecunning to +4.
ancestor’s karmic power into yourself.
This guidance grants you a +4 insight
bonus to any skill check.


Spells spend all this damage potential in one

1. Detect Secret Doors 6. Find the Path
2. Darkness 7. Maw of
Stone Spells
3. Meld Into Stone 8. Earthquake
4. Leomund’s Secure Shelter 9. 1. Dark Ritual 6. Diseased
Imprisonment Weapon
5. Passwall 2. Afflict 7. Befoul
3. Contagion 8. Necrology
4. Poison 9. Drain Life

Charm Domain 5. Brittle Bone Curse

Deities: Cuane, Poen, Narisane, Landala,

Trishdare, Belandra
Creation Domain
Granted Power: You can boost your Deities: Balaxa, Calruldal
charisma by 4 points once per day for 1 Granted Power: Cast conjuration
minute. (creation) spells at +2 caster level (Those
with access to both the Artifice and the
Spells Creation domain cast conjuration
(creation) spells at +3 caster level).
1. Charm Person 6. Quest
2. Calm Emotions 7. Insanity
Dominate Monster
5. Charm Monster 1. Create Water 6. Heroes’ Feast
2. Minor Image 7. Permanent
Community Domain 3.
Create Food and Water
Minor Creation
Prismatic Wall
5. Major Creation
Deities: Cuvanill, Cuane, Indralia,
Freyalis, Ooysashandra
Granted Power: Use calm emotions as a Darkness Domain
spell-like ability once er day. Gain a +2
Deities: Senda, Sadier, Imlocrin,
competance bonus on diplomacy checks.
Trishdare, Lirashnal, Belandra, Grimwall,
Nalru, Elrico
Spells Granted Power: Free Blindfighting feat
1. Bless 6. Hereos’
2. Conviction 7. Refuge Spells
3. Prayer 8. Mass Heal
4. Status 9. Circle of 1. Darkness 7. Sirrom’s
Hands Agenda
5. Rary’s Telepathic Bond 2. Blindness/Deafness 8. Power Word:
3. Deeper Darkness 9. Sirrom’s

Corruption Domain 4. Agonizing Memories

5. Nightshroud
6. Recurring Nightmare
Deities: Senda, Kepho, Narisane, Sana,
Char, Belandra, Lirashnal
Granted Power: You may execute a Death Domain
wounding touch attack. This is the inverse Deities: Sekoon, Kepho, Tharpoen,
of a paladin’s lay on hand’s ability. It can Senda, Sadier, Nalru, Elrico
deal up to your level x your charisma
bonus in damage – and you don’t have to Granted Power: You may execute a
death touch once per day. Your death
touch is a supernatural ability that
produces a death effect. You must
succeed on a melee touch attack against a 1. Command 6. Mass Paranoia
2. Insane Jealousy 7. Repurcussion
living creature. When you touch roll 1d6 3. Paranoia 8. Antipathy
per cleric level. If the result equals or 4. Puppet Strings 9. No Mercy, No
exceeds the creature’s current hit point Quarter
total it dies (no save). 5. Reigns of Power

Spells Dwarf Domain

1. Exterminate 6. Repel Death
2. Death Knell 7. Destruction
Deities: Freyalis, Dulthos, Nalru
3. Death Burst 8. Implosion Granted Power: Free great fortitude feat
4. Death Stroke 9. Wail of the Banshee
5. Slay Living
Destruction 1.
Magic Weapon
Stone Tell

3. Glyph of Warding 8. Protection
4. Greater Magic Weapon Spells
Deities: Sekoon, Char, Sadier, Imlocrin, 5. Fabricate 9. Elemental
Nalru, Elrico (earth only)
Granted Power: You gain the smite
power, the supernatural ability to make a
single melee attack with a +4 bonus on Earth Domain
attack rolls and bonus on damage rolls Deities: Berenash, Landala, Dulthos,
equal to your cleric level (if you hit). You Nalru, Fas, Ooysashandra
must declare the smite before making the
attack. This ability can only be used once Granted Power: Turn or destroy air
per day. elementals as a good cleric turns or
destroys undead. Rebuke or command
earth elementals as an evil cleric rebukes
Spells or commands undead.
1. Produce Flame 6. Rusting Ray
2. Shatter 7. Disintegrate
3. Power Wave 8. Earthquake Spells
4. Fireball 9. Shatterstorm
1. Magic Stone 6. Stoneskin
5. Shattering Pulse
2. Soften Earth & Stone 7. Earthquake
3. Stone Shape 8. Volley of

Discord Domain 4.
Spike Stones
Wall of Stone
Elemental Swarm
(earth only)
Deities: Berenash, Senda
Granted Power: You gain a +2 bonus to
bluff, diplomacy and sense motive, all of
Elf Domain
which are effective tools in sowing Deities: Januel, Alisar, Panial, Frey,
discord. Warrick, Imlocrin, Trishdare, Lirashnal,
Belandra, Grimwall
Granted Power: Free point blank shot


Spells Spells
1. True Strike 6. Find the Path 1. Burning Hands 6. Fire Seeds
2. Cat’s Grace 7. Liveoak 2. Produce Flame 7. Fire Storm
3. Snare 8. Sunburst 3. Fireball 8. Incendiary Cloud
4. Tree Stride 9. Antipathy 4. Wall of Fire 9. Elemental Swarm
5. Commune with Nature 5. Fire Shield (Fire only)

Family Domain Fury Domain

Deities: Cuvanill, Cuane, Tala, Januel, Deities: Tela
Freyalis, Sanshan, Ooysashandra
Granted Domain: You gain the smite
Granted Power: As a free action you power, the supernatural ability to make a
may protect a number of creatures equal single melee attack with a +4 bonus on
to your Charisma modifier (minimum one attack rolls and bonus on damage rolls
creature) with a +4 holy bonus to AC. This equal to your cleric level (if you hit). You
supernatural ability lasts 1 round per must declare the smite before making the
level, and any affected creature loses this attack. This ability can only be used once
bonus if they move more than 10’ away per day.
from you. You may affect yourself with
this ability. Spells
1. Align Weapon 6. Harm
Spells 2. Shatter 7. Final Punishment
3. Duress 8. Earthquake
1. Infusion 6. Mass Shield
4. Shout 9. Implosion
5. Circle of Doom
2. Shield Other 7. Dispelling Screen
3. Helping Hand 8. Protection from

Imbue with Spell Ability
Prismatic Sphere Guardian Domain
Deities: Matacha, Poen, Tala, Grimwall,
Freyalis, Ooysashandra
Fate Domain Granted Power: Once per round, as an
Deities: Matacha immediate action, you may trade spaces
with an ally and any attack against them
Granted Power: You can’t be caught flat- becomes aimed at you.

Spells Spells
1. Alarm 6. Forbiddance
1. True Strike 6. Quest 2. Vigilance 7. Guards & Wards
2. Augury 7. Vision 3. Obscure Object 8. Dimensional Lock
3. Second Chance 8. Prophecy 4. Sentinel 9. Inviolability
4. Status 9. Foresight 5. Dismissal
5. Aether Slide

Fire Domain Glory Domain

Deities: Tean
Deities: Sekoon, Char, Landala, Imlocrin,
Calruldal, Ooysashandra Granted Power: Divine Grace against
Sodrean spells (A paladin has divine grace
Granted Domain: Turn or destroy water against all spells).
elementals as a good cleric turns undead.
Command or rebuke fire elementals as an
evil cleric commands undead.
Spells Spells
1. Disrupt Undead 6. Sunbeam 1. Doom 6. Forbiddance
2. Bless Weapon 7. Absolute Grace 2. Scare 7. Blasphemy
3. Searing Light 8. Gate (Valrea Only) 3. Hatred 8. Antipathy
4. Holy Smite 9. Worship 4. Bestow Curse 9. Wail of Banshee
5. Holy Sword 5. Righteous Might

Gnome Domain Healing Domain

Deities: Sanshan, Calruldal, Fas, Elrico Deity: Rosalynn, Indralia, Alisar, Freyalis,
Granted Power: You cast illusion spells
at +1 caster level. Granted Power: Roll d10’s instead of
d8’s for the spells listed below.
1. Silent Image 6. Mislead Spells
2. Invisibility 7. Screen 1. Cure Light Wounds 7. Mass Cure
3. Minor Image 8. Otto’s Irresistable Serious
Dance 2. Cure Moderate Wounds Wounds
4. Minor Creation 9. Freedom 3. Cure Serious Wounds 8. Mass Cure
5. Hallucinatory Terrain Critical
4. Cure Critical Wounds Wounds

Halfling Domain
5. Mass Cure Light Wounds 9. Mass Heal
6. Mass Cure Moderate Wounds

Infliction Domain
Deity: Ooysashandra
Granted Power: Free Lightning Reflexes
feat. Deities: Sekoon, Tela, Senda
Granted Power: Roll d10’s instead of
Spells d8’s for the spells listed below
1. Magic Stone 6. Move

2. Cat’s Grace 7.
Shadow Spells
Walk 1. Inflict Light Wounds 7. Mass Inflict
3. Flying 8. Word of Serious
Recall 2. Inflict Moderate Wounds Wounds
4. Freedom of Movement 9. Foresight 3. Inflict Serious Wounds 8. Mass Inflict
5. Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound Critical
4. Inflict Critical Wounds Wounds

Hate Domain
5. Mass Inflict Light Wounds 9. Mass Harm
6. Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds

Justice Domain
Deity: Sekoon, Tela, Tharpoen, Apenca,
Berenash, Belandra
Granted Power: Once a day, against one Deities: Tean
foe you may gain a +2 profane bonus on
attack rolls for 1 minute. This is a Granted Power: Divine Grace against
supernatural ability. Sodrean spells (A paladin has divine grace
against all spells).


Spells Spells
1. Zone of Truth 6. Quest 1. Reckless Dweomer 6. Zone of Chaos
2. Oathbind 7. Absolute Law 2. Gambit 7. The Road Left
3. Mark of Justice 8. Greater 3. Second Chance Untaken
Oathbind 4. Jinx 8. Manipulate Fate
4. Unquestioned Authority 9. Manifest 5. Flickering Ward 9. Moment of
Probability Prescience
5. Limited Resources

Knowledge Domain Magic Domain

Deities: Paltos, Alisar, Fas
Deity: Gintuse, Balaxa, Alisar, Calruldal
Granted Power: Use scrolls, wands, and
Granted Power: Add all Knowledge skills other devices with spell completion or
to your list of cleric class skills. You gain 2 spell trigger activation as a wizard of one-
extra skill points per level, provided they half your cleric level (at least 1st level).
are spent on knowledge skills. For the purpose of using a scroll or other
magic device if you are also a wizard
Spells actual wizard levels and these effective
levels stack.
1. Detect Secret Doors 6. Find the Path
2. Detect Thoughts 7. Legend Lore
Divination 8. Discern
Location 1. Nystul’s Magic Aura 6. Anti-magic
5. True Seeing 9. Foresight Field
2. Identify 7. Spell Turning
3. Dispel Magic 8. Protection from
Liberation Domain 4.
Imbue with Spell Ability
Spell Resistance 9.
Deities: Cuane, Poen, Balaxa, Terix,
Seloku, Sadier, Panial
Granted Power: You gain a +2 morale Metal Domain
bonus to all saves against enchantment
Deities: Balaxa, Sana, Dulthos
spells and effects.
Granted Power: Free martial or exotic
Spells weapon proficiency with your choice of
1. Remove Fear 6. Greater
2. Remove Paralysis 7. Refuge Spells
3. Remove Curse 8. Mind Blank
4. Freedom of Movement 9. Freedom 1. Magic Weapon 6. Blade Barrier
5. Break Enchantment 2. Heat Metal 7. Rusting Ray
3. Keen Edge 8. Iron Body
4. Rusting Grasp 9. Blade Storm

Luck Domain 5. Wall of Iron

Deity: Terix, Landala, Trishdare, Panial

Granted Power: Once per day you may
Music Domain
reroll the die for an action. You also gain Deities: Poen
the wild spellcaster template. Granted Power: You have a number of
Bardic music uses equal to your level.
Unless you multiclass as a Bard you will
only be able to spend these uses on the
spells with a song component below.
Spells Spells
1. Song of Charm 6. Song of Blood 1. Entangle 6. Repel Wood
2. Song of Chaos 7. Vision 2. Barkskin 7. Animate Plants
3. Song of Freedom 8. Sympathy 3. Plant Growth 8. Control Plants
4. Song of Holding 9. Power Word: 4. Command Plants 9. Shambler
Stun 5. Wall of Thorns
5. Reverent Mantra

Purity Domain
Noblity Domain Deities: Tean, Matacha, Cuvanill, Gintuse,
Rosalynn, Ooysashandra
Deities: Berenash
Granted Power: Once a week you may
Granted Power: You have the spell-like remove a curse from a creature you touch
ability to inspire allies, giving them a +2 by taking the curse upon yourself. You are
morale bonus on saving throws, attack allowed a saving throw against it and if
rolls, ability checks, skill checks and you succeed the curse is effectively
weapon damage rolls. Allies must be able dispelled.
to hear you speak for 1 round. The ability
lasts for a number of rounds equal to your
charisma bonus (minimum one).
1. Sanctuary 6. Mass Pacifism
2. Pacifism 7. Humble
Spells 3. Restoration 8. Purify
4. Cleanse 9. Holy
1. Divine Favor 6. Quest
5. Atonement
2. Entrall 7. Repulsion
3. Magic Vestment 8. Demand
Discern Lies
Greater Command
9. Storm of Vengeance
Protection Domain
Deities: Matacha, Poen, Indralia, Warrick,
Pain Domain Dulthos, Ooysashandra

Deities: Tela Granted Power: You can generate a

protective ward as a supernatural ability.
Granted Power: The saving throw DC This ward grants a resistance bonus to
against all of the spells below is raised by touched creature equal to your cleric level
2. on his or her next saving throw. Activating
this power is a standard action. Unless
Spells discharged the ward lasts 1 hour.
1. Lesser Pain Touch 6. Exsanguination
2. Afflict 7. Flaring Pain Spells
3. Pain Touch 8. Grievance
4. Corporeal Instability 9. Energy Drain 1. Sanctuary 6. Anti-Magic
5. Greater Pain Touch Field
2. Shield Other 7. Repulsion
3. Protection from Energy 8. Mind Blank

Plant Domain 4. Spell Immunity

9. Prismatic

5. Mass Shield Other

Deities: Tala, Januel, Fas
Granted Power: Rebuke or command
plant creatures as an evil cleric commands
Add Knowledge (nature) to your list of
cleric class skills.


Rest Domain 1.
Shield of Faith
Spell Turning
Deity: Matacha, Frey 3. Reflect Gaze 8. Final Punishment
4. Backdraft 9. Storm of Vengeance
Granted Power: You gain a +2 bonus to 5. Retaliate
all turn undead attempts and deal an
extra 1d6 turning damage.
Scribe Domain
Spells Deity: Gintuse
1. Matacha’s Will 6. Greater Matacha’s Granted Power: You gain a +4 holy
bonus to all saving throws against
2. Holy Missiles 7. Greater Death
Ward triggered spells that use writing for their
3. Honor the Fallen 8. Disanimation trigger.
4. Death Ward 9. Matacha’s Edict
5. White Fire
Renewal Domain 1. Decree
2. Sepia Snake Sigil

Greater Glyph

Symbol of Stunning

Deities: Tean, Indralia, Freyalis 3. Glyph of Warding 8. Symbol of Insanity

4. Explosive Runes 9. Symbol of Death
Granted Power: If you fall below 0 hit 5. Mark of Justice
points you regain a number or hit points

Sea Domain
equal to 1d8 + your charisma modifier.
This supernatural ability functions once
each day. If a single attack brings you to -
Deities: Cuane, Frey
10 hit points or less you die before this
power takes effect. Granted Power: For a total time per day
of 1 round per cleric level you possess you
Spells breathe underwater as if under a water
breathing spell. This effect occurs
1. Temporal Flux 6. Heroes’ Feast
automatically as soon as it is needed and
2. Lesser Restoration 7. Greater Restoration
3. Remove Disease 8. Replenish lasts until it runs out or is no longer
4. Reincarnate 9. Freedom needed, and can operate multiple times
5. Trancendance each day up to the total daily limit of
rounds. This granted power is a
Retribution supernatural ability.

Domain Spells
1. Buoy 7. Control Weather
Deities: Tean, Apenca, Sana, Landala, 2. Clearsight (castable only at sea)
Grimwall 3. Water Breathing 8. Capsize
4. Deep Water 9. Elemental (water
Granted Power: If you have been only)
harmed by someone in combat you may 5. Force Hull
6. Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere
make a strike of vengeance with a melee
or ranged weapon against that individual.
If the attack hits you deal maximum
damage. This is a supernatural ability
usable once each day.
equal to your cleric level. Activating the

Shadow Domain power is a free action, the power lasts 1

round, and it is usable once per day.
Deities: Senda, Lirashnal
Granted Power: You may use deepen
shadows as a spell like ability once per 1. Enlarge Person 6. Righteous Might
2. Bull’s Strength 7. Tiania’s
day Endowment
3. Horse’s Stamina 8. Titan’s Strength
Add Hide to your list of cleric skills.
4. Divine Power 9. Mythic Proportions
5. Giant’s Strength
Deepen Shadows
Shadow Walk
Greater Shadow
Sun Domain
3. Grasping Shadows Conjuration
Deities: Tean, Januel, Alisar, Panial, Frey,
4. Serrin’s Shadow Spy 8. Shadow Killer
5. Shadow Conjuration 9. Shades Warrick, Calruldal
Granted Power: Once a day you can
Stealth Domain perform a greater turn against undead in
place of a regular turning. The greater
Deity: Tharpoen, Lirashnal turning is like a normal turning except
that the undead creature that would be
Granted Power: Add Hide and Move turned are destroyed instead.
Silently to your list of cleric skills.

Spells Spells
1. Endure Elements 6. Fire Seeds
1. Silence 10’ radius 6. Veil 2. Daylight 7. Sunbeam
2. Invisibility 7. Ethereal Jaunt 3. Searing Light 8. Sunburst
3. Gaseous Form 8. Mind Blank 4. Light of Day 9. Greater Light of Day
4. Dimension Door 9. Time Stop 5. Blinding Light
5. Prying Eyes

Storm Domain Trade Domain

Deities: Seloku
Deity: Char, Tala, Imlocrin
Granted Power: You have a +2 bonus to
Granted Power: You gain electricity appraise, diplomacy and sense motive
resistance 5. checks, and further appraise is a class skill
for you.
1. Entropic Shield 6. Wall of Lightning Spells
2. Gust of Wind 7. Control Weather
3. Call Lightning 8. Whirlwind 1. Ascertain Value 6. True Seeing
4. Sleet Storm 9. Storm of Vengeance 2. Message 7. Mordenkainen’s
5. Ice Storm 3. Eagle’s Splendor Magnificent Mansion
4. Sending 8. Mind Blank
5. Fabricate 9. Discern Location

Strength Domain
Deities: Cuvanill, Apenca, Sana, Travel Domain
Grimwall, Warrick, Dulthos Deity: Seloku, Paltos
Granted Power: You can perform a feat Granted Power: For a total time per day
of strength as a supernatural ability. You of 1 round per cleric level you possess you
gain an enchancement bonus to Strength can act normally regardless of magical

effects that impede movement as if you
were affected by the spell freedom of Trickery Domain
movement. This effect occurs
Deity: Terix, Tela, Senda, Narisane,
automatically as soon as it is needed and
Paltos, Panial, Trishdare, Sanshan
lasts until it runs out or is no longer
needed, and can operate multiple times Granted Power: Add Bluff, Disguise, and
each day up to the total daily limit of Hide to your list of cleric skills.
rounds. This granted power is a
supernatural ability. Spells
Add Survival to you list of cleric class 1. Disguise Self 6. Mislead
skills. 2. Invisibility 7. Screen
3. Nondetection 8. Polymorph Any Object
4. Confusion 9. Time Stop
Spells 5. False Vision

1. Longstrider 6. Find the Path

2. Locate Object 7. Greater Teleport
Dimension Door
Phase Door
Astral Projection Tyranny Domain
Deity: Berenash, Sekoon
Granted Power: Add +2 to the saving
throw DC of any compulsion spell you

1. Command 6. Quest
2. Enthrall 7. Bigby’s Grasping
3. Discern Lies 8. Mass Charm
4. Fear 9. Dominate Monster
5. Greater Command

Undead Domain
Deity: Kepho, Sadier, Nalru
Granted Power: Add +2 to your level
and +1d6 to your command, rebuke and
bolster undead effects.

1. Animate Dead 6. Create Undead
Animals & Vermin 7. Control Undead
2. Bloodpet 8. Create Greater
3. Animate Dead Undead
4. No Rest for the Wicked 9. Sirrom’s Foul
5. Corpse Control Transformation

War Domain
Deities: Cuvanill, Sekoon, Sana, Warrick,
Granted Power: Free martial weapon 1st level Druid Spells
proficiency with deity’s favored weapon if
Animal Weaponry: Your hands become animal
necessary, and weapon focus with that claws that deal 1d6 damage.
weapon. Buoy: Creature or object floats easily in water.
Camouflage: Gain a +10 bonus to hide checks.
Eternal Respite: Touched body can't be raised or
Spells animated.
Familiar Eyes: See through the eyes of a familiar or
1. Magic Weapon 6. Blade Barrier
animal companion.
2. Spiritual Weapon 7. Power Word: Blind
Hands of Fire: Encase your hands in flame dealing
3. Magic Vestment 8. Power Word: Stun
1d6 fire damage.
4. Divine Power 9. Power Word: Kill
Life Burst: Cures 2d8 hit points per expended spell
5. Flame Strike
Magnify Sight: See at great distance as if you used

Water Domain a spyglass.

Sheltering Branches: The tree you touch arranges
it's branches to block out all rain and wind.
Deity: Cuane, Paltos, Frey, Elrico, Snow Walk: Touched creature can walk on snow
Ooysashandra and other soft surfaces.
Squirrel Growth: You enlarge multiple squirrels.
Granted Power: Turn or destroy fire
creatures as a good cleric turns undead. 2nd level Druid Spells
Command or rebuke water elementals as
Animal Magnetism: Touched creature gains wild
an evil cleric commands undead. empathy.
Bestow Trick: Instantaneously teach an animal a
Spells trick.
Break Slumber: Dispel natural sleep, make a dispel
1. Obscuring Myst 6. Cone of Cold check against magical sleep.
2. Fog Cloud 7. Acid Fog Harden Snow: Harden snow so it will support the
3. Water Breathing 8. Horrid Wilting weight of most adventurers
4. Control Water 9. Elemental Swarm Reverse Damage: Reverse the damage of target
5. Ice Storm (water only) spell so it cures.
Scent: You gain the scent ability.
Sonar: You can see using sound.
Speaking Shape: Retain the ability to speak while

Druid Spells in wildshape.

Stampede: This spell compels a herd of animals to
stampede in the direction you dictate.
Stone Grasp: A stone hand comes from the ground
and grapples creatures you designate.

0-level Druid Spells

Snag: A low branch or exposed root moves into
position to trip a creature.
3rd level Druid Spells
Abundance: Container produces unlimited food.
Accelerated Decay: Deal 2d8 damage / round to
corporeal undead.
Armor of Thorns: As barkskin, but those you
grapple or attack you unarmed are dealt 1d6
Avalanche of Squirrels: Summon 1d10 squirrels /
level, up to 10d10
Lesser Bloodlust: Creature gains a +4 rage bonus
to Strength and Constitution and a -4 rage
penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma
(to a minimum of 3).
Forest's Eyes: See anything that transpires within a
Honor the Fallen: Destroy all corpses in holy fire
and be cured 2 points for each one, up to 20.
Horse's Stamina: Target creature gains a +4 bonus
to strength and constitution.

Keen Ear: Subject gains a +20 enhancement bonus Corroding Burst: Blast deals 1d6 damage / level,
to listen checks. up to 15d6 to all non-undead constructs in the
Keen Eye: Subject gains a +20 enhancement bonus area including and especially golems otherwise
to spot checks. immune to magic.
Ring of Fire: Nearby creatures struck by flames Earthbind: Target creature driven towards the
dealing 1d4 damage. ground by unseen force.
Squirrel Riot: As you are damaged squirrels form Form Lock: Target creature can't polymorph.
nearby. Giant's Strength: Target creature gains a +6
Survival of the Fittest: Creatures you summon enhancement bonus to strength.
have a +4 bonus to strength and hit points are Magnetism: Magnetize the ground in the area,
max possible for their hit dice. causing metal weapons and armor to be
Tendril Walker: You may attack using any vines or ineffective.
branches in range as if you wielded them as a Mobilize: All your summoned creatures take an
weapon. extra full action this turn.
Terix's Boon: Creature gains a random bonus to a Pixie's Grace: Target creature gains a +6
random ability. enhancement bonus to dexterity.
Tiger's Prowess: Subject gains a +4 bonus to Revive: As raise dead, but creature cannot have
strength and dexterity. been dead for more than 1 round / caster level.
Venomous Vines: Entangle foes with poisonous Summer Bloom: Rapidly cast up to 3 spells 4th
vines. level or lower.
Vermin Shape: You may wildshape into a vermin. Tranquil Domain: Antimagic field against magic
Wildshape: Use wildshape an extra time each day. items and their effects.
Wolf's Tenacity: Subject gains a +4 bonus to Treant's Endurance: Subject gains a +6
constitution and dexterity. enhancement bonus to constitution.

4th level Druid Spells 6th level Druid Spells

Carapace: Touched creature grows the tough Animal Scouts: Small creatures scout an area for
exoskeleton of an insect gaining a +1 natural you.
armor bonus per 2 caster levels (maximum Choking Vines: As entangle, but assassin vines are
+10). also summoned into the area of effect.
Disempower: Dispel target enhancement spell. Forest Maze: Cause creatures to become lost in the
Falling Timber: Fell a tree onto foes. forest.
Hollow Tree: Create an extradimensional pocket in Price of Progress: Creature is dealt 1d6 damage
a tree for storing belongings. for each magic item they hold other than potions
Regression: Target dire animal becomes a normal and scrolls.
animal. Rejuvenate: Dispel all penalty granting spells on
Renewal: As heal but on summoned creatures only. target creature.
Root: Creature literally rooted to where they stand. Rise of the Meek: Tiny or larger creatures deal at
Seclude: Spell conceals your campsite from least 1d6 damage per hit.
intrustion. Rusting Ray: As rusting grasp, but at medium
Supreme Reflexes: Subject can take any number range.
of attacks of opportunity each round. Shattering Pulse: Destroy a magic item.
Tiania's Blessing: Subject gains a +4 enhancement Splinter: The touched construct or magic item must
bonus to strength, dexterity and constitution. make a fortitude save or be destroyed.
Tiania's Enlightenment: Subject gains a +4 Tiania's Sanctuary: Creatures in the area of effect
enhancement bonus to intelligence, wisdom and can't be targetted by spells.
charisma. Tiania's Splendor: Subject gains a +4
enhancement bonus to all ability scores.

5th level Druid Spells

Bask: Dispel a spell and gain 1d4 hit points per level
7th level Druid Spells
of the dispelled spell. Aluren: Cast summon monster’s ally as a swift
Bloodlust: Creature gains +8 rage bonus to action.
Strength and Constitution and a -8 rage penalty Amok: Target creature attacks every creature within
to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma (to a a move of his current position.
minimum of 3). Chaos Sphere: All spells in the area of effect
Buried Alive: Target creature buried alive 5’ + 1’ mishap.
deep / caster level. Mass Horse's Stamina: As horse's stamina but on
Burrowing: Gain a Xorn’s ability to glide through 1 creature / level.
earth and rock like a fish through water. Mass Renewal: As renewal, but on up to 1 creature
/ level.
Mage Spells
Tiania's Endowment: Subject gains a +6
enhancement bonus to strength, dexterity and
Tiania's Insight: Subject gains a +6 enhancement Every spell has a base level and mages as
bonus to intelligence, wisdom and charisma.
a class access spells at their base level. A
Mass Tiger's Prowess: As tiger's prowess but on 1
creature / level. few new spells in this book have no
Mass Wolf's Tenactiy: As wolf's tenacity but on 1 classes listed for them – these spells are
creature / level. only available to the mages. They are
listed below. Remember that these are in
addition to all other spells of a color off
8th level Druid Spells other classes’ lists a mage can use.
Ball Lightning: Summon a ball lightning to deal
10d6 damage to nearby foes, then attack a
single for 10d6 damage.
1st level Mage Spells
Cocoon: Wrap a friend or foe in a cocoon which Black Addle: Target creature loses a spell
heals them. preparation with a chosen descriptor.
Fissure: You open a fissure in the ground which may Blood Pet: Create a creature from your
swallow up foes and bury them alive. own blood.
One With Nature: You may see and hear from the Blue Telsindria's Belabored Casting: Spells
eyes and ears of any animal within 1 mile / take 1 round longer to cast.
level. Red Wildcure: Cure or damage randomly.
Quickling's Grace: Target creature gains a +8
enhancement bonus to dexterity.

2nd level Mage Spells

Stone's Endurance: Target creature gains a +8
enhancement bonus to constitution.
Mass Tiania's Blessing: As Tiania's Blessing on up Blue Apathy: Target creature can’t take
to 1 creature / level. attacks of opportunity.
Mass Tiania's Enlightenment: As Tiania's Imaginary Pet: Create an illusionary
Enlightenment on up to 1 creature / level. guardian with twice your hit dice, up to
Titan's Strength: Subject gains a +8 enhancement 10.
bonus to strength. Spell Blast: Counter target spell of equal
or less level than an expended spell
9th level Druid Spells Red
Stifle: Counter target triggered spell.
Parch: As magic missile, but deals double
Creeping Mold: As creeping doom, but composed of damage to blue creatures.
animated mold and not deterred by damage Sizzle: Deal 1d6 damage to up to 1
reduction at all. creature / level.
Early Harvest: Field produces a year's harvest in
one day.

3rd level Mage Spells

Mass Giant's Strength: As giant strength, but
affecting 1 creature / level.
Mythic Proportions: Creature grows to ten times Blue Chill: Red spells take one round longer to
normal size. cast.
Mass Pixie's Grace: As pixie's grace, but affecting Gainsay: Counter target blue spell.
1 creature / level. Hydroblast: Counter target red spell.
Repurcussion: Damage dealt to summoned Necroblast: Counter target black spell.
creatures is also dealt to summoners. Truthsay: Counter target white spell.
Shatterstorm: Destroy many magic items. Wisesay: Counter target green spell.
Swarmform: You change into a swarm of animals Red Insane Jealousy: All nearby creatures
such as rats, doves etc. with more hit points than you are dealt
Tiania's Greater Splendor: Subject gains a +6 1d6 damage / round.
enhancement bonus on all ability scores.
Tiania's Liege: Summon a creature born of pure life
Transmute Rock to Lava: Transform rock to lava 4th level Mage Spells
dealing severe damage to those caught in the
area. Black Persecute: Target creature loses all spell
Mass Treant's Endurance: As treant's endurance, preparations of a chosen descriptor or
but affecting up to 1 creature / level. school.
Syphon Soul: All creature in range take
1d8 damage and you are cured by the
amount of damage dealt this way.

Blue Illusions of Grandeur: Touched Terix's Favor: Subject takes the better
creature gains 1d8 hit points / level as of two d20 rolls.
long as it concentrates.

8th level Mage Spells

Reality Shift: For all creatures in the
area AC-10 becomes attack bonus and
Attack bonus+10 becomes AC. Black Vile Consumption: As finger of death
Red Fireblast: As fireball but can be cast as and be cured the hit points the victim
quickened action and has a 15d6 had left.
damage cap. Blue Mind Over Matter: Lose spells instead of
Yarenic's Bloody Flame: Blood catches hit points when damaged in battle.
fire and burns for 1d8 damage Red No Mercy, No Quarter: All creatures
White Serenity: Dispel red and black spells. gain a +20 insight bonus to all attacks,
all normal hits are critical hits.
5th level Mage Spells
Black Curse Item: Bestow curse upon an item. 9th level Mage Spells
Subversion: Deal 1 damage to each Black Drain Life: Target creature loses 1d4 hit
creature in range and be healed that points (max 20d4).
much damage. Gravestorm: Corpses explode dealing
Blue Hesitation: The first spell cast in the 1d6 damage to creatures nearby.
area is countered. Sirrom's Deathgate: Those who pass
Reigns of Power: Seize control of all through a portal are affected by finger
summoned creatures controlled by of death.
target creature. Sirrom's Foul Transformation: Target
Green Crumble: Touched magic item is creature becomes a zombie
destroyed. Be cured a number of hit immediately.
points equal to the spell and caster Soul Exchange: Switch bodies with a
level of its creation. target creature permanently.
Retaliate: Successful attacks on target Spreading Plague: As contagion, but
creature provoke attacks of opportunity spreads from victim to victim.
from it. Wind of Despair: All summoned
creatures are slain.
6th level Mage Spells Blue Serrin's Theft: Counter target spell. You
may cast the spell yourself.
Black Sirrom's Agenda: Undead in the area Time Spiral: Revert all combatants to
can't be turned. their status at the encounter's start.
Vampiric Drain: Bestow negative Time Warp: All events occur twice.
energies with touch attacks like a Green Siphon Field: You gain a bonus for spells
vampire. cast nearby you.
Green Simplify: All spellcasters in the area Red Blade Storm: As blade barrier, but the
must choose to dismiss one spell if barrier can be moved each round.
able. Devestation: As fireball, but deals
White Balance: Two creatures have their AC, damage up to the total number of spell
Attacks and spellcaster levels levels you expend on casting.
equalized. Pyroclastic Flow: Deal 25d6 damage to
Humble: Target creature loses all class all creatures in the area of effect.
ability. Thermal Shock: Creatures in the area
take 50d6 fire damage (equivalent to a

7th level Mage Spells

death effect).
Twin Hits: Double the number of attacks
Black Gloom: Target creature gains 1 negative made by target creature.
level for each white abjuration affecting Wildfire: Deal 5d6 damage to an
him. enourmous area.
Will of the Damned: Your caster level White Greater Hold Monster: As hold monster
increases by 1 for each corpse within but the duration is greater and the
range. duration is longer.
Red Chaotic Strife: Creatures deal double or Matacha's Edict: Undead gain positive
no damage in the area of effect. energy levels while in the area or until
Flaring Pain: Antimagic field against destroyed.
healing spells and effects. Planar Collapse: You collapse a
Spellshock: Spells deal 1d6 damage / demiplane created by mortal magic.
spell level to their casters when cast. Seal Fate: Touched corpse can't be
Summon Warlord: You summon a raised or animated by mortal magic.
warlord to do battle against your foes. Telsindria's Aura: Aura of protection
against a color of your choice.
2nd level Ranger Spells
Paladin Spells Armor of Thorns: As barkskin, but those you
grapple or attack you unarmed are dealt 1d6
Rampage: You can't be flanked by favored enemies
1st level Paladin Spells and gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage
Crusade: All white creatures gain +1 bonus to all
Visualize: You touch a track and get a mental
picture of the creature that left it.
Decree: All persons who hear words off a scroll
remember the words forever.
Holy Missiles: As magic missles, but heal the living
and harm undead.
Infusion: Take damage and heal twice as much to
3rd level Ranger Spells
target creature. Carapace: Touched creature grows the tough
exoskeleton of an insect gaining a +1 natural

2nd level Paladin Spells armor bonus per 2 caster levels (maximum
Conviction: Charm person and the victim acts as if Sonar: You can see using sound.
white aligned. Venomous Vines: Entangle foes with poisonous
Oathbind: Bind two creatures to an oath and know vines.
when it is broken.
Steadfast Heart: Creatures nearby are immune to
4th level Ranger Spells
Focus of Hatred: Total all favored enemy bonuses
rd and apply them against favored enemy.
3 level Paladin Spells
Light of Day: Holy light drives back undead.
Spirit Link: As shield other but cure spells can pass
through the link.

4th level Paladin Spells

Spell Lodestone: Spells which can target you must
target you.
Unquestioned Authority: Creatures sharing your
alignment follow your orders.
Vindicate: Deal extra damage to foes on each
attack equal to the amount they last dealt you.

Ranger Spells
1st level Ranger Spells
Animal Magnetism: Touched creature gains wild
Animal Weaponry: Your hands become animal
claws that deal 1d6 damage.
Bestow Trick: Instantaneously teach an animal a
Camouflage: Gain a +10 bonus to hide checks.
Familiar Eyes: See through the eyes of a familiar or
animal companion.
Harden Snow: Harden snow so it will support the
weight of most adventurers
Lay of the Land: Spell aids you in navigating
through unfamiliar territory.
Scent: You gain the scent ability.
Snow Walk: Touched creature can walk on snow
and other soft surfaces.

Trans Agression: Target creature gains +2 to
Sorcerer/Wizard Spells attack and -2 to AC and is dealt 2
points of damage each round they don’t
A few spells on this list are available only attack.
Alacrity: Cast spells as a move
to sorcerers (marked with a *) or only to equivalent action.
wizards (marked with a +). Buoy: Creature or object floats easily in
0-level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Fluctuation: Gain a +1 bonus or -1
penalty to spellcaster level.
Abjur Ward from Rain: Weak field of force Mnuemonic Absorption*: Temporarily
blocks rainfall from touching you. know a spell from a scroll.
Quick: Change Target creature's initiative
Div Displace Perspective: See as if your to match yours.
eyes where from a vantage point within
100' from your current position.
Ench Convince: Nudge a creature into
performing an action they are hesitant 2nd level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
to do but favor.
Abjur Shift Aim: aim of targetting missiles and
Evoc Douse: Extinguish a small fire or deal
spells changes randomly.
1d6 damage to a fire creature.
Conj Flicker: Target moves briefly into the
Ignite: Start a small fire or deal 1d3 fire
aether plane.
Div Familiar Eyes: See through the eyes of a
Zap: Deal 1d6 electricity damage.
familiar or animal companion.
Illus Mask: Alter your facial appearance,
Magnify Sight: See at great distance as
gaining a +5 enhancement bonus to
if you used a spyglass.
disguise checks.
Vigilance: Creature gains +10
Necro Dancing Vermin: As animate dead, but
enhancement bonus to spot and listen
on an animal or vermin which had only
checks while guarding an assigned
up to 3 hit points in life.
Exterminate: Slay an animal or vermin
Ench Stupor: Enchanted creature is thrown
with 3 or less hit points.
into a drunken stupor.
Trans Dry: Drive all water out of an object or
Evoc Chaos Bolt: Strike a foe with raw magic
deal 1d6 damage to a water creature.
energy which may disrupt their spells
Retrieve: Call to your hand an arcane
on subsequent rounds.
marked object 25 lb. or less.
Lightning Lash: Create an electric whip
Target Lock: Creature suffers a -4 AC
which deals 1d6 damage per hit.
penalty against the next ranged touch
Pyroclastic Burst: Deal 2d6 damage per
attack spell used against him.
expended spell slot to all creatures in a
Univ Reckless Dweomer: Create a mishap
10' radius burst.
which might become a spell of level
Reaching Weapon: Weapon gains 5'
equal or less than that of an expended
spell slot.
Shock: As lightning bolt but with only 1
1st level Yarenic's Firebolts: As magic missile
except dealing fire damage.
Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Illus Still Touch: Touched creature moves
without making vibrations or sounds.
Abjur Demystify: Dispel a spell up to 3rd level. Necro Afflict: Touched creature gains a
Div Ascertain Value: Gain a +20 insight temporary negative energy level.
bonus to appraise checks. Animate Dead Animals and Vermin:
Clearsight: See through vapors as if they Animates twice your level (up to 20) hit
were not there. points of dead animals or vermin.
Identify: Gain a +20 insight bonus on a Foul Presence: Undead in the area gain
spellcraft check. turn resistance.
Understand Unorthodoxy: Gain a Lesser Pain Touch: Subject suffers a -2
mental picture of what an object looked penalty to AC and is dealt 1d8 damage
like unbroken. / level up to 5d8.
Ench Taunt: Target creature is compelled to Trans Brainstorm+: Switch up to two spell
attack you. preparations with spells you have
Illus Deepen Shadows: All creatures gain a mastered with spell mastery.
+10 circumstance bonus to hide in Browse+: Instantaneously prepare a
shadows in the area. spell from a spellbook but remove the
Nadia's Spell Brush: Change the preparation from the book.
sensory signatures of your spells. Flaming Weapon: Bestow the flaming
Wink Out: Invisibility for one round only. weapon property on a weapon.
Focus: Gain a +10 enhancement bonus Necro Clutch of Undeath: +4 bonus to STR of
to concentration checks. undead, -4 penalty to STR of the living.
Frost Weapon: Bestow the frost weapon Dregs of Sorrow: Target creature loses
property on a weapon. all morale bonuses and gains a -2
Gambit: Double all damage dealt by an moral penalty to all attack, damage,
attack or prevent it. skill rolls and saving throws
Halt: Target creature can't cast spells. Swat: Slay target 1HD creature.
Mystical Tutor+: Prepare a spell in a Trans Corrosive Weapon: Weapon deals +1d6
lower slot, then place it in a higher slot bonus acid damage on the round
for casting later. following each successful hit.
Shocking Weapon: Bestow the shocking Crown of Fire: Creature takes 1d6
weapon property on a weapon. damage / round and gains a like bonus
Snow Walk: Touched creature can walk on attack and damage rolls.
on snow and other soft surfaces. Flaming Burst Weapon: Bestow the
Subjectional Gravity: Whatever surface flaming burst weapon property on a
your feet touches is down for you. weapon.
Temporal Flux: All creatures re-roll Second Chance: Creature's player rerolls
initiative. a die.
Thundering Weapon: Bestow the Shocking Burst Weapon: Bestow the
thundering weapon property on target shocking burst property on a weapon.
weapon. Soften: Target creature's next spell or
spell like a ability has a caster level of

3rd level
Spell Stealing*: Pull a spell from a foe
into your spell's known list.
Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Spelldraining Blade: Weapon causes
spellcasters to lose spellcasting
Abjur Mishap Shield: Counter the next potential on each hit.
mishapped spell targetting you. Stone Grasp: A stone hand comes from
Restrain: Check creature's movement the ground and grapples creatures you
towards you. designate.
Greater Shield: As shield, but provides Surefoot: Subject gains a +10
cover and reflects magic missiles back enhancement bonus to balance and
at their caster. tumble checks.
Telsindria's Spell Immunity+: You are Telsindria's Intuition+: Expend three
immune to a spell you expend a spells to prepare one in it's place.
preparation of at casting. Telsindria's Spell Crystal+: Place a
Conj Ishrala's Summons: Mimics Summon spell into or remove a spell from a spell
Monster I through VIII, depending on crystal.
spell slot expended. Thunderclapping Weapon: Bestow the
Greater Mage Armor: As mage armor thunderclapping property on a weapon.
but with a +8 deflection bonus to AC. Whimsy: Target gains a random bonus
Stream of Acid: Conjure a damaging or penalty to all attacks, damage rolls
stream of acid dealing 1d4 damage / saving throws and caster level checks.
level (max 10d4)
Div Oathbind: Bind two creatures to an oath
and know when it is broken.
4th level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Spell Scan: Know the spells a creature Abjur Abandon Hope: Antimagic field
has prepared. suppressing morale bonuses.
Ench Greed: Target creature gains the Black Ward: Spell resistance against
compulsion of greed. black spells.
Pacifism: Target creature goes to total Blue Ward: Spell resistance against blue
defense and can take no actions other spells.
than movement or speaking. Essense Filter: Dispel all effects with a
Ray of Command: Dominate Person for descriptor or all effects without a
one round. descriptor.
Evoc Chaos Ball: As flamesphere, but random Force Void: Antimagic field against force
energy type each round. effects.
Deep Water: Water crushes submerged Green Ward: Spell resistance against
foes for 1d6 subdual damage / level green spells.
(max 10d6). Ivory Mask: Spells targetting you can't
Surge: Bolster a target spell. be cast.
Twincast*: Copy target spell. Red Ward: Spell resistance against red
Illus Grasping Shadows: As web but strands spells.
of shadow rather than webs restrict Reflect Gaze: Subject gains a +4 bonus
movement. to saves against gaze attacks.

White Ward: Spell resistance against Concentrate: Change the duration of a
white spells. spell from concentrate to 1 round /
Conj Acidic Blast: Coat creatures in a sticky level
black acid that deals 1d6 / per round. Corrosive Burst Weapon: As corrosive
Serrin's Phase Step: You may teleport weapon with additional critical hit
the distance of your normal move each damage.
round. Donate+: Grant a spontaneous caster
Stone Rain: Stone rains down in the the ability to cast a spell you've
area dealing 1d6 / level (max 10d6) prepared.
Div Sonar: You can see using sound. Freedom from the Masters: All
Ench Compulsion: Subject repeats an action summoned creatures in the area are
each round if able. freed from control.
Evoc Blaze: Fire deals 1d12 / round spent in Icy Burst Weapon: Bestow the icy burst
casting, max 10d12. property on a weapon.
Blinding Light: Intense light blinds and Soar: As feather fall or fly depending on
dazzles foes. how fast it is cast.
Incinerate: 1d8 damage / level to single Solipsist Disillusionment: Objects have
target - max 15d8. a 50% chance of existing each
Power Wave: Create a shockwave in a moment.
straight line that damages foes and Telsindria's Reflection: Send rays and
knocks them over. magic missiles back at their hurlers.
Illus Serrin's Phantasm: Create a major Terix's Blessing: Target creature gains
image existing in the mind of one the wild spellcaster template.
subject / level. Unsummon: Dispel a conjuration
Serrin's Shadow Spy: Your shadow (summoning) spell.
detaches from you and can spy for you.
Necro Chaldulsul's Hex: Ensorcelled creature
can't heal by any means.
Death Burst: Slay target creature with
5th level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
equal or less hit dice than expended Abjur Abolish: Dispel a spell with certainty but
spell slot. possibly take damage in the attempt.
Demonic Tutor+: Prepare a spell by Circumvent: Counter a spell unless its
paying XP. controller expends an equal or higher
Leech Cunning: Foe loses 1d4+1 level spell.
intelligence and you gain the same for Counterspell: Counter target spell.
duration. Delude Divination: Divination spell
Leech Endurance: Foe loses 1d4+1 gives random nonsensical results.
constitution and you gain the same for Disempower: Dispel target enhancement
duration. spell.
Leech Grace: Foe loses 1d4+1 dexterity Disenchant: Dispel one spell the caster
and you gain the same for duration. could end.
Leech Splendor: Foe loses 1d4+1 Dispersal Shield: Create a field that
charisma and you gain the same for counters spells cast at you or in your
duration. vicinity.
Leech Strength: Foe loses 1d4+1 Energy Field: Damage dealing spells
strength and you gain the same for deal minimum damage.
duration. Flickering Ward: Ward provides random
Leech Wisdom: Foe loses 1d4+1 protection from spells.
wisdom and you gain the same for Forbid: Antimagic shell against one
duration. named spell.
Pain Touch: As lesser pain touch, but Sirrom's Foul Link: Half the damage
with a -4 penalty to AC, damage up to transferred to you is sent to touched
10d8 and dodge and dexterity bonuses creature.
are lost. Telsindria's Blessing: Spell resistance
Pestilence: Creatures are sickened and against a color of your choice.
dealt 1d6 damage / round. Conj Acid Rain: Corrosive Acid Rain strikes
Trans Aggravated Assault: Target creature foes for 1d6 / level (max 15d6)
gains a full round’s actions. Div Catalogue: Know everything written in a
Attunement+: Rearrange your spell library.
preparations. Evoc Arc Lightning: Lightning discharge along
Clear Mind: Clear your mind to prepare a path you prescribe deals 1d6/level
more spells, but lose 1d8 points off (max 15d6)
your casting ability modifier, to a Concussive Fireball: As fireball with
minimum of 1. damage up to 15d6 and half the
damage is sonic.
Rolling Thunder: Creatures dealt 1d6 6th level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
damage per level (max 15d6) within
60' of you. Abjur Aura of Protection – Black / Blue /
Sirrom's Spite: Creatures who die in the Green / Red / White: Against the
area are treated as if killed by death chosen color you gain the following:
magic. Damage resistance 10/-, +4 deflection
Telsindria's Trigger: Cause a spell to go bonus to AC, +4 resistance bonus to
off as if cast centered on the creature saves, protection from possession or
that has it prepared. domination.
Thunderbolt: As lightning bolt though Bright Circle: Create a barrier
half the damage is sonic and the max impassable to undead.
damage is 15d6. Desertion: Counter target spell. If it is a
Illus Cloak Undead: Conceals the undead summons the creatures appear under
nature of undead creatures. your control.
Greater Mirror Image: As mirror image, Differentiation: No spell can be cast
but images range over a wider area and that shares a school or descriptor with
you may teleport between their a prior spell.
locations. Limited Resources: All spells have their
Sleight of Mind: Change the natures of minimum effect.
spells and what they see. Surge Shield: Shimmering shield
Necro Brittle Bone Curse: Victims bones absorbs part or all of incoming spell
disintegrate over a prolonged period. effects.
Death Stroke: Next creature critically hit Tainted Aether: Creatures that teleport
by target weapon must make a into or out of the area gain a negative
fortitude save or die. level.
No Rest For the Wicked: Return to Telsindria's Invulnerable Globe: As
unlife a number of corpses up to twice globe of invulnerability against spells up
your level in hit dice. to the level of an expended spell slot.
Pox: Target creature has Hit points, Conj Nadia's Brief Reprieve: Target is
Attack bonus AC and spelllevel reduced teleported away to a random location
by 1/3. and returns at the spell's end.
Repel Death: Whenever you would die Ench Bedlam: Creatures make no attempts to
those nearby must save or die in your dodge attacks, losing their dexterity
place. modifiers to AC
Trans Anarchy: White wards damage the Evoc Backdraft: Agressor dealt damage by
creatures they affect. their own spell or supernatural ability.
Boomerang: Switch the target of a spell Cone of Flame: As cone of cold, d8
that affects one creature to its caster. damage dice up to 15d8, and fire
Corporeal Instability: Cause a subjects damage.
form to disolve into an amorphous Earthbind: Target creature driven
gibbering mass. towards the ground by unseen force.
Delay: Target spell does not occur until Firebreathing: Touched creature may
this spell ends. breath fire for 1d6 damage / 2 levels
Entropic Burst: Entropic energy deals once every 1d4 rounds.
1d6 damage / level (up to 15d6) to Force Hull: Create a wall of force along
creatures in the area. the outer contour of a ship.
Flame Guide: You direct the path taken Incendiary: When touched creature dies
by burning flames. it explodes damaging nearby foes.
Meltdown: You melt a non-magical metal Lightning Rift: Lightning strikes
object, damaging those touching it. whenever anyone casts a spell as
Refresh: Target spell has it's elapsed directed by the spellcaster of those
duration set to 0 spells.
Spell Lodestone: Spells which can target Mind Burn: Deal 2 damage to subject for
you must target you. each copy of a named spell the subject
Storm Weapon: Bestow the thundering has prepared.
and shocking properties to a weapon. Pyrostatic Pillar: Spells 3rd level or less
Vampiric Blade: Bestow the vampiric trigger damage upon their casters.
property to a weapon. Shower of Coals: As fireball but up to
Zone of Chaos: Spell targets are 15d6 and half the damage is impact
determined randomly. damage.
Necro Diseased Weapon: Creatures struck by
weapon suffer a contagion.
Form Lock: Target creature can't
Recurring Nightmare: Subject unable
to sleep and can't recover spells.

Wasting Curse: Bestow a curse that Wildstroke: A bolt of wild energy strikes
ages the subject a year every day. foes with 1d6 damage / level (max
Wilting Curse: Bestow a curse causing 20d6) and other unpredicatable effects.
rapid weight loss and con loss. Illus Intangibility: Enhanced invisibility
Trans Chaos Sphere: All spells in the area of makes you all but undetectable.
effect mishap. Necro Corpse Control: As magic jar, but on
Fluctuate: Instantly prepare a new spell corpses and undead.
allotement half of your current one. Necrology: Lose life instead of spell slots
Mass Fly: As fly, targeting up to 1 when spells are cast.
creature / level. Greater Pain Touch: Victim sent into
Gratuitous Violence: All attacks by and helpless convultions dealing 1d8
upon target creature are critical. damage / round to a max of 20d8.
Oppression: Spells cost an additional Trans Battle Strain: Attacks that miss full AC
spell slot of equal or greater level to but hit touch AC deal half damage.
cast. Confiscate: Move a spell with a single
Stoneform: Polymorph yourself into an target onto yourself.
earth elemental. Deflection: Change the targets of target
Storm Blast Weapon: Bestow the spell.
shocking burst and thunder-clapping Hellfire Weapon: Bestow flaming,
properties to a weapon. thundering and shocking properties on
Time Twister: You phase in and out of a weapon.
time becoming immune to many attack Time Walk: Move forward through time.

8th level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
7 level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Abjur Greater Abolish: Dispel a spell with
Abjur Absolute Duty: Antimagic field against certainty but possibly take damge in
blue spells. the attempt.
Absolute Grace: Antimagic field against Dispelling Screen: Field attempts to
black spells. dispel any magic brought into the area.
Absolute Law: Antimagic field against Dissipate: Counter target spell and
red spells. possibly wipe all other preparations of
Absolute Reason: Antimagic field that spell from the opponent's mind.
against green spells. Telsindria's Spelltrap: Create orbs
Absolute Truth: Antimagic field against which capture spells you can later
white spells. release.
Aether Flash: Creatures that teleport Conj The Road Left Untaken: Move to two
into the warded area take 1d6 damage places at once and be in them at the
/ caster level. same time.
Aether Slide: Touched creature goes Ench Greater Hold Person: As hold person
aethereal whenever they would be with a 1 minute / level duration and
struck by physical attacks. only 1 save is allowed.
Back to Basics: Antimagic shell that Evoc Capsize: Create a waterborne forcewave
suppresses enhancement bonuses. that can capsize ships.
Control Revocation: As spell turning Pandemonium: Creatures are damaged
except affects only enchantment with force attacks whenever other
(compulsion) spells. creatures complete normal attacks.
Lull: Spells can't be cast in the area of Replenish: Restore all spells dispelled in
effect. the last minute.
Power Sink: Counter target spell and Illus Chaos in the Mind’s Eye: Subjects
cut off the caster from further perceptions become completely
spellcasting for a time. nonsensical disorienting the subject and
Ench Greater Confusion: As confusion, but cause numerous effects.
with an area of effect of a 30' radius Terror: As phantasmal killer but with
burst. higher damage and a -4 saving throw
Mass Pacifism: As pacifism but affecting penalty.
1 creature / level. Necro Dark Fate: Creature who deals
Evoc Fanning the Flames: Magnify and destroying blow to target undead is
empower fire spells in the area. affected by finger of death.
Wall of Lightning: Create a wall of Final Punishment: Creature dealt all
lightning that deals 1d6 / level damage damage suffered in the round a second
(max 20d6) to those attempting to pass time.
through. Lycanthropic Curse: Bestow the curse
of lycanthropy on a subject.
Trans Brute Resolve: As feeblemind, but lost Radiate: Target spell targets additional
intellect is added to strength. targets depending on the spell slots you
Hellfire Blast Weapon: Bestow flaming drop at casting.
burst, thunderclapping and shocking Illus Shadow Killer: Target creature's shadow
burst effects on a weapon. attacks it.
Mass Overland Flight: As overland flight Necro Disanimation: Destroy a single target
but upon up to 1 creature / level. undead or multiple undead with a total
of 100 or fewer hit points.
Sirrom's Impenetrable Darkness: Area
9th level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells of darkness leeches lifeforce from
creatures within.
Abjur Greater Antimagic Field: Creates an Smother: Target creature begins to
antimagic field out to close range from suffocate and will die if the spell isn't
you. broken.
Refutation: Counter target spell and Trans Entropic Wave: As entropic burst with a
subject loses the ability to cast it until maximum damage of 25d6 and
restored. destroying objects as well.
Telsindria's Radiance: Antimagic Mass Polymorph: As polymorph, but
against a color of your choice. affecting 1 creature / level.
Conj Ball Lightning: Summon a ball lightning Mass Refresh: As refresh, but affecting
to deal 10d6 damage to nearby foes, up to 1 spell / level.
then attack a single for 10d6 damage. Repurcussion: Damage dealt to
Evoc Chain Contingency: As Contingency, but summoned creatures is also dealt to
links up to 3 spells together whose total summoners.
levels can’t exceed your caster level. Trasmute Water to Acid: You turn
Greater Oathbind: As oathbind, and a water to acid dealing considerable
spell is set on contingency to trigger damage to those entrapped in it.
when the oath is broken. Volley of Boulders: You transmute
pebbles to bolders mid-flight.

dispel mode except that if from which it will never
Abandon Hope+ you fail at the caster level return." ~ The Tedisa, Book
Abjuration (Ward) [Black] check you are dealt 1d4 II, Canto 16
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4 points of damage per
Casting Time: 1 standard action This spell works like
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
point of failure and the
levels) spell you targeted is anti-magic field except it
Effect: All creatures in range dispelled anyway. only affects black spells
Duration: 1 minute / level and effects.
“It is easier to abandon hope than Abolish, Greater+
abandon fear.” ~ Elgrel III. Abjuration (Dispel) [White] Absolute Law+
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8 Abjuration (Ward) [White]
This spell works like Components: V, S Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 7
Area: 30' emanation, centered
antimagic shell except
“It is a small thing to suffer on you
that it only suppresses
that the world might be purified;
morale bonuses and any "Second is Law, which guides our
bonus against fear effects. and a smaller thing still to die
actions and shapes our purpose.
that the world might be saved.”
This spell can be made Without law chaos shall reign
~ Princess Anatole, 992 SR
permanent upon objects and destroy all that is right
and areas by a 12th level This spell works like and all that is beautiful in
caster at a cost of 2000 abolish except it is based the world." ~ The Tedisa,
XP. upon greater dispel magic Book II, Canto 17
instead of dispel magic.
Abeyance+ This spell works like
Enchantment (Compulsion) Absolute Duty+ anti-magic field except it
only affects red spells
[Mind-Affecting, White]
Abjuration (Ward) [White]
Level: (1), Clr 2
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 7
and effects.
Components: V, S
Area: 30' emanation, centered
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
on you Absolute Reason+
Target: 1 creature
"Next to Grace is Duty, which Abjuration (Ward) [White]
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 7
Duration: 1 round / level protects and nourishes her being. Area: 30' emanation, centered
Saving Throw: Will Negates Without duty the thoughts of on you.
Spell Resistance: Yes
man run foul and destroy the
"Next to Law is Reason, which
“A moment’s pause, a lifetime’s beauty they might otherwise
judges man by laws straight
regret.” ~ Telzoan saying. create." ~ The Tedisa, Book II,
path. Without Reason the law
Canto 18
Target creature can’t cast can be twisted to evil ends and
spells. This spell works like anti- enslave all that is noble and
magic field except it only pure in the world." ~ The
Abolish+ affects blue spells and Tedisa, Book II, Canto 19
Abjuration (Dispel) [White] effects.
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5 This spell works like
Components: V, S
Absolute Grace+ anti-magic field except it
only affects green spells
“Anything you bring into this Abjuration (Ward) [White]
and effects.
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 7
world can be removed from it if Area: 30' emanation, centered
someone is willing to pay the on you.
"First is Grace, which holds our
~ Sirrom.
hearts in sympathy for our
This spell works like dispel fellows. Without grace the
magic in the targeted world plunges into a nightmare
Absolute Truth+ Accelerated Decay+ Acidic Blast+
Abjuration (Ward) [White] Transmutation [Green] Conjuration (Creation) [Acid,
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 7 Level: (3), Drd 3 Black]
Area: 30' emanation, centered Components: V, S, M Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
on you. Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M
Range: Medium (100’ + Casting Time: 1 standard
"Last and above all is Truth, the 10’/level) action
Effect: 60' radius circle Range: Long (400’ + 40’
prism which guides and binds the Duration: 1 round / 2 levels level)
other four. All that is just and Saving Throw: Fortitude ½ Area: 20’ radius spread
worthy exists within truth. All Spell Resistance: Yes Duration: 1 round/level (max
without truth must be destroyed." "Given time, life consumes death.” Saving Throw: Reflex Neg.
~ The Tedisa, Book II, Canto 20 ~ Geldasin. (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell works like anti- You accelerate the action
magic field except it only “Hey, I just got this suit!”
of the organisms that
affects white spells and Timmon yelled.
cause decay. All
effects. unanimated corpses in the You conjure a small
area of this accelerated green orb that flies from
Abundance+ decay will completely your hand out to a point
Conjuration (Creation) [Green] decomposed by the end of you designate like the
Level: (3), Drd 3 this spell's 1st round. bead created by a
Components: V, S, DF Corporeal undead and
Casting Time: 1 standard action
fireball spell. When it
Range: Touch
flesh golems in the area of reaches that point it
Target: Container touched effect are dealt 2d8 points explodes splashing a
Duration: 1 round / level (D) of damage each round. corrosive and sticky acid
Saving Throw: None (object)
Spell Resistance: No (object) Material Component: A onto all creatures in its
mushroom. area of effect that fail
“If you feed an army, have you their reflex saves.
really saved anything?” ~ Those creatures take
Acid Rain+ 1d6 points of damage
Conjuration (Creation) [Acid, each round starting on
Whatever food or water Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5
the round you cast this
that is in the container at Components: V, S, M spell.
the time you cast this Casting Time: 1 standard action
spell cannot be Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
Area: 20’ radius circle Addle+
exhausted. Each round Duration: 1 round / level (D) Transmutation [Black,
whatever has been Saving Throw: Ref ½ Metamagic]
removed from the Spell Resistance: No. Level: (1)
container is replaced. The Components: V, S
container can’t have more “Not all spring showers are Casting Time: 1 round
refreshing.” ~ Sirrom. Range: Medium (100' +
than a one cubic foot 10'/level)
volume per caster level. Target: One creature
Corrosive acidic rain falls
Duration: Instantaneous
down upon the area, or Saving Throw: Will negates
existing rain is transmuted Spell Resistance: Yes
to acid. It deals 1d6 /
caster level (max 15d6) The wizards of Carthasana have
and if rain is already learned that taking a spell
present the spell deals an away before it is cast is
extra point of damage per preferable to dispelling it
die. after.

Choose a descriptor. The return to the plane the Aggravated Assault+
target creature must originated from unless
Transmutation [Red]
choose and lose a spell that space is still Level: (3) Sor/Wiz 4
preparation possessing occupied, otherwise they Components: V, S
the descriptor if able. appear at the nearest Casting Time: 1 standard
open spot. action
Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
Æther Flash+ This spell provides no level)
Target: One Creature
Abjuration (Ward) [Red, protection from spells and Duration: Instantaneous
Triggered] effects that extend onto Saving Throw: Will Negates
Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 7 the ethereal plane, such (Harmless)
Components: V, S Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 standard action as magic missile and most
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 other force effects.
Even young hill giants are
Effect: 60' radius sphere
Duration: 1 hour / level (D) Afflict+ bright enough to understand
Saving Throw: Fortitude ½ Necromancy [Black] that if you hit something hard
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
enough it won’t hit back.
“I said I wanted to take the high Casting Time: 1 standard action
The target creature
road, not the HOT road!” Range: Touch
gains a full action at the
Effect: Creature touched
~ Malsan. Duration: Instantaneous conclusion of this spell
Saving Throw: None and their initiative
Creatures which enter or Spell Resistance: Yes
leave the area of effect changes to match yours.
through the use of any “To hurt someone is easy, making This spell will not
magic (teleport, gate, them suffer requires more function on a given
creature more than once
summon monster, etc.) planning and effort.” ~ Sirrom.
take 1d6 damage / caster in a round.
level to a maximum of The touched creature
15d6 points of damage. gains a negative energy Aggression+
level. Provided it survives Transmutation [Enhancement,
This spell can be made the level lasts for 1 Red]
permanent by a 15th level minute / caster level Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 1
caster at a cost of 3,500 (maximum 10 minutes). Components: V, S
XP. Casting Time: 1 standard
As with enervation the action
subject is not in danger of Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2
Æther Slide+ permanent level loss. levels)
Target: 1 creature
Transmutation [White] Undead struck by the spell
Duration: 1 round / 2 levels
Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 7 gain 2d8 temporary hit Saving Throw: Will Neg
Components: V, S points. (harmless)
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes
Range: Touch (harmless)
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: 1 round / level (D) Orcs do not have a word that
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes means ‘peace.’

“The best block is to get out of The targeted creature

the way.” ~ Devon gains a +2 to attacks
and a –2 to AC. If the
If an object or a spell creature does not take
would strike the recipient an attack action on any
they are shunted round it is dealt 2 points
immediately to the damage by aggression
ethereal plane. At the end that round.
of their next action they
Agonizing Memories+ Alluring Scent+ Amok+
Necromancy [Black, Evil, Mind- Transmutation [Green] Transmutation [Red]
Affecting, Metamagic] Level: (2), Brd 2 Level: (6), Drd 7
Level: (5), Clr 6 Components: V, S Components: V, S
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard
Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal action
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 Effect: 30’ emanation from you Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
levels) Duration: 1 minute / level (D) level)
Target: 1 creature Saving Throw: None Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous Spell Resistance: No Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Negates Saving Throw: Will Neg
Spell Resistance: Yes Timmon swooned at Teresa. (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
“Rats,” she muttered, “Even this
"Even the greatest can be moved (Harmless)
spell has an unpleasant side
to tears. Sometimes, even evil
effect.” “But we had him outnumbered
men cry." ~ Telsindria.
thirty to one!!” ~ Chalnas,
This spell creates a Goblin Lackey
You cause the subject to
pleasant and enjoyable
instantly recall an
odor that grants you a +2 The creature you target
agonizing memory which
bonus to diplomacy may make one attack
paralyzes them one
checks. This spell against every creature
round, deals 1d4 damage
suppresses other spells of he could reach on a
/ level and causes them to
3rd level or less and single move action.
lose all spell slots on their
natural abilities created by
highest two spell levels.
creatures with less than 5
HD (not including class
Alacrity+ levels) that use

Transmutation [Green, unpleasant odors to Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5

Metamagic] nauseate, sicken or Components: V, S
Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 1 Casting Time: 1 standard
Components: V, S, M
otherwise harm a foe.
Casting Time: 1 standard action This includes but isn’t Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
Range: Personal limited to the stinking level)
Target: You cloud spell and the stench Target: 1 white abjuration
Duration: 1 round / level (D) (ward)
ability of troglodytes.
Duration: Up to 1 round /
"To learn how to do something level
quickly, first learn how to do it Aluren+ Saving Throw: Fort ½ [see
slowly." ~ Telsindria. Transmutation [Green, Spell Resistance: Yes [see
Metamagic] text]
You must choose and Level: (6), Drd 7
Components: V, S, DF
expend a spell slot as an
Casting Time: 1 round
“The only true protection is to
additional cost to cast this Range: Personal annihilate your foes.” ~
spell. For the duration of Target: You Yarenic.
this spell you may cast Duration: 1 round / level (D)
spells with a casting time Make a dispel check
of one standard action As children of nature, druids against a target white
that are of equal or less quickly master the calling of abjuration (ward). If
level than the expended their siblings. you succeed the spell
spell as a move- begins to deal 1d4
Each round you may cast
equivalent action (You can damage / level each
one summon nature’s ally
take two move-equivalent round to all within its
spell as a swift action.
actions a round). area of effect in addition
to its other effects for up
Material Component: A
to 1 round / level.
feather from a swift.

Saving throws and spell telepathically relay what Animate Dead Animals and
resistance are rolled they observe. Unlike the Vermin+
against the transmuted eyes created by prying Necromancy [Black]
spell, not this one. If the eyes, the animals called Level: (1), Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 2
spell resistance roll is by this spell don’t detect Components: V, S, M
successful it must cancel as magical and can’t be Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
all effects from the ward, dispelled. However, they Targets: One or more corpses
including any beneficial are normal creatures and
effects. their natural instincts to "Creepy crawly, can't catch me
flee, hide, etc., may One, two, three, One two
Animal Magnetism+ override your instructions. three
Transmutation [Green] Material Component: Creepy crawlies, can't find me
Level: (2), Brd 2, Drd 2, Rng 1 Food favored by the One, two, three, One, two,
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
animals you wish to serve three."
Range: Touch as scouts. ~Telzoan Children's Jump rope
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. Animal Weaponry+
This spell works like
Transmutation [Green,
Spell Resistance: Yes. Polymorph, Enhancement] animate dead, except it
(Harmless) Level: (1), Drd 1, Rng 1 only animates corpses
Components: V, S, DF from animals or vermin
“Everything speaks a language if Casting Time: 1 standard action
and their hit points are
you will but listen.” ~ Range: Personal
Target: You limited to twice your
Geldasin. Duration: 1 minute/level (D) level, up to twenty.
The touched creature "When the druid said he wouldn't Material Component: A
gains the wild empathy bear my presence any longer, I crushed black pearl
class ability of the druid worth 25 gp, the dust of
didn't think he was being literal."
for the duration of the which is sprinkled over
~ Timmon. the creatures to be
Your hands become the animated.
Animal Scouts+ paws or claws of an
Conjuration (Calling) [Green] animal for the duration of Antimagic Field,
this spell. These
Level: (6), Drd 6
Components: V, S, M, DF appendages deal 1d6 Greater+
Casting Time: 1 standard action Abjuration (Ward) [White]
points of damage per
Effect: Up to 10 creatures Level: (9), Sor/Wiz 9
successful attack, are Range: Close (25’+5’/2
For a druid, every beast is a considered armed, and levels)
potential spy. have a damage type Area: An emanation centered
appropriate to the animal on you extending to the
limit of the range.
This spell works like mimicked (i.e. eagle claws
prying eyes, but instead of deal slashing damage, “There are ways to humble the
relying on crystal orbs for bear paws deal
mightiest of wizards.” ~
scouts the spell calls up to bludgeoning damage).
ten animals. Birds are the Telsindria.
Spells with somatic
usual choice, but you are components cannot be This spell works like
free to choose any animal cast while this spell is in antimagic field except
with up to 1 HD. The spell effect. that it extends out to a
grants the animals the greater range as
mental capacity to follow outlined above.
the instructions you give
for the duration, to return
to you, and to
Apathy+ This spell works like chosen you may prepare
barkskin except armor of a spell of up to one level
Enchantment (Compulsion)
[Blue, Mind Affecting] thorns covers your body in less than the expended
Level: (2) thorns. Any creature that spell.
Components: V, S successfully completes an
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
unarmed attack upon you Aura of Protection:
is dealt 1d6 damage by
Target: 1 Creature the thorns, and creatures
Duration: 1 round / level (D) grappling you suffer 1d6 Abjuration (Ward) [White,
Saving Throw: Will Neg Good]
damage each round. Level: (6), Clr 6
Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: V, S, M/DF
The target creature Ascertain Value+ Casting Time: 1 standard
cannot take attacks of Divination (Insight) [Blue] Range: Touch
opportunity. Level: (0), Sor/Wiz 1 Target: Creature Touched
Components: V, S Duration: 1 min / level (D)
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: None
Arc Lightning+ Range: Touch Spell Resistance: No
Evocation [Electricity, Red] Target: Object touched
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5 Duration: Instantaneous “Faith, be my shield.”
Range: See Text Saving Throw: None (object)
Area: 20 5x5 squares + 2 5x5 Spell Resistance: No (object) Similar to the much
squares / level (see text) weaker protection from
“It’s worth thirty gold I swear!”
black spell, the aura of
“Lightning rarely go straight. It the merchant said. Timmon protection: black spell
twist, turn, sizzle and pop!” ~ glanced to Teresa. “Five,” she grants the following
Chalnas, Goblin Lackey. said. protections:
This spell works like You gain a +20 insight  The subject gains
lightning bolt, except it bonus to appraise the damage resistance
can arc through any path touched object. Roll the 10/ – against any
you can devise and even check immediately upon attack loosed by
fork multiple times. All the successful casting of creatures of a black
the squares affected by this spell. alignment or
the discharge must adjoin summoned from
at least one other and one
of them must adjoin you.
Attunement+ Sodrea.
Transmutation [Blue,  Against the attacks
Your character must be Metamagic] and spells of black
able to see the whole path Level: (4), Wiz 4
creatures the subject
the bolt is to take. If the Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action has a +4 deflection
bolt passes through the
Range: Personal bonus to AC and a
same square twice it has Target: You +4 resistance bonus
no additional effect. The Duration: Instantaneous
on saves.
maximum damage of arc
lightning is 15d6. “I could never beat you in a  All attempts to
straight up spell duel Trish, unless possess the warded
Armor of Thorns+ I had time to prepare spells just creature fail as if the
for you,” Teresa smiled. recipient was under
Transmutation [Enhancement,
Green] a protection from
Level: (3), Drd 3, Rng 2 For every 3 levels you black spell.
have you may choose and
It didn’t take the goblins long to expend a spell preparation Material Component:
figure out that this was one elf as an additional cost to Powdered Mithril worth
100 gp that is traced in
they shouldn’t touch. cast this spell. For each
spell preparation so a circle around the feet
of the subject.


Aura of Protection: creatures summoned from Back to Basics+

the plane of Valrea.
Blue+ Abjuration (Ward) [Blue]
Level: (6), Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Abjuration (Ward) [White]
Level: (6), Clr 6
Avalanche of Squirrels+ Components: V, S, M
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2
Conjuration (Summoning) levels)
“Duty, guard my mind.” Area: An emanation centered
Level: (3), Drd 3 on you extending to the
Components: V, S, M limit of the range.
This spell functions like Casting Time: 1 standard action
aura of protection: black Range: Medium (100' + 10' “The greatest and most
except the granted level)
protections are attuned Area: 20' radius spectacular failures result
against blue spells and
Duration: 1 round / level when a supposed master forgets
Saving Throw: None
creatures summoned from Spell Resistance: No
that which an apprentice
the plane of Balcridan. knows.” ~ Telsindria.
The squirrels were here, the
This spell works like
Aura of Protection: Green+ squirrels were there,
antimagic field except it
Abjuration (Ward) [White] The squirrels were all around.
only suppresses spells
Level: (6), Clr 6 They chattered and hissed scurried with the enhancement
“Reason, guide my thoughts.” about - descriptor and magic
No end of them could be found. item effects that
This spell functions like replicate any
aura of protection: black enhancement spell.
except the granted You summon 1d10
protections are attuned squirrels / level into the Material Component:
against green spells and area of effect, up to A copper coin.
creatures summoned from 10d10. This swarm
the plane of Aborea. somehow manages to deal Backdraft+
1 point of damage for
Evocation [Metamagic, Red]
each 5 squirrels attacking,
Aura of Protection: Red+ and you may divide the
Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S
Abjuration (Ward) [White] squirrels as you see fit Casting Time: 1 immediate
Level: (6), Clr 6 action
among the creatures you
Range: Long (400' + 40' /
“Courage, strengthen my hand.” want attacked in the area level)
of effect. Creatures with Target: [see text]
This spell functions like natural armor may count Duration: Instantaneous
aura of protection: black Saving Throw: Fort ¼ (see
their natural armor bonus
except the granted as DR against the attacks Spell Resistance: Yes [see
protections are attuned of this mob of squirrels, text]
against red spells and and a creature with a +5
creatures summoned from natural AC bonus or “Everything you bring into this
the plane of Shun. greater is immune to this world will someday come back
attack. That said, those to you” ~ Telsindria.
Aura of Protection: White+ swarmed by squirrels still
need to make a Target spell, spell-like or
Abjuration (Ward) [White]
Level: (6), Clr 6 concentration check DC supernatural ability
10+ 1 per 5 squirrels deals half damage to its
“Truth, light my way.” attacking them to cast any caster, fortitude save to
spell. reduce this further to a
This spell functions like ¼. The creature may
aura of protection: black Material Component: A only roll SR if the target
except the granted sack of nuts, preferably of backdraft is a spell or
protections are attuned acorns. spell-like ability. You
against white spells and must target the spell,
spell-like or supernatural Ball Lightning+ Bask+
ability when it is first
Conjuration (Summoning) Abjuration (Dispel) [White]
activated or cast. [Electricity, Red] Level: (4), Drd 5
Level: (7), Drd 8, Sor/Wiz 9
Balance+ Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
"Life comes from magic, and
Transmutation [White] Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
magic comes from life. One
Level: (6) levels) cannot be - there must always
Components: V, S, F Effect: Ball Lightning be two. In all things there
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Medium (100’+10’ / Saving Throw: See Text must be two." ~ Telsindria.
level) Spell Resistance: See Text
Targets: 2 creatures This spell works like
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) In the realm of Shun few things dispel magic in its
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
other than ball lightning targeted dispel mode,
Spell Resistance: Yes intimidate the natives. Nothing except that upon a
(Harmless) intimidates the ball lightning. successful dispel you are
cured 1d4 hit points per
“For one to gain, another must You summon Ball level of the dispelled
lose.” ~ Malchani proverb. Lightning, a volatile spell.
creature from the plane of
Add the attack bonus of
the two target creatures
Shun that can only last Battle Strain+
moments on the Material Transmutation [Red]
and divide it by two
plane. You designate a Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 7
(round down). This
point for it to appear Components: V, S
number becomes the new Casting Time: 1 standard
within close range and all
attack bonus of both action
creatures within 10' of Range: Personal
target creatures for the
that point are dealt 10d6 Effect: 60' emanation
duration of balance. Do
damage, reflex saving Duration: 1 round / caster
the same for each level
throw for half and SR to
creature’s AC and Saving Throw: Will Negates
negate (if any). Unlike (Harmless)
spellcaster level.
other summoned Spell Resistance: Yes
The changes brought creatures the ball (Harmless)
about by balance don’t lightning does not wait to
use the stacking rules – your next action to move, Most rarely miss a giant more
the new attack bonus, instead it immediately than once. Conversely, giants
spellcaster level and AC of moves and attacks a need rarely hit more than
each creature should be single foe of your choice once.
treated as their normal within 60'. It has a +10 to
score for the duration of hit and needs only make a All creatures (including
balance and any effect touch attack. If it hits it your enemies) in the
that would enhance or deals 10d6 damage, area of effect that fail to
diminish works from this fortitude save for half with hit the AC of their target
new score. no SR allowed. It in the area of effect deal
dissipates after this single half normal damage if
Balance only functions if they hit the touch AC of
attack. If any creature
both targets fail their their target.
successfully attacks the
ball lightining it is
Focus: A tiny set of destroyed but it deals it’s
golden scales worth 100 10d6 damage to the
gp. creature who attacked it.
Ball Lightning has an AC
of 10 and 1 hit point.


Bedlam+ Spells that counter Black Ward+

individual conditions
Enchantment (Compulsion) Abjuration (Ward) [White]
[Mind-Affecting, Red] inflicted by befoul function Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6 normally.
Component: V, S "Faith is the shield that cradles
Casting Time: 1 standard action Not all creatures are
Range: Medium (100’+10’ / subject to all of befoul’s the heart." - Aurnonian
level) effects. The confused, teaching.
Targets: All creatures in range.
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
feebleminded, and This spell works like
Saving Throw: Will Negates insanity effects are mind- spell resistance except
Spell Resistance: Yes affecting – creatures that it only protects
immune to mind affecting against black spells.
“The two armies clashed in such spells are immune to this
fury and hatred that no one on part of befoul but not to
either side attempted to protect the other parts. Undead Blade Storm+
themselves. Such was the are immune to all aspects Evocation [Force, Red]
Level: (9)
beginning of the Battle of the of befoul.
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Red Veil.” ~ Alblasker, Histories
of Dalsundria. Bestow Trick+ “Steel alone may cleave flesh
Transmutation [Green, Mind- from bone, but in the hands of
The affected creatures Affecting] the master it can cleave heart
make no attempt to dodge Level: (2), Drd 2, Rng 1
Components: V, S
from soul.” ~ Sirrom.
attacks. They lose dodge
Casting Time: 1 standard action
and dexterity bonuses to Range: Touch This spell works like
AC. Target: Animal touched blade barrier except you
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) can move the created
Befoul Saving Throw:
Will Neg.
blades up to 30’ each
Necromancy [Black, Mind- Spell Resistance: Yes round. Those in the
Affecting] (Harmless) path of the moving
Level: (7), Clr 7 blades make reflex
Components: V, S “Even a simple lesson can have saving throws to dodge
Casting Time: 1 standard action
infinite value.” ~ Geldasin them.
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
The touched animal
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort Neg immediately learns a trick Blaze+
Spell Resistance: Yes of your choosing if you Evocation [Fire, Red]
succeed at a handle Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
“Nothing pure remains so long.” animal check. The animal
Casting Time: Charging
~ Sirrom. will only be able to “Fire, like both love and hate,
perform the trick for the is born with a single spark.”
The touched creature is
duration of the spell. (The
blinded, confused, dazed, ~ Alisan.
teaching of tricks to
dazzled, deafened,
animals normally takes This spell works like
diseased (determine
several weeks. See the fireball except blaze
randomly), exhausted,
handle animal skill in the deals 1d12 for each
feebleminded, insane,
Player’s Handbook for round spent casting it,
nauseated, sickened and
more information). up to the caster’s level
poisoned. The spells heal
and cleanse remove 1d4 or 10d12 – whichever is
of these conditions each lower.
time they are cast on the
subject instead of
dispelling all of these
conditions as normal.
Blinding Light+ skills and feats are the You inspire bloodlust in
same as yours. It counts a creature, making him
Evocation [Light, White]
Level: (3), Brd 4, Clr 4, Sor/Wiz as undead so it has no an incredible, if stupid,
4 constitution or intelligence combatant. Strength
Components: V, S, M score, and it’s other and Constitution all gain
abilities are the same as a +8 rage bonus from
“When one lives in darkness, light yours or 10, whichever is this spell. Intelligence,
provides no sight.” ~ Telsindria. greater. Wisdom and Charisma
This spell works like are reduced by a -8 rage
The creature has a +1
daylight except the light it penalty by this spell to a
to hit for each HD it has
creates is far more minimum value of 3.
and a slam attack of 1d8.
intense. All creatures in The creature is further
the area of the light on Focus: Silver dagger. imbued with a desire to
the round it appears must kill anything living in
make a fortitude save or Bloodcurdling Scream+ sight.
be dazzled - and creatures Necromancy [Black, Fear, Mind- Creatures with spell
normally vulnerable to Affecting, Sonic] abilities save against
bright light are Level: (4), Brd 4
Components: V, S, Song
this spell with a +4
automatically dazzled and Casting Time: 1 standard action bonus as raw combat is
must make a fortitude Range: Medium (100’+10’/level) not in their natures.
save or be blinded. Dazzle Target: Up to 1 creature / level Creatures with no spell
effects last one round, Duration: Fading, 1 round /
ability save at a -4
blindness lasts until the Saving Throw: Will Neg. penalty against this
blinding light is removed. Spell Resistance: Yes spell. Creatures in a
Material Component: A rage (as per the
There are sounds that can shake barbarian class ability)
sunstone the resolve of anyone who hears. are given no saving
throw against this spell.
Blood Pet+ You must expend a Bardic
Necromancy [Black]
music ability use for each Rage bonuses do not
Level: (1) creature you wish to stack with the bonuses
Components: V, S, F target. The target from the rage ability of
Casting Time: 1 standard action creatures gain a fading the barbarian class.
Range: Close (25’+5’ / 2 levels)
Effect: Creates a Blood Pet
penalty to attack rolls. (A
Calm emotion ends
Duration: 1 round / level (D) fading penalty is equal to
this spell.
Saving Throw: None the number of rounds left
Spell Resistance: No in the spell’s duration). Material Component:
Blood from a recent
Necromancers are adept at
finding new ways to apply Bloodlust+ wound (preferably on a
recently dead foe,
themselves ~ or parts of Transmutation [Enhancement,
though the caster can
Mind- Affecting, Red]
themselves. Level: (4), Drd 5 cut himself to provide
Components: V, S, M the component).
When you cast blood pet Casting Time: 1 standard action
you open a wound with a Range: Medium (100'+10' /
silver dagger and a dog- level) Bloodlust, Lesser+
Targets: 1 creature
like creature forms from Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Transmutation [Enhancement,
your blood within close Mind Affecting, Red]
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Level: (2), Drd 3
range. It has as many hit (See text)
points as you choose to Spell Resistance: Yes
“Only when there are no orcs
lose – it is effectively 1 will the world know peace.”
“For there to be love there must
HD for each 4 points of
be hate.” ~ Alisan. ~ Elven saying.
damage you take. It’s

This spell works like Brainstorm+ Bright Circle+
bloodlust, except lesser
Transmutation [Blue, Abjuration (Ward) [White]
bloodlust only confers a Metamagic] Level: (4), Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6
+4 rage bonus to strength Level: (1), Wiz 2 Components: V, S, M, DF
and constitution and a –4 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard
rage penalty to Casting Time: 1 standard action action
Range: Personal Range: 60’
intelligence, wisdom and Target: You Area: An emanation centered
charisma. Duration: Instantaneous on you extending to the
limit of the range.
“Insight is one of those things
Blue Ward+ that rarely comes when bidden”
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: [see text]
Abjuration (Ward) [White] Spell Resistance: [see text]
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4 ~ Alblasker.
"Open your eyes to the light!"
"Knowledge is the chalice that You may switch up to two ~ Priest Clarson of Tean.
feeds the mind." ~ Telsindria. spells you have prepared
with two spells you have You create a barrier that
This spell works like spell mastered with the wizard is impassable to undead
resistance except that class feat spell mastery. whose hit dice are equal
blue ward only protects or less to your own.
against blue spells. Break Slumber+ Undead within the circle
Abjuration (Dispel) [Green]
when it is created must
Boomerang+ Level: (2), Drd 2 flee as if turned - there
Components: V, S is no save if their hit
Transmutation [Blue,
Casting Time: 1 standard action dice are equal or less
Range: Medium (100'+10' /
Level: (5) Sor/Wiz 5
than your own. If their
Components: V, S hit dice exceed yours
Area: 60' burst
Casting Time: 1 immediate
Duration: Instantaneous they may make a
Saving Throw: None fortitude save to negate,
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
Spell Resistance: No
Target: 1 spell but while in the circle
Duration: Instantaneous their actions have a –4
Saving Throw: Will Negates You automatically dispel
naturally induced sleep, holy penalty. Undead of
Spell Resistance: Yes
fatigue and exhaustion in greater hit dice than
“If you are cautious of what you all creatures in the area of yours that are outside
send out you needn’t be wary of effect. You may also the circle may make a
what returns.” ~ Alblasker. dispel magically induced fortitude saving throw to
sleep, fatigue and attempt to enter the
Switch the target of a exhaustion effects, but circle - if they fail they
spell that affects one this application of the cannot retry against that
creature to the caster of spell works as per the circle.
that spell unless the area dispel mode of dispel Vampires are not
caster makes a willpower magic and it is not entitled to saving throws
save. guaranteed to work – you or spell resistance
have to succeed at a against bright circle.
caster level check against This is due to their
the opposing caster. weakness of invitation.
Material Component:
Holy Water.
Brittle-Bone Curse+ from your spellbook of lb. / level of the caster
equal or less level and (to a limit of 100 lb.)
Necromancy [Black]
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5 prepare it. The formulae can likewise be buoyed.
of the spell disappears This spell can be cast
“Sore to the bone” ~ Telzoan from your spell book. underwater.
expression meaning “Fed up.” Arcane Focus: Your Material Component: A
This spell works like spellbook. bit of cork.
bestow curse except that
the effect of a brittle bone Brute Resolve+ Buried Alive+
curse is to make the Transmutation [Enhancement, Transmutation [Black]
victim vulnerable to Mind Affecting, Red] Level: (5), Drd 5
broken bones. The spell Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8 Components: V, S, DF
Duration: 1 round / level (D) Casting Time: 1 standard
has an onset time of 48 [see text] action
hours. On the third day of Range: Close (25'+ 5' / 2
the curse the victim takes “What I cannot do by force levels)
an extra 1d8 damage Target: One creature.
alone is not worth the attempt.” Duration: Instantaneous
from any bludgeoning or ~ Tancher. Saving Throw: Ref Neg.
force attack. Beginning Spell Resistance: No
the second week of the This spell works like
curse the victim takes feeblemind, except that “From the earth life springs.
double damage from lost intelligence is To the earth life returns.” ~
bludgeoning strikes and temporarily added to Alisan, Grand Druid.
natural healing rates are strength as an
halved. On the second enhancement bonus Once You choose a target size
and subsequent weeks the the duration of this spell large or smaller and the
victim takes 1 point of ends the strength bonus is earth beneath them
ability damage to STR, lost but the intelligence opens up and swallows
DEX and CON. This ability penalty remains. them whole unless they
damage cannot be succeed at a reflex save.
restored until the curse is Buoy+ Victims who fail are
buried at a depth of 1'
lifted. Remove curse only
Transmutation [Blue, Water]
stops the curse’s per caster level and they
Level: (1), Brd1, Drd 1, Sor/Wiz
progression, a restoration 1 are doomed to suffocate
spell undoes the spell’s Components: S, M unless they can devise a
Casting Time: 1 standard action means of escape. Flying
Range: Touch
creatures are not
Effect: 1 creature or object
Browse+ Duration: 10 minutes / level (D)
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless)
subject to this spell nor
can it be cast on any
Transmutation [Blue, or none (object) creature not standing on
Metamagic] Spell Resistance: Yes
Level: (2), Wiz 2 earth.
(harmless) or no (object)
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action “The value of any skill goes up
Range: Personal
Target: You with need - ask any drowning
Duration: Instantaneous man.” ~ Malshan.
“A quick study is rarely a thorough The touched creature and
one.” ~ Alblasker. all objects it wears
become buoyant, helping
You must choose and the creature to surface
expend a spell slot as an unless it actively tries to
additional cost to cast this swim downward. A single
spell. You choose a spell object weighing up to 10


Burrowing+ Camouflage+ Those aboard are

tossed about violently
Transmutation [Earth, Red] Illusion (Glamer) [Green]
Level: (3) Drd 5 Level: (1), Drd 1, Rng 1 regardless of whether
Components: V, S Components: V, S the ship stays righted or
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action not. During the round
Range: Personal Range: Touch immediately after this
Duration: 10 min/level Target: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None Duration: 1 minute / level (D) spell strikes the ship
Spell Resistance: No Saving Throw: Will Neg. spellcasters aboard the
(Harmless) struck vessel must make
"There are places where even the Spell Resistance: Yes a concentration check
ground you stand on isn't to be (DC 20 + spell level) to
trusted." ~ Devon. “Is there really a difference cast any spell with a
between not being noticed and somatic component.
You gain the ability to Creatures aboard the
glide through stone, dirt, not being seen?” ~ Timmon.
vessel must make a
or almost any other sort The touched creature’s reflex save (DC 30 –1
of earth except metal as coloration constantly per 2 tons of ship
easily as a fish swims changes to match the weight) to stay on their
through water. Your objects near him, granting feet. Those on the top
burrowing leaves behind a +10 bonus to hide deck have a 25%
no tunnel or hole, nor checks. chance of being washed
does it create any ripple overboard if they fail
or other visible signs of its Material Component:
this saving throw.
presence. Under the The tail of a chameleon.
scrutiny of detect magic
the area you've passed Capsize+ Carapace+
through glows dimly of Transmutation [Enhancement,
Evocation [Blue, Force, Water] Green, Polymorph]
magic for 10 minutes after Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 8 Level: (4), Drd 4, Rng 3
your passage. A move Components: V, S Components: V, S, M
earth spell cast on an area Casting Time: 1 round Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Long (400' + 40' / level) action
which contains you will Target: One Ship Range: Touch
fling you back 30 feet and Duration: Instantaneous Effect: Living Creature
stun you for 1 round Saving Throw: See Text touched
unless you succeed at a Spell Resistance: No Duration: 10 minute / level
Fortitude save. If this spell (D)
“When the deck of your ship Saving Throw: None
ends or is dispelled while
you are in earth you are
becomes a wall, it’s safe to say Spell Resistance: Yes
shunted to the nearest you’re in trouble.” ~ Timmon.
open space and you take The creature touched by
You evoke a waterborne
1d6 points of damage for this spell grows the
force wave that crashes
every 10' you move this tough exoskeleton of an
into the ship you target.
way. insect. The creature
The vessel makes a
gains a +1 enhancement
fortitude save with a +1
bonus to their natural
bonus to the roll for each
armor class for every
2 tons of weight it has.
two levels to a
Ships less than 1 ton in
maximum of +10.
weight make this roll with
Unlike the similar
a –2 penalty. If it fails it
barkskin spell, this spell
is capsized, if it fails by 5
doesn’t stack with any
or more it is shattered
existing natural armor
into so much driftwood.
the character has.
Material Component: Focus: The library Chaos Ball+
The shell of an insect. where the spell is cast.
Evocation [Red, Wild]
You must spend at least Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3
Catalogue+ one day in the library
before casting this spell. “All possibilities eventually
Divination (Insight) [Blue]
Level: (4), Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 5 manifest.” ~ Telsindria.
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 hour
Chain Contingency+ As flamesphere except
Range: Personal Evocation [Blue, Metamagic] the damage is 2d6 and
Target: You Level: (9), Sor/Wiz 9
the type of damage is
Duration: Concentration
“If you try to prepare for determined at random
"It's amazing Timmon, all the everything, you’ll often be by rolling a d6.
secrets of an age, recorded here," prepared for nothing.” ~ D6 Energy Type
Teresa said in awe of the library. Telsindria. 1 Fire
2 Cold
"Yeah," he replied gazing up at This spell works like 3 Acid
the innumerable books, "It'll take contingency, except that 4 Electricity
an age just to find something." you may link up to 3 5 Sonic
spells together. The 6 Force
You gain knowledge of all combined levels of the
the contents of each book spells cannot exceed your
in a library that you are spellcaster level.
Chaos Bolt+
standing in so long as Evocation [Force, Metamagic,
those books are not Red, Wild]
shielded from you by
Chaldulsul's Hex+ Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
magic. You may prepare Necromancy [Black]
Casting Time: 1 standard
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
spells from any spellbook Components: V, S, M
within the library so long Range: Close (25’+ 5’/2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
as you are a wizard and Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
Target: 1 creature
understand the formulae levels)
Duration: Instantaneous
Target: 1 creature
normally. Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
Saving Throw: Fort Negates
This spell can also be
Spell Resistance: Yes
used to rapidly research “Luck and magic are such a
the answers to knowledge "Anything that grows annoys me." potent combination,” Timmon
questions. Libraries have ~ Chaldulsul. mused.
ranks in various
knowledge skills just as The targeted creature “More like an accident waiting
people do – the greater cannot be cured or healed to happen,” Teresa said.
their rank the more by any means for the
complete they are and duration of this spell. This You make a ranged
(without this spell) the spell does not function on touch attack to hit the
longer it takes to find undead or creatures target creature with a
information on the desired summoned from the plane bolt of raw wild magical
topic. While this spell is in of Sodrea. energy that deals 1d4
effect you may use the points of damage per
Material Component: two caster levels
library’s ranks in any
The ashes of a troll. (maximum 5d4). The
knowledge skill check in
lieu of your own. You struck creature must
cannot add your then make a willpower
intelligence bonus to this saving throw or gain the
check. wild spellcaster template
for one round.


Chaos Sphere+ nonsensical and at worst Whenever a creature

nauseating. The only would deal damage its
Transmutation [Red, Wild]
Level: (5), Clr 7, Drd 7, Sor/Wiz things the subject player flips a coin. If
6 perceives normally is the flip comes up heads,
Components: V, S himself and the gear he double damage is dealt.
Casting Time: 1 standard action carried or held when this If the flip comes up tails,
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
Area: 20’ radius emanation spell first took hold. no damage is dealt.
Duration: 10 minute/level Because of this the
Saving Throw: None
A creature that
subject cannot perceive
Spell Resistance: No chooses to roll spell
his attackers making them
resistance must do so at
“Predictability is the key ally of effectively invisible (He
the onset of this spell. A
loses Dexterity bonuses to
the wizard, and the key failing.” successful roll indicates
AC against their attacks
~ Trishdare. and they gain a +2 bonus
none of its own rolls are
affected by the spell, but
All spellcasters in the area to their attacks). He also
the creature can still be
of effect gain the wild suffers a –4 penalty to
dealt double damage by
spellcaster template until reflex saving throws and
a foe under this spell’s
they leave the area of must make a fortitude
effect. Using a spell-like save each round to avoid
being nauseated and
ability or activating a
magic item counts as taking a –2 penalty to all Chill+
spellcasting for the attack and skill rolls that Transmutation [Blue,
round. Metamagic]
purposes of this spell. Level: (3)
This spell counters and Components: V, S, M
Chaos in the Mind’s Eye+ is countered by true Range: Long (400' + 40' /
Illusion (Phantasm) [Blue, Mind- seeing. Creatures with a Area: Circle extending to the
Affecting, Wild] true seeing ability aren’t limit of the range.
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8 affected by chaos of the Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Components: V, S, M Saving Throw: No
mind’s eye and they can
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: None
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level) activate this ability to end
Effect: All creatures in a 30’ the effects of chaos in the “Slow down and have some
radius minds eye immediately.
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
patience sparky.” ~ Teresa.
Saving Throw: Will negates Material Component: A
Spell Resistance: Yes Red spells take 1 round
blindfold dyed multiple
longer to cast in the
“What’s this spell do?” Timmon area of effect.
asked. Teresa frowned, “Ever eat
mushrooms as a kid?” Chaotic Strife+ Material Component:
A handful of snow, ice or
Transmutation [Red, Wild]
white sand.
This spell confuses all the Level: (7)
senses of the affected Component: V, S
creatures except touch
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2
Choking Vines+
(This includes levels) Conjuration (Summoning)
supernatural and Effect: All creatures in range [Green]
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) Level: (5), Drd 6
extraordinary senses such
Saving Throw: None
as blindsight, darkvision Spell Resistance: Yes (see “Plant got your throat?”
and a bat’s ability to see text)
with sound. It doesn’t
include tremorsense, Typically a goblin would prefer This spell works like
which is touch based). to have nothing at all than to entangle except that it
What the subject does share. also summons one
perceive is at best assassin vine for every
three caster levels into the Circumvent+ Clear Mind+
Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue] Transmutation [Blue,
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 5 Metamagic]
Circle of Hands+ Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 immediate
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 4
Component: V, S
Transmutation [Metamagic, action Casting Time: 1 minute
White] Range: Medium (100'+10' / Range: Personal
Level: (9), Clr 9 level) Target: You
Components: V, S Target: One spell in casting. Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: See text Duration: Instantaneous
Range: [see text] Saving Throw: None "More can be done in a
Targets: Up to 1 creature / level Spell Resistance: No
Duration: [see text] moment's clarity than in a
“Try not to think so hard.” ~ thousand days when the mind is
“In Union, power.” ~ Aurnonian clouded." ~ Telsindria.
The target spell is You clear your mind as if
All creatures to be you had rested 8 hours,
countered automatically
affected by this spell join clearing the way for you
unless its caster chooses
in a circle of hands. This to use your spells again
to expend a spell slot of
spell takes one round to or prepare spells again.
equal or higher level than
start. Each round after
the target spell. Casting this spell
one member of the circle
may cast a spell and have strains your spell ability,
it affect themselves and Cleanse+ causing you to lose 1d8
all other members of the Conjuration (Healing) [White] points off your casting
circle who choose to Level: (4), Clr 4 ability score (to a
Components: V, S minimum of 1). This
expend a spell slot of Casting Time: 1 standard action
equal or greater level. Range: Touch ability loss remains until
When no one contributes Target: Creature touched. you rest for 16 hours.
a spell to the circle the Duration: Instantaneous
casting completes. The
Saving Throw:
Will Neg.
durations of these spells Spell Resistance: Yes Divination (Sensory) [Blue]
begin immediately after (Harmless) Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 1
circle of hands completes. Components: V, S
If any member of the
“All that is befouled can be Casting Time: 1 standard

circle breaks away before cleansed and reclaimed.” ~ action

Range: Personal
the spell completes the Lisana. Target: You
casting is broken for all Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Cleanse is a weaker
and all spell slots
version of heal that heals “It is never enough to merely
expended to the circle are
lost. If any member of the
no damage but does see.” ~ Telsindria.
remove the following
circle has to make a You gain the ability to
conditions from the
concentration check for see clearly through
subject: temporary ability
any reason all members vapors and water as if it
damage, blinded,
must make a were not present.
confused, dazed, dazzled,
concentration check and if
deafened, diseased,
any fail the casting is
exhausted, fatigued,
broken for all.
feebleminded, insanity,
nauseated, sickened and
poison. Cleanse has no
affect on permanent
ability damage or level
draining effects.


Cloak Undead+ Cocoon+ Common Cause+

Illusion (Glamer) [Black] Conjuration (Healing) [Green] Transmutation [Enhancement,
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5 Level: (7), Drd 8 White]
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M Level: (2), Clr 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 Casting Time: 1 standard
levels) levels) action
Target: 1 undead creature / Target: 1 creature large size or Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
level smaller. level)
Duration: 1 hour / level Duration: 1 day Targets: All creatures in
Saving Throw: [see text] Saving Throw: Reflex Negates range
Spell Resistance: No Spell Resistance: Yes Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: None
“To appear living is not the same “The modest caterpillar provides Spell Resistance: No
as to be alive.” ~ Sirrom the most beautiful
“Common causes make the
demonstration of the power of
This spell masks all visible strangest of allies.” ~ High
life to renew itself.” ~
signs of undeath apparent King Otal.
on the target undead Alisan, Grand Druid.
creatures, making them Each creature in the
You wrap the target area of effect gains a +1
look as they did in life. creature in a protective
This illusion holds well bonus to attack and
cocoon. The creature is damage rolls for each
enough until combat. held immobile and cannot
Whenever a creature creature on an adjoining
be harmed unless the square that shares its
observes or makes an cocoon is destroyed.
attack that would harm alignment.
Continuous damage
the living but that the effects (such as from
undead are immune to poison) are prevented by Compulsion+
(such as a critical hit or the spell. The cocoon has Enchantment (Compulsion)
sneak attack) they make a 1d8 hit points / caster [Blue, Mind-Affecting]
willpower saving throw to Level: (3), Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 4
level and DR 5/Fire. Components: V, S
disbelieve this spell. Casting Time: 1 standard
If the spell concludes action
Clutch of Undeath+ without the cocoon being
destroyed the subject is
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2
Necromancy [Black, Target: 1 creature
healed as per the spell,
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 3 any missing limbs are Saving Throw: Will Neg.
regenerated and the Spell Resistance: Yes
“The dead know their own.” ~ cocoon disappears.
Sirrom. “Choice is irrelevant to action.”
Material Component: An
~ Razlin.
This spell works like bull’s empty cocoon.
strength, except it only Choose a move-
grants a bonus to undead equivalent or standard
creatures. Cast upon the action. The target
living it imposes a –4 creature must perform
enhancement penalty (to that action each round,
a minimum ability score of if able. You must name
1). an action that isn’t
suicidal, though it may
certainly be dangerous
(i.e. “Attack”).
Conceal Lies+ concentrating on to “1 You move a spell within
round / level (D).” range that targets or is
Abjuration (Ward) [Blue]
Level: (4), Clr 4 (Immediate action spells centered upon another
Components: V, S, DF can be cast without creature onto yourself,
Casting Time: 1 standard action breaking your even if that spell is
Range: Personal concentration on another normally a personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) spell). effect. To do this you
must make a successful
"I always tell the truth - except Concussive Fireball+ caster level check
when I lie." ~ Markson of Evocation [Fire, Red, Sonic]
against the spell’s
Altania. Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5 caster.

Your lies cannot

detected by any spell of
be Wizards of Shun believe that all Confusion, Greater+
diplomacy should be direct and to Enchantment (Compulsion)
4th level or less, or by the the point, just like their spells. [Mind-Affecting, Red, Wild]
sense motive ability. You Level: (6), Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 7
automatically make your This spell works like Range: Medium (100'+10' /
saving throw against zone fireball except it has a level)
Targets: All creatures in a
of truth. As this spell is 15d6 damage cap. Its 30’ radius burst.
directly contrary to damage is half fire, half
discern lies it is countered sonic. Further all “Nothing is ever truly clear.”
by, and can counter it. creatures in the area of ~ Telsindria.
effect make an additional
If you make a claim that This spell works like
reflex save or are knocked
is directly contrary to the confusion except its area
prone by the spell.
personal knowledge of a of effect is larger.
character, this spell does
not change what they Cone of Flame+
know and your falsehood Evocation [Fire, Red] Contemplation+
will still be revealed Level: (6) Sor/Wiz 6 Conjuration (Healing) [White]
Level: (3), Clr 4
despite this spell. This
“Few problems exist that can’t be Components: V, S
spell only masks your lies Casting Time: 1 standard
from magical and intuitive
burned away.” ~ Yarenic.
discernment. Range: Personal
This spell works like cone Target: You
of cold, except it deals Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Concentrate+ 1d8 damage / caster level
Transmutation [Blue, (max 15d8) and the “I enjoy few things as much as
Metamagic] damage is fire damage. watching a well thought out
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4 plot come to fruition.” ~
Components: V, S
Casting Time: Immediate action Confiscate+ Sirrom.
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 Transmutation [Blue,
levels) Metamagic]
Each spell you cast
Target: 1 spell [see text] Level: (5), Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 7 cures you 1 hit point + 1
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S / level of the spell.
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance: No Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
“There are ways to accomplish Target: One Spell
many things at once Alblasker, Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
but for now concentrate on one Spell Resistance: No
thing at a time.” ~ Telsindria.
“Theft is such a crude word. I
You change the duration prefer the term, ‘acquire’” ~
of a spell you are


Control Revocation+ "Come on, we really need these delivered negates the
Abjuration (Ward) [White]
supplies," Timmon whined. The whole effect.
Level: (7), Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 7 merchant wasn't watching him, The affected creature
Component: V, S, DF he was rather fascinated with is unable to hold or use
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch the flickering flame Teresa any item. Clothing,
Target: Creature touched balanced on her fingertip. armor, rings, helmets,
Duration: 10 minutes / level (D) and backpacks become
Saving Throw: Will Neg. You gain a +10 bonus to a
useless. Large items—
diplomacy or bluff check armor, backpacks, even
Spell Resistance: Yes
(Harmless) to convince a character to shirts—hamper more
follow an instruction or than help, reducing the
"Magic all too often makes slaves perform an act. You may creature’s Dexterity
out of those who would be also make a retry score by 4. Soft or
masters.” ~ Telsindria. (normally not allowed), misshapen feet and legs
but the bonus drops to reduce speed to 10 feet
This spell works like spell +5. or one-quarter normal,
turning, except it only whichever is less.
turns enchantment
(compulsion) spells back
Corporeal Instability+ Searing pain courses
Transmutation [Black, Chaos, along the nerves, so
on their caster. Also, two Polymorph, Wild] strong that the creature
instances of control Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5 cannot act coherently.
revocation don’t create a Components: V, S, M
It cannot cast spells or
resonance field – the spell Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch use magic items, and it
simply bounces back to its Target: Creature touched attacks blindly, unable
caster. Duration: 1 minute/level [see to distinguish friend
from foe (-4 penalty to
Conviction+ Saving Throw: Fort Neg [see
text] hit and a 50% miss
Enchantment (Compulsion) Spell Resistance: Yes chance, regardless of
[Mind Affecting, White] the attack roll).
Level: (3), Clr 4, Pal 2 “Legends tell of a doppleganger
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
who could not adopt the one Each round the
creature spends in an
“I believe, and that is enough.” shape he desired, but constantly
amorphous state deals 1
~ Alangyle. changed forms in a hopeless
point of temporary
attempt to achieve that shape.” Wisdom damage from
This spell works like ~ Geldasin. mental shock. If the
charm person except it
creature’s Wisdom score
doesn’t last as long and This dreadful spell
falls to 0, it becomes a
the target creature acts as replicates the corporeal
chaos beast and will
if white aligned for the instability ability of the
remain one even when
duration of the spell. Chaos Beast. This effect is
this spell ends.
as follows: it causes the
Convince+ target’s body to A creature with a
destabilize into an strong sense of self can
Enchantment (Compulsion)
[Blue, Sonic, Mind-Affecting, amorphous, ever-shifting regain its own shape by
Language Dependent] mass. Unless it controls taking a standard action
Level: (0), Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0 itself by asserting its to attempt a Charisma
Components: (V), S
sense of self (see below), check (DC 15). A
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10‘ the creature’s body melts, success reestablishes
Target: 1 creature flows, writhes, and boils. the creature’s normal
Duration: Instantaneous A successful fortitude save form for 1 minute. On a
Saving Throw: See Text.
when the spell is first failure, the creature can
Spell Resistance: Yes
still repeat the check
each round until Corrosive Burst Weapon+ Corrosive Weapon+
Transmutation [Acid, Black, Transmutation [Acid, Black,
Corporeal instability is Enhancement] Enhancement]
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 4 Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3
not a disease or a curse
and so is hard to remove. “All the works of man fade with “Animals are not unique in the
A form lock, polymorph or time.” ~ Alisan. ability to hunger.” ~ Alisan.
stoneskin spell can be
used to fix the form of the This spell works like This spell works like
victim. Heal, restoration corrosive weapon except magic weapon except
or greater restoration can that the weapon will deal that it makes the
remove the effects of this 2d10 bonus acid damage weapon corrosive. The
spell. on a critical hit instead of weapon deals 1d6 bonus
1d6 acid damage. If the acid damage on a
If a victim survives this
critical multiplier of the successful hit on the
spell lost wisdom points
enchanted weapon is x3, round following that hit.
return at a rate of 1 / day,
then the corrosive burst (It is therefore
though a separate
weapon deals 3d10 bonus continuous and can
restoration spell can
acid damage. Damage is disrupt spellcasting).
restore this loss
still done on the round Bows, crossbows and
following the actual hit. slings enchanted by this
If the victim has been spell confer this bonus
(Weapons and items can
turned into a chaos beast to their ammunition.
only have one
by this spell that effect is When used to sunder
enhancement spell upon
permanent unless greater other weapons and
them at a time).
restoration, wish or armor, the bonus
miracle is employed. damage of corrosive
This spell counters and
Corroding Burst+ weapons ignores
is countered by form lock.
Transmutation [Green] hardness.
Level: (5), Drd 5
Material Component: A Components: V, S, DF (Weapons and items
Casting Time: 1 standard action can only have one
caterpillar plucked, half- Range: Medium (100+10’/level)
metamorphosed, out of its enhancement spell upon
Area: 20’ radius burst
cocoon. Duration: Instantaneous them at a time).
Saving Throw: Fort ½

Corpse Control+
Spell Resistance: Yes
Necromancy [Black] “What machination of man can Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue]
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5
Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 7 withstand the edicts of our lady? Components: V, S
Components: V, S None.” ~ Alisan, Grand Druid. Casting Time: 1 immediate
“A foul and rancid heart is all Corroding burst deals 1d6 Range: Medium (100'+10' /
that is necessary to control the damage / caster level to level)
Target: One spell in casting.
dead.” ~ Alblasker. all non-undead constructs Duration: Instantaneous
in the area of effect, up to Saving Throw: None
This spell works like magic 15d6. This spell will affect Spell Resistance: No
jar except that you shift golems made of metal,
your life force into including but not limited "Can one so strong be denied by
mindless undead or dead to iron golems. one so weak? Yes, for strength
hosts instead of living is nothing - timing is all" ~
ones. Dead hosts become
animated as either
zombies or skeletons for Counter target spell.
the duration of your


Counterstrike+ Undead have a –2 to all Crumble+

attack and damage rolls
Divination (Insight) [White] Conjuration (Healing) [Green]
Level: (6), Clr 6 against you, and you have Level: (6)
Components: V, S a +2 bonus to your Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action effective level when Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Touch making turning attempts. action
Effect: Creature touched Range: Touch
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) Target: Magic Item touched
Saving Throw:
Will Neg. Crown of Fire+ Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Neg. or
Spell Resistance: Yes Transmutation [Enhancement, None (object)
(Harmless) Fire, Red] Spell Resistance: Yes or No
Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 3 (Object)
Components: V, S, F
Melee attacks against the
Casting Time: 1 standard action “Great empires can fall with
touched creature provoke Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
an attack of opportunity levels) the crumbling of a single
(Normally they don’t). Target: One Creature stone.” ~ Telsindria.
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: None The magic item you
Creeping Mold+ Spell Resistance: Yes
touch is destroyed. You
Conjuration (Summoning) are cured a number of
Displays of power can be glorious,
Level: (9), Drd 9 terrible, or somewhere in hit points equal to the
combined caster level
“Eventually nature takes back all and spell levels involved
that was taken from her.” ~ You charge a gold circlet in its creation.
Sashana, Grand Druid. with fire and send it out
towards a creature as a Crusade+
This spell works like ranged touch attack. This Transmutation [Enhancement,
creeping doom, except "crown of fire" deals 1d6 White]
that it’s not deterred by fire damage to the Level: (1), Pal 1
any damage reduction. creature each round and Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard
The mold is not deterred that damage is added as a action
by means that stop bonus to the creature’s Range: Personal
insects, but an antiplant attack and damage rolls Area: 10’ emanation
shell will hold it at bay. (Damage prevented by Duration: 1 minute / level
The mold is one solid spells or abilities does not
mass and not composed White creatures gain a
count as being dealt).
of individual creatures as +1 holy bonus to all
creeping doom is, Arcane Focus: An rolls.
nevertheless it loses unmarked gold crown or
potency as it attacks and circlet worth 100 gp. Curse Item+
moves. Necromancy [Black]
Level: (5)
Components: V, S
Crown of Awe+ Casting Time: 1 standard
Abjuration (Ward) [White] action
Level: (3), Clr 3 Range: Touch
Components: V, S, Divine Target: Item touched
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: See text
Range: Personal Saving Throw: None
Target: You Spell Resistance: No
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
“The evil that corrupts hearts
“Eyes of darkness do not see has little trouble corrupting
light.” ~ Colsken of Tean. things, especially things which
are coveted by men.” ~ Dancing Vermin+ Dark Ritual+
Telsindria. Necromancy [Black] Necromancy [Black, Death,
Level: (0), Clr 0, Sor/Wiz 0 Metamagic]
This spell works like Components: V, S Level: (1), Clr 2
bestow curse, except that Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, DF
the curse it bestows Range: Close (25' + 5' / level) Casting Time: 1 standard
affects magic items. This Target: One tiny animal or action
vermin corpse Range: Touch
curse affects the wielder Duration: Concentration Target: Dying Creature
of the item and they can’t Saving Throw: None Touched
get rid of the item until Spell Resistance: No Duration: Until Discharged,
remove curse is cast upon Up to 1 round / level.
them. This curse can’t be "Every child, even a wicked one, Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes
broken without first has a first toy." ~ Trishdare.
removing the curse upon
You animate one animal “If there is such a thing as too
the wielder and then
or vermin that, in life, had much power, I have never
removing the curse from discovered it.” ~ Sirrom.
no more than 3 hit points.
the item.
The vermin remains
You slay a sentient
At your option, the curse animated for the duration
dying creature by touch
can either act like bestow of your concentration.
(A dying creature has hit
curse or the bonuses of
points between –1 and –
the item can be reversed Dark Fate+ 9). When you cast your
to become penalties. Necromancy [Black, Death] next spell your caster
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8 level will be increased
Dampening Field+ Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
by 3.
Abjuration (Ward) [White] Range: Touch
Level: (1), Clr 1
Components: V, S
Target: One undead [see text]
Duration: 1 minute / level
Death Burst+
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Fort Neg. [see Necromancy [Black, Evil,
Range: Personal text] Death]
Target: One creature Spell Resistance: Yes [see Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) text] Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard
“If you cannot avoid harm it is “Those who slay the undead do so action
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
then best to dampen the blow.” knowing the task shall levels)
~ Alblasker. eventually claim their life.” ~ Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
You must choose and
Saving Throw: None
expend a spell slot as an Spell Resistance: Yes
The creature who strikes
additional cost to cast this the blow that reduces the “Death’s only uncertainties are
spell. You gain damage touched undead to 0 hit
reduction equal to the where and when.” ~
points is affected by finger
level of the expended spell Alblasker.
of death.
You must expend a spell
slot as an additional cost
to cast this spell. Slay
target creature with hit
dice equal to or less
than the level of the
expended spell slot.
Material Component: A
poison vial.


Death Stroke+ Decree+ Deep Water+

Necromancy [Black, Death] Enchantment (Compulsion) Evocation [Blue, Force, Water]
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5 [Blue, Mind-Affecting] Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S Level: (1), Clr 2, Pal 1, Components: S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M, (XP) Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 minute action
Target: One melee weapon Range: Medium (100’+10’ / Range: Medium (100’+ 10' /
Duration: Until Discharged, up level) level)
to 1 minute / level Effect: All creatures within Area: 20' radius sphere
Saving Throw: [see text] range Duration: Instantaneous
Spell Resistance: [see text] Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex ½
Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No
“Death hovers on every swing of Spell Resistance: Yes
every blade.” ~ Sirrom. “Beneath the waves lie
"Those who remember have memory civilizations and dangers
The next time the touched - those who record have power" unknown to those above.” ~
melee weapon inflicts a ~ Landoral, scribe of Gintuse. Alblasker.
critical hit the struck
creature must make a You read off a decree from This spell briefly
fortitude save or die (This a scroll and by the magic magnifies the water
discharges the spell of this spell all within pressure surrounding all
regardless of the results medium range of you creatures in the area of
of the saving throw). remember exactly what effect. They are dealt
was said. The decree 1d6 subdual damage /
technically can be any
Death Ward, Greater+ message, but traditionally
caster level (max 10d6).
To be affected a
Abjuration (Ward) [White] only laws of great import
Level: (7), Clr 8 creature must be
are given out by decree. completely submerged.
"Those who would spread death There is no compulsion to
follow what is said, but it
shall be destroyed by my hand, for
is not forgotten. Deepen Shadows+
I alone have the right to bring Illusion (Shadow) [Black]
death as rest to the pure in my You can write a decree Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 1
due time." ~ Matacha, in the of up to 25 words / level. Components: V, S, M
Before casting the spell Casting Time: 1 standard
Tedisa, Book IV, Canto 126. action
you must write it down Range: Close (25’+5’/ 2
This spell works like death upon a scroll. levels)
ward except that death Area: An emanation centered
Material Component: on you extending to the
spells and effects are
The scroll. limit of the range.
turned back to their Duration: 1 minute / level
creator and can affect XP Cost: The scroll costs Saving Throw: None
them even if they are 25 XP to prepare. The Spell Resistance: No
normally immune to death person who prepares the
spells and effects. scroll and the caster of
“I don’t fear the light - I just
the decree do not have to find it inconvenient.” ~
be the same. Griselda the Shaded.
Shadows nearby you
deepen, allowing all in
the area of effect to gain
a +10 circumstance
bonus to hide checks.
Deflection+ Delude Divination+ 1d6
Indicated result
Transmutation [Blue, Abjuration (Ward) [Blue, Wild] 2 Dim (or Faint if this
Metamagic] Level: (2), Brd 2, Clr 2, Sor/Wiz category does not
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 7 2 normally exist for the
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M divination)
Casting Time: 1 immediate Casting Time: 1 standard action 3 Faint
action Range: Touch 4 Moderate
Range: Medium (100' + 10' / Target: Creature touched 5 Strong
level) Duration: 10 minutes /level (D) 6 Overwhelming
Target: One spell in casting. Saving Throw: Will negates
Duration: Instantaneous (harmless)
Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes
If a divination detects
Spell Resistance: No (harmless)
for information other
Razlin gasped as his best spell was “Information is a currency which than intensity, presence,
turned back on him. “Improve your can be more valuable than whole or absence of traits,
aim,” Telsindria snarled. kingdoms, or of less worth than delude divination has no
effect on it. Divinations
the salt thrown before hogs.”
You make a caster level that detect presence,
check against the caster
~ Malsan of Altania. absence, or intensity,
of the target spell and if Divinations cast on the plus other traits (like
successful you may target are scrambled, detecting the health of
choose the targets of the giving random results to animals with detect
spell within the limits spells that search for the animals and plants)
possible for the original intensity, or presence or function normally for the
caster unless the spell is absence of particular traits second type of
touch delivered, in which (Detect Magic, Detect Lie, detection. For example,
case deflection is of no Detect Evil, etc.). The a sorcerer casting detect
use. caster of the divination thoughts might be
must make a level check deluded in his first round
Delay+ (1d20 + caster level) of concentration, but if
he kept concentrating
Transmutation [Blue, against this spell’s DC. If
Metamagic] successful, the divination would eventually be able
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5 works normally for its to hear surface
Components: V, S
duration. Otherwise, the thoughts.
Casting Time: 1 immediate
action divination is nullified, Material Component:
Range: Medium (100’+10’ / giving random results A piece of a road sign
level) every round. that pointed in the
Target: 1 spell in casting.
Duration: Concentration (D) For spells that detect wrong direction.
Saving Throw: No presence of absence,
Spell Resistance: None
there is a 50% chance for Demonic Tutor+
The spell you target does either possibility, rolled Necromancy [Black, Evil,
not take effect until this each round that the Metamagic]
divination is focused on Level: (4), Wiz 4
spell ends. Components: V, S, XP
the target. For spells that Casting Time: 1 standard
determine intensity, roll action
1d6: Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous

"I don't care who the teacher is

as long as I want the
knowledge they have." ~

You give up some of your Despondency+ This damage can’t be
lifeforce to demonic forces prevented.
Evocation [Black, Enhancement]
in order to receive a spell Level: (4), Clr 5
you have not previously Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
prepared. Choose a spell
Range: Close Abjuration (Ward) [Blue,
you know. The spell Metamagic]
Target: One Creature
becomes prepared. Duration: 1 round / level Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 6
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. Components: V, S
XP Cost: Same as that Spell Resistance: Yes Casting Time: 1 standard
required to create a scroll action
with the spell upon it. "Call upon Tean if you wish - he is Range: Long (400’ + 40’ /
powerless to save you now!" ~ Area: Emanation out to the
Demystify+ Griselda the Shaded. extent of the range.
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Abjuration (Dispel) [White]
Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 1 You call upon the divine
power of your patron to “Wizards who cast the same
“To remove a mystery is often to strike down the strength spells all the time are much
remove a problem.” ~ Alblasker. of your foe. The target like children who play the same
creature's base attack games - each are boring.” ~
This spell works like dispel bonus is set to 0 and its Alblasker.
magic in the targeted and STR score set to 3. This
area dispel modes only spell counters and is No creature can cast a
except it only affects countered by divine power spell that shares a
spells of up to 3rd level and can be disenchanted. school or descriptor with
and the maximum caster the last spell cast (This
level on dispel checks is
Devastation+ includes you and starts
immediately. The next
Evocation [Red, Fire]
spell cast after this one
Level: (9)
Desertion+ can’t be blue, can’t be a
Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue] “For then will the sea be boiled metamagic, and can’t be
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 7 away an abjuration).
Components: V, S
No sun shall rise in morning.
Casting Time: 1 immediate
action For as in darkness all time Dirge of Dread+
Range: Medium (100'+10' / began, Necromancy [Black, Fear, Mind
level) Affecting, Sonic]
Target: 1 spell in casting Shall last eyes greet in Level: (4), Brd 4
Duration: Instantaneous mourning.” ~ Elven Song of the Components: V, S, Song
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 1 standard
Spell Resistance: No
Range: Personal
The target spell is Effect: 60' radius emanation
You must choose and Duration: While Sung.
countered unless it’s a
expend any number of Saving Throw: Will Negates
summoning or calling (See Text).
spells as an additional
spell. If it is, the target Spell Resistance: Yes
cost to cast this spell.
spell completes normally
This spell works as fireball "Allow me to sing the ballad
and you are the controller
except that its damage is
of the conjured creatures. of your coming defeat." ~
1d6 for each spell level
As the controller, you are
expended at the time this
the one that must speak
spell is cast. You suffer You must expend a
any words of dismissal the
the same damage this Bardic music ability to
spell has.
spell inflicts –50. (So if sing the dirge of dread.
the spell deals 75 points All who hear this morbid
of damage, you take 25). song are struck with the
effects of fear unless
they make a willpower animation spells at any any combination of spell
save at a penalty equal to given time. slots to meet this
the number of rounds requirement, or drop all
they've heard this song Discombobulate+ of his spells in an
(they must make a new attempt to meet it.
Transmutation [Blue, Metamagic,
save each round). This Wild]
effect lasts as long as they Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S
Diseased Weapon+
hear the music and five
Casting Time: 1 immediate Necromancy [Black,
rounds thereafter if they Enhancement]
failed their save. New Range: Medium (100’+10’/ Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 6
saves do not have to be level) Target: Weapon touched
Target: 1 spell in casting. Duration: 1 minute / level
made after the song ends,
Duration: Instantaneous
but those who failed their “Disease is the beloved possession
Saving Throw: None
saving throw continue to Spell Resistance: No of the meek” ~ Sirrom.
be affected.
“Nothing is more embarrassing This spell works like
Disanimation+ than summoning a rabbit when contagion except that
Necromancy [White] you wanted a dragon.” ~ diseased weapon is first
Level: (8), Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9 Alblasker. cast upon a weapon and
Component: V that weapon in turn may
Casting Time: 1 standard action Target spell becomes a bestow a contagion
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
mishap. upon any creature it
Effect: One or more undead strikes unless they
creatures in a 15' radius
Discordant Dirge+ succeed at a fortitude
Necromancy [Black, Metamagic, save. The duration
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None Sonic] refers to the time this
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: (3), Brd 3 spell lasts upon the
Components: V, S, Song weapon, not the time
Casting Time: 1 standard action
You may target a single the disease itself lasts.
Range: Personal
undead creature with this Effect: 60' radius emanation
spell or allow it to affect a Duration: While Sung
(Weapons and items
group. Saving Throw: Will Neg. [see can only have one
Text] enhancement spell upon
When targeted on a Spell Resistance: Yes them at a time).
single undead creature it
"Music can be used to bring joy,
is disanimated if has 100
or fewer hit points. love and hope to the world, but I Disempower+
find it more useful in sowing Abjuration (Dispel) [White]
Cast upon an area, Level: (4), Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 5
discontent and despair." ~ Target: One spell
disanimation destroys up
to 100 hit points of Kerith. Duration: Instantaneous

undead within a 15-foot When you sing the "When there are no weapons
radius sphere where each discordant dirge you must then, only then, will there be
member has fewer than use one Bardic music no war." ~ Dalsundrian
20 hit points. The spell ability use for the day. All
will start with the weakest
spellcasters who hear this
undead and work it's way song must make a This spell works like
up to the highest level willpower save each round dispel magic in the
undead. or lose a number of spell targeted dispel mode,
A caster may disanimate levels equal to the number except that disempower
any number of creatures of rounds you’ve sung. automatically dispels
he created with other Cantrips count as ½ a one target spell with the
level. The victim may use enhancement descriptor.


Disenchant+ Spells in the area of the as if your eyes were

dispelling screen when it anywhere within 100
Abjuration (Dispel) [White]
Level: (4), Brd 5, Sor/Wiz 5 is first cast are not feet from your current
Target: One spell dispelled by the screen. position and looking in
Duration: Instantaneous any direction. Once this
Dispersal Shield+ point is chosen it cannot
“It is more important to know be changed. If you try to
Abjuration (Dispel, Ward) [Blue,
how to bring an end to magic Triggered] see into nearby rooms
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5 then be aware that 1
than to bring a beginning.” ~ Components: V, S foot of wood or stone; 1
Alisan. Casting Time: 1 standard action
inch of metal; or lead
Range: Personal
This spell works like dispel Target: You and gold in any
magic in the targeted Duration: 1 minute / level (D) thickness stops this
[see text] spell.
dispel mode, except
disenchant automatically “Not all spells provide permanent
dispels the target spell if protection. Some, such as this, Dissention in the
its original caster can
dismiss it or it requires
buy you time.” ~ Telsindria, to Ranks+
concentration. In addition, Alblasker. Enchantment (Compulsion)
[Mind-Affecting, Red]
certain new spells state You must choose and Level: (5), Clr 6
they can be dispelled by expend any number of Component: V, S
disenchant in their spell slots as an additional Casting Time: 1 standard
descriptions. action
cost to cast this spell. Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
Whenever a spell targets level)
Dispelling Screen+ you or includes you in its Target: 1 creature
area of effect, counter it. Duration: Instantaneous
Abjuration (Dispel, Ward) Saving Throw: Will Negates
[Triggered, White] When the combined levels Spell Resistance: Yes
Level: (7), Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 8 of the spells countered by
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
dispersal shield equals or The weakest orcs are always in
Range: Medium (100’+10’ / exceeds the combined front so that if they try to
level) levels of the spell slots run their betters can spear
Area: 20’ radius sphere you expended at casting
Duration: 1 round / level (D) them more easily.
Saving Throw: None
dispersal shield comes to
Spell Resistance: No an end. The creature you target
attacks all creatures
“As not all weapons are physical, Displace Perspective+ (friend or foe) it
neither or all shields.” ~ threatens with a melee
Divination (Scyring) [Blue]
Alblasker. Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 1 weapon, as if it had the
Components: V, S whirlwind attack feat.
Whenever a spell or magic Casting Time: 1 standard action
item enters a dispelling Range: Personal
screen, the screen Target: You
Duration: Concentration, up to
attempts to dispel the 1 minute / level (D)
effect as per greater
dispel magic. The screen “So, what’s around the corner
only makes one attempt Teresa?” Timmon asked.
per spell per entry, but if
a spell enters the screen, “Your mother,” she replied.
survives the dispel Timmon’s look of terror was
attempt, is removed and priceless.
reintroduced to the screen
it will try again. You displace your point of
view and are able to see
Dissipate+ creature may cast this Drain Life+
spell as if the spell was on
Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue] Necromancy [Black, Death]
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8 their list of known spells Level: (9)
Components: V, S so long as it is on their Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 immediate class spell list and they Casting Time: 1 standard
action are high enough level to action
Range: Medium (100'+10' / Range: Medium (100' +
level) cast it. (If either of these 10'/level)
Target: 1 spell conditions isn’t true, Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous donate has no effect). Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Partial Saving Throw: Fortitude ½
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes
“In a spell duel it is never wise to Evocation [Blue, Water] “It is most interesting how the
rely on a single spell.” ~ Level: (0), Sor/Wiz 0 things we crave the most are
Components: V, S
Telsindria. those we oft’ let slip away.”
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close ~ Sirrom.
The target spell is Target: One object or creature
countered and its caster Duration: Instantaneous Target creature loses
makes a willpower saving Saving Throw: Fort ½ or None 1d4 hit points per caster
throw. If this save is (Object)
level to a maximum of
Spell Resistance: Yes
failed then all other 20d4. You are cured by
preparations of that spell “Even a goblin understands the the same amount up to
are lost, even if they have value of water over fire.” ~ your maximum hit point
been altered with total. Excess points are
metamagic feats. gained as temporary hit
Characters who do not You bring to an end a fire points which remain for
prepare spells instead lose up to the size of a good 1 round / caster level.
the ability to cast the spell campfire (fire occupying a
until they rest eight hours. Damage from this
5x5 foot base). This
Spell Resistance may be spell is negative planar
application has no save.
rolled to stop this energy damage. If you
You may also target a
additional effect but if it is use this spell on an
magical fire of the same
successful the target spell undead creature it’s
size (or less), and the fire
is still countered. effect will be reversed.
will be extinguished if you
can make a caster level
Donate+ check as per dispel magic Dregs of Sorrow+
Transmutation [Blue, with a maximum bonus of Necromancy [Black]
+5. Finally, you can Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S
Level: (3), Wiz 4 target a fire elemental or Casting Time: 1 standard
Components: V, S similar creature with this action
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch spell. It deals 1d6 damage Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
to such creatures. level)
Target: A spontaneous caster
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 10 minutes / level (D)
This spell counters and Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Saving Throw: Will Negates.
(Harmless) is countered by ignite. Spell Resistance: Yes
Spell Resistance: Yes

"To receive is a blessing, to give “Despair is the only true sin.”

doubly so." ~ Aurnonian ~ Trishdare.
teaching. The target creature
loses all morale bonuses
You must expend a spell
and cannot receive any
preparation as an
for the duration of this
additional cost to cast this
spell. The creature also
spell. The targeted

suffers a –2 morale Early Harvest+ ground with an effective
penalty to all attack, strength of 30. The
Transmutation [Green]
damagem skill rolls and Level: (9), Drd 9 creature does not strike
saving throws. Components: V, S, M the ground hard enough
Casting Time: [see text] to be harmed. While the
Dry+ Range: Medium (100' + 10'
creature is in contact
Effect: All plants to the extent of with the ground the
Transmutation [Red]
Level: (0), Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0 the range. spell has no apparent
Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour effects. Any jump check
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: None made by the creature
Range: Touch Spell Resistance: No
has a -20 circumstance
Effect: Creature or Object
Touched "There's enough food here to feed penalty. A few
Duration: Instantaneous an army for a year!!" Trishdare creatures may possess
Saving Throw: None (Object) the strength to resist
or Fort Neg. gasped.
this force, but until they
Spell Resistance: Yes
Teresa smiled as Timmon moved in land all their actions are
“It’s not that I don’t like water, on one of the barrels, "Or hampered as if they
it’s just I don’t like being wet.” Timmon for a week," she quipped. where grappled by an
~ Teresa. unseen foe.
You must start this spell
Material Component: A
You drive all the water out before sunrise, and its
small stitched web.
of the clothing and casting concludes one
possessions of a man- hour before sundown. In
sized creature or object the last hour of the day all Empyrial Armor+
with the exception of plants in the area of effect Transmutation [Enhancement,
completely contained grow to their full harvest White]
Level: (5), Clr 5
liquids. Using this spell on size. The amount of food Components: V, S
a water elemental deals produced by this spell can Casting Time: 1 standard
1d6 damage to it. typically feed a small action
village for a year. Range: Touch
Targets: Creature touched
Duress+ Material Component: Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Incenses worth 10,000 gp Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Transmutation [Black,
Metamagic] that are burned in the Spell Resistance: Yes
Level: (2) Clr 3 middle of the field to be (Harmless)
Component: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action affected.
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 “The armor of faith holds more
Earthbind+ power than any other.” ~
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round / level (D) Evocation [Force, Red]
Aurnonian teaching.
Saving Throw: Will Negates Level: (4), Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 6
Spell Resistance: Yes Components: V, S, M
The touched creature
Casting Time: 1 standard action gains a +1 enhancement
"Power is fleeting, let me show Range: Long (400' + 40' / level) AC bonus for each other
Target: 1 creature spell that affects it.
you why" - Chaldulsul. Duration: 10 minutes / level (D)
Saving Throw: None
The subject of this spell is Spell Resistance: Yes
unable to use any spell on
the top two tiers of his “Eventually all born of earth
spell progression. Hence hear her call.” ~ Druidic
an 11th level wizard teaching.
targeted by duress cannot
use 5th or 6th level spells. Tendrils of magical force
reach out and pull the
targeted creature to the
Energy Field+ Entropic Burst+ Entropic Wave+
Abjuration (Ward) [White] Transmutation [Red, Wild] Transmutation [Red, Chaos,
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5 Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5 Wild]
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M Level: (9), Sor/Wiz 9
Casting Time: 1 round Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 Range: Medium (100’+10’/level) Casting Time: 1 standard
levels) Area: 20-ft.-radius spread action
Effect: Emanation to the extent Duration: Instantaneous Range: Medium (100’+10
of the range. Saving Throw: Will half ‘/level)
Duration: 1 round / level (D) Spell Resistance: Yes Area: 20-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
“If you cannot stave off harm, “Hearts, Thoughts and all things Saving Throw: Will half
reduce it.” ~ Auronian wrought of men eventually decay Spell Resistance: Yes
teaching. and fade.” ~ Trishdare.
“The mightiest cliff eventually
Damage dealing spells You send forth a burst of falls to the waves and tides.”
deal minimum damage to entropy, guiding the
~ Telsindria.
creatures within the area random changes toward a
of effect. negative result, causing This spell works like
living matter to decay as entropic burst, but
Enlighten+ though it were aging entropic wave is able to
quickly. This entropic affect inanimate objects.
Transmutation [White.
Metamagic] decay deals 1d6 points of The wave of entropic
Level: (2), Clr 3 damage per level energy deals a
Components: V, S (maximum 15d6) to living maximum of 25d6 to
Casting Time: 1 standard action
creatures. The effect of creatures, and 1
Range: Touch
Effect: Spellcaster touched the decay is not severe damage per level
Duration: 1 round / level (D) enough to do more than (maximum 25) to
Saving Throw: Will Neg. tarnish non-living objects, ignoring
creatures and objects. hardness. Since the
Spell Resistance: Yes
(Harmless) The burst passes through wave passes through
objects and non-living barriers, it can weaken
“Heal a man and he may live to creatures harmlessly and entire areas, not just the
see tomorrow. Heal his soul and can harm living creatures surface of objects. This
he may see the end of time.” ~ on the opposite side of has the general effect of
Aurnonian saying. barriers. weakening metal
Arcane Material enough that it can be
You must choose and broken like sturdy wood,
Component: A piece of a
expend a spell slot as an weakening stone or
discarded toy.
additional cost to cast this crystal enough that it
spell. For the duration of can be dug through like
this spell the touched dirt, or completely
spellcaster may choose to reducing weaker
spontaneously cast cure structures to dust.
spells of up to the level of Objects weakened in
the expended spell slot. this way do not change
in composition, only
sturdiness. Decayed
gold becomes gold dust,
and ice merely turns to
Attended objects are
unaffected if their bearer
succeeds his save, but

are weakened as normal if Evasion+ Material Component:
the bearer fails his save. The whisker from a cat.
Divination (Insight) [Green]
Entropic wave can easily Level: (3), Brd 2
cripple a living creature Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard or
and leave him naked and
immediate action Necromancy [Black]
defenseless. Level: (6), Clr 6
Range: Personal or Touch
Target: You or Creature Components: V, S
Essence Filter+ Touched
Duration: Instantaneous or 1
Casting Time: 1 standard
Abjuration (Dispel) [White] minute / level (D) Range: Medium
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 4 Saving Throw: Will Neg. (100’+10’/level)
(Harmless) Effect: One creature
“In every group of undesirables Spell Resistance: Yes Duration: 1 round /level (D)
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
there is bound to be one worth (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
keeping.” ~ Trishdare. "The simplest defense is the best,
“It isn’t blood that you should
The spell works like dispel get out of the way!" ~
fear, it’s losing it.” ~
magic in the area dispel Timmon.
mode except that you
must choose a school or This spell has two modes
The subject creature
descriptor and then depending on the casting
bleeds from all its
choose to either attempt time you choose.
wounds. The creature
to dispel all spells with the If you choose to cast takes 1 point of damage
school or descriptor or to this spell as an immediate for each time it has
attempt to dispel all spells action in response to any been wounded by a
without the school or attack or spell that slashing or piercing
descriptor you chose. prompts a reflex saving weapon during this spell
throw. Roll your reflex at the beginning of each
Eternal Respite+ saving throw normally. of its turns.
Necromancy [White]
For that one throw you
Level: (1), Drd 1, Clr 2
Components: V, S, DF
have the evasion class
ability as per the monk or
Casting Time: 10 minutes Necromancy [Black, Death]
rogue class. In this mode Level: (0), Sor/Wiz 0
Range: Touch
Target: Body touched
the spell is instantaneous Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous in duration and can only Casting Time: 1 standard
Saving Throw: None target you. action
Spell Resistance: None Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
You may cast this spell levels)
“Delce de decorum triste ist delce Target: 1 animal or vermin
as a standard action. If
Duration: Instantaneous
de delenerium torum.” ~ you do it will last 1 minute Saving Throw: None
Aurnonian funeral rite. / level (D) and can be cast Spell Resistance: Yes
Translated it reads, “All are born on any creature you
touch. The touched “Just the cure for the
and thus all must die.” abhorrent screeching of
creature gains evasion as
The touched body cannot per the rogue and monk songbirds.” ~ Razlin.
be animated or raised by class ability. If the
touched creature already You exterminate the life
raise dead. More powerful
has this ability, they gain force of a tiny or smaller
resurrection spells will
improved evasion instead. animal or vermin with
work, but only if they are
The ability to cast this no more than 3 hit
cast by a caster at least
spell does not fulfill the points at maximum
four levels higher than
evasion ability (Familiars aren’t subject
requirement of certain to this spell – they are
prestige classes. magical beasts).
Falling Timber+ the duration of this spell Final Punishment+
you may concentrate to
Evocation [Green, Force] Necromancy [Black]
Level: (4), Drd 4 view the world through Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V, S the senses of your Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action companion or familiar Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Medium (100'+10' / instead of your own. action
level) Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
Effect: 1 Tree Doing this is a move- levels)
Duration: Instantaneous equivalent action that Target: One creature
Saving Throw: Ref ½ provokes an attack of Duration: 1 round
Spell Resistance: No opportunity. Saving Throw: Fort ½
Spell Resistance: Yes
“Trees fall over and kill people Your familiar cannot
all the time. Some are just more deliver this particular “There comes an end to all
aggressive about it.” ~ Timmon. touch spell to itself for things, especially mortal
you. This spell imparts no things.” ~ Sirrom.
You use force magic to control over your familiar
knock over a tree of huge or companion in and of At the end of this spell’s
size (a good sized oak). itself. one round duration the
Those struck by the trunk target creature takes
damage equal to the
take 10d6 damage, those
struck by the branches
Fanning the Flames+ damage it suffered
Evocation [Metamagic, Red] during the round.
take 5d6 damage. The
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 7
typical tree that can be Component: V, S
affected by this spell can Casting Time: 1 standard action Fireblast+
strike targets in a 30' Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
Evocation [Fire, Red]
radius from the top of the Level: (5)
Targets: Fire spells in range
trunk. The trunk strikes a Duration: 1 round / level (D)
column 5' wide and 60' “Fire ends most of my
long from the center of “No amount of power, no amount arguments.” ~ Yarenic.
the branch radius to the of chaos, no amount of
You may choose to
base of the tree. destruction nor any amount of expend a spell slot of
devastation will ever quench our 5th level or higher as an
Familiar Eyes+ thirst for revenge.” ~ Tancher. additional cost to cast
Divination (Insight) [Green] this spell. If you do,
Level: (1), Drd 1, Rng 1, Fire spells cast in the area
this spell can be cast as
Sor/Wiz 2 of effect are magnified
Components: V, S, DF a free action.
and empowered as per
Casting Time: 1 standard action Otherwise, this spell
the feats and their
Range: Touch works per fireball except
Target: Creature touched damage cap is increased
it has a 15d6 damage
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) by a factor of 1.5.
Saving Throw: Will Neg. cap.
Spell Resistance: Yes

“Sometimes its important to see

things for yourself since a spy may
not recognize the significance of
what they see.” ~ Alblasker.
You cast this spell upon
your animal companion (if
you are a druid or ranger)
or your familiar (if you are
a sorcerer or wizard). For


Firebreathing+ First Strike+ up hidden chambers

beneath the caster.
Evocation [Fire, Red] Transmutation [White]
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6 Level: (4), Clr 4 After the spell’s 1
Components: V, S, M Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action
round duration is up the
Range: See Text. Range: Touch rift closes, burying any
Effect: 30' cone Target: Creature touched still in the fissure. The
Duration: 1 minute / level Duration: 1 minute / level spell doesn’t exert
Saving Throw: See Text Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
further pressure upon
Spell Resistance: Yes them, but they could
It didn't take long for the ogres (Harmless) possibly suffocate.
to scatter after Trishdare
“This fight is going involve two
scorched them. Timmon looked
strikes. I’m going to strike you
Flame Guide+
over at him after the spell and Transmutation [Fire, Red,
and you’re going to strike the Wild]
taunted, "Lay off the garlic elf!"
ground.” ~ Timmon taunted the Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5
orcs. Components: V, S
You touch a creature and
Casting Time: 1 standard
imbue it with the ability to action
breath fire a number of Whenever a foe enters a
Range: Medium (100'+10' /
times equal to 1 + (caster square threatened by the level)
level / 5). The creature touched creature it Effect: One flame per round
provokes an attack of Duration: 1 round / level
may use this ability on its Saving Throw: See Text
next action, but each time opportunity (Normally
Spell Resistance: No
this ability is used it must entering a threatened
wait 1d4 rounds before space doesn’t provoke an “Fire goes where it alone
using it again. attack of opportunity wills.” ~ Yarenic.
Firebreathing is a unless the character is
leaving another You command flames to
miscellaneous standard
threatened space). move from point to
action that doesn’t
point. As they move
provoke an attack of
opportunity. If the Fissure+ they may set other
objects afire. The
duration of this spell runs Evocation [Force, Red]
Level: (6), Drd 8
damage this spell deals
out any unused breaths
Component: V, S is set by the size and
are lost.
Casting Time: 1 standard action intensity of the flame
The cone deals 1d6 Range: Medium (100’+10’ / moved.
damage for every 2 levels Effect: 10’ wide path out to the
you have. Those caught in limit of the range
the cone roll a reflex save Duration: 1 round Flame Size Damage
DC 15 + the dex modifier Saving Throw: Reflex Neg. Candle 1d3
Spell Resistance: No Torch 1d6
of the creature wielding
Small 2d6
the cone. They may also You slam your fist or staff Campfire
use any applicable SR, but into the ground opening a Large 3d6
they must test it each Campfire
fissure from that point to Bonfire 5d6
time they are struck by the extent of the range.
the breath weapon. Any This fissure is 10’ deep
feat you possess that per 2 caster levels and You can move the
raises the DC's of your those who fail their reflex flame 30’ each round.
spells raises this DC saves fall in taking Those in the path of
appropriately. damage from the fall. movement make reflex
Material Component: A This spell only works on saves to avoid the fire.
piece of scale from a red unworked stone or earth, All objects in the path
dragon but even then it may open make fortitude saves or
catch afire. You may hit. Bows, crossbows and Flickering Ward+
move the flames towards slings enchanted by this
Abjuration (Ward) [White,
someone specific, if you spell confer this bonus to Wild]
do they do not make a their ammunition). Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5
reflex save – instead you Components: V, S, DF
(Weapons and items can Casting Time: 1 standard
make a ranged touch
only have one action
attack to hit them. Range: Touch
enhancement spell upon
Target: One Creature
them at a time).
Flaming Burst Weapon+ Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Fire, Red]
[Enhancement, Flaring Pain+ (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3 Abjuration (Ward) [Red] (Harmless)
Level: (7)
“Only bugs are dumb enough not Range: Medium (100’+10’ / Meece’s favorite spell defended
to fear fire, and look what Area: Circle extending out to against everything, but
happens to them.” ~ Timmon. the range unfortunately not at the same
This spell works like magic She wept to find that all the
weapon, except that it curative magic in the world could Whenever the target
bestows the flaming burst not avail her now. creature would be
property upon the weapon affected by a spell roll a
instead of any bonus to This spell works like d20 to determine a spell
hit. antimagic field except it immunity for that
only suppresses creature.
(A flaming burst weapon conjuration (healing)
deals +1d6 fire damage effects.
on a normal hit and
d20 Type
+1d10 fire damage on a
critical hit for each crit Flicker+ 1
No immunity
multiplier beyond the Conjuration (Teleportation) 3 Blue
[White, Wild]
first). 4 Green
Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 2 5 Red
(Weapons and items can Components: V, S 6 White
Casting Time: 1 standard action
only have one Range: Medium (100'+10'/level)
7 Air
enhancement spell upon 8 Earth
Target: 1 creature
9 Water
them at a time). Duration: Instantaneous
10 Fire
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes 11 Force
Flaming Weapon+ 12 Acid
“The best defense has always 13 Cold
Transmutation [Enhancement,
14 Enchantment
Fire, Red] been to get out of the way.” ~ 15 Necromancy
Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 2
Timmon 16 Transmutation
17 Conjuration
“Cool, I can use it as a light as The target creature moves 18 Evocation
well,” Timmon quipped. Teresa to the aether plane, then 19 Mind Affecting
giggled. immediately returns on 20 All spells

the next initiative count in

This spell works like magic
the round. If the area the
weapon, except that it
creature was in becomes
bestows the flaming
occupied, the creature
property upon the weapon
appears in the nearest
instead of any bonus to
available open spot.
(It deals 1d6 bonus fire
damage on a successful


Fly, Mass+ Total all your favored

enemy bonuses and
Transmutation [Air, Blue]
Fluctuate+ Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 6 apply them against one
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 favored enemy of your
Transmutation [Blue,
levels) choice.
Target: Up to 1 creature / level,
Level: (6), Wiz 6
no two of which can be more
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
than 30’ apart. Forbid+
Range: Personal Abjuration (Ward) [Blue]
Target: You “Some dream of the clouds, and Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5
Duration: 1 round / level or others have them.” ~ Anatole.
until discharged (see text) “What part of ‘no’ did you not
This spell works like fly understand?” ~ Alblasker.
“Sometimes its best to just start except that mass fly
all over.” ~ Teresa. affects multiple creatures. This spell works like
antimagic shell except
Total the number of spell
levels in all preparations Focus+ forbid only affects one
spell you name at
you are yet to cast. Transmutation [Enhancement,
Prepare a new spell White]
Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 2
allotment whose spell
levels total to this half this
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Force Hull+
number. Cantrips count Range: Touch Evocation [Blue, Force]
Target: Creature touched Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6
as ½ level spells for this
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) Range: Touch
purpose. You cannot Saving Throw: Will Neg. Effect: One Ship
prepare more spells of any (Harmless) Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
spell level than normal. Spell Resistance: Yes
(Harmless) Timmon looked at the scroll
Fluctuation+ case, “Use in dire emergency ~
"Focus is the first key to magic,
wonder what it does?”
Transmutation [Metamagic, Red, second is will, third is knowledge.
Level: (0), Sor/Wiz 1
If you cannot master the first, This spell works like wall
Component: V, S the next two are useless." ~ of force except the wall
Casting Time: 1 standard action Telsindria. produced by this spell
Range: Personal follows the outside of
Target: You The touched creature
Duration: Until discharged, up
the hull of the ship you
to 1 round / level (D) gains the ability to touch from the top of
maintain impeccable calm the deck downward.
“Everyone needs a little variety in in the face of stress. It This wall will form
their life.” ~ Meece. gains a +10 enhancement despite water in its path,
bonus to concentration but any other object or
When you cast your next checks. creature in its path will
spell flip a coin. On heads block it normally.
increase your effective
level by 1. On tails
Focus of Hatred+
decrease your level by 1. Transmutation [Green] Force Void+
Level: (4), Rng 4
Abjuration (Ward) [Blue]
Components: V, S
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
“Without will no force may be
Duration: 1 round / level (D) long applied.” ~ Telsindria.
“Hate, unlike love, is never false.” This spell works like
~ Sirrom. antimagic field except
that it only applies to
spells with the force
descriptor. It will also the victim has they can able to see from any
suppress wall of force consider their wisdom to other tree within that
(antimagic field does not be 1 higher than it forest – For the
normally suppress wall of actually is for the purposes of this spell all
force). purposes of this spell. If the trees of a given
the spell is used on the forest are within 20’ of
Forest Maze+ group use the wisdom of each other. If you
the leader. choose to take a view
(Compulsion)[Green, Mind- Wisdom Time
from a tree at the edge
Affecting] Score of Trapped of the forest you can
Level: (6), Drd 6 Creature only see objects within
Components: V, S Under 3 2d4 days 20’ of that edge.
Casting Time: 1 standard action 3 1d6 days
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 4-5 1d4 days
Targets: 1 creature / level
6-8 5d4 hours Form Lock+
9-12 4d4 hours Necromancy [Green,
Duration: See Text
13-15 3d4 hours Polymorph]
Saving Throw: None
16-17 2d4 hours Level: (5), Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 6
Spell Resistance: No
18+ 1d4 hours Components: V, S
"To get out we just follow these Casting Time: 1 standard
tracks!" If no attempt is made at Range: Medium
escape the spell holds for (100’+10’/level)
"These are our tracks you idiot! Target: 1 creature
2 weeks. When the spell's
You’ve led us around in circles!!" effect ends the character
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Fort Neg
You disrupt the bearings will be on one edge of the Spell Resistance: Yes
of the affected creatures spell's effect determined
by the DM secretly and at “Change is not always desirable
by causing the forest
around them to obscure random (roll d4 or a d8 or unpreventable.” ~ Alisan
landmarks and signs of and designate a compass
The target creature can’t
passing. The effect is point to each number).
change shape. If it is
much the same as a maze It is fully possible for a under another spell with
spell, but the affected victim of this spell to the polymorph
creatures are trapped for continue to be lost after descriptor, that spell
a much longer period of this spell runs its course. can’t be dispelled until
time. Unlike maze, this this one is dispelled.
spell doesn't transport it's
victims anywhere and if
Forest's Eyes+ This spell counters and
they realize what is Divination (Scrying) [Green] is countered by
Level: (3), Drd 3 corporeal instability.
happening to them Components: V, S, DF
teleport and similar spells Casting Time: 1 standard action
will allow their escape. Range: [see text]
Effect: [see text]
Else they will continue to Abjuration (Ward) [White]
Duration: Concentration, up to
wander within a 1 square 1 minute / level (D) Level: (4), Clr 5
mile area of the forest you Saving Throw: None Components: V, S, M
Spell Resistance: Yes Casting Time: 1 standard
designate until the spell
(Harmless) action
elapses. You cannot cast Range: Touch
this spell outside a forest “Nothing transpires within a Target: Creature Touched.
without a square mile Duration: 1 round / level
druid’s domain that they know not Saving Throw: Will Neg.
of – we must be cautious.” ~ (Harmless)
The duration of the spell Spell Resistance: Yes
is set by the character's “Look out Timmon,” Teresa
wisdom. For every two You touch a tree within a
forest and are thereafter yelled, “He just cast a spell to
ranks of wilderness lore

stop -Ow- that’s gonna leave a amongst themselves,” the elf Gambit+
mark.” replied. Transmutation [Enhancement,
Red, Wild]
The touched creature is All the summoners of all Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 2
immune to critical hits and the summoned creatures Components: V, S
sneak attacks by rogues in range must make a Casting Time: 1 ready action
with less than 4 levels saving throw or loose Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / level)
Target: 1 creature
more than your caster control or their summoned Duration: Instantaneous
level. creatures and the ability Saving Throw: Will Negates
to dismiss the spell that Spell Resistance: Yes

Foul Presence+ summoned them.

Teresa never understood why
Necromancy [Black] Timmon had so much faith in
Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 2 Frost Weapon+ sheer luck.
Components: V, S
Transmutation [Cold, Green,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Enhancement] You cast this spell in
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 3
Area: An emanation centered on
Target: Weapon Touched response to any
you extending to the limit of successful attack roll.
the range.
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) “Here, this ought to cool their Flip a coin. On heads
Saving Throw: None tempers.” double the damage. On
Spell Resistance: No tails no damage is dealt.
This spell works like magic The character that made
“Begone foul fiends.” Devon yelled, weapon, except that frost the attack may make a
but the wights continued weapon bestows the frost willpower save or SR to
approaching. property upon the weapon negate, but this roll
instead of any bonus to must be made before
“Is now a good time to yell for hit. the toss.
help?” Timmon asked.
(It deals 1d6 bonus frost
You must choose and damage on a successful Giant's Strength+
expend a spell slot as an hit. Bows, crossbows and Transmutation [Green,
additional cost to cast this slings enchanted by this Enhancement]
spell. Undead in the area spell confer this bonus to Level: (5), Drd 5
Components: V, S
of effect gain a turn their ammunition).
resistance equal to twice Giants firmly believe in the
(Weapons and items can
the level of the expended
only have one saying, “He who hits hardest
spell slot.
enhancement spell upon wins.”
them at a time).
Freedom from the Masters+ This spell works like
bull’s strength except
Transmutation [Metamagic, Red]
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 4 Gainsay+ that it grants a +6
Components: V, S Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue] enhancement bonus is
Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: (3)
Range: Medium (100'+10' / granted instead of a +4
level) “No Sirrom, you will listen to bonus.
Effect: All summoned creatures
in range. what I have to say,” Telsindria
Duration: Instantaneous growled. Giant's Strength,
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Spell Resistance: No This spell works like Mass+
counterspell except Transmutation [Green,
“Do you really think this is a good Enhancement]
gainsay can only target
idea Trish” Teresa asked. blue spells.
Level: (9), Drd 9
Components: V, S
“No, but we’ve got nothing
better - maybe they’ll fight This spell works like
mass bull’s strength
except that it grants a +6 of a standard web spell. is from negative energy
enhancement bonus is Obviously the grasping and heals undead.
granted instead of a +4 shadows can’t be set afire,
bonus. but they can be driven Greed+
back by any light source
Enchantment (Compulsion)
Gloom+ and they don’t affect [Black, Evil, Mind-Affecting]
creatures carrying any Level: (3), Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Necromancy [Black]
Level: (7) light at least as strong as
Components: V, S a torch. “If there is such a thing as too
Casting Time: 1 standard action much wealth, I haven’t found
Range: Close (25’+5’/2 levels)
Target: 1 creature Gratuitous Violence+ it” ~ Malsan of Altania.
Duration: Instantaneous Transmutation [Enhancement,
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
This spell works like
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6
bestow curse except it
Components: V, S imparts a compulsion of
“All dreams of peace are not Casting Time: 1 standard action greed upon the creature
enough to lift a soul from gloom Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / level) causing it to steal at all
Target: 1 creature
if it accepts the reality that Duration: 1 round / level
opportunities and go out
those dreams can never come to Saving Throw: Will Neg. of its way to amass
be.” ~ Princess Anatole. Spell Resistance: Yes wealth at the cost of all
other concerns.
Target creature gains 1 The Shun see it as a hastening of
the inevitable.
negative level for each Green Ward+
white abjuration that
All successful melee Abjuration (Ward) [White]
targets him. These Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
attacks dealt to or
negative levels persist as
received by the target
long as the spells persist "Reason is the shield that
creature are treated as x2
and cannot be dispelled
critical hits. If a normal protects the mind." ~
without dispelling the
critical hit is rolled Aurnonian teaching.
abjurations they are tied
increase its multiplier by This spell works like
to. If the spell persists
one. spell resistance, except
more than 24 hours there
is a chance of permanent this spell only protects
level loss. Gravestorm against green spells.
Necromancy [Black, Death]

Grasping Shadows+ Level: (9)

Components: V, S
Illusion (Shadow) [Black] Casting Time: 1 standard action Enchantment (Compulsion)
Level: (3) Sor/Wiz 3 Range: Medium (100’+10’/level) [Black, Mind-Affecting]
Area: All corpses in range Level: (8), Clr 9
“What is the first thing that Duration: Instantaneous Component: V, S, DF, XP
Saving Throw: Reflex ½ Target: A Willing Creature
shadows steal? Hope.” ~ Spell Resistance: Yes
Dalsundrian proverb. “Hate can wait a long time;
Necromancers are always finding for the most dangerous coals
This spell works like web more grisly uses for corpses.
except that the spell uses
are the ones you believe to be
existing shadows act to Unburied non-undead dead.” ~ Sirrom.
impede movement instead corpses in the area of
This spell works like
of conjuring webs. Areas effect explode dealing 1d6
geas/quest with these
of total darkness in the / hit die to creatures on
additional effects: You
area of effect are as solid their square or within 5’ of
may assign a number of
stone to those within, that square. Creatures
negative levels to
while deep shadows may roll a reflex save for
yourself for the duration
create twice the penalties ½ damage. This damage
of this spell. The

recipient gains an equal Hands of Fire+ Hatred+
number of positive energy
Evocation [Fire, Red] Necromancy [Black, Death]
levels (Positive energy Level: (1), Drd 1 Level: (2), Clr 3
levels grant a +1 bonus to Component: V, S Components: V, S
all saving throws, attack Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard
rolls, skill checks, spell Range: Personal action
Target: You Range: Touch
resistance rolls and caster Duration: 1 round / level (D) Target: Creature touched.
level checks). For the Duration: Instantaneous
duration of the spell you “I’m pretty sure you can’t juggle Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes
may cast spells upon the snowballs with that spell.” ~
recipient as long as they Timmon. “Hate, above all other things,
are on the same plane
You encase your hands in is pure.” ~ Sirrom.
with you. If the subject
deviates from his quest flame. Your touch deals Unlike other touch
the positive levels you 1d6 fire damage. spells, you are allowed
bestowed become only a single attack roll
negative levels, in Harden Snow+ with this spell. If it hits,
addition to all other Transmutation [Green, Cold] the creature you struck
effects of breaking a Level: (2), Drd 2, Rng 1 must make a fortitude
geas/quest. Components: V, S, DF saving throw. If they
Casting Time: 1 standard action
XP Cost: 1000 XP are Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
fail, they die and you
lost when this spell is level) lose life equal to half the
completed. Area: Circle with a 10’ radius / hit points they had when
level you struck them. If
Duration: Instantaneous
they succeed or you
Halt+ Saving Throw: See Text
Spell Resistance: No miss you must make a
Transmutation [White, fortitude save or die.
Metamagic] “Slogging through mud can slow
Level: (2), Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 2
(See Loss of Life, Page
Components: V, S, M an army. Slogging through snow X)
Casting Time: 1 round can kill one.” ~ Otal.
Range: Medium (100'+10' /
level) Snow on the ground is
Hellfire Blast
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
turned into slick ice. The Weapon+
Saving Throw: Will Negates effect on creatures Transmutation [Electricity,
Spell Resistance: Yes. moving in the area is the Enhancement, Fire, Red,
same as that caused by a Sonic]
"Those who have no weapons have grease spell, but the Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8
no hope." ~ Orcish proverb. hardened snow will “Now this is sure to get their
remain until it melts or
You sever a creature’s attention!” Devon grinned.
the next snowfall. To be
connection to magical
effectual there must This spell works like
energies. For the duration
already be 4” of snow on magic weapon except it
of this spell the affected
the ground. confers the effects of
creature cannot use
spells, spell-like or Characters in the area of flaming burst weapon,
supernatural abilities, nor this spell may be rooted thunder-clapping
can the creature activate to the spot they stand by weapon and shocking
a magic item (Magic items the hardened snow. They burst weapon upon the
that are already active are must make a STR check target weapon instead of
not affected.) DC 15 + 2 / inch of snow a bonus to hit.
beyond the first four to (Weapons and items
Material Component: A
break free. can only have one
loop of silver wire that you
break during casting.
enhancement spell upon Hold Monster, Greater+ the ground at the base
them at a time). of the tree. If the tree
Enchantment (Compulsion)
[Mind-Affecting, White] is destroyed the items
Hellfire Weapon+ Level: (9)
Duration: 1 min / level (D)
are flung into the aether
Transmutation [Electricity, Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Enhancement, Fire, Red, Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: A
Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 7
lock of hair from a
“Down boy! Down I say.” ~ dryad.
Devon tore into the orcs with a Timmon yelled frantically.
roar of his ax. “Teresa,” Timmon Holy+
whispered, “I think he’s enjoying This spell works like hold Evocation [White]
that spell too much.” monster except only one Level: (9), Clr 9
saving throw is allowed Components: V, S
This spell works like magic and the duration is Casting Time: 1 standard
weapon except it confers greater. Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
the effects of flaming levels)
weapon and
Hold Person, Greater+ Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Enchantment (Compulsion) Saving Throw: Fort ½
weapon upon the target [Mind-Affecting, White] Spell Resistance: Yes
weapon instead of a Level: (7), Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 8
bonus to hit. Duration: 1 min / level (D) “Behold the light that shall
Saving Throw: Will Negates
(Weapons and items can Spell Resistance: Yes
strike you down.” ~ High
only have one Priest Colsken.
enhancement spell upon “One never needs to kill to
protect.” ~ Princess Anatole. A bolt of pure positive
them at a time).
energy strikes down
This spell works like hold from the heavens upon
Hesitation+ person except only one one foe. The spell does
Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue, saving throw is allowed nothing to a white
Metamagic, Triggered] and the duration is aligned divine caster or
Level: (5)
Components: V, S, M
greater. paladin, 10d6 to a white
Casting Time: 1 standard action aligned foe, 15d6 to a
Range: Personal
Effect: 100' radius circle
Hollow Tree+ blue or green foe, 20d6
to a red or black foe,
centered on you. Transmutation [Green]
Duration: Until Discharged, up Level: (4), Drd 4 25d6 to a red or black
to 1 minute / level Components: V, S, M, DF divine caster and 30d6
Saving Throw: No. Casting Time: 1 standard action to any undead.
Spell Resistance: None Range: Touch Regardless of alignment,
Effect: Tree touched
the light the spell
“An ill-timed pause, a lifetime’s Duration: 1 day / level
Saving Throw: None creates may dazzle all
pain.” ~ Telsindria. Spell Resistance: No within 60’ – fortitude
The first spell or spell-like save DC 15 to avoid.
You create an
ability cast in the area of extradimensional pocket
effect is countered. (This inside a tree that can hold Holy Missiles+
includes your spells and up to 1 cubic foot of Conjuration (Healing) [White]
spell like abilities). material / caster level. Level: (2), Clr 3, Pal 1
Components: V, S, DF
Material Component: A You can place items into
silver hook and wire. and take items from this “Blessed power need not be
spell at will. If any benign to darkness” ~ Lisana
objects are inside the tree of Matacha.
when the duration expires
the items are expelled to

This spell works like magic Horse's Stamina, Mass+ Icy Burst Weapon+
missile except that holy
Transmutation [Green, Transmutation [Cold, Green,
missiles are composed of Enhancement] Enhancement]
holy power and only deal Level: (7), Drd 7 Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
damage if they strike Range: Close (25’ + 5’/2 levels) Target: Weapon Touched
undead. If they strike Targets: One creature / level,
no two of which can be more This spell works like
living creatures the effect than 30’ apart.
is reversed to become a magic weapon, except
cure effect. “I do not which to choose that it bestows the icy
burst property upon the
between an army that fights
weapon instead of any
Honor the Fallen+ well and an army that fights bonus to hit.
Necromancy [White] long. I want both.” ~ Otal.
Level: (2), Drd 3 (An icy burst weapon
Components: V, S This spell is a functions as a icy burst
Casting Time: 1 standard action simultaneous mass bear’s weapon that also
Range: 60'
endurance and mass bull’s explodes with frost on a
Effect: All non-undead corpses
in range. strength. critical hit dealing
Duration: Instantaneous +1d10 points of bonus
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Humble+ cold damage. If the
Enchantment (Compulsion)
weapon’s critical
“To those who fought - reward. [Mind-Affecting, White] multiplier is x3 add
To those who died - rest. Level: (6) +2d10 points instead. If
Components: V, S the multiplier is x4 then
For all - remembrance.” Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
add +3d10 instead).
(Weapons and items
All corpses in range are Targets: 1 creature
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) can only have one
consumed by holy fire. Saving Throw: Will Neg. enhancement spell upon
You are cured 2 hit points Spell Resistance: Yes them at a time).
for each corpse so
destroyed, up to 20 hit “Mortality is the chain which
points. The spirits of those binds us all” ~ Alblasker. Identify+
bodies destroyed this way Divination (Insight) [Universal]
cannot be animated. The target creature is Level: (1), Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
rendered unable to use Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard
any class ability and has
Horse's Stamina+ its class base attack bonus
Range: Touch
Transmutation [Green, and saving throws set to 0 Target: Object touched
Enhancement] Duration: Instantaneous
Level: (3) Drd 3
(bonuses to attacks and
Saving Throw: None
saves due to race are Spell Resistance: No
“Strength is of little value if it unchanged).
can’t be constantly applied.” ~ This spell grants you a
Devon. Hyrdoblast+ +20 insight bonus on
Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue]
spellcraft rolls to identify
This spell is a Level: (3) the object you are
simultaneous bear’s touching when you cast
endurance and bull's Few things are as enjoyable to the spell. Make these
strength. the Balcridan mages as stopping rolls immediately after
the magics of the Shun. this spell is successfully
This spell works like
counterspell except it can
only target red spells.
Ignite+ Imaginary Pet+ This spell is dispelled if
a second instance is cast
Evocation [Fire, Red] Illusion (Figment) [Blue]
Level: (0), Sor/Wiz 0 Level: (2) upon the creature.
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ level)
levels) Effect: Illusory creature Evocation [Fire, Red]
Target: 1 Object Duration: Concentration Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will Negates Components: V, S, M
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. Spell Resistance: No Casting Time: 1 standard
(Object) action
Spell Resistance: Yes Some wizards are so contrary Range: Long (400' + 40' /
that the only pets they keep are
Timmon tried three hours to get Target: One creature or
those they conjure or make. object
a fire started. When he gave up, Duration: Instantaneous
Teresa had one going in seconds. You create a illusory Saving Throw: No.
“Show-off” he chided. creature with twice your Spell Resistance: Yes
hit dice, up to 10 HD. The
You ignite an object as “Light up his life.” ~ Yarenic,
creature attacks and
long as it is not held or defends as you direct and
to an apprentice.
carried by someone else. appears perfectly normal, You throw a small fiery
It is dealt 1d3 fire damage but when the spell ends orb at a creature. Make
and makes a fortitude all damage it appeared to a ranged touch attack. If
save or ignites. Some deal disappears, as does you hit the orb deals
highly flammable objects damage dealt to those 1d8 points of damage /
(candles, kindle, lantern who disbelieve in the caster level, maximum
oil) have no save (assume imaginary pet. 15d8.
that if a match has no
trouble igniting them, Material Component: A
neither does this spell).
Incendiary+ polished coal stone.
Evocation [Fire, Red, Triggered]
This spell counters and Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6
is countered by douse. Components: V, S Infusion+
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Conjuration (Healing) [White]
Range: Touch
Illusions of Grandeur+ Target: Creature Touched
Level: (1), Clr 2, Pal 1
Components: V, S, DF
Duration: Until Discharged, up
Conjuration (Healing) [Blue] Casting Time: One action
to 1 round / level (D)
Level: (4) Range: Touch
Saving Throw: See Text
Components: V, S Target: One creature other
Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 standard action than yourself
Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Willing Creature touched The first kobold to explode Saving Throw: Will negates
Duration: [see text] always makes the elves wary (harmless)
Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes
about killing the second. (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No
If the touched creature is
“Thoughts of grandeur found "That which is given always
reduced to 0 hit points or
empires - illusions of granduer less it explodes dealing
returns tenfold - so why don't
destroy them” ~ Telsindria. 1d6 damage / round that men give more often and love
has passed since the spell more freely?" ~ Princess
The touched creature
was cast. All creatures Anatole.
gains 1d8 temporary hit
within 20’ of the touched
points / level (max 15d8) You choose to take an
creature must make reflex
for as long as that subject amount of damage and
saving throws to take half
concentrates on the touched creature is
damage. SR may be
maintaining the effect, up cured by the same
rolled to negate the effect.
to 1 minute per level of amount. You may not
the caster.

choose to take more see invisible objects nor one less than the
damage than you have hit can the subject be expended spell slot.
points. detected by blind-sight or
tremorsense. Ivory Mask+
Insane Jealousy+ Intangibility has some Abjuration (Ward) [White]
Abjuration (Ward) [Red] weaknesses incurred by Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 4
Level: (3) Components: V, S, DF
its power. The spell Casting Time: 1 standard
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
partially shifts the action
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / level) recipient to the aether Range: Personal
Targets: All creatures in range plane. Because of this the Target: You
Duration: 1 round / level (D) Duration: 1 round / level (D)
recipient can’t open doors,
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes
put up or manipulate Named for the peculiar aura it
objects, or effect any produces, the ivory mask is one
“The higher you are, the more change upon objects or
of the older spells in Telzoa.
hands to pull you down.” ~ creatures on the material
Orcish Proverb. plane while the spell is in Spells that target you
place. Barriers which block can’t be cast. (See
At the beginning of your the passage of etherial “when spells can’t be
turn each creature in creatures also block cast – page X).
range with more hit points intangible creatures.
than you is dealt 1d6
Jibber Jabba+
damage unless it succeeds Inviolability+ Transmutation [Blue, Wild]
at a fortitude save.
Abjuration (Ward) [White] Level: (2), Brd 2
Level: (8), Clr 9 Components: V
Intangibility+ Component: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Casting Time: 1 standard
Illusion (Glamer) [Blue] Range: Touch Range: Close (25’+ 5’ /2
Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 7 Target: One living creature levels)
Duration: 1 round / level (D) Target: Up to 1 creature /
Teresa found the spell useful for Saving Throw: Yes (Harmless) level, no two of which can
making Timmon a better spy and Spell Resistance: Yes be more than 30 ft. apart
(Harmless) Duration: 10 minutes/level
a lesser nuisance. Saving Throw: Will negates
"A pure faith is the purest (harmless)
This spell works like Spell Resistance: Yes
invisibility, except that it protection." ~ Adrian Colsken. (harmless)
is far more powerful. In The touched creature gain
addition to masking the “Say what?” ~ Timmon.
damage reduction of 25/–
recipient from sight, it (It ignores the first 25 All affected creatures
masks sounds, scents, points of damage dealt to have their words
and all manners of it on each attack). replaced by semi-
vibrations from the random other words,
subject. Further the
subject cannot be
Ishrala's Summons+ producing speech that
Conjuration (Summoning)
seems garbled and
detected by magical riddled with slang and
means short of limited Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 3 lingo, but potentially
wish or more powerful understandable. In
magic. True seeing You must choose and truth, the words are
doesn’t penetrate expend a spell slot as an almost indecipherable,
intangibility nor will the additional cost to cast this and only those affected
spell be broken by spell. Ishrala’s Summons by jibber jabba can
invisibility purge. The works like a summon understand each other.
subject can’t be seen by monster spell of a level Each language sounds
creatures normally able to different when its
speaker is affected by this Keen Ear+ Last Breath+
spell, so if the affected
Divination (Sensory) [Green, Necromancy [Death, White]
creatures did not Enhancement] Level: (8), Clr 9
beforehand speak a Level: (2), Drd 3 Components: V, S
common language, jibber Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard
jabba does not allow them Casting Time: 1 standard action action
Range: Touch Range: Medium
to all understand each Target: Creature touched (100’+10’/level)
other. A successful sense Duration: 1 minute / level Target: One creature
motive check (DC 40) Saving Throw: Will Neg. Duration: 10 minutes / level
allows a listener to (Harmless) Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes
understand the speakers (Harmless)
of jibber jabba, assuming “Despite even death, tomorrow
he’s fluent with the base As much as the members of the shall come.” ~ Anatole,
language being spoken. Bright Company chafed at diaries.
For instance, if a group of Timmon’s antics ~ his sharp ears
elves and dwarves were rescued them for more than The subject of this spell
all affected by this spell, dies if they fail their
enough ambushes to compensate.
the elves and dwarves saving throw, but their
could only understand The touched creature spirit does not move on.
each other if they spoke gains a +20 enhancement Instead it is free to
the same language. bonus to listen checks and move about as a ghost
Likewise, a skilled listener halves all range penalties for the duration of the
might be able to (Normally each 10’ of spell (apply the ghost
understand their speech if distance from the source template to the
he already spoke Elvish or of a sound inflicts a –1 character). At the end of
Dwarvish. penalty to listen checks.) the duration of the spell
the subject is
Jinx+ Keen Eye+ automatically raised and
Transmutation [Red, Wild]
does not suffer the
Divination (Sensory) [Green,
Level: (4), Brd 4 Enhancement] normal penalties for
Components: V, S Level: (2), Drd 3 being returned from the
Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M dead including (but not
Range: Medium (100’+10’ / Casting Time: 1 standard action
limited to) level loss. If
Range: Touch
Target: One creature Target: Creature touched the body is destroyed
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) Duration: 1 minute / level while the spirit is
Saving Throw: Will Neg. Saving Throw: Will Neg. departed the raise effect
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless) at this spell's conclusion
Spell Resistance: Yes
“No luck is better than rotten (Harmless) fails.
luck” ~ Timmon.
“The last to notice is the first to Lay of the Land+
Whenever the player of die.” ~ Malsan of Altania. Divination (Scrying) [Green]
the target creature rolls a Level: (1), Rng 1
d20, roll 2d20 and take The touched creature Components: V, S
the lower of the two rolls. gains a +20 enhancement Casting Time: 1 standard
bonus to spot checks and action
(The DM is the player of Range: Personal
NPC’s) halves all range penalties.
Target: One creature
Duration: Concentration

With this spell you can

rapidly choose a path.
Each round you
concentrate you can
mentally trace a one

mile path from your equal to the damage Leech Strength+
current location, up to 1 dealt. If this enhancement
Necromancy [Black,
mile / level from your bonus is dispelled the Enhancement]
present location. temporary ability damage Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
remains. Components: V, S
This spell only reveals Casting Time: 1 standard
the lay of the land – action
artificial structures along Leech Grace+ Range: Medium
the path and any Necromancy [Black,
Target: 1 creature
creatures present are not Enhancement]
Duration: 1 minute / level
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
revealed. This spell is Components: V, S
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
typically used to choose Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 standard action
the best path to pursue in Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
Target: 1 creature The target creature is
unfamiliar territory.
Duration: 1 minute / level dealt 1d4+1 ability
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. points of damage to
Leech Cunning+ Spell Resistance: Yes
strength (to a minimum
Necromancy [Black,
The target creature is of 1) and you gain an
Enhancement] enhancement bonus to
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4 dealt 1d4+1 ability points
Components: V, S of damage to dexterity (to strength equal to the
Casting Time: 1 standard action a minimum of 1) and you damage dealt. If this
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level
gain an enhancement enhancement bonus is
Target: 1 creature dispelled the temporary
Duration: 1 minute / level bonus to dexterity equal
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. to the damage dealt. If ability damage remains.
Spell Resistance: Yes this enhancement bonus is
The target creature is
dispelled the temporary Leech Wisdom+
ability damage remains. Necromancy [Black,
dealt 1d4+1 ability points Enhancement]
of damage to intelligence
(to a minimum of 1) and Leech Splendor+ Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
you gain an enhancement Necromancy [Black, Casting Time: 1 standard
Enhancement] action
bonus to intelligence equal Range: Medium
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
to the damage dealt. If Components: V, S (100’+10’/level
this enhancement bonus is Casting Time: 1 standard action Target: 1 creature
dispelled the temporary Range: Medium (100’+10’/level) Duration: 1 minute / level
Target: 1 creature Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
ability damage remains. Spell Resistance: Yes
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
Leech Endurance+ Spell Resistance: Yes The target creature is
Necromancy [Black, dealt 1d4+1 ability
The target creature is points of damage to
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4 dealt 1d4+1 ability points wisdom (to a minimum
Components: V, S of damage to charisma (to of 1) and you gain an
Casting Time: 1 standard action a minimum of 1) and you
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level) enhancement bonus to
Target: 1 creature
gain an enhancement wisdom equal to the
Duration: 1 minute / level bonus to charisma equal damage dealt. If this
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. to the damage dealt. If enhancement bonus is
Spell Resistance: Yes this enhancement bonus is dispelled the temporary
dispelled the temporary ability damage remains.
The target creature is
ability damage remains.
dealt 1d4+1 ability points
of damage to constitution
(to a minimum of 1) and
you gain an enhancement
bonus to constitution
Life Burst+ Light of Day, Greater+ level of that spell to a
foe within that spell’s
Conjuration (Healing) [White] Evocation [Light, White]
Level: (1), Drd 1 Level: (9), Clr 9 range. Whenever a foe
Range: 10’ / level casts a spell upon you
You must expend a spell Effect: Emanation to the extent lightning rift deals 1d6
of the range. damage / spell level to
slot as an additional cost
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
to cast this spell. This you.
spell works as cure light This spell works as light of All targets of the
wounds except life burst day except that greater discharges of lightning
cures 2d8 points of light of day deals 4d6 rift gain reflex saves for
damage / level of the damage / round to all ½ damage.
expended spell. undead in the area of
effect and all darkness
Light of Day+ effects of less than 9th
Limited Resources+
level in the area of effect Abjuration (Ward) [Metamagic,
Evocation [Light, White] White]
Level: (3), Clr 4, Pal 3 are dispelled automatically Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M, DF by greater light of day. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Personal
Effect: 60’ emanation. Lightning Lash+ action
Range: Medium
Duration: 1 round / level (D) (100’+10’/level)
Evocation [Red, Electricity]
Saving Throw: Will Partial [see Area: Emanation out to the
Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 2
text] extent of the range
Components: V, S
Spell Resistance: Yes Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal Saving Throw: None
"I remember the light of the gods. Effect: A lightning whip Spell Resistance: No
The memory of their treachery Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
still burns my soul." ~ Sirrom Saving Throw: None All spells cast in the area
Spell Resistance: No of effect are limited to
the Necromancer.
their minimum caster
This spell creates a whip
You release a sunstone level.
composed of electricity
that hovers out above
that strikes for 1d6
your head at 10 feet from
damage. The whip need Lull+
the ground and glows with
only defeat a foe’s touch Abjuration (Ward) [White]
a burning light that drives Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 7
AC to harm them, and it
back undead creatures. Components: V, S
has a reach of 10’. Casting Time: 1 standard
Each round all undead in
the area of effect must
make a willpower save to Lightning Rift+ Range: Close (25’ + 5’/ 2
be able to move, and all Evocation [Electricity, Red, Area: Circle with radius
movement they make Triggered] extending to the limit of the
Level: (5) Sor/Wiz 6 range
must be away from the Component: V, S Duration: 1 round / level
light. Non-movement Casting Time: 1 round
actions attempted by the Range: Personal Spells can’t be cast in
undead have a –4 holy Targets: You and your spells
Duration: 1 round / level
the area of effect (even
penalty. Saving Throw: Reflex ½ by you).
Spell Resistance: Yes
Material Component: A
sunstone worth 100 gold “Think of it as a way to put a Lycanthropic Curse+
pieces. charge into your magic.” ~ Necromancy [Black]
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8
This spell works like
Whenever you cast a spell
bestow curse except
you may have lightning
that the effect of
rift deal 1d6 damage /

lycanthropic curse is to given time the spell can should be treated as a
afflict the subject with affect only a number of “small” weapon even
lycanthropy. You are free creatures whose hit dice though it is large since
to choose exactly which combine up to twice those most of it is wood).
lycanthrope the subject of the caster.
Material Component: A
becomes. The subject
cannot afflict others with Magnetism+
Transmutation [Green]
Level: (5), Drd 5
Magnify Sight+
In order to work against
Components: V, S, M Divination (Sensory) [Green]
this spell remove curse Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: (1), Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 2
must be cast upon the Range: Medium (100’+10’ / Components: V, S, F/DF
subject while she is in her level) Casting Time: 1 standard
Area: 60’ circle action
alternate form.
Duration: 1 round / level (D) Range: Personal
Lycanthropic curse can’t Saving Throw: See Text Target: You
be dispelled while Spell Resistance: No Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
The ground in the affected You gain the far seeing
Mage Armor, Greater+ area becomes magnetic.
Metal weapons size small
ability of birds of prey.
At 1st level this spell
Conjuration (Creation) [Force,
or smaller have a –2 provides a 2x
Enhancement, White]
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3 penalty on all attacks, and magnification factor, and
no metal weapon can be for each additional level
This spell works like mage thrown further than 10 the magnification the
armor except that greater feet. spell provides increases
mage armor grants a +8 by one (So at 5th level
AC bonus instead of a +4 Arrows with metal you are able to see as if
arrowheads strike the 6x closer than you
ground after traveling 20
Magic Missive+ feet in the area of effect
actually are).
Enchantment (Compulsion) and have a –4 penalty to When assigning
[Blue, Mind-Affecting] penalties to spot checks
Level: (5), Clr 6
Components: V, S, M
for range divide the
Medium metal weapons distance by the
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
have a –4 penalty to hit. magnification factor.
Target: A surface written upon An additional –4 penalty
Duration: 1 day / level to hit is assessed for Example: A spot check
Saving Throw: Will Negates every size category at 100’ has a -10
Spell Resistance: Yes penalty. If you have
increase thereafter (so a
size L mace has a –12 this spell up at 3rd level
This spell works like
penalty to hit). of ability (magnification
suggestion except magic
level 4) the penalty is as
missive is written on a Light metal armors slow if you where 25’ away (-
surface and those who their wearers as per the 2).
read it will be affected if spell. Heavy metal
they fail their willpower armors slow their wearers Arcane Focus: A small
save. The message and characters in such hand lens worth 100 gp.
remains where written for armor can only act once
the duration given above. every other round.
Creatures which fail their
save follow the embedded The DM may adjust the
suggestion for as long as penalties for armors and
it takes to carry out, but weapons of mixed
no more than 1 minute / compositions (i.e. an
level of the caster. At any ironshod quarterstaff
Malice+ Mask+ Matacha's Will+
Transmutation [Black, Illusion (Glamer) [Blue] Necromancy [White]
Enhancement] Level: (0), Sor/Wiz 0, Brd 0 Level: (1), Clr 1
Level: (3), Clr 4 Components: V, S Components: V, S, DF, Divine
Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard
Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal action
Range: Touch Target: You Range: [see text]
Target: One weapon Duration: 1 minute / level (D) Targets: [see text]
Duration: 1 round / level Saving Throw: None Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: None Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No Spell Resistance: No
You alter your face to any
The weapon you touch appearance possible “By my will thou shalt sleep.”
gains a +1 unholy bonus within your own race so ~ The Tedisa, Book IV, Canto 9
to hit which increases to long as that appearance
+2 against white and You must choose and
does not precisely match
green aligned creatures. It expend a spell slot as an
any individual. Thus you
deals an additional 1d6 additional cost to cast
can add a beard, scarring,
points of unholy damage this spell. You turn
change your eye color,
on each attack and an undead as part of this
hair color, etc. This grants
extra 2d6 damage on spell and for each level
a +5 circumstance bonus
each attack against green of the expended spell
to disguise checks.
and white creatures. This your turning damage
increases by +1d6.
additional damage is not
doubled when the weapon
Matacha's Edict+
lands a critical hit. Necromancy [White]
Level: (9)
Matacha's Will,
Manifest Probability+
Component: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal Necromancy [White]
Transmutation [White] Effect: A 90’ radius sphere Level: (6), Clr 7
Level: (9), Clr 9 Duration: 1 round / level
Components: V, S Saving Throw: Fort Neg. [see This spell works as
Casting Time: 1 round text]
Range: Medium (100’+10’ / Matacha’s Will except
Spell Resistance: Yes
level) Matacha’s Greater Will
Targets: All creatures in range "By my grace all shall rest. By my also adds a +1 bonus to
Duration: 1 round / level (D) your effective level for
Saving Throw: None will all shall sleep. By my edict
Spell Resistance: Yes the dead shall walk no more." each level of the
expended spell slot.
“Within this world you will ~ Matacha, Goddess of Death.
often find that what should be You create a field of Meece’s Cartomantic
shall be.” ~ Sirrom. positive energy that Flourish+
severely hampers and can
Attack rolls and saving Transmutation [Red, Wild]
potentially destroy undead Level: (0), Brd 0
throws that would hit on a creatures. Each round all Components: S
roll of 11 or more hit undead in the area must Casting Time: 1 standard
automatically. Attack rolls make a fortitude save or action
and saving throws that Range: 20 ft.
gain a positive energy Area: All objects of chance in
would not hit on a roll of level (This affects them as range.
11 or more miss negative energy levels Duration: 1 hour
automatically. affect the living). Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No

Once cast, Meece’s

cartomantic flourish
allows you to control the
results of random dice

rolls, card shuffles, coin Meltdown+ Mind Over Matter+
tosses, and other such
Transmutation [Fire, Red] Transmutation [Blue,
games of chance for 1 Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5 Metamagic]
hour. By concentrating, Component: V, S Level: (8)
you can choose the results Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S
of the above-mentioned Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 Casting Time: 1 standard
levels) action
events from any that are Target: One metal object Range: Personal
actually possible. (For Duration: Instantaneous Target: You
example, you could Saving Throw: Will Neg. or Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
consistently roll sixes on a none (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes or no Instead of taking hit
standard die, but could (object)
not roll any number other point damage you lose
than one to six. Likewise, “All things return to the state spell slots. Each 10
points of damage (or
you could cause a coin to they began, the state of fire.”
land heads, tails, or even fraction thereof) you
~ Yarenic. take in an attack costs
on its edge, but not
change either face of the You melt a non-magical you a spell level, and
coin to something that did metal object to useless you must divide this
not already exist). slag – if it is unattended it damage over your spell
has no saving throw. The slots as you see fit.
For the duration of the melting of armor deals (Hence a hit for 32
spell you effectively 1d6 / caster level to the points of damage will
choose the winner of any wearer (max 10d6) and cost your 4 spell levels,
simple game of chance held objects deal one which will be 1 4th level
such as coins or dice, and quarter this damage if spell, 2 2nd level spells
can grant a luck bonus of their holder doesn’t or any other
up to +20 to the quickly drop them (reflex combination of spells
Knowledge (gaming) save DC 20). whose levels add up to
checks of any player in a 4). If you cannot lose
complex game of chance, spell levels, you die.
such as cards. As a note Mind Burn+
to GMs, a character with 5
or more ranks of Bluff
Evocation [Metamagic, Red]
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 6 Mirror Image, Greater+
Components: V, S Illusion (Figment) [Blue]
gets a +2 synergy bonus Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: (4), Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 5
on Knowledge (gaming) Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / level)
checks for complex Target: One creature This spell works like
Duration: Instantaneous
games. The GM is mirror image, except as
Saving Throw: Will ½
encouraged to consider Spell Resistance: Yes follows: when this spell
the typical reaction to is cast place a number
someone who wins too “Variety in thought has certain of miniatures on the
often for the liking of his advantages.” ~ Alblasker. board equal to the
fellow players. number of mirror
Name a school or images created by the
To affect a draw from a descriptor. For each spell
deck of cards, you must spell. Each time you
the target creature has take a move action you
remain within range prepared that has the
constantly from the may move all of the
named descriptor, that figures to any position
moment they are shuffled. creature is dealt 2
The transmuted cards desired so long as they
damage, willpower save remain within medium
remain in a state of flux for half.
until any given card is range (100’ + 10’ /level)
drawn. The area around of each other.
you radiates faint Greater mirror image
transmutation magic. will not trigger spells set
to act when a creature Mobilize+ penalty to dexterity (to
teleports into or out of a minimum of 1). The
Transmutation [Green]
their area of effect (such Level: (5), Drd 5 touched creature’s size
as aether flash). Components: V, S changes two steps
Casting Time: 1 standard action causing a -2 size penalty
Mishap Shield+ Range: [see text]
Effect: All your summoned
to attack rolls and AC
creatures (offset by the natural AC
Abjuration (Ward) [Blue, Wild]
Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 3 Duration: Instantaneous gain above unless the
Components: V, S Saving Throw: None character already has
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: No natural armor).
Range: Personal
Weapons and armor
Target: You All your summoned
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) worn by the target are
creatures take an extra
or until discharged. likewise increased two
full action this turn.
size categories. The
Counter the next creature gains reach
misshaped spell targeting Mystical Tutor+ appropriate to his new
you. Transmutation [Blue, size.

Mnemonic Absorption+ Level: (2), Wiz 2

Components: V, S, F Nadia’s Brief Reprieve+
Transmutation [Blue, Casting Time: 1 standard action
Conjuration (Teleportation)
Metamagic] Range: Personal
[Blue, Wild]
Level: (1), Sor 1 Target: You
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Touch When you prepare action
Target: A Scroll mystical tutor you must Range: Touch
Duration: See Text Target: One creature or
choose a spell. When you
object of up to 50 lb./level
"Tell me Trishdare," Teresa cast mystical tutor you and 3 cu. ft./level
must expend a spell slot
spouted, "Do you see a reason for Duration: 1 round/level (D)
of equal or higher level Saving Throw: Will negates
wizardry at all?" The sorcerer than this spell. Replace Spell Resistance: Yes
smiled and quipped, "Scrolls." the spell you chose at
The target is temporarily
You must expend a spell casting with the spell you
teleported away in a
slot as an additional cost chose at preparation, you
random direction to a
to cast this spell. You can cast it later normally.
random distance at least
may add a spell off the several miles away, far
scroll you touch of the Mythic Proportions+ enough so it cannot
same level or lower to Transmutation [Enhancement, return by normal
your spells known list. Green] physical travel before
The spell remains known Level: (9), Drd 9
the end of the spell’s
to you until you rest to The Cuolshites sang of dragons, duration. The teleported
refresh your spells. The creature or object
whose size was hard to grasp. And
spell is removed from the appears in as safe an
scroll. they still sing of their heroes,
area as possible, so it is
which are bigger still.
Material Component: simply inconvenienced,
The scroll. This spell works like not endangered
enlarge person except the (assuming the world has
touched creature places that could
increases in size 10-fold. qualify; if cast in the
The creature gains a +10 Plane of Fire, for
size bonus to Strength, a example, anywhere
+2 natural armor class would be dangerous).
bonus, and a -10 size At the end of the spell’s

duration, the targeted burning hands must have Necrology+
creature is returned to the the same approximate
Necromancy [Black,
exact spot from which it shape as the normal 10 Metamagic]
was dispatched. If the foot fan. You could not, Level: (5), Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 7
spot it was in is occupied, however, cast a burning Components: V, S
the target appears in the hands spell with no visual Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Personal
nearest open space. elements, nor cast it to Target: You
look like a giant fireball. Duration: 1 round / level
Nadia’s Spell Brush+ The DM may disallow
"At what price, power?" -
changes that he considers
Illusion (Glamer) [Blue,
Metamagic, Wild] excessive. Princess Anatole.
Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S
Your caster level You do not lose spell
Casting Time: 1 standard action determines how preparations or slots
Range: Personal substantial of a change when you cast spells.
Effect: Your spells you can make. Of the Instead you lose life
Duration: 1 minutes/level [see
four sensory attributes – equal to the spell’s level
visual, auditory, combined with your
By infusing your spells olfactory/taste, and caster level (See Loss of
with a little chaos to make tactile—a 1st-level caster Life: Page X).
them fluid and easily can alter one. A 4th level
shaped, you gain the caster can alter two, a 7th
level caster three, and a
ability to alter the sensory Evocation [Black, Darkness]
details of spells as you 10th level caster four. By Level: (5), Clr 5
cast them. With each 10th level, you can make Component: V, S, DF
spell you cast, you may any spell look drastically
alter its cosmetic different—a talent sure to This spell works like
appearance in modest confound your rivals. Any deeper darkness except
ways, such as fly spells attempt to use Spellcraft you and undead
that create phantom to correctly identify the creatures aren’t
wings, or giggling spell after it has been cast affected.
fireballs, or a ray of receives a –2 penalty for
enfeeblement that looks each attribute altered (up No Mercy, No Quarter+
and sounds like a small to a maximum of –8). Transmutation [Enhancement,
lightning bolt. You can Red]
give each spell you cast Necroblast+ Level: (8)
Components: V, S
an individual, different Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue] Casting Time: 1 round
appearance, or let them Level: (3) Range: Personal
remain the same, as whim Effect: 60' radius centered on
or need strikes. This spell works like you
counterspell except Duration: 1 round / level (D)
This ability in no way gainsay can only target
Saving Throw: Will Negates
alters the spells (Harmless)
blue spells. Spell Resistance: Yes
composition or area of (Harmless)
effect, and any sensory
details must “Show no pity, no mercy, no
approximately conform to quarter, and no restraint. We
the area typical for the are orcs. We are above such
spell. For instance, a things.” ~ Tancher, Orc
meteor swarm ‘brushed to
look like thousands of tiny
snowballs still deals fire All creatures in the area
damage in a huge area of of effect (including your
effect, and a spellbrushed enemies) gain a +20
competence bonus to Oathbind to the oath will be
melee attack rolls against imparted with the
Divination (Insight) [White]
other creatures in the Level: (3), Clr 3, Pal 2, Sor/Wiz knowledge of that the
area of effect. If they 3 oath has been broken
could have hit their target Components: V, S, XP [see and the whereabouts of
without this bonus they text] the perpetrator. The
Casting Time: [see text]
threaten a critical hit. If Range: Touch caster will also know
they roll a normal threat, Targets: Two or more willing these facts even if he
they critically hit subjects. wasn’t party to the
automatically. Duration: Permanent until oaths taken (it is still his
Saving Throw: None spell).
No Rest for the Wicked+ Spell Resistance: No
Oathbind cannot be
Necromancy [Black, Evil] “The oaths that bind our society dispelled and breaking
Level: (3), Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 5 the spell by other means
Components: V, S together are sacred. To break
is considered a violation
Casting Time: 1 standard action one is to threaten to break the
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 of the oath and results
fabric upon which our laws are in all other parties being
Target: One or more corpses in founded.” ~ Aurnonian warned as noted above.
range. teaching.
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
The subjects of this spell
Saving Throw: None must be sober and free
Used to secure important
Spell Resistance: No of all mind-affecting
contracts, oathbind
spells for oathbind to
"Torment in my realm is the monitors the faithfulness
natural order of things." ~ of each party to a contract
Sirrom. or oath. In many areas XP Cost: Each party of
certain high level oaths of the oathbind spell loses
This spell returns unlife to fealty must be secured by 100 XP when the spell is
a number of corpses up to either an oathbind spell or completed. Unlike most
twice your level in hit a greater oathbind (see spells with an XP cost,
dice. Those corpses must below). the caster does not
have been previously suffer an XP loss unless
As you cast the spell the
animated and destroyed he too is a party to the
parties to the oath must
via hit point loss on the spell.
stand within close range
same day this spell is
of each other and then
cast. Corpses that have
state their oaths, or sign Oathbind, Greater+
been utterly destroyed
their name to a contract Evocation [Metamagic, White]
(through fire, Level: (9) Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9
and swear to fulfill it. You
disintegration, high level
then complete the spell
turning, etc.) cannot be This spell works like
and the oath is in effect.
restored by this spell. oathbind except it also
The process takes at least
When this spell ends all adds the effects of
one minute and with the
corpses animated by it contingency. The
pomp and circumstance
turn to dust. contingency is set to
surrounding important
trigger when the oath is
oaths the casting can take
broken. You can only be
much longer.
subject to one greater
Each party to an oathbind at a time, but
oathbind will know if any you can have a
particular action will break contingency spell in
their oath, but they may place in addition to
not necessarily know why. greater oathbind.
If the oath is broken the
spell ends and all parties


One with Nature+ Overland Flight, Mass+ has lost its dodge and
dexterity bonuses is
Divination (Scrying) [Green] Transmutation [Air, Blue]
Level: (8), Drd 8 Level: (8), Sor/Wiz 8 subject to sneak
Components: V, S Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 attacks). The effective
Casting Time: 1 standard action levels) damage of the spell has
Range: Personal Target: Up to 1 creature / level, increases to a 10d8 cap.
Area: 1 mile / level no two of which can be more
Duration: Concentration than 30’ apart.
Pain Touch, Greater+
You can see and hear This spell works like
Necromancy [Black]
from the eyes and ears of overland flight except that Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 7
any animal in the spell’s mass overland flight Component: V, S, DF
range. You can search affects multiple creatures. Casting Time: 1 standard
from this deluge for a
Range: Touch
specific object or creature, Pacifism+ Target: One living creature
and if any animal is Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Enchantment (Compulsion)
observing it you can then Saving Throw: None
[Mind-Affecting, White]
Spell Resistance: Yes
hone in on what that Level: (2), Brd 2, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz
animal sees. You can only 3
Components: V, S
“This spell is still
hone in on one creature at
Casting Time: 1 standard action experimental, so I need to
a time. While scrying in Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
this manner your own
know how it makes you feel.
Target: One creature
senses are blind. Duration: 1 round / level (D) And please, be honest. This is
Saving Throw: Will Neg. for posterity’s sake.”
Spell Resistance: Yes
Oppression+ This spell sends its
Transmutation [Black, The target creature goes victim into severe
Metamagic] to total defense and can convulsions of pain
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6 take no actions other than
Components: V, S
rendering her helpless.
movement or speaking. It deals 1d8 damage /
Casting Time: One round
Range: Personal round (max 20d8).
Effect: 60' emanation.
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Pacifism, Mass+ Arcane Focus: A wax
Saving Throw: None Enchantment (Compulsion) doll.
Spell Resistance: No [Mind-Affecting, White]
Level: (6), Brd 6, Clr 7, Sor/Wiz
"You don't seem to understand 7
Targets: One or more creatures,
Pain Touch, Lesser+
Razlin," Sirrom said slowly, "You no two of which can be more Necromancy [Black]
Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 2
exist only because I want you to. than 30’ apart.
Component: V, S, F
Don't make me change my mind." Casting Time: 1 standard
This spell works like action
Spells in the area of effect pacifism except it can Range: Touch
cost an additional spell affect multiple creatures. Target: One living creature
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
slot of equal or greater
Saving Throw: None
level to cast. Pain Touch+ Spell Resistance: Yes
Necromancy [Black]
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4 "This will hurt a little."

“This will hurt a lot.” The touched creature

experiences distracting
This spell works like lesser pain. They suffer a -2
pain touch but it inflicts a penalty to their AC. The
-4 penalty to AC and spell deals 1d8 effective
negates the subject’s damage / level up to
dodge and dexterity 5d8. This damage isn’t
bonuses (A creature that actually subtracted from
the subject’s hit point it within pandemonium's Parch+
total, but it is factored area of effect.
Evocation [Fire, Red]
into any concentration Level: (2)
checks the subject must Paranoia+
make. “Things which fly and things
Enchantment (Charm) [Black,
Arcane Focus: A wax Mind Affecting] which swim are pathetic next
Level: (2), Clr 3 to things which crush and
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
things which burn” ~ Yarenic.
Pandemonium+ Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
levels) This spell works like
Evocation [Force, Red, Target: One creature magic missile, except
Triggered] Duration: 1 hour / level (D) parch deals double
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8 Saving Throw: Will Negates
Components: V, S
damage to blue
Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 standard action creatures.
Range: Medium (100'+10' / This spell is very much the
Effect: 60' diameter area
reverse of the charm Persecute+
Duration: 1 round / level (D) person spell. The subject Transmutation [Black,
Saving Throw: Fortitude Neg believes that every Metamagic]
(see text) creature around him is a Level: (4)
Spell Resistance: Yes (see Components: V, S, M
long time enemy and
Casting Time: 1 standard
behaves appropriately for action
“If we cast our spells lord, our the duration of the spell. Range: Medium (100’ +
men will be slain with our The spell does not over- 10’/level)
Target: One creature
enemies.” ride other charm effects
Duration: Instantaneous
so if the subject is Saving Throw: Will negates
“Then slay them all, for Tean charmed by the caster Spell Resistance: Yes
shall know his own.” ~ Emperor then made paranoid he
Unitas at the Battle of Cold will honestly believe that "In every society there are those
Springs. the caster is his only true who've singled themselves out
friend and that all others for... special attention." ~
Whenever any creature in are enemies. Sirrom.
the area of effect
successfully completes a
melee attack he may
Paranoia, Mass+ Choose a descriptor or
school. The target
Enchantment (Charm) [Black,
choose to have that creature loses all
Mind Affecting]
damage dealt to another Level: (6), Clr 7 prepared spells that
creature within the area of Effect: 60' radius circle possess the chosen
pandemonium. This Duration: 1 minute / level descriptor or school
secondary damage is force unless they succeed at
A short temper and a quick drink their willpower save.
damage and its target
makes a fortitude save to
are a great formulae for a long
brawl. Material Component: A
negate and a SR roll to strand from a whip.
negate. These rolls must This spell works like
be made each and every paranoia except mass
time a creature is so paranoia affects multiple
targeted. targets.
Whenever an
unintelligent creature
deals melee damage its
secondary damage is dealt
to the nearest creature to


Pestilence+ mortal magic such as of power sink. Spell

this). All creatures within resistance can be rolled
Necromancy [Black]
Level: (4), Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 4 this plane are expelled to escape this secondary
Components: V, S into the Aether plane, as effect but even if
Casting Time: 1 standard action are you. You must be successful the target
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level) upon the plane to be spell is still countered.
Area: All creatures in range
Duration: 1 round / level (D) destroyed to cast this
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. [see
spell. Your level must Power Wave+
exceed the level of the
Spell Resistance: Yes. Evocation [Force, Red]
creator of the plane to be Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
destroyed, and you still Component: V, S
Every round all creatures
must succeed at a caster Casting Time: 1 standard
in the area of effect must action
level check against that
make a fortitude save or Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
caster to destroy the level)
take 1d6 damage and be
plane. Effect: 5’ path extending to
sickened. Creatures
the extent of the range
immune to disease are Material Component: A Duration: Instantaneous
immune to pestilence. gemstone of any type Saving Throw: Ref ½
worth 5000 gp + 1000 gp Spell Resistance: Yes

Pixie's Grace+ per year the demiplane to

You slam your fist or
be destroyed has existed.
Transmutation [Green, staff into the ground
Enhancement] creating a shockwave
Level: (5), Drd 5 Polymorph, Mass+ that strikes all creatures
As cat's grace except that Transmutation [Green, in a straight path from
Polymorph] you. This shockwave
a +6 enhancement bonus Level: (8), Sor/Wiz 9
is granted instead of a +4 Range: Close (25’+5’/2 levels)
deals 1d6 / level (max
bonus. Targets: Up to one creature / 10d6) and has the
level additional effect of a bull
rush done by a creature
Pixie's Grace, Mass+ This spell works like with a strength score
Transmutation [Green, polymorph except that it equal to your DC with
Enhancement] affects multiple creatures.
Level: (9), Drd 9 this spell +10. You
cannot cast this spell if
As mass cat’s grace Power Sink+ you are not standing on
except that a +6 Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue] solid ground.
enhancement bonus is Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 7
granted instead of a +4 Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 immediate Pox+
bonus. action Necromancy [Black]
Range: Medium (100'+10' / Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5
Planar Collapse+ level)
Target: A spell
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard
Evocation [White] Duration: 1 round / level action
Level: (9) Saving Throw: Will Partial Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / level)
Components: V, S, M Spell Resistance: Yes Target: 1 Creature
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 day / level (D)
Range: Special "All power is fleeting.” ~ Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Effect: One creature Spell Resistance: Yes
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None The target creature has
Spell Resistance: No The target spell is
countered and its caster its maximum hit points,
You cause the collapse of makes a willpower saving attack bonus, AC and
a demiplane created by throw. If this save is spellcaster level reduced
mortal magic (divine failed that caster cannot to 1/3 normal.
planes are unaffected by use spells for the duration
Prepare Costume+ Propaganda+ Puppet Strings, Mass+
Transmutation [Blue] Abjuration (Ward) [Blue] Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-
Level: (0), Brd 0 Level: (3), Clr 3 Affecting, Black]
Component: V, S, M Components: V, S Level: (8), Clr 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25’+5’/2
Range: Personal Range: Personal levels)
Target: You Target: You Targets: Up to 1 creature /
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 round / level (D) level, no two of which may
be more than 30’ apart.
This spell drives off all “Failure is the only thing you
dirt, grime and odor from know Telsindria.” ~ Sirrom. This spell works like
you, your clothing and puppet strings except
equipment. Whenever you are mass puppet strings
attacked by a creature affects multiple targets.
Being exceptionally well- you gain a +1 AC bonus The targets are not
groomed offers a +2 for each attack that paranoid towards each
circumstance bonus to creature has made against other.
diplomacy and perform you since this spell was
checks. cast (On the creature’s Purge+
Material Component: A 5th attack you would have
Necromancy [White]
small cake of soap, a a +4 AC bonus). Level: (7), Clr 7
thread and a needle.
Prophecy+ This spell works like
Price of Progress+ Divination (Insight) [White]
finger of death except
that instead of affecting
Level: (7), Clr 8
Evocation [Force, Red]
living creatures it affects
Level: (6), Drd 6
Components: V, S With this more powerful constructs and undead.
Casting Time: 1 standard action version of divination you (Purge is not a death
Range: Medium (100’+10’ / are able to see a number effect).
level) of months into the future
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous equal to your level instead
of a week into the future.
Saving Throw: Fort ½
Abjuration (Dispel) [White]
Spell Resistance: Yes The prediction you receive Level: (8), Sor/Wiz 9
is in any event likely to be Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / level)
After careful reconsideration, vague and subject to Area: All spells and magic
Alex realized bringing his entire interpretation and in any items upon one creature
arsenal of magic items wasn’t a Duration: Instantaneous
event the DM controls all
good plan. information you receive. This spell works like
The targeted creature is Mordenkainen’s
dealt 1d6 damage for Puppet Strings+ Disjunction, except that
each magic item it holds Enchantment (Charm) [Mind- it affects fewer targets –
other than a potion or Affecting, Black] specifically it is
Level: (4), Clr 5 restricted to the magic
scroll. Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: One Action
spells and items upon
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 one creature. Purify
levels) doesn’t affect artifacts
Target: One creature and antimagic fields.
Duration: 1 hour / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell simultaneously

inflicts paranoia and
charm person on the


Pyroclastic Burst+ Pyrostatic Pillar+ Quickling's Grace+

Evocation [Fire, Red] Evocation [Metamagic, Red, Transmutation [Green,
Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 2 Triggered] Enhancement]
Range: Medium (100’+10’ / Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 6 Level: (8), Drd 8
level) Component: V, S
Area: 10’ radius burst Casting Time: 1 standard action This spell works like
Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
cat's grace except that a
“When your soul overflows in level)
Effect: 30’ radius circle +8 enhancement bonus
hatred; pain can be found in all Duration: 1 minute / level (D) is granted instead of a
your thoughts.” ~ Telsindria. Saving Throw: Fort ½ +4 bonus.
Spell Resistance: Yes
You must expend a spell
slot as an additional cost “Just the thing to keep those Radiate+
to cast this spell. This pesky apprentices out from Evocation [Metamagic, Red]
spell works as per fireball underfoot.” ~ Yarenic. Level: (8), Sor 9
Components: V, S, (M), (XP)
with the exceptions noted Casting Time: 1 ready action
above and your level does Whenever a spell 3rd level Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
not determine the or less is successfully level)
damage. Instead cast, pyrostatic pillar deals Target: One spell [see text]
3d6 damage to its caster. Duration: Instantaneous (see
pyroclastic burst deals text)
2d6 damage / level of the Saving Throw: None
expended spell. Quick+ Spell Resistance: No
Transmutation [Red]
You target a spell which
Pyroclastic Flow+ Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S itself targets only one
Conjuration (Creation) [Fire, Casting Time: 1 standard action creature or object and
Red] Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2
Level: (9) copy it’s effect to a
Components: V, S Target: One creature number of creatures or
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous objects within 30’ of the
Range: Medium (100’+10’ / Saving Throw: Fortitude original. You must
level) negates (harmless)
Area: Cone expend an additional
Spell Resistance: Yes
Duration: Instantaneous (harmless) spell slot of the same or
Saving Throw: Reflex ½ greater level than the
Spell Resistance: Yes target spell for each
The creature you target
“Telzoa began in fire. She shall with this spell gains a additional target. You
small burst of speed. If must pay the XP costs of
end that way.” ~ Sashana.
they haven't acted already each additional target
A pyroclastic flow is a this round they gain a full and if the target spell
cloud of volcanic ash and action immediately after has a material
rock superheated to you finish this spell and component with a stated
thousands of degrees. It their initiative changes to value you must be
is one of the most match yours. If they've supply a copy of this
ominous and frightening already acted this round component for each
displays of an eruption. they gain an extra move copy of the spell you
equivalent action for the create.
This spell conjures round and their initiative
a miniature version of this changes to match yours. A
cloud that deals 25d6 creature which has
damage to all unfortunate already taken an action
to be caught in its area. due to a prior casting of
this spell only has its
initiative count changed
and gains no additional
Rally+ Ray of Command+ as if the weapon had
struck the foe.
Enchantment (Compulsion) Enchantment (Compulsion)
[Mind-Affecting, White] [Blue, Mind-Affecting] (Weapons and items
Level: (4), Brd 4 Level: (2), Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, Song Components: V, S
can only have one
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action enhancement spell upon
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 Range: Medium (100'+10' / them at a time).
levels) level)
Target: Up to one creature / Target: One humanoid creature
level medium size or smaller Reality Shift+
Duration: Fading, 1 round / 2 Duration: 1 round Transmutation [Blue]
levels Saving Throw: Will Neg. Level: (4)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. Spell Resistance: Yes. Components: V, S
(Harmless) Casting Time: 1 standard
Spell Resistance: Yes This spell is a single round action
dominate person effect. Range: Medium
You make a ranged touch Target: All creatures in range
You must expend a Bardic Duration: 1 round / level (D)
music use for each attack roll and if you hit Saving Throw: Will Neg.
creature you target. The the creature makes a Spell Resistance: Yes
target creatures gain a willpower saving throw. If
they fail they immediately The AC of all affected
fading morale bonus to
perform one action of your creatures becomes 10+
attack rolls. (A fading
choosing that can be their attack bonus. The
bonus is equal to the
completed in one round attack bonus of all
number of rounds left in
subject to the limitations affected creatures
the spell’s duration).
of dominate person. Their becomes their AC – 10.
initiative changes to
Rampage+ match yours for the Reckless Dweomer+
Transmutation [Green, remainder of the combat.
Enhancement] Universal [Metamagic, Wild]
Level: (2), Rng 2 Level: (0), Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S Reaching Weapon+ Components: See Text
Casting Time: See Text
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Evocation [Enhancement, Force, Range: See Text
Range: Personal
Red] Area, Effect or Target: See
Effect: 60' radius
Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 2 Text
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Components: V, S Duration: See Text
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: See Text
Goblins fighting elven rangers Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 Spell Resistance: See Text
know that sometimes surrounding levels)
the foe is not the best of ideas. Target: One Weapon “Magic, do as you will.” ~
Duration: 10 minutes / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates Meece
You can’t be flanked by (harmless, object)
your favored enemies Spell Resistance: Yes This spell replicates the
unless they are rogues (harmless, object) reckless dweomer ability
with 4 more levels than of the pandaemonicist
you. For each favored “If my foes won’t come to me, I’ll prestige class. You
enemy that would be reach out to them,” Hugo smiled must choose and expend
flanking you gain a +1 as he hefted the poleaxe. a spell slot as an
bonus to attack and additional cost to cast
damage against them. This spell imbues a this spell. You pick any
weapon with an additional spell you know or have
5' of reach. This reach observed being cast in
takes the form of a flash the previous 24 hours of
of force energy that equal or less level than
comes off the tip of the the spell slot you
weapon to strike the foe expended. The Reckless
Dweomer generates a

mishap based upon the Red Ward+ to 0 (This means it
spell you attempt. You should be treated as just
Abjuration (Ward) [White]
must be able to fulfill all Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4 cast).
component costs of the
spell and the statistics of "Law is the frame which supports Refresh, Mass+
the spell you attempt are and nutures the world." ~ Transmutation [Blue,
normal for it although Aurnonian teaching. Metamagic]
they might be modified by Level: (9), Sor/Wiz 9
the Reckless Dweomer. If As spell resistance, except Targets: Up to 1 spell / level
the mishap doesn’t this spell only protects
mention a spell then against red spells. This spell works like
nothing happens other refresh except mass
refresh can target
than the mishap (i.e. if Reflect Gaze+ multiple spells.
the mishap reads, “A Abjuration (Ward) [White]
stream of butterflies Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4
shoots from your Components: V, S, M/DF Refutation+
fingertips” then you get Casting Time: 1 standard action
Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue]
Range: Touch
no spell. If the mishap Target: Creature Touched
Level: (8), Sor/Wiz 9
reads “Spell occurs Components: V, S
Duration: 1 min / level (D)
Casting Time: Ready action
centered on caster” then Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Range: Medium (100'+10' /
you get your spell – (Harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
wanting it that way is a (Harmless) [see text]
Target: A spell
different matter). Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will Partial
The touched creature has Spell Resistance: Yes
Recurring Nightmare+ a +4 bonus to its saves
against gaze attacks. "Never again,” she cried softly
Necromancy [Black, Mind-
Affecting] Creatures with gaze into the night, “Never again
Level: (5), Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6 attacks that meet the will I fail thee father."
warded creature’s gaze
"Where I never to dream again it must save against their The target spell is
would be to soon. Alas, her own gaze power or be countered and its caster
memory - agony, her death - affected even if they are makes a willpower
torture, and life without her - a normally immune. They saving throw at a –4
nightmare without end." ~ can’t roll spell resistance penalty. If this saving
against their own gaze throw is failed all other
attack unless it is a spell preparations of the spell
This spell works like (i.e. eyebite). are lost. Further,
bestow curse except that knowledge of the spell is
the effect is as follows:
The cursed creature
Refresh+ lost so that the spell
cannot be prepared
Transmutation [Blue, again until a restoration
suffers violent recurring Metamagic]
nightmares. She gains no Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5 or more powerful
benefit from rest or sleep Components: V, S curative spell is cast
and so cannot naturally Casting Time: 1 standard action upon the character.
Range: Medium (100’+10’/ Spontaneous casters
heal or regain spells. level)
Target: One Spell. cannot learn a new spell
Creatures that do not to replace the one
Duration: Instantaneous
sleep (dragons, elves but Saving Throw: None. destroyed by refutation,
not half-elves) are Spell Resistance: No but they automatically
immune to this spell. relearn the spell once a
Target spell has it’s
restoration or more
elapsed duration returned
powerful spell is cast
upon them. A
successful spell resistance link with the summoned Renounce+
roll prevents all effects of creatures they control.
Conjuration (Healing) [White]
this spell except the Level: (2), Clr 3
countering of the target Rejuvenate+ Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard
Abjuration (Dispel) [Green] action
Level: (5), Drd 6 Range: Personal
Regression+ Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard round
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Transmutation [Green, Range: Touch
Polymorph] Target: Creature touched
Level: (4), Drd 4 Choose any number of
Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, DF Saving Throw: Will Neg. spells targeting you that
Casting Time: 1 standard action (Harmless) you have cast. They are
Range: Medium (100+10’/level) Spell Resistance: Yes dispelled. You are cured
Target: 1 dire creature (Harmless)
Duration: Instantaneous 2 hit points for each
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
This spell dispels all spells spell level so dispelled.
Spell Resistance: Yes Note that you can use
that inflict a penalty upon
an ability score. It also this spell to dispel a
Target dire animal is
undoes all damage to spell you can't dismiss.
polymorphed to its natural
equivalent. ability scores – permanent
or temporary. Finally it Repel Death+
Reigns of Power+ dispels exhaustion and
Necromancy [Black, Death,
Transmutation [Blue, Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5
Metamagic] Components: V, S, M
Level: (5) Renewal+ Casting Time: 1 standard
Components: V, S action
Conjuration (Healing) [Green]
Casting Time: One action Range: Personal
Level: (4), Drd 4
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 Target: 60' radius emanating
Components: V, S
levels) from you.
Casting Time: 1 standard round
Targets: One creature Duration: Until discharged, up
Range: Close (25’+5’ / 2 levels)
Duration: 1 round/level (D) to 1 minute / level
Target: 1 living summoned
Saving Throw: Will Negates Saving Throw: See Text
Spell Resistance: No Spell Resistance: See Text
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
"In the chess game of magic Spell Resistance: No “Death knows no prejudice.”
always remember that the pieces ~ Sirrom.
can change sides." ~ Serrin. This spell works like heal
except it only works on Whenever you would die
If your target fails her summoned creatures and all creatures within 60’
saving throw you seize cannot be used on of you roll a fortitude
control of all creatures she undead. save and SR (if eligible).
controls via summoning Of those who fail one
dies, determined at
and calling spells and
maintain that control until
Renewal, Mass+ random. All damage
Conjuration (Healing) [Green] that would be dealt to
this spell ends or the spell Level: (7), Drd 7
that originally summoned Target: Up to 1 living you by whatever effect
them ends. While you summoned creature / level triggered this spell is
control the summoned prevented.
creatures the original This spell works like
renewal except that it If no creature within
caster cannot dismiss the this spell’s range fails
spell. This spell grants no targets multiple creatures.
their saving throw, then
spell resistance since it you die.
does not directly target
the creature, but rather
targets their controlling

Material Component: A Restrain+ Retribution+
crushed black pearl worth
Abjuration (Ward) [Force, White] Abjuration (Ward) [Red,
500 gold pieces. Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3 Triggered]
Components: V, S Level: (3), Clr 4
Repercussion+ Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard
Transmutation [Metamagic, Red, levels) [see text] action
Triggered] Target: One creature Range: See Text
Level: (8), Drd 9, Sor/Wiz 9 Duration: 1 minute / level (D) Effect: Personal
Components: V, S Saving Throw: No. Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Casting Time: One Action Spell Resistance: Yes Saving Throw: Fort ½
Range: Medium Spell Resistance: Yes
Target: One caster The target creature’s
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
movement towards you is “Those who hurt me shall hurt
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Spell Resistance: No checked. You can with me.” ~ Telan Oath.
designate any creature in
"All actions have repercussions. Creatures that strike
sight to be affected by
you with a weapon
The less thought put into the restrain, but the
suffer the same amount
actions, the more pain derived creature’s movement is
of damage they inflict.
from the repercussions." ~ checked while in close
They are granted a
Alblasker. range. (A checked
fortitude save to reduce
creature can’t move
this to ½ and SR to
You alter the nature of the towards the origin of the
link between summoned checking force, in this
creatures and their case the spell’s center –
summoner such that all you). Retrieve+
damage dealt to the Transmutation [Blue]
summoned creatures is Retaliate+ Level: (0), Sor/Wiz 0
Components: S, F
transferred back to the Enchantment (Compulsion) Casting Time: 1 standard
summoning caster. Once [Green, Mind-Affecting] action
this spell takes hold, those Level: (5) Range: Close (25’+5’/ 2
spells cannot be dismissed Components: V, S levels)
Casting Time: 1 standard action Target: One object weighing
by their original caster. Range: Touch less than 25 lb.
Target: Creature touched Duration: Instantaneous
Replenish+ Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Saving Throw: None (object)
Spell Resistance: No
Evocation [Metamagic, White] (Harmless)
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8 Spell Resistance: Yes. You call to your hand an
Components: V, S (Harmless)
Casting Time: One Action
object you have placed
Range: Personal arcane mark upon. This
Creatures who
Effect: See Text spell fails if the object is
Duration: Instantaneous
successfully strike the
secured from flying
touched creature with
freely through the air to
All spells you had cast melee attacks provoke an
you somehow.
upon your person that attack of opportunity from
where dispelled in the last it. The creature can’t Arcane Focus: You
minute come back into make more than one must have placed an
effect as if just cast. They attack of opportunity in a arcane mark spell upon
play out whatever given round against a the object for it to be
remaining duration they creature regardless of how affected.
had. many hits it lands.
Reverent Mantra+ creature that has only Rise of the Meek+
been dead 1 round /
Enchantment (Compulsion) Transmutation [Enhancement,
[Mind-Affecting, White] caster level and revive has Green]
Level: (5), Brd 5 no material component. Level: (6), Drd 6
Components: V, S, Song The creature also must Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action make a fortitude save DC Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 action
levels) 20 to be revived. Range: Medium
Target: Up to one creature / (100’+10’/level)
Revive can also be used Targets: Up to 1 creature /
Duration: Fading, 1 round / 2 to let a creature attempt a level
levels second saving throw Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Neg. against a death effect if it Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
(Harmless) (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
is cast within 1 round / Spell Resistance: Yes
(Harmless) caster level since the (harmless)
death effect occurred. If
You must expend a Bardic this saving throw is The target creatures of
music use for each successful then the at least tiny size deal at
creature you target. The creature is returned to life least 1d6 damage /
target creatures gain a and can make a fortitude attack.
fading morale bonus to save DC 20 to avoid the
AC. (A fading bonus is level loss normally Rolling Thunder+
equal to the number of associated with dying. Evocation [Earth, Fire, Red]
rounds left in the spell’s Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5
duration). Ring of Fire+ Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard
Abjuration (Ward) [Fire, Red] action
Reverse Damage+ Level: (2), Drd 3 Range: Personal
Component: V, S Effect: 60' radius centered on
Conjuration (Healing)
Casting Time: 1 standard action you
[Metamagic, White]
Range: 5’ Duration: Instantaneous
Level: (2), Drd 2, Clr 3
Effect: Circle surrounding you. Saving Throw: Reflex ½
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw: Reflex Neg.
Range: Medium (100’+10’
Spell Resistance: Yes “It’s a not so subtle way to
Effect: One spell
“Look at it this way Timmon, I announce that the time for
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None don’t need a torch,” Teresa debate has passed.” ~ Yarenic.
Spell Resistance: No
smiled. You slam your fist or
You must choose and “But with those things flying weapon into the ground
expend a spell slot as an at your feet creating a
around I can’t kiss you!” he chided.
additional cost to cast this pulse of fire and earth
spell. You reverse the “Even better,” She quipped. that deals 1d6 damage
damage of a target spell per caster level to a
of equal or less level than A ring of flames surrounds maximum of 15d6 to all
the spell slot you you that will strike any other creatures in the
expended so that it cures. creature on an adjoining area of effect. If you're
square with you unless it not on the ground, you
dodges the flames with a
Revive+ successful reflex save.
can’t cast this spell.
Conjuration (Healing) [White] Each successful hit deals
Level: (4), Clr 4, Drd 5
Components: V, S, DF
1d4 damage. When the
Casting Time: 1 standard action spell deals 1d4 / level
(max 10d4) it comes to an
This spell functions like end.
raise dead, except revive
only works upon a


Root+ Sadistic Glee+ Seal Fate+

Transmutation [Green, Transmutation [Black, Necromancy [White]
Polymorph] Enhancement] Level: (9)
Level: (3), Drd 4 Level: (2), Clr 2 Components: V, S, XP
Components: V, S, DF Components: V, S, DF, Divine Casting Time: 1 standard
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action action
Range: Medium (100+10’/level) Range: Touch Range: Touch
Target: One creature Target: Creature Touched Target: Corpse touched
Duration: 1 round / level (D) Duration: 1 round / level (D) Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. Saving Throw: Will negates Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell changes the feet (Harmless) The touched corpse
of any creature standing can’t be raised,
"There is no joy quite like that
on the ground to roots resurrected, or animated
that immediately grasp found in demonstrating your by mortal magic.
into the earth. A creature manifest superiority over another Deities alone have the
so rooted suffers a –4 through ending their life!" ~ ability to defy this spell.
penalty on AC, reflex Griselda the Shaded.
The touched corpse
saves and melee attack
The touched creature can roll a willpower save
rolls. Further the creature
gains a +1 enhancement and spell resistance as if
can’t turn around. It
bonus to attack and it where alive against
faces one square and can
damage rolls each time it this spell.
only make melee attacks
on squares on the same slays a foe, to a maximum XP Cost: 5000 XP are
side of the figure as that of +10. lost if this spell is
square and on it’s two successful.
sides. The creature can Scent+
only make missile attacks Divination (Sensory) [Green] Seclude+
to creatures in a quarter Level: (1), Rng 1, Drd 2
Components: V, S Abjuration (Ward) [Green]
circle cone beyond the Level: (4), Drd 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
square it faces. Characters Range: Personal Components: V, S
attacking from the side Effect: You Casting Time: 30 minutes
Range: Long (400’+40’/level)
flank the creature and Duration: 10 minutes / level
Area: Circle extending to the
characters attacking from limit of the range
a rear square gain a +4 to You gain the scent ability. Duration: 1 hour / level (D)
hit and are also At a minimum this grants Saving Throw: [see text]
considered to be flanking you a +10 bonus to Spell Resistance: [see text]

it. survival checks to track a

creature, and it may let This spell creates three
you note other features. effects to conceal your
Rusting Ray+ However, you are put at a location. The first is
Transmutation [Green] –4 penalty to saving Fog, which obscures all
Level: (6), Drd 6 sight, even darkvision,
Components: V, S, DF
throws against nauseating
odors such as those beyond 5’. Creatures
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
created by troglodytes or within 5’ have 50%
This spell works like the stinking cloud spell. concealment and
rusting grasp except that creatures beyond 5’
rusting ray can be used at have total concealment.
range. You and those you
choose can see through
this fog as if it wasn’t
present. A gust of wind
can disperse this fog for
the duration of that
spell, but then it returns. save. If the recipient enhancement bonus is
The second effect is an makes his save he may +20 to spot and listen
entangle that affects a choose the roll that checks. The creature
100 yard radius around governs the event, and if gains a +4 holy bonus to
the point you are standing he fails you have control saving throws against
when you cast this spell. of which roll that is used. mind-affecting spells.
Creatures can roll a saving
(For example, an ogre
throw against this
critically hits Timmon. Serenity+
Since Teresa's player Abjuration (Dispel) [White]
Finally each round the knows the damage roll Level: (4)
creature tries to move could easily kill the
This spell works like
towards the center of the intrepid half-elf she casts
dispel magic except it
area of effect there is a her readied second
only affects red and
50% chance they move chance. The ogre re-rolls
black spells.
away instead. As this the attack and gets a 1.
spell is typically cast in Now, if the ogre makes
deep woods this unlikely it's save it will still be able Serrin's Phantasm+
to be noticed and the to choose the critical hit. Illusion (Phantasm)[Blue,
creatures so affected must If the ogre fails Teresa Mind-Affecting]
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 4
be aware of the affect to can force the ogre to take Components: V, S
attempt a saving throw. the automatic miss.) Casting Time: 1 standard
This final effect is mind- action
If any creature involved Range: Long (400' + 40' /
affecting one with a
in the event has spell level)
willpower save and spell
resistance he may roll it to Target: One creature / level
resistance is allowed. Duration: Concentration
cancel this spell's effects.
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
These effects can be Spell Resistance: Yes
If multiple wizards
dispelled one at a time,
attempt to cast second
but not all at once. This spell is similar in
chance on the same event
Mordenkainen’s many respects to major
they make opposed
Disjunction can remove image, creating an
willpower saves against
the whole spell at once. illusion with full thermal,
each other. The winner is
audial, visual and tactile
the only one that affects
Second Chance+ the target.
elements. However this
illusion exists solely in
Transmutation [Blue, Wild]
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3 Material Component: An the mind of the victim(s)
Components: V, S, M unmarked coin with no and has no reality for
Casting Time: 1 immediate discernable heads or tails. those outside them.
Unlike major image this
Range: Medium (100' + 10' /
level Sentinel+ spell can also conceal
Effect: One event
Divination (Sensory) [White]
elements of the real
Duration: Instantaneous world from them. Since
Level: (4), Clr 4
Saving Throw: Will (See Text)
this spell operates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell works like directly on its subject's
"You can never have enough back- vigilance except that the minds they make their
up plans." ~ Timmon. creature you cast sentinel saving throws to negate
upon gains several before this spell can
You use this spell in additional benefits. The have any effects on
response to any event creature doesn’t need to them.
whose outcome is sleep and is rendered
The illusions created
determined by a single die immune to magically
roll. The recipient re-rolls, by this spell are very
induced sleep, fatigue and
difficult to disbelieve in
then makes a willpower exhaustion effects. The

(DC 20+ your caster possesses the same Shattering Pulse+
modifier), and even if an alignment as you instead
Abjuration (Dispel) [Red]
illusion created by this of chaotic evil. Level: (5), Drd 6
spell is disbelieved the Components: V, S
You can see and hear Casting Time: 1 standard
spell is not thrown off -
everything your shadow action
you're just forced to do
sees and hears, making it Range: Medium
another illusion with this Target: One Magic Item
a very useful spy.
spell. Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude Neg.

Serrin's Phase Step+ Serrin's Theft+ Spell Resistance: No

Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue]
Conjuration (Teleportation) Level: (9)
“Orcs use no energy to make,
[Blue] and spare no energy to break.”
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
As counterspell and you ~ Ablasker.
Casting Time: 1 standard action gain the ability to cast the
Range: Personal target spell yourself once This spell destroys a
Target: You within the next hour single magic item
Duration: 1 minute/level (D) produced by an item
provided you meet the
spell’s caster level and creation feat, or a non-
You may teleport the
component requirements. undead construct, that
distance of your normal
fails its fortitude save.
move each round as a
The DC base is set by
move equivalent action. Shadow Killer+ the item's type and
Your movement this way Illusion (Shadow) [Black] modified for your casting
does not provoke attacks Level: (8), Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, M modifier.
of opportunity, and can be
Casting Time: 1 standard action Type DC
in any direction (even Range: Medium (100’ + Base
straight up). You cannot 10’/level) Scroll 14
move to a location you Target: 1 creature Potions 13
cannot see. Duration: 1 round / level (D) Wondrous Item 12
Saving Throw: None Wand 11
Spell Resistance: No Spell Crystal 10
Serrin's Shadow Spy+ Rod 9
Illusion (Shadow) [Black]
The shadow of the target Staff 8
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4 creature detaches and Ring 7
Components: V, S, M attacks that creature. Construct 6
Casting Time: 1 round Arms & Armor 5
This shadow killer is an
Range: Personal
exact duplicate of the
Target: Your Shadow
Duration: Concentration up to target creature but as it is Shatterstorm+
10 minutes / level illusory only half it’s Abjuration (Dispel) [Red]
damage is real. All the Level: (8), Drd 9
Your shadow detaches Effect: All magic items in a
equipment of the target 20' radius
from you. It remains creature is duplicated
under your control. It can except for any artifacts This spell works like
travel any distance from that creature might shattering pulse with the
you as long as it remains possess. If it succeeds at changes noted above.
on the same plane as you killing the target creature The DC's on all saves
do. It has all the statistics it vanishes. are 4 higher.
of the shadow listed in the
Monster Manual except Material Component: A
that it is not considered 1000 gp onx statuette.
undead, but a magical
construct and it has no
strength damage attack or
ability to create spawn. It
Sheltering Branches+ Shield, Greater+ missile attack, the spell
fails. If several people
Transmutation [Green] Abjuration (Ward) [Force, White]
Level: (1), Drd 1 Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3 are protected by shift
Components: V, S, DF aim spells the missile
Casting Time: 1 standard action This spell works like shield may change course
Range: Touch several times before
except you can use a
Target: One Tree
Duration: 1 hour (D) greater shield for cover reaching its target.
Saving Throw: None and any magic missile
Spell Resistance: Yes
Material Component:
that would strike the
(Harmless) A piece of moss found
greater shield is reflected
on a tree.
The tree you touch back at its caster.
arranges its branches to
block out rain and wind as Shift Aim+ Shock+
Evocation [Electricity, Red]
best as it can. Some Abjuration (Ward) [Force, White, Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 2
trees are superb at this Wild] Target: One creature or
Level: (2) Sor/Wiz 2
task, such as willow trees, object.
Components: V, S, M
while others serve poorly, Casting Time: 1 standard action
such as most pines. The Range: Touch
This spell works like
branches may also Target: Creature touched lightning bolt except
provide concealment from Duration: 1 round/level shock only strikes a
Saving Throw: Will negates single target within
missile fire, DM’s (harmless)
discretion as to how much Spell Resistance: Yes
but usually around 50%. (harmless)

The target of this spell is

Shocking Burst
Shield Other, Mass+ protected by intense Weapon+
Abjuration (Ward) [White] fluctuations in the space Transmutation [Enhancement,
Level: (6), Clr 6
around him. This Electricity, Red]
Targets: Up to 1 creature / Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3
level, no two of which can be distortion protects against
more than 30’ apart. all forms of individually
As magic weapon,
targeted missile attacks,
"Suffering does not harm the soul, except that shocking
including spells and spell-
it tempers it. The greatest burst weapon bestows
like abilities that require
the shocking burst
rewards lie for those who take up an attack roll. Whenever
property upon the
the burdens and pains of others." an individual missile
weapon instead of any
~ The Tedisa, Book II Canto 9. attack is directed at the
bonus to hit.
targeted creature, the
This spell works like shield attack’s actual target is (A shocking burst
other except that it affects determined randomly weapon functions as a
multiple targets and has among all creatures within shocking weapon that
two modes. In the first 15’ of the creature, also explodes with
mode any damage dealt including the creature electricity on a critical
to the recipients split protected. In mid-flight hit dealing +1d10 points
between that creature and the missile changes of bonus electricity
the caster. In the second course toward its new damage. If the
mode any damage dealt target with normal weapon’s critical
to any recipient or the chances to hit. The attack multiplier is x3 add
caster is divided evenly roll should not actually be +2d10 points instead. If
among the recipients of rolled until after the target the multiplier is x4 then
the spell and the caster. is determined. add +3d10 instead).
If the protected creature (Weapons and items
is struck by an individual can only have one

enhancement spell upon Shower of Coals+ cost me my love. Now in
them at a time).
Evocation [Earth, Fire, Red]
darkness I find my comfort, my
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6 power, and my revenge.” ~
Shocking Weapon+ Sirrom.
This spell works like
Transmutation [Electricity,
Enhancement, Red] fireball, except half the Within the area of this
Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 2 damage of shower of coals deadly spell all light
is impact damage and the created by spells of less
As magic weapon, except damage cap is 15d6. than 6th level is
that shocking weapon dispelled, and all other
bestows the shock
property upon the weapon
Simplify+ light effects are
suppressed within the
instead of any bonus to Abjuration (Dispel) [Green]
Level: (6) field. No living thing
hit. (It deals 1d6 bonus Components: V, S except you can see –
electricity damage on a Casting Time: 1 standard round your sight is unhindered,
successful hit. Bows, Range: Medium (100’+10’/level) as is the sight of
crossbows and slings Area: All spellcasters
Duration: Instantaneous undead. Undead within
enchanted by this spell Saving Throw: None the confines of this
confer this bonus to their Spell Resistance: No darkness cannot be
ammunition). turned or commanded
All spellcasters in the area by anyone except you.
(Weapons and items can of effect must choose to
only have one dismiss one spell if able. All other living
enhancement spell upon creatures in this field of
them at a time).
Siphon Field+ darkness must make a
fortitude saving throw
Shockwave+ Transmutation
each round or gain a
Evocation [Sonic, Red] Level: (9) negative energy level.
Level: (6), Brd 6 Components: V, S These levels dissipate
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action one hour after the
Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
creature leaves this
Range: Long (400’ + 40’ / level) Target: You [See Text]
Target: 40’ radius burst Duration: 1 round / level field.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See Text.
Spell Resistance: Yes
Each round you have a Sirrom's Agenda+
bonus to your caster level
Necromancy [Black]
“Wake up call!” equal to the number of Level: (6)
spells cast by other Components: V, S
You create a powerful casters within range on Casting Time: 1 standard
shockwave of sound. the previous round.
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
Unlike most sonic spells, levels)
this one is not stopped by Sirrom's Impenetrable Darkness+ Effect: 30' radius emanation.
silence; rather it Necromancy [Black, Darkness] Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Level: (9), Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9 Saving Throw: None
instantaneously dispels it. Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: V, S
The spell deals 10d6 Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
damage, fortitude save for levels) “If I cannot rule the living,
half. Creatures also must Area: Sphere extending to the then I shall rule the dead.” ~
make a fortitude save or limit of the range
Duration: 1 minute / level Sirrom.
be deafened permanently Saving Throw: Fort. Neg. (See
by this spell. Text) All undead in the area of
Spell Resistance: Yes this spell cannot be
turned or rebuked and
“The light brought me nothing gain a +1 to
but pain and misery. Her defense competence bonus to all
attack, damage, skill and Sirrom's Foul Link+ The zombie created by
saving throws for every 5 this spell is under the
Abjuration (Ward) [Black]
levels you have. All other Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5 caster's complete control
creatures in the area of Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Material Component: A
this spell have a -1
Duration: 1 hour / level (D) black pearl worth 1000
penalty to all attack,
Saving Throw: None gp.
damage, skill and saving Spell Resistance: Yes
throws for every 5 levels
you have. This spell works like shield Sirrom's Spite+
other except that you are Evocation [Black, Death]
Sirrom's Deathgate+ the one warded. You gain Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S
no bonus to AC or to Casting Time: 1 standard
Necromancy [Black, Death,
Triggered] saves, but half your action
Level: (9) wounds are transferred to Range: Medium (100’ + 10’
Components: V, S, M the creature you touched level)
Casting Time: 1 minute Area: Circle out to the extent
at the onset of the spell. of the range
Range: Touch
Effect: One portal of up to 30' in Once cast this spell will Duration: 1 minute / level
diameter function as long as you Saving Throw: None
Duration: Permanent until remain on the same plane Spell Resistance: No
completely discharged
as the subject.
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial. Creatures who die in the
Spell Resistance: Yes area of effect by any
Sirrom's Foul Transformation+
means are treated as if
You ward a gate or portal Necromancy [Black, Death, Evil]
Level: (9)
they died from a death
with a powerful
Components: V, S, M spell for purposes of
necromantic magic which
raise dead.
will attempt to kill any
As finger of death, but a
who attempt to pass
through it without your
creature slain by this spell
immediately becomes a
permission. Whenever a Evocation [Fire, Red]
zombie with the same Level: (2)
creature passes through
number of hit dice she Components: V, S
the warded passage they
had in life. The zombie Casting Time: 1 standard
are struck with the effects action
remains animated for 1
of finger of death. Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / level)
round per caster level. If Target: One creature / level
This spell triggers a the creature dies from hit Duration: Instantaneous
number of times point loss on a successful Saving Throw: Will Neg.
save it does not become a Spell Resistance: Yes
determined by its material
component, but it only zombie.
Allies of red sorcerers quickly
triggers once on any given
If raise dead or more learn to keep their distance.
powerful magics are
Material Component: employed upon this Sizzle deals 1d6 fire
Rare inks costing 1000 zombie before it falls damage to a number of
gold and 40 XP to disanimate then the creatures within range
manufacture per creature creature is restored to life up to your level,
the spell is to affect. The immediately with the beginning with the
maximum number of same number of hit points closest one.
creatures you can affect is it had before the spell
equal to your level. took hold. Once the
zombie falls the difficulty
of raising the creature is
the same as any other
death effect.


Sleight of Mind+ Note that sleight of mind summoned creatures

does not change the and they do not gain a
Illusion (Pattern) [Blue,
Metamagic] mental or physical state of saving throw. Hence a
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5 creatures, it only changes lantern archon, which is
Components: V, S what magic items and a white celestial, could
Casting Time: 1 standard action spells "see." Sleight of be given the apparent
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
levels) Mind can be used to make alignment of black and
Target: One creature, object or a paladin appear to be then be subject to the
spell. black as far as detection effects of wards against
Duration: 1 hour / level (D) or spells, abjurations and black creatures. Again,
permanent (see text)
Saving Throw: Will Negates or abilities directed at the the creature's alignment
none (objects & spells) paladin are concerned, but does not actually
Spell Resistance: Yes the paladin's alignment change, only what magic
does not actually change items and spells see
Sleight of Mind is a highly nor does he lose any of changes.
flexible spell that either his special powers that
assigns an illusory Cast upon a spell
require him to be white.
attribute to a creature, sleight of mind lasts as
object or spell and masks If sleight of mind is cast long as the target spell
any similar attributes; or upon an unwilling creature does. Cast upon a magic
changes the attributes or an object in his item or creature sleight
sought by spells and possession a willpower of mind lasts one hour
magic items when they saving throw is permitted per level
make their determination against its effects.
Sleight of Mind is an
whether or not they will If this spell is cast illusion, and hence
work. Examples include: against a spell that is certain special spell
 Changing a magic already in place you make effects that are
circle against black a caster level check as if dependent on the
into a magic circle you were attempting to properties of a target
against white. dispel it in order to affect are not triggered by it.
the sleight of mind For instance, fire based
 Changing an absolute change. creatures take 150%
law spell to from damage from cold
affecting red spells to You can ready an action
attacks and are immune
affecting black spells. and cast sleight of mind in
to fire attacks. If you
a counterspell-like
 Change a creature's use sleight of mind to
fashion. If you do this the
apparent alignment assign the illusionary
sleight of mind over-rides
from white to black so type "cold" to the
any modes the caster
that they can move creature, it will not
might have chosen based
past a forbiddance become immune to cold
on alignment or element
spell. attacks. However, a
and can even change the
symbol set to trigger
 Change a creature's spell by changing out one
when cold based
apparent race from element for another (as in
creatures pass would be
human to elf so that a the case of changing a
fooled by the sleight of
magic bow will bestow magic circle against black
special properties on into warding against a
him. different alignment). As with most illusions,
There is no level check to sleight of mind is
 Change a magic axe so do this. defeated by true seeing
that it functions for or more powerful
elves instead of for If you target a
magics. Also, users of
dwarves. summoning spell you can
lesser divinations and
change attributes of the
intelligent magic items Snow Walk+ changes noted above. If
can make a willpower cast with a 1 minute
Transmutation [Green]
save to disbelieve the Level: (1), Drd 1, Rng 1, casting time, its effect is
illusion or they might do Sor/Wiz 2 as per fly with the
so automatically. For Components: V, S changes noted above.
instance, if sleight of mind Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
is used to change the Target: Creature touched Soften+
apparent alignment of a Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Transmutation [Blue,
paladin to red and that Saving Throw: Will Neg.
character is wielding an (Harmless)
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3
Spell Resistance: Yes
intelligent holy avenger Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard
he'd used for many years,
that sword would be able The creature you touch Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2
to make it's save against gains the ability to walk levels)
the illusion automatically upon snow without sinking Target: One creature
Duration: Until discharged
(though it would sense the into it. Despite the name
(see text)
nature of the casting). of the spell, the character Saving Throw: Will Neg.
can also traverse ground Spell Resistance: Yes
Smother+ similar to snow such as
The target creature’s
thick dust, mud, etc. The
Necromancy [Black]
tracks left behind by a next spell or spell-like
Level: (8), Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S creature under this spell ability will have a caster
Casting Time: 1 standard action are treated as if the level of 1 (Some spells
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level) will not function if cast
creature walked on soft
Effect: One creature
ground instead of very this way).
Duration: 1 minute /level (D)
Saving Throw: None. soft ground (see the
Spell Resistance: Yes description of the Track Solipsist
feat in the PHB for more
The target creature begins
information). The Disillusionment+
to suffocate and unless
character suffers no Transmutation [Blue, Wild]
this spell is broken it will Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 4
movement penalties for
die. Creatures that don’t Components: V, S, M
moving through this type Casting Time: 1 full round
need to breathe aren’t
of terrain (Normally snow Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10
subject to smother. can reduce a character's ft./level)
move to as much as 1/4 Target: One object, up to a
Snag+ normal, depending on its
10’ cube
Duration: 1 round/level
Transmutation [Green] depth). Saving Throw: Will negates
Level: (0), Drd 0 (object)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard round Soar+ Spell
Resistance: Yes

Range: Close (25’+5’ / 2 levels) Transmutation [Air, Blue]

Target: 1 root Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4 This spell can only be
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V
Saving Throw: None. (see text)
cast on a non-living
Casting Time: 1 minute or
Spell Resistance: No object that entirely fits
immediate action
Range: Personal within a 10’ cube (a
This spell moves a low Target: You normal door, for
branch or exposed root Duration: 10 minutes / level example, but not a
into position to trip a foe. section of a wall or a
This prompts a balance You may choose to cast
very large door). That
check DC 15 to stay afoot. soar as an immediate
object flickers in and out
action or as a 1 minute
of another plane,
spell. If cast as a free
seeming to disappear
action, its effect is as per
and reappear randomly.
feather fall with the
However, even if it

disappears in this way, The spell robs you of your Song of Chaos+
the rest of the world still normal sight while it
Enchantment (Compulsion)
operates normally. operates. Visibility [Mind-Affecting, Red, Sonic,
Ceilings are still conditions underwater are Wild]
supported, swords still ignored and there is no Level: (2), Brd 2
hang on an invisible sword range limit underwater. Components: V, S, Song
Casting Time: 1 standard
rack, etc. While the spell can be action
used above water it's Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2
At each count of the levels)
effective range is only 120
initiative, there is a 50% Targets: Up to 1 creature /
feet. In this mode though
chance the object is level.
it functions effectively as Duration: While Sung
present, and an identical
blindsight, ignoring Saving Throw: Will Neg.
chance that it is
darkness spells, invisibility Spell Resistance: Yes
somewhere else. If the
spells, and any other
object is not present,
effect which hampers
"If there is one thing a Cleric
creatures, objects, and rogue can agree to -
sight. Concealment via
attacks, etc. can pass barfights are good pickings."
physical objects still
through its space easily.
functions, but particle ~ Timmon.
It can appear and
obscurement, such as
disappear several times Each round you sing the
mists, will not dissuade
per round (but it is only song of chaos you may
sonar. Silence spells and
necessary to roll to see if expend a Bardic music
effects block sonar as if
it is present on those ability attempt to
they were a darkness
initiative counts that its confuse one creature
location becomes that hears it. This effect
important). Druids usually refer to is identical to the lesser
this spell as "batsight." confusion spell, except it
If a creature or object
spends more than one persists as long as you
initiative count in the Song of Blood+ sing.
object, such as if a Enchantment (Compulsion)
character ends his move [Enhancement, Mind-Affecting,
Red, Sonic]
Song of Charm+
in that spot, that creature Level: (6), Brd 6 Enchantment (Charm) [Green,
or object is shunted out to Components: V, S, Song Mind-Affecting, Sonic]
the nearest clear spot as Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: (2), Brd 2
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / level) Components: V, S, Song
the disillusioned object Casting Time: 1 standard
Target: All creatures in range
phases in and out. Duration: While sung, action
Cumulative Range: 60’
Material Component: A Effect: Up to 1 humanoid
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
small facsimile of a pipe. (Harmless) creature / level who can
Spell Resistance: Yes hear the song (see text).
Duration: While sung and 1
Sonar+ (Harmless)
minute / level afterward.
Divination (Sensory) [Blue, She sang of blood and endless
Sonic] “The power of music over hearts
Level: (2), Drd 2, Rng 3, is unequalled.” ~ Rowain.
Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Unleashing the death upon the
When you sing the song
Casting Time: 1 standard action plains.
Range: Line of sight or 120 feet.
of charm you may
Target: You Each creature that hears expend a use of your
Duration: 10 minutes / level (D) this song gains a +1 Bardic music ability each
cumulative morale bonus round to attempt to
You can "see" through the charm a listener within
to attack (maximum
reflections of the sounds range. The effects of
emitted by the spell and this charm are the same
translated for you by it.
as charm person except may expend a Bardic Sound Shell+
they don’t persist as long. music ability in an attempt
Abjuration (Ward) [Green]
to reestablish the hold on Level: (2), Brd 2, Clr 3
Song of Freedom+ any round. Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard
Abjuration (Dispel) [Mind-
Affecting, Sonic, White] Soul Exchange+ action
Range: Touch
Level: (3), Brd 3 Effect: 10' emanation from
Necromancy [Black, Mind-
Components: V, S, Song the touched creature or
Casting Time: 1 standard action object.
Level: (9)
Range: Personal. Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Components: V, S, XP
Effect: All within 30' of you. Saving Throw: Will neg
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: While sung. Spell Resistance: Yes or no
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
Saving Throw: None (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Targets: Two creatures of
identical species, one of whom You create a hemisphere
may be you. shaped barrier through
Each round a creature Duration: Permanent
hears this song she may which sound can’t
Saving Throw: Will Partial
make a new saving throw Spell Resistance: Yes travel. Creatures can’t
against any enchantment hear anything on the
that is affecting her. If both targets of this side of the barrier
While you sing this song, powerful necromancy fail opposite to them.
you can’t be the target of their saving throw their Spellcasting isn’t
enchantments. Use of souls switch bodies. Each affected by this spell,
this song expends one creature gains the other’s but sonic effects can’t
Bardic music use for the physical characteristics cross the barrier to
day. (STR, DEX & CON), but affect those on the
they retain all other opposite side.
Song of Holding+ Speaking Shape+
Enchantment (Compulsion)
If either creature
[White, Mind-Affecting, Sonic] succeeds at its save both Transmutation [Green]
Level: (3), Brd 3 creatures will be stunned Level: (2), Drd 2
Components: V, S, Song Components: V, S, DF
1d4 rounds. Casting Time: [see text]
Range: 60’.
Effect: Up to 1 humanoid Undoing this spell Range: Personal
creature / level who can hear Targets: You
requires a wish or miracle Duration: [see text]
the song (see text).
Duration: While sung (see text) cast by someone of higher
level than you, and this You cast this spell as
“Sometimes the music is so only works if both targets you take an animal form
beautiful that I cannot help but are alive. If either one with your wildshape
pause to listen.” ~ Teresa. dies this spell can’t be ability. The spell
undone. provokes an attack of
When you sing the song of opportunity and can be
holding you may expend a XP Cost: 5,000 XP
disrupted but you’ll still
use of your Cleric music change forms. This spell
ability each round to allows you to speak
attempt to hold a listener while in that form. The
within range. The effects spell lasts while you are
of this hold are the same in that form and cannot
as hold person except be dispelled.
they only last while you
sing or until the subject
successfully makes a
willpower save against
this spell. If they do, you


Spell Blast+ prepared that are beyond Spelldraining Blade+

your ability do not register
Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue] Transmutation [Black,
Level: (2) with this spell. Targets Enhancement]
Components: V, S that do not prepare spells Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 immediate are not affected even if Components: V, S
action they cast spells.
Range: Medium (100'+10' / This spell works like
magic weapon except
Target: A spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell Stealing+ that instead of
Saving Throw: None Transmutation [Blue, Metamagic, conferring a bonus to hit
Spell Resistance: No Mind-Affecting]
this spell confers the
Level: (3), Sor 3
Component: V, S following bonus to the
You must expend a spell weapon. Each time the
Casting Time: 1 standard
slot of equal or higher action weapon scores a hit the
level than the target spell Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / levels)
struck creature must
as an additional cost to Target: A spellcaster
Duration: 1 minute / level choose and lose 1d6
cast this spell. The target spell slots. These slots
Saving Throw: Will Neg.
spell is countered Spell Resistance: Yes can come from any
automatically. number of spells that
You must choose and
add up to the number
Spell Lodestone+ expend a spell slot as an
rolled, and cantrips
additional cost to cast this
Transmutation [Metamagic, count for one half for
White] spell. Name a spell you
this purpose.
Level: (4), Clr 4, Pal 4, Sor/Wiz can cast of equal or less
5 level than the expended (Weapons and items
Components: V, S, M spell slot. can only have one
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100’ +
enhancement spell upon
If the target creature
10’/level) them at a time).
Area: All spells cast in the
has the named spell
prepared and fails his
Duration: 1 round / level willpower saving throw he Spellshock+
loses that preparation and Evocation [Electricity,
Spells that can target you you add that spell to your Metamagic, Red, Triggered]
must target you. Level: (7)
spells known list for the Components: V, S
Material Component: A duration of spell stealing. Casting Time: 1 standard
lodestone. If the target creature Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
does not have the named level)
Spell Scan+ spell prepared and fails Effect: 60’ radius circle
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Divination (Insight) [Blue] his willpower save then he Saving Throw: Fort ½
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3 loses a random Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: V, S preparation of equal or
Casting Time: One Action “Even a little magic can hurt
Range: Medium (100'+10' /
less level to the expended
level) spell. a lot.” ~ Telsindria.
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous (Characters who do not Whenever a spellcaster
Saving Throw: Will Negates prepare spells are successfully completes a
Spell Resistance: Yes unaffected by this spell). spell they are dealt 1d6
electricity damage /
By means of this spell you
level of that spell. (A
discern all spells prepared
spell is successfully cast
by the target that are of
if it isn’t countered)
equal or less level than
your own spells. Any
spells the target has
Spirit Link+ Squirrel Growth+ spell are under your
control and will attack
Abjuration (Ward) [White] Transmutation [Green,
Level: (4), Clr 4, Pal 3 Enhancement] whomever you
Level: (1), Drd 1 designate fearlessly,
This spell works like shield Components: V, S, M though if they are not
Casting Time: 1 round enhanced the usefulness
other, except that cure
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
effects are also divided levels) of their attacks is
between you and the Effect: One squirrel / 2 levels dubious (they can flank
warded creature. Duration: 1 round / level (D) a foe for you though).
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. The squirrels created by
Splinter+ Spell Resistance: Yes this spell remain
permanently; ending the
Abjuration (Dispel) [Green]
Level: (5), Drd 6 “Aw nuts,” yelled Timmon as the spell prematurely only
Components: V, S, DF members of the horde grew to breaks your control over
Casting Time: 1 standard action enormous size. them.
Range: Touch
Target: Construct or Magic item “Don’t say that!” Teresa yelled
touched Stampede+
Duration: Instantaneous back.
Enchantment (Compulsion)
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
[Green, Mind-Affecting]
Spell Resistance: Yes (object) You cause a number of
Level: (2), Drd 2
squirrels to grow to Components: V, S
"Magical items are cruches for the medium size. They take Casting Time: 1 standard
weak." ~ Sirrom. on the stats of a dire rat - round
Range: Close (25’+5’ / 2
except that they have a
The touched magic item levels)
climb speed of 60' and do Target: 1 herd
or non-undead construct
not possess a disease Duration: Instantaneous
must make a fortitude Saving Throw: None.
save or be destroyed. This Spell Resistance: No
spell will affect golems
which are otherwise Squirrel Riot+ This spell compels a
immune to magic. Transmutation [Green, herd of natural animals
Enhancement] to stampede in a
Level: (3), Drd 3
Spreading Plague+ Components: V, S,
direction of
choosing. Their attack
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Necromancy [Black]
Range: Personal is considered a charge.
Level: (9)
Effect: See Text
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
(see text) Steadfast Heart+
This spell works like Saving Throw: Will Neg. Abjuration (Ward) [White]
contagion except that the (Harmless) Level: (2), Pal 2
disease spreads to all Spell Resistance: Yes Components: V, S, DF
creatures touched by the (Harmless) Casting Time: 1 standard
target and in turn to all action
"Don't worry Timmon, they're only Range: Personal
creatures they touch for
after your nuts." Teresa yelled. Area: 10’ emanation.
the duration of the spell. Duration: 1 round / level
Once the duration expires Timmon adjusted his codpiece,
the contagion no longer "That's what I'm afraid of!" Creatures within the
spreads magically but the area are immune to fear
affliction itself remains. Whenever you are as per the paladin
wounded a squirrel is ability.
formed for every 4 hit
points you lose (and it has
hit points equal to your
loss, up to 4). The
squirrels created by this


Stifle+ Stone Grasp+ Stone's Endurance+

Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue] Transmutation [Earth, Red] Transmutation [Enhancement,
Level: (2) Level: (2), Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 3 Green]
Components: V, S Components: V, S Level: (8), Drd 8
Casting Time: 1 immediate Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S
action Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
Range: Medium levels) This spell works like
Target: One Spell Effect: A stony hand
bear’s endurance except
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None a +8 enhancement
Spell Resistance: No Spell Resistance: No bonus to constitution is
granted instead of +4
Target triggered ability of "When the earth bargains, it bonus.
a spell is countered. You wins." ~ Yarenic.
must be aware of an
effect to counter it. The This spell creates a stone Stoneform+
ability of the spell to hand about the size of an Transmutation [Earth, Red,
ogre's that reaches up out Polymorph]
generate additional effects Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6
is not canceled by stifle. of the ground and
attempts to grapple As polymorph self,
creatures you choose
Still Touch+ within the range. It has
except this spell turns
you into an earth
Illusion (Glamer) [Blue] attack bonus equal to
Level: (1), Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 2 elemental of your size
Components: V, S your level and a strength and protects your
Casting Time: 1 standard action of 25, but deals no equipment from and you
Range: Touch damage on a hit. When it do not gain a curative
Target: One Creature hits, it holds the victim
Duration: 10 min / level (D) effect from this change.
Saving Throw: Will Neg. fast in the square where it As an earth elemental
(Harmless) grappled them until they you undergo these
Spell Resistance: Yes break free or the spell changes:
(Harmless) ends. Grappled creatures
cannot make reflex saves.  You will be of the
"There's only one thing I don't like earth subtype.
about my job. When I do it If attacked the hand is
perfectly, no one sees or hears." AC 30 (touch AC 10), has  You gain earth
DR 5/–, and 1d4 hit points mastery (+1 to all
~ Timmon
/ level of its caster. attack and damage
You cease all vibrations rolls against foes on
the ground, and a –4
caused by the touched Stone Rain+ to all attack and
creature. This prevents
Conjuration (Creation) [Earth, damage rolls against
creatures with the Red]
tremorsense ability from Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 4 airborne or
perceiving the touched Component: V, S waterborne foes).
creature with that ability. Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100’+10’ /  You will possess a
Move silently checks by level) damaging slam
the touched creature gain Area: 30’ radius circle attack as determined
a +10 bonus and spot Duration: Instantaneous
by your size (1d6 for
checks opposing the pick Saving Throw: Reflex ½
Spell Resistance: Yes small, 1d8 for
pocket attempts of the medium).
touched creature suffer a Stones rain down upon
–10 penalty.  Your speed
the affected area dealing
decreases by 10’ to a
1d6 damage / level of the
minimum of 20’
caster (max 10d6). This
damage counts as  Your gain a +8
bludgeoning damage. strength bonus and
an additional +4 size Stream of Acid+ Subversion+
bonus for each size
Conjuration (Creation) [Acid, Necromancy [Black]
you are beyond small. Black] Level: (5)
Your Constitution gains Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3 Components: V, S
a +6 bonus Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard
Casting Time: 1 standard action action
 As an elemental you Range: Medium (100’+10’/level) Range: Close (25’+5’/2
are immune to poison, Area: Stream out to the extent levels)
of the range Area: Emanation out to the
sleep, paralysis, and Duration: 1 round limit of the range.
stunning effects. Saving Throw: Ref ½ Duration: 1 round / level
Spell Resistance: Yes Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
 You are immune to [See text]
critical hits (Any effect This spell allows you to Spell Resistance: Yes
nullified by immunity eject a stream of acid that
to critical hits is also strikes creatures along a At the beginning of your
blocked, such as rogue 5’ wide path out to the turn each creature in
sneak attacks). extent of the range unless range makes a fortitude
an object stops the path save. Each creature
 You gain the benefits that fails takes 1
of the burrowing spell. of the acid (such as a
wall). These creatures damage and you are
take 1d4 / level of the cured by an amount
Storm Blast Weapon+ caster (max 10d4) on the equal to the damage
Transmutation [Enhancement, round this spell is cast and dealt.
Electricity, Red, Sonic]
half this damage on the
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6
subsequent round. Summer Bloom+
This spell confers the Evocation [Green, Metamagic]
effects of thunder- Stupor+ Level: (5), Drd 5
Components: V, S
clapping weapon and Enchantment (Compulsion) Casting Time: 1 round
shocking burst weapon. [Black, Mind-Affecting] Range: Personal
Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 2 Target: You
(Weapons and items can Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous
only have one Casting Time: 1 standard action
enhancement spell upon Range: Medium (100+10 / "They shall grow as the leaves
them at a time).
Target: One creature
of the forest when summer is
Duration: 1 round / level (D) green." ~ Alisan, Grand
Storm Weapon+ Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Transmutation [Enhancement,
Electricity, Red, Sonic] You must choose up to
Teresa shook her head as Timmon three spell preparations
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5
and Trishdare carried on. She of up to 4th level which
This spell confers the never saw a purpose in being have a range of personal
effects of thundering drunk. or which can target you
weapon and shocking as you cast this spell. If
weapon. The target goes into a summer bloom is
drunken stupor. Dexterity successfully cast all of
(Weapons and items can is penalized by -4 (to a
only have one these spells come into
minimum of 3), attack effect upon your person
enhancement spell upon rolls are penalized by –2,
them at a time). as if you cast them
and all spellcasting normally.
attempts have a +50%
chance of failure.


Summon Warlord+ Surefoot+ Supreme Reflexes+

Conjuration (Summoning) [Red] Transmutation [Enhancement, Divination (Insight) [White]
Level: (7) Green] Level: (4), Drd 4
Components: V, S, M Level: (2), Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 3 Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Round Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 Casting Time: 1 standard action action
levels) Range: Touch Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level Target: One Creature Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None Duration: 1 minute / level (D) Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Spell Resistance: No Saving Throw: Will Neg. Saving Throw: Will Neg.
(Harmless) (Harmless)
"Some fight for glory, others Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes
(Harmless) (Harmless)
fight for a cause. Others fight
because they know nothing else." The touched creature The touched creature
~ Telsindria gains a +10 enhancement may make any number
bonus to balance and of attacks of opportunity
You summon a warlord
tumble checks. each round. (He still
from the plane of Shun, a
cannot make more than
barbarian with a number Material Component: A
one attack of
of levels equal to the hair from a monkey.
opportunity on a given
number of combatants
foe each round).
within 60' of you at the Subjectional Gravity+
time you cast this spell to
a maximum of 20th level.
Transmutation [Red, Wild]
Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 2
This barbarian has ability Component: V, S Evocation [Green, Metamagic]
scores of STR 20, DEX 20, Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3
Range: Personal Components: V, S
CON 20, INT 10, WIS 10, Target: You Casting Time: 1 ready action
CHR 10 and shares your Duration: 1 minute / level (D) Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
race. It's only equipment levels)
is a flaming burst You warp gravity such Target: One spell
Duration: Instantaneous
greatsword +5. When it that as long as the your Saving Throw: None
appears it immediately feet are on an immovable Spell Resistance: No
rages and attacks the foes surface, that surface is
you designate. If no foes "down." Hence you can You must choose and
are available it may attack walk on walls and ceilings expend a spell slot as an
you and your allies or with complete ease, and additional cost to cast
simply return to its home without any risk of your this spell. The target
plane (50% chance of equipment falling. Be spell has its level and
either). careful though, you can caster level increased by
"fall" from these surfaces. the level of the spell slot
Material you expend.
Component: A lock of hair If your feet are on two
from a barbarian chieftain. separate surfaces that are
at an angle to each other
(the floor and a wall) then
"down" is in a direction
that evenly divides the
angle between the two
Survival of the Fittest+ You may dispel the long as least one
shield at will. Otherwise, member of the swarm
Transmutation [Green]
Level: (3), Drd 3 it lasts for 1d12 rounds + survives you can
Components: V, S 1 round/level, or until it reassume your normal
Casting Time: 1 standard action absorbs all its possible form. If you lose more
Range: Personal spell levels, whichever than 50 hit points this
Target: Your summoning spells
Duration: 1 round / level comes first. If this limit is way you are not subject
Saving Throw: None. (see text) met exactly, the spell to death from massive
Spell Resistance: No ends. If the shield is hit damage. Members of the
with more spell levels swarm that do not
Creatures you summon than it can absorb, it reunite with you at
have a +4 bonus to causes the incoming spell spell's end become
strength, and their hit to mishap. You are normal creatures.
points are the maximum considered the caster and
possible for their hit dice. While in this form you
the target of the mishap.
cannot use any
Surgeshield+ Material Component:
A supernatural,
extraordinary, or spell-
Abjuration (Ward) [White, Wild]
Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 6
like abilities, neither can
Components: V, S, M Swarmform+ you cast spells. You may
Casting Time: 1 standard action end this spell at will, but
Transmutation [Green,
Range: Personal it cannot be dispelled,
Target: You
Duration: Special (D)
Level: (9), Drd 9 disenchanted or brought
Components: V, S to an end by any means
Casting Time: 1 standard action
You are cloaked in a short of Mordenkainen's
Range: Personal
whirling band of Target: You Disjunction.
scintillating colors, Duration: 1 hour / level (D)
completely concealing
You turn yourself into a
you, granting you your Necromancy [Black, Death]
opponents a 50% miss swarm of creatures of
Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 3
chance on any attacks diminutive size or even Components: V, S
aimed against you. You smaller. Bees, hornets Casting Time: 1 standard
and other flying insects action
are able to see normally Range: Close (25’+5’/2
within and outside the are the most popular
shield. The glow of the choices, but rats and Target: 1 creature
shield is the equivalent of other vermin are not Duration: Instantaneous
unknown. While in this Saving Throw: None
a daylight spell. Spell Resistance: Yes
form you are aware of and
The surgeshield absorbs in control of each member Target creature with 1
the effects of spells of the swarm. You can HD or less dies.
targeted at you. The disperse the members up
shield can completely to 1 mile / caster level
absorb 1d4 + 6 total spell away from each other, so Switch Costumes+
levels, thus negating their you can use this spell to Conjuration (Teleport) [Blue]
effects on you. In the Level: (1), Brd 1
keep watch over incredible
Component: V, S, F
case of area effects, only amounts of territory. Casting Time: 1 standard
you are protected this action
way. The shield also Member of the swarm Range: Personal
protects against mishaps, can be killed normally as Target: You
counting them as the determined by their Duration: Instantaneous

same spell level as the natures. The exact

number of creatures in the You simultaneously
spell that instigated them. teleport all clothing and
swarm is set by your hit
points - 1 per creature. As armor you wear into a

specially prepared chest calling, summoning, or Telsindria’s Invulnerable
and teleport the clothing teleportation gain 1 Globe
in that chest onto your negative energy level that Abjuration (Ward) [White]
body as if you had just persists until this spell Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6
put it on. The weight of all ends.
gear transferred this way You must choose and
cannot exceed 10 lb. / Talisiasia's Insight+ expend a spell slot as an
additional cost to cast
caster level.
Divination (Insight) [White]
this spell. This spell
Arcane Focus: A Level: (1), Clr 2
Components: V, S, DF works like lesser globe
specially prepared chest Casting Time: 1 standard action of invulnerability except
worth 500 GP. When this Range: Personal that it excludes spells of
spell is cast the chest Target: You
up to the level of the
must be within 100 feet of Duration: See text
spell you expended as
you per caster level. an additional cost.
You gain a +20 insight
bonus to your next heal
Syphon Soul+ check if it is made before Telsindria's Aura+
Necromancy [Black] the end of the next round. Abjuration (Ward) [White]
Level: (4)
Level: (9)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Target Lock+ This spell functions like
Range: Close (25’/5’+2 levels) Transmutation [Enhancement,
Effect: All living creatures in aura of protection: black
range Level: (0), Sor/Wiz 0 except the granted
Duration: Instantaneous Component: V, S protections are attuned
Saving Throw: Fort ½ [see Casting Time: 1 standard action
text] against the alignment or
Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
Spell Resistance: Yes spell type of your
Target: One creature choice.
All creatures in range take Duration: 1 round / level (D)
1d8 damage (save for ½) Saving Throw: Will Neg. Telsindria's Belabored Casting+
and you are cured by an Spell Resistance: Yes
Transmutation [Blue,
amount equal to the Metamagic]
The target creature Level: (1)
damage dealt to all
suffers a –4 AC penalty Components: V, S
creatures this way. Casting Time: 1 standard
against the next spell with
a ranged touch attack
Tainted AEther+ used against him.
Range: Medium (100'+10' /
Abjuration (Ward) [Black, Target: A spell user
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6 Taunt+ Duration: 1 round / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Components: V, S Enchantment (Compulsion) Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 standard action [Blue, Mind Affecting]
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 Level: (1), Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 "Learning speed is a matter of
levels) Components: V, S
Effect: 60' radius emanation
learning care." ~ Telsindria.
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 hour / level Range: Medium
Saving Throw: Fort Negates. Target: One creature
Belabored casting is one
(see text) Duration: 1 round of Telsindria's earliest
Spell Resistance: Yes (see Saving Throw: Will Neg. spells and in many areas
text) Spell Resistance: Yes it is no longer attributed
“A journey into darkness often to her. The victim of the
The target creature must
spell has their casting
leaves a shadow on the soul” ~ attack or cast a harmful
times increased by one
Cuolshite saying. spell at you on its next
round. Creatures that
action if able.
Creatures which enter the can't use spells ignore
area of effect through this spell's effects. Magic
items are not affected,
and neither are spell-like Telsindria's Reflection+ respectively. When this
abilities. spell is used to charge a
Abjuration (Ward) [White]
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4 spell crystal you must
Telsindria's Blessing+ Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
expend a spell
preparation to place into
Abjuration (Ward) [White] Range: Personal
Level: (4), Sor Wiz 5 the crystal and pay an
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) XP cost equal to that
Name a descriptor or needed to write the spell
school. This spell works Magic missile attacks into a scroll. The
like spell resistance, but directed at you return to casting time of this
the resistance only works their hurler and strike him mode is 10 minutes.
against the descriptor or even if he is employing a
The second mode
school you named. shield. If you cast magic
discharges a spell
missile and it is reflected
crystal you have made.
Telsindria's Intuition+ back at you by this spell
The casting time is 1
then you will not be
Transmutation [Blue, Metamagic, standard round. The
Mind-Affecting] protected from those
spell is placed into your
Level: (3), Wiz 3 missiles by this spell.
Components: V, S, M
memory as if you had
Casting Time: 1 minute A +10 AC bonus is just prepared it, and you
Range: Personal granted to you against ray have 10 minutes to use
Target: You spells. If any of these the spell before the
Duration: Instantaneous
spells miss you by the preparation fades. You
You must choose and margin this spell grants don’t have to have a
expend three spell slots of they rebound against their spell slot available for
the same level as an hurler (Who makes a the spell when you
additional cost to cast this ranged touch attack discharge the crystal.
spell. You prepare one against himself). This spell
spell you know of a level does not protect you in Telsindria's Spell
any way against your own
equal to the expended
ray spells redirected at
spell slots. Abjuration (Ward) [White]
Level: (2), Clr 2, Wiz 3
Material Component: A
gemstone worth 100 gold Arcane Focus: A small
hand mirror that magically You must choose and
/ level of the spell to be expend a spell
recalled. circles about you while
this spell is effect. preparation as an
additional cost to cast
Telsindria's Radiance this spell. This spell
Abjuration (Ward) [White]
Telsindria’s Spell works like spell
Level: (8), Sor/Wiz 9
Crystal+ immunity, except that it
Transmutation [Blue,
applies to the spell you
Name a descriptor or expended at casting.
school. This spell works Level: (3), Wiz 3
like an antimagic field
except that Telsindria’s
Components: V, S, F, (XP)
Casting Time: 10 minutes or 1 Telsindria's Spelltrap
Radiance only suppresses standard action Abjuration (Ward) [Blue]
Range: Touch Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8
spells possessing the Target: Crystal Touched Components: V, S
named descriptor or Duration: [see text] Casting Time: 1 round
school. Saving Throw: None (object) Range: Personal
Spell Resistance: No (object) Target: You
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
This spell has two modes
that charge a spell crystal
and discharge it

You must choose and time of one round or less or pin, but you must
expend a spell slot as an and provided it can target remain in range.
additional cost to cast this its own caster. You must
spell. This spell brings use spell scan or a similar Terix’s Blessing+
into being one tiny light spell or ability to be able
Transmutation [Blue, Wild]
per level of the expended to target the prepared Level: (4), Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4
slot that orbits your spells of another caster.
person. Each light can This spell works like
absorb a spell level. Temporal Flux+ bestow curse except
When this happens a Terix’s Blessing bestows
Transmutation [Blue, Wild]
globe of light appears Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 2 the wild spellcaster
containing the spell (the Components: V, S, M template on the victim
higher the level of the Casting Time: 1 standard action instead of any other
Range: Medium (100’ + 10’ /
spell, the brighter the effect.
globe). Effect: Emanation to the extent
Whenever you are
of the range.
Duration: Instantaneous
Terix's Boon+
targeted by a spell, the Saving Throw: None. Transmutation [Enhancement,
spell is absorbed if the Spell Resistance: No Green, Wild]
Level: (3), Drd 3
number of lights exceeds Components: V, S, DF
the level of the spell. If At the beginning of the
Casting Time: 1 standard
they do not the spell is next round all creatures action
countered instead of being roll new initiatives Range: Touch
(including you). No Target: One Creature
absorbed. Duration: 1 minute / level
creature is flat-footed
You may cast an Saving Throw: Will Neg.
because of this spell. (Harmless)
absorbed spell as a Spell Resistance: Yes
standard action and Material Component: (Harmless)
without paying it’s The hand of a clock.
component costs (which The target creature
have already been paid by Tendril Walker+ gains a +1d6
the original caster). Transmutation [Green]
enhancement bonus to
Level: (3), Drd 3 an ability score chosen
Telsindria's’ Trigger+ Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
at random. Roll a d6
Evocation [Blue, Metamagic] Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 D6 roll Ability Score
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 5 levels) 1. Strength
Components: V, S Effect: All vines in range 2. Dexterity
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 minute / level (D) 3. Constitution
Range: Medium (100'+ 10' / Saving Throw: None 4. Intelligence
level) Spell Resistance: No 5. Wisdom
Target: One spell 6. Charisma
Duration: Instantaneous With this spell you can
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
attack with any vines or Terix’ Favor+
branches within range as Transmutation [Red, Wild]
You must expend a spell though you wielded them Level: (7)
as a weapon. If you strike Components: V, S
slot of equal or greater Casting Time: 1 standard
level than the target spell you deal 1d6+WIS
as an additional cost to modifier in damage per Range: Medium
cast this spell. You hit. If you grapple with Area: Emanation to the
them treat your wisdom extent of the range.
choose a target spell from Duration: 1 round / level (D)
among those prepared by score as strength for all
Saving Throw: None
a spellcaster within range grapple tests. If you Spell Resistance: No
and it is immediately cast grapple a foe you do not
provided it has a casting need to spend an action to Whenever a d20 is
maintain an existing hold rolled, roll it twice
instead. You may choose Once you have finished thenceforth to be in
the roll that is used. your movement for a either location. If a
given round, whenever an warrior tried to strike
Terror+ individually targeted him at once place, he
attack or effect targets could choose to be in
Illusion (Phantasm) [Black, Fear,
Mind-Affecting] you, you can choose the other, so the attack
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8 which of your two would miss. If he
positions to be in. Against needed healing, an ally
"Fear comes from the uncertainty area effects, you can could cast a spell on
of death. Terror comes from the choose whether to be either version of him
uncertainty beyond death." ~ affected unless the area of and have it take effect.
Sirrom. effect could contain both If an enemy wizard tries
versions of you. Similarly, to fireball him, Meece
This spell works like whenever you take any would only take damage
phantasmal killer except actions, you choose which if the area of the spell
terror inflicts 6d6 damage location you are in at the contained both of his
on a successful fortitude moment. Whenever you potential positions. On
save and both saving choose a location like this, his next turn, one
throws are made at a –4 that is considered your version of him would
penalty. location until the next step disappear, and he would
of initiative, but otherwise begin moving from the
The Road Left Untaken+ you are just ‘potentially’ in other.
Conjuration (Teleportation) either location, your exact
It is possible with
[Blue, Wild] position not set until you
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 8
close coordination to
are forced to choose one.
Components: V, S, M affect you while you’re
Casting Time: 1 standard action This protective protected by this spell.
Range: Personal displacement lasts until Though you can shift
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
your next movement. positions many times
Two possibilities of your Whenever you move next per round, on each
actions take place, time, the two possible individual count of
allowing you to effectively states of your location initiative you can only
be in two places at once. collapse into one; in choose to be in one
Whenever you move, effect, whenever you location or the other.
choose two routes of move again, one version For instance, you might
movement instead of one. of you disappears, and choose on your initiative
A shimmering version of your movement takes count of 16 to be in one
you moves in both place from your other location to cast a spell.
directions, and you are location. Then for the rest of
able to perceive clearly count 16 you are in that
For example, in the
through both of one location. On count
middle of a battle Meece
yourselves. While 15 you return to being
casts this spell, then
moving, you are in a state of flux. When
moves. He directs two
considered to be taking on count 7 a warrior
courses of action, one
both actions, so anything attacks you, you could
toward his party cleric and
that could affect you choose to be in a
the other toward his
works normally. different location. If at
enemies. If he incurs any
However, once you have that same initiative
attacks of opportunity
completed your count of 7 another
while moving in either
movement for the round, warrior tried to attack
direction, he is vulnerable,
you gain a unique type of you at your other
and can be hit normally.
invulnerability until you location, you would have
Once he reaches both his
move again. to choose one location
destinations, he can

to be at, meaning you Thunderbolt+ property upon the
would be vulnerable to weapon instead of any
Evocation [Electricity, Red,
either attack. Sonic] bonus to hit. (It deals
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5 1d6 bonus sonic damage
Material Component: A
on a successful hit.
small container, which As lightning bolt except Bows, crossbows and
must be filled by someone thunderbolt has a 15d6 slings enchanted by this
other than you with damage cap and its spell confer this bonus
contents you are unaware damage is half electric, to their ammunition).
of. As you cast the spell, half sonic. Further, all
you open the container creatures other than the (Weapons and items
and learn its contents just caster that are within 20’ can only have one
before they are consumed of the bolt must make a enhancement spell upon
in casting. fortitude save or be them at a time).
deafened 1 round.
Thermal Shock+ Tiania's Blessing+
Evocation [Red, Fire] Thunder-Clapping Weapon+ Transmutation [Green,
Level: (9) Enhancement]
Transmutation [Enhancement,
Components: V, S, M Level: (4), Drd 4
Red, Sonic]
Casting Time: 1 round
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3
Range: Medium (100’+10’ / This spell is a
This spell works like magic simultaneous bull's
Target: 10x10x10 cube
Duration: Instantaneous weapon, except that strength, cat's grace and
Saving Throw: Reflex Neg. thunder-clapping weapon bear’s endurance.
Spell Resistance: Yes bestows the thunder-
“Toasty!” clapping property upon Tiania's Blessing, Mass
the weapon instead of any Transmutation [Green,
You conjure a bonus to hit. Enhancement]
superheated blast that Level: (8), Drd 8
(A thunder-clapping
vaporizes most flammable
weapon functions as a This spell is a
materials and evaporates thundering weapon that
fluids. Creatures caught simultaneous mass bull's
also explodes with a roar strength, mass cat's
in this are quite literally
of thunder on a critical hit grace and mass bear’s
flash cooked. Those who
dealing +1d10 points of endurance.
fail their reflex saves take bonus sonic damage. If
50d6 fire damage
(Equivalent to a death
the weapon’s critical
multiplier is x3 add +2d10
Tiania's Endowment+
effect). Those who make Transmutation [Green,
points instead. If the
their saves move out of Enhancement]
multiplier is x4 then add Level: (7), Drd 7
the affected area.
+3d10 instead)
Constructs and undead
This spell works as
not composed of flesh are (Weapons and items can
Tiania’s Blessing, except
unaffected. only have one
that an enhancement
enhancement spell upon
Ash, bone and metals bonus of +6 to strength,
them at a time).
are the only things dexterity and
typically remaining after constitution is granted
this spell. Thundering Weapon+ instead of a +4 bonus.
Transmutation [Enhancement,
Material Component: A Red, Sonic]
pumice stone from a Level: (2), Sor/Wiz 2
As magic weapon, except
that thundering weapon
bestows the thundering
Tiania's Enlightenment Tiania’s Liege+ Tiania's Splendor
Transmutation [Green, Conjuration (Summoning) Transmutation [Green,
Enhancement] [Green] Enhancement]
Level: (4), Drd 4 Level: (9), Drd 9 Level: (6), Drd 6
Components: V, S
This spell is a Casting Time: 1 standard action This spell grants a +4
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / level)
simultaneous fox’s enhancement bonus to
Effect: Creature
cunning, owl’s wisdom Duration: 1 round / level (D) all six ability scores,
and eagle’s splendor. Saving Throw: None replicating bull’s
Spell Resistance: No strength, cat’s grace,
Tiania's Enlightenment, Mass+ bear’s endurance, fox’s
Tiana’s Liege is a creature cunning, owl’s wisdom
Transmutation [Green,
Enhancement] born of life energy itself and eagle’s splendor
Level: (8), Drd 8 that has a number of d12 with one spell.
hit dice equal to the total
This spell is a number of creatures
simultaneous mass fox’s within close range or 25 Tiger's Prowess+
cunning, mass owl’s whichever is more and to Transmutation [Green,
wisdom and mass eagle’s Enhancement]
a maximum of twice your
Level: (3), Drd 3
splendor. level. The AC, spell
resistance, saving throws This spell is a
Tiania's Greater and attack bonuses of the simultaneous cat's grace
creature are equal to its and bull's strength.
Splendor+ hit dice. It is of huge size
and makes two slam
attacks a round for 2d12+
Tiger's Prowess, Mass+
Level: (9), Drd 9 Transmutation [Green,
half its hit dice in damage.
This spell works like Level: (7), Drd 7
Tiania’s splendor, except Tiania's Sanctuary +
that it grants a +6 This spell is a
Abjuration (Ward) [Green]
enhancement bonus Level: (5), Drd 6 simultaneous mass cat's
instead of a +4 bonus. Components: V, S, M grace and mass bull's
Casting Time: 1 standard action strength.
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
Tiania's Insight+ levels)
Transmutation [Green,
Area: 60' ft. sphere Time Spiral+
Duration: 1 minute / level
Enhancement] Transmutation [Blue]
Saving Throw: No.
Level: (7), Drd 7 Level: (9)
Spell Resistance: None
Components: V, S, XP
This spell works as Casting Time: 1 round
Creatures in the area of Range: Long (400' + 40' /
Tiania’s Enlightenment, effect are immune to level)
except that an spells that target (Such Effect: All creatures in range
enhancement bonus of +6 spells have a “target” Duration: Instantaneous
to intelligence, wisdom Saving Throw: None
entry instead of an area or Spell Resistance: No
and charisma is granted effect entry).
instead of a +4 bonus. All creatures in range
Material Component: A
revert back to their
strip of bark from an oak
status at the beginning
of the combat. All
damage is healed, The
dead are returned to
life, etc., as though the
encounter had yet to
occur. Casters recover

all spells cast during the Time Walk+ attack occur again and
combat except time spiral. deal 36 more points of
Transmutation [Blue]
No one affected by time Level: (5), Sor / Wiz 7 damage.
spiral can use it for a full Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
XP Cost: 2500 XP
day (including you). All
creatures remember what Range: Touch

occurred before the time

Target: You and touched objects
or other touched willing
Titan's Strength+
spiral and are aware that creatures weighing up to 50 Transmutation [Green,
it was cast. lb. / level Enhancement]
Duration: Instantaneous Level: (8), Drd 8
XP Cost: 3000 XP are Saving Throw: None and Will Components: V, S
lost when this spell is Negates (object)
Spell Resistance: No and Yes As bull’s strength except
(object) that a +8 enhancement
bonus is granted instead
Time Twister+ You move forward in time,
of a +4 bonus.
Transmutation [Blue] up to one day per level.
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 6 You are able to see if
Components: V, S other creatures are in the Tranquil Domain
Casting Time: 1 round area in the future and can Abjuration (Ward) [Green]
Range: Personal Level: (5) Drd 5
Target: You choose to appear based
Effect: 30' radius centered on
Duration: 1 round / level (D) on that criteria (such as I you
will time walk to Baron
When you complete this Nebis' arrival here). If the This spell works like
spell you phase out of criteria is not fulfilled you antimagic field but it
time. While out of time move forward in time to only affects magic items
you essentially do not the fullest extent of the and their effects.
exist and cannot be spell.
attacked or harmed by
any means. At the Material Components: A Transcendence+
beginning of each or your 500 gp diamond. Transmutation [White]
Level: (6), Clr 8
actions you phase into Components: V, S, DF
time. You can perform one Time Warp+ Casting Time: 1 standard
move-equivalent action or Transmutation [Blue] action
cast a spell, then you Level: (9) Range: Personal
Components: V, S, XP Target: You
phase out of time again. Duration: 1 minute / level
Casting Time: 1 round
Your opponents can Range: Long (400' + 40' / level)
Effect: All creatures in range Sources that would
ready an action to attack Duration: 1 round damage you cure you
you and you can be Saving Throw: None
instead. Excess curing
attacked for provoking an Spell Resistance: No
is gained as temporary
attack of opportunity.
“Somatic component is wha? A hit points. If at any
jump to the left??” Teresa time you have more
pondered. "Let's do it again!!" temporary hit points
than normal hit points,
Timmon shouted!!
you die. Sources that
On the round following would cure you deal
this spell everything damage to you instead.
happens twice with the You are not hindered in
same results as the first any fashion while at
attempt. Therefore if a negative hit points and
fighter attacks a foe and under the influence of
deals 36 points of damage this spell.
in two attacks those
Transcendence can be and the damage increases Creatures and objects
dispelled by disenchant. by 1d6. On the 22nd floating upon such water
round of the spell the take 10d6, fortitude
Transference+ damage caps at 20d6 for save for half. This is the
any foolish enough to damage for the first
Transmutation [Green]
Level: (5) remain in the area, round.
Components: V, S submerged by the now
Casting Time: 1 standard action
The acid dissipates on
liquid rock. Those large
Range: Touch subsequent rounds. On
enough not to be fully
Effect: Creature touched round two the damage
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) submerged take half this
drops to 10d6 for those
Saving Throw: Will Neg. damage. After reaching
foolish enough to remain
peak temperature the lava
Spell Resistance: Yes submerged in the area,
remains this hot for 48
(harmless) but the area of effect
hours, then it loses
doubles to a 20’ radius.
The touched creature may intensity slowly, dropping
Floating creatures take
choose to deal its melee 2d6 damage / day (so
damage to summoned after 5 days the damage
creatures to those is still 14d6) On round three the
creature’s summoner. area trebles, but the
Transmute Water to acid damage drops to
5d6 for those
Transmute Rock to Acid+ submerged and 1d6 to
Lava+ Transmutation [Acid, Black, floating objects. On
Transmutation [Earth, Fire, Red]
Water] round four the area
Level: (9), Sor/Wiz 9 quadruples from the
Level: (9), Drd 9
Components: V, S, M
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action original but only deals
Casting Time: 1 round 1d6 damage to those
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2
Effect: All water within a 10’ completely submerged.
radius sphere [see text]
Effect: 20' square area 10'
Duration: Instantaneous The above presumes
Saving Throw: [see text] that the acid can
Duration: See Text
Spell Resistance: No
Saving Throw: None dissipate into a larger
Spell Resistance: No body of water. If it
This powerful
can’t, it doesn’t lose its
"What will this spell do Teresa?" transmutation turns water
to acid with predictably potency.
Timmon asked. She examined the
scroll carefully and smiled, fatal results for the Material Component: A
animals and plant life scrap of flesh from the
"Remember the old hotfoot trick?
within. stomach of a black
This is worse."
Cast outside of water dragon (Procurement:
You use this spell to this spell ruins all water 500 gp)
transform rock into lava. based items including
On the first and second magical potions unless Treant's Endurance+
rounds of this spell the their owners make a Transmutation [Enhancement,
ground becomes willpower save to negate. Green]
uncomfortably hot but no Level: (5), Drd 5
actual damage is done. This spell is at it’s Components: V, S

On the third round all deadliest when cast in a

large body of water. This spell works like
flammable materials in
Creatures so unfortunate bear’s endurance except
the area of effect catch
to be completely a +6 enhancement
fire and creatures in the
submerged in the area of bonus to constitution is
area of effect are dealt
effect take 25d6 damage, granted instead of +4
1d6 damage by the heat.
fortitude save for half. bonus.
Each round the heat rises


Treant's Endurance, Twincast+ specific trails appearing

out of overlapping
Mass+ Evocation [Metamagic, Blue]
Level: (3), Sor 3 footprints. The items to
Transmutation [Enhancement, Components: V, S be studied must
Green] Casting Time: 1 ready action tangible—coded flashing
Level: (9), Drd 9 Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 lights, garbled speech,
Components: V, S levels)
Target: One spell in casting. or thoughts of any kind
Mass treant’s endurance Duration: Instantaneous cannot be studied.
Saving Throw: None
works like mass bear’s Spell Resistance: No For the duration of the
endurance except that it spell, which is long
grants a +6 enhancement "You like that spell so well, try enough to take 20 on
bonus to the affected being its victim!" ~ Trishdare. any of the tasks listed
creatures instead of a +4 above, you gain a +30
bonus. You must expend a spell bonus to checks to
slot of equal or greater understand patterns in
Truthsay+ level than the target spell
as an additional cost to
disorder, such as the
Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue] above-listed examples
Level: (3)
cast this spell. Twincast (typical DC 40). If the
creates a copy of the items studied are truly
This spell works like target spell, which is cast random, you can gain no
counterspell, except by you immediately after information (such as in
truthsay only affects white the original spell even if trying to make sense of
spells. you can’t normally cast it. a collection of rocks that
Casting this copy does not have nothing in
Twin Hits+ cost you a spell slot, but
you must be able to fulfill
Transmutation [Red] For the next day you
Level: (9)
any component costs of
Components: V, S the copied spell other than get a +10 bonus to any
Casting Time: 1 standard action material components with skill check to reassemble
Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2 a value less than one gold any broken or
levels) disassembled item you
Effect: One creature
Duration: 1 round
make sense of through
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Understand Unorthodoxy+ this spell.

Spell Resistance: Yes Divination (Insight) [Blue, Wild] Focus: An object that
Level: (1), Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 was broken and then
Components: V, S, F reassembled.
"Most fights only have two hits - Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2
One guy hits another, and the levels)
other hits the ground." ~ Area: 10 foot cube, plus one 10
Timmon foot cube per level
Duration: 2 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Double the number of
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
attacks made by target
creature. Bonus attacks Understand unorthodoxy
from this spell have the gives you insight into
same attack bonus as the chaos and disorder. You
original attack. (For can see such things as
example, if a character pottery shards reformed
with a +16 base attack into a whole pot, shreds of
makes a full attack under paper reformed into a
this spell his attacks will page, scattered parts as a
be at +16/+16/ working machine, or
Unquestioned Authority+ instead of conferring a against the poison each
bonus to hit this spell round. When they fail
Enchantment (Compulsion)
[Language Dependent, Mind- confers the vampiric the first time the poison
Affecting, Sonic, White] property to the weapon fatigues them, and the
Level: (4), Clr 5, Pal 4 second time they fail
Components: V, S (A vampiric weapon deals
they are exhausted.
Casting Time: 1 action 1d6 extra damage and
Range: Close (25' + 5' / 2 The third failure causes
cures the wielder by the
levels) them to go to sleep as
Effect: Humanoid creatures in
same amount. The
per the spell.
range wielder can’t exceed his
Duration: 1 minute / level (D) maximum hit point total).
Saving Throw: Will Neg Vermin Shape+
Spell Resistance: Yes (Weapons and items can
Transmutation [Green]
only have one Level: (3), Drd 3
Creatures who share your enhancement spell upon Components: V, S, DF
alignment follow your them at a time). Casting Time: [see text]
orders without question. If Range: Personal
Targets: You
you give a self-destructive
or suicidal order
Vampiric Drain+ Duration: [see text]
Necromancy [Black, Evil]
(generally, one your You cast this spell as
Level: (6)
character would not be Components: V, S you take an animal form
willing to follow himself) Casting Time: 1 standard action with your wildshape
you break this spell. Range: Touch
ability. The spell
Target: Creatures touched
Creatures are granted but provokes an attack of
Duration: 1 round / level (D)
one saving throw and Saving Throw: None opportunity but can’t be
spell resistance chance Spell Resistance: Yes disrupted. This spell
against this spell when allows you to take a
you attempt to use it upon You gain the ability to
vermin form subject to
them. If they fail they suppress life energy and your normal size
must follow all subsequent increase your own. Each
constraints. The spell
commands given. If they round you may make a
lasts while you are in
succeed they are not touch attack that bestows
that form and cannot be
subject to subsequent one negative energy level
commands. upon the creature you
touch. You gain one
positive energy level when Vigilance+
Unsummon+ this attack is successful. Divination (Insight) [White]
Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue] Level: (2), Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Level: (4), Sor/Wiz 4 At the end of the Components: V, S, M, DF
duration of this spell all Casting Time: 1 minute
This spell works like dispel Range: Medium
negative and positive (100’+10’/level)
magic in the targeted energy levels created by Target: One creature [see
dispel mode except that this spell disappear. text]
unsummon automatically Duration: 1 hour / level
dispels one conjuration Saving Throw: Will Negates
(summoning) spell.
Venomous Vines + (Harmless)
Transmutation [Green] Spell Resistance: Yes
Level: (3), Drd 3, Rng 3
Vampiric Blade+ You choose a creature
Transmutation [Black, As entangle, but the vines within range to watch
Enhancement] secrete a contact poison. over the area within
Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5 Starting on the third range. The creature
Components: V, S gains a +10 bonus to
round of the spell's
duration all creatures in spot and listen checks.
This spell works like magic
the area must make an If the creature moves
weapon except that
additional fortitude save out of the spell’s range

the spell is broken. Once Virtue's Ruin+ flight path the pebble
cast the area of effect would have followed.
Necromancy [Black]
(which extends from you Level: (6), Clr 8 The boulder strikes for
out to the limit of the Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
2d6 damage + your
range) doesn’t move with
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level) casting ability modifier.
Effect: 20’ radius burst Giants may elect to
Material Component: A Duration: Instantaneous catch a rock you throw
Saving Throw: Fort ½
hair from a trained watch Spell Resistance: Yes
with this spell with their
dog. rock catching
Negative energy deals 1d6 exceptional ability.
Vile Consumption+ damage / level to white Material Component:
Necromancy [Black, Death] creatures (max 10d6) and The pebbles.
Level: (8) 1d6 damage / level to
Components: V, S green creatures (max
Casting Time: 1 standard action 10d6). (These effects Wall of Lightning+
Range: Touch Evocation [Electricity, Red]
Effect: Living Creature touched stack).
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, M
This spell works like finger Visualize+ Casting Time: 1 standard
of death with the Divination (Scrying) [Green]
exceptions noted above Range: Medium (100’+10’/
Level: (2), Rng 2
and you add the hit points Components: V, S
Effect: Sheet of lightning 5’
of the victim (or the Casting Time: 1 standard action
thick and up to 20’ long /
Range: [see text]
damage dealt if they Target: [see text]
caster level or a ring with a
make their saving throw) radius 5’ / 2 caster levels;
Duration: 1 round
either form 20’ high.
to your own. Hit points Saving Throw: Will Neg.
Duration: Concentration + 1
added beyond your Spell Resistance: Yes
round / level (D)
maximum are temporary. Saving Throw: Reflex
You touch a track and try Negates (see text)
to get a mental picture of Spell Resistance: Yes
Vindicate+ the creature that left it so
Transmutation [Enhancement, long as that creature is on This spell calls into being
White] the same plane. a sheet of lightning with
Level: (4), Pal 4 the dimensions given
Components: V, S, DF
above that deals 1d6
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Volley of Boulders+ damage / caster level
Target: You Transmutation [Earth, Red] (max 20d6). Those in
Duration: 1 round / level (D) Level: (8), Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, M the area of effect when
Casting Time: 1 standard action it comes into being may
Whenever you strike a Range: Touch negate the spell by
foe, that foe takes extra Targets: Up to 1 pebble / caster rolling a reflex save and
damage equal to the level.
Duration: 1 round / level (D) moving out of the area,
amount of damage they
Saving Throw: See Text but those who
last dealt you during this Spell Resistance: No intentionally enter a wall
of lightning that is
“How do you expect to win Brun?” already in place take full
“Uhm, Hit ‘im with a rock…” damage without
benefiting from a save.
When you throw a pebble
Unlike most walls this
enchanted by this spell it
one is not subject to any
changes into a 50 lb.
damage, nor does it
boulder mid-flight. The
prevent inanimate
boulder follows the same
objects from passing
through it either way of the benefits (these are Whimsy+
though the lightning acquired by actually living
Transmutation [Wild, Red]
discharges grant 50% for the time given). Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 3
concealment to creatures Wasting curse counts as a Component: V, S
on one side of the wall death spell should it kill its Casting Time: One Action
from another. victim. Range: Close (25’ + 5’ / 2
Target: One creature
Ward from Rain+ Wave of Reckoning+ Duration: 2d4 minutes
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Abjuration (Ward) [White] Evocation [Force, White] Spell Resistance: Yes
Level: (0), Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0 Level: (3), Clr 3
Components: V, S Components: V, S
At the beginning of each
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch Range: Close (25’+5’ / 2 levels) turn the target creature
Target: Creature or object Area: Cone rolls a d4. This
touched Duration: Instantaneous determines a die as
Duration: Concentration or 1 Saving Throw: Fort ½
minute / level Spell Resistance: Yes
Saving Throw: Fort Neg. D4 Damage Die
(Harmless) 1 d3
Spell Resistance: Yes All creatures in the area of 2 d4
(Harmless) effect are dealt damage 3 d6
4 d8
equal to their normal
This spell blocks rain and
attack damage (Hence a
snow from touching you,
fighter with a longsword Roll that die to
but the spell won’t keep
+2 and a 20 strength determine a number,
you dry if you are
would be dealt 1d8+7 then flip a coin: heads -
submerged into water.
damage by the wave). bonus, tails - penalty.
Rain-like spells and effects
with the ability to damage Apply this modifier as a
you will strike you Weakness+ luck bonus or penalty to
normally despite this Necromancy [Black]
all attack rolls, damage
spell. Level: (5), Clr 5 rolls, saving throws,
Components: V, S caster level checks
Casting Time: 1 standard action made until the next
Wasting Curse+ Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
Effect: One creature
Necromancy [Black, Death, Evil] Duration: 1 round /level (D)
Level: (5), Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6
Target: 1 creature [see text]
Saving Throw: Fort Neg.
Spell Resistance: Yes
White Fire+
Conjuration (Healing) [Good,
This spell works like If the target creature fails White]
bestow curse except that Level: (5), Clr 6
its saving throw its Component: V, S, M, DF
the effect of a wasting strength is reduced to 1.
curse is to age the Characters with a fighter’s This spell works like
recipient one year every attack progression have a fireball except that it
day. The recipient must -4 penalty to this save. conjures positive energy
have a normal lifespan of instead of fire. This
less than 200 years. energy damages undead
Remove curse halts this and cures living things.
unnatural aging but Things that are neither
doesn’t undo it’s effects. living nor undead are
Restoration or greater unaffected.
magic restores the
creature to its former age. Material Component: A
A creature suffers the clear crystal you have
penalties for advanced blessed in the previous
age but doesn’t gain any ten days.


White Ward+ Wildshape+ subtracts your caster

level from the result.
Abjuration (Ward) [White] Transmutation [Green]
Level: (3), Sor/Wiz 4 Level: (3), Drd 3 For example, if Meece
Components: V, S, DF (caster level 18)
"Even those pure of motive can be Casting Time: 1 standard action wildstrokes an enemy
Range: Personal
mislead and beguiled." ~ Targets: You
wizard (who has a Will
Alblasker. Duration: 1 round save bonus of +10), the
enemy wizard would roll
This spell works like spell This spell lets you use d% +10 –18, or d%-8,
resistance, except this your wildshape ability an to determine the effect
spell only protects against extra time per day. You of any mishap he causes
white spells. must execute the while affected by this
wildshape on your next spell.
Wildcure+ action.
If the target already
Conjuration (Healing) [Wild, has the Wild Spellcaster
Level: (1)
Wildstroke+ Template, he still
Component: V, S Evocation [Red, Wild] receives the penalty to
Level: (7), Sor/Wiz 7 his mishap rolls from the
Components: V, S, M
As cure light wounds, Casting Time: 1 standard action
except this spell deals Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 Material Component:
1d10 damage and cures ft./level)
Effect: Ray A personal item worth at
1d10 damage
Duration: Special (see text) least 1 gp, which you
simultaneously. Saving Throw: None must toss at the subject
Spell Resistance: Yes as you cast the spell.
Wildfire+ The object is not
A bolt of wild energy
Evocation [Fire, Red] consumed in the casting
Level: (9) blasts from you into
if the subject takes it
Components: V, S another creature, dealing
before the end of the
Casting Time: One Action damage and disrupting
Range: Long (400' + 40' / level) spell’s duration.
their casting. You must
Area: Circle extending out to
succeed at a ranged touch
the limit of the range
Duration: Instantaneous attack to strike a target. Will of the Damned+
Saving Throw: Reflex 1/2 (see A hit deals 1d6 points of Necromancy [Black,
text) damage per level Metamagic]
Spell Resistance: Yes (see Level: (7)
text) (maximum 20d6) from Components: V, S
wild spell energy. Casting Time: 1 standard
You create an enormous Thereafter, for one round action
pulse of fire that deals per level, the struck Range: Close (25’+5’/2
5d6 damage to all in the creature acts as if it had Area: Emanation out to the
area of effect except you. the Wild Spellcaster extent of the range.
This doesn’t count any Template applied to any of Duration: 1 round
damage resulting from its spellcasting classes. Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
forest fires that are likely Additionally, the template
to triggered by the use of also applies to any Your caster level
this spell. magical item the subject increases by 1 for each
activates. humanoid corpse within
When determining the range that died in the
effect of any mishaps last 24 hours (to a
caused by the target maximum of 10). To
casting spells, the target benefit from this spell
rolls d% + his Will save you must cast your next
bonus as usual, but then spell on the subsequent
round. The corpses Wisesay+ Yarenic's Bloody Flame
disintegrate when you
Abjuration (Dispel) [Blue] Necromancy [Fire, Red]
cast that spell. Level: (3) Level: (4)
Components: V, S
Wilting Curse+ As counterspell, except Casting Time: 1 standard
wisesay only affects green
Necromancy [Black, Evil] Range: Medium (100'+10' /
Level: (6), Sor/Wiz 6 spells. level)
Effect: 20’ radius circle
This spell works like Wolf's Tenacity+ Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: See text
bestow curse except that
Transmutation [Green, Spell Resistance: Yes
the effect of the wilting Enhancement]
curse is to cause rapid Level: (3), Drd 3 He had always described the
weight loss and CON loss. pain of an open wound as
The spell deals 1 point of This spell is a
simultaneous bear’s
"burning like fire." As with most
con damage each day
endurance and cat's comparisons, he found it paled
until it kills the victim.
Ability damage dealt by grace. to the reality.
the wilting curse cannot All creatures in the area
be undone until the curse Wolf's Tenacity, Mass+ of effect who bleed take
is lifted, at which point it Transmutation [Green, 1d8 fire damage from
can be removed normally. Enhancement] any slashing or piercing
Level: (7), Drd 7
attack as their blood
Wind of Despair+ This spell is a catches fire when it is
Necromancy [Black, Death] simultaneous mass bear’s exposed to the air.
Level: (9)
endurance and mass cat's Creatures struck by
Components: V, S, DF weapons with the
Casting Time: 1 standard action grace.
Range: Medium (100’+10’/level)
wounding property are
dealt 2d8 fire damage
Effect: All summoned creatures
in range Worship+ instead and the wound
Duration: Instantaneous Abjuration (Ward) [White] immediately cauterizes
Saving Throw: None. Level: (9), Clr 9
Spell Resistance: Yes Components: V, S, M/DF
which stops the bleeding
Casting Time: 1 standard action without a heal check. A
All summoned creatures in Range: Personal creature whose body
the area of effect are slain Target: You includes exposed blood
Duration: 1 min / level (D)
or destroyed. (Called Saving Throw: None
is dealt 10d6 fire
creatures are unaffected). Spell Resistance: No damage per round with
a fortitude save allowed
“So long as you believe, you
Wink Out+ belong.” ~ Alisan.
to take half damage.
Any creature which
Illusion (Glamer) [Blue]
Level: (0), Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 1
cannot bleed is
So long as you have any unaffected by this spell.
Casting Time: One Action
Range: Personal devout followers or
summoned creatures
Target: You
Duration: 1 round within medium range of Yarenic's Firebolts+
you, damage that would Evocation [Fire, Earth, Red]
As invisibility, except this reduce your hit points
Level: (1), Sor/Wiz 2
spell lasts for one round below 1 is prevented.
only. You reappear after "Fire is a most excellent
you complete your action weapon - everything burns." -
on the next round. Yarenic.
Material Component: A As magic missile, except
piece of gum arabic. Yarenic’s Firebolts are
composed of fire, deal

1d4 fire damage, and can The touched creature Any targeting spell with
deal damage to objects takes 1d6 electricity a range greater than
they strike which will damage. touch cast in the area of
catch afire unless they effect must determine
Focus: A bit of fur and a
make a fortitude save DC its targets at random.
glass rod.
10+damage dealt.
Material Component: A

Zap+ Zone of Chaos+ mirror you shatter at

Transmutation [Metamagic, Red,
Evocation [Electricity, Red] Wild]
Level: (0), Sor/Wiz 0 Level: (5), Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, F Component: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch Range: Medium (100’+10’ /
Target: Creature touched level)
Duration: Instantaneous Effect: 30’ radius circle
Saving Throw: None. Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Spell Resistance: No Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
“This spell goes great with Orcs rarely care what they hit, so
handshakes.” ~ Neko, Kobold long as they hit something.
Acquistion of Magic

his appendix presents an of fighter and mixing it with the priest

alternate way of acquiring class, though it won’t be as strong a
spells known as the spellcaster as the priest nor should it be.
acquisition system. In
The sorcerer and wizard remain
order to be properly used
unchanged. Save for their potential to
several rule changes have
learn spells previously off limits to them.
to be introduced to the
However if they seek out these spells they
game which some DM’s and players may
will have to give up spells they already
find to be overly intrusive, hence their
have access to.
exclusion from the prior chapters of this
The acquisition rules allow for players of Priest
spellcasting characters to form their
Priests are the earthly emissaries of their
character’s spell lists as they advance in
gods as well as their servants and most
level instead of presenting them with a
visible instruments. They perform most of
locked list determined by their class.
the same roles as a cleric, but they are
Hence you can have divine casters
not overtly militant as clerics are.
throwing fireballs or sorcerers who heal
and raise the dead. For this system to
work though some of the classes must be Game Rule Information
reworked significantly. If your are willing Priests have the following game statistics.
to make these changes the acquisition
system makes for lively and surprising Alignment: A priest’s alignment must
play for many evenings both within and be within the Alignment of his deity. For
outside of the Dusk setting. example, Matacha is White/Black in
alignment. Her clerics can be White, Black
or White/Black in alignment (though due
Character Classes to peer pressure most are White).
The largest change to the existing rules Hit Die: d6
lies in the character classes. Simply put
the bard, paladin and ranger classes are Class Features
relegated to prestige status as outlined in
The priest’s class skills (and the key ability
Unearthed Arcana. The druid is promoted
for each skill) are Concentration (Con),
to being a prestige class as well, detailed
Craft (Any)(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal
below, and the cleric is removed from play
(Wis), Knowledge (arcana)(Int),
and replaced with a new core divine caster
Knowledge (History)(Int), Knowledge
– the priest.
(Theology)(Int), Knowledge
The reason for this change is simple (Cosmology)(Int), Sense Motive (Wis),
enough – when spell lists aren’t Spellcraft (Int).
considered the druid is significantly more
Domains and class skills: Certain
powerful than the sorcerer and wizard,
domains add skills to a character skill list
and the cleric is far more powerful still.
as detailed with those domains in Chapter
Player’s may still create characters based
around the cleric by taking a level or two

Table A1-1: The Revised Priest
Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special --------- Spells per Day ---------
Bonus Save Save Save
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Turn or Rebuke Undead 2 0 – – – – – – – –
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 3 1 – – – – – – – –
3 +1 +3 +1 +3 3 2 0 – – – – – – –
4 +2 +4 +1 +4 3 2 1 – – – – – – –
5 +2 +4 +1 +4 3 2 2 0 – – – – – –
6 +3 +5 +2 +5 3 3 2 1 – – – – – –
7 +3 +5 +2 +5 3 3 2 2 0 – – – – –
8 +4 +6 +2 +6 3 3 3 2 1 – – – – –
9 +4 +6 +3 +6 3 3 3 2 2 0 – – – –
10 +5 +7 +3 +7 3 3 3 3 2 1 – – – –
11 +5 +7 +3 +7 3 3 3 3 2 2 0 – – –
12 +6 +8 +4 +8 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 – – –
13 +6 +8 +4 +8 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 – –
14 +7 +9 +4 +9 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 – –
15 +7 +9 +5 +9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 –
16 +8 +10 +5 +10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 –
17 +8 +10 +5 +10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 0
18 +9 +11 +6 +11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
19 +9 +11 +6 +11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
20 +10 +12 +6 +12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

pray for their spells, receiving them

Class Features through their own strength of faith or as
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: divine inspiration. The time of day for this
Priests are proficient with all simple is determined by the priest’s faith: Dawn
weapons, light armor and shields. They for court Aurnon and Siliani, Noon for
are also proficient with the favored Court Rizaldi, Dusk for court Damosi and
weapon of their deity. Shadrea. Priests of other deities must
choose a time at which he must spend an
Aura: The aura of a priest is far more hour each day in quiet contemplation or
discernable and easy to detect than that supplication to regain his daily allotment
of other characters. See the detect evil of spells. Unlike sorcerers and wizards
spell for details. time spent resting has no effect on
Spells: A priest casts divine spells whether a priest can prepare spells.
according to Table A7–1: The Priest. A Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells:
priest may prepare and cast any spell he Choose a deity for your priest from
can meet the acquisition cost of (See next Chapter 6. The priest’s deity influences his
section). The Difficulty Class for a saving alignment, what magic he can perform,
throw against a priest’s spell is 10 + the his values, and how others see him.
spell’s level + the priest’s Wisdom
modifier. When you have chosen a deity and an
alignment for your priest, choose two
Priests do not acquire their spells from from among the deity’s domains for your
books or scrolls, nor prepare them priest’s domains. While the priests of a
through study. Instead, they meditate or
particular religion are united in their Ex-Priests
reverence for their deity, each religion
encompasses different aspects. A priest who grossly violates the code of
conduct expected by his god (generally
Your priest must be devoted to a acting in ways opposed to the god’s
particular deity. alignment or purposes) loses all spells and
Each domain gives your priest access to class features and cannot gain levels as a
a domain spell at each spell level, from priest of that god until he atones (see the
1st on up, as well as a granted power. atonement spell description, page 176).
Your priest gets the granted powers of all
the domains selected.
Spontaneous Casting: Priests
spontaneously cast the spells on their More frequently referred to as “animists”
domain list. To do this the priest “loses” a in Telzoa, Druids are a prestige class
prepared spell in order to cast any domain under the alternate rules though their
spell of the same level or lower (a cure abilities remain largely unchanged and are
spell is any spell with “cure” in its name). detailed below:
For example, a priest with the healing Hit Die: d8
domain who has prepared command (a
1st-level spell) may lose command in
order to cast cure light wounds (also a
1st-level spell). To qualify for the druid prestige class the
character must meet the following
Turn or Rebuke Undead: Depending
on the priest’s deity the priest will have
the supernatural ability to turn undead or Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd level
to rebuke them, such as skeletons, divine spells, access to the animal or plant
zombies, ghosts, and vampires, forcing
these unholy abominations to recoil from
the channeled power of the god the
Table A7-2: The Druid Prestige Class
priest worships. Level Attk Fort Ref Will Special
Save Save Save
A priest may attempt to turn or rebuke
undead a number of times per day equal
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Animal Companion, nature sense,
to three plus his Charisma modifier. wild empathy, Divine Spellcaster
Level +1, Wild Shape
Extra Turning: As a feat, a priest 2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Woodland Stride, Trackless Step,
may take Extra Turning. This feat allows Resiste Nature’s Lure, Divine
Spellcaster Level +1
the priest to turn undead four more
3 +1 +3 +1 +3 Divine Spellcaster Level +1
times per day than normal. A priest can
take this feat multiple times, gaining 4 +2 +4 +1 +4 Divine Spellcaster Level +1

four extra daily turning attempts each 5 +2 +4 +1 +4 Small Wildshape

time. 6 +3 +5 +2 +5 Divine Spellcaster Level +1

7 +3 +5 +2 +5 Divine Spellcaster Level +1

Bonus Languages: A priest’s list of
bonus languages includes Aborean, 8 +4 +6 +2 +6 Divine Spellcaster Level +1

Balcridean, Liternanin, Shunrian, 9 +4 +6 +3 +6 Divine Spellcaster Level +1

Sodrean, and Valrean, in addition to the 10 +5 +7 +3 +7 Large Wildshape

bonus languages available to the 11 +5 +7 +3 +7 Divine Spellcaster Level +1

character because of his race (see Race 12 +6 +8 +4 +8 Divine Spellcaster Level +1
and Languages, page 12, and the Speak 13 +6 +8 +4 +8 Divine Spellcaster Level +1
Language skill, page 73). 14 +7 +9 +4 +9 Divine Spellcaster Level +1

15 +7 +9 +5 +9 Timeless Body, Huge Wildshape

domains. character has must match up with the
spell spheres a character has. For the
Alignment: GG
acquisition 1R means 1 red sphere and 1
Skills: Knowledge Nature (8 ranks) sphere of any color.
If you wish you can learn a spell as
Class Skills being a higher level than it actually is. For
Unchanged from the core class version. each level you add to the spell you can
reduce its color commitment by 1. If at a
later time you aquire the spheres
Class Features necessary to re-learn the spell at a lower
Identical to the core class though the level you may do so. For example, Abolish
levels they are gained at change slightly is a 4th level spell that costs 2Www.
Www. You
according to Table A7-2. The druid gains can also choose to learn the spell as a 5th
wildshape at first level and can wildshape level spell costing 4wW or as a 6th level
once per day per druid level. The spell costing 6W. If you are using epic
character adds a spellcasting level from level rules with spell slots beyond 9th you
his previous divine spellcasting class can even learn spells that go directly into
(always priest in the Dusk setting) at the those slots. However, you cannot reduce
levels indicated. the color commitment of a spell to
completely colorless. Continuing the

Spell Acquisition example above Abolish cannot be learned

as a colorless 7th level spell costing 8.
With the spell using classes equalized It is ultimately up to you how your
without respect to their spell selections character’s spell list will play out. That is
players are free to create their own spell an awesome amount of responsibility and
lists using the spell acquisition system. challenge. Just remember that as a spell
The system is fairly simple: Each spell has user you are tainted by the magic you
a base acquisition as indicated on the know. If you know black magic spells
table which fills the next few pages. These which punish black creatures will hurt you
costs are expressed as a number and a even if you are the most kind and giving
symbol – w for Valrean or white magic, U person in the world. Keep this in mind as
for Balcridean or blue magic, B for well when choosing your selection of
Sodrean or black magic, R for Shunrian spells.
or red magic, and g for Aborean or Green The pages that follow list the spell costs
magic. for the spells from the Player’s Handbook
Acquisition is a prerequisite, not a cost. and this manual sorted first by level and
A character doesn’t lose his acquisition then by color. Spells from this book
spheres when he learns a new spell. It is appear in bold text throughout the
met using spell spheres. A character starts listings. Some spells have an x instead of
with two spheres. One of the spheres a color symbol – this means that 5
represents his alignment, the other versions of the spell exist, each one to a
represents his training. Each time a separate color. Each version must be
character gains access to a new level of learned as a separate spell.
spells he gains another sphere, so a
character with 9th level spells has a total
of 10 spheres. The spell spheres a
Fluctuation R Protection from Green 1w
Cantrips Ignite R Protection from Red 1w
Meece’s Cartomagic Flourish R Protection from White 1w
r Remove Fear 1w
Colorless Reckless Dweomer
Target Lock R Sanctuary 1w
Arcane Mark 1 Zap R Shield of Faith 1w
Guidance 1 Shield 1w
Mage Hand 1
Open/Close 1
Green Talisiasia’s Insight Ww

1 Detect Poison G
Know Direction G Blue
Ray of Frost G 1u
White Snag G
Animate Rope
Apathy UU
Cure Minor Wounds W Brainstorm uu
Dancing LightsW Buoy 1u
Disrupt Undead W Clearsight 1u
Light W 1st level Color Spray 1u
Mending W Command 1u
Purify Food & Drink W All Colors Comprehend Languages 1u
Resistance W 1u
Summon Monster I 1X Decree
Virtue W Detect Secret Doors 1u
Ward from Rain W 1u
White Detect Undead
Disguise Self 1u
Blue Abeyance 1w
Displace Perspective 1u
Aid 1w
Ascertain Value U Enthrall 1u
Alarm 1w
Convince U Feather Fall 1u
Align Weapon Ww
Create Water U Gust of Wind 1u
Arcane Lock 1W Hypnotism 1u
Daze U Bless 1w
Douse U Identify 1u
Bless Water 1w
Ghost Sound U Jump 1u
Bless Weapon Ww
LullabyU Magic Mouth 1u
Crusade Ww
Mask U Mnemonic Absorption 1u
Cure Light Wounds 1w
Message U Nadia’s Spell Brush 1u
Dampening Field 1w
Prepare Costume U Nystul’s Magic Aura 1u
Demystify 1w
Retrieve U Obscure Object 1u
Endure Elements 1w
Summon Instrument U Silent Image 1u
Entropic Shield 1w
Wink Out u Sleep 1u
Erase 1w
Still Touch 1u
Eternal Respite 1w
Black Switch Costumes 1u
Flicker 1w Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
Acid Splash B Hide from Undead 1w 1u
Dancing Vermin B Hold Person ww Taunt 1u
Exterminate B Hold Portal 1w Telsindria’s Belabored
Inflict Minor Wounds B Infusion 1w Casting Uu
Touch of Fatigue b Life Burst 1w Undetectable Alignment 1u
Mage Armor 1w Understand Unorthodoxy

Red Matacha’s Will 1w

1w Unseen Servant 1u
Dry R Protection from Black
Ventriloquism 1u
Flare R Protection from Blue 1w


Black Entangle gg Status 2w

Expeditious Retreat 1g Steadfast Heart 1ww
Addle Bb
Animate Dead Animals and
Faerie Fire1g Telsindria’s Spell Immunity
1g 1ww
Vermin 1B Familiar Eyes
Goodberry 1g Vigilance 2w
Bane 1b
Grease 1g Zone of Truth 1ww
Blood Pet Bb
Cause Fear 1B Hide from Animals 1g
Chill Touch 1b Lay of the Land 1g Blue
Curse Water 1b Longstrider 1g Alter Self 2u
Dark Ritual Bb Magic Fang 1g Augury 1uu
Deathwatch 1b Magnify Sight 1g Blur 2u
Deepen Shadows 1b Mount 1g Browse 1uu
Doom 1b Obscuring Mist 1g Daze Monster 2u
Foul Presence 1b Pass without Trace 1g Detect Alignment 2u
Inflict Light Wounds 1B Reduce Person 1g Detect Thoughts 2U
Pain Touch, Lesser 1b Scent 1g Displacement 2u
Ray of Enfeeblement 1b Sheltering Branches 1g Find Traps 2u
Snow Walk 1g Hypnotic Pattern 2u
Speak with Animals gg Imaginary Pet 1uu
Squirrel Growth 1g Invisibility 2u
Aggression 1r
Jibber Jabba 1uu
Burning Hands 1r
Leomund’s Trap 2u
Chaos Bolt RR
2nd level Levitate 2u
Confusion, Lesser 1r
Locate Object 2u
Hands of Fire 1r
Magic Missile RR
All Colors Make Whole 2u
Minor Image 2u
Magic Stone 1r Summon Monster II 2X
Mirror Image 2U
Magic Weapon 1r
Misdirection 2u
Produce Flame 1r White Mishap Shield 2u
Pyroclastic Burst RR 2w
Calm Emotions Mystical Tutor 1uu
Quick 1r 1WW
Common Cause Ray of Command 2u
Reaching Weapon 1r Consecrate Www Rope Trick 1uu
Shillelagh 1r Cure Moderate Wounds 2w See Invisibility 2u
Shocking Grasp 1r Delay Poison 2w Silence 2u
Tenser’s Floating Disk 1r Enlighten Www Sonar 2u
True Strike 1r Focus 1ww Spell Blast 1uu
Wildcure Rr Gentle Repose 2w Stifle Uuu
Glitterdust 2w Suggestion 1uU
Green Halt 2w Temporal Flux 1uu
Alacrity Gg Heroism 2w Tongues Uuu
Animal Weaponry 1g Holy Missiles 1ww Whispering Wind 2u
Bestow Trick 1g Honor the Fallen 1ww Wind Wall 2u
Calm Animals 1g Pacifism 2W
Charm Animal 1g Protection from Arrows 2w
Resist Energy 2w
Charm Person 1g
Restoration, Lesser 2w
Afflict 1Bb
Detect Animals or Plants 1g
Reverse Damage 1ww
Blindness/Deafness 2b
Detect Snares & Pits 1g
Shield Other 2w
Clutch of Undeath bbb
Enlarge Person 1g
Command Undead 1BB Green White
Darkness 2b
Alluring Scent 1gg Black Ward 2ww
Darkvision 2b
Animal Magnetism 2g Blinding Light 3w
Desecrate 1bb
Animal Messenger 2g Blue Ward 2ww
False Life 1bb
Animal Trance 2g Circle of Protection: Black
Ghoul Touch 1bb 3w
Barkskin 2g
Hatred bbb Circle of Protection: Blue
Bear’s Endurance 2g
Inflict Moderate Wounds 2B 3w
Break Slumber 1gg
Melf’s Acid Arrow 2b Circle of Protection: Green
Bull’s Strength 2g 3w
Paranoia 1bb
Cat’s Grace 2G Circle of Protection: Red
Sadistic Glee 1bb
Chill Metal 1gg 3w
Scare 2b
Eagle’s Splendor 2g Circle of Protection: White
Spectral Hand 2b 3w
Fog Cloud 2g
Stupor 2b Commune 1WWw
Fox’s Cunning 2g
Swat 1bb Contemplation wwww
Frost Weapon 1gg
Touch of Idiocy 2b Conviction 2ww
Harden Snow 1gg
Crown of Awe 2ww
Ishrala’s Summons ggg
Red Keen Ear 1gg
Cure Serious Wounds 3w

1rr Daylight 3w
Bloodlust, Lesser Keen Eye 1gg
1rr Glyph of Warding 2ww
Crown of Fire Owl’s Wisdom 2g
Fire Trap Rrr Good Hope 2ww
Rampage ggg
Flame Blade 2r Green Ward 2ww
Reduce Animal 1gg
Flaming Sphere 2r Halt Undead 2ww
Remove Paralysis 2g
Flaming Weapon 2r Heal Mount 2ww
Song of Charm 2g
Gambit 2r Helping Hand 1www
Sound Shell 1gg
Heat Metal 1rr Leomund’s Tiny Hut 3w
Speaking Shape 2g
Keen Edge 1rr Light of Day 1www
Spider Climb 2g
Knock rrr Mage Armor, Greater 3w
Stampede 2g
Lightning Lash 2r Magic Vestment 2ww
Summon Swarm 2g
Parch Rrr Oathbind 3w
Surefoot 2g
Pyrotechnics 2r Protection from Energy 3w
Tiger’s Prowess 1gg
Rage 2r Red Ward 2ww
Tree Shape 2g
Ring of Fire 1rr Reflect Gaze 2ww
Visualize 1gg
Scorching Ray 2r Remove Curse 3w
Warp Wood 1gg
Shatter 2r Renounce 3w
Web 2g
Shock 1rr Restrain 2ww
Wolf’s Tenacity 1gg
Shocking Weapon 1rr Searing Light 2ww
Wood Shape 1gg
Sizzle 1rr Sepia Snake Sigil 3w

Soften Earth & Stone 2r Shield, Greater 3w

Song of Chaos 2r 3rd level Song of Freedom 3w

Sound Burst 2r Song of Holding 3w

Spiritual Weapon 2r Surgeshield 2ww

All Colors Telsindria’s Reflection
Stone Grasp 1rr
Summon Monster III 2XX 2ww
Subjectional Gravity 2r
Thundering Weapon
Wave of Reckoning 3w
1rr Multicolor White Ward 2ww
Yarenic’s Firebolts rrr Dispel Magic 2wu


Blue Animate Dead 3B Magic Weapon, Greater 3r

Bestow Curse 3b 3r
Meld into Stone
Arcane Sight
Chaldulsul’s Hex 2BB Power Wave 2rr
Blink 3u
Contagion 2bb Retribution 2rr
Chill 1uuu
Corrosive Weapon 2bb Shocking Burst Weapon
Circumvent 1uuu 2rr
Crushing Despair 2bb
Death Knell Bbbb Stone Shape 3r
3u Thunder-Clapping Weapon
3u Deeper Darkness 3b
Compulsion 2rr
Concentrate 2uu Discordant Dirge 2bb
Whimsy 2rr
Deep Slumber 3u Dregs of Sorrow 2bb

Deep Water 3u Duress 2bb

Grasping Shadows 2bb
Detect Scrying 3u
Fly 2uu Inflict Serious Wounds 3B Abundance 2GG
Force Void 1uuu Leech Cunning 2bb Accelerated Decay 2gg
Gainsay 1uuu Leech Endurance 2bb Armor of Thorns 3g
Avalanche of Squirrels
Gaseous Form 3u Leech Grace 2bb
Geas, Lesser 3u Leech Splendor 2bb
Charm Monster 3g
Glibness 2uu Leech Strength 2bb
Create Food & Water 2gg
Hydroblast 1uuu Leech Wisdom 2bb
Diminish Plants 2gg
Illusory Script 3u Malice 2bb
No Rest for the Wicked Dominate Animal 2gg
Invisibility Sphere 3u
1bbb Evasion 2gg
Major Image 3u
Pain Touch 3b Forest’s Eyes gggg
Necroblast 1uuu
Ray of Exhaustion2bb Horse’s Stamina 2gg
Nondetection 3u
Serrin’s Shadow Spy 2bb Icy Burst Weapon 3g
Propaganda 2uu
Speak with Dead 2bb Invisibility Purge 3g
Quench 2uu
Spelldraining Blade 1bbb Magic Fang, Greater 3g
Scrying 2uu
Stinking Cloud 3b Plant Growth 3g
Sculpt Sound 1uuu
Stream of Acid 3b Poison 3g
Second Chance 2uu Remove Blindness/Deafness
Vampiric Touch 2bb
Secret Page 3u 3g
Shrink Item 2uu Remove Disease 3g
Sleet Storm 2uu
Red Root 1ggg
Slow 3u Aggravated Assault 2rr Snare 2gg
Soar 2uu Blaze rrrr 2gg
Speak with Plants
Soften 2uu Burrowing 1rrr Spike Growth 2gg
Spell Scan 2uu Call Lightning 2rr Squirrel Riot 3g
Spell Stealing uuuu Chaos Ball 2RR Surge 2gg
Telsindria’s Intution Chaos Hammer 2RRR Survival of the Fittest
2uu Confusion 3r 2gg
Telsindria’s Spell Crystal
Continual Flame 2r 2gg
Tendril Walker
2uu 2gg
Explosive Runes 3r Terix’s Boon
Truthsay 1uuu
Fireball 2rr Venomous Vines 1ggg
Water Breathing 3u
Flame Arrow 2rr Vermin Shape 1ggg
Wisesay 1uuu
Flaming Burst Weapon 3r Wildshape 2gg
Haste 3r
Black Incinerate rrrr
Abandon Hope 2bb Insane Jealousy 1rrr
Acidic Blast 1bBb Lightning Bolt 2rr
4th level Unquestioned Authority 3ww Dirge of Dread 3bb
Vindicate 2www Enervation 2bbb
Evard’s Black Tentacles
All Colors Blue 2bbb
Planar Ally, Lesser 2xxx 3Bb
Inflict Critical Wounds
Air Walk 3UU 3bb
Summon Monster IV 3XX Pestilence
Arcane Eye 2UUU
Phantasmal Killer 2bbb
Attunement 4u
Multicolor Puppet Strings 2bbb
Catalogue 3UU
Shadow Conjuration 3bb
Fire Shield 3rG Clear Mind 2UUU Sirrom’s Foul Link
Conceal Lies 3UU bbbbb
White Control Water 4u Syphon Soul 2bbb
Abolish 2Www Counterspell 2uuu Unholy Blight 2bbb
Bask 2WWW Dimension Door 3uu

Break Enchantment 4w Divination 2uuu Red

3ww Donate 3uu
Bright Circle Anarchy rrrrr
Cleanse 2WWW Hallucinatory Terrain 3uu
Arc Lightning 2RRR
Cure Critical Wounds 3ww Illusory Wall 2uuu
Bloodlust 3rr
Death Ward 4w Imbue with Spell Ability 2uuu
Earthbind 3rr
Discern Lies 3ww Invisibility, Greater 4u
Flame Guide 2rrr
Disempower 3ww Minor Creation 2uuu
Flame Strike 3rr
Disenchant 3ww Mirror Image, Greater 4u Freedom from the Masters
Dismissal 3ww Modify Memory 2uuu 2rrr
Essence Filter 2www Phantom Steed 3uu Jinx 2rrr
First Strike 2www Rainbow Pattern 2uuu Mind Burn 2rrr
Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer
Fortify 2www Shout 3rr
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser Spike Stones 2rrr
3ww Reality Shift 2uuu
Stone Rain 2rrr
3ww Sending 3uu
Hold Monster Stoneskin 4r
wwwww Serrin’s Phantasm 2uuu
Holy Smite Storm Weapon 2rrr
Holy Sword 1wwww Serrin’s Phase Step 2uuu
Wall of Fire 3rr
Ivory Mask 2www Sleight of Mind 2uuu
Wall of Stone 3rr
Leomund’s Secure Shelter Symbol of Sleep 3uu Yarenic’s Bloody Flame
3ww Telsindria’s Trigger uuuuu 3rr
Order’s Wrath 2www Terix’ Blessing 3uu
Unsummon 2uuu
Resilient Sphere
Zone of Silence 2uuu
Rally 2www Animal Growth 4g
Restoration 3ww Carapace 3GG
Revive 3WW
Black Dimensional Anchor 3gg
Sentinel 2www Acid Rain 2BBB Enlarge Person, Mass 4g
Serenity 1wwww 2BBB
Antiplant Shell Falling Timber 2ggg
Spell Immunity 2www Blight 3bb Focus of Hatred 3gg
Bloodcurdling Scream
Spell Lodestone 2www Freedom of Movement 4g
Spirit Link 3ww Giant Vermin 3gg
Cloak Undead 2BBB
Supreme Reflexes Hollow Tree 2ggg
Corrosive Burst Weapon
2www 3bb Ice Storm 3gg
Telsindria’s Blessing
2bbb Locate Creature 3gg
2www Death Burst
Death Stroke 2bbb Neutralize Poison 4g

Polymorph 2ggg Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum
Reduce Person, Mass3gg 3www
Agonizing Memories
Regression 2ggg Raise Dead 3www
Reincarnate ggggg Reverent Mantra 4ww
Brittle-Bone Curse
Renewal 4g Righteous Might 3www 3bbb
Repel Vermin 4g Spell Resistance 3www Buried Alive 3bbb
Rusting Grasp 2ggg Wall of Force 4ww Cloudkill 3bbb
Seclude 2ggg White Fire 3www Corporeal Instability

Solid Fog 2ggg

Tiania’s Blessing 2ggg Blue Curse Item 2bbbb
Demonic Tutor
Tiania’s Enlightenment Boomerang 3uuu Bbbbbb
2ggg Command, Greater 5u Feeblemind 3bbb
Tree Stride 3gg Confiscate 4uu Inflict Light Wounds, Mass
Wall of Ice 3gg
Contingency 2uuuu 4bB
Wall of Thorns 3gg
Control Winds 3uuu Magic Jar 3bbb
Delay 3uuu Necrology 3bbb
5th level Discombobulate 3uuu Nightmare 4bb
Dispersal Shield 3uuu Nightshroud 3bbb
All Colors Dominate Person 4uu Oppression 3bbb
Dream 4uu Persecute 2bbbb
Contact Other Plane 4xx
Fabricate 3uuu Pox 3bbb
Planar Binding, Lesser 5x
False Vision 4uu Recurring Nightmare
Plane Shift 3xxx
Forbid 3uuu 3bbb
Summon Monster V 4XX
Hesitation Uuuuuu Repel Death 3bbb
Illusions of Grandeur Shadow Evocation 4bb
White 2uuuu Shadow Walk 4bb
Atonement 5W Legend Lore 1uuuuu Sirrom’s Spite 3bbb
Aura of Protection: Black Magic Missive 3uuu Slay Living 3bbb
4WW Major Creation 3uuu Song of Discord 5b
Aura of Protection: Blue
Mirage Arcana 4uu Subversion 3bbb
Aura of Protection: Green Mislead 5u Symbol of Fear 4bb
4WW Nadia’s Brief Reprieve Symbol of Pain 4bb
Aura of Protection: Red 3uuu Symbol of Weakness 5bb
4WW Overland Flight 4uu Unhallow 3bbb
Aura of Protection: White Passwall 3uuu Vampiric Blade 3bbb
4WW Persistent Image 3uuu Wasting Curse 3bbb
Cure Light Wounds, Mass Prying Eyes 3uuu Waves of Fatigue 4bb
4ww Rary’s Telepathic Bond 3uuu Weakness 4bb
Disrupting Weapon 3www Refresh 3uuu
Empyrial Armor 3www Reigns of Power 3uuu
Energy Field wwwwww
Seeming 4uu
Flickering Ward 3www Bedlam 3rrr
Suggestion, Mass 4uU
Hallow 4ww Bigby’s Interposing Hand
Symbol of Persuasion 4uu
Heroism, Greater 5w 3rrr
Teleport 3uuu
Leomund’s Secret Chest 4rr
Call Lightning Storm
Time Twister 2uuuu
3www Chaos Sphere 4rr
Time Walk 1uuuuu
Mark of Justice 4ww Concussive Fireball 4rr
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound True Seeing 3uuu Dissention in the Ranks
3www 2rrrr
Entropic Burst 3rrr Multicolor Power Sink 3uuuu
Fireblast 4rr Programmed Image
Gratuitous Violence
Ironwood 3rrgg 3uuuu
3rrr Scrying, Greater 5uu
Incendiary 3rrr White Spellstaff 4uuu
Meltdown 3rrr Aether Slide 4WWW Veil 3uuuu
Shower of Coals 4rr Antimagic Field 5ww Wind Walk 6u
Storm Blast Weapon Balance wwwwwww Word of Recall 3uuuu
3rrr Banishment 5ww
Telekinesis 4rr
Thunderbolt 4rr
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass Black
Transmute Mud to Rock Cure Serious Wounds, Mass
Antilife Shell 5bb
4rr 6ww Circle of Death 3bbbb
Corpse Control
Transmute Rock to Mud Forbiddance 4www
4rr bbbbbbb
Globe of Invulnerability 5ww
Zone of Chaos Create Undead 4bbb
rrrrrr Glyph of Warding, Greater 5ww Diseased Weapon
Heal 4www 3bbbb
Heroes’ Feast 5ww
Green 6ww
Hold Person, Greater 5bb
Awaken 2gggg Hold Person, Mass 6ww Gloom 3bbbb
Baleful Polymorph 3ggg
Humble 3wwww Harm 4bbb
Commune with Nature
Limited Resources 3wwww Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass
Cone of Cold 4gg
Lull 3wwww 5bB
Corroding Burst Matacha’s Will, Greater 5ww Pain Touch, Greater 6b
2gggg Pacifism, Mass 6w Paranoia, Mass 5bb
Form Lock 4gg Repulsion 5ww Project Image 3bbbb
Giant’s Strength 4gg Symbol of Stunning 5ww Shadow Conjuration, Greater
Shield Other, Mass 6w
Insect Plague 4gg
Sirrom’s Agenda
Magnetism 3ggg Trancendence 3wwww
Mobilize 3ggg Undeath to Death 5ww
Tainted Aether 3bbbb
Pixie’s Grace 4gg Vampiric Drain 3bbbb
Rejuvenate 3ggg Blue Virtue’s Ruin 2bbbbb
Retaliate 3ggg Analyze Dweomer 5UU Wilting Curse 3bbbb
Splinter gggggg Animate Objects 5uu
Summer Bloom 3ggg
Tiania’s Sanctuary
Back to Basics 4uuu Red
Capsize 3UUUU
3ggg Aether Flash 3RRRR
Differentiation uuuuUUU
Tranquil Domain 3ggg Amok 4RRR
Dissipate 4uuuu
Transference 3ggg Backdraft 5rr
Drawmij’s Instant Summons
Treant’s Endurance Battle Strain 3rrrr
3ggg Bigby’s Forceful Hand
Fluctuate 3uuuu
Fly, Mass 5uu
6th level Force Hull 3uuu
Blade Barrier 5rr
Chain Lightning 4RRR
Geas/Quest 6u
Cone of Flame 5rr
All Colors Intangibility 3uuuu
Confusion, Greater 6r
Mordenkainen’s Lucribation
Planar Ally4xxx Disintegrate 3rrrr
Planar Binding 6x Fire Seeds 5rr
Permanency 6u
Summon Monster VI 5XX Firebreathing 3rrrr
Permanent Image 4uuu

Fissure 4rrr Tiger’s Prowess, Mass 5gg Sequester 5uuu
Flesh to Stone4rrr Transport via Plants 4ggg Teleport Object 5uuu
Hellfire Weapon Wolf’s Tenacity, Mass 5gg Teleport, Greater 5uuu
3rrrr Telsindria’s Spelltrap
Lightning Rift 3rrrr th 5uuu
Move Earth 5rr
7 level The Road Left Untaken
Price of Progress uuuuuuuu
3rrrr All Colors Vision 4uuuu
Pyrostatic Field
Summon Monster VII 5XXX
3rrrr Black
Rolling Thunder
3rrrr Multicolor Acid Fog 3BBBBB
Shattering Pulse 5rr Dispel Magic, Greater 6wu Befoul 5bbb
Shockwave Blasphemy 4bbbb
rrrrrrr Control Undead 4BBBB
Shout, Greater 5rr
White Dark Fate 4bbbb
Song of Blood 5rr Abolish, Greater 3Wwwww Destruction 3bbbbb
Stone Tell 4rrr Absolute Duty 3Wwwww Finger of Death 6bb
Stoneform 3rrrr Absolute Grace 3Wwwww Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass
Sympathetic Vibration Absolute Law 3Wwwww 6bB
4rrr Absolute Reason 3Wwwww Lycanthropic Curse
Tenser’s Transformation Absolute Truth 3Wwwww 4bbbb
4rrr Control Revocation 6ww
Power Word: Blind
Wall of Iron 5rr 4bbbb
Dictum 4wwww
Simulacrum 4bbbb
Dispelling Screen 4wwww
Green Forcecage 4wwww
Symbol of Death 6bb
Terror 4bbbb
Aluren 3gggg Holy Word 4wwww
Waves of Exhaustion 6bb
Animal Scouts 3gggg Mordenkainen’s Magnificent
Will of the Damned
Bear’s Endurance, Mass 6g Mansion 4wwww
Bull’s Strength, Mass 6g Prophecy 4wwww
Cat’s Grace, Mass 6G Purge wwwwwwww

Charm Monster, Mass 6g Regenerate 4wwww

Choking Vines 3gggg Replenish 5www Bigby’s Grasping Hand

Restoration, Greater 6ww

Crumble ggggggg Chaos in the Mind’s Eye
Eagle’s Splendor, Mass 6g Resurrection 5www
Find the Path 6g Spell Turning 5www Chaotic Strife
Forest Maze 3gggg Sunbeam 4wwww 3rrrRR
Fox’s Cunning, Mass 6g Telsindria’s Radiance 5www Delayed Blast Fireball
Liveoak 3gggg
Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere Blue Fanning
the Flames

3gggg 6uu
Otto’s Irresistible Dance
Arcane Sight, Greater Fire Storm 6rr
Deflection 4uuuu Flaring Pain 3rrrrr
Desertion 3uuuuu Hellfire Blast Weapon
Owl’s Wisdom, Mass6g
Ethereal Jaunt 6uu 4rrrr
Repel Wood 4ggg
Rise of the Meek Invisibility, Mass 6uu Insanity 4rrrr
3gggg Phase Door 4uuuu Mordenkainen’s Sword

Refuge 4uuuu
Rusting Ray 4ggg
Simplify 4ggg Reverse Gravity 6uu
Screen 4uuuu
Prismatic Spray
Spellshock 5rrr 6www
Protection from Spells No Mercy, No Quarter
Statue 5rrr Purify 5wwww rrrrrrrrr
Stone to Flesh 3rrrr Shield of Law 6www Radiate 5rrrr

Summon Warlord 5RRR Spell Immunity, Greater Repel Metal or Stone 7rr

Symbol of Insanity 6rr 6www Repercussion 5rrrr

Terix’s Favor 5rrr Sunburst 6www Shatterstorm 7rr

Wall of Lightning 6rr Sympathy 6www Volley of Boulders

Wildstroke 5rrr
Word of Chaos 4rrrr Blue
Demand 4uuuuu
Control Plants 4GGGGG
Green Discern Location 7uu
One with Nature
4gggg Maze 5uuuu
Animal Shapes 4ggggg
Animate Plants 5ggg Mind Blank 6uuu
Polar Ray 4ggggg
Mind Over Matter
Changestaff 4GGGG Polymorph Any Object
Cocoon ggggGGGG 5gggg
Moment of Prescience 6uuu
Control Weather 7g Polymorph, Mass 6ggg
Overland Flight, Mass 7uu
Creeping Doom 4gggg Quickling’s Grace
Prying Eyes, Greater 6uuu 5gggg
Horse’s Stamina, Mass
6gg Scintillating Pattern 5uuuu Stone’s Endurance

Renewal, Mass 7g Temporal Stasis 5uuuu 6ggg

Tiania’s Endowment Whirlwind 5uuuu Swarmform

4gggg ggggggggg
Tiania’s Blessing, Mass
Tiania’s Insight 5ggg Black 6ggg
Transmute Metal to Wood
4gggg Antipathy 6bbb Tiania’s Enlightenment,
Clone 5BBBB Mass 6ggg
Tiania’s Splendor
th 6bbb
8 level Create Greater Undead
Final Punishment 5bbbb
Titan’s Strength
Grievance bbbbbbbbb 4ggggg
All Colors Horrid Wilting 4bbbbb
Planar Ally, Greater6xxx Inflict
Critical Wounds, Mass
9th level
Planar Binding, Greater 8x
Summon Monster VIII Power Word: Stun 5bbbb
6XXX Puppet Strings, Mass 6bbb All Colors
Shadow Evocation, Greater
Gate 7xxx
White 7bb
Summon Monster IX
Shadow Killer 7XXX
Binding 4wwwww Smother 4bbbbb
Cure Critical Wounds, Mass
Trap the Soul 4bbbbb Colorless
Unholy Aura 4bbbbb
Death Ward, Greater Miracle 10
7ww Vile Consumption 5bbbb
Wish 10
Disanimation 6www
Guards & Wards 7ww Red White
Holy Aura 4wwwww 6rrr
Bigby’s Clenched Fist
Antimagic Shell, Greater
Inviolability 4wwwww Brute Resolve 4rrrrr
Last Breath
Cloak of Chaos 4RRRRR Circle of Hands
Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere Earthquake 8r 5wwwww
6www Incendiary Cloud 5rrrr Freedom 6wwww
Prismatic Wall 6www Iron Body 4rrrrr Heal, Mass 7www

Hold Monster, Greater Time Spiral Elemental Swarm
8ww Uuuuuuuuuu 4rrrrrr
Hold Monster, Mass 8ww Time Stop 5uuuuu Entropic Burst 7rrr
Holy Time Warp 3uuuuuuu Meteor Swarm 7rrr
Wwwwwwwwww Pyroclastic Flow
Light of Day, Greater
Black 5rrrrr
7www Thermal Shock
Manifest Probability Drain Life 2Bbbbbbbb 2rrrrrrrrr
3wwwwwww Energy Drain 7bbb Storm of Vengeance
Matacha’s Edict
Gravestorm 5bbbbb 7rrr
5wwwww Transmute Rock to Lava
Implosion 5bbbbb
Mordenkainen’s Disjunction 4rrrrrr
6WwwW Imprisonment 6bbbb
Twin Hits
Oathbind, Greater 9w Power Word: Kill 6bbbb 2RRRRRRRR
Planar Collapse Shades 6bbbb Wildfire 5rrrrr
5wwwww Sirrom’s Deathgate
Prismatic Sphere 7www 4bbbbbb
Seal Fate 6wwww
Sirrom’s Foul Transformation Green
Telsindria’s Aura
3bbbbbbb Creeping Mold 6gggg
Sirrom’s Impenetrable
6wwww Dimensional Lock 8gg
True Resurrection
Darkness 4bbbbbb Early Harvest
Wwwwwwwwww Soul Bind 7bbb gggggggggg
Soul Exchange
Worship 3wwwwww Giant’s Strength, Mass
Bbbbbbbbbb 8gg
Spreading Plague 6bbbb Mythic Proportions
Blue Transmute Water to Acid 4gggggg
Astral Projection 8UU 4bbbbbb Pixie’s Grace, Mass 8gg
Wail of the Banshee
Chain Contingency Shambler 5GGGGG
6UUUU 5bbbbb Shapechange 6gggg
Dominate Monster Weird 6bbbb
Siphon Field 5ggggg
6uuuu Wind of Despair 7bbB Tiania’s Greater Splendor
Elemental Swarm
4uuuuuu 5ggggg
Etherealness 8uu
Red Tiania’s Liege
Foresight 5uuuuu Ball Lightning 7rrr Treant’s Endurance, Mass
Refresh, Mass 7uuu Bigby’s Crushing Hand7rrr 7ggg
Refutation 5uuuuu Blade Storm 8rr
Serrin’s Theft Devastation
4uuuuuu rrRRRRRRRR
Teleportation Circle 7uuu

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