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Jade Anthony M.

Baloloy: BSME – 1B


Search about which countries are not included in United Nations and reasons
behind it.


Which Countries Are Not Members of The United Nations?

States Without Non-member Observer Status

Unlike the U.N.'s official permanent observers, these states are not recognized by the
U.N. However, they are recognized as independent states by some of the U.N.'s members.

States Not Recognized by the U.N.

Name Recognized By
 Kosovo 102 U.N. member states
 Western Sahara 44 U.N. member states
 Taiwan 16 U.N. member states
 South Ossetia 5 U.N. member states
 Abkhazia 5 U.N. member states
 Northern Cyprus 1 U.N. member state

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia on February 17, 2008, but has not gained complete
international recognition to allow it to become a member of the United Nations. By some,
Kosovo is seen as capable of independence, though it technically still remains part of Serbia,
acting as an independent province.

However, Kosovo is not listed as an official non-member state of the United Nations, though it
has joined the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, which are two other
international communities focused more on international economy and global trade rather
than geopolitical issues.

Kosovo does hope to one day join the United Nations as a full member, but political unrest in
the region, as well as the ongoing United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
(UNMIK), have kept the country from political stability to the degree required to join as a
functioning member state. Today, Kosovo is recognized by 109 U.N. members.3

Taiwan/ Republic of China

In 1971, the People's Republic of China (mainland China) replaced Taiwan (also known as the
Republic of China) in the United Nations, and to this day the status of Taiwan remains in limbo
because of political unrest between those claiming Taiwanese independence and PRC's
insistence on control over the entire region.

The General Assembly has not fully extended the non-member state status of Taiwan since
2012 because of this unrest. Unlike Palestine, however, the United Nations does not favor a
two-state resolution and has subsequently not offered non-member status to Taiwan in order
to avoid offending the People's Republic of China, which is a member state. Today, Taiwan is
not recognized as independent by any members but the ROC government itself is recognized by

Western Sahara

Western Sahara is a disputed territory in Northwestern Africa. It is bordered by Morocco to the

north, Algeria to the east, and Mauritania to the south and southeast. Western Sahara is
controlled by neighboring Morocco as well as the self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic


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