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In darkness we live, in shadows we move, the 7 deadly sins are here to annihilate you.

Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth, Envy and Pride, how much did you know about these Sins? As early
as Religion itself, these 7 sins are marked down as a fitting target for rebuke and punishment of the
souls mercilessly. As a Man we naïvely use such practices to create these monsters inside us, monsters
that are disguised as a good-looking thoughts inside our heads that somehow provides our inner most
desires and wants. Then we tend to keep on feeding them as we keep on getting and asking what we
want; Solitude and Isolation sometimes what drove us to a person we didn’t think we can be, we may
not use precisely such traditional theological behaviors today as someone who is existing before the
interval of judgement, however in the realm where we interpret our characters and respond to our
thought’s less fortunate side of thinking in the real world, we used to recall a similarly judging and wary
set of attitudes. We stand to misjudge on an unexpected truth behavior we call ‘sin’ is never simply that;
we aren’t evil so much as in a lot of pain in series of our areas.

Untamed Feeling (Wrath)

“Vengence and Revenge for me and punishment for thee”

We all have that one friend who always says “babawian ko yan” or “gagantihan ko yan”. And this kind of
person embodied one of the 7 sins called ‘Wrath’. Wrath is somewhat defined as uncontrolled feelings
of rage, ange or hatred, someimes it is connected as seeking revengence or vengence. When we’re
possesed by wrath, we tend to burst out, finding someone or something to unload everything we keep
from within, but sometimes we unload not in the right time or place for example when we’re at the
peak of our anger or hatred all the mean things we say or do are almost never truly meant,
circumvented these threats to silence this feelig singing songs in your head. Were somehow blinded by
our mindset that focuses on implementing justice to everything we do, seeking our own spot in the
stage of fear or anxiety results to the feeling of terrified and isolation.

30 pcs of Silver (Greed)

“More! I want more! I need more! It’s all Mine”

It is said that a Man’s greedy stomach is and will never full. Mind opening your history books and start
pursuing, you will find leaders of the world fell because of this poison called “Greed”. Pefect example
will be Germany’s Dictator Adolf Hitler, he managed to conquer almost whole of Europe and enlarges it
to Rule and Reign the world all because of his greed. The same poison that leads him down to one of
Dante’s circles of hell. Greed is a strong desire in pursuit of something such as power and money. A
Greedy mind is never satistified, it always have space for more, there’s a voice inside saying ‘I need to
get this’ and ‘Im not satisfied’, but sometimes these are the products of the feeling of neglected or a
strong ambition and as result they required ever more. To them this may appreared as an advantage or
a privileged but to other it only looks like Desparation.
Emotional undernourishment (Gluttony)

Gluttony is defined as over indulgence or over consumption of something or anything, gluttony can also
define as not consuming a something, such as not eating or drinking. Gluttony is also associated in not
taking really good care of yourself or even worse. We eat too many not because we’re greedy but
because we’re emotionally starving, eagerness to sympathy and empathy far more than calories and
meats but we adjust to a loss as we have to find them.

“Indulgence! I need to eat, I’m no Full nor a fool. I must!”

Distorted Sex (Lust)

Intense longing and usually thought up as intense sexual desire but lust can also be ‘desire’ in general
thus lust for power or lust for money. Ideally we will not be less lustful we will be clearer about what we
genuinely need for sex which is acceptance of our confused complex an all-too-human selves.

“You! Yes you. I can’t take you out of my mind.”

Misguided Fear (Sloth)

Absence of interests and not carrying out one’s duty or obligations or basically Fear, we can’t get into
our work because we think we can’t please others and end up in humiliations, we may not succeed as
much as we like, we realized we’re not yet fully equipped and be mock by the world. These are not
failing’s so much as fully understandable worries or fear, behind our actions are anticipated disasters
and catastrophizing minds. We start to weigh the fear of doing nothing at all or the crippling fear of
doing something.

“Time is Relevant, and I have more of that….”

Teacher (Envy)

The desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to someone else or
worse, Envy can make anyone a Hater or Basher. Envy also often describes as the awkward way of
confronting an idea that is in other perspective to one’s ambition as well as the shyness of character, the
notion that we are incomplete, imperfect and in need of improvement .Envy matures from the
perception that others have something to teach us, mix of wrongness and fear about what this might
actually be. Swift through confused signals and use into create our direction and find our purpose, teach
us to know and help to understand what the missing piece in our lives.

“I envy everything! All of you. I envy what I don’t have! I envy you all!!”

The Supreme (Pride)

The Mother of all sins, Pride gave birth to sins, always wanted to be the superior in everything.
Irrationally believing that one is essentially and arguably better, superior or more important than others
and also excessive admiration of the personal image or one’s self. It’s like a poison that even just a drop
of it can pollute and manipulate one’s mind thus creating illusions that he/she is beyond anyone’s
capability. That’s why of all people the proud don’t need to be told.
“Peasants! Kneel before your Supreme!

7 Sins

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