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A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. It is
the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. The task of the
modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts. These statements can actually
describe educators, facilitators, future molders—the TEACHERS.
Teachers are facing a lot of problems nowadays. One problem they are facing is TEACHER
SHAMING. According to the report of Radio broadcaster Raffy Tulfo found himself
again in social media’s top trending topics, after netizens criticized him for publicly shaming a 55-
year-old public school teacher in his radio program and pressuring her to quit her job and give up
her license. In a recent episode of his show, “Raffy Tulfo in Action,” a grandmother and two
parents complained against Grade 2 teacher Melita Limjuco, who allegedly maltreated their child.
On this issue, I can say that teachers must also be protected. There must be issues/concerns
in school that will be settled on its premise. Teachers are humans too. Their profession is not easy
because it is the noblest profession at all times. Teachers design educational activities that promote
physical, social and intellectual growth of students. Enhance learning abilities and good habits in
children. Communicate with parents about students' progress and development. Maintain
classroom records, cleanliness and orderliness. In short, teachers have a lot of responsibilities. But
they need protection also. In today’s kind of learners, I would say the government must impose
policies to help the teachers.

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