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Heparin and heparinoids in stroke

David G. Sherman, MD

Article abstractAnticoagulation with heparin has a valuable place in prevention and management of deep venous
thrombosis. However, the benefit of heparin in acute ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack remains unclear
despite its widespread use for these indications. Heparin also carries several risks, including unpredictable anticoagula-
tion effects, bleeding, and thrombocytopenia. Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) and heparinoids have several
advantages over heparin, such as higher bioavailability, more predictable anticoagulant effects, and less interaction with
platelets. Heparin, LMWHs, and heparinoids have been studied in acute ischemic stroke with variable results. Of three
recent, large, controlled clinical trials, only one documented a net benefit of treatment. Fewer patients treated with an
LMWH within 48 hours of stroke were dead or disabled at 6 months compared with placebo-treated patients. The largest
randomized clinical trial of heparin in acute stroke (the International Stroke Trial) showed that heparin was associated
with a significant excess in bleeding complications but no clinical benefit at 6 months. Interim analysis of the TOAST
(Trial of ORG 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment) study also showed an excess number of bleeding complications in the
treated group without a corresponding benefit on stroke outcome a t 3 months. Therefore, although heparin, LMWHs, and
heparinoids continue to be used in the management of patients with acute ischemic stroke, their value in recurrent stroke
prevention and in the treatment of stroke-in-progress remains unsettled. Ongoing studies may help to clarify the use of
LMWHs and heparinoids in these patients.
NEUROLOGY 1998;51(S~ppl3):S56-S58

Heparin and heparinoids are anticoagulants com- also increases the risk for immune-mediated throm-
monly prescribed for prevention of recurrent brain bocytopenia (IMT),Swhich is aggravated by the fre-
emboli, stroke progression, systemic embolism, deep quent dosing heparin requires because of its low
venous thrombosis (DVT), and pulmonary embolism bioavailability after subcutaneous (SC) administra-
in patients with ischemic The use of these tion and its short elimination half-life.'O High-risk
agents in treating patients with stroke emerged after patients receiving heparin must undergo frequent
their successful use for prevention of thromboem- measurements of activated partial thromboplastin
bolic events in high-risk patients (e.g., those who had time to regulate the level of anticoagulation.lO,"
undergone surgery, were paralyzed or immobilized, Some of the dosing complications and side effects
or had experienced acute myocardial infar~tion).~-@ associated with larger-sized heparins can be elimi-
However, although they tend t o prescribe heparin, nated with low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs)
more than 50%of surveyed neurologists question the and heparinoids. LMWHs are fragments of larger
efficacy of this agent in patients with stroke, many heparins, between 4,000 and 8,000 Da.5J2 Heparin-
citing safety as a primary concern.2 oids are sulfated GAGS similar in size to LMWHS.~."
The anticoagulant benefits of heparin for patients Both LMWHs and heparinoids act similarly to hepa-
with stroke appear to be offset by the risk for intra- rin, inhibiting clotting factor Xa activity after bind-
cerebral hemorrhage (ICH). This discussion provides ing antithrombin 111. However, whereas heparins of
an overview of heparins and heparinoids and sum- >5,000 Da inhibit factor IIa, LMWHs and heparin-
marizes three large, well-controlled clinical trials ini- oids with very low concentrations of larger chains
tiated to determine the actual risk:benefit ratios of exhibit only limited anti-factor IIa activity. As a re-
low-dose heparin and heparinoids in treatment of sult, LMWHs and heparinoids suppress platelet ag-
ischemic stroke. gregation only minimally,11J2thereby reducing the
incidence of bleeding. The smaller size of both
Characteristics of heparins and heparinoids. LMWHs and heparinoids increases their absorption
The benefits and risks of heparin agents depend pri- (to almost 100% after SC administration) and in-
marily on their sites of action. Unfractionated hepa- creases their elimination half-lives (- 1.4-5.9 hours
rin (UFH), a mixture of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) for LMWHs and up to 17-28 hours for heparinoids),
chains of variable length (5,000-30,000 Da), will allowing these compounds to be administered only
bind to the native anticoagulant enzyme antithrom- once or twice daily.'O-12 Similarly, although the re-
bin III.5 The UFH-antithrombin I11 complex inhibits ported incidence of IMT is highly variable, it appears
clotting factors IIa (thrombin) and Xa, thereby pro- to be reduced with LMWHs and heparinoids (0-376)
moting its anticoagulant activity but also placing a compared with that associated with UFH (1-50/0).9J1
patient at risk for bleeding. Heparin administration Unfortunately, in patients with previous IMT,
From the Division of Neurology, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, TX.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. David G. Sherman, Division of Neurology, University of Texas Health Science Center a t San Antonio,
Department of Medicine, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78284-7883.
S56 Copyright 0 1998 by the American Academy of Neurology
Table 1 Patient outcomes at 6 months in the nadroparin trial Table 2 Patient outcomes at 6 months in the Znternational
Stroke Trial
Treatment Groups
Treated with Not treated with
High-dose Low-dose heparin (%) heparin (%)
nadroparin (Ti) nadroparin (%) Placebo (%) Outcome (n = 9,641) (n = 9,644)
Outcome (n = 306) (n = 100) (n = 101) (n = 105)
Recovery 17.2 17.0
Deaths 13 17 19 Dependence 40.4 41.3
Independence Death 22.5 21.5
Total recovery 26 25 18 Death or dependence 62.9 62.9
Partial recovery 26 22 16
Adapted from the International Stroke Trial Collaborative
Dependence 33 37 47 Group, with permi~sion.'~
Death or dependence 45 52 65

nadroparin, and placebo, respectively). The investi-

gators attributed the change in outcomes between 3
LMWHs have been found to cross-react with circu- and 6 months to progressive recovery in the
lating antibodies, potentiating IMT.3 Heparinoids nadroparin-treated patients, who were alleged to
appear to be safe for anticoagulant therapy in pa- have smaller infarct volumes as a result of treat-
tients with IMT." ment, which was presumed to maintain blood flow in
Clinical trials of heparin, LMWHs, and danap- the ischemic penumbra. The placebo group had a
aroid (a heparinoid) have been conducted to deter- greater number of patients with severe stroke.
mine their efficacy in preventing DVT in patients International Stroke Trial (IST). The IST was
with Early trials enrolled fewer than 300 designed as a 2 X 3 factorial study to evaluate the
patients and did not statistically assess the risk for benefit of heparin alone and in combination with
bleeding. Three larger trials are discussed below. aspirin (ASA) after a 14-day treatment period.14The
ASA dose was 300 mg daily and heparin doses were
Clinical trials. Nadroparin trial. Nadroparin 5,000 IU (low dose) and 12,500 IU (high dose) twice
calcium, an LMWH, was evaluated in two doses in daily.
this randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical tri- A total of 19,435 patients were randomized openly
al.13 Patients 80 years of age or younger and diag- into one of six treatment groups: ASA alone, ASA
nosed with acute ischemic stroke within the previous plus low-dose heparin, ASA plus high-dose heparin,
48 hours were enrolled, regardless of stroke severity. low-dose heparin alone, high-dose heparin alone, and
Patients were excluded if they had evidence of hem- no study medication. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
orrhage on a baseline CT scan, if they lacked neuro- were similar to those in the nadroparin trial. Pri-
logic deficits, or if they were considered t o have no mary end points were death resulting from any
chance of survival. cause within 14 days and death or dependency a t 6
A total of 308 patients received either high-dose months as determined by follow-up examination, in-
nadroparin (4,100 IU anti-factor Xa SC every 12 terview, or written questionnaire. Secondary out-
hours), low-dose nadroparin (4,100 IU alternating come events included hemorrhagic stroke within 14
with placebo every 12 hours), or placebo (every 12 days, recurrent ischemic stroke within 14 days, ma-
hours) for 10 days. Patients were evaluated at 10 jor extracranial hemorrhage within 14 days, and pul-
days, 3 months, and 6 months. Primary end points monary embolism within 14 days.
were death or dependency at 6 months (assessed by Results of this study showed a nonsignificant
interview with patients or caregivers). Secondary trend toward fewer deaths within 14 days among
end points were death, hemorrhagic transformation, heparin-treated patients compared with patients not
or other complications (e.g., bleeding, recurrent treated with heparin (9% vs 9.3%). The numbers of
stroke, DVT) at 10 days and death or dependency at deaths resulting from hemorrhagic stroke or ex-
3 months. Baseline characteristics were similar tracranial bleeding were significantly greater with
across treatment groups, with one exception. More heparin treatment. Heparin-treated patients exhib-
patients with total anterior circulation infarcts (the ited fewer recurrent ischemic strokes (2.9% vs 3.8%;
most severe subtype) were enrolled in the placebo 2p = 0.005) and fewer pulmonary emboli (0.5% vs
group (21 patients) than in the high-dose (14 pa- 0.8%; 2p = 0.02) than those not treated with hepa-
tients) or low-dose (18 patients) nadroparin groups. rin. Hemorrhagic strokes (1.2% vs 0.4%; 2p =
Results of the study revealed that high-dose na- 0.00001) and fatal or nonfatal episodes of extracra-
droparin significantly lowered the risk for death or nial bleeding (1.3% vs 0.4%; 2p = 0.00001) were in-
dependency at 6 months (45%) compared with pla- creased with heparin treatment. At 6 months, the
cebo (65%;p = 0.005);risk with low-dose nadroparin percentage of patients dead or dependent was identi-
was reduced but not significantly (52%) (table 1). cal (62.9%) in the groups treated with heparin and
Differences at 3 months were not significant (53%, not treated with heparin (table 2). Therefore, treat-
60%, and 64% for high-dose nadroparin, low-dose ment with heparin within 48 hours after an ischemic
September 1998 NEUROLOGY 51(Suppl3) 567
Table 3 Patient outcomes in the TOAST trial nadroparin trial does suggest a long-term benefit
ORG 10172 (%) Placebo (%)
with LMWH treatment, but the delay that occurs
Outcome (n = 641) (n = 634) before any benefit is detectable casts doubt on
whether the effects are the direct result of LMWH
Favorable outcome at 3 months 75.2 73.7 treatment. The results of TOAST indicate that treat-
Favorable outcome at 7 days 59.2 54.3 ment with heparinoids offers no net benefit to the
Mortality at 3 months 6.6 6.0 stroke patient. An important next step will be to
determine whether certain specific populations of pa-
Recurrent stroke or systemic 1.2 1.6
embolus within 7 days
tients with stroke exhibit greater benefit from anti-
coagulant therapy with LMWH or heparinoids.
TOAST = Trial of ORG 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment.

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S58 NEUROLOGY Sl(Suppl3) September 1998

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