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Dictation 1
You will hear a recording about a room. Listen and write what you hear. You will hear the recording twice.




Dictation 2
You will hear a recording about a class. Listen and write what you hear. You will hear the recording twice.





Total: ___/20
Listening 1
Listen and match the houses with the descriptions you hear. You will hear an example first using picture
number 1. For each question (1–5), choose the correct picture (A, B or C). You will hear the recording twice.





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Listening 2
Listen to Laura talk about her school day. Write the correct answer in the gap. You will hear the recording

Laura’s school day.

Example: Laura: eleven years old.

1 Gets up at:
2 Goes to school with:
3 Teacher’s name: Miss
4 Time school finishes:
5 In the evenings: does her homework and plays
Total: ___/30

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2. Language
Task 1
Complete the sentences with these words.

balcony bathroom bedroom downstairs garden kitchen

Example: I sleep in my bedroom.

1 There are two bedrooms upstairs and the living room is .

2 We cook food in the .
3 I wash and clean my teeth in the .
4 My apartment has a small where I can see the sea!
5 We have got a big with trees and flowers.

Task 2
Complete the words. Use the first letter to help you.

Example: I sleep in my b e d .

6 I have lots of pictures on my w _ _ _.

7 I have got cinema t _ _ _ _ _ _ for my birthday!
8 We haven’t got c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in my house, so we can always see out of the windows.
9 I haven’t got a k _ _ to the front door, but my parents have.
10 I always have a p _ _ _ _ when it is my birthday!

Task 3
Choose the correct words to complete the text.

My bedroom

There are two bedrooms in our house / car. I love my bedroom. I have lots of football (11) posters / cushions on the
wall. I also have a (12) laptop / mirror to play games on. I have many (13) floors / shelves above my bed, and I keep
books on these. I read at my (14) TV / desk. I also have a big (15) cupboard / wall for all my clothes.


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Task 4
Write the times in words.

Example: 3.00 three o’clock

1. 4.45
2 . 7.30
3 . 1.15
4. 8.00
5 . 10.15

Task 5
Choose the correct words to complete the text.

My day

I (6) have / get up early in the mornings. I (7) have / get breakfast. In the weekdays, I (8) play /
meet my friends at school. In the evenings I (9) do / have my homework and play computer
games. I (10) get / have a shower before bed.


Task 6
Rearrange the letters to make the days of the week.

Example: S E W D D A N E Y – Wednesday

11 D A N Y O M
12 R U Y A T D A S
13 F D A I R Y
14 D U S E Y T A
15 D S Y A U N

Total: ___/50

TOTAL EXAM: ___/100

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