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CVS Summative 2021


1. Patient of MI. Which drug is to be given within 3-6 hours and lyses thrombi?

Ans: Streptokinase

2. Sildenafil interacts with which drug?

Ans: Nitroglycerin

3. Patient with hypercholestrolemia. defect in ldl receptors

4. Which calcium blocker does not cause tachycardia

5.Combination of gemfibrozil and statin can cause what

6. Patient with aortic dissection. Greatest risk is due to HTN

7. Hakeem gave a drug for constipation. Patient suddenly experienced arrhythmia, hypotension, pain
etc. What was it?

Aconite (Ans)




8.Best way to measure body temp post mortem. Rectum

9.What differentiates apoptosis from necrosis? Lack of inflammation

10. What determines infarction/necrosis in heart tissue?( i dont rem the Q exactly)

Pyknotic nucleus was an ans

11.blunt trauma to thigh. Discoloration from red to blue to yellow brown. Which pigment?



12. cerebral stroke what is happening?

Liquefactive necrosis
Coagulative necrosis

13.a 28 yr old lady presented with well curcumscribed red swelling in gingiva. what is the diagnosis.

options had all vascular tumor

Ans was capillary hemangioma

14. 60 yr old man. acute chest pain. microscopic findings? (I think neutrophil infiltrate)

15. what happens due to hypoxia in cardiac cells?

16. Q52.69 yr old male with atrial mass n yaind options had cardiac tumors.

Ans myxoma

17. Patient comes to OPD w shortness of breath, an old MI, affected congestive cardiac failure. Pitting
edema. Cause of edema- lymphatic drainage blocked, increased hydrostatic pressure*, decreased on
price pressure

18. Myelin figures question form from what structure in the cell

19. What happens to alcoholic liver?

20.sign of irreversible injury in myocyte

21. Diabetes w htn, what drugs not to give

22. Also gram + bacteria w coagulate and catalase positivity which bacteria was it

Ans: Staph aureus

23. Pregnant lady with thrombosis. Which Drug contraindicated.


24. Best method to determine CAD in community.



Blood pressure measurement

25. cadaveric spasm related

A) mode of death

B) cause of death

26. Women body from pool white scar on cheek?


27. 34y/o pregnant mother has DVT. Which anticoagulant is safe for her and the baby?
28. A person with infection.Fever is caused by.

A. Interleukin 1

B. Histamine

29. Psammos found in thyroid carcinoma. Cause of this structure.

A. Dystrophic calci

B. Metastatic calci

C. Hypercalcemia

30. Greenish discoloration in cecal area. Which stage indicated?

A. Putrefaction

B. Mummification

C. Apidocere

31. Tachy niores occur in which part of eye?

A. Cornea

B. Conjuctiva

C. Iris

1.Digoxin toxicity case diagnosis

-With reference to therapeutic index of digoxin explain its toxicity.

2.right sided heart failure signs and symptoms

3.modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors leading to hyperlipidemia/atherosclerosis

4.what is the mechanism of nitroglycerin desensitisation

5.acetaminophen poisoning causing necrosis- how?

(this concept was repeated from EOM but Ma’am Ghazala ki slides mei iska answer hai diagram
mei/Robbins mei bhi diagram hai)
6.shock per question aya tha. Signs and symptoms ki justification pochi thi jo hoti hai due to interleukins
(yeh Big Robbins mei acha hai) thrombin inhibitors (Ma’am Abida’s Slides)

b) heparin/warfarin MOA and toxicity plus management

8. Infective endocarditis/Rheumatic Fever case- mechanism of injury

9 .a.what is the advantage of tipricalin with penicillin? other drug with same effect

c.why antibiotic resistence develops

(ma’am Abida ki slides mei hai iska jawaab)

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