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Pathology Full Book Test (Powered By

Medicose Prep Academy Prepared By Maria

Shoaib, SZMC)

1. AMD occurs when _______ accumulates in the retina and eventually causes (1 point)
macular degeneration. This combination of _______ accumulation and atrophy can
be referred to as __________
⚪ Hemosiderin, Hemosiderin, Jaundice
⚪ Lipofuscin, Bilirubin, Icterus
⚪ Lipofuscin, Lipofuscin, Dystrophic Calcification
⚫ Lipofuscin, Lipofuscin, Brown Atrophy
⚪ Hemosiderin, Lipoofuscin , brown atrophy
2. A patient with a Tumor in left lobe of liver, 1/4th of left lobe is infected with the (1 point)
remaining parenchyma of liver is intact. What can be the possibile outcomes after
resection of tumor?
⚫ Normal cells proliferate resulting in regeneration
⚪ Heal by scaring
⚪ Fibrosis
⚪ Regenerate like RBCs
⚪ None
3. Line of zahn is seen in? (1 point)
⚪ Venous thrombi
⚪ Pulmonary congestion
⚪ Postmortem clot
⚫ Arterial thrombi
4. A 32 year old woman has experienced dull pelvic pain for the past 2 months. (1 point)
Physical examination shows a right adnexal mass. An abdominal ultrasound scan
shows 7.5cm cystic ovarian mass. The mass is surgically excised. The surface of
mass is smooth, and it is not adherent to surrounding pelvic structures. On gross
examination, the cystic mass is filled with hair. Microscopically, squamous
epithelium, tall columnar glandular epithelium, cartilage, and fibrous connective
tissue are present and resemble normal tissue counterparts. Which of the
following is the most likely diagnosis?

⚪ Hemartoma
⚪ Mesothelioma
⚫ Teratoma
⚪ Adenocarcinoma
⚪ Glioma
5. Vinyl chloride, a refrigerant; monomer for vinyl polymers ; adhesive for plastics; (1 point)
formerly inert aerosol propellant in pressurized containers is responsible for
which human cancer?
⚪ Oropharyngeal carcinoma
⚪ Lung carcinoma
⚪ Acute myeloid leukemia
⚫ Hepatic angiosarcoma
6. In an experiment, bacteria are introduced into a perfused tissue preparation. (1 point)
Leukocytes leave the vasculature and migrate to the site of bacterial inoculation.
The movement of these leukocytes is most likely to be mediated by which of the
following substances?
⚪ Bradykinin
⚫ C5a
⚪ Cytokines
⚪ Prostaglandins
7. Which is the best inflammatory marker raised during inflammation: (1 point)
⚪ Creatine kinase
⚪ Troponin
⚫ C reactive protein
⚪ Hemosidrin
8. Which of the following is a benign neoplasm? (1 point)

⚪ Seminoma
⚪ Melanoma
⚪ Mesothelioma
⚪ Lymphoma
⚫ Hemangioma
⚪ Wilm's tumor
9. Uncontrolled divisions of the cells? (1 point)
⚪ Anapalsia
⚫ Neoplasia
⚪ Dysplasia
⚪ Metaplasia
10. A 36-year-old man has had midepigastric abdominal pain for the past 3 months. (1 point)
An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy shows a 2-cm, sharply demarcated, shallow
ulceration of the gastric antrum. A biopsy specimen of the ulcer base shows
angiogenesis, fibrosis, and mononuclear cell infiltrates with lymphocytes,
macrophages, and plasma cells. Which of the following terms best describes this
pathologic process?
⚪ Acute inflammation
⚪ Serous inflammation
⚪ Granulomatous inflammation
⚪ Fibrinous inflammation
⚫ Chronic inflammation
11. According to the ability of tissues to repair themselves Hematopoietic bone (1 point)
marrow cells are:
⚪ Stable tissues
⚫ Labile tissues
⚪ Permanent tissues
⚪ Tissues having cells in resting stage
12. A 68-year-old woman suddenly lost consciousness and on awakening 1 hour (1 point)
later, she could not speak or move her right arm. Two months later, a head CT
scan showed a large cystic area in the left parietal lobe. Which of the following
pathologic processes has most likely occurred in her brain?
⚪ Apoptosis
⚪ Coagulative necrosis
⚪ Fat necrosis
⚪ Karyolysis
⚫ Liquefactive necrosis
13. Hyperplasia (1 point)
⚫ Occurs after partial hepatectomy
⚪ Refers to an increase in the size of the cells
⚪ Often occurs in cardiac and skeletal musclee
⚪ Usually progresses to cancerous proliferation
⚪ Is always pathological.
14. Which of the following is involved in the initiation of the clotting cascade, (1 point)
complement and kinin systems?
⚫ Hageman factor (XII)
⚪ factor VII
⚪ antigen-antibody complex
⚪ Platelet activating factor
⚪ Tissue factor
15. According to "2016 ESTIMATED CANCER DEATHS BY SITE AND SEX" most of the (1 point)
deaths in females is caused by cancer of:
⚪ Breast
⚪ Brain
⚫ Lung and bronchus
⚪ Liver
16. A 53-year-old woman has had a high fever and cough productive of yellowish (1 point)
sputum for the past 2 days. Her vital signs include temperature of 37.8° C, pulse
103/min, respirations 25/min, and blood pressure 100/60 mm Hg. On auscultation
of the chest, crackles are audible in both lung bases. A chest radiograph shows
bilateral patchy pulmonary infiltrates. The microscopic appearance of her lung is
shown. Which of the following inflammatory cell types is most likely to be seen
in greatly increased numbers in her sputum specimen?
⚪ Langhans giant cells
⚪ Macrophages
⚪ Mast cells
⚫ Neutrophils
⚪ T lymphocytes
17. Which of the following pharmacological intervention is most appropriate for the (1 point)
management of deep vein thrombosis?
⚪ Antibiotics
⚪ Dobutamine / Dopamine
⚪ Flavonoids
⚪ Plasma expanders
⚪ Epinephrine
⚪ Psuedonephridine
⚪ Fresh frozen plasma
⚫ Warfarin
⚪ Diuretics
18. Wound contraction is initially caused by : (1 point)
⚪ Cross linking of collagen fibers
⚪ Increased size of collagen fibers
⚪ Macrophages
⚫ Myofibroblasts
19. In a 6-month randomized trial of a pharmacologic agent, one group of patients (1 point)
receives a cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor, and a control group does not. Both
groups of adult males had mild congestive heart failure and bilateral symmetric
arthritis of small joints. Laboratory measurements during the trial show no
significant differences between the groups in WBC count, platelet count,
hemoglobin, and creatinine. The group receiving the drug reports subjective
findings different from those of the control group. Which of the following
findings was most likely reported by the group receiving the drug?
⚪ Increased ankle swelling
⚪ Increased susceptibility to bruising
⚪ Increased bouts of asthma
⚪ Reduced severity of urticaria
⚫ Reduced arthritis pain
⚪ Numerous febrile episodes
20. Features of reversible cell injury include all except. (1 point)
⚪ Swelling of the cell.
⚪ Clumping of nuclear chromatinc.
⚫ Nuclear karyorrhexise.
⚪ Autophagy by lysosomesd.
⚪ Ribosomal dispersal
21. Chemo attractants for chemotaxis are released by: (1 point)
⚪ Microbes
⚪ None of above is correct
⚪ Host cells
⚫ Both
22. For the past 2 days, a 41-year-old man has had a severe headache, and he now (1 point)
has a temperature of 39.2°C. A lumbar puncture is performed, and the
cerebrospinal fluid obtained has a very high WBC count with 94% neutrophils
and 6% lymphocytes. Which of the following substances is the most likely
mediator for the fever observed in this patient?
⚪ Bradykinin
⚪ Leukotriene B4
⚪ Histamine
⚪ Myeloperoxidase
⚪ Nitric oxide
⚪ Tumor necrosis factor
⚫ IL-1 and TNF
23. An experimental drug administered to a tissue preparation is found to inhibit (1 point)
cellular oxidative phosphorylation when given in high doses, and ATP
production drops to 5% of normal. Cell membrane function is diminished. Which
of the following substances is most likely to be present at increased
concentration in culture fluid bathing the tissue?
⚪ Calcium
⚪ Glucose
⚪ Ketones
⚫ Potassium
⚪ Sodium
24. Skin Blisters after a burn are example of : (1 point)
⚪ Purulent inflammation
⚫ Serous inflammation
⚪ Fibrinous inflammation
⚪ Granulomatous inflammation
25. Which of the following infarcts are typical of venous obstruction involving the (1 point)
testes such as in torsion or the intestines seen in a volvulus?
⚫ Red
⚪ Line of zahn
⚪ Black
⚪ White
26. A 18 year old boy after road accident presented with leg fracture which is (1 point)
sutured by approximating the edges of wound thus reducing the risk of infection.
Healing Mechanism in this case will be by?
⚫ Primary intention
⚪ Secondary intention
⚪ Tertiary intention
⚪ Not confirmed
27. A 4-year-old girl has had numerous infections with Staphylococcus aureus since (1 point)
infancy. Genetic testing shows a defect leading to a lack of β2 integrin
production. Which of the following abnormalities of neutrophil function is most
likely responsible for these clinical symptoms?
⚪ Decreased generation of hydroxy-halide radicals (HOCl–)
⚪ Diminished phagocytosis of bacteria opsonized with IgG
⚪ Failure of migration to the site of infection
⚫ Inadequate adhesion on cytokine-activated endothelium
⚪ Reduced respiratory burst after phagocytosis
28. When tissue damage is neutralised and minimal this results in: (1 point)
⚫ Resolution
⚪ Healing by repair
⚪ Access formation
⚪ Chronic inflammation
29. Hallmarks of Granulomatous Inflammation are? (1 point)
⚪ Chiefly fibroblasts and inflammatory cells— macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells,
and neutrophils depending on the stage
⚪ New connective tissue and microscopic blood vessels that form on the surfaces of a
wound during the healing process
⚫ Aggregates of epithelioid histiocytes, with a peripheral cuff of lymphocytes and plasma
cells, and occasionally a necrotic center
⚪ All are correct
30. Which of the following pharmacological interventions is most appropriate for (1 point)
the management of oedema?
⚪ Antibiotics
⚪ Anti coagulants
⚪ Epinephrine
⚫ Diuretics
31. A decrease in ATP will have which of the following cellular effects? (1 point)
⚪ Increased Oxidative phosphorylation
⚪ Influx of potassium
⚪ Influx of sodium
⚫ Decrease in PH
⚪ None
32. A 94-year-old woman has developed a fever and cough over the past 2 days. (1 point)
Staphylococcus aureus is cultured from her sputum. She receives a course of
antibiotic therapy. Two weeks later she no longer has a productive cough, but she
still has a fever. A chest radiograph reveals a 3 cm rounded density in the right
lower lobe whose liquefied contents form a central air-fluid level. There are no
surrounding infiltrates. Which of the following is the best description for this
outcome of her pneumonia?
⚪ Bronchogenic carcinoma
⚫ Abscess formation
⚪ Resolution
⚪ Chronic inflammation
⚪ Granulomatous cavitation
33. A tissue preparation is experimentally subjected to a hypoxic environment. The (1 point)
cells in this tissue begin to swell, and chromatin begins to clump in cell nuclei.
ATPases are activated, and ATP production decreases. Which of the following
ions accumulating in mitochondria and the cytosol contributes most to these
findings and to eventual cell death?
⚫ Ca2+
⚪ Cl
⚪ HCO3−
⚪ K+
⚪ Na+
⚪ PO4 3−
34. After an ischemic injury, which of the following will survive the longest without (1 point)
irreversible cell damage?
⚪ Neurons
⚪ Bicep muscles cells
⚪ Liver cells
⚫ Cardiac muscle cells
35. Which is the function of TGF beta? (1 point)
⚪ Migration and proliferation of fibroblasts
⚪ Inhibit Metaloperoxidase
⚪ Help in fibrosis
⚪ Anti inflammatory
⚫ All of the above
36. A 78 year - old woman with diabetes mellitus presented with pain on urination (1 point)
and urinary frequency. The urine was cloudy and foul smelling. She became
drowsy and was found to be severely hypotensive. Resuscitative measures were
carried out. Which of the following types of shock is most likely in this patient?
⚪ Hypovolemic shock
⚫ Septic shock
⚪ Cardiogenic shock
⚪ Neurogenic shock
37. In an experiment, T lymphocytes from peripheral blood are placed in a medium (1 point)
that preserves their function. The lymphocytes are activated by contact with
antigen and incubated for 4 hours. The supernatant fluid is collected and is
found to contain a substance that is a major stimulator of monocytes and
macrophages. Which of the following substances released into this fluid medium
is most likely to stimulate macrophages?
⚪ Histamine
⚫ Interferon-γ
⚪ Phospholipase C
⚪ Nitric oxide
⚪ Leukotriene
38. Regarding atrophy, which is false. (1 point)
⚪ Persistence of residual bodies
⚪ Decrease in myofilaments.
⚪ Decreased rough ER.
⚪ Decreased smooth ER
⚫ Decreased autophagic vacuolese
39. A young motorcyclist had a fracture of the femur. Three days later, he developed (1 point)
shortness of breath; his urine output was also noted to be reduced. He became
drowsy and soon after collapsed. Histopathological examination of the kidney
shows a pathological feature in the glomeruli, as illustrated in the
photomicrograph. What is the pathological condition that has developed?
⚪ Thrombo embolism
⚫ Fat embolism
⚪ Air embolism
⚪ Tumor embolism
⚪ Foreign body embolism
40. A clinical study is performed of patients with pharyngeal infections. The most (1 point)
typical clinical course averages 3 days from the time of onset until the patient
sees the physician. Most of these patients experience fever and chills. On physical
examination, the most common findings include swelling, erythema, and
pharyngeal purulent exudate. Which of the following types of inflammation did
these patients most likely have?
⚫ Granulomatous
⚪ Acute
⚪ Chronic
⚪ Gangrenous
⚪ Resolving
41. Dependent edema found in congestive heart failure is due to: (1 point)
⚪ Endothelial injury
⚪ Lymphatic obstruction
⚫ Increased hydrostatic pressure
⚪ Arteriolar dolatation
42. Active hyperemia is seen in: (1 point)
⚪ Muscles during exercise
⚪ Inflammation
⚪ Blushing
⚫ All of these
43. Guardian of Human Genome is : (1 point)
⚫ P53
44. Necrosis which occurred secondary to vascular occlusion and affected lower (1 point)
extremities would most likely be called
⚪ Coagulation necrosis
⚪ Caseous necrosis
⚫ Gangrenous necrosis
⚪ Liquefaction necrosis
⚪ None of above
45. A 70 year old woman, who was recovering from knee surgery, was recuperating (1 point)
in hospital when she suddenly became breathless and collapsed due to a clot
found in the main pulmonary trunk. The clot may be due to which condition:
⚪ Foreign body embolism
⚫ Thromboembolism
⚪ Fat embolism
⚪ Air embolism

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