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1. What is true about nomenclature? (1 point)

⚪ The first letter of genus and species name is capital
⚪ Genus name is written after species
⚫ Genus and species names are written in italics
⚪ Genus and species have the same name
2. Adrenocorticotropic hormones stimulate the adrenal cortex to produce _________ (1 point)
⚪ Testosterone
⚪ None of the above
⚪ Aldoesterone
⚫ Cortisol
3. ________ are blood cells that transport oxygen through the bloodstream (1 point)
⚪ None of above
⚫ Erythrocytes
⚪ Leuckocytes
⚪ Platelets
4. African Sleeping Sickness is caused by _______. (1 point)
⚫ Trypsnoma
⚪ Gonorrhea
⚪ Syphilis
⚪ Amoeba
5. Genes of Tobacco Mosaic Virus are _______. (1 point)
⚪ Double stranded DNA
⚪ Double stranded RNA
⚪ Proteinacous
⚫ Single Stranded RNA
6. The deficiency of adrenal cortex hormones can lead to _______ (1 point)
⚫ Addison's Disease
⚪ Dwarfism
⚪ Acromegaly
7. Salamander belongs to the class (1 point)
⚪ Aves
⚪ Reptiles
⚫ Amphibians
⚪ Pisces
8. Name the simplest amino acid (1 point)
⚫ Glycine
⚪ Tryosine
⚪ Asparagine
⚪ Alanine
9. Antibodies are chemically _______________. (1 point)
⚪ Actin
⚪ Foreign pathogen
⚪ Fats
⚫ Proteins
10. Flame cells are the excretory structures for (1 point)
⚫ Platyhelminthes
⚪ Echinodermata
⚪ Coelenterates
⚪ Annelida
11. Ascaris is characterized by (1 point)
⚪ Presence of true coelom but the absence of metamerism
⚪ Absence of true coelom but the presence of metamerism
⚪ Presence of true coelom and metamerism
⚫ Absence of true coelom and metamerism
12. Which of the following is a phospholipid? (1 point)
⚪ Steroid
⚫ Lecithin
⚪ Cholestrol
⚪ Sterol
13. The hormone that participates in metabolizing calcium and phosphorous are (1 point)
called _____
⚪ Glucagon
⚪ Glycogen
⚪ None of these
⚫ Calcitonin
14. The _________ is a temporary organ that connects a mammalian mother to its (1 point)
⚪ Chorion
⚫ Placenta
⚪ Endometrium
⚪ None of the above
15. Which of the following characters is not typical to class Mammalia? (1 point)
⚪ Thecodont dentition
⚫ Ten pairs of cranial nerves
⚪ Seven cervical vertebrae
⚪ Alveolar lungs
16. Radial symmetry is found in (1 point)
⚫ Coelenterata and Echinodermata
⚪ Porifera and Coelenterata
⚪ Arthropoda and Mollusca
⚪ Coelenterata and Platyhelminthes
17. Breakdown of Alveoli of lungs is called (1 point)
⚪ Asthma
⚪ Lung cancer
⚪ Tuberculosis
⚫ Emphysema
18. In human's back bone the Caudal(tail) vertebrae are reduced to 4 in number and (1 point)
are fused to form the
⚫ Coccyx
⚪ Ischium
⚪ Sacrum
⚪ Innominate
19. Which of the following will be used to form oxygen during photosynthesis? (1 point)
⚪ Glucose
⚫ Water
⚪ Carbondioxide
20. Discharge of Blood from Blood vessels is called as (1 point)
⚫ Haemorrhage
⚪ Thrombosis
⚪ Heart attack
⚪ Stroke
21. Gigantism occurs in childhood due to excessive secretion of (1 point)
22. In addition to neurons,there are also other cells,in the nervous system of higher (1 point)
animals called
⚫ Neuroglia
⚪ Somatoglia
⚪ Ganglia
⚪ Uroglia
23. Koshland’s theory of enzyme action is known as (1 point)
⚪ Lock and key theory
⚫ Induced fit theory
⚪ Reduced fit theory
⚪ Enzyme coenzyme theory
24. White blood cells are grouped into two main types, granulocytes and (1 point)
Agranulocytes. Which one of the following is not among Granulocytes:
⚪ Neutrophils
⚪ Basophil
⚫ Monocytes
⚪ Eosinophil
25. The exudation of xylem sap drops on the edges of leaves is called (1 point)
⚪ Condensation
⚪ Transpiration
⚪ None of above
⚫ Guttation
26. Haemoglobin has (1 point)
⚫ Quarternary structure
⚪ Secondary structure
⚪ Tertiary structure
⚪ Primary structure
27. Which of the following cells is involved in cell mediated immunity? (1 point)
⚫ T cells
⚪ Mast cells
⚪ Thrombocytes
⚪ Leukamia
28. Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose up to the information of (1 point)
⚪ Citric acid
⚪ Oxalic acid
⚪ Acetic acid
⚫ Pyruvic acid
29. Which of the following is not a type of nastic movement? (1 point)
⚪ Photonastic
⚪ Thermonastic
⚪ Seismonastic
⚫ Hydrotropic
30. The main function of guard cells is to help with ____________ (1 point)
⚪ Transcription
⚫ Transpiration
⚪ None of above
⚪ Gutation
31. Acetyl CoA forms a 6-C compound after combining with (1 point)
⚪ Pyruvic acid
⚫ Oxaloacetic acid
⚪ Citric acid
⚪ Oxygen
32. _________ stimulates the production of gastric juice in the stomach (1 point)
⚪ Rennin
⚪ Enterokinase
⚫ Gastrin
⚪ Digestin
33. The steroid hormones easily pass through the plasma membrane through simple (1 point)
diffusion because they are _____
⚪ Gaseous
⚫ Lipid soluble
⚪ Water soluble
⚪ Carbon based
34. The movement of materials from the leaves to other tissues of the plant is called (1 point)
⚪ Transpiration
⚪ Gutation
⚪ Tropic movement
⚫ Translocation
35. Single circuit heart is present in (1 point)
⚪ Amphibians
⚪ Mammals
⚪ Reptiles
⚫ Fishes
36. Synaptic vesicles discharge _________ at the neuromuscular junction. (1 point)
⚪ Testosterone
⚪ Estradiol
⚫ Acetylcholine
⚪ Adernaline
37. __________ prevents the collapse of the trachea (1 point)
⚪ Diaphragm
⚫ Cartilagenous rings
⚪ Jugular foramen
⚪ None of above
38. In humans, ____________ is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. (1 point)
⚪ 0 mm Hg
⚪ None of the above
⚪ 20 mm Hg
⚫ 40 mm Hg
39. The __________ is a membrane-bound structure located within the muscles cells. (1 point)
Its main function is to store calcium ions.
⚪ None of the above
⚫ Sarcoplasmic reticulum
⚪ Myosin
⚪ Fibrin
40. Generally each end of the entire muscle is attached to bone by a bundle of (1 point)
collagen,non elastic fibers known as
⚪ Connective tissue
⚪ Capsule
⚪ Ligaments
⚫ Tendon
41. _________ is a type of trait whose phenotype is influenced by more than one gene (1 point)
⚪ None of above
⚪ Oncogenic trait
⚪ Monogenic trait
⚫ Polygenic trait
42. ________ is a hormone that plays a pivotal role in social bonding, sexual (1 point)
reproduction and childbirth.
⚪ Adrenaline
⚪ None of the above
⚪ Melatonin
⚫ Oxytocin
43. One of the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system is (1 point)
⚪ Sweat secretion
⚪ Dilates bronchioles
⚪ Inhibits peristalsis
⚫ Construction of pupils
44. Example of a homologous organ (1 point)
⚪ None of the above
⚫ The arm of a human, wing of a bird
⚪ Wing of an insect, wing of a bird
⚪ Leg of a dog, leg of a spider
45. A man marries a woman and both do not show any apparent traits of inherited (1 point)
disease. Five sons and two daughters are born, and three of their sons suffer
from a disease. However, none of the daughters is affected. The following mode
of inheritance for the disease is
⚫ Sex linked recessive
⚪ None of the above
⚪ Sex linked dominant
⚪ Autosomal dominant
46. _____________ was considered as a missing link between reptiles and birds. (1 point)
⚫ Archaeopteryx
⚪ Caudipteryx
⚪ Pteranodon
⚪ Avimimus
47. Which bones are not connected to the sternum in the rib cage? (1 point)
⚪ First two pairs of ribs
⚪ All pairs of ribs are connected to sternum
⚪ Middle pairs of ribs
⚫ Last two pairs of ribs
48. The lack of Vasopressin produces (1 point)
⚪ Conservation of water
⚪ Diabetes Mellitus
⚫ Diabetes insibidus
⚪ Antidiuresis
49. Casparian strips are present in the cells of root (1 point)
⚪ Cortex
⚫ Endodermis
⚪ Pith
⚪ Epidermis
50. Which type of joint allows the twisting movement of the forearm? (1 point)
⚪ Hinge joint
⚪ Gliding joint
⚫ Pivot joint
⚪ Ball and socket joint
51. An example of latent period in which DNA of phage is integrated with the DNA of (1 point)
host chromosome is
⚪ None of these
⚫ Prophage
⚪ Pro virus
⚪ Metaphage
52. Viscera and smooth muscles are innervated by (1 point)
⚫ Autonomic nervous system
⚪ Central nervous system
⚪ Somatic nervous system
⚪ None of these
53. Steroids consist of ___ 6 membered carbon rings and one 5 membered carbon (1 point)
54. Which hormone is produced mainly by corpus luteum in the ovary following (1 point)
⚪ LH
⚪ Chorionic gonadotropin hormone
⚫ Progesterone
55. Active immunity has been achieved artificially by introducing (1 point)
⚪ Anti serum in the body
⚪ Anti toxins in the body
⚪ Antibodies in the body
⚫ Antigens in the body
56. Thoracic lymph duct of the lymphatic system opens into (1 point)
⚪ Aorta
⚫ Subclavian vein
⚪ Superior venacava
⚪ Inferior venacava
57. The thickest chamber of human heart is (1 point)
⚪ Left atrium
⚪ Right atrium
⚫ Left ventricle
⚪ Right ventricle
58. Bile salts emulsify the digestible food to make the action of ________ easy. (1 point)
⚪ Pepsin
⚫ Lipase
⚪ Ptyalin
⚪ Trypsin
59. Which part of the brain connects the cerebrum with spinal cord? (1 point)
⚪ Cerebrum
⚫ Brainstem
⚪ Cerebellum
⚪ Forebrain
60. Which of the following are believed to have common origin with annelids? (1 point)
⚫ Arthropods
⚪ None of these
⚪ Nematodes
⚪ Mollusks
61. The movement of minerals or water via extracellular pathway is known as (1 point)
⚪ Symplast
⚪ Vascular
⚪ None of these
⚫ Apoplast
62. Competitive inhibition can be overcome by using (1 point)
⚫ high concentration of substrate
⚪ low concentration of substrate
⚪ high concentration of inhibitor
⚪ moderate concentration of inhibitors
63. Aschelminthes is also known as which of the following? (1 point)
⚫ Nematodes
⚪ Annelids
⚪ Protoctista
⚪ Flatworms
64. True breeding round seeded and inflated pod male plant is cross fertilized with (1 point)
true breeding constricted –pod and wrinkled seed female plant. F1 generation
will produce
⚪ Wrinkled seeds and constricted pods
⚪ Wrinkled seeds and inflated pods
⚫ Round seeds and inflated pods
⚪ Round seeds and constricted pods
65. When muscles contract,the ribs are (1 point)
⚪ Squeezed
⚫ Elevated
⚪ Contracted
⚪ Settled down
66. The water splitting step of photosynthesis is called (1 point)
⚪ Hydrolysis
⚫ Photolysis
⚪ Photosynthesis
⚪ Chemiosmosis
67. The cluster of pouches opened from alveolar ducts is known as (1 point)
⚪ Bronchi
⚪ Pharynx duct
⚪ Bronchioles
⚫ Alveoli
68. How many NADH are formed in one Krebs cycle? (1 point)
69. The number of carbon atoms in 6mg of a diamond piece is (1 point)
⚪ 3.01×10²³
⚫ 3.01×10²⁰
⚪ 6.02×10²⁴
⚪ 6.02×10²³
70. C – 14 is radioactive and used by archaeologists in carbon dating. Which species (1 point)
has both the same no. of neutron and same number of electron as an atom of C –
⚪ 14N+
⚫ 16O+²
⚪ 17F+
⚪ 28Si
71. Hydrogen burns in chlorine to produce hydrogen chloride. the ratio of masses of (1 point)
reactants in chemical reaction H2+Cl2 →2HCl is:
⚪ 1:71
⚪ 2:35.5
⚪ 2:70
⚫ 1:35.5
72. The empirical formula of an organic compound is CH2. One mole of this (1 point)
compound has a mass of 42g. Its molecular formula is
⚪ C2H3
⚫ C3H6
⚪ C3H3
⚪ CH2
73. Which one shows maximum deflection in electric and magnetic field? (1 point)
⚪ Alpha particle
⚪ Neutron
⚫ Electron
⚪ Proton
74. The coordination number of Na+in NaCl crystal is: (1 point)
75. There are four gases H2, He, N2 and CO2 at 0°C which gas shows greater non- (1 point)
ideal behavior?
⚫ CO2
⚪ H2
⚪ N2
⚪ He
76. Correct order of energy in the given sub-shells is (1 point)
⚪ 3p>3d>4s>5s
⚫ 5s>3d>4s>3p
⚪ 3p>3d>5s>4s
⚪ 5s>3d>3p>4s
77. Number of electrons in the outermost shell of chloride ion Cl͞ is: (1 point)
⚪ 17
78. The maximum number of electrons thay am orbital can accommodate is/ are (1 point)
79. In crystal lattice of ice, each O-atom of water molecule is attached to: (1 point)
⚫ Four H atoms
⚪ One H atom
⚪ Two H atom
⚪ Three H atoms
80. Heat of formation(Hf) for CO2 is (1 point)
⚫ -393 kJ/mol
⚪ -294 kJ/mol
⚪ +393 kJ/mol
⚪ -390 kJ/mol
81. Reactants have high energy than products in: (1 point)
⚫ exothermic reactions
⚪ Endothermic reaction
⚪ photochemical reactions
⚪ Non spontaneous reaction
82. Which one of the following is not a redox reaction? (1 point)
⚪ 2Na+Cl2 → 2NaCl
⚫ NaCl+AgNO3 → NaNO3+AgCl
⚪ 2Cl ͞ → Cl2+2e
⚪ Na++1e → Na
83. The chemical substance, when dissolved in water, gives “H+” is called: (1 point)
⚪ Amphoteric
⚪ Base
⚫ Acid
⚪ Neutral
84. The 'pH' of our blood is (1 point)
⚪ 6.7-8
⚫ 7.35-7.4
⚪ 7.5
⚪ 7.9
85. In zero order reaction, the rate is independent of: (1 point)
⚪ concentration of the product
⚫ concentration of the reactant
⚪ surface area of the product
⚪ temperature of the reaction
86. What is the trend of melting and boiling point of the elements of short periods as (1 point)
we move from left to right in a periodic table?
⚪ Melting and boiling points increase gradually
⚫ Melting and boiling points first increase then decreased
⚪ Melting and boiling points first decrease then increase
⚪ Melting and boiling points decrease gradually
87. The electron density between 1s and 2s orbital is (1 point)
⚪ None of these
⚪ High
⚪ Low
⚫ Zero
88. Which of following best describe the change in the bond angle in water when the (1 point)
ion H3O+ is formed:
⚪ Decreases to approximately 90o
⚪ Increases slightly
⚪ Increases to approximately 120°
⚫ Increases to approximately 109°
89. n element has the given values of first five ionization energy 496, 698, 7000, 7700, (1 point)
8000. What will be the nature of the oxide of this element?
⚪ Amphoteric
⚪ Neutral
⚪ Acidic
⚫ Basic
90. By definition the heat of formation of C2H6(g) is the enthalpy change for the (1 point)
⚪ 2C(g) + 6H(g) → C2H6 (g)
⚪ 2C(s) + 6H(g) → C2H6 (g)
⚪ 2C2H4(s) + H2(g) → C2H6 (g)
⚫ 2C(s) + 3H2(g) → C2H6 (g)
91. Along a period, atomic radius decreases. This gradual decrease in radius is due (1 point)
⚪ increase in number of electrons in valence shells.
⚪ decrease in number of shells
⚫ Increase in number of protons in the nucleus
⚪ Imcrease in number of shells
92. Along a period, atomic radius decreases. This gradual decrease in radius is due (1 point)
⚪ Increase in number of shells
⚫ Increase in number of protons in the nucleus
⚪ increase in number of electrons in valence shells.
⚪ decrease in number of shells
93. Alkaline earth metal oxides react with water to give hydroxides. Which of the (1 point)
following alkaline earth metal oxides is most reactive with water?
⚪ CaO
⚪ MgO
⚪ SrO
⚫ BaO
94. Which one pair has the same oxidation state of ‘Fe’? (1 point)
⚫ FeSO4 and FeCl2
⚪ FeSO4 and FeCl3
⚪ FeCl2 and FeCl3
⚪ Fe2(SO4)3 and FeSO4
95. In comparison with oxygen gas, a strong triple bond is present between two (1 point)
nitrogen atoms in a molecule and therefore nitrogen gas is:
⚫ very less reactive gas
⚪ highly reactive gas
⚪ moderately reactive gasmoderately reactive gas
⚪ completely inert like noble gases
96. The catalyst used in the Haber’s process is: (1 point)
⚪ Aluminium oxide
⚪ Magnesium oxide
⚫ iron crystals with metal oxide promoters
⚪ silicon oxide
97. What pressure is exerted by a mixture of 4g of hydrogen and 10g of neon in a (1 point)
10dm3 vessel at 273 K
⚪ 2.5×0.0822×273/10 Pa
⚪ 2.5×0.0821×273/0.01 atm
⚪ 2.5×0.0821×273/0.01 Pa
⚫ 2.5×0.0821×273/10 atm
98. Select the nucleophile from the following example: (1 point)
⚪ NH4+
⚪ NO2+
⚫ NH3
⚪ NO2
99. Choose the following IUPAC name for the following complex (1 point)

⚫ Dichlorotetra amine chromium (III) chloride
⚪ Dichlorotetra amine chromate (III) chloride
⚪ Dichlorotetra ammonia chromium (III) chloride
⚪ Trichlorotetra amine chromium (III)
100. What is the product formed when propene reacts with HBr? (1 point)
⚪ (Br)CH2-CH(Br)-CH3
⚪ Br(CH2)-CH=CHBr
⚫ CH3-CH(Br)-CH3
⚪ CH3-CH2-CH2Br
101. The order of reactivity of alkyl halides towards nucleophile is: (1 point)
⚪ RCl > RF > RBr > RI
⚪ RI > RBr > RF > RCl
⚪ RF > RCl > RBr > RI
⚫ RI > RBr > RCl > RF
102. Consider the reaction given below: (1 point)

Which statement is true?

⚪ Reaction I is debromination
⚪ Reagent for II is KOH in aqueous medium
⚫ Reaction II is elimination
⚪ Reagent for I is KOH in alcohol
103. Consider the following reaction: C2H5OH+PCl5 →? (1 point)

What product(s) may be formed?

⚪ C2H5Cl only.
⚪ C2H5Cl and HCl.
⚫ C2H5Cl, POCl3 and HCl
⚪ C2H5Cl and POCl3
104. (1 point)

Is named as
⚪ Malonic acid
⚪ Nitro phenol
⚪ benzoic acid
⚫ Picric acid
105. Aqueous phenol decolourizes bromine water to form a white precipitate. What (1 point)
is the structure of the white precipitate formed?

106. The relative strength of carboxylic acid, water, ethanol and phenol has the (1 point)
following order of increasing acid strength:
⚫ Carboxylic acid>phenol>water>ethanol
⚪ Water>ethanol>phenol>carboxylic acid
⚪ Carboxylic acid>phenol>ethanol>water
⚪ Phenol>carboxylic acid>ethanol>water
107. Which of the following is the structure of ketone? (1 point)

108. The coal is heated in the absence of air at high temperature into (1 point)
⚪ Coal gas
⚪ Coal tar
⚪ Coke
⚫ All
109. Which group gives a yellow precipitate of triiodomethane when warmed with (1 point)
alkaline aqeous iodine?
⚪ ethyl ketone group C2H5-C(O)-
⚪ an amide group CH3-C(O)-NH2
⚫ Methyl ketone group
⚪ a primary alcohol group as in propanol, CH3-CH2-CH2-OH
110. CH3-C(O)-OH+NH3 +heat? (1 point)

The final products formed are:

⚪ CH3-C(O)-NH2+HCl
⚪ CH3-C(O)-NH2+H2
⚫ CH3-C(O)-NH2+H2O
⚪ CH3-C(O)-NH2+CO
111. Methyl cyanides, on boiling with mineral acids or alkalies yield: (1 point)
⚫ Acetic acid
⚪ Formic acid
⚪ Butanoic acid
⚪ Propanoic acid
112. The formation of ester from acetic acid in presence of acid and ethanol is a: (1 point)
⚪ electrophilic addition reaction
⚪ electrophilic substitution reaction
⚪ nucleophilic Addition reaction
⚫ nucleophilic substitution reaction
113. α-amino acids are compounds having carboxylic acid as well as amino (1 point)
functional groups attached to:
⚪ any H-atom in the molecule
⚪ neighbouring carbon atoms
⚪ alternate carbon atoms
⚫ same carbon atom
114. The formation of ‘zwitter ion’ is represented by: (1 point)
⚪ +NH4-CH(R)-CO2-
⚫ +NH2-CH(R)-COO ͞
⚪ +NH3-CH(R)-COO-
⚪ +NH2-CH(R)-CO2-
115. Two or more amino acids condensed to form protein by a peptide linkage which (1 point)
is present between two atoms
⚪ C and H
⚪ O and C
⚪ C and C
⚫ C and N
116. The amino acids which largely exist in dipolar ionic form are (1 point)
⚪ Acidic amino acid
⚪ Basic amino acids
⚪ Beta amino acids
⚫ Alpha amino acids
117. In a double bonded carbon atom (C=C) (1 point)
⚫ Hybridization occurs between the s orbital and two p orbitals
⚪ hybridization occurs between s orbital and one p orbital
⚪ None of these
⚪ No Hybridization occurs between the s orbital and two p orbitals
118. The addition of hydrogen halide to an alkene takes place in: (1 point)
⚪ 3 steps
⚪ 4 steps
⚫ 2 steps
⚪ 1 steps
119. When alkyl halide is subjected to SN1 reaction, inversion of configuration takes (1 point)
⚪ 40%
⚫ 50%
⚪ 60%
⚪ 80%
120. The order of reactivity of HX (X = Cl, Br, I) with RC=CH2 is (1 point)
⚪ HI>HBr<HCl
⚪ HI<HBr<HCl
⚫ HI>HBr>HCl
⚪ HI<HBr>HCl
121. Which one of the followings is resistant to oxidation under normal conditions? (1 point)
⚪ Methyl alcohol
⚪ Acetaldehyde
⚫ Acetone
⚪ Ethyl alcohol
122. Which of the following compound will not give idoform test on treatment with (1 point)
⚫ 3 pentanone
⚪ 2 butanone
⚪ Acetaldehyde
⚪ Acetone
123. A body of mass 10 kg is dropped to the ground from a height of 10 meters. The (1 point)
work done by the gravitational force is (in Joule) (g = 9.8 m/sec2)
⚪ -490
⚪ +490
⚪ -980
⚫ +980
124. Energy required to accelerate a car from 10 to 20 ms–1 compared with that (1 point)
required to accelerate from 0 to 10 ms–1 in the same interval of time covering
the same distance, is
⚪ Twice
⚪ Four times
⚫ Three times
⚪ Same
125. force ‘F’ stops a body of mass ‘m’ moving with a velocity ‘v’ in a distance ‘s’. The (1 point)
force required to stop a body of double the mass moving with double the
velocity in the same distance is
⚪ 6F
⚫ 8F
⚪ 4F
⚪ 2F
126. A car and a bus moving with the same K.E. are acted upon by the same (1 point)
opposing force then
⚪ Car will accelerate more
⚪ Bus will decelerate more
⚫ Car will decelerate more
⚪ Bus will accelerate more
127. If a machine does work at a rate of 0.5 J in every two seconds. Its power is (1 point)
⚪ 1 watt
⚪ 0.5 watt
⚪ 4 watt
⚫ 0.25 watt
128. When a body moves with a constant speed in a circle (1 point)
⚫ No work is done on it
⚪ No accelration produced in the body
⚪ Velocity remains constant
⚪ None of these
129. When a block of wood of mass 2 kg is pushed along a horizontal flat surface of a (1 point)
bench, the force of friction is 4N. When the block is pushed along the bench
with a force of 10N, it moves with a constant
⚫ Acceleration of 3 m/s
⚪ Speed of 3 m/s
⚪ Acceleration of 5 m/s
⚪ Speed of 5 m/s
130. When a projectile moves upward its vertical component of velocity (1 point)
⚪ Becomes double
⚪ Increases
⚫ Decreases
⚪ Remains constant
131. The numeric ratio of the distance covered and displacement in a straight line is (1 point)
⚪ Infinite
⚪ -1
132. Inertia of a body has direct dependence on (1 point)
⚫ Mass
⚪ Density
⚪ Velocity
⚪ Volume
133. A train takes 1 hour to go from one station to the other. It travels at a speed of (1 point)
30 kmh–1 for first half hour and at a speed of 50 kmh–1 for the next half hour.
The average speed of the train is:
⚪ 35 kmh-¹
⚪ 45 kmh-¹
⚪ 30 kmh-¹
⚫ 40 kmh-¹
134. A rotating wheel of radius 0.5 m has an angular velocity of 5 rad/s at some (1 point)
instant and 10 rad/s after 5 s.Find the angular acceleration of the point on its
⚪ 7 rad/s²
⚪ 5 rad/s²
⚫ 1 rad/s²
⚪ 3 rad/s²
135. If the body is moving in a circle of radius r with a constant speed v, its angular (1 point)
velocity is
⚫ v/r
⚪ vr
⚪ r/v
⚪ V²/r
136. A wheel rotates with a constant angular velocity of 600 r.p.m. What is the angle (1 point)
through which the wheel rotates in one second?
⚪ 5π radian
⚪ 10π radian
⚫ 20π radian
⚪ 15π radian
137. The frequency of wave is 0.002 Hz. Its time period is (1 point)
⚪ 100 s
⚫ 500 s
⚪ 5000 s
⚪ 50 s
138. For a closed organ pipe resonance is occurred when air columns of lengths are (1 point)
equal to (π=lambda)
⚪ π/1,π/2,π
⚫ π/4,3π/4,5π/4
⚪ π/2,π,3π
⚪ π/2,3π/2,5π/2
139. A tube closed at one end and containing air, produces, when excited, the (1 point)
fundamental note of frequency 512 Hz. If the tube is open at both ends, the
fundamental frequency that can be excited is (in Hz)
⚪ 256
⚪ 512
⚪ 128
⚫ 1024
140. The laplace's correction to Newton's formula is based on the fact that the (1 point)
compression and rarefactions occurs as
⚫ Adiabatic process
⚪ Isochoric process
⚪ Isobaric process
⚪ Isothermal process
141. In an isothermal process the volume of an ideal gas is halved. One can say that (1 point)
⚪ Internal energy of the system decreases
⚫ Work done by the gas is negative
⚪ Work done by the gas is positive
⚪ Internal energy of the system increases
142. The superposition of two light waves is called (1 point)
⚪ Reflection
⚪ Polarization
⚫ Interference
⚪ Diffraction
143. The time of one vibration of simple pendulum may be decreased by (1 point)
⚫ Decreasing the length of the pendulum
⚪ Increasing the length of pendulum
⚪ Using a lighter bob
⚪ Using a heavier
144. A 40 kg block is resting at a height of 5 m off the ground.If the block is released (1 point)
and falls to the ground,what is its total energy at a height of 2 m?
⚪ 6 kJ
⚪ 400 J
⚫ 1.2 kJ
145. The energy required to charge a capacitor of 5μF by connecting a D.C source of (1 point)
20 kV is
⚪ 10 kJ
⚫ 1 kJ
⚪ 5 kJ
⚪ 2 kJ
146. Value of constant K in Coulomb's law has value of (1 point)
⚪ 9×10⁷
⚪ 9×10³
⚫ 9×10⁹
⚪ 9×10⁵
147. A uniform electric field is created by two parallel plates separated by a distance (1 point)
of 0.04 m. What is the magnitude of the electric field established between the
⚪ 20000 V/m
⚫ 2000 V/m
⚪ 200 V/m
⚪ 20 V/m
148. Current of 5 amperes is flowing through a conductor. The charge flowing per (1 point)
second will be
⚪ 1 C/s
⚫ 5 C/s
⚪ 7 C/s
⚪ 3 C/s
149. A nano farad(10×10-⁹ F) parallel plate capacitor holds a charge of magnitude (1 point)
50uC on each plate.If the plates are separated by distance of 0.885 mm.What is
the area of each plate?
⚪ 3 m²
⚫ 1 m²
⚪ 5.5 m²
⚪ 2.5 m²
150. Two wires of same material have lengths L and 2L and cross-sectional areas 4A (1 point)
and A respectively. The ratio of their specific resistances would be
⚪ 8:1
⚪ 1:2
⚪ 1:8
⚫ 1:1
151. An electric heater and a fan are marked 1000W, 220 V and 100 W, 220 V (1 point)
respectively. The resistance of fan is
⚪ Equal to that of heater
⚫ Greater than that of heater
⚪ Less than that of heater
⚪ Zero
152. Which of the following is the unit of magnetic flux density? (1 point)
⚪ Wb m²
⚪ Henry
⚪ Weber
⚫ Tesla
153. A 300 mm long conductor is carrying a current of 10 A and is situated at right (1 point)
angles to a magnetic field having a flux density of 0.8 T; the force on the
conductor will be
⚪ 240 N
⚪ 24 N
⚪ 0.24 N
⚫ 2.4 N
154. A uniform magnetic field will cause a charge to move in a circle if the charge is (1 point)
⚪ perpendicular to the field lines and the field strength is constant
⚫ perpendicular to the field and the field is increasing
⚪ parallel to the field and the field is increasing
⚪ parallel to the field and the field is constant
155. What is the condition of an electromagnetic induction? (1 point)
⚪ there must be a relative motion between the coil of wire and galvanometer
⚪ there must be a relative motion between galvanometer and generator
⚪ there must be a relative motion between the coil of wire and a magnet
⚫ there must be a relative motion between the galvanometer and a magnet
156. A square coil 10−2m2 area is placed perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field (1 point)
of strength 103Wb/m2. The magnetic flux through the coil
⚪ 10⁵ weber
⚪ 10⁰ weber
⚪ 10-⁵ weber
⚫ 10 weber
157. The primary winding of a transformer has 100 turns and its secondary winding (1 point)
has 200 turns. The primary is connected to an ac supply of 120 V and the
current flowing in it is 10 A. The voltage and the current in the secondary are
⚪ 240V,10A
⚫ 240V,5A
⚪ 120V,20A
⚪ 60V,20A
158. A proton (or charged particle) moving with velocity v is acted upon by electric (1 point)
field E and magnetic field B. The proton will move un-deflected if
⚪ E is perpendicular to B
⚪ E, B and v are mutually perpendicular and v=E/B
⚫ E is parallel to v and perpendicular to B
⚪ none of these
159. The work done in moving a unit positive test charge over a closed path in an (1 point)
electric field is
⚪ Infinite
⚪ Positive
⚪ Negative
⚫ Zero
160. In full wave rectification by bridge the minimum number of diodes required (1 point)
161. In a half wave rectifier, the input sine wave is 250sin100 πt. The output ripple (1 point)
frequency of rectifier will be
⚪ 200 Hz
⚪ 25 Hz
⚪ 100 Hz
⚫ 50 Hz
162. A particle which has zero rest mass and non-zero energy and momentum must (1 point)
travel with a speed
⚪ Greater than c
⚪ Tending to infinity
⚪ Less than c
⚫ Equal to c, the speed of light in vacuum
163. Frequency of photon having energy 66 eV is (1 point)
⚪ 12×10-¹⁵ Hz
⚪ 8×10-¹⁵ Hz
⚪ None of these
⚫ 16×10¹⁵ Hz
164. Kinetic energy with which the electrons are emitted from the metal surface due (1 point)
to photoelectric effect is
⚪ Directly proportional to the intensity of illumination
⚫ Independent of the intensity of illumination
⚪ Inversely proportional to the intensity of illumination
⚪ Independent of the frequency of light
165. If in a photoelectric experiment, the wavelength of incident radiation is (1 point)
reduced from 6000 Å to 4000 Å then
⚪ K.E of emitted electrons will decrease
⚪ Stopping potential will decrease
⚫ Stopping potential will increase
⚪ The value of work function will decrease
166. Which one of the series of hydrogen spectrum is in the visible region? (1 point)
⚪ Paschen series
⚪ Bracket series
⚫ Balmer series
⚪ Lyman Series
167. In hydrogen atom which quantity is integral multiple of h/2π (1 point)
⚪ Angular velocity
⚪ Angular acceleration
⚪ Momentum
⚫ Angular momentum
168. The electric field inside a charged spherical shell of conductor when charge is (1 point)
uniformly distributed on its surface is
⚪ Inversely proportional to the distance from the center
⚫ Zero
⚪ None of these
⚪ Constant and less than zero
169. The ratio of energy of an X-ray photon of wavelength 1 Å to that of visible light (1 point)
of wavelength 5000 Å is
⚪ 25×10⁶:1
⚪ 1:5000
⚫ 5000:1
⚪ 1:25×10⁶
170. Curie is a unit of (1 point)
⚪ Length
⚪ It is not any unit
⚪ Atomic number
⚫ Activity
171. Atomic mass number of an element thorium is 232 and its atomic number is 90. (1 point)
The end product of this radioactive element is an isotope of lead (atomic mass
208 and atomic number 82). The number of alpha and beta particles emitted is
⚪ α = 3, β = 3
⚪ α = 6, β = 4
⚪ α = 6, β = 0
⚫ α = 4, β = 6
172. Radioactivity is (1 point)
⚪ Irreversible process
⚪ Spontaneous process
⚪ Self disintegration process
⚫ All of above
173. If a C-14 has a half-life of 5730 years, then how long will it take for quantity of C- (1 point)
14 in a sample to drop to 1/8 of initial quantity?
⚫ 1.72 ×10⁴ years
⚪ 1.44×10⁴ years
⚪ 2.58×10⁴ years
⚪ 2.58×10⁴ years
174. In capacitor energy is stored in (1 point)
⚪ Gravitational field
⚪ All of these
⚫ Electric field
⚪ Magnetic field
175. The half-life of polonium is 140 days. After how many days, 16 gm polonium (1 point)
will be reduced to 1 gm (or 15g will decay)
⚫ 560 days
⚪ 280 days
⚪ 420 days
⚪ 700 days
176. Which one is lepton? (1 point)
⚪ Tau
⚪ Electron
⚫ All of these
⚪ Neutrino
177. Much to commander’s surprise, the ______________ exhibited by the soldiers for (1 point)
the dangerous mission was exceptional.
⚫ Keenness
⚪ Sympathy
⚪ Gratitude
⚪ Hesitation
178. Honesty and Dedication always_________ positive impact on one’s life. (1 point)
⚫ Have
⚪ Are
⚪ Has
⚪ Had
179. Let them take their chance and let them face the music. Identify the type of (1 point)
⚪ Simple
⚫ Compound
⚪ Compound complex
⚪ Complex
180. The tragic end of the tourists during the plane crash created a lot of anxiety and (1 point)
⚪ Encourgament
⚫ Depression
⚪ Determination
⚪ Care
181. The general reportd that(a),as a result of(b)financial constraints, (1 point)
less(C)soldiers would be sent on(D)peace-keeping missions this year.
182. The racing champion had(a) made no mention(b) in his(c) speed of the (1 point)
mechanics on whom(d) his success had depended
183. If this fault was their(a),why would the authorities(b) punish you(c) and me(d) (1 point)
184. Do you(a) think their(b) ideas collaborate with us(c)? i feel your (d) judgments (1 point)
need rectification
185. I have recently interviewed(a) the leader whom(b) ,everybody (c) believes (1 point)
would(d) be the redeemer of the nation
186. It is yet to be determined if it was I (a) who (b) have (c) been negligent of (1 point)
his (d) duties during the whole scenario
187. Whatever you (a) say,I can't bear (b) john(c) interfering into my affairs (1 point)
188. The economics of our country are(a) showing its(b) diverse impacts which(c) (1 point)
would lead(d) to a devastating future
189. Which one is correct (1 point)

A) Your errors in grammar are the same as that of mine.

B) Your errors in grammar are the same as mines.

C) Your errors in grammar are the same as mine’s.

D) Your errors in grammar are the same as mine.

190. Which one is correct (1 point)

A) let you and I be friends.

B) let you and me be friends.

C) lets you and me be friends.

D) let’s you and I be friends.

191. Which one is correct (1 point)

A) Forget not for who the warning comes, it comes for thee.

B) Forget not for whose the warning comes, it comes for thee.
C) Forget not for which the warning comes, it comes for thee.

D) Forget not for whom the warning comes, it comes for thee.
192. Which one is correct (1 point)

A) The last of the athletes, who seems quite vigilant, are most likely to win the

B) The last of the athletes, who seem quite vigilant, is most likely to win the

C) The last of the athlete, who seems quite vigilant, is most likely to win the

D) The last of the athletes, who seems quite vigilant, is most likely to win the
193. Which one is correct (1 point)

A) I don’t think Jerry’s and Alfords final paper have been properly marked.

B) I don’t think Jerry’s and Alfords’ final paper have been properly marked.

C) I don’t think Jerry and Alford’s final paper have been properly marked.

D) I don’t think Jerrys’ and Alford’s final paper have been properly marked.
194. Which one is correct (1 point)

A) What does trouble you now when every issue has been resolved?
B) What troubles you now when every issue has been resolved?

C) What trouble you now when every issue has been resolved?

D) What troubled you now when every issue has been resolved?
195. Which one is correct (1 point)

A) Gullivars Travels was written by Swift.

B) Gullivars Travels were written by Swift.

C) Gullivars Travels was write by Swift.

D) Gullivars Travel were written by Swift.

196. 6, 12, 21, ? , 48 (1 point)
⚫ 33
⚪ 40
⚪ 38
⚪ 45
197. Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence. (1 point)

1. Tree 2. Seed 3. Flowers 4. Fruit 5. Plant

⚪ 2,5,3,1,4
⚪ 5,2,1,3,4
⚪ 2,5,1,4,3
⚫ 2,5,1,3,4
198. Statement: (1 point)
A blast was triggered off injuring many, when the night shift workers at an
ordinance factory were

handling for signaling explosive.

Courses of Action

I. The factory management should train its staff as regards to the safety aspects
of handling such

explosive materials.

II. The service of the supervisor incharge of the night shift should be terminated

III. The factory should immediately stop carrying out such exercises at night.
⚪ All follows
⚪ Only I follows
⚫ Only I and II follow
⚪ None follows
⚪ None of these
199. Statement: (1 point)

A large number of tribal inhabitants are found to have been suffering from
various diseases due

to exposure to radioactive waste near the uranium mine.

Courses of Action

I. The Government should immediately close down the mine.

II. The Government should immediately take steps to save local people from
exposure to radioactive


III. The tribals should be rehabilitated at a safer place.

⚫ Only II and III follows
⚪ Only I follow
⚪ Only III follow
⚪ Only II follow
⚪ None of these
200. STATEMENT: (1 point)

A large number of language specialists write novels.


I. Some language specialists do not write novels.

II. A novelist need not be a language specialist.

III. Language specialty is highly helpful to write novels.

IV. All novelists are language specialists.

⚪ Only IV is appropriate
⚫ Only III is appropriate
⚪ Only II is appropriate
⚪ Only I is appropriate

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