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Cl inic a l Decisions
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Anticoagulation for Subsegmental Pulmonary Embolism

This interactive feature addresses the approach to a clinical issue. A case vignette is followed by specific options, neither of which
can be considered either correct or incorrect. In short essays, experts in the field then argue for each of the options. Readers can
participate in forming community opinion by choosing one of the options and, if they like, providing their reasons.

C a s e V igne t t e an abscess in the right upper quadrant but re-

veals a single subsegmental embolus in the lower
A Man with a Subsegmental lobe of the right lung. Mr. Jackson has no his-
Pulmonary Embolus tory of a clotting disorder, and there is no fam-
ily history of coagulopathy. However, given the
Amanda Fernandes, M.D. CT evidence of a subsegmental embolus, you
Mr. Jackson is a 55-year-old man who has come must decide whether to advise Mr. Jackson to
to the emergency department with a 1-day history begin anticoagulation therapy.
of fever and pain in the right upper quadrant.
Five days ago, he presented with right upper T r e atment O p t i ons
quadrant pain and underwent laparoscopic chole- Which one of the following approaches would
cystectomy for acute calculous cholecystitis. He you take for this patient? Base your choice on the
had done well after the procedure and had been published literature, your own experience, pub-
discharged home. lished guidelines, and other information sources.
At the current presentation, the patient’s tem-
perature is 39.5°C, blood pressure 135/88 mm Hg, 1. Recommend anticoagulation therapy.
pulse 95 beats per minute, and respiratory rate 2. Do not recommend anticoagulation therapy.
22 breaths per minute; a pulse oximeter reading
indicates that his oxygen saturation is 99% To aid in your decision making, each of these
while he is breathing ambient air. On examina- approaches is defended in a short essay by an
tion, he has mild tenderness on palpation of the expert in the field. Given your knowledge of the
right upper quadrant. Electrocardiography shows patient and the points made by the experts,
sinus rhythm with no evidence of right bundle- which approach would you choose?
branch block or right ventricular strain. Labora- Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
tory testing shows no elevation in creatine kinase full text of this article at
or troponin levels. A computed tomographic From the Department of Endocrinology, Warren Alpert Medical
(CT) scan of the abdomen shows no evidence of School of Brown University, Providence, RI.

O p t i on 1
3-month course of anticoagulation therapy, a
Recommend Anticoagulation regimen that is safer now than in years past.
Therapy Even if the results of ultrasound testing of the
legs are negative, anticoagulation with a direct
Jean M. Connors, M.D. oral anticoagulant agent is prudent until good-
Five days after undergoing major surgery, Mr. quality data are available to inform us of the risk
Jackson is found to have a subsegmental pulmo- of progressive or recurrent venous thromboem-
nary embolus, with symptoms for which no alter- bolism associated with not treating a subsegmen-
native diagnosis is found. Regardless of whether tal pulmonary embolus in a patient who has just
we consider this to be a symptomatic or inciden- undergone surgery, a known major risk factor
tal embolus, the patient would require a limited for development of venous thromboembolism.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

The ability to diagnose subsegmental pulmo- confirmed pulmonary embolism had subseg-
nary embolism has increased owing to improved mental pulmonary embolism and were treated
CT resolution,1 although among patients pre- with anticoagulation. In this analysis, no differ-
senting with symptoms, subsegmental pulmo- ence in the incidence of recurrent venous throm-
nary embolism is diagnosed in many fewer boembolism or death was observed between pa-
patients than proximal pulmonary embolism.2,3 tients with subsegmental pulmonary embolism
Whether the diagnosis of subsegmental pulmo- and those with more-proximal pulmonary em-
nary embolism is of clinical consequence and bolism. Patients with subsegmental pulmonary
merits treatment is unclear. Although the Amer- embolism had a higher risk of venous thrombo-
ican College of Chest Physicians is widely quoted embolism during follow-up than those without
as suggesting that this condition not be treated pulmonary embolism (hazard ratio, 3.8; 95%
with anticoagulation (grade 2C, indicating weak confidence interval, 1.3 to 11.1). In addition,
recommendation and low-quality evidence for among the patients with pulmonary embolism,
treatment), caveats accompany this suggestion, the risk factors for venous thromboembolism
including the observation that uncertainty about were similar in those who had subsegmental
the use of anticoagulants in these patients re- pulmonary embolism and those with more-
mains; such patients require negative results on proximal pulmonary embolism.2 The cumulative
evaluation of deep-vein thrombosis in the legs risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism among
and close follow-up if anticoagulation is not the patients who received anticoagulation ther-
initiated.4 apy was 3.6% among those with subsegmental
Pulmonary embolism can be fatal. The diag- pulmonary embolism and 2.5% among those
nosis is often overlooked, with symptoms attrib- with proximal pulmonary embolism, with no
uted to other causes. Clinical prediction rules, change after adjustment for malignant disease
such as the Wells score5, PERC (pulmonary em- or other variables. The rate of major bleeding
bolism rule-out criteria) rule6 and YEARS algo- was lower (1.7% among patients with subseg-
rithm,7 were developed because it is difficult to mental pulmonary embolus and 1.6% among
determine which patients should undergo imag- those with proximal pulmonary embolism) than
ing when pulmonary embolism is suspected. the risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism.
These rules often require testing of d-dimer Data on incidental and subsegmental pulmo-
levels. A prospective study showed that d-dimer nary embolism in patients with cancer show that
levels were unable to distinguish between a the benefit of anticoagulation therapy for sub-
proximal pulmonary embolus and a subsegmen- segmental pulmonary embolism is similar to
tal pulmonary embolus subsequently detected by that for proximal pulmonary embolism.10 The
CT pulmonary angiography but did distinguish natural history of untreated subsegmental pul-
between any pulmonary embolus and no em- monary embolism in other populations is not
bolus.3 The patients with subsegmental pulmo- known. No data from prospective randomized,
nary embolism had d-dimer levels well above the controlled trials suggest that subsegmental pul-
normal range (median, 2520 mg per deciliter), a monary embolism should be managed differ-
finding that suggests true thrombus, with a sig- ently than proximal pulmonary embolism or that
nificant difference between patients with a sub- not treating subsegmental pulmonary embolism,
segmental pulmonary embolus and those with even if detected incidentally, is safe. A meta-
no pulmonary embolus but not between patients analysis of a small number of patients with
with a subsegmental pulmonary embolus and subsegmental pulmonary embolism treated with
those with a proximal pulmonary embolus. or without anticoagulation showed a lack of
Patients with a negative result on CT pulmo- precision in pooled data and high heterogeneity
nary angiography have a 3-month risk of venous of the outcomes, which suggests that no conclu-
thromboembolism of 0.5%8 to 1.3%,9 but the sion can be made about the benefit or harm of
risk in patients with untreated subsegmental anticoagulation therapy.11 Data do indicate that
pulmonary embolism is unknown. In a com- for treatment of pulmonary embolism, anticoagu-
bined analysis of two large prospective studies lation therapy with one of the direct oral antico-
of 3728 consecutive patients with suspected pul- agulants available now is associated with an in-
monary embolism, 15.5% of 748 patients with cidence of bleeding that is 39% lower than the

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Clinical Decisions

incidence associated with previously used low- the benefits of anticoagulation therapy.14 A sys-
molecular-weight heparin and vitamin K antago- tematic review with meta-analysis has shown no
nists,12 with no fatalities due to major bleeding increase in the rate of recurrent venous throm-
seen with direct oral anticoagulants in one boembolism or death among patients with sub-
pooled analysis.13 segmental pulmonary embolism that has been
Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the left untreated, a finding that suggests clinical
full text of this article at equipoise for the role of anticoagulation.11
From the Department of Hematology, Brigham and Women’s Therefore, Mr. Jackson’s case could potentially
Hospital, Boston. be managed conservatively with clinical surveil-
lance without anticoagulation, an approach that
O p t i on 2 would mitigate the risk of bleeding in the post-
operative period.
Do Not Recommend Subsegmental pulmonary emboli are not di-
Anticoagulation Therapy agnosed only in patients who have undergone
CT pulmonary angiography. They are also fre-
Marc Carrier, M.D. quently present in patients with suspected pul-
The increasing availability of CT in hospital monary embolism and nondiagnostic ventilation–
emergency departments and recent advances in perfusion scans. In the Prospective Investigation
technology have led to a substantial rise in the of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis (PIOPED)
reporting of acute pulmonary embolism, espe- study, 17% of patients with a low-probability
cially of emboli localized in small-caliber vessels ventilation–perfusion scan had evidence of sub-
such as the subsegmental pulmonary arteries.14 segmental pulmonary embolism on pulmonary
The validity of a diagnosis of subsegmental pul- angiography.16 Prospective management studies
monary embolism is questionable. The interob- have shown that patients with suspected pulmo-
server agreement among radiologists assessing nary embolism and nondiagnostic ventilation–
this type of embolism on CT pulmonary angiog- perfusion scans can be safely treated without the
raphy has been reported to be low (kappa statis- use of anticoagulation therapy, provided there is
tic, 0.38).15 The subsegmental pulmonary em- no deep-vein thrombosis.17 Therefore, treatment
bolus in Mr. Jackson was diagnosed on CT of the for the subsegmental pulmonary embolus in Mr.
abdomen and not on CT pulmonary angiogra- Jackson can be similar to the treatment in a
phy. Therefore, given the uncertainty regarding patient with a nondiagnostic ventilation–perfu-
the validity of the diagnosis, clinicians should sion scan. Mr. Jackson has good pulmonary re-
review the results of the diagnostic imaging and serve and no additional risk factors for recurrent
confirm the diagnosis with an experienced radi- venous thromboembolism. He should receive
ologist before contemplating anticoagulation treatment for his pain (e.g., acetaminophen or
therapy, to avoid exposing Mr. Jackson to the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs) and un-
bleeding risks associated with anticoagulation dergo Doppler ultrasonography of both legs. If
therapy for an artifactual finding. In this case, there are no deep-vein thrombi, anticoagulation
CT pulmonary angiography would be necessary therapy does not need to be started.
also to ensure that there are no other more- Managing the subsegmental pulmonary em-
proximal defects in parts of the lungs that were bolism in Mr. Jackson without anticoagulation
not visualized. aligns with the recommendations in the most
Assuming that the diagnosis of subsegmental recent version of the American College of Chest
pulmonary embolism in this patient is confirmed Physicians clinical practice guidelines.4 The guide-
by the radiologist, its clinical significance re- lines suggest using clinical surveillance rather
mains unknown. Although the incidence of diag- than anticoagulation therapy in patients with
nosis of pulmonary embolism has been increas- subsegmental pulmonary embolism and no
ing over the past decades, there have been deep-vein thrombosis in the legs who have a low
minimal changes in the overall mortality associ- risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism (evi-
ated with the diagnosis, and its case fatality rate dence grade 2C).4 An ongoing international pro-
has been decreasing, which suggests that overdi- spective cohort study ( number,
agnosis and a lower severity of illness challenge NCT01455818) in which subsegmental pulmonary

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Clinical Decisions

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cancer-associated incidental pulmonary embolism among treat-
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