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Happiness can be defined in many different ways.

it is when you know who you

are and being contented on what you have. It is a complicated, broad topic that
everyone is still figuring out. The concept of Flow by Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi talks about
how happiness flow in every individual and in everything that requires your attention and
focus. He is a Hungarian-American Psychologist, he witnessed the World War II and
after the war he saw the people that despite of the lack of materialistic things they were
still able to reach the flow “experience”. That was his turning point and start studying
Psychology to know the Theory of Happiness.

According to (DeGeneres, 2011) the thing everyone should realize is that the key
to happiness is being happy for yourself and yourself. To achieve happiness in life you
need to be happy for yourself and being contented to what you have. Do things you
love. Maybe you can’t skydive every day or take vacations every season, but as long as
you get to do the things you love every once in a while, you will find greater happiness.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi portrays that individuals are most joyful when they are in the
condition of absolute fixation and totally retained in the action they are completing. This
Flow is indistinguishable from the sentiment of being "in the zone" or "groove.

According to (Lama, 1998) happiness is determined by one’s state of mind than

the external events or what people saw in him. Happiness is determined by one's state
of mind, his contentment in life, the satisfaction that he feels, and overall, his positivity in
life. It is not based on external events or what others see in him. It is within one's self,
what you feel inside. It is a matter of mindset rather than what your situation is. Even if
you have a rough situation, you still think positive. Whatever you are thinking will show
on what you are doing. You have the control to create your own happiness. Your
thoughts will always reflect the things that you will into your life.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love
what you are doing, you will be successful (Schweitzer, 2007). In the Concept of Flow,
Mihaly said that one of the CEOs stated that he became successful because he enjoyed
what he is doing and it is his passion. At the point when individuals work outside of their
stream, issues emerge. For instance, if an individual works in an exceptionally testing
condition where their regular aptitudes are dominated, they will in general experience
horrendous tension and stress. On the other hand, if a person's propelled aptitudes are
squandered in an industry that is neither fascinating nor testing, weariness and lack of
concern immediately set in. Doing something that you truly love will lead you into a
successful life. Your passion in life will always bring out the best in you if you will pursue
it because that is what you really want and that is where you are good at.

It’s important to note that one can’t experience flow if distractions disrupt the
experience (Nakamura et al., 2009). Along these lines, to encounter this state, one
needs to avoid the consideration looters normal in an advanced quick paced life. An
initial step is mood killer your cell phone when looking for stream. Likewise, the parity of
saw difficulties and abilities are significant factors in stream. From one perspective,
when a test is greater than one's degree of abilities, one winds up on edge and focused.
Then again, when the degree of aptitude surpasses the size of the test, one ends up
exhausted and diverted. The experience of stream in regular daily existence is a
significant segment of innovativeness and prosperity. Undoubtedly, it tends to be
depicted as a key part of eudaimonia, or self-completion, in a person. Since it is
naturally fulfilling, the more you practice it, the more you try to reproduce these
encounters, which help lead to a completely connected with and upbeat life.

Happiness is not being blind to the negatives in our environment, it’s about the ability to
see both the negative as well as the opportunities, and paths to success in our external
world (Anchor, 2009) At the point when our cerebrums stall out in example that
spotlights on pressure, cynicism, and disappointment, we set ourselves up to fall flat.
The Tetris impact shows us how to retrain our cerebrums to spot examples of
probability, so we can see and take advantage of lucky break any place we look. In the
middle to annihilation, stress and emergency, our cerebrums map distinctive way to
enable us to adapt. Falling up is tied in with finding the psychological osth that not just
leads us up out of disappointment or enduring however instructs us to be more joyful
and increasingly effective in light of f it. We can conclude that Happiness is all about
taking a risk about something that you really want. Taking a risk considerating the
consequences of the action that you will do but focusing on something that will make
you happy.

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