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Nicolai P.

Reflection Paper

“God gave us the Earth to till and to keep in a balanced and respectful way.”, said
Pope Francis. The question is, are we doing things that will save our Mother Earth? Are
our doings make this world a better and a safer world to live in?
Climate change is a long-term change in the statistical distribution of weather
patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It can be due to natural
variability or as a result of human activity. It is caused by increases in greenhouse gasses
(GHG) in the Earth’s atmosphere. As technology gets high-tech or as technology
advances, the more we contribute to the pollution in our environment. As our lifestyles
price gets high the more we need money to spend for it. That is why they say that
nowadays people are saving money not the world we live in. We must do things that will
save our world.
The sudden change in the Earth’s atmosphere is the reason why the ice in the
poles are melting. Because of so much heat that the Earth absorbs from the sun it causes
the ice to melt and as the years pass by a larger part of the ice melts. Also in the Amazon,
the tundra permafrost is also starting to melt due to the high temperature in the place.
The rivers in the world especially the Amazon River, are slowly drying and the trees are
dying, the reason why when there is fire it spreads easily because the trees and grass in
the environment are already dying.
To try to save our Earth we must start within ourselves. We must discipline
ourselves and avoid doing things that contribute to the pollution in our environment.
Starting in our house is already a step towards saving our world. Because big journeys
begin with small steps.
According to Dr. Martin Manning, the director of Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change that “We must never think it is too late; the thing is that we know that
some further change is unavoidable so we have to set ourselves a strategy that will
manage the unavoidable but to avoid the unmanageable.” Even if the global warming is
rising we must not stop doing things that will help save Mother Earth because the small
things we do is a vital part of the success we will have in the future. We must always
remember that the Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every
man’s greed. Always remember that whatever we do will always come back to us. Do
what you have to do not only because you are obliged to do so, but because it is the right
thing to do!

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