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Machine Knowledge Software: Key Factors and Best

Practices for Market Adoption and Integration of

Systems Simulation
Eng. M.A.Sc V. Rémillard, Eng. M.Sc. J. Montero, D. Lenoble
(Famic Technologies Inc., Canada)


Industries are pushed to adopt new technologies in order to address such

challenges as efficiency and precision increase, cost and weight reduction,
compactness, environmental print, etc. to name a few. A new generation of
components and systems is playing an important role in accelerating this
transformation. Even though this new technology is promising in terms of both
performance and flexibility, its expected market adoption, unfortunately
sometimes, gets rejected at the initial machine concept phase.

System simulation is a good alternative to overcome this problem if the

underlying simulation models are understood by and accessible to a large
majority of users, and if they are easily modifiable according to lab tests, field
data, but also from other software. The ultimate goal is to allow users, during
the initial steps and proof of concept, to gain knowledge about the actual use of
the expected products designed with all the benefits.

We want to avoid having simulation reserved to a very small minority of users

with models that take forever to be developed. This is the case with the
majority of simulation software on the market.

Therefore, an ideal concept would be based on the development and

availability of hybrid simulation component models whose characteristics and
performances are thoroughly respected. These components can be selected with
all their options and dimensioned from a complete off-the-shelf database. They
can then be easily assembled in an animated and interactive simulation
environment that allows for manual and/or automated "What-If" type of

This presentation explains, by showing convincing case studies of alternative

technologies that have emerged in recent years, how the power of simulation
tools - (digitalization ...) leveraging knowledge sharing, results’
communication (knowledge sharing capability) and use-based modification of
simulation models, made it easy to integrate these technologies into marketed
The concept presented allows for a greater number of actors involved to
become quickly familiar with the features of multi-technology machines, even
in the subsequent steps of the lifecycle including design, start-up, training,
maintenance, etc. In short, these "digital twins", thoroughly reproducing their
real counterpart, widely open the door to their reuse for the creation of training
platforms and the development of methodologies helping to service these

1. Introduction

During the last decade, the technologies involved on machines have greatly
evolved. This transformation has occurred in parallel with the development of
analysis platforms by simulation and numerical data treatment that are more
and more embedded in all stages of machine development process. However
the acceptability of these technologies, sometimes quite ambitious in their
scope, remains difficult to achieve and takes longer than expected to pierce
certain markets, which are aimed to replace older, less sophisticated, less
efficient technologies.

System simulation can certainly help to better target key characteristics early in
the development process of a product, particularly in the technologies aimed
for mass deployment or medium to long range of applications. This simulation
must then align certain factors that will ease its utilization.

In this paper, you will find reflections made over a decade allowing to stablish
characteristics that have and will always contribute to successful utilization of
system simulation to better implement key technologies. First, simplicity is
probably one of the most important factors allowing the implementation of
multi technology platforms. It is possible to add flexibility and reusability as
well, as essential characteristics to consider when simulating entire systems on
an integrated work environment.

Even if the scope of this paper is located on simulation software level for multi
technology/multi physics approach, specifically for electrohydraulic or
electropneumatic technologies, it could be easily extended to multiple domains
of expertise equally important such as finite element analysis, computational
fluid dynamics and others. We will also introduce some notions on a subject
that has gained ample relevance, the co-simulation between different platforms.

Specifically, section 2 exposes definitions tied to characteristics of simulation

models. Section 3 will explain an ideal concept of “best practices”, on which a
list of essential criteria is presented to develop, adjust, and assemble simulation
models to optimize and completely integrate a simulation environment. Section
4 will illustrate relevant examples that show the relevance of this concept
applied to different case studies, where advantages were obtained to allow
better acceptability. In Section 5, direct extrapolations of this approach will be
Machine Knowledge Software: Key Factors and Best Practices for Market
Adoption and Integration of Systems Simulation

presented to show how the developed systems are an integral part of the Digital
Twin concept, which is another key topic in the industry. Finally, we will
conclude with the benefits of this approach that will ultimately allow closer and
stronger collaboration between engineering teams.

2. Definition

2.1. Adapted Modeling Approach

As already introduced in [1], we can split the concept of system simulation into
two abstraction levels that can be considered, with a wide spectrum of
intermediate specificity abstraction levels in between. The first level which
falls at the acutely specific end of the spectrum is the lumping of all the
phenomena involved in the system within a single all-encompassing transfer-
function type of representation that takes a set of input stimuli and converts
them into predetermined outputs. This approach is specific to the system being
studied and is practically unadaptable when a system is slightly modified. At
the most generic end of the spectrum, high-level representations of system
dynamics can follow a generic language like the one introduced by B. Zeigler
B. in “Theory of Modelling and Simulation“ [10]. This representation is indeed
general and can be adapted to practically any type of simulated systems.
However, because of this, it is often falls short to the practical needs of the user
and is thus challenging to implement this approach without translating it into a
more relatable format.

2.2. Hybrid Simulation Model Types

The hybrid modeling approach establishes a middle ground where enough

generality and specificity are traded to get a unified model, offers an acceptable
compromise between phenomena representation and adaptability [1].

As a little introduction to the following points,, some of their characteristics are

described in the following sections.

2.2.1. State Dynamics

The dynamic part of the model is considered mathematically smooth and can
be represented by differential equations that account for steady-state or
transient analysis of physical phenomena.

2.2.2. Mapping

For more complex phenomena, it is sometimes difficult to determine its exact

mathematical relationships, especially when valuable information is missing,
like internal component geometry, or proprietary manufacturer data. Also in
some cases it can be counterproductive to model all the low-level interactions
that give a simple high-level global behaviour. In these instances, it can be
useful to use customizable tables or curves that represent the global input-
output maps. The advantage of using this approach is that it can be simpler to
gather input-output data from a physical component rather than design complex
probing and calculation tests.

2.2.3. Data Exchange

Hybrid models take a compartmentalized block approach on which complex

phenomena can be represented by sub models each with simplified
characteristics that exchange data between them, as show in Figure 1.

The integration of sub-models using inner and outer data exchange paths is also
shown in Figure 1, and explained [1]. The vertical arrows represent the
inputting of parameters and the probing of internal states by the user. The bold
horizontal arrows represent the main power variables that are exchanged with
adjacent blocks. Some translation processes may be necessary to precondition
some parameter inputs or to calculate user understandable outputs from the
internal states or parameters.

Figure 1 : Hybrid Model Concept seen as a Gray Box

It is this inner organization, combined with the ability to nest blocks within
each other that give the approach its significance, as detailed in following
section. Whenever information about the system is lacking, simplified models
can be used within a block. When more precision is required, the same block
can be remodeled with more advanced dynamics without having to readapt
other blocks.

3. Ideal Concept: Machine Knowledge Management

Hybrid simulation models were defined on the previous chapter. These type of
models allow to create subsystems with varying degrees of precision,
according to their intended use. This is at the heart of the Machine Knowledge
concept. In this chapter, we will stablish the foundations that will enable this
Machine Knowledge Software: Key Factors and Best Practices for Market
Adoption and Integration of Systems Simulation

concept to play an important role in the comprehension of the resulting

technology created by adopting adequate simulation models.

3.1. Modelling Virtual Machine: Enhanced Process

When creating a simulation model, the user may follow one of two approaches:
Upstream or Downstream, as explain in [1].

Upstream Design – It consists of programming the inner dynamics and

mathematical description of a component. It may ultimately provide flexible
modules for the user but can be challenging to integrate in a global process. It
usually requires solid understanding of programming principles and languages.

Downstream Design – In order to be efficient in the study of virtual systems,

creating computer programs from start for all the models, as well as to integrate
those models in a coherent global behaviour becomes a major challenge that
can quickly render the simulation stage impractical. This process leads to
prototyping phases which, when undertaken too early in the lifecycle of a
product, is synonymous to high cost and difficulty of adaptation. It becomes
advantageous to be able to use a common language to package models that can
be reused in a modular way.

Figure 2 illustrates an ideal context of machine design, where the hybrid

modelling approach is presented in an integrated working process. The
presented Downstream design approach consists of integrating those hybrid
pre-programmed blocks right away in higher-level systems. Using performance
curves make customization on these components straightforward to quickly
and efficiently improve global characteristics of a machine. It makes the
simulation of multi-component systems more accessible, but will greatly
depend on having a complete set of Upstream-built components.
Figure 2 : Hybrid Approach Integration in Working Process

3.2. Understandable Components

In order to produce a successful modeling approach, it is imperative that all

simulation models to be understood by the majority of the people involved. If
for instance, the model is only defined by a mathematical representation, it will
only be accessible to a small group of users with experience on numerical
methods, as described on the previous section.

A simple way to expand the comprehension of the models is the use of

recognized technical standards of the involved technologies. For example, on
Figure 3, a pump from the manufacturer Linde is shown with all its
subcomponents, all represented using ISO 1219-1 symbols. More details and
explanations can be found in [2].
Machine Knowledge Software: Key Factors and Best Practices for Market
Adoption and Integration of Systems Simulation

Figure 3 : Understandable Simulation Model of a Pump CA Control Simulation


3.3. Selectable/Adjustable

From Figure 2, this simply means having libraries or catalogs of parts and
functions (1) from different technologies that are compatible with each other.
The modeling effort would then be already done for one component, function
or system, and would be easily readapted and integrated (1’) in different
systems (2) and ultimately complete machines (3) using data mapping, with
minimum effort from different users.

If these were to be applied to the to the pump shown on Figure 3, a thoroughly

integrated approach, is outlined on Figure 4 and Figure 5 that show how the
components are listed in catalogues and how the user can easily explore and
select the right manufacturer component. For example since the catalogue
components are ready to simulate, the catalogue will increase the production of
the simulation project.

Components from manufacturers’ catalogues can have more than one type of
simulation models. For example, it includes different models of pumps. There
are detailed models which can be used to animate, simulate and individually
control the inner components with high precision calculations. This model is
dedicated either to train people on the component or function or to analyse the
internal dynamic performances of the pump. However, if the project requires
simulating a complete system, it may be more appropriate to use a model
where the sub-component details are not considered without neglecting the
overall behaviour a complex pump. For real-time simulation, the time step
resolution for the calculation can be optimized to ensure accuracy of the
results.. Similarly, the valves also have different models. One type is kinematic
for a machine scope simulation, and another one is fully dynamics, to be used
for frequency analysis or other more refined simulation analysis.

Figure 4 : Catalogue Product Configuration Example

Figure 5 : Catalogue Product Selection Example

3.4. Assembly into a System

Each entity in the chain of the simulation dataflow can be viewed as a box
where the inner workings as well as the inputs and outputs are embedded. The
system integration is done by simply chaining those elements. The link
Machine Knowledge Software: Key Factors and Best Practices for Market
Adoption and Integration of Systems Simulation

between an element and the adjacent ones represent a certain type of power
transfer as illustrated in Figure 6.

The choice of the embedded model will depend on the level of detail required
and on the information available. When enough simplification is allowed, some
internal elements may be modeled as simple data maps while others are
modeled with their dynamics.

Figure 6 shows this concept of “Gray Box” where a simulation model is a mix
of known dynamic and static models and of unknown functions represented as
high-level data input-output maps. These inner entities exchange information
among each-other and with the outside environment.
Source Output

Figure 6 : Global Simulation Formalism of a System Assembly

3.5. Simulation Model Creation Scope and Process

The proposed working process called Machine Knowledge Management can be

divided in 4 layers that will be defined in this section.

SCOPE - Establishing the simulation scope is crucial when designing a virtual

model, as explained in [2]. Once it is established, it can be understood
straightforwardly by the different hierarchical levels needed to paint a complete
and useful picture of the system being studied. The first step listed in Figure 8
shows different scopes that can be focused on.

The presented score 3 3 types: the machine, the function or the component, as
illustrated in Figure 7.

Component – Sometimes the need to use simulation is at the component level.

For example, a design issue requires a more refined model and simulation of a
component becomes essential to help understand, to exchange detailed
information between colleagues and to aid decision making. In these situations,
the simulation scope is at the level of components such as servo valves,
directional valves or main control valves (MCV).

Function - Recently, the market demand for simulating functions has grown
considerably. This scope level has the benefit of offering quick and affordable
solutions for OEMs, system integrators, and component manufacturers. As
manufacturers are portraying themselves more and more as solution providers,
they are offering more and more functional solutions: power steering, braking,
power units, hydrostatic drive, etc.
Machine – Combined with a wider simulation spectrum, we approach the
objectives shared by all OEMs to integrate more simulation in their working
process by creating virtual models of their complete multitechnolgy systems.
This scope aims mobile equipment such as excavators as well as industrial and
offshore systems (for example: drilling infrastructure with its blowout
preventer (BOP) security system). As shown further in this section, according
to its scope, the simulation of a machine can be reused for various corporate
activities like training, engineering and maintenance. It can also be beneficial
to reuse it for the analysis of global performances criteria based on different
scenario and duty cycles.

Figure 7 : Complete Multi-technology Machine Simulation and Different Scopes

PROJECT NEEDS – Establishing the project needs and the use of the
simulation. At this stage, simulation needs can be for some activities prior to
product development and prototyping such as the analysis of a component or
function dynamics or to validate its functional and logical behaviour only.
Also, it can be in the post development phases, to train new employees or
prepare diagnostic and failures materials. Finally, the simulation project can
also provide marketing and promotional interactive documents.

CATALOGUE COMPONENTS – To catalyse the methodology and make it

more accessible to all potential users, different model types need to be
available, easily usable, and easily customisable by users who want to create a
complete circuit simulation by connecting all the individual components
together, as explained in previous section 3.3.

SOFTWARE OPTIONS – Select the right tools that increase the machine
knowledge access and speed up the decision making process, the learning
curves and moreover, the communication. The last step of the working process
depends greatly on the analysing and the measuring tool that the software
offers. The software features are listed in the Figure 8. The selection of those
features and corresponding tools for the project will be dictated by the needs
established at the step 2.
Machine Knowledge Software: Key Factors and Best Practices for Market
Adoption and Integration of Systems Simulation

Figure 8 : Example of Model Scope and Working Process

The proposed methodology allows the decision maker to select the appropriate
simulation setting in order to meet the needs of multiple simulation scopes for
every step in the project’s lifecycle. This approach used to be called Machine
Knowledge Management Software. Some example developed over years will
be described briefly in following section.

4. Applicability and Examples

In this section, we will present a few project examples created in Automation

Studio™ that were developed following Machine Knowledge Management
Approach, allowing more flexibility, versatility, and simulation reusability.

4.1. ESL vs HSL

This first example details a system that is co-simulated and controlled using
CAN bus communication. The whole model is developed using the Hydraulic
workshop and the Mechanism Manager workshop of Automation Studio™.
The purpose of this section is not to summarize or recreate simulation
formalisms and theories but rather to simply bring together existing approaches
to make the simulation world relatable and adapt it to real-world practical
needs, such as illustrated in [8] and [9].

The studied system is a front loader typically attached to a tractor, used in the
agricultural and construction industries. The mechanism consists of a boom
and a bucket, each actuated by two hydraulic cylinders. The loader’s self-
levelling function, meaning that the bucket angle in reference to the tractor
remains constant even when the boom is moving, is analysed more in details.
Figure 9 : Communication between Automation Studio™ and CAN bus components

This design and testing methodology illustrated in [8] facilitate collaboration

between Hydraulic and Automation Control Engineers, therefore reducing the
gap of communication between teams. Even, the engineering work done using
Machine Knowledge Management approach can make that work reusable in all
project life cycle steps, in order to enhance training and troubleshooting
material from the engineering work, as already initiated in the industry and
demonstrated in [10].

4.2. Independent-Metering Valves

Electrification and control of hydraulic technology has the potential to

maximize the concept’s flexibility for many mobile hydraulic applications. The
objective is to modify the valve’s operating parameters to adjust the
performance depending on an operator’s desired operation mode and the
machine’s operating conditions. Since this concept requires several distinct
expertise, the flexibility offered is inversely proportional to the ease of
integration of such solutions. This electrohydraulic concept was developed
following the approach previously introduced and studied from two different
perspectives presented in [3] and [4] illustrates how the different inputs that
contribute to generate the design tool (multi-technology software & co-

4.2.1. Independent-Metering Valves - Eaton CMA Valves

To simulate this technology of hydraulic valves, hydraulic knowledge alone is

not enough: control engineering aspects must be taken into account. Thus, the
control algorithm was implemented using a block diagram environment. This
environment receives set points, the operator flow demand for each work
section, and system’s sensor signals from the hydraulic circuit. From there,
using a close loop (PID) position controller it calculates the commands that
need to be sent to the electrohydraulic pilot stage valves to control, in each
section, the main stage spool position according to the selected control
Machine Knowledge Software: Key Factors and Best Practices for Market
Adoption and Integration of Systems Simulation

strategy. Two control types have been modelled to respond at different

operating conditions: flow sharing and cascade mode. Depending on the
system status and the selected control response, the control signal is then
calculated in real time and activates the pilot stage in each valve section to
ensure the desired level of flow and overall hydraulic valve performance. The
control valve is thus adapted to match the operator desired behaviour and
automatically adjust to the operating conditions without any modification to the
valve’s physical parameters or configuration. Potentially, an infinite number of
scenarios can be implemented reusing the developed model to test the
controller’s robustness depending on application types.

Figure 10 : Eaton CMA Hydraulic Circuit

4.2.2. Independent-Metering Valves – Manifold

This case study represents the new hydraulic specialist generation. By using an
integrated approach, it successfully combined advanced simulation and an
engineer field expertise, as well as the SUN Hydraulic test data. The project
was executed to develop and test the validity of a concept for a hydraulic
actuator’s inlet and outlet control through simulation – a function found in
Atlas Copco’s concrete spraying robots. More specifically, the aim of this
development was to improve the robot’s hydraulic cylinder control precision to
ensure a smooth displacement by using also independent-metering valves
concept. The approach is demonstrated in four steps.

As a first step, the existing inlet and outlet control solution for the hydraulic
actuator was recreated in a simulation environment to get the state of the art
circuit. As shown on Figure 11, this circuit is divided in three parts to
distinguish the hydraulic power supply, the closed loop control circuit and the
Figure 11 : Hydraulic Test Bench Circuit at State of Art

4.2.3. Independent-Metering Valves – Manifold

The Independent-Metering Electro hydraulic Valve technology has a promising

future but need to be understood. This type of valve is one example of
challenge that OEM will face with more and more mechatronic solutions to
implement. This is why the optimized approach presented before can help the
work process in which Hydraulics specialists can contribute.

5. Digital Twin Creation

In regards of the preceding section, the advantages of a generalized utilization

of system-level simulation by co-simulation with software and hardware,
during the research, design, validation and training stages, will greatly improve
the quality of the generated products created using these design aided methods.

The logical question arises, whether this digital model can be reused once the
machine or the industrial system is put on the market or in production. With the
advent of the industry 4.0 and even 5.0, it would be indeed counterproductive
not to incorporate the final adjusted needed to achieve a virtual replica of the
real product. In short, create the Digital Twin of real product.

5.1. Excavator Twin for Maintenance and Operator Training

Considering that the digital twin is a high-fidelity replica of the real system, the
addition of feedback data (sensors) would increase the training of operators and
maintenance technicians.
Machine Knowledge Software: Key Factors and Best Practices for Market
Adoption and Integration of Systems Simulation

Figure 12 : Excavator Twin for Maintenance and Operator Training

5.2. Factory “Digital Twin”

The use of a digital twin synchronized with the real system will allow, without
been exhaustive, to compare in real time the performance of the system and its
twin to detect and analyze deviations.

Figure 13 : Factory Digital Twin to Optimise Performance

5.3. BOP “Digital Twin” to service and FMECA

Considering that a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is connected to a

digital model, it would be feasible to conduct predictive maintenance by
monitoring the real system during operation. Coupled by communication
software, it would be possible to act in anticipation.

As explained in [3], since the critical operational mode and environment

responsibility are strongly dominant in the lifecycle of the machine for offshore
drilling contractors, the needs are to quickly understand the possible failure
modes that can occur and how critical their effects can be on the rest of the
system and surrounding environment. This project has to monitor also the
current state of the real system in order to communicate the failure without

Moreover, to be able to troubleshoot the rig and understand what could be a

Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) tool, the project also
aims to train the operators and the maintenance team.

Figure 14 : BOP and Maritime Crane Digital Twins to Service and FMEA
Machine Knowledge Software: Key Factors and Best Practices for Market
Adoption and Integration of Systems Simulation

5.4. Digital Twins – A huge step forward in simulation integration

We have demonstrated with previous examples built in Automation Studio™ a

maximum reusability that is achieved once you reach Digital Twin creation.

This full integration approach can help validate conceptual evolutions on the
existing systems in relation requests for improvements during production or the
replacement of components and their consequences in terms of energy and
financial costs as well their impacts on human and environmental ressources.

The challenge on using design tools for OEMs or Manufacturers is usually to

structure and integrate those in their business activities. If they are using this
suggested working process with a clear understanding and a good adaptation to
their day to day practices, the return on investment will be highly tangible.

Of course, although these applications are arguably conditionals, they remain

realistic and achievable. Therefore they will create many technical challenges
to overcome, the fist and not by far the lesser, would be achieving real-time
simulation. We are convinced though, that given the computing power
available today, that the use of hybrid simulation models will become a norm

6. Conclusion

The main goal of this paper was to analyze the key parameters related to
system simulation to extract the relevant factors for system simulation
integration, to allow better acceptability of the innovative technologies.

After stablishing certain definitions on section 2, a concept for an ideal

systematic method for system simulation was put forward on section 3. This
method named Machine Knowledge Management has been successfully used
many times in the recent past. Many examples of this were presented on
section 4.

Overall, these projects enable the combination of different expertise in one

virtual simulation environment and/or by co-simulation. There are numerous
benefits for using this integrated systems methodology, similarly as conclude
in [3], at the design and prototyping phase, among others :

 It allows Hydraulic specialists to test several numerical parameters in

order to perform better parameter adjustments for machine controllers.
Therefore, their expertise and testing data becomes part of the
simulation environment;
 It enables control specialists to have a better visualization and
understanding of the system’s operation. This leads them to refine the
controller’s programing and to provide system integrators with
parameters for machine adjustments;
 In summary, it reduces the gap between different expertise involved in
implementation and integration of complex electrohydraulic/pneumatic
control systems.

Therefore, it has been shown that an Optimized Approach brings the expectant
flexibility that can leverage usage of simulation and :

 Speed up the working process and the decision making

 Make reusable engineering work to enhance training and troubleshooting
material and get closer to complete digitalisation of real systems.

In relation to preceding point, three possible extensions were briefly introduced

on section 5. The first featured an excavator with its hydraulic parts on an
integrated environment that makes up for an ideal digital twin to conduct
operator-based or maintenance-orientated training. The second featured a
digitized production line with its command elements and control sequences,
perfectly suited to optimize the manufacturing process. A third example, a
BOP (Blowout preventer) valve system, ideal to help during service tasks or to
conduct risk analysis based on FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)

In short, if the simulation environment is simple enough so that its realism is

not compromised, evidently the advantages of promising technologies can be
better focused on, and so the use of system simulation becomes unavoidable.
When simulation tools and processes are completely integrated, by taking into
consideration all involved parties, the reutilization of these virtual
environments is so achieved, which contributes to adopting the use of system
simulation tools, a standard and best practice.

7. References

Rémillard V. & al., Innovative Hybrid Modeling Approach to Enhance Green

Design based on Fully Integrated Mechatronic System Simulation, IFPE, 2014.

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Berto L., & al., Mechatronic Challenges to Develop and Implement New
Hydraulic Technologies: Independent-Metering Electrohydraulic Valve
Examples, KSFC, 2016 [3]
Machine Knowledge Software: Key Factors and Best Practices for Market
Adoption and Integration of Systems Simulation

Tobias Rauber, Realistic simulation of simultaneous inlet control and outlet

control of a hydraulic actuator, Atlas Copco MEYCO AG, Master Thesis,
September 2015 [4]

Rémillard V., Sfeir J. et al. New Software Generation for Greener Energy
Efficient Mechatronic System Design & Analysis, KSFC Conference, 2013. [5]

Gagné R., & al., Efficiency Analysis of Mobile Applications Using Machine-
Based Simulation, 9. Kolloquium Mobilhydraulik, 2016. [6]

Bader V. et al., A Combination of Traditional Control and Hybrid Modeling

Methods for Intelligent Fluid Power Systems, KSFC, 2015. [7]

Rémillard. and al., Simulating an Electrohydraulic Self-Levelling Loader by

Means of CAN Bus Connected Devices, The 11th International Fluid Power
Conference, 11. IFK, Aachen, Germany, March 19-21, 2018 [8]

Scherweit B. and Lenoble D., Longwall Mining Simulation, The 9th

International Fluid Power Conference, 9. IFK, Aachen, Germany, March 24-
26, 2014. [9]

Diaz J. and al., Improving Training and Technical Publication Material Using
Data-Based Machine Simulation, 13er Congreso International de
Mantenimiento Minero, MAPLA-MANTAMIN, 2016. [10]

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