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FUNGI + chemoheterotrophic Sexual—plasmogamy, ascomycota (yeast and sac fungi) + haustoria- hyphal tip lichens- association
+ protoplasm of a karyogamy, meiosis— basidiomycota (club fungi, that penetrates host’s tissue between fungi
hypha is surrounded by gametangial mushrooms) and draws nutrients from it (mycobiont) and
rigid wall—chitin Asexual—fragmentation, Chytridiomycota (chytrids) + stolon- hypha that algae/cyanobacteria
fission,budding,spores deuteromycota (imperfect fungi) connects two rhizoids (photobiont)
Glomeromycota (arbuscular + rhizoid- root-like mycorrhizae-
mycorrhizae) structures association between
Zygomycota (bread molds) plant roots and fungi

ALGAE + photoautotrophs Sexual--Conjugation chlorophyta (green) +pigments—

+cell wall is thin and Asexual—binary fission, phaeophyta (brown) chlorophylls,
rigid fragmentation rhodophyta (red) carotenoids (carotene,
pyrrophyta (dinofllagelates) xanthophylls)
euglenophyta (euglena)
chrysophyta (diatoms)
PROTOZOA + heterotrophic—obtain Sexual-conjugation Mastigophora (flagellates)– 2 or locomotory distribution
food by endocytosis Asexual-simple fission, more flagella pseudopodia, flagella, cilia free-living—aquatic
multiple fisson (schizogony) Sarcodina (Amoebas)- amoeboid nuclei and terrestrial
Reproduction in motion due to pseudopodia macronucleus(locomotion), symbiotic—parasitic,
paramecium Ciliophora (ciliates)- cilia moves in micronucleus(sexual mutualistic
+ binary fission unison to propel cell/ bring food to reproduction)
+ conjugation* its cytostome (mouth) vacuoles
+ endomixis* Sporozoa (sporozoans)- non motile, secretory(specific
+ autogamy* obligate intracellular parasite enzymes), phagocytic(food
+ cytogamy* microspore (microsporans)- no digestion),
*new macronucleus is microtubules and mitochondria contractile(excretion)
VIRUSES, VIROIDS, PRIONS + Amniotic inoculation- for primary isolation of influenza
Terminologies virus and the mumps virus.
capsid- protein shell that encloses the nucleic acid + yolk sac inoculation- simplest method for growth and
capsomere- capsid subunits multiplication of virus.
nucleocapsid- capsid + enclosed nucleic acid 3. Cell Culture
virion- complete virus particle

HOST Viriods- cause serious plant disease

+Bacteria Prions by Stanley Prusiner
+ animals e.g. Madcow disease, Creutzfeld Jacod Disease
+ higher plants PrPSc –prios behind diseases
+ algae PrPc –normal

+ icosahedral- 20 triangular faces, 12 vertices, 30 sides
e.g. herpes simple virus, poliovirus, parvovirus
+ helical
e.g. tobacco mosaic virus, measles virus, rabies virus
+ complex
e.g. bacteriophages, smallpox virus, influenza virus

+lytic virulent- cause lysis—destruction of cell
- Upon infection, host responds by producing a lot of
virions cell bursts virions released
- Attachmentpenetrationtranscriptionbiosynthesisas
sembly release
+lysogenic cycle
- no lysis occurs but lytic cycle may be spontaneously

1. Animal Inoculation
2. Inoculation into embryonated egg
+ Chlorioallantoic membrane inoculation- for growing
+ allantoic inoculation- for production of vaccine of influenza
virus, yellow fever, rabies.

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