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Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan – ISSN: 2303-3274 (p), 2528-1100 (e)

Vol. 8, no. 3 (Nov), pp. 371 - 390, doi: 10.25216/JHP.8.3.2019.371-390

WHISTLEBLOWING SYSTEM: Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi
mekanisme penguatan legislasi whistleblower dilihat dari
beberapa dimensi. Mekanisme whistleblower terbagi
STRENGTHENING dalam tiga dimensi utama yaitu Manusia, Struktur dan
Proses. Metode penulisan menggunakan pendekatan
Bobby Briando kualitatif studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
Universitas Utara Malaysia bahwa dari tiga dimensi sistem whistleblower masih belum memiliki kekuatan legislasi yang mengikat. Pelapor
whistleblower hanya menerima keringanan hukuman.
Sri Kuncoro Bawono Whistleblower dalam kasus korupsi di Indonesia belum
mendapat perlindungan hukum yang maksimal.
Politeknik Imigrasi
Peraturan yang mengatur hanya berdasarkan pada UU
No.13 Tahun 2006 Tentang Perlindungan Saksi dan
Korban serta Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung
Tony Mirwanto
(SEMA) No.4 Tahun 2011 Tentang Perlakuan
Politeknik Imigrasi Terhadap Pelapor Tindak Pidana dan Saksi Pelaku yang Berkerjasama. Penulis menyimpulkan agar undang-
undang yang khusus mengatur tentang whistleblower
Abstract segera ditetapkan. Dalam undang-undang tersebut
minimal harus mengatur secara tegas tentang
This article aims to explore the strengthening of
perlindungan terhadap pelapor tindak pidana
whistleblowing legislation mechanism viewed
from several dimensions. Mainly, the
whistleblowing mechanisms are divided into
Keywords: Whistleblower, Whistleblowing
three main dimensions namely Human, Structure
System Dimension, Regulation
and Process. This research is conducted by using
qualitative method through some literature
studies. The results of the study indicates from
those three dimensions of the whistleblowing The increasing number of fraudulent actions
system there are no legislation which has binding which has been revealed these days either on the
power. In some cases, the whistleblower only private sector or public sector has caught public
receives leniency such as sentence reduction. attention in Indonesia. In Indonesia the most
Additionally, the Whistleblowers in some sensitive cases and become the main concern is
corruption cases in Indonesia did not received corruption. According to Transparency
any legal protection. At this time, the regulations International’s Corruption Perception Index, in
are only based on Law No. 13 of 2006 concerning 2017, Indonesia got score 36 and listed on 96th
Witness and Victim Protection and the Supreme of 180 surveyed countries. Compared to the
Court Circular Letter (SEMA) No.4 of 2011 previous year the number is remained the same.
concerning Treatment of Reporting Criminal This situation shows that Indonesia’s Corruption
Acts and Witnesses of Collaborating Actors; Perception Index is still relatively high and the
however those regulations is inadequate to corruption eradication program seems slow-
protect the whistleblowers. In this case, the moving. Prevention Deputy on Indonesian
author concludes the government ought to enact Corruption Eradication Agency, Nainggolan
a law which specifically concern about states that there are so many factors that
whistleblowing system. This law must explicitly contributes to the fluctuation of Indonesia’s
regulates the protection of whistleblowers. corruption index. The problem is caused not only

Briando, Bawono & Mirwanto
Dimension of Whistleblowing System: Urgensity of Legislation Strengthening

by the low-level corruption such as bribery but keeps the secret or “blowing the whistle”. Some
also the higher-level corruption such as political people think that whistleblower is a traitor who
corruption. infringe the loyalty norm while the others think
It’s a fact that corruption always leads to that whistleblower is the guardian of higher value
many disadvantages. So, everyone has agreed that rather than loyalty to the organization.4 This
corruption has to be eradicated. No matter how contradictive view sometimes leads the
much the amount that corrupted, the eradication whistleblower candidate in a confusion that cause
of small corruption is as important as the big a distortion on their mind.
one.1 A small kind of corruption tends to be The reluctance of the employee to report the
bigger if everyone neglects the situation. In this fraud conduct in the organization actually could
case, to be able to eradicate the corruption, the be overcomed through the implementation of
organization needs to detect the corruption effective, transparent, and responsible
conduct earlier as a prevention. Nowadays, whistlenlowing system. This system expected to
whistleblower has become a new trend and raise increase employee’s participation in reporting any
popularity as a tool to detect the corruption in the deviation in private or public sector.
organization. Whistleblowing System is part of internal control
Whistleblower defined as the member of mechanism to prevent fraud or deviation and
public institution or private institution who strengthened good governance and clean
reveals any information about illegal conduct to government.5
the authority or public. The information could be Whistleblowing behavior could grow
illegal activities, unfairness, or faulty that because of some reasons, Firsly, economic
happened within the organization.2 movement which correlates with the
Whistleblowing claimed more effective in improvement of education quality, skills, and
exposing fraud than the other methods such as social awareness of the employees. Secondly,
internal audit, internal control or even external today’s economic condition has provided an
audit.3 This claim is in line with Biyearly Report intensive information and become the
to The Nation, published by Association of information driver. Thirdly, information access
Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) that and the ease of publication have led
mentions whistleblowing in the first list tips to whistleblowing as an unprevent event in this
reveal fraudulence. Understanding the economical movement.
significance of whistle-blowing has triggered Some researchers believe whistleblowing is a
many organization implements the mechanism good deed as a citizen and need to be rewarded;6
through some communication facilities such as however, generally, some managers in the
call center or website. organization views whistleblowing as a deviation.
Being a whistleblower is not an easy task. They still think whistleblowing is harmful action
Someone who works in organization sometimes to the organization. It happens as a kind of
facing an ethical dilemma whether he should revenge from the employee to the managers

1 Ellysa Diniastri, Korupsi, Whistleblowing Dan Etika 5 Rizki Bagustianto and Nurkholis, “Faktor-Faktor
Organisasi (Universitas Brawijaya, 2010). Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Pegawai Negeri Sipil Untuk
2 Georgina Susmanschi, “Internal Audit and Whistle- Melakukan Tindakan Whistle-Blowing (Studi Pada BPK
Blowing,” Economic, Management, and Financial Markets, vol. RI)”, Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa, vol. 3, no. 1 (2015), p. 1.
7, no. 4 (2012), p. 415. 6 Terry Morehead Dworkin, and Janet P. Near, “A
3 Paul Sweeney, “Hotlines Helpful for Blowing The better statutory approach to whistle-blowing,” Business
Whistlem,” Financial Executive, vol. 24, no. 4 (2008), p. 28. Ethics Quarterly, vol. 7, no. 1 (1997), p. 1.
4 Joyce Rotchschild and Terance D. Miethe, “Whistle-
Blower Disclosures and Management Retaliation,” Work
and Accupations, vol. 26, no. 1 (1999), p. 107.

Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan
Vol. 8, no. 3 (Nov), pp. 371 - 390, doi: 10.25216/JHP.8.3.2019.371-390

when the employee’s wants doesn’t fulfilled by It could be argued that the main problem in
the managers. Gibson, et al. mention usually this situation is the lack of regulation which
whistle blower in the profit organization is sacked concern on the protection of whistleblower in
and listed in a blacklist.7 While, in non-profit Indonesia. The protection of whistleblower only
organization, the whistleblower is usually moved implicitly mentioned in Law No.13 Year 2006
to another division, demoted or not concerning on the protection of witnesses and
recommended to get a promotion. victims. Another regulation is Mahkamah
Park & Blenkinsopp’s as well as Winardi’s Agung’s (Supreme Court) circular letter No. 4
study use Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior to Year 2011 concerning on the protection of justice
explain individual’s factors that build an interest collaborator. Those regulation is still far from the
to be a whistleblower.8910 Those studies reveal expectation in protecting the whistleblower.
‘attitude towards whistle blowing’ which become Thus, this paper will explore the dimension of
one of the factors has a positive correlation in the whistleblowing mechanism in order to
interest of whistleblowing. Beside that, some streghtened the regulation.
researches also believe situational factors such as
personal cost, and attention towards deviation Theoretical Overview
also contributes to the whistleblowing interest.11
Prosocial organizational behavior theory
Further, whistleblowing action also could be
Somers & Casal define prosocial
related with prosocial organizational behavior
organizational behavior as a conduct that carried
theory. Brief & Motowidlo states whistleblowing
out by the member of an organization towards
is one of prosocial action of the organization’s
someone, group or organization to improve the
member to convey some instructions,
welfare of those subjects.14 However, prosocial
procedures, or policy which they think is not
behavior is distinct to altruistic behavior. Brief &
ethical, illegal and harmful to the individual or
Motowidlo argue that prosocial behavior is a
organisation’s future.12 Based on the prosocial
social positive behavior which intend to bring
organizational behavior could be conclude that
advantages not only for the people in the
whistleblowing shows someone’s commitment
community but also for themselves.15
to protect his organization from unethical or
It is argued that whistle-blowing is related to
illegal threat.13
prosocial behavior. Brief & Motowidlo believe
whistle-blowing is one of thirteen kinds of
Problem Definition

7 James Gibson, Jhon M Ivancevich, JR Donnelly, H another Auditor Is Offered Client Employment,” A Journal
James, and Robert Konopaske, Organizations: Behavior, of Practice and Theory, vol. 20, no. 1 (2001), p. 45; R.D
Structure and Processes (New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Winardi, “The Influence of Individual and… ”, p. 361.
Company, 2012). 12 Arthur P. Brief and Stephan J. Motowidlo,
8 Heungsik Park and John Blenkinsopp. “Prosocial Organizational Behaviours,” Academy of
“Whistleblowing as planned behavior–A survey of South Management Review, vol. 11, no. 4 (1986), p. 710.
Korean police officers,” Journal of business ethics, vol. 85, no. 13 Mark J. Somers, and Jose C. Casal, “Organizational
4 (2009), p. 545. Commitment and Whistle-Blowing: A Test of the
9 R. D Winardi, “The Influence of Individual and Reformer and the Organization Man Hypotheses,” Group
Situational Factors on Lower Civil Servants Whistle- & Organization Management, vol. 19, no. 3 (1994), p. 270.
Blowing Intention in Indonesia”, Journal of Indonesian 14 Arthur P. Brief and Stephan J. Motowidlo,
Economy and Business, vol. 28, no. 3 (2013), p. 361. “Prosocial Organizational… ”, p. 710.
10 Icek Ajzen, “The theory of planned 15 Janella B. Dozier and M. P. Miceli, “Potential
behavior,” Organizational behavior and human decision processes, Predictors of Whistle-Blowing: A Prosocial Behaviour
vol. 50, no. 2 (1991), pp. 179. Prpspective”, Academy of Management Review, vol. 10, no. 4,
11 Steven E. Kaplan and Stacey M Whitecotton, “An (1985), p. 823.
Examination of Auditors Reporting Intention When

Briando, Bawono & Mirwanto
Dimension of Whistleblowing System: Urgensity of Legislation Strengthening

prosocial organizational behavior.16 Dozier & and context. Thus, the implication in some case
Miceli also believe that whistle-blowing could be might be found that only attitude influence
seen as prosocial organizational behavior since intention, or perceived behavioral control could
the behavior is not only bring benefit to someone explain intention, or those three influencing each
else but also to the whistleblower itself.17 other.
Prosocial behavior theory has some antecedent
variables which divided into two big groups. Discussion
Firstly, individual antecedent which comes from
Nowadays, Whistleblower phenomena is
the individual behavior of the prosocial conduct
raising attention in Indonesia. Especially in some
such as responsibility to the environment,
cases like Khairianysah, and Susno Duadji that
morality, and empathy. Secondly, contextual
reveal corruptive conduct in their organisations.
antecedent which comes from working
environment context such as norm factor,
cohesiveness, role model, leadership, work
pressure, organization commitment, and other
things that influence individual feeling, pleasure,
or displeasure.18

Theory of Planned Behavior

Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a
psychological theory that proposed by ada Brief
& Motowidlo.19 This theory explains the relations
between attitude and behavior. TPB emerges as
the answer from the failure of attitude in
predicting an actual behavior. TPB proves that
intention is more accurate in predicting actual
Source: National Committee on Governance Policy (KNKG)
behavior and comes as a proxy that connecting
attitude and actual behavior. Whistleblower could be defined with many
Ajzen argues intention assumed to capture definitions. Sometimes it could be defined as
motivation factors influencing an individual witness, or fact revealer. However, there is still
behavior.20 Further, TPB mentions that no exact meaning of whistleblower in Bahasa
conceptually, intention has three influencing Indonesia. Whistleblower usually dedicated to
determinants. First determinat is attitude someone who reveal or report an illegal conduct
towards behavior. This determinant is tiers where in their organization to public or internal auditor.
someone evaluating if some behaviors are right Basically, whistleblower is like a hammer. He
or wrong. The second determinant is social factor could unveil some cases or scandals which
which called subjective norm. This refer to social involving their colleagues or their boss. However
pressure perception about what to do or not to no one can mention what is the defined
do. The third determinant is perceived behavioral categories of a whistleblower.
control which refers to the ease or difficulty that
faced in conducting a behavior. Those three Human Dimension
determinant relatively differ in every behavior

16 Arthur P. Brief and Stephan J. Motowidlo, 18 Arthur P. Brief and Stephan J. Motowidlo,
“Prosocial Organizational… ”, p. 710. “Prosocial Organizational… ”, p. 710.
17 Janella B. Dozier and M. P. Miceli, “Potential 19 Icek Ajzen, “The theory of …”.
Predictors of… ”, p. 823. 20 Icek Ajzen, “The theory of …”.

Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan
Vol. 8, no. 3 (Nov), pp. 371 - 390, doi: 10.25216/JHP.8.3.2019.371-390

Park & Blenkinsopp states in this atomistic, component or believe that whistleblowing has
impersonal, and challenging community led by some positives impact such as protecting the
market and capitalism has made people hard to organization, eradicating corruption, emerging
find their own identity.21 In that kind of anticorruption culture, and building self-
community, their identity becomes so abstracts. reputation.25 Then, the believe in those positive
Further, the social awareness in the community consequence also evaluated through some
also disappear gradually. People will not think subjective evaluations based on the individual
that what they do to the community will bring value that brings emotional reaction. Only the
some positive impact for themselves and for the positive emotional evaluation that can trigger
future. someone’s intention to become a
The strengthening of ethical values including whistleblower.26
spiritual value which supported by common Generally, organization culture in Indonesia
sense become so important for public servant. is based on collectivism which is solidarity among
The public servant need to be accountable not members in the organization is more priorities
only for the organasation but also for the public. than the member itself. This is shown when there
With the common sense, people can choose is an investigation about some cases in the
which is right or wrong. Therefore, everyone in organization they tend to help each other to
the community can contribute to the changes cover the problem. Some problems sometimes
especially through the role of whistleblower. be tolerated in the name of loyalty even it is
Further, without spiritual and ethics in social life, violating the regulations.
the impact for the community is so massive. For This is a pity, considering this is not
instance, deviation conduct such as corruption. accordance to the anticorruption spirit. This is
As we know, one thing that contributes to the also could hinder the whistleblowing mechanism.
adversity of this nation is the high number of It would be better if the public servant has a
corruption.22 commitment that could bring some positives
Besides that, morality aspect also have an effect for the organization as mentioned by
important roles as the other values seems Mowday, Steers, & Porte.27 They defines
devaluated. This is crucial as morilality is one of organisastion commitment as a relative
social life aspects that can be related to the other identification power and individual involvement
social practices.23 Whistleblowing requirement is in organitation which could be mentioned
not without a reason. Ethical values become the through three interrelated factors: Firstly, the
fundamental reason why people choose to be a belief on organisation’s value; secondly
whistleblower. In this case, they consider the willingness to do some effort in the name of the
morality aspect that used as a basis for them to organizationl thirdly, willingness to protecting
reveal the corruptive or illegal conduct which the membership within the organization. The
usually organized neatly.24 employee who has commitment to the
Further, Public servant’s view on organization seems having a better sense of
whistleblowing also affects the intention of him belonging to the organization. They will improve
to become a whistleblower. The public servant their achievement, and have a belief to achieve
becomes a whistleblower has to have cognitive the organization’s objectives. They also willingly

21 Heungsik Park and John Blenkinsopp. 25 Rizki Bagustianto and Nurkholis, “Faktor-Faktor
“Whistleblowing as planned… ”, p. 545. Yang Mempengaruhi… ”, p. 1.
22 Rizki Bagustianto and Nurkholis, “Faktor-Faktor 26 Ellysa Diniastri, Korupsi, Whistleblowing dan ... .
Yang Mempengaruhi… ”, p. 1. 27 Richard T. Mowday, Richard M Steers, and Lyman
23 A. F Sikula, Applied Management Ethics (Chicago: W Porter, “The Measurement of Organizational
Richard D. Irwin, 1996), p. Commitment”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 14 (1979),
24 Ellysa Diniastri, Korupsi, Whistleblowing dan... . p. 224.

Briando, Bawono & Mirwanto
Dimension of Whistleblowing System: Urgensity of Legislation Strengthening

become a whistleblower because they believe Based on the concept by KNKG (National
they could protect the organization.28 committee in governance poly) there are two
keywords which related to whistleblower there
Structure Dimension are the informant and the violation. Practically,
At the moment, Indonesia does not have any these two words could be related and become the
specific regulation which concern on vilation informant which known as
whistleblowing.29 The regulation that mention whistleblower. Usually the informant comes
about whistleblowing only existed in UU No.13 from internal member of the organization.
year 2006 concerning the protection of witnesses However, there is also chance that the reports
and victims. Substantially, the Law only regulates comes from the external side. One of the
public crime which covers the process of requirements to become a whistleblower in this
protecting the witnesses and the victims. concept is having an information, evidence, a
However, contextually whistleblowing should be accurate predicition about the violation. The
regulated in the corporate crime. Further the law report is a fact that happen not an opinion based
also not mention explicitly about the on dislike to the organization.
whistleblowing and the protection to the The main purpose of this report system is to
whistleblower. In the article no. 10 (3), the reveal the violation or illegal, unethical, or
intention of the informant or whistleblower immoral conduct which could disadvantage the
become the main requirement for them to get a other member of the organization or the
protection. Someone who following the organization itself. The violation itself could be
whistleblower protection system needs to fulfill defined as any act that
some criterias which needed to make sure the Violate the regulations such as: 1. Violation
protection system will be effective.30 on regulation; 2. Violation on organization code
Those criteria are willingness to become a of ethics 3. Violation on accounting principle 4.
witnesses, follow the regulations on safety Violation on policy and organization standard
procedure, not communicate with the other operating procedures 5. Others violation which
people without institution’s approval, and not tell bring impact on organisation’s financial or non
the exact location during the protection. Based financial situation.
on the recent update, Mahkamah Agung Structure that need to be fulfilled in the
(Supreme Court) published a circular letter No.4 report mechanism as stated by Diniasti,32 such as:
year 2011 which accordance to the article no.10 1. Infrastructure and report mechanism
Law No. 13 year 2006. This letter comes up as a Organisation needs to provide a system
guidance for the Judge to give a special treatment that used to deliver a report about the
for the whistleblower. This treatment are giving violating conduct such as email or special
protection, and rewards for the whistleblower. address which cannot be accessed beside
The needs a regulation in supporting by the whistleblowing system operators.
whistleblower also mentioned by Diniastri.31 She This systems needs to be informed to all
believes to strengthening the whistleblowing, of the employee in the organization.
system, we needs a sectoral and internal 2. Confidentiality
mechanism that could facilitate the process. The identity of the informant is the most
important thing to be secure in this

28 Andrew Sikula Sr., “Moral Management 30 Ellysa Diniastri, Korupsi, Whistleblowing dan... .
Methodology/Mythology: Erroneous Ethical Equations”, 31 Ellysa Diniastri, Korupsi, Whistleblowing dan... .
Ethics & Behavior, vol. 19, no. 3 (2009), p. 253 32 Ellysa Diniastri, Korupsi, Whistleblowing dan... .
29 Rizki Bagustianto and Nurkholis, “Faktor-Faktor
Yang Mempengaruhi… ”, p. 1.

Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan
Vol. 8, no. 3 (Nov), pp. 371 - 390, doi: 10.25216/JHP.8.3.2019.371-390

system, The identity and information is counter act could be intangible action such as
restricted to the whistleblower operators imbalance performance score from the
and the file needed to put in a safe place. supervisor, or sacked from current position.34
The systems also should be opened for The other action that could be happened such as
the anonymous informant and there is no weakening the reporting process, isolation on the
discrimitation towards the anonymous. whistleblower or the other discrimination to the
3. Immunity right whistle blower.35 Diniastri also mentions that
Organisation have to develop a culture personal cost is not only the impact of the
that involve the employee to report every perpetrators’ revenge but also negative stigma
violation conduct they have seen. This is that states reporting violation within organization
important to give them immunity rights is unethical conduct.36
to the informant who already report the The bigger personal cost the lesser people’s
violation. intention to do the whistleblowing. Persolanl cost
4. Communication with the informant could be based on subjective view, this means
The communication with the informant expectation people on the personal cost could be
established through one single varied. However, Near & Miceli believe the same
mechanism for instance only one lines of revenge could be found.37 The person
whistleblowing operator who received who sacked because of reporting the wrongdoing
the report. In the communication the think that he paid a lot from the report.
informant also received the updates Therefore, the whistleblowing would make
about the problem. people expect that the report could make the
5. Investigation organization and management concern about the
Investigation process is conducted as a complaint.38
follow up the report. This process done
by the investigation officer. In serious Process dimension
and sensitive cases, the involvement from Before making a report, the whistleblower
external investigator is needed. ought to understand the limitation which could
6. Report Mechanism be mentioned as a violation or wrongdoing. This
The internal report system needs to is important to make sure that the report is not
design carefully. So it can make sure that assumed as a fiction, lie, or a slander. At the
every single reports need to be followed moment, there is no regulation that specifically
up, and some systemic cases needs to be mention which conduct is prohibited and could
forwarded to the organization leader as a affect public needs. However, in some laws and
prevention regulations already mention the instance of the
violation even though not specifically. And those
Personal cost of reporting is the employee’s view laws and regulations could be used a basis by the
on the risk of counter from the other members whistleblower to report the violations.
of organization. This also could affect the Some example on violating action based on
intention to report the wrongdoing act.33 The law and regulation such ase: 1. Criminal cases, 2.

33 Georgina Susmanschi, “Internal Audit and… ”, p. 35 J. P. Near and M. P. Miceli, “Organizational

415. Dissidence: The Case of Whistle-Blowing”, Journal of
34 L. P. White and L. W. Lam, “A Proposes Business Ethics, vol. 4, no. 1 (1985), p. 1.
Infrastructural Model for the Establishment of 36 Ellysa Diniastri, Korupsi, Whistleblowing dan... .
Organizational Ethics Systems”, Journal of Business Ethics, 37 J. P. Near and M. P. Miceli, “Organizational
vol. 28 (2000), p. 35. Dissidence: … ”, p. 1.
38 Janella B. Dozier and M. P. Miceli, “Potential
Predictors of… ”, p. 823.

Briando, Bawono & Mirwanto
Dimension of Whistleblowing System: Urgensity of Legislation Strengthening

Corruption cases which mentioned in

Corruption crime law. 3. Narcotics and drug
abuse. 4. Terrorism action, Etc. Besides those,
some actions such as abuse of power and other
actions that cause disadvantages for the public
also could be reported through whistle blowing
A whistleblower also needs to know
about the institution which has authority to
reveal some cases and give them protection. Its is In the assessment process, the assessor
important as It is related to the report process so ought to have a skill and experience in
the process will be correct and fast. In Indonesia interpreting the result of the report. This is
the report could be send to some institution needed to find out that the findings are related to
which has authority to process whistleblowing the regulation. So the misperception and miss
cases such as Corruption Eradication communication in the next step could be
Committee, etc. minimized. In the assessment process, the
One thing that needs to be understood by assessor needs to prioritize the confidential of the
the whistleblower is the risk of his action. This informant. The identity of the informant should
should be considered, as Indonesia hasn’t have a be kept and classified.39
law or regulation that specifically concern on the The level of the violation also become focus
whistleblowing protection. In some cases, we of whistleblowing process system. The member
found that the whistleblower was criminalized as of organization who observes violation conduct
a consequence of his action, such as Susno becomes more reluctant to do the whistleblowing
Duadji, Vincent Khairiansyah, and Agus Condro. if the violation is serious.40 Further, the
Those cases show that the process of revealing organization would affected more disadvantage
internal cases could dangered the whistleblower from more serious violation than the less one.41
itself. The risk that are faced not only about Every member’s perception to the seriousness of
positions, money, or their ownlife, but also their some violation could be differ to each other. The
family life. For instance, an employee could be perception was developed not only by the
sacked and also putted in a blacklist, demoted, or seriousness of the problem but also the kind of
even criminalized like Susno Duadji and Agus violation. Near & Miceli state the member of the
Condro. The worst risk that could be faced is organization might have different reaction to
someone could be murdured such as in Keraton some kinds of violation.42 Even though the kind
Solo case. of violation related to the perception, the
Further, someone would be considered as a seriousness of violation conduct could not
whistleblower if he report the case by his own measured by the kind of violation.
good faith After that the institution would set The seriousness problem can be measured
that person as a whistleblower which should be differently. Some previous researches using
protected. There are some procedures in the quantitative perspective to measure the
mechanism as draws in this diagram: seriousness level of wrongdoing action.
Bagustianto & Nurkholis in their research using
materialistic concept in accounting so the

39 J. P. Near and M. P. Miceli, “Organizational 41 R.D Winardi, “The Influence of Individual and…
Dissidence: … ”, p. 1. ”, p. 361.
40 J. P. Near and M. P. Miceli, “Organizational 42 Janella B. Dozier and M. P. Miceli, “Potential
Dissidence: … ”, p. 1. Predictors of… ”, p. 823.

Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan
Vol. 8, no. 3 (Nov), pp. 371 - 390, doi: 10.25216/JHP.8.3.2019.371-390

seriousness level of the action could be measured 2. Someone who become witness and
based on the value of wrongdoing action.43 The suspect at the same time cannot be freed
qualitative approach is the most viable research from charge, if he proved wrong in some
that can be conducted in regards this issue as the cases. But the information that he given
indicators are clear, measureable, and can be could be a consideration in the court.
observed. Another study done by Curtis through 3. The clause which mentioned in first
qualitative approach.44 In his study he reveals particle is not valid for someone who
some wrongdoing action which disadvantage the give information without a good willing.
other people and the number of wrongdoing
action. Even though that article No.10, law no. 13
The study which done by Bagustianto & year 2006 does not mention the informant as a
Nurkholis concludes materialistic factor whistleblower, but the informant in this law
influences the ethical and someone’s attitude could be defined as someone who gives
positively.45 Another finding is ethics and information to the law enforcer about some
someone’s attitude consistently cause great crimes. However the witnesses who also a
different on the intention to report some suspect cannot be freed from a accusation. This
violation. Another findings that concludes particle causes a polemic in some case this cause
seriousness level of wrongdoing significantly uncertainty about the regulation and not
affect whistleblowing intention also revealed by protecting the whistleblower. Because in some
Sulawesi Selatan government’s internal auditor.46 cases the whistleblower also act as a perpetrators.
On the other side, different result revealed by Indonesian supreme court has shown his
Kaplan & Whitecotton study which states commitment to support the protection of
perception of seriousness is not related to the witnesses and victims by issuing Supreme Court’s
intention of auditor to report questionable circular letter. The important point of this
behavior from his collagues.47 circular letter is the special treatment for people
who categorized as informant and witness and
Whistleblower based on Indonesia law perpetrators who help to reveal the case.48 The
special treatment could be mentioned like
In Indonesia, as previously explained the
protection and rewards. In some case, if the
Law No. 13 year 2006 concerning Witnesses and
reported sue the informant with some
Victims Protection does not mention clearly
accusations, the case which involves the reported
about the definition of whistleblower and states
person would be prioritized.49
that this regulation also protecting the
Further, The law no. 13 year 2006
whistleblower. The regulation about
concerning the witness and victims protection
whistleblower explicitly mentioned in article No.
does not mention the legal protection for the
10. The article mentions that:
whistleblower. Even though the whistleblower
1. Witness, victim, and informant can not
should be protected based on article 33 United
be sued

43 Rizki Bagustianto and Nurkholis, “Faktor-Faktor 47 Steven E. Kaplan and Stacey M Whitecotton, “An
Yang Mempengaruhi… ”, p. 1; Ellysa Diniastri, Korupsi, Examination of… ”, p. 361.
Whistleblowing dan .... 48 Bobby Briando, Iwan Triyuwono, and Gugus
44 Mary B. Curtis, “Are audit-related ethical Irianto, “Gurindam Etika Pengelola Keuangan Negara”,
decisions dependent upon mood?”, Journal of Business Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, vol. 8, no. 1 (2017), p. 1.
Ethics, vol. 68, no. 2 (2006), p. 191. 49 Bobby Briando, “Prophetical Law: Membangun
45 Rizki Bagustianto and Nurkholis, “Faktor-Faktor Hukum Berkeadilan dengan Kedamaian”, Jurnal Legislasi
Yang Mempengaruhi… ”, p. 1. Indonesia, vol. 14, no. 3 (2017), p. 313.
46 R.D Winardi, “The Influence of Individual and…
”, p. 361.

Briando, Bawono & Mirwanto
Dimension of Whistleblowing System: Urgensity of Legislation Strengthening

Nations Convention Against Corruption stated in article no.10 law No.13 year 2006
(UNCAC). This convention also has ratified by regarding witnesses and victim protection and
Indonesian government through Law No.7 year Supreme court’s circular letter No.4 year 2011
2006. In addition, Law No. 30 year 2002 also regarding the whistleblower and justice
mentioned that Corruption Eradication collaborator however, the legislation is not strong
Committee has to protect the informant of enough and cannot protect those two
corruption conduct. Law No.13 of 2006 comprehensively. National Commission on
concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims National Governance has mentioned three
does not explicitly mention the existence of legal dimension of whistleblower those are Human,
protection for whistleblowers. Structure, and System. Every dimension has
Thus, a law that concern specifically on some weaknesses in legislation. The commission
whistleblower is needed at the moment. This law actually has issued a guidance in whistleblowing
projected to make sure the mechanism of system; however practically it does not have legal
revealing and protection to the whistleblower in basis to protect the whistleblower in court. Thus,
some cases which disadvantage the public. the needs of a legal guarantee in law or
Nixson Kalo, Kamello, & Mulyadi also argues government regulation that regulate the
that the special law about whistleblower needs to whistleblower. The law enforcement also needs
regulate some situations,50 likewise: to be integrated from police, attorney, judge,
a. Whistleblower could not be sued corruption eradication commission, and the
because of revealing some information others stakeholders. Then, the law enforcer will
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