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Question 1: What difficulties in teaching are you experiencing?

“Teaching was never easy. But considering my own personal experiences, strategies
such as having a lot of differentiated instructions and dealing with a non-reader student
are quite challenging since I’m non education grad practicing the said profession. Also,
teaching science in a DepEd school is formidable due to lack of available laboratory

Having been in service for four years, both in private and public set up, I can say that
high-end private schools have an edge in facilitating students’ learning specially in
practical and laboratory set up.”

Question 2: Do you agree that the four-year teacher education program is a better
preparation for the teaching profession? Why?

“Four-year teacher education program is strategy-wise. I mean, graduates of the said

program are equipped with tantamount of strategies which they could practically use in
teaching. While non-education program graduates, like me, have this tendency to stick
on the limited strategies and philosophies we’ve learned in CPE.

However, since education is a never ending process, and since tons of seminars and
symposiums are now available for teachers, strategies and philosophies learned by
education graduate teachers in an erudite discussion in college could also be studied
and/or somehow, learned by non-education graduate teachers.

So, I guess, the verdict is no. The four-year teacher education program is not an edge in
the teaching profession.”

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