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3, 2000

Game Theory, People Power and Philippine Politics


Submitted September 1999, accepted November 1999

Abstract Game theory

Though game theory has been utilized mostly in Though certainly not considered a friendly game
economics, it has wide applications in other ®elds as by the parties involved, this historical confronta-
well. This paper delineates two illustrative game- tion is a prime example of a situation wherein the
theoretic applications to Philippine politicsÐthe outcome is determined by strategies employed by
People Power Revolution in the mid-1980s and the the players. In this sense, then, the EDSA Revolu-
con¯ict over the Spratly Islands in the mid-1990s. tion can be an illustration for the mathematical
Zero-sum games model these two events, and ele- theory of games.
mentary matrix theory is used to determine pure Developed by John von Neumann in the 1920s,
strategies and locate equilibrium points. Recommen- game theory is a useful and emerging ®eld in
dations for using game theory in other political discrete mathematics, and has various applications
situations are included, in an attempt to bridge the in economics, management, politics, history. It
gap between the classroom and the real world. revolves around rational strategies, payo€s and
optimal play (Von Neumann and Morgenstern,
1944). By mathematically comparing the payo€s
Introduction for strategies employed by the players, it is
February 23, 1986. On this second day of the possible to determine how to best play the game.
People Power Revolution, tens of thousands of Though game theory can become quite compli-
people were massed along the Epifanio de los cated when used to model complex situations, its
Santos Avenue (EDSA) at the heart of the capi- basic concepts can be understood by secondary
talÐManila, Philippines. Rallying in support of school students and certainly by ®rst-year under-
Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and Armed graduates in the university. In this article, the two
Forces Vice Chief Fidel Ramos, they were also examples of game theory applications merely re-
responding to the plea of Archbishop Jaime quire knowledge of algebra.
Cardinal Sin to keep vigil around military Camps Games like the EDSA Revolution, in which two
playersÐcivilians and soldiersÐhave directly op-
Crame and Aguinaldo, since ``the soldiers are our
posing interests, are termed two-person, zero-sum
friends''. Disillusioned by the dictatorial reign of
games. The zero-sum implies that what is lost by
President Ferdinand Marcos, angered by the bru-
one player is gained by the other. Mathematically
tal slaying of opposition leader Ninoy Aquino 3
speaking, this means that the payo€ to one player
years ago, and convinced that his widow Corazon
is exactly the negative of what is received by the
was the rightful winner in the just-concluded elec- other.
tions, Filipinos were calling for Marcos to resign, Two-person, zero-sum games begin with a suit-
and for the military to join them. able table of players, strategies and entries. In the
But some forces were still loyal to the dictator. EDSA Revolution game table, the civilians have
Tension mounted at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, two strategies: to stand their ground (STAY) or
when tanks and armoured personnel carriers leave (LEAVE). The soldiers also have two
headed for the crowd. The commanding general strategies: to ®re (ATTACK) or not to ®re
of the marines, Artemio Tadiar, threatened to ®re. (DESIST). In Table I, the rows are labelled with
The people stood their ground. With priests and the choices available to the civilians (STAY or
nuns leading them, Filipinos recited the rosary, LEAVE). The columns represent the alternatives
pleaded with the soldiers, and o€ered them ¯owers of the soldiers (ATTACK or DESIST).
and candy. Revving their engines, the marines Four pairs of game strategies exist for this game.
edged their war machines forward (Kilates, 1994). For example, row 1/column 1 (R1/C1) is the pair
# The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 2000

Table I. lives, believing that their sacri®ce will inspire

Table for the EDSA Revolution Game Filipinos everywhere, and bring their plight to
international attention, especially through the
ongoing live coverage of CNN (Cable News
Attack Desist Network). If other nations take their side, then
the ultimate goalÐthe dictator's resignationÐ
Civilians may still be achieved. We cannot assign a
Stay ? ? positive integer here (because some civilians
Leave ? ? will die when the soldiers attack), but we
cannot assign too large a negative value either
(since the sacri®ce is deemed by many to be
worth the risk). A reasonable payo€ is 1.
of game strategies in which the civilians stay and (2) STAY±DESIST: If the soldiers desist, and the
the soldiers attack. Each pair of strategies results civilians stand their ground, then victory is at
in a payo€ to the civilians, which is entered in the hand. With the military refusing to ®re on
table. By convention, the matrix entries are con- their own people, Marcos will have no choice
sidered to be the payo€ to the row playerÐthe but to step down. The payo€ here is clearly
civilians. (Remember that the payo€s to the very positive: ‡2.
column playerÐthe soldiersÐare simply the nega- (3) LEAVE±ATTACK: If the soldiers attack, and
tives of the matrix entries.) the civilians withdraw, then the situation will
How are the payo€s (indicated by question be the same as it had been for more than 20
marks) determined? Here is one important and years. A dictator will still wield absolute
enjoyable task in game theory: linking math- power, and for many civilians, the situation
ematics to ``real life'' situations. To determine can no longer be tolerated. They would rather
the payo€s, students must go beyond math and risk their lives. The only upside to this situa-
probe the possible psychological, political and tion is if they leave and the soldiers still attack,
historical rami®cations of all four available op- they will win the sympathy of the international
tions. In this sense, then, the values assigned to the community. The psychological implications of
entries are arbitraryÐit is their relative size (to this ambivalent situation are quite similar to
each other), and not their absolute magnitude, that of situation (1), which as we have seen, is
which is important. also quite ambivalent. We can then give this
``The exercise of assigning [payo€s] is highly situation a value equal to that in (1): 1.
subjective and, to a great degree, re¯ects the (4) LEAVE±DESIST: If the soldiers desist, and
personal values, knowledge, and experience of the civilians withdraw, then the situation will
the person assigning them. However, this be even worse. Even though lives may have
process can be brought closer to reality by been saved momentarily, these will soon be
gathering more information [about the situa- forfeit. Marcos' well-known habit, despised
tion]'' (Perham 1995, p. 110). and feared by the people, was to imprison
and execute (often without a fair trial) those
Thus, after painstaking research and passionate believed to be against him. If the people
debate, the liberal arts undergraduates of my dis- surrender now, then Marcos' reign will be
crete mathematics class came up with the following more autocratic than ever. Furthermore, with-
four payo€s, analysed from the row player's point out Filipinos taking a brave stand, other
of view. To facilitate ease of computation, they nations will remain ignorant of the situation,
considered the number 0 to be ``neutral ground'' and no international pressure will be brought
(to denote something which is neither positive nor to bear upon the dictator. The payo€ to this
negative), positive integers to denote positive out- worst scenario of all: 2.
comes (for the row playerÐcivilians) and negative These four payo€s are then entered into the table
integers to denote negative outcomes (for the row (see Table II).
(1) STAY±ATTACK: If the soldiers attack, and Equilibrium point of the game
the civilians stay, then many civilians will What should be the rational strategy? In game
dieÐcertainly not a positive outcome. theory, the rational player decides on ``a course of
However, the majority are willing to risk their action that will give him the best possible payo€ in

Table II. (game-theoretically) a rational one. Not only

Payo€ Table for the EDSA Revolution Game. would they not back down, they could not. How
about the soldiers? Their rational choice would
have been to attack. They were under direct orders
Civilians Attack Desist of their supreme Commander-in-chief, Marcos.
The civilians were unarmed, and the skirmish
Stay 1 ‡2 would have been a short (albeit bloody) one. But
Leave 1 2 thankfully, in real life, sometimes the mathe-
matically rational choice is not the morally correct
one. Faced by fellow Filipinos pressing their
Table III. bodies against tanks and reciting the rosary, these
Equilibrium point for the EDSA Revolution Game. fervently Catholic soldiers withdrewÐwithout
®ring a shot.
Three days later, under guarantee of safe pass-
Civilians Attack Desist Row minima age to America, Marcos and his family ¯ew in exile
to Hawaii. Corazon Aquino took her oath as
Stay 1 ‡2 1 seventh present of the Philippine Republic. Vice-
Leave 1 2 2 Chief Ramos would eventually succeed her.
Column Maxima 1 ‡2
Con¯ict over the Spratly Islands
This notion of an equilibrium point and pure
strategies can be extended to games where players
a worst-case situation . . . assuming that one's op- may have more than two choices. Let us now
ponent makes his best counter move. This `risk- discuss a con¯ict still brewing in the South China
averse' decision forsakes possible gains to avoid SeaÐover the Mischief Reef, part of the Spratly
incurring unnecessary losses'' (Casti, 1996, p. 5). Islands chain.
Mathematically, this means that the row players Believed to sit atop vast oil reserves, the coral-
(civilians) want to maximize their minimum pay- reefed Spratlys ``straddle some of the world's
o€. We write down the minimum entry in each of busiest shipping lanes, through which about one
the rows, and ®nd the largest of the row minima quarter of international trade passes'' (McCarthy,
(the maxmin). In an opposite but similar vein, the 1999, p. 18). Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Brunei,
column players (soldiers) want to minimize their China and the Philippines have at one time or
maximum payo€. We write down the maximum another laid claim on the islands. But the Philip-
entry in each of the columns, and ®nd the smallest pines has international law on its side: the Spratlys
of the column maxima (the minmax). We soon are well within the country's 200-mile exclusive
discover that the maxmin and the minmax are economic zone, as de®ned by the United Nations
the same … 1† and both coincide at the pair of Convention of the Sea.
strategies: STAY for the civilians and ATTACK But this does not stop the Chinese from building
for the soldiers (see Table III). military structures (which they insist are merely
This maxmin/minmax point is called the equi- ``®shermen's shelters'') on Mischief Reef, complete
librium point of the game, because by choosing with command post, observation tower and
these strategies, the two players are guaranteed a launching pad. Since the removal of American
certain minimal payo€ … 1†, regardless of what bases from Philippine soil in 1992, China has
the opponent chooses to do. Even if each player steadily been exerting more and more control over
announces his decision in advance to the oppo- the Spratlys, in an apparent plan to dominate
nent, the latter cannot use it to his advantage. Southeast Asia. This alarms many of the countries
(A strategy which stands out clearly as the in the region, as well as the West, so much so
optimal oneÐto be employed all the time in a that in February 1999, US State Department
particular caseÐis called pure.) If either player spokesman James Foley called China's actions a
departs from this pure strategy, then he will su€er ``provocatively unilateral activity'' (McCarthy,
unnecessary loss. 1999, p. 19).
What happened in the real EDSA People Power The con¯ict over the Spratlys can be analysed
Revolution? It is interesting to see here that the using game theory. In Table IV, the rows represent
Filipino people's choice to stand their ground at the choices available to the Philippines: to destroy
EDSA was not only a courageous decision, but China's structures (ACTION ONLY), to negotiate

Table IV. drop its guard and then creeps forward again''
Payo€ table for the Spratlys game. (McCarthy, 1999, p. 20). This is a better
situation for the Philippines than either (1)
or (2), but since China is still creating con¯ict,
Philippines Continue Stop the payo€ is still negative: 1.
(4) ACTION ONLY±STOP: If the Philippines
Action only 3 ‡1 destroys the structures and China stops, then
Diplomacy only 2 ‡3 well and good. But this may entail a huge
Action & diplomacy 1 ‡2 amount of force, a drain on the already
dwindling military reserves. The payo€ is
positive, but not too large a number: ‡1.
and ask for international intervention (DIPLO-
Philippines takes action and leaves room for
MACY ONLY), or a combination of the two negotiation at the same time, and China stops,
(ACTION AND DIPLOMACY). The columns then it receives a bigger payo€ than that in (4).
represent China's two choices: to continue build- Through international intervention, the use of
ing its structures (CONTINUE) or to stop force may not be so huge. (Other countries,
(STOP). like the US, will probably give ®nancial or
After research and debate, my students came up military aid.) The payo€ here is higher than in
with the following payo€s, analysed from the row (4): ‡2.
player's (Philippines') point of view. (6) DIPLOMACY ONLY±STOP: Clearly the
(1) ACTION ONLY±CONTINUE: If the Philip- best possible scenario for the Philippines, this
pines keeps destroying China's military struc- entails no use of force on its part, yet this
tures as soon as they are discovered, without earns for the country international recognition
even o€ering to negotiate or to ask for inter- for its nonviolent stance, and stops China,
national intervention, and China continues to besides. The payo€ here is the most positive
build them, then the worst scenario may of all: ‡3.
happen: war. Moroever, the Philippine ¯eet To solve the game, we look once more for the
(``an air force that can't ¯y and a navy that maxmin and minmax. Both correspond to 1,
can't go out to sea,'' according to Defense which lies at the intersection of the row strategy
Secretary Orlando Mercado, quoted in ACTION AND DIPLOMACY and the column
McCarthy, 1999, p. 18) is no match for strategy CONTINUE. 1 is the equilibrium point
China's ®repower. The payo€ for the Philip- of the game. See Table V.
pines in this worst scenario of all is clearly With its expansionist aims and frequent disre-
negative: 3. gard for international protests, China's rational
(2) DIPLOMACY ONLY±CONTINUE: If the choice is simply to continue building its structures
Philippines keeps on protesting verbally and on the Spratlys. As for the Philippines, its rational
on paper, without resorting to force, and choice is to use both action and diplomacy. It is
China continues to build, then China will be interesting to note that those two game-theoretic
all the more emboldened. International inter- strategies are those currently employed in real life.
vention, though, may help the Philippines Unless other considerations surface (e.g. other
somewhat. We can consider this situation to matters to claim the attention of China or the
be not as bad as (1), but clearly still negative: a
payo€ of 2:
Equilibrium point for the Spratlys game.
This is the strategy utilized at present. The
Philippines tries to destroy the structures as China
fast as the Chinese can build them, at the same
time presenting their case internationally. Philippines Continue Stop Row minima
Though these tactics do not stop the Chinese,
Action only 3 ‡1 3
they slow them down. ``Lately Beijing has Diplomacy only 2 ‡3 2
proceeded more by stealth not even protesting Action and Diplomacy 1 ‡2 1
when its markers are discovered and blown Column maxima 1 ‡3
up. Instead it simply waits for the other side to

Philippines), these optimal strategies will continue strategies or nonzero sum games, to analyse
inde®nitely. more complicated situations.
. In order to calculate payo€s, students have to
Conclusion research on politics and engage in multiple
Much of history has been shaped by wars and discussions, from di€erent viewpoints. Not only
politics: the two World Wars, the Cold War, civil does this deepen their cognition of historical
wars, the rise and fall of autocrats and dictators. events, it also makes them empathise more with
Nonviolence has also played a pivotal role, from the players, whether friend or foe, thus fostering
Gandhi to Martin Luther King, from People international understanding.
Power in the Philippines to People Power in . Students are exposed to a ®eld of mathematics
Indonesia. which is not a traditional part of the curriculum.
Originally developed as an aid for economic This impresses on them that mathematics is not
analysis, game theory has been increasingly used a static subject, but a dynamic one, constantly
in psychology and political science (Williams, evolving to meet the needs of its practitioners
1954; Richardson, 1956a, b; Casti, 1996). Like and the world at large.
other ®elds of discrete mathematics such as graph
theory and linear programming, it has evolved
from the need to solve real-world situations, and References
is becoming an increasingly important part of the Casti, John, L., ``Five Golden Rules: Great Theories of 20th -
century MathematicsÐand Why They Matter,'' John
school curriculum. Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1996.
Although the applications of game theory de- Kilates, Marne, L., The People's Uprising, in ``Filway's
scribed above concerned the Philippines, they can Philippine Almanac'', 2nd ed, Almario, V. S., Editor.
easily be adapted to the international sphere. Filway Marketing, Quezon City, Philippines; 1991,
McCarthy, Terry, Reef Wars, Time, 1999, 153: 18±20.
Con¯icts such as the Vietnam War, Labour versus National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM),
Tories, Clinton versus Starr, can all be modeled ``Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School
and analysed using game theory. Analyses of Mathematics,'' NCTM, Reston, VA; 1989.
the Cuban Missile Crisis, Allied bombers versus Perham, Arnold, Discrete Mathematics and Historical
Japanese ®ghters in World War II (Casti, 1996) Analysis: A Study of Magellan, The Mathematics
Teacher, 1995, 88: 106±112.
and Magellan versus his captains (Perham, 1995) Richardson, Lewis, F., Mathematics of War and Foreign
have already been carried out. Politics, in ``World of Mathematics'', Newman, James
This article's use of game theory o€ers students R., Simon and Schuster, 1956a, New York, 1240±53.
the following bene®ts: Richardson, Lewis, F., Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, in ``World
of Mathematics'', Newman, James R., Editor. 1954±1963
. Through the use of politics, psychology, and Simon and Schuster, 1956b, New York.
history, students see all the more that math- Von Neumann, John and Morgenstern, Oscar, ``Theory of
Games and Economic Behavior,'' University Press,
ematics can be applied to real life (NCTM, Princeton, NJ, 1944.
1989). They grow more interested in delving into Williams, J. D., ``The Compleat Strategyst'', McGraw Hill
the intricacies of game theory, such as mixed Book Company, Inc., New York, 1954.

Queena N. Lee-Chua, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Mathematics Department of the Ateneo de Manila
University, Philippines. She also handles courses in the Psychology Department. Her research interests include
cognition in mathematics teaching and learning, discrete mathematics, and popularization of mathematics and
science. She was one of the Ten Outstanding Young Filipinos in 1997 and won a National Book Award in 1999.

Address for correspondence: Queena N. Lee-Chua, Ateneo de Manila University, Mathematics

Department, Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Philippines 1108. <> or

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