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Waking up to a goblin ambush, a human reaches for

the pistol she always keeps at her side. She leaps to her
feet and begins to fire, blasting the nearest goblin away
before he can strike.
A gnome sighs to himself in satisfaction as he puts the
final screw into his masterpiece: a massive rifle, almost
twice as tall as he is. He loads it and tests it out on a
nearby tree. The ensuing blast knocks the gnome off of
his feet. He stumbles upright, grinning as he sees the
tree topple over from the hit.
Gunslingers are masters of the firearm, using them to
devastating effect on the battlefield. A gunslinger uses a
steady trigger finger and technical skill to provide cover
fire for her companions and cripples opponents with
deadly special shots.

Creating a Gunslinger
Gunslingers thrive on the outskirts of civilization, both
famous and infamous in the more free-spirited areas
of the world. Talk with your DM about an appropriate
origin for your Gunslinger. Do you live in a city, where
your weapons are possibly outlawed? Or, perhaps, you
come from the frontier, where your kind are common
and the laws, less so.
How did you acquire your first gun? Did your fervor for
invention lead you to create something more powerful
than you know? Did a demon trade this knowledge for
the promise of a favor? Maybe you killed a vengeful foe
and took your gun off his dead body.

Quick Build
You can make a gunslinger quickly by following these
suggestions. First, put your highest ability score
in Dexterity, followed by Intelligence or Wisdom,
depending on the Trail you intend to take at 3rd level.
Second, choose the outlander background.

Classes | Gunslinger
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by /u/Barkalot
Natural Talent
The Gunslinger Beginning at 1st level, choose one of your skill
proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any
Proficiency Maximum
Level Bonus Features Grit ability check you make that uses your chosen proficiency.
In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and
1st +2 Tinkerer, Natural Talent -
damage rolls you make using firearms.
2nd +2 Grit, Aimed Shot 2
3rd +2 Gunslinger’s Trail 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 Grit
5th +3 Extra Attack 3 You, like every gunslinger, have something which allows
6th +3 Trail Feature 3 you to remain cool and collected, even in the most dire
7th +3 Trick Shot 3 situations. Starting at 2nd level, you gain a number
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 of Grit points equal to your proficiency bonus. The
number of Grit points you have can never exceed your
9th +4 Evasion 4
proficiency bonus.
10th +4 Trail Feature 4 You can spend these points to fuel various class
11th +4 Violent Shot 4 features. You start knowing one such feature: Aimed
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 Shot. You learn more such features as you gain
13th +5 Personal Effects 5 additional levels in this class.
14th +5 Trail Feature 5 Any expended Grit points refill at the end of a short or
15th +5 Trick Up Your Sleeve 5 long rest. In addition, you regain 1 Grit point, up to your
+5 current maximum, whenever you roll a critical hit with a
16th Ability Score Improvement 5
firearm attack, or you use a firearm to reduce a creature
17th +6 Trail Feature 6
to 0 or fewer hit points. If you reduce a creature to 0 or
18th +6 ‘Slinger’s Luck 6 fewer hit points with a critical hit, you regain only 1 Grit
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 point, not 2.
20th +6 True Grit 6 Some of your Grit features require your target to
make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The
saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Class Features Grit save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity

As a gunslinger, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points Aimed Shot

Hit Dice: 1d8 per gunslinger level Beginning at 2nd level, when making an attack with a
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier firearm as part of your attack action, you may choose
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your to expend a number of Grit points up to your current
Constitution modifier per gunslinger level after 1st maximum to gain a bonus on the attack roll equal to the
number of Grit points spent. If this attack hits, you add
the number of Grit points spent to its damage roll as
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, firearms
Tools: Tinker’s Tools Gunslinger’s Trail
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence At 3rd level, you choose the trail which reflects your
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Insight, own personal style and credo. Following one of these
Investigation, History, Perception, Sleight of Hand, trails separates a mere gun-toting adventurer from a
Stealth, and Survival. legendary gunslinger. Choose the Trail of the Desperado
or the Trail of the Gunsmith, both detailed at the end of
Equipment the class description. Your choice grants you a unique
You start with the following equipment, in addition to feature when you choose it at 3rd level. It also grants
the equipment granted by your background: you additional benefits at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 17th
• (a) a pistol (b) a musket or (c) a scattergun
• (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack Extra Attack
• Leather armor, a set of tinker’s tools, and 30 pieces of
ammunition Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Beginning at 1st level, you can use Tinker’s Tools to
craft basic firearms, detailed at the end of the class
description, as well as basic ammunition for those

Classes | Gunslinger
Trick Shot than one. While wearing your Comfortable Duster,
you never make an ability check or saving throw with
Starting at 7th Level, you can target a specific location
on a foe’s body, so long as the foe’s body has the location
Lucky Hat. This hat has been with you since the
you want to target. When making an attack with a
beginning, and no matter how many times you lose
firearm, you may spend a Grit point to add an additional
it, it always seems to find its way back. When you are
effect based on the targeted location.
hit with an attack while wearing your Lucky Hat, you
Armshot. On a hit, the target must make a
may turn that attack into a miss, even if that attack is a
Constitution saving throw or drop a single held item of
Critical Hit. You may use this feature once between each
your choice.
long rest.
Headshot. On a hit, the target must make a
Quality Cigar. No matter where you draw on it, this
Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on
cigar always gives you a quiet moment to reflect. As an
attacks made until the start of your next turn.
action, you make take a draw on your Quality Cigar to
Legshot. On a hit, the target must make a Constitution
regain 1 Grit point. You may take a draw on the Quality
saving throw or fall prone.
Cigar up to 2 times between each long rest.
Bodyshot. On a hit, the target must make a
Tinker’s Goggles. Tinkering has always kept you up
Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on
at night, and these goggles have been a tinker’s best
Strength and Dexterity ability checks and saving throws
friend. While wearing your Tinker’s Goggles, you can
until the start of your next turn.
see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical,
Wingshot. On a hit, the target must make a
up to a distance of 120 feet, and you are immune to
Constitution saving throw or fall 60 feet. Creatures of
the blind condition. In addition, you have advantage on
Huge size or larger automatically succeed on saving
Tinker’s Tools ability checks to repair a broken gun.
throws made against this shot.

Evasion Trick Up Your Sleeve

When you reach 15th level, you never go anywhere
Beginning at 9th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the
without a gun on your person, come hell or high water.
way of certain area effects, such as a red dragon’s fiery
Whenever you make a Sleight of Hand check to draw or
breath or an ice storm spell. When you are subjected
hide a light weapon on your person, you can treat a d20
to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving
roll of 19 or lower as a 20.
throw to take only half damage, you instead take no
damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only
half damage if you fail. ‘Slinger’s Luck
Starting at 18th level, some swear you’ve been kissed by
Violent Shot Lady Luck herself. Before you roll a saving throw, you
can choose to automatically succeed. Once you use this
Starting at 11th Level, you’ve learned that you can’t
feature, you must take a long rest before using it again.
always play safe if you want to win. As part of a ranged
attack action using a firearm, you can spend a Grit point
to perform a Violent Shot. If your attack hits, it is treated True Grit
as a critical hit which does not restore Grit and your
weapon is broken (see the Firearm Properties detailed At 20th level, whenever you would regain 1 Grit Point,
at the end of the class description). you instead regain 2, up to your current maximum.

Personal Effects Gunslinger’s Trail

Beginning at 13th level, you may choose one of the Trail of the Desperado
following items as your Personal Effects. Your chosen
item grants you a unique bonus, specified below. If The desperado fights with skill, reflexes, and a quick
your Personal Effects are lost or destroyed, they are trigger finger. Her movements are crisp and sharp, faster
mysteriously found immediately following your next than the average person can track. Those following this
long rest. path drill their motions until they surpass normal mortal
Acrobatics Harness (Desperado Only). The strains limits.
of rolling, ducking, and dodging can take their toll on
the body. With this harness, you can perform stunts to Fast Reflexes
dodge out of harm’s way with little strain on yourself. When you choose this trail at 3rd level, your speed
While wearing your Acrobatics Harness, you may also increases by 10 feet while you are unarmored or
add your Proficiency modifier to the damage reduction wearing light armor.
component of Dodge Roll. In addition, you may use your bonus action to either
The Rambolier (Gunsmith Only). You never leave repair or reload a weapon in your possession.
home without an ammo stockpile about the size of a
munition depot. This high-capacity, smooth leather Quick Draw
bandolier carries it all for you. While wearing The By 6th level, you’ve learned to keep a close eye on
Rambolier, you may craft and store up to 2 extra rounds your surroundings, and a close hand on your gun. You
of Specialty Ammo during each long rest, which are add your proficiency bonus to any initiative check.
added to your current maximum. Furthermore, during the first round of combat in which
Comfortable Duster. This old, trail-worn duster has you are not surprised, you can spend a Grit point to
been your constant companion. Full of holes, torn in make a single attack with a one-handed firearm at your
places, and never quite clean, it’s like you in more ways initiative + 10. Afterward, initiative proceeds as normal.

Classes | Gunslinger
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by /u/Barkalot
Dodge Roll
Starting at 10th level, you’ve learned to tumble away
from ranged attacks. Whenever you are on the ground
and take damage from a source more than 10 feet away
which you can see, you may use your reaction to dodge
out of the way of further assault, moving a distance up
to half your movement speed, and if you move at least
5 feet, reducing the damage by an amount equal to
your Dexterity modifier. While moving in this manner,
enemies have disadvantage on attacks of opportunity
made against you.

Fan Fire
Starting at 14th level you can attack three times, instead
of two, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.

Improved Quick Draw

At 17th level, Quick Draw no longer consumes Grit. In
addition, you have advantage on any initiative check,
and you are unable to be surprised while you are

Trail of the Gunsmith

A gunsmith is an eccentric arcane tinkerer, unafraid
of taking risks or personally modifying their firearms.
They learn by improving their existing creations and
building new guns. Each new creation is a stepping
stone to something greater. Those following this Trail
use their intelligence to forge weapons and ammunition
unparalleled in the rest of the world.
Some Gunsmith features require your target to make
a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving
throw DC is equivalent to your Grit save DC.

Walking Armory
When you choose this trail at 3rd level, you craft a
mechanism which allows you to easily store and equip
your personal firearms. You may draw any firearm
within arm’s reach without using your object interaction.

Apprentice Guncrafting
When you choose this trail at 3rd level, you can craft
new firearms and modify your current ones. One-
handed guns are based on the pistol, two-handed
guns on the musket, and cone guns on the scattergun.
Modifying a firearm requires 1 day of constant work per
modification. You may remove an existing modification
at the same time as you add a new one.
Maintenance. Modifications require constant tuning
and maintenance in order to remain in working order.
During a long rest, you may maintain a number of
modified firearms up to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of one). If a modified firearm is not
maintained during a long rest, any attack roll made with
that firearm has disadvantage.
Limited Modification. You may modify a firearm
a number of times up to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of once). In addition, every modification falls
into a category. You may only place a single modification
from each category on a given firearm.

Modifications for firearms are shown on the

Modifications chart. At 3rd Level, you gain access to
the Long Barrel, Snubnose Barrel, Elemental Barrel
modifications. You gain additional modifications as your
level increases, as detailed in the Modifications Table.

Classes | Gunslinger

Level Modification Effect Category

3rd Long Barrel The firearm can make attacks up to its long range without disadvantage. Barrel
3rd Snubnose Barrel This weapon can only make attacks up to its short range. However, on a hit, the target is Barrel
knocked back 5 feet.
3rd Elemental Barrel Damage dealt with the firearm is considered Acid, Cold, Fire, or Lightning for the purpose Barrel
of overcoming resistance and immunity. You choose the damage type when you make this
3rd Rune of The gun no longer needs to be maintained in order to function properly. Personal Touches
6th Dampening Alloy This firearm is treated as silenced, as detailed in the Firearm Properties section. Alloy
6th Light Alloy The firearm becomes light, as detailed in the PHB. This does not affect firearms with the two- Alloy
handed property.
6th Nonporous Alloy The firearm and loaded ammunition are no longer affected by being wet or submerged. You can Alloy
use the firearm to make attacks normally while submerged, up to the firearm’s short range.
6th Old Faithful The misfire rating of the gun is reduced by 2. Personal Touches
10th Auto-Loader If you do not use the firearm to make an attack during your turn, the firearm is reloaded to full Reloading Mechanism
capacity without requiring an action.
10th Vampiric You no longer have to reload your weapon, but every attack you make with the firearm deals 1 HP Reloading Mechanism
Weapon necrotic damage to you.
10th Mechanical The gun automatically reloads itself when your ammunition count drops to 0. After it reloads Reloading Mechanism
Reloader itself in this manner, the Mechanical Reloader must be reset before it is usable again. Resetting
the Mechanical Reloader requires an action. You may still manually reload the gun.
10th Tactical Sniper As an action, you may aim down the scope and make a single attack with advantage. Personal Touches
14th Piercing Ammo Attacks made using this firearm ignore piercing resistance for the purpose of calculating damage. Basic Ammunition
14th Ricochet Ammo Attacks made using this firearm may ricochet. If an attack hits its intended target, you may Basic Ammunition
choose a single additional target within 10’, and make an attack roll with disadvantage against
the second target. This ricochet deals 1d6+DEX mod piercing damage. This second attack roll
cannot cause your weapon to misfire.
14th Corrosive Ammo Successful attacks made using this firearm inflict an additional 1d4 acid damage. Basic Ammunition
14th Modular design You may modify this firearm during a short rest. Personal Touches

Journeyman Guncrafting Specialty Ammo

When you reach 6th level, your skills at modifying Beginning at the 14th level, you can craft special ammo
and creating weapons have noticeably grown. Your for your firearms with an arcane crystal core, which can
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check which be imbued with certain magical effects when fired. Each
uses Tinker’s Tools. In addition, you’ve learned how to round of special ammo must be crafted during a long
modify your guns to pull latent magic from the world rest, and only retains its special effects until your next
around them. From now on, any attack made with a gun long rest. You can craft and store a number of specialty
you’ve modified is treated as magical for the purpose of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of
overcoming resistance and immunity. 1 round) during a long rest.
Upon loading a gun, you must declare how many
Blast Packs specialty rounds (if any) that you are loading into the
At 10th level, your experiments with arcane technologies gun. Once a piece of specialty ammo has been loaded
led you to an explosive, yet useful, discovery. When a into a gun, you may expend it as part of any attack
creature moves within 5 feet of you, you can use your you make with that gun. You may only use one piece
reaction to detonate a shaped explosive charge between of specialty ammo per attack action. When you fire
you and the creature. The creature loses its reaction, the round, you may imbue it with any effect from the
and must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked following list:
prone by the blast, while you ride the shockwave 15 feet Freeze Round. When the round hits a target, a burst
directly away from the creature. You cannot use this of ice spreads from the point of impact, trapping objects
feature while prone. within 5’. A creature hit by a freeze round must make
You can create one shaped explosive charge during a a Constitution saving throw or become chilled, taking
short or long rest. Unfortunately, the chemicals within 3d8 additional frost damage and becoming restrained
each charge are volatile, and only retain their potency until the end of your next turn, or half damage on a
until the beginning of your next short or long rest. successful save. This damage increases by an additional
2d8 at the 17th and 20th levels.

Classes | Gunslinger
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by /u/Barkalot

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties

Derringer 1000 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (range 15/60), capacity 1, light, misfire 0, reload,
special - derringer
Musket 250 gp 1d12 piercing 9 lb. Ammunition (range 150/600), capacity 4, misfire 3, reload, two-handed
Pistol 125 gp 1d10 piercing 4 lb. Ammunition (range 60/240), capacity 4, misfire 3, reload
Sawed-off 500 gp 1d6 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 10/20), capacity 2, light, misfire 3, reload, scatter
Scattergun 250 gp 1d8 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 15/30), capacity 2, misfire 3, reload, two-handed, scatter

Explosive Round. The round detonates on impact Misfire. If your natural roll for a gun attack falls at or
with a target, dealing fire damage in a 10’ radius sphere. below the misfire score of the gun you are using, you
Creatures in this area of effect must make a Dexterity suffer a misfire. Your attack misses, any ammo you used
saving throw or take an additional 3d8 fire damage, or in the attack is expended, and your gun becomes broken.
half that on a successful save. This damage increases by You must repair a broken gun before using it.
an additional 2d8 at the 17th and 20th levels. Range. Most firearms have two range increments,
Drill Round. The round becomes sheathed in a short and long. Firing at short range has no negative
piercing arcane aura. When you use these rounds effect. Firing at long range imposes disadvantage on
to make an attack against a target with half or three- the attack. Guns cannot be fired outside of their long-
quarters cover, you make the attack as if the target had range increment. Some guns have only a single range
no cover. In addition, this round deals an additional increment. In that case, the gun cannot be fired out
3d6 damage on a hit. This damage increases by an outside of its single range increment.
additional 2d6 at 17th and 20th levels. Reload. Reloading a gun replaces your next attack you
Flash Round. The round doesn’t deal any damage, but would make with the firearm, refilling the ammunition
instead creates a blinding flash of light emanating in a in the gun to its capacity. If you prefer, you may instead
30’ cone from the barrel of the gun. Any creature within use an action to reload your firearm.
the cone must make a Constitution saving throw or Scatter. Firearms with this property shoot pellets in
become blind until the end of your next turn. a cone out to their long range increment. All creatures
Stun Round. This round doesn’t deal any damage, within the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw
but any creature which is hit must succeed on a (DC equal to the 8 + the shooter’s Dexterity modifier +
Constitution saving throw or fall prone and become the shooter’s Proficiency modifier), taking full damage
stunned until the end of your next turn. Constructs on a failed save, or half damage on a successful one.
and undead creatures are immune to the effects of this Creatures outside of the firearm’s short range have
round. advantage on this saving throw. If the shooter is not
proficient with firearms, all creatures attempt the saving
Masterwork Guncrafting throw roll with advantage.
Starting at the 17th level, your long, hard hours at a Silenced. When fired, a silenced weapon makes no
workbench and in the field have paid off, giving you a more noise than a bowshot.
master’s grasp of tinkering and guncrafting. Whenever Special - Derringer. A small pistol created for surprise
you would suffer a misfire, you may choose to ignore it. attacks at close range, the derringer is an assassin’s
You must complete a short or long rest before using this best friend. Derringers grant their wielder advantage
ability again. on Sleight of Hand checks to draw, and can attack from
within 5 feet without disadvantage.

Firearm Properties
Credit to /u/raynfalldown for firearm attribute ideas.
Other Rules
Ammunition. You can make a ranged attack with a Ammunition and Water. If your ammunition becomes
firearm only if you have ammunition to fire with. Each wet, there is a 50% chance it becomes a blank. You roll
time you attack with the firearm, you expend one piece d100 to determine if a wet piece of ammo is a blank
of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a belt, when it is fired. On a 1-50, it’s a blank and doesn’t fire.
case, or other container is part of the attack (you need Firearms and Water. If your firearm becomes wet,
a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). You cannot you must use your Tinker’s Tools to disassemble
recover spent ammunition. Once fired, it is gone. the gun and clean it before it is operational again.
Broken. A broken firearm cannot be fired until it is Disassembling your gun does not require an ability
repaired. To repair a broken firearm, you may use an check, but it does require a set of Tinker’s Tools. You
action to attempt a Tinker’s Tools ability check with a cannot load or fire a firearm underwater without
DC equal to 10 plus the weapon’s base misfire score. On magical aid, unless otherwise stated.
a success, the weapon is no longer considered broken. Noise. When fired, a firearm makes a loud sound,
Capacity. A firearm’s capacity is the number of shots much like two stones crashing together at high speed.
it can hold at one time. When a firearm has been fired This sound is easily heard by any creature within ¼ mile
a number of times equal to its capacity, it must be of the gunshot.
reloaded before firing again.

Classes | Gunslinger
Gunslinger Class by
/u/Ujio21 and /u/xQF13

Art Credits in Order of Appearance

“Dysfontional Systems: Bouchard” by Rtil
“Cowboy” by Kate Pfeilschiefter
“Blunderbuss” by Beaulamb 1992
“Connor Weapons” by Okmer
“Prairie Sky” by Christopher Balaskas
“Christine” by Polyraspad
“Samorol Rifle” by Beaulamb 1992
“Point Blank” by Mark Bulahao

Classes | Gunslinger
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by /u/Barkalot

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