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Unnoticed Warning

How did this happen?

Weeks after the first day of classes, I easily hanged out with my new
classmates, the only exception being me in a faraway province, with so many activities
and projects they can hardly contact me the old fashioned way, such as texting or
One day, as we were conducting our activity in school, they recommended me
to create an account in a social media platform known as Facebook in order for us to
quickly communicate with each other as well as to express my feelings and thoughts
to the world.
I once searched about this site in the internet and statistics say that it has over
2.5 billion users all over the world.
At that time I found out that Facebook unites every people in the world,
regardless of gender, race, or age.
It also contains hundreds of thousands of games, some of which are popular
and great time-killers, just in the case that you are feeling bored.
However, I worried that using the internet for Facebook might use up my load;
nonetheless, the developers under the leadership of Mark Zuckerberg implemented a
protocol to the system that enables the users to access Facebook without using
mobile data.
Weeks later, my parents noticed that my performance in school is gradually
decreasing; however, I dismissed it and told them that I will just review and study
But instead of doing what I said, I just played games and chatted with my
peers night and day, little did I noticed that my grades will soon fall own until that day
The day in which our first quarter test suddenly came like a lightning bolt
during a storm, I do not know what to do, with trembling hands, I picked up the ball
pen and mindlessly answered the questions printed on the paper.
Days later, the results came, and as I expected, I got failing scores, the most
horrible part is that my parents were there and hoping that I will have high scores in
our exams.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, these are the most popular social media sites
created for one original purpose, to communicate with each other and express your
desires and feelings to people around you.
And yet that purpose was forgotten and was covered with so many ambitious
desires and selfish needs, the network created to unite people turns out to be the one
intended to split apart bonds and relationships as well as to corrupt the minds of the
I will give you an advice, once you noticed something wrong that is happening
around you while you are accessing any social media site, act fast and fix it or treat it
as an unnoticed warning and go to your doom.

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