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Coach’s Cheat Sheet

First Phase (First Session – sessions where root cause of psychopathology found/discovered)

1. Establishing Rapport & Trust…explain what you will do as a Counselor, your role, etc..
2. Doing mood check, including objective scores
3. Briefly review the presenting problem and obtaining an update since last evaluation
4. Identifying problems and setting goals
5. Educating patient/client about Therapy, Counseling & Coaching Model’
6. Eliciting patient’s/Client’s expectations for Counseling, Therapy & Coaching
7. Educating the patient about their disorder/problem
8. Setting Homework, explain about the homework
9. Providing Summary
10. Eliciting Feedback

Things to NOTE:

1. What is the patient’s diagnosis?

2. How did this patient/client end up here?
3. What vulnerabilities and life events (traumas, experiences & interactions) were significant?
4. Have she/he been in Therapy before? If yes, how did it go?
5. How has the patient coped with her/his vulnerability?
6. What are his/her current problems? How did these problems develop and how are they maintained?
7. What dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs are associated with the problems, what reactions (emotional,
physiological and behavioral) are associated with her thinking?
8. What are early learning and experiences (and perhaps genetic predispositions) contribute to her problems
9. What are her underlying beliefs (including attitudes, expectations and rules) and thoughts?
10. How has she/he coped with her dysfunctional beliefs?
11. What are cognitive, affective, and behavioral mechanisms, positive & negative, has she/he developed to
cope with her dysfunctional beliefs?
12. How did (and does) she/he view himself/herself, others and his her personal world, future?
13. What are stressors contributed to her/his psychological problems or interfere with her/his ability to solve
these problems?
14. What predominant thoughts are going through her/his Mind?
15. Where do these automatic thoughts spring from?
16. What are her/his core beliefs?
17. What are his/her intermediate beliefs (Attitudes, Rules & Assumptions)?
Core beliefs -> Intermediate Beliefs -> Situation -> Automatic Thoughts -> Emotions -> Behaviors

Second Phase & Third Phase (Session 10 – so on)

1. Brief update & check on the mood

2. Bridge from previous session
3. Setting the agenda
4. Review of homework

Copyright, 2018@Coach Yusa,

5. Discussion of issues on agenda, setting new homework, the periodic summaries
6. Final Summary & Feedback

Discovery Session/Pre-Session

1. Establishing Rapport & Trust…explain what you will do as a Counselor, your role, etc..
2. Doing mood check, including objective scores
3. Briefly review the presenting problem and obtaining an update since last evaluation
4. Identifying problems and setting goals
5. Educating patient/client about Therapy, Counseling & Coaching Model’
6. Eliciting patient’s/Client’s expectations for Counseling, Therapy & Coaching
7. Educating the patient about their disorder/problem
8. Setting Homework, explain about the homework
9. Providing Summary
10. Eliciting Feedback

Things to NOTE (During Pre-Session Question 1 – 6) (Question 7 – onwards, shall be asked in Phase 1 – Discovery

1. What is the patient’s diagnosis?

2. How did this patient/client end up here?

3. What vulnerabilities and life events (traumas, experiences & interactions) were significant?

4. Have she/he been in Therapy before? If yes, how did it go?

5. How has the patient coped with her/his vulnerability?

Copyright, 2018@Coach Yusa,

6. What are his/her current problems? How did these problems develop and how are they maintained?

7. What dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs are associated with the problems, what reactions (emotional,
physiological and behavioral) are associated with her thinking?

8. What are early learning and experiences (and perhaps genetic predispositions) contribute to her problems

9. What are her underlying beliefs (including attitudes, expectations and rules) and thoughts?

10. How has she/he coped with her dysfunctional beliefs?

11. What are cognitive, affective, and behavioral mechanisms, positive & negative, has she/he developed to
cope with her dysfunctional beliefs?

12. How did (and does) she/he view himself/herself, others and his her personal world, future?

Copyright, 2018@Coach Yusa,

13. What are stressors contributed to her/his psychological problems or interfere with her/his ability to solve
these problems?

14. What predominant thoughts are going through her/his Mind?

15. Where do these automatic thoughts spring from?

16. What are her/his core beliefs?

17. What are his/her intermediate beliefs (Attitudes, Rules & Assumptions)?
Core beliefs -> Intermediate Beliefs -> Situation -> Automatic Thoughts -> Emotions -> Behaviors

Copyright, 2018@Coach Yusa,

Second Sessions, and so on (Phase 1 – Phase 4)

1. Brief update & check on the mood

2. Bridge from previous session

3. Setting the agenda

4. Review of homework

5. Discussion of issues on agenda, setting new homework, the periodic summaries

6. Final Summary & Feedback

Copyright, 2018@Coach Yusa,


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