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Leoistic Year 2019/20 February edition


Mind Is an IDEA HUB

Adjest your focus on implementing
on such good ideas
for betterment of motherland.......

oyï odhdo

yß; odhdo

“Gerimus Humanitatem-We Lead for humanity”
7th Edition

7th Edition

World Day
of Social Justice

i¾jrd;%sl wdYS¾jdo
msß;a iÊcdhkd msxlu

Say No to Plastic

Independence Day
For the first time in Leo History..
A Common Media Platform for Leos..
Named as LeoTV

* This is basically a webcasting channel which is going to be telecast on

every last Sunday of a month.

* It is consisted of 24x7 news portal via Twitter and Facebook.

We cordially invite any Leo from any Leo Club to become a

member of LeoTV crew. Also, we welcome talented Leos as
photographers/videographers, presenters, graphic editors,
video editors, news collectors.

leo times | 04
Why Leo ?
“The service projects we carry out teaches us the
value of humanity and leadership hand in hand!
Therefore, Leoism is the best platform to learn
and develop oneself to be a better
human to our community”
Leo Kesari Seneviratne
(Immediate Past Multiple District President)

“Leo is the place where you

identify who you are”
Leo Indika Landekumbura
(District Director of Membership Growth)

—,sfhda oyu jeo.;a jkafka nqoaêh fufyhjk

olaIhka we;s lrkak;a,
yoj; fufyhjk
wdorŒhhka ìys lrkak;a˜‍
Leo Kanchana Elpitiyage
(Past club President of Leo club of Piliyandala)

“Leo gives opportunities in various

disciplines to be a great
human being”
Leo Kasun Lokugamage
(Immediate Past District President)

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February 10th

World Pulses
World Pulses Day is a designated United Nations global event to recognize the
importance of pulses as a global food. Some of them are chickpeas,dry beans,
lentils,dry peas, and lupins. First, it is a must to encourage people around the
world to eat pulses for a healthy lifestyle.Pulses,also known as legumes, are the
edible seeds of leguminous plants cultivated for food.They are packed with
nutrients and have high protein content,making them an ideal source of protein
particularly in regions where meat and dairy are not physically or economically
accessible.Pulses are low in fat and rich in soluble fibre,which can lower cholesterol
and help in the control of blood sugar. Because of these qualities, they are
recommended by health organizations for the management of non-communicable
diseases like diabetes and heart conditions. Pulses have also been shown to
help combat obesity.

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February 20th

World Day
of Social Justice
“If you want peace then you must struggle for social Justice”

World Day of Social Justice is an international day recognizing the need

to promote social justice, which includes efforts to tackle issues such as
poverty, exclusion, gender equality, unemployment, human rights, and social
protections.It also focuses on the goal of achieving full employment
and support for social integration. The purpose of the day is to focus on
the plight of social injustice throughout the world and to press for
improvements and solutions. Striving for social justice is the most valuable
thing to do in life. As a Leo, stand up for what is right, even if you are
standing alone.

Be a Voice, Not an Echo

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February 14th

Valentine’s Day, also called Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint
Valentine, is celebrated annually on the 14th of February. It celebrates
romantic love, making it a popular day for couples to spend together.
Valentine’s Day is traditionally associated with red hearts, romance,
flowers, candy or other sweet things, and the exchange of cards, called
valentines, that express love. People who would like to have a romantic
relationship with somebody may use the occasion to make this known,
often anonymously.

leo times | 08
i¾jrd;%sl wdYS¾jdo
msß;a iÊcdhkd msxlu
fooyia oykjh jir ksu ù fooyia úiai kj
jirg t<eô fudfydf;a ,enQ fï kj jir id¾:l
fi!Nd.Hu;a jirla lr.ekSfï wruqK fmroeßj
Èia;%sla 306 A2 ,sfhdajrekaf.a uQ,sl;ajfhka
ixúOdkh lrk ,o i¾jrd;%sl wdYS¾jdo msß;a
iÊcdhkd msxlu Èk” tkï ÿre;= ui
oi jk Èk /h mykajk ;=re u;af;af.dv leñ,d
mdi,a mßY%fha§ b;du;a id¾:l whqßka meje;aúKs.

mskg oyug b;d ,eÈ ;reK ;reKshka úYd,

msßilf.ka iukaú; fuu ,sfhda Èia;%slalfha
by< kdhl;ajfha isg wfkl=;a idudðlhka olajd
yels iEu iyfhda.h y iyNd.s;ajfhka
isÿ flreKq fuu mqKHl¾uh i|yd ;j;a fndfyda
msßia j, fkdu| iydh ,eî ;sìKs.

tfia tlaj isÿ l<d jQ mskalfuys n,fhka wm

rgg;a iuia; f,dalhdg;a ish¨‍ ,sfhdajrekg;a
,enQ jif¾ bÈßhg t<efUk ld,h ish¿ jev
lghq;= i¾jm%ldrfhkau iM, jk ch.%dyS jirla
fõjdhS Y%S ,xld ;dlaI‚l úYajúoHd,hSh
,sfhda mjq, fjkqfjka wms m%d¾:kd lrkafkuq.

leo times | 09
Did you know?
1.William Gopallawa became the first and only Non-Executive
President of Sri Lanka when Ceylon declared itself a republic in 1972
and changed its name to Sri Lanka.
2.Junius Richard Jayewardene became the 1st Executive president of Sri
3.Sri Lanka was first colonised by the Portuguese in 1505, then the
Dutch in 1658 and then the British in 1796. Finally, the country
gained full independence in 1948.
4.The world’s first Female Prime Minister was a Sri Lankan. In 1960,
Sirimavo Bandaranaike became the sixth Prime Minister of Ceylon.
5.Because of unique shape and position to the south of India, Sri Lanka
is known as the ‘Pearl of the Indian ocean.
6.Sri Lanka is the world’s fourth largest Tea producer and third largest
7. Volleyball is the national sport of Sri Lanka.
8. It is home to the world’s oldest human-planted tree.
9. Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, island country lying in the Indian Ocean
and separated from peninsular India by the Palk Strait.
10.Colombo, which emerged as the main urban centre during
British rule, remains the executive and judicial capital of Sri Lanka;
Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, a Colombo suburb, is the legislative

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Say No to Plastic
-Email Campaign-
Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles
in the Earth’s environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife
habitat, and humans. Many of us don’t think about how much
we throw away each day and where it ends up. We have become
disconnected from the waste stream and the processes involved
because it has become so easy. Throw something away and never
see it again. An email campaign was carried out in order to make
the Leos aware of the ways to reduce plastic pollution.

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Independence Day
4th of February
Independence Day in Sri Lanka is celebrated annually
on the 4th of February. Sri Lanka gained Independence
from the British on February 4, 1948. The day is a national
holiday in Sri Lanka.It is celebrated all over the country
with flag-hoisting ceremonies, dances, parades, and
cultural performances. The main celebrations take place
in Colombo. Here the President raises the national flag
and delivers a speech at a nationally televised event. The
Independence Day of Sri Lanka is a great national
occasion celebrated with parades and pageants combined
with the spirit of patriotism and national pride.The
celebrations begin with the hoisting of the national flag and
singing of the national anthem,followed by the traditional
lighting of the lamp ceremony.There are cultural programs
as well as serving refreshments. This national day holds
much significance for the people of Sri Lanka as it reflects
the history of great sacrifices made by Sri Lankans
in the attainment of its freedom. It is the day to pay
tribute to the Armed Forces that played a major role
in the country’s freedom struggle.
හැත්තෑ දෙවසරක නිෙහස...

ලකඹර අහසෙ දිදුලන සිහ දදය යට

සිිංහල සදමළ මුෙලිම් හැම එකා සලෙ
හිඳිනා අයුරු කිසි විසටකදි අරුම නැත
දරුවන් අපියි ලක් අම්මසෙ සෙසනසහබර

ෙයුරින් වටවු මුතු ඇටයක් සෙල දිසලන

රැජිණිය නුඹයි අප ෙැමටම සෙවණ සදන
එදවෙ පටන් පර සදෙල වල ඇෙ ෙැටුණ
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සුදු හම ඇතසතා ඇවිදින් ඒ දවෙල වල

උසෙ කර ෙන්න තැතනුසව නුඹ යටත කර
සිහ සේ සකෝප වූ අසප විරු පුතුන් කැල
සේ බිම සහලා රැක ෙතසත මව්නි නුඹ

එදවෙ පටන් අද වනතුරු කිසිම විට

උන්හට ආසය නෑ දුන්සන් මසේ රට
ිදහෙ කියා අප ෙමරන උතුම් දින
අයිතිය වීර පුතතුන්ටයි විසු එකල

හැතතෑ සදවෙරක් ෙතවන ිදහෙට

ිසිසලෙ අරුත නෑ ෙතවුණු දිසනක දැක
සනානැසමන දිනක අපි පිට සදෙල පරයන්ට
ෙමරමු ිදහෙක් අපි හැම අපසේම...
leo times |13
- යසිත ලක්ෂාන් විතානසේ
- � ලිංකා තාක්ෂණික විශලවවිදයාලයීය ිසයෝ ෙමාජය
Marians Thaala


“Marians Thaala”, one of the most cheerful events which was organized by the Leo
District 306A2, took place on 26th of january 2020 at National Youth Center
Auditorium, Maharagama from 6.00 pm to 10.30 pm. All of the music lovers had a
great entertaining time and it was organized to raise funds for the “Jeewana yathra”; a
mega multi-service project. The chairman of this project is Leo Pramindha Vindhika
and his team contains a large number of Leos from different clubs with the guidance
of our District President Leo Mudith Jayasekara. All the participants are witnessed
for the success of this great event which gave away to unleash our music melophile.

leo times | 14
Quotes for Life
1. “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards”
-Soren Kierkegaard-

2. “It always seems impossible until it’s done”

-Nelson Mandela-

3. “Change your thoughts and you change your world”

-Norman Vincent Peale-

4. “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground”
-Theodore Roosevelt-

5. “Life is a question and how we live it is our answer”

-Garry Keller-

leo times | 15
Center for Beach
Clean ups fmnrjdß y;rjk Èkg fh§ ;snQ Y%S
,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha ye;a;E
fojk ksoyia Èkh wNsudkj;a f,i ieuÍu
wruqKq lr .ksñka mßir wud;HdxYfha uÕ
fmkaùu hgf;a Center for Beach Clean ups
iuÕ u;af;af.dv ,sfhda iudch” fõryer
,sfhda iudch” fydrK Mid city ,sfhda iudch
yd Y%S ,xld ;dlaIKsl úYajúoHd,hSh ,sfhda
iudch tlaj ixúOdkh l<” Èjhsk mqrd fjr<
;Srhka oyila msßisÿ lsÍfï jevigyk ksoyia
Èk WoEik isg Èjhsk mqrd fjr< ;Srhka
.Kkdjl§ b;du id¾:l whqßka meje;aúK.

/,a, md.k .uka Èh;a lrk wfma rg
,iaik lrk w¿;au /,a,˜‍ hk f;audj hgf;a
l%shd;aul flreKq fuu jHdmD;sh i|yd ;u
Y%u odhl;ajho imhñka ,sfhda Èia;%sla 306 A2”
Zone A1 ,sfhdajreka úiska je,a,j;a; fjr<
;Srh msßisÿ lsÍfï lghq;a; isÿ lrk ,È.

TV forK” ITN” fk;a fm iuÕ SLRC udOH

wdjrKh ,nd foñka fï i|yd ;u odhl;ajh
imhkq ,eîh’ b;ska,iqkaor fjr< ;Srhla
wruqKq lrf.k Èh;a l< fuu jHdmD;sh
id¾:l jQjd fiau bÈßfha§;a isÿflfrk ish¿u
jHdmD;s id¾:lj ksu lr.ekSug ish¨‍u
,sfhdajrekg yels fõjdhs Y%S ,xld ;dlaIKsl
úYajúoHd,hSh ,sfhda iudch fjkqfjka THE
LEO TIMES˜‍ l;D uKav,fha wms m%d¾:kd lruq.

leo times |16

leo times | 17
U n s ee n Destinations

Tianjin cultural
This Ancient Cultural Street is located in Nankai
District, Tianjin, China. It was formally opened in
1986.This street represents Classical architecture
in the folk style of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).
The temple of the Queen of Heaven which is a
famous place in this street was built in 1326 and
it is one of the only three Mazu Temples in the
world. The Temple of the Queen of Heaven is now
a folk-custom museum of Tianjin and displays
many folk craft and cultural relics of ancient times.

Traditional handmade crafts souvenirs of past 300

years include painted clay, sculptures of revered
icons, Tianjin Wei kits are available in this street.
According to the Lennar calendar on March 23rd,
there is a Huanghui fair whose renowned festival
celebrates the birthday of Mazu,the Goddess of the
sea at Tianhua Palace. The buildings are all with
‘blue bricks’ and the doors and the windows have
colorful paintings. This street which is rich with
historical values is an interesting place for visitors
who are willing to learn about chinses ancient
Dunishika Uthshani
leo times | 19
The Leos of the Leo Club of SLTC have Thimbiriwewa junior school is a small
organized a musical evening filled with school which has about 100 students
excitement on the 21st of March 2020 at the starting from grade 1 to 11. It is located
Dharmaraja College Auditorium from 7 pm in Ganewatte educational division
onwards. The concert will feature great artists Ibbagamuwa educational zone in the
such a Kasun Kalhara and Chamara North-Western province. The school
Weerasinghe.The band Naadi will make the already has a small building for the library
evening more colourful. and the newly elected school principal
Mr. Kasun is already running a small
The main purpose of this concert is to raise library with many difficulties. The major
funds for our upcoming project of building a problem is they have a building for a
library to a rural school. This is a school in library but they don’t have the necessary
the North-Western Province which consists of library needs and resources to match for
100 students. The school has classes up to 11th the students. They got very mere number
grade and the school doesn’t have a library of books and other library needs.As SLTC
which is one main aspect of education. This Leos we expect to reconstruct and repair
is an idea to enhance the learning skills of the the library building and manage the
students who are lacking the resources of a space properly according to the grade and
library in the present. We as the Leos of fill it with necessary books,magazines
SLTC stepped forward to help them achieve and some electronic components (such
new heights. as a computer) to make it attractive so a
student in any age group will love to go to
We expect to make this event a great success the library. As a former English teacher, the
and we are hoping to continue with the project. school principal is focused on improving
This will indeed change the lives of many the English knowledge both in speaking
students and we are so proud to be a part of it. and writing. So, to help that SLTC Leos are
going to donate English books and other
learning materials upon the principal’s
request. Our main purpose is to give
these students a new perspective on life.

leo times | 20
March 18/2020
At SLTC Campus

leo times | 21

fld<U isg uykqjr olajd kqjr mdf¾

.uka .kakd Tng lE.,a, k.rh;a
udjke,a, k.rh;a w;r;=r§ Tfí jïmiska
iqúfYaIS yevhlska hq;= .sßl=,la fk; .eà
we;s jdr .Kk wmuKh’ tfy;a by; lS
.sßl=, ˜‍,xldfõ frdìka yqâ˜‍ kñka m%p,s;
W;=jkalkafoa iQr irÈfh,af.a ;smafmd,
nj fndfyda fokl= fkdokakd lreKls.

iQr irÈfh,a hkq 19 jk ishji ueo Nd.fha§

iqÿ wdl%u‚lhkag uy;a ysirohla jQ
uxfld,a,lrefjls’ úfYaIfhkau bx.%Sis
m%N+kaf.ka iy ;eme,a lr;a;fhka fidrlï
l< irÈfh,a we;=¿ Tyqf.a lKavdhu.
Tjqka fld,a,lE oE .ïuqka w;r fnod
ÿkay’ fï ksidu iQr irÈfh,a ˜‍,xldfõ
frdìka yqâ˜‍ kñka úreodj,s ,eîh.

leo times | 22
ieneúkau W;=jkalkao ;rKh ;rula fjfyilrhs
irÈfh,a .f,a uq,a Nd.fha rn¾ j.d lr we;;a
by<g .uka .ks;au Tn msúfikqfha le,E
m%foaYhlghs W;=jkalkao uqÿk; t<suyka .,a
;,djla jk w;r tys fldfKl fld;la jka
jQ Wia YS¾Ihls.fuu m¾j;h mqrd irÈfh,a we;=¿
iÕhska ieÕj isá .=yd me;sr mj;sk nj jd¾;d fõ.

mehl muK ld,hla ;=, yels irÈfh,a .f,a

uqÿfka isg wjg iqkaor;ajh ukdj riú¢h yelsh’
udjke,a, k.rh;a wjg .%dóh mßirh;a Tfí
fokhk mskjk w;r wjáka yud tk isys,a
iq<x oyr Tfí .uka úvdj ksjkq fkdwkqudkhs.
irÈfh,a .,g hfkk u.§ Tng l+ve,a,kaf.ka
lror isÿjk nj isys;nd .; hq;=h.

msúiqï ud¾.h........
A01 fld<U - uykqjr m%Odk ud¾.hg hdnoj msysgd we;s W;=jkalkaog ,Õd ùu myiqh’ fld<U m%foaYfha isg
uykqjr olajd .uka lrk úg§ lE.,a, k.rh;a fud,f.dv m%foaYh;a Tn miq lr hd hq;=hs.
tfia .sh miqj Tnf.a jï w;mig zW;=jk mdrz kñka mdrla yuqjk w;r tlS mgq ud¾.h Tiafia ls.ñ 01la muK .sh
miq yuqjk fouxikaêfhka jug ^lkao Wvg& ;rula ÿr .sh miq Tnf.a r:h .d,a lr md.ñkska lkao ;rKh l< hq;=hs.
uykqjr foiska .uka .kafka kï udjke,a, k.rh miq ù ls.ñ 02la muK fld<U foig Odjkh l<e hq;=hs.udjke,a,
miq lr tk Tng W;=jk mdr W;=jkalkao uxikaêh miqlrkjd;a iuÕu fidhd .; yelsh.
W;=jkalkafoa isg fld<U foig jkakg msysá mskakj, w,s wkd:d.drh fukau uykqjr wY%s;j msysgd we;s Y%S o<od
ud<s.h,fmardfo‚h u,aj;a;,Wvj;a; le,ho ldf.a;a wjOdkhg md;% úh hq;=hs.óg wu;rj ms<su;,dfõ§ A01 ud¾.
fhka kslau <Õd úh yels ,xld;s,l iy .v,dfo‚ úydr;a, weïnelal foajd,h iy wïn,u;a .ïfmd, iy uykqjr
hq.fha fm%!v;ajh uekeúka úoyd mdkq ,nhs.

irÈfh,a ., mduq, ˜‍irÈfh,a úf,aʘ‍ kñka ksjdvq ksfla;khla mj;ajd f.k hkq ,nk w;r th ˜‍iQr irÈfh,a˜‍
f;audj hgf;a l%shd;aul ùu iqúfYaIS;ajhls..%dóh wdydrmdk imhk fuu ksfla;kfha kjd;eka myiqlï fukau
ffoksl ixpdr i|yd o myiqlï o imhkq ,efí.

leo times | 23

leo times | 17
Maintaining of
Leo blog
Blogging is not an easy task. When you
are thinking of that this is going to read
by others and shared the blogger feel
a little bit risky when using the words.
Although our blog keeps ongoing. The
main reason behind the maintaining of
our blog without any negatives is that
our team strength. The strength of Leos
of Sri Lanka Technological Campus kept
blogging as an easy task for the particular
team. Every month all the events to that
month are uploaded to the blog with
interesting pictures and descriptions.
This keeps our Leos motivating in doing
new projects and participating in events.

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SLTC Leos Youtube page
We as SLTC Leos have decided to originate a Youtube
page. This page will include a video of projects done
by our fellow Leos. As we currently post details of our
projects in our blog, we have planned to take it to
another level. This will enhance the eminence of our
club and it’s projects.
Online Python
SLTC Leos joining hands with the Spectrum show is
presenting an online python course in Sinhala language
in YouTube for all school and university students in
Sri Lanka. This online course is still ongoing and on
every Friday evening a new episode will be uploaded.
Up to now, 18 python YouTube videos were released.
This is indeed a convenient way to learn Python
language from your mother language. If you are
interested in learning Python language, subscribe and
share the online videos among your colleagues.

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The Leo Times ON
We are indeed happy to say that all the
monthly editions of the Leo Times
magazine up to now is on Scribd, an open
publishing platform since it is the world’s
largest digital library where anyone can
access with ease. Every issue of our
magazines will be uploaded to our Scribd
account within a short period after release.

leo times |27

wms wo ˜‍iqNdú;h˜‍ ,smsfhka l;d lrkafka wdorh m%;slafIam l,;a ñ;=oñka
fyda ,xj isák nj is;a ßoùula fkdlr úpdrh jk .S;hla .S; rpkh
lms, l=udr ld,sx., ;kq ks¾udKh wdp¾h frdayK ùrisxyhka,
.dhkh ,laIauka úfÊfialr,m%r§m O¾uodia.

iqfmï yeÕ=‍ï Tfnka tmd ñ;=re oï úkd

fk!jqljls Tn wE; iuqÿf¾
ud myka geUhs uE; f.dv ìfï $$

;re t,sfhka reÿ rd;aÍ ld,fha

oeä is;lska ÿre .uk hñ b;ska
lsis Èk wm yuq fkdjk nj oksï
isyskh ñh hd hq;=h fï f,iska

Èjhqre ieÕfjk fudfyd;l ;ksù

bls ì£fkñ úhre õ md¨‍fjka
msh oiqkls ;ks is;l fkdueflkd
fk;= fjfyi ù h<s olsk ;=re ÿßka

.dhkh ( - ,laIauka úfÊfialr,m%r§m O¾uodi

.S mo rpkh ( - lms, l=udr ld,sx.
ix.S;h ( - frdayK ùrisxy

leo times |28

iqfmï yeÕ=‍ï Tfnka tmd ñ;=re oï úkd,fk!jqljls Tn wE; iuqÿf¾,
ud myka geUhs uE; f.dv ìfï
fma%uhla wfmalaId lrk fma%ujka;hl=f.a fma%u b,Sï mar;slafIam lrkd
fma%ujka;sh Tyqg fma%uhla fkdue;sj Ôú;hg wdf,dalhla §ug
fmdfrdkaÿjla fokjd,yßhg wE; id.rfha fk!ldjlg m%r§md.rhlska
u¾.h fmkakkakdla fuka,ñ;=rka fuka buq hehs lshkjd.

;re t,sfhka reÿ rd;aÍ ld,fha,oeä is;lska ÿre .uk hñ b;ska,lsis

Èk wm yuq fkdjk nj oksï,isyskh ñh hd hq;=h fï f,iska.

kuq;a fma%ujka;hd wehf.ka worla fkdue;skï myka geUla tmd hehs

mjikjd.Tyq ;re t,sfhka Tyqf.a reÈ/ .uka lrkak ;rï W;aiy-

Èjhqre ieÕfjk fudfyd;l ;ksù,bls ì£fkñ úhre õ md¨‍fjka,msh

oiqkls ;ks is;l fkdueflkd,fk;= fjfyi ù h<s olsk ;=re ÿßka

fma%ujka;sh;a Tyq .ek ;ryla fkdue;sj kuq;a bls .iñka yels ;rï
ld,hla ÿflka bkakd nj lshkjd.

úpdrh :- ,sfhda Wodr w;a;kdhl

leo times |29

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leo times |30

LEditors’ Note
Leo is not just volunteering it is also
building leaders with courage. We, Leo
club of Sri Lanka Technological campus,
are proud to release the 7th volume of
“The Leo Times” magazine which
signifies the identity of the club.
Through this, we hope to convey the
message of volunteering and our
contribution as proud Leos. Leos have
succeeded in walking the path of their
journey towards helping to build the
future of society and developing
themselves as well. As an editor of the
editorial panel, I’m grateful to take part
in this task. I would like to thank all the
Leos and students who helped in making
this magazine a success by providing
their valuable ideas and thoughts making
them into words. And I would like to LEOS OF
congratulate all the Leos who conducted
successful projects. I’m generously
welcoming everyone to join hands with
us and be a part of our Leo journey.

Leo Sanduni Fernando

leo times | 31
Leo Janani Wijetunga Leo Udara Madusanka
-Chief Editor- -Chief Designer-

Leo Lumini Mudalige Leo Thihara mallikaratchy

the Team

Leo Yasith Vithanage Leo Sanduni Fernando

leo times | 32
Leo Gowrisha Leo Bhagya Nonis
leo times |33
Leo Club of
Sri LankaTechnological

Fo l l o w u s

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