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Masantol, Pampanga Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Mr. Jofel Christian F. Meneses

NAME: _______________________________________ DATE:____________________

YR & STRAND: ______________________________ SCORE:____________________


I. Answer the following questions. On the blank provided before each number, write the letter of your answer.
______1. Which of the following refers to consequences of the interaction between hazard and the characteristics
that make people and places vulnerable and exposed?
a. disaster d. hazard
b. disaster risk e. vulnerability
c. exposure
______2. Which of the following refers to the susceptibility of the population and environment to the type (nature)
of the event?
a. disaster d. hazard
b. disaster risk e. vulnerability
c. exposure
______3. Which of the following occurs when a hazard affects vulnerable people?
a. disaster d. hazard
b. disaster risk e. vulnerability
c. exposure
______4. Which of the following refers to dangerous phenomenon, human activity or condition that may cause
loss of life, injury or environmental damages?
a. disaster d. hazard
b. disaster risk e. vulnerability
c. exposure
______5. Which of the following refers to people, property, systems, or other elements present in hazard zones
that are thereby subject to potential losses?
a. disaster d. hazard
b. disaster risk e. vulnerability
c. exposure
______6. Which of the following faults had a strike slip movement which resulted to 1990 Luzon earthquake?
a. Digdig Fault & West Valley Fault c. Philippine Fault & West Valley Fault
b. Digdig Fault & Philippine Fault d. West Valley Fault & Mindanao Fault
______7. When did 1990 Luzon earthquake happen?
a. June 16, 1990 c. July 16, 1990
b. June 26, 1990 d. July 26, 1990
______8. How many people were killed in a magnitude 7.7 earthquake that struck Luzon in 1990?
a. 1, 612 c. 2, 612
b. 1, 621 d. 6, 121
______9. When did Mt. Pinatubo eruption occur?
a. June 12, 1991 c. June 22, 1991
b. June 15, 1991 d. June 25, 1991
______10. Which of the following typhoons complicated the eruption of Pinatubo bringing a lethal mix of ash
and rain to towns and cities?
a. Typhoon Andoy c. Typhoon Yanyu
b. Typhoon Ondoy d. Typhoon Yunya
______11. What is the other name for Indian Earthquake and Tsunami?
a. Boxing Day Tsunami c. Marching Day Tsunami
b. Fighting Day Tsunami d. Walking Day Tsunami
______12. When did Indian Earthquake and Tsunami occur?
a. December 24, 2004 c. December 26, 2004
b. December 25, 2004 d. December 27, 2004

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”

- Epictetus
Masantol, Pampanga Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
Mr. Jofel Christian F. Meneses

NAME: _______________________________________ DATE:____________________

YR & STRAND: ______________________________ SCORE:____________________

______13. Where is the epicenter of Indian Ocean Earthquake?

a. West Coast of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia c. East Coast of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
b. West Coast of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia d. East Coast of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia
______14. How many were killed in the tsunami created by 2004 Indian Earthquake?
a. 227, 898 c. 272, 898
b. 227, 989 d. 272, 989
______15. How many hours did the Indian Ocean tsunami take to reach the Western Australia?
a. 3 hours c. 5 hours
b. 3 hours d. 6 hours
______16. How much is the economic cost (financial) damage of the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami?
a. US $12 Billion c. US $14 Billion
b. US $13 Billion d. US $15 Billion
______17. What is the costliest natural disaster in the world?
a. 1990 Central Luzon Earthquake c. 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami
b. 1991 Mt. Pinatubo Eruption d. 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
______18. How many hours did the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo last?
a. 9 hours c. 11 hours
b. 10 hours d. 12 hours
______19. How tall is the height of the tsunami created by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake?
a. 113 ft. c. 313 ft.
b. 131 ft. d. 331 ft.
______20. How long did the 2011 Tohoku earthquake last?
a. 4 minutes c. 6 minutes
b.5 minutes d. 7 minutes
______21. How many families were affected in the Typhoon Yolanda disaster?
a. 1.2 million families c. 2.3 million families
b. 2.1 million families d. 3.2 million families
______22. What is the international name of Typhoon Yolanda?
a. Aiyan c. Saiyan
b. Haiyan d. Yaihan
______23. How many aftershocks were recorded in the 2019 Central Luzon earthquake?
a. 49 c. 1 049
b. 409 d. 4 019
______24. How many were left dead in the 2019 Central Luzon earthquake?
a. 3 c. 318
b. 18 d. 256
______25. Where is the epicenter of the 2019 Central Luzon earthquake?
a. Castillejos, Zambales c. Floridablanca, Pampanga
b. Iba, Zambales d. Porac, Pampanga

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”

- Epictetus

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