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2016 Version.

ü Psychology – Surrey
ü Psychology – Durham
ü Psychology and Philosophy – St Andrews
ü Psychology – Bath University
ü Human, Social and Political Science – Cambridge University

I am the product of both the destructive yet revitalising elements that
postmodern society offers. After reading Michael Foucault's 'Power Knowledge' I
realised that 'power' is the sole cause of destruction, which is wrongfully
imposed through the concept of 'knowledge' within society. As a minority ethnic,
working-class Muslim, also diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome, I was a victim
of powerful 'knowledge' as teachers, and psychologists told me I was destined
for failure. They could have not been more wrong.

Sociology and Psychology has reconfigured my perception of the world. 'The
Case for a Learner's Charter' by John and 'Black Girls in London' by Fuller
enabled me to grapple with the stigmatization I faced. Reading these texts, I
realised that the labels given to me, were no more 'powerful' than my own
'knowledge'. This 'knowledge' is the belief that I am the sole determiner for my
success, no one else. Thus I have a personal connection with Social Science. It
helped me deconstruct the previous perceptions I held, changing the way I view

The interconnectivity of Social Science has always interested me. Psychology
taught me the value of a more scientific approach. In turn this broadened my
sociological understanding, enabling me to engage with methodological and
theoretical topics with greater depth. E.g. through combining the concepts of
Ainsworth's 'Attachment Theory', Bowlby's 'Continuity Hypothesis' and Parson's
'Primary Socialisation', I found a deeper understanding of why raising children
with sensitive care is important, as without it social roles are tarnished and
society becomes unstable. Therefore I believe that the amalgamation of societal
and psychological factors must coexist if society is to function accordingly.
Intrigued about the relationship between Sociology and Psychology and their
application to other subjects, I used my knowledge to help me understand social
issues in English Literature. Taking a Freudian analysis of the homosexual
frustration Shakespeare conveyed in 'Othello', through Iago's subliminal lust for
Othello, I engaged with the text in a different way. The power of Social Science to
reveal new perspectives then encouraged me to apply my analytical skills in
Media Studies. Through adopting a Neo-Marxist approach to Hall's 'Policing the
Crises' and Gilroy's 'No Black In The Union Jack', I found myself critical of the
'knowledge' that the powerful mass media imparted concerning youth

Over the last two years, I have worked as a data analyst for a global market
research company. This has given me invaluable experience in handling data and
a more critical eye of public statistics. I have increasingly identified flaws in the
methodology that global companies use, as I am encouraged by my employer to
ignore quality and focus on quantity. This relates back to Foucault's work on
power. Flawed statistics allow politicians to depict over exaggerated
'knowledge'. In particular, I am aware of the fallacy that ethnic working class
students are more likely to underperform in education based on home factors.
Passionate about disproving this, I also volunteer at my college and mentor 97 A
Level students. So far I have gained a unique understanding of their views
concerning victimization within the education system.

Social science has taught me that inequality and subordination is based on a
reciprocal structuration system. The 'power' and 'knowledge' of the powerful
polarizes the 'power' and 'knowledge' of the oppressed. Through my academic
career, I want to change the way social institutions predetermine failure for
social groups. Having experienced this for myself, I understand how difficult it
can be to challenge. Thus, it is my goal to equip individuals with the 'knowledge'
that they too are 'powerful' and can achieve just as much as anyone else.’
– Mohammed Ibrahim

2015 Version.

ü Sociology & Psychology – City (Unconditional)
ü Sociology – Bristol
ü Social Psychology – York
ü Sociology and Policy– Warwick
ü Sociology, Psychology and Arabic – Exeter

‘ I desire to see the world like a Martian.
C. Wright Mills explained the power of sociology as 'deeply thought
provoking, allowing us to see the everyday world like a Martian'. Evidently,
Sociology has reconfigured my perception of human behaviour and social
structures in order to understand society. Continuing my studies to degree level
will allow me to engage with methodological and theoretical topics at a greater
intellectual depth. I hope to become a teacher, inspiring others to engage with
Sociology the way it has inspired me. My desire to study Sociology transpired
from further reading of the Interactionism theory within Education; 'The Case
for a Learner's Charter' by Gus John and 'Black Girls in London' by Fuller
enabled me to grapple with the social stigmatisation I faced as a victim of
labelling from past peers and teachers. The topic connected with me on a
personal level, empowering me to overcome obstacles and encouraging me to
become independent by improving my self confidence.

Psychology A Level has broadened my Sociological understanding from a

more scientific approach. The combination of Psychology and Sociology
stimulates my academic curiosity from the variety of perspectives offered. For
example, by taking Ainsworth's ‘Attachment Theory', Bowlby’s 'Continuity
Hypothesis' and Parson's 'Importance of Primary Socialisation', a deeper
understanding can be found of why raising children with sensitive care is
important for societies future. English Literature has promoted sociological
skills such as maintaining a clear and coherent written communication style.
This is key in displaying my understanding of debates and evaluating both
sociological and psychological issues in texts such as 'The Bloody Chamber'
and 'Othello'. When discussing the representation of different social groups in
Media Studies, I have been able to use my knowledge of ‘Intersectionality' to
support my arguments. Indeed, my subjects allow a level of scrutiny of the
media, where I have applied Interactionism approaches in critiquing the media
portrayal of the current conflict from the Middle East. I have demonstrated my
desire by attending several university lectures and summer schools that
cemented my subject choice. Specifically lectures from Dr Toereins & Dr
Hartley, in identifying the important and powerful social norms veiled through
cultures and practices that are taken for granted.

In addition to academia, volunteering as a teaching assistant gave me an insight

into the education system as interacting with staff members and students
heightened my communication skills. As a student ambassador for my college I
believe giving back to the community is integral to the development of a
society. Thus, I regularly inform and discuss social issues with college staff. I
organise sociology mentoring sessions, where I tutor in both AS and A2, as
working cooperatively with others is crucial for understanding different
perspectives and succeeding in Sociology. Performing is a key part of my
identity as I have been dancing for 8 years. I have hosted school events and
have taught dance, giving me a high level of responsibility and building upon
my organisational skills. The encouragement of extra curricular activities
compels me to want to continue dance upon progression to higher education.
Being selected for a fashion internship during my gap year, whilst
simultaneously working as a junior hair stylist enhanced my social skills
through networking with many organisations. Currently, I work as an
interviewer for a market research company, which has given me an
understanding of conducting my own methodological research. Being able to
balance a job, extracurricular activities and education sufficiently has refined
my time management skills, built on my work ethic and helped me priorities
my workload.

Sociology connects me to discovering more about accepting various ways of

life. Surely a subject that can inspire one's own values is worthy of study.’
- Mohammed Ibrahim

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