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Jesus Cortes

Organization Ethics


When first beginning the course, I did not know what to expect about the way the

course was set up. I have had online courses before however this set up with the

weekly discussions/ annotations through Perusall was somewhat newer to me. I was

glad to see El Games was part of the course, however. I had taken a couple of classes

that incorporated the Planet Jockey simulations into them which I really enjoyed and

was excited to use them again for this course.

The Perusall discussion format was interesting because I hadn’t seen anything

like it. I really liked that it gave the opportunity easily let me express my opinions on

whatever I wanted from the text. This kind of freedom is nice as most of it was opinion

based. Another thing I liked form this format is that I was able to see what others were

thinking as well. It was nice and easy to converse with classmates on the issues and

topics offered in the text. It was easy enough to post any and all questions or doubts

that I had on any part of the text and my classmates could share their insight. One thing

that I thought could improve the experience however would have been if somehow the

interactions on Perusall were live or instant, this was it would have been even easier to

communicate with peers.

Regarding the actual Fryer text, I liked that other than being broken into

traditional chapters, each chapter was broken down into topics with sometimes sections
in these topics. Learning all the theories and history to these theories was more easily

understood because of the level of organization the text was presented.

The planet Jockey Simulations was something that I really liked. I have used this

website in a couple of other classes before and I really enjoyed this tool. It was easier to

differentiate the optimal choices when going about an ethical decision in an organization

because of the way that you are presented the choices in black and white. The

scenarios presented are helpful in understanding ethics in organization to me personally

as I am a more hands on type of learner and making the choices makes it feel as if I

were actually running the organization. Another thing that I really enjoy from the Planet

Jockey simulations are the bonus rounds in each scenario. These mini questions are

helpful because they act as a recap of the main point that was taught in every situation.

When starting the course I did not know how I would be affected by the material

presented in the course and yet I was impacted as I feel that my leadership ways have

somewhat changed. I sometimes have considered myself to be more of a directive type

of leader as I would acts more direct with a no-nonsense approach. I believe that the

text, activities as well as the videos have impacted my leadership specifically regarding

a situation/scenario where I need to make an ethical decision. I can now hold myself

back a little and let others advise me on what I should do taking the environment and

scenario into account.

One way in which I will continue to use what I have learned for my own personal

development and growth is that I will be more aware and mindful of my decisions. There

is always consequences to what ever we do yet we need to know that there is going to

be a most optimal solution that will yield the best outcome. I will do this in my personal
life as I am a person who deeply cares about my morals and take others into account. I

will also use this in my professional life at work and in school. As a leader in a future

career or if it may in any sort of athletic event or social competition, it is always a good

idea to be the best individual one can be talking ethics into account.

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