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Basic info on time slips

Discussion in 'Time Travel Discussion' started by Itheblaze, Dec 23, 2013.

1. ItheblazeMember

The mechanism of time slips eludes us still. We can only sift the evidence and
search for some common denominators among the experiences, and possibly
some relationship with known laws of physics. So far these common factors have
been discovered. #1, A trigger factor that appears to set the occurrence in motion.
#2, Abrupt onset of the experience. #3, A sensation of living in two time zones at
once, either past and present or future and present. #4, A feeling of being an
integral part of the experience or a participant in the action. #5, A noticeable
absence of sound from beginning to end of the time slip. (this depends on time
slip) #6, A marked difference is frequently mentioned between normal light
conditions and those experienced during the time slip. A 'silvery light' is often

Itheblaze, Dec 23, 2013



vodkafanActive Member

Itheblaze said: ↑

The mechanism of time slips eludes us still. We can only sift the evidence
and search for some common denominators among the experiences, and
possibly some relationship with known laws of physics. So far these
common factors have been discovered. #1, A trigger factor that appears to
set the occurrence in motion. #2, Abrupt onset of the experience. #3, A
sensation of living in two time zones at once, either past and present or
future and present. #4, A feeling of being an integral part of the experience
or a participant in the action. #5, A noticeable absence of sound from
beginning to end of the time slip. (this depends on time slip) #6, A marked
difference is frequently mentioned between normal light conditions and
those experienced during the time slip. A 'silvery light' is often described.

Where has this evidence and common factors been gathered from Itheblaze? Who
has compiled this list of common factors? Is it your list or someone elses? Just

vodkafan, Dec 27, 2013


3. ItheblazeMember

This information came from Mysteries of Mind, Space, & Time Volume #24,
page # 2864.

Itheblaze, Dec 28, 2013


4. vodkafanActive Member

Thanks! Looks an interesting book

vodkafan, Dec 28, 2013


5. ItheblazeMember

Your local library should have them. They come in a volume of 26. I have the
whole set and I'm always looking in them finding new things.

Itheblaze, Dec 28, 2013


6. Mylo.X.Active Member

Jenny Randles is also a good source of info concerning the topic of "time-slips".
This is subject that also interests me, and when I have a bit more spare time, will
add more comments to this discussion.

Mylo.X., Dec 28, 2013


7. DarbyWell-Known Member

Itheblaze said: ↑

This information came from Mysteries of Mind, Space, & Time Volume
#24, page # 2864.
So what does the author say about the source of the data? Where did the author
get the idea that these common factors are, well, common factors? Or did s/he
make it up based on "feelings"?

The wording of the list of common factors is loose (to say the least), tends to be
self-defining, has a built in "CYA" factor, i,e, "(depends on time slip)" and relies
on emotions/feelings rather than concrete unemotional criteria. It isn't science at

Darby, Dec 28, 2013


8. ItheblazeMember

This data was drawn from the many cases of time slips from people just like you
and me. Unless someone comes up with a way that we can all just time slip or
travel whenever we feel like this is the best we got. Just eyewitness accounts. Just
like in a court of law. I guess eyewitness accounts would go right out the window
too if time travel was possible but its the best we got right now. I really wish you
Mr. Evil Debunker, would have the craziest, far-out time slip, that would just
blow your mind. Then when you tried to tell people because you couldn't hold it
in any longer, all the "Mr. Evil Dunkers," would come out of the woodwork like
termites, and munch, munch, munch.

Itheblaze, Dec 29, 2013


9. SyzygyActive Member

The description seems awkwardly worded.

Part of one or two of the things listed therein
might seem to pertain to a single instance,
e.g. sound's being secondary to sight
while "seeing is believing" may drown out
all noise usual to one's new surroundings.
My thoughts in regard to the subject list:

1) The trigger may not be recognized immediately nor ever.

2) Abrupt is right.
3) Mine was an awareness of suddenly being entirely elsewhere.
4) Self-awareness in presence seems commonplace.
5) Background sound was secondary to what we witnessed.
6) Initially, I reflected upon times when I've noticed more marked
differences in light and color. Then, suddenly, our discussion of
sound and light evoked the sensation of our having emerged from a tunnel.

Syzygy, Dec 29, 2013


10. ItheblazeMember

I read your account of you and your husband's. Now that you have had time to
consider it do you have any idea what might have triggered it?

Itheblaze, Dec 29, 2013


11. SyzygyActive Member

Pardon my consolidating duplicate threads

as you last posted, Itheblaze.


Itheblaze said: ↑

I read your account of you and your husband's. Now that you have had
time to consider it do you have any idea what might have triggered it?

I do not recollect entirely.

Part of my not mentioning our listening to the radio
goes beyond the shock of what I witnessed visually at the time.
The synchronicity of my husband's and my being mentally elsewhere
together with something either said or played on air
might have somehow transported us northward,
toward where we were consensually bound.

Syzygy, Dec 29, 2013


12. SyzygyActive Member

Itheblaze said: ↑

I really wish you Mr. Evil Debunker, would have the craziest, far-out time
slip, that would just blow your mind.
Darby's username has opposite meanings.
Which is more applicable?

Dunno, but beware hoaxers who feign expertise in physics.

What you suggest sounds fun,
only that he'd probably deny it even to himself.

Syzygy, Dec 29, 2013


13. RainmanTimeAdministrator

Itheblaze said: ↑

... this is the best we got. Just eyewitness accounts. Just like in a court of
law. I guess eyewitness accounts would go right out the window too if
time travel was possible but its the best we got right now.

Are you aware of the severe problems of "eyewitness accounts"? The human
senses are SEVERELY bandwidth-limited, and at the same time the human brain
has an innate tendency to "fill in the blanks" with what it THINKS it perceives,
rather than what actually happened (which is exactly why sleight-of-hand magic
is so entertaining to us). There are a huge number of scientific studies that
confirm just how unreliable eyewitness accounts can be, especially if the situation
being reported on is in any way unusual or stressful to the mind of the observer
(i.e. a personal assault, a shooting, a rape, or situations where there is a lot going
on in several different zones of observation). In fact, it is the fallibility of the
human mind and its tendency to create things that were not there just to preserve a
coherency of thought within the mind, is the biggest reason why any personally
reported "time slip" cannot be taken seriously as if what is reported were fact.
When stressed, the mind creates things to protect it.

I will not provide a long list of the studies, but this video is just one inkling of
how eyewitness accounts can be absolutely wrong. What do you see the VERY
FIRST TIME you watch this video in normal motion? Slow motion in this video
gives us something that the mind does not have available when it views an event
in normal motion and time.


Now, you can leisurely read about what really happened and see the video in slow
The Thin Blue Line: POLICE SHOOTING Watch The Video BEFORE You
Read all the text.


RainmanTime, Dec 30, 2013


14. SyzygyActive Member

RMT et al,

Re: 'Thin Blue Line a-v,' it is well to clear misperceptions.

Suggestibility is no less nor more.

What I likened to emerging from a tunnel

might be similar to one's being startled
during a state of introspection.
It was metaphorical. Also,
our experience was understandably startling,
though not terribly traumatic.

However much or little more I'll be questioned

in ways leading or not directed,
the gist of what I've stated remains the same.
The area was familiar to us,
that stretch of the drive was routine
and we went from point A to point B in nothing flat--
as in no way did we even have time to not notice
our traveling between points A and B.
That much anyone can believe or not believe
as I've nothing to gain from risk of credibilty.

Syzygy, Dec 30, 2013


15. DarbyWell-Known Member

Itheblaze said: ↑

This data was drawn from the many cases of time slips from people just
like you and me. Unless someone comes up with a way that we can all just
time slip or travel whenever we feel like this is the best we got. Just
eyewitness accounts. Just like in a court of law. I guess eyewitness
accounts would go right out the window too if time travel was possible but
its the best we got right now. I really wish you Mr. Evil Debunker,
would have the craziest, far-out time slip, that would just blow your
mind. Then when you tried to tell people because you couldn't hold it
in any longer, all the "Mr. Evil Dunkers," would come out of the
woodwork like termites, and munch, munch, munch.

And in a court of law witnesses are cross examined by opposing counsel to test
the credibility and veracity of the prior testimony.

In any case, in your fervor to "believe" you failed to see what it was that I was
questioning in the previous post. I didn't attack the witnesses or even his
conclusions. I attacked his "experimental design" as being faulty. The researcher
bias and confirmation bias were obvious. He'd made up his mind prior to doing
his research and, predictably, read his tea leaves to confirm his prior belief. That's
why it isn't science.

Darby, Jan 2, 2014


16. DarbyWell-Known Member

Darby said: ↑

And in a court of law witnesses are cross examined by opposing counsel

to test the credibility and veracity of the prior testimony.

In any case, in your fervor to "believe" you failed to see what it was that I
was questioning in the previous post. I didn't attack the witnesses or even
his conclusions. I attacked his "experimental design" as being faulty. The
researcher bias and confirmation bias were obvious. He'd made up his
mind prior to doing his research and, predictably, read his tea leaves to
confirm his prior belief. That's why it isn't science.

Just to make is clear what my objections are I'll go over the list one item at a time
keeping in mind the following:

We can only sift the evidence and search for some common denominators
among the experiences, and possibly some relationship with known laws
of physics. So far these common factors have been discovered.

#1, A trigger factor that appears to set the occurrence in motion.

Trivial. Every event has a "trigger." If nothing else this complies with the laws of
thermodynamics, and a half dozen conservation laws. Events don't set themselves
in motion. This isn't a "common factor."

#2, Abrupt onset of the experience.

Undefined. What is "abrupt"?

#3, A sensation of living in two time zones at once, either past and present or
future and present.

Self-serving, It describes an emotion not a physical law.

#4, A feeling of being an integral part of the experience or a participant in the


Trivial. Of course the witnesses had a "feeling of being an integral part..." The
action was happening to them. Who else would they describe as being integral to
the action? Not a "common factor."

#5, A noticeable absence of sound from beginning to end of the time slip. (this
depends on time slip)

Does not fit the premise of "common factors."The wording itself states that the
absence of sound is not a common factor.It is a "sometimes" factor, if a factor at

#6, A marked difference is frequently mentioned between normal light

conditions and those experienced during the time slip. A 'silvery light' is often

Does not fit the premise of "common factors."The wording itself states that the
"silvery light conditions" is not a common factor. It is a "sometimes" factor, if a
factor at all.

In the end there is no statement about those cases that did not fit his criteria, why
they are not included in the data and how that data may have changed the
outcome of the research. For example, in the US the frequency of schizophrenia
in the adult population is ~0.25%. If the researcher discovered that 2.5% of the
witnesses had been diagnosed with schizophrenia prior to their experience would
he include that as one of his weakly bound "common factors"? A 2.5%
schizophrenia rate is 10X the rate in the general population. It might be
significant, if not common. Is there any statement about the state of sobriety of the
subjects when they experienced their "event"? Would it be important to include
their state of sobriety as a common factor? Would it be important to look at how
people describe a loss of consciousness event and compare it to the above

I'm not suggesting that there is an inordinate schizophrenia rate among the
experimental population, that a certain number were intoxicated, were suffering
from anoxia or simply passed out for some other reason. But it is a valid area of
exploration because the above criteria does tend to fit the case of loss of
consciousness quite well.

In any such experimental design the researcher is obligated to describe the

experimental group in detail (yes, there are limits - the detail must be non-trivial).

He sifted through the data, found cases that fit his ideal (cherry picking) and
included that as his data set. How do we know that he cherry picked his theory
confirming group? Because he included subjects in his group as confirming the
criteria that did not fit the common factor premise. It's not science.

Darby, Jan 2, 2014


Mental Time Travel v Phyiscal Time Travel

Discussion in 'Time Travel Discussion' started by deaftime, Aug 31, 2009.

Page 1 of 3123Next >

1. deaftimeNew Member

What is the difference between mental time travel and physical time travel.

I noticed most of them on this thread focus on physical time travel.

what about mental?

Does it work?

deaftime, Aug 31, 2009



dimaggioNew Member
You're not really asking about the difference, are you?
I'm guessing you just want to hear some thoughts on mental time travel per se?

Well, I think this would be a more convenient way of travelling, since you
wouldn't have to watch out not to cross paths with your double (since there is
And another plus is that you would get into the body of that timeline, meaning
people who know you and then see you wouldn't suspect a thing because of your
"visual" age.

But there are con's of course. For example you can't take anything with you.
A more indirect one would be: What about the body you leave in the other
Would it be without a conscious mind since that has travelled back? Or do you
merely switch with your past consciousness?

If the last one would be the case it would be a very trying experience for your
past's consiousness. A little bit similar to what happend to 2 people in LOST.

Oh, and a big pro I forgot:

You could relive your life and try different choices, without having to fear death,
since you'll always end up in a younger body (given that you could travel that far
That sure could be VERY nice! I think I especially would try to memorize the
lottery numbers from the weeks after my arrival in the past, hehe.^^

EDIT: This way you could even live as long as you wanted. Sure, it will be a
loop, but you could always live out your life in different ways, always getting a
whole different experience overall. Then again the chance of dying in an accident
statistically rise higher and higher the longer you live.
So make sure that if you see it coming or are dying and only have a few seconds
left: Shizzle quickly back again!^^

dimaggio, Aug 31, 2009


3. DarbyWell-Known Member

what about mental?

Does it work?

Define the term "mental time travel".

Darby, Aug 31, 2009


4. dimaggioNew Member

In my understanding it means that you only travel back with your consiousness;
replacing or switching with the consiousness in your past self's body.

You could also say it's almost like downloading knowledge from your future self
into an earlier version of yourself.

dimaggio, Aug 31, 2009


5. TwighlightNew Member

What is the difference between mental time travel and physical time

The problem I always have with disembodied 'mental' things, spirits, ghosts, etc is
this :-

Let's say I'm a disembodied mental thing of some sort. I'm floating here, quietly
looking at the world around. But hold on..............being able to SEE requires a
physical interaction with the photons all around.

It is a basic tennet of science that something that does not interact with it's
environment essentially does not exist at all. Things exist BECAUSE they
interact. That makes nonsense of the whole notion of some 'non-physical'
entity....because by definition...non-physical means no interaction with the
physical world....which in turn means the entity does not exist !

There are no two ways about it. You cannot exist within the physical world...even
in a disembodied form.....without interacting with it. Those interactions will be
physical interactions. They must be. Which means by definition there can be no
such thing as a non-physical is a contradiction in terms.

Twighlight, Aug 31, 2009


6. dimaggioNew Member

That might be true, but with mental time travel (at least in my understanding)
you're not without a body.
You're "just" switching/replacing your consiousness of your body in the past with
the consciousness of your body from the future/present.

dimaggio, Aug 31, 2009


7. PackerbackerNew Member

What is the difference between mental time travel and physical time

I noticed most of them on this thread focus on physical time travel.

what about mental?

Does it work?

As far as I am concerned "Time Travel" should apply to only physical time travel.
In other words, physical bodies are "local" and have location.

Can we say with certainty that the mind is "local?" The brain is, but then in so-
called "mental time travel" the brain doesn't actually travel independently of the
body (although this is a hilarious idea--it's the funniest thought that has occurred

to me in some time, ROFL)

If the mind isn't local, then what is doing the traveling?

Packerbacker, Aug 31, 2009


8. dimaggioNew Member

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "local" but I would think about it this way:
The consciousness that travels (or the mind or whatever you want to call it, but
please not soul^^) is like the data on a hard drive.
And sending it to the past is like sending the data of the hard drive via WLAN to
another hard drive, overwriting/switching its contents.
Only that you're not sending the data through space, but through time.

dimaggio, Sep 1, 2009

9. Donald_PattersonNew Member

Well has anyone been able to do mental time travel or astral time travel? Anyone
here at all had experiences with this? tell us all about it.

Donald_Patterson, Sep 2, 2009


10. KerrTexasAdministrator

As far as I am concerned "Time Travel" should apply to only physical

time travel. In other words, physical bodies are "local" and have location

I believe this is a good question to discuss.

I would first agree with Packerbacker and his comment regarding the definition of
a time traveler.

Those dynamics that are considered to be seperate and distinct ( Physical verses
Mental ), are they really ?

It seems that as we advance with understanding, knowledge and technology, that

we are seeing the merging of science with paranormal concepts.

We have a preconcieved notion of "time travel". However, if there is some sort of

"verifiable" movement through time, regardless of the method, should we exclude
those methods because they are different than what we first thought time travel
"should" be?

KerrTexas, Sep 2, 2009


11. TwighlightNew Member

Well has anyone been able to do mental time travel or astral time travel?
Anyone here at all had experiences with this? tell us all about it.

I had an 'out of the body experience'....years ago. No time travel involved...simply

drifted up to the ceiling. A fascinating experience, and of course one can then no
longer doubt that others do indeed have such experiences.

But whether 'the mind' is genuinely leaving the body is another matter entirely.
Twighlight, Sep 2, 2009


12. RainmanTimeAdministrator

Well has anyone been able to do mental time travel or astral time travel?
Anyone here at all had experiences with this? tell us all about it.

My answer to your question is only intended to show you that the question itself
may be incomplete or suffer from lack of clarity:

Me, personally, I would consider it "mental time travel" when I have a dream that
clearly spans a longer time than the time I was actually asleep. In other words, I
am sure most of us have had dreams where the events unfolded over an entire day
or more than one day. And yet, the actual, physical time that our bodies (not our
minds) slept through was on the order of 6-8 hours (depending on how long you
are in REM/dream sleep state). Hence, without a firm definition of "mental time
travel" this would certainly classify as such.

And even a more simple version would classify as such: In my dream I "go back
in time" and share a laboratory with Sir Issac Newton and watch him run an
experiment. Did this event in the past "really" happen? Who is to say? But did I
travel back in time mentally? Most certainly.


RainmanTime, Sep 2, 2009


13. OllyBMember

I was also alerted to another notion a while back. This may be too abstract for
most people to warrant any merit from it...

It was put forth that;

if an "entity" that was non physical (more accurately, from a frequency we would
not associate with the norms of our 'physicality'), was to enter into our reality,
They may cause unintentional interfence of certain types upon the space and time
grids that structure our reality (a bit like trying to listen to a radio during an
electrical storm).

Objects close-by, may travel through both time and space. Or, they may travel
through time within the same space and vice versa. Things may age, objects may
move, food may suddenly become stale etc. complete by-products, rather than
willful actions.

This is probably the single greatest reason why the soviets studied the alledged
'poltergeist' phenomena for so long. Remote Sensing with this kind of knowledge
about how Mass, Space and Time are linked could potentially gain you great
distance over your 'competitors'.

Also - if such entities do exist, and have noticed us...what could we make them do
for us...?

As for the dream state, We may be causing the same phenomena in someone
else's reality. That however, is merely speculation on my part.

I think there are many different aspects and forms to time-travel that are not
outwardly obvious straight away.

OllyB, Sep 3, 2009


14. hdrkidNew Member

Hi Donald_Patterson:

I have done astral time travel to the future. In fact, astral time travel is a great way
to get information on what is about to happen. However, as you go further out
timeline divergence increases. That means the information you obtain becomes
less reliable. Think of hitting the bullseye on a dart board. As the dart board is
move further away it gets harder to hit the center.

The difference between metal time travel and physical is that in mental your body
does not go to another timeline. It is like your soul travels and you see the future,
but you are still here. In physical you can get "stuck" on the other side and never
return. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

hdrkid, Sep 7, 2009


15. dimaggioNew Member

You said you did astral time travel to the future.
I hope you don't mind me asking this question, but how exactly do you know that
it wasn't just a dream, imagination or strong hallucination?
Did you foresee somthing that then happened afterwards?
And you said that the more you get into the future, the less what you see has a
chance of actually happening, because of divergence.
Some people could say that this is a very convenient way for you not to be able to
prove your astral time travel.
But how do you begin such a travel? Do you meditate, lie down in bed to sleep?
Think a certain thought?

dimaggio, Sep 7, 2009


16. Donald_PattersonNew Member

Anyone had any experiences with this? HDRkid you around anymore?

Donald_Patterson, Sep 30, 2009


17. PackerbackerNew Member

While this isn't astral travel, as far as I know, I once had a perception--maybe a
dream I remembered, of standing on the Vermont Avenue overpass of the
Hollywood Freeway and looking in the direction of downtown (East). The
Freeway lanes had been ripped up and the entire "valley" planted to grass which
was a few feet in height. Aerial cars zipped along the routes of the old freeway at,
maybe, several hundred miles per hour and four feet or so above the grass. I could
see the grass waving as the cars passed above it. The cars were aerodynamic and
many colors--red, yellow, blue, and so on. That basically was it.

Packerbacker, Sep 30, 2009


18. paladiusNew Member

physical and mental time travel require different navigation systems for each. The
classic time traveler would use both, so that his/her physical body and mental
mind can accompany one another to an alternate time.

Mental time travel is grounded to the 5th dimension, while physical TT is based
from the 4th.
I am not sure the exact detail of mental TT. I have a inkling that you can only
mental TT to a body that you have some connection with. That connection may be
genetic, but I am not sure. It may a type of genetic linking that is mind/soul based
and not evolutionary based. Not sure though, so I can only offer that as a
hypothesis and not fact.

paladius, Sep 30, 2009


19. hdrkidNew Member

A good example of mental time travel is Nostradamus. He was able to see our

Nostradamus and the Apollo Moon Landing - 1558

Century 9 Quatrain 65:

Dedans le coing de Luna viendra rendre,

Ou sera prins & mis en terre estrange,
Les fruicts immeurs seront grand esclandre
Grand vitupere l’vn grande louange.

He shall come to take himself to the corner of Luna,

Where he shall be taken and placed upon a strange soil,
The unripe fruit will be the source of great scandal,
Great blame, to the other great praise.

My French is not the best, but 'terre estrange' means strange soil. OK some
translations have it as - an alien land.

Please remember that the first unman balloon flight took place on June 4, 1783, in
Annonay, France, when Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier launched a hot air
balloon. October 15, 1783 was date of first human passenger.

It would be hundreds of years later, due the hard work of Wilbur and Orville
Wright on December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina the first aeroplane
flew. However, even then, flights to our moon seem the stuff of fantasy.

hdrkid, Nov 4, 2009


20. King_AnarchistNew Member

“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with
a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.― --

King_Anarchist, Nov 4, 2009

1. I have an account of an out of the body experience at Scribd (Subspace2009)

age 53,Ch.7, "A Personal Experience."

Or Google: cigoffard7668 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif and look down

the list. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif web page

Packerbacker, Nov 4, 2009



TwighlightNew Member

Me, personally, I would consider it "mental time travel" when I have a

dream that clearly spans a longer time than the time I was actually asleep.
In other words, I am sure most of us have had dreams where the events
unfolded over an entire day or more than one day.

The truly strange thing is dreams where there is a 'history'....and you remember
things that did not happen in the dream itself but which are part of the history of
the dream. If one considers that most dreams are simply 'ad lib' acting.....this
ability to pluck a history out of thin air at just the right moment is quite

Twighlight, Nov 4, 2009


3. PackerbackerNew Member

What's also remarkable is that dream "locations" seem to persist, so you can
revisit a place a second time years after the first visit.

But there is also a curiosity. For me, the dream location never looks like the "real"
location, and yet they're the same place (somehow).
Packerbacker, Nov 4, 2009


4. khan2012New Member

There are no two ways about it. You cannot exist within the physical
world...even in a disembodied form.....without interacting with it. Those
interactions will be physical interactions. They must be. Which means by
definition there can be no such thing as a non-physical is a
contradiction in terms.

Observing a television screen doesn't change the program. We can be observed by

hyperdimensional beings without their changing the interactions on the
holographic program.

khan2012, Nov 5, 2009


5. CuriousGeorgeNew Member

First off I have been first stumbled across this website a little over a year ago. I
tried for a few weeks posting my own story on here hoping that someone had had
a similar experience. Just some sign that I wasn't going crazy. Okay here's my

In the middle of 2008 I started having these episodes. I was working a night shift
job at a factory then. I would be in the middle of doing something and bamm, I'd
be somewhere different all of a sudden. before I would have a chance to think I
would understand where I am and what I was doing, I would have no knowledge
that I had been somewhere and sometime else a few seconds before. I would be at
some point in my past, not realizing that anything had happen to me. It was not
that I had no control, but rather I had no knowledge of the future from that point
in my life so I would make all decisions as I had in the past, because to me I was
the past me. I would live out my life exactly as I had before for a completely
random period of time before I'd return to exactly where i was when I left. When I
was returned to the future it was like waking from a dream. At first I didn't know
what had happen or where I was, then suddenly my memory started to return.
Except more violently. I would feel a sudden rush of information coming into my
skull the first time it happened I felt sick and stumbled. But the more times it
happen the easier it became to deal with. it didn't seem like any time had passed in
the present when I would leave. But the in the past their seemed to be no limit. I
believe the longest was 2 weeks 5 days. The shortest I can remember is about 10
minutes. I have no control over when I leave, what point in my life I arrive, and
how long I stay. I would not even be too certain I was time traveling at all if it
wasn't for the fact that I could recall vividly things I had long forgotten, people's
faces, a phone number I over looked a million times. Crazy little stuff that I think
would put even people with photographic memories to shame over. I felt like it
was seconds ago and I possible was. I believe I can only travel to the past, but I do
have a very strange memory that seemed so surreal it could be the future or it
could have just been a dream I just randomly remembered a part of. This one was
of me holding an infant in my arms a woman nearby. The woman and the room
were constantly changing, as were the child. at one point it was a dead fetus. This
whole thing lasted for at most 5 seconds. The only reason I considered that this
was not a dream is because it was from the first person point of view and I never
have dreams from the first person. Sorry for this being so long. please tell me if
you know of a similar case.

CuriousGeorge, Nov 14, 2009


6. khan2012New Member

If we live in a continuum of possible realities then there exists regions of

indistinguishability where we can trade places with our alternate selves and never
know the difference. When the occasional trade occurs outside the boundaries of
indistinguishability, we notice slight discrepancies with memories of our previous
universes of experience. A rare happening and I wonder how far out we can
venture, how strange the realities can become?

khan2012, Nov 15, 2009


7. TimeNot_0New Member

Boredom is a subject you can control. Afterall, Einstein came out with his
thinking on the Universe.

Out of Mind is really a very stupid idea. Try actually having a thought or two by
learning something in your life.

Boredom is a terrible way to go for the mind.

TimeNot_0, Nov 15, 2009


8. Mario061980New Member

What exactly is mental time travel and how can I achieve it?

<font color="orange">hdrkid[/COLOR]

I have done astral time travel to the future.

Can you do astral time travel into the / your past to? Is this even possible?

Mario061980, Nov 17, 2009


9. AngleochoasNew Member

I guess that depends upon what one believes about the astral (or ether ) realm
if they believe in it as a possibility in that sense at all for that matter.
Though your question did make me wonder along a different train of thought.
'Was just curious if any research had been done in regards to deep hypnosis and
future event predictability rates?
Maybe just bunk, but an interesting thought.

Angleochoas, Nov 17, 2009


10. Donald_PattersonNew Member

So has anyone done mental time travel since this was last posted?

Donald_Patterson, Jul 11, 2010


11. TimeCrime1986Member

So has anyone done mental time travel since this was last posted?
People do mental time travel all the time. It is called memories or predictions and
feelings about the future. Just today for a split second while extremely bored at
work I remembered the 80's and what it is like. Just for a second mind you. I also
remember the 70's and yes even the 60's. Life now is not a much different than
back in the 90's except computers are a lot better and cell phones are so much
funner to play with. I could make a prediction about the future but what I would
say on that would not be very welcomed here so I will stop short of that. Time to
borrow part of a phrase from Forest Gump time is like a box of chocolates. You
never know what your going to get.

TimeCrime1986, Jul 12, 2010


12. Donald_PattersonNew Member

Come on dude, remembering things is hardly mental time travel. By real mental
time travel I am referring to what others have talked about on this topic with the
ability to use your energy consciousness to travel throughout time in a conscious
first person state. Remembering something is not really any comparison.

Donald_Patterson, Jul 13, 2010


13. DarbyWell-Known Member

to use your energy consciousness to travel throughout time in a conscious

first person state.

Here's the problem(s), Don.

What is the definition of "energy consciousness" and how does that, by definition,
differ from memory?

You used the term "conscious(ness)" twice in the same sentence to state the
question in a form where one defines the other. That's a tautology.

What is a "first person state" and how does that differ from a person's personal

And last, what do you mean by "time travel" as it relates to some mental
mechanism? Time travel (to the past) generally means the ability to revisit events
that you've already experienced with the ability to interact with the events -
indicating the ability to interact with yourself (your younger self). How does that
relate to "mental time travel"? How does one differentiate between memory of an
event and "mental time travel"? Be specific, please. We do, afterall, need the
ability to run an experiment that can tell the difference between the two to the
extent that another researcher can recreate the scenario and get similar results
without resorting to personal prejudice.

Darby, Jul 14, 2010


14. paladiusNew Member

Here is another problem with mental time travel. OUr science requires test results
to be verified independently by third party. With out them, anyone "claiming" to
have time traveled mentally is dismissed as crazy. Rather than our society
embracing the unknown or little known, we shun it. Psychics, nut jobs, and
wackos, and mental time travelers are all put in th same category. This likely has
limited many claims to actual experiences because people are afraid of being
ostracized, whic has hindered any knowledge base or general understanding of
such phenomenon.

paladius, Jul 18, 2010


15. thantifaxathbetaNew Member

Regarding the 'difference' between 'mental' and 'physical' time travel, I would like
to quote from the Swetasvatara Upanishad (from THE UPANISHADS: BREATH
OF THE ETERNAL, translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick
Manchester): "Time, space, law, chance, matter, primal energy, intelligence--none
of these, nor a combination of these, can be the final cause of the universe, for
they are also effects, and exist to serve the soul...The seers, absorbed in
contemplation, saw within themselves the ultimate reality, the self-luminous
being, the one God, who dwells as the self-conscious poser in all creatures. He is
One without a second. Deep within all beings he dwells, hidden from sight by the
coverings of the gunas--sattwa, rajas, and tamas. He presides over all time, space,
and all apparent causes...Mind and matter, master and servant--both have existed
from beginningless time. The Maya which unites them has also existed from
beginningless time. When all three--mind, matter, and Maya--are known as one
with Brahman, then is it realized that the Self is infinite and has no part in action.
Then it is revealed that the Self is all." This, at least to me, shows that
Consciousness and Reality are One, so any change in an effect (say space-time) is
a change in Consciousness, and appropriate changes in Consciousness produces
changes in space-time. Thus it would seem that any alleged difference between
'physical' and 'mental' time travel is itself an illusion....AUM.
thantifaxathbeta, Jul 22, 2010


16. thantifaxathbetaNew Member

Regarding my previous posting, the word poser in the phrase, "the one God, who
dwells as the self-conscious poser in all creatures." should read "the one God,
who dwells as the self-conscious power in all creatures." However, since the "one
true God" who "deep within all beings..dwells, hidden from sight by the coverings
of the gunas--sattwa, rajas, and tamas..." might be considered the ultimate
poser/poseur, the mistyping of the word 'poser' for 'power' would still be

thantifaxathbeta, Jul 23, 2010


17. TwighlightNew Member

then is it realized that the Self is infinite and has no part in action. Then it
is revealed that the Self is all."

It's interesting that the vedic writers grasped concepts that maths and science have
only recently come to grips with. One such concept is the curious property that a
universe that is infinite across space and time is actually ( paradoxically ) a
universe without action. Where every conceivable thing that can happen does cannot ADD any action or activity to this state or it would not have
been infinite.

It's only us human beings, with our sense of seperation from it all, that experience
time as a result of that seperation. To a universal being, the whole of space and
time would exist as a single unchanging entity.

Twighlight, Jul 23, 2010


18. silvio gNew Member

hi paladius.

galileu was called a "crazy" too, and Einstein also ,probably, called a "crazy'", he
made some quotes about the Universe with a higher counsciousness behind.
many scientists and genius ,were called crazies.

some of the recent quantum physics scientists and astrophisics are talking about
god and parallel universes, are they "crazy" guys too.?

the Fbi used some psychic guys in remote viewing projects, like scan gate, and

are they "crazy"..?

Some quantum physics scientists, like Amit Goswami, are talking about a
Universe Higher Counscience, they are scientists with studies

silvio g, Dec 3, 2013


19. silvio gNew Member

there is no empty space, the air is aether, and for example the sound waves and
radio was travel trough aether.

we can receive packs of informations trough aether directly to our subcounscious

mind, and there is also the noosphere, and things like that.and we are also
connected with the frequency of earth, (schumann resonance) at 7 or 13hz

our brain generates frequencies, due to activity of neurons and biomagnetism,

when we are in the Alpha state we are in ressonance with the Earths field, and we
receive informations (intuition)

silvio g, Dec 3, 2013


20. vodkafanActive Member

Mental "Time Travel" is not time travel at all. It is a subjective phenomena which
cannot be proven . It is better to call it Strange Loop.

vodkafan, Dec 15, 2013

Time slip stories

Discussion in 'Time Travel Claims' started by servantx, Aug 16, 2012.
Page 1 of 3123Next >

1. servantxActive Member

Dimension Shift in Tacoma


I was walking in downtown Tacoma, Washington one evening around 9:00

o'clock. I was on my way to meet a friend at a certain intersection. The year was
1976. I was enlisted in the U.S. Army and was stationed at Fort Lewis. I
remember it was the month of April. As I was walking, I started wondering what
time it was. So I looked around for the nearest store where I could find out the
time. I looked across the street and there was a walk-in movie theater. I figured
that was as good a place as any.

Then the weirdest thing happened. I started to cross the street... and the next thing
I knew my vision was clearing up and I was standing in front of the ticket counter
inside the theater lobby! I had a ferocious headache and my legs felt very
unsteady. I recovered a little, but that headache was something else. I bowed and
started rubbing my forehead. After a minute or so, I heard a gasp. I looked up and
there was this pretty girl on the other side of the counter with a suprised look on
her face. She asked me how I got in! With the throbbing pain in my head, I looked
at her and didn't know how to answer her. I was confused. I started to walk
toward the counter and she backed away. Now she had a scared look on her face!
She asked me again how I got in. I looked up at the wall behind her. There was a
clock hanging there. I started to mutter, "What time is it?" She then told me I had
better leave or she'll call the police.

I felt so weird; it's hard to explain. I felt like I had broken through into a territory I
didn't recognize. I stood there for a few minutes. That's when the girl went into
the back room. I could hear her talking to someone. I turned around and started to
walk toward the entrance. That's when this big guy came out of the back room,
walked around the counter and before I could say anything, grabbed me by the
arm, pulled me toward the entry way, unlocked the door and shoved me outside.
He told me to get out of there and went back inside.

I still couldn't figure out what was going on. I stood there looking around rubbing
my head. Then it dawned on me. The time on the clock read past midnight! I
looked back at the theater. It had the "CLOSED" sign on the front door! The girl
and the guy were still there looking at me. Then the big guy opened the door
again and warned me that if I didn't leave that instant he was going to kick me in
the butt. So I started to walk away, still confused, and as I was walking I heard the
guy say, "I don't know how you got inside with the door being locked, but you
better not come back!"
The headache eventually went away and I never did meet my friend. It was too
late. I've heard of incidents like this. Man, all I can say is, it was weird!

servantx, Aug 16, 2012



servantxActive Member

Time Slip to the 1930s


My time slip experience took place in 1972 in New York. I was 18 and lived at
my college dorm. It was July.

My cousin had recently died and I was feeling melancholy. I decided to go for a
three-block walk to the stores. I know for sure it was 3 p.m. when I left.

As I crossed the street from my dorm and entered the first block, I noticed a
deadening silence that got my attention. There was not a sound of life anywhere.
That's when I noticed that the homes lining this residential street all were
different: smaller and dated looking. (I'd guess around 1930s.) There were no cars
anywhere and no driveways or garages, and everything seemed gray, without
color. I noticed the trees were all bare, like in winter, yet this was summer. I
spoke out loud saying, "Why is it so quiet?" And my voice seemed strange and

When I got to the main street with the stores, everything reverted back to normal,
but upon returning home those three blocks took on the same strange qualities.
Then I noticed that the entire side of the second block had a huge hill that wasn't
there before, replacing all the houses.

As I exited the last block to go back to my dorm, everything was back to normal
again -- Sound, movement, etc.

I was gone about 90 minutes, but when I looked at the clock as I entered my room
it said 3:12 p.m., which was only 12 minutes from when I left! I checked another
clock and it also showed 3:12.

The next day, I took this same walk, and to my amazement it happened again. But
on the return from the stores, the hill had now disappeared and was replaced with
the older-looking homes (like on the first trip).
After that day, the usual modern homes, sound, color, trees in full bloom were all
back in place.

servantx, Aug 16, 2012


3. servantxActive Member

Glimpse of Future Events


It was May or June of 1974. I was 16 years old. I lived with my sister in a small
trailer park just outside of Maulden, South Carolina. I was her babysitter while
she worked second shift at a cottonmill in Simpsonville. She rode to work with
next-door neighbors who worked at the same plant. They would get home around

On this night, the 11 o'clock news came on and I began washing the dinner dishes.
After doing the dishes I had taken the leftovers out to the back yard to feed the
dogs. I divided the food up between the dogs and was watching to make sure the
big dogs didn't take the puppies' food.

As I was standing there, a car pulled into the driveway of the trailer park. I
thought it looked like the neighbor's car, but it was too early for it to be them. I
watched as the car pulled into our driveway, and I could see from the light at the
corner of the driveway that it was the neighbor's car. So I just thought they must
have left work early for some reason. I thought it was odd that they stopped the
car in our driveway instead of pulling into their driveway and parking the car.

I watched as my sister got out of the car and adjusted her sweater around her
shoulders, reach and get her pocketbook, close the door and walk toward our front
door. Then the neighbor's backed the car out and left. I wondered where they were

By this time the dogs had finished eating, so I went back inside. As I walked in I
asked, "Why are you home early?" There was no answer. I called out her name.
Still no answer. I walked through the house. Well, it was a three-bedroom mobile
home, so there wasn't anywhere for her to go. I checked every room and my sister
was not there. I walked back into the living room. The 11 o'clock news was still

I sat on the couch, confused and wondering what had just happened, wondering if
my sister would be home at the normal time. They did pull into the driveway at
the normal time. I watched through the screen door as they stopped the car, my
sister got out adjusted her sweather around her shoulders, got her pocketbook,
closed the door and walked toward the house. The neighbors backed the car out
and left.

I opened the door for my sister. I asked her, "Where are they going?" She said
they forgot to stop and get cigarettes. Then I told her what happened. She didn't
say much. I don't think she believed me. I don't think I would have believed me
either. I don't understand why it happened.

servantx, Aug 16, 2012


4. servantxActive Member

Time Slip in Georgia October 2011


I used to make the same haul over and over from Savannah, Georgia to
Attapulgus, Georgia and back with loads of clay in sea containers. It always took
the same amount of time to come and go: five hours each way with an hour or two
to load. I always left in the afternoon to get there at night and left around

One night I will never forget, I was weighing out on the truck scale when a big
eight-point buck came running out of the woods and hit my truck's first set of
drive tires and broke his neck, dying instantly.

The drive home seemed routine at first, then it got foggy. In Thomasville, the fog
began to get really thick. I took Route 122 as usual to avoid traffic. Then it got
sort of weird. The fog was crazy thick on each side, but I could see the road okay.
Not great, but okay. I drove at 60 mph and did not see a cotton-picking thing the
whole way.

The fog cleared past Ludowici and I looked at my watch. I was four hours early! I
went a few miles off route to my house and went to sleep for three hours and was
an hour early at the port. Crazy! Never happened again.

servantx, Aug 16, 2012


5. servantxActive Member

Hospital Space-Time Confusion March 2012

My husband and l live in the deep woods of east Texas, near a tiny place called
Mt. Sylvan. I had been having some medical tests done (week of January 24-27)
at a hospital nearby.

I went for testing three days in a row, always with the same routine: I parked in
the same small parking lot, walked through the double doors leading to the first
floor cardio testing area, turned right at the gift shop and signed in at the desk. I
always exchanged some casual conversation with the same young and very
pleasant blond receptionist.

There was a small sitting area across from her desk, with a door leading to the
phlebotomy (blood drawing) lab right behind her cubicle. The door to the lab was
always open, though, and the sight of patients sitting in the exact type of chairs --
even the same color -- that I saw my late mother sit in for her chemo treatments
was just too gut wrenching. (She died a year ago.)

I even heard a patient in the lab comment on the new chairs, and a nurse replied
that the hospital's oncology department had donated them. (My mom never had
treatments at this hospital.) I decided to sit across the hall anyway.

Last Friday my husband went back to the hospital with me to hear the test results.
He had never been there before. Usual routine: we parked, walked in, turned past
the gift shop and... there was no check-in area! I stood and stared in total shock:
no desk, no chairs, no blonde receptionist, and the door to the lab was on another
wall! The other sitting area was just as before.

I started to walk up and down the hall searching for "my" check-in area, but it was
nowhere to be seen. A doctor walked by, noticed my confusion, and asked what I
was looking for. When I told him that the place I had checked in for my tests was
missing, he laughed and said that it had been moved to the second floor three
years earlier because they needed more space!

servantx, Aug 16, 2012


6. servantxActive Member

Home... In Another Dimension

I live in East Tennessee with my mother, father, older brother, and a friend who is
temporarily staying with me. On the Saturday after Valentine's Day of 2012, my
father, Richard, took my mother, Vicki, to the Martha Washington Hotel in North
Carolina. My mother just adores its history. Its known to be haunted. My dad says
that when he walks into that eerie place, the hairs on the back of his neck stand
up. I find it humorous that he is scared and she isn't.
Anyway, upon their returning, things went missing and later showed up in random
places throughout the house. My father always keeps his keys and wallet on the
nightstand, but every morning they are on the floor in the center of the bedroom.
But things have gotten worse. Even crazy.


Last night, Feburary 23, 2012, my friend Savanna and I (the friend who lives with
me) got off work and rode home together. We arrived there at 10:29 p.m. While
pulling into the driveway, I noticed that every light in the house was off, which is
extremely strange. My parents always sit on the couch in the living room with at
least the lamp on.

Before we entered the house, I tried calling the house phone, but there was no
answer. I called my father's cell phone; no answer. Lastly, when I attempted to
reach my mother through her cell phone, she indeed answered the phone, but
didn't respond to anything I said. She did this twice.

On the phone with my brother, he advised us to go inside because my parents are

known for the occasional practical joke. We entered through the garage and tried
to get my dog to come with us. She stayed outside the door instead, which again
seemed odd.

I turned on the hall light and proceeded to walk to my parents' room and noticed
that their bed sheets were hanging on the door. I walked in to see their mattress
pulled off to the side of the bed. At this point I was a little on edge, so I jogged to
the living room, calling out to them. But there was no response. Had they been
there, they would've heard me. I still do not doubt that.

We left the house and got into my car to call my brother. He instructed us to meet
him so he could come back with us and check it out. At this point my voice was
shaking as bad as my hands had been.

This is where things get unusually scary.


Not two minutes down the road, I received a text from my mother that read, "Are
you two running late?" I called her and she was upset that we weren't home. She
sounded concerned and was about to send my dad out to look for us because we
had not returned home.

I sped home in attempt to catch them in the prank. When I pulled into the
driveway, things appeared normal. Upon entering the house, we noticed that their
bed was neatly made and they were sitting on the couch watching The
Housewives of Orange County. As always.

When we told them what had happened they looked baffled. "We have been
sitting on this couch since seven, Chloe. Where have you been?" After explaining
in more detail, they began to worry. My dad retreated to his room and my mother
almost cried. They swore that they had been there for hours, but just minutes
earlier Savanna and I had been in the same empty, dark room.

When I think back to last night, I notice now that when entering the house the first
time something felt wrong. Almost as if we were not in a worldly dimension. It
has bothered me ever since.

Where were we?

servantx, Aug 16, 2012


7. servantxActive Member

Time Slip in the Pyrenees


I come from a family that believes in spirits and otherworldly experiences, so I'm
fairly open minded, but we all agree that this was fairly weird.

In June, 2009, I went to visit my father in France. He would often spend several
months a year there, and this year I went to visit him. We were based out out of
Nant, which is in Provence in southern France.

One day we decided to take a short mini trip into northern Spain to see a certain
abbey. To get there we would have to drive through the Pyrenees, the major
mountain range between France and Spain. The Pyrenees, like most places in
Europe, have witnessed a lot of turmoil and violence, from border wars to being
the hideout of French Protestants during the 15th and 16th centuries.

We set out at about 9 a.m. up into the mountains. The weather quickly changed
from sunny to foggy and overcast, but often mountain weather is different, so we
weren't alarmed. We were driving for a while before we realised that we were
definitely lost. The roads we were on were dirt, and no longer on our map or in
our GPS. In fact, the GPS wasn't even working right. We just kept driving, trying
to find our way out of the mountains... for hours.

We were no longer concerned about making it to the abbey by 6 p.m. Frankly, we

were worried about running out of gas in the middle of somewhat creepy
mountains, in bad weather. All I remember is that everything was so foggy, and
that there was this strange oppressive feeling of sadness.

My dad and I barely talked for almost eight hours. Both of us remember feeling
tired, exhausted, and unreasonably depressed. At one point, I even thought it
would just be easier to stop driving and lie down, forever.

The car clock read 4:40 p.m. when we miraculously took a shot in the dark on a
road that didn't look like more than a goat path over some fields and popped out
onto a major highway! We were excited to say the least.

We stopped at the first gas station we found on the main road, and I commented
to my dad that it was much sunnier now that we were out of the mountains, at
which point he looked up at the sun and said, "That's strange... Why is the sun so
high in the sky? It's overhead, but it's almost 5 p.m." I looked at the car clock to
confirm that it was indeed 5, but -- and I swear -- it read 12:05 p.m.

I though maybe something mechanical had happened to the clock, though that
didn't explain the sun overhead. We both couldn't account for any of it, so we
drove to the abbey and asked them if they were closing, which they should have
been. But they informed us that no, it was only a little after 12, why would they be

I know this may not seem super dramatic, but both of us together, with total
memory of the event, lost eight hours of our lives in those mountains, with no

servantx, Aug 16, 2012


8. servantxActive Member

Missing Time While Cycling


I was born in Sao Paulo and have been living in Wolfsburg, Germany for work
since June, 2011. All my life I enjoyed cycling very much and it would not be
different after I moved here. So, one of the first things I did when I got here was
look and buy myself a brand new bicycle on which I have been riding in the
whereabouts of the town three or four times every week. I can tell it is the best
way to really discover all what the cities have to offer, and not to mention that
there are hundreds of different trails in the woods leading you to the most
amazing places in no reach by car.

It is now November, but the weather is giving us one last chance to still enjoy
some warm afternoons, so last Sunday I took my bike and headed for the woods. I
am a particularly self-controlled person who will always work out distances and
time before setting off for cycling. Therefore, I initiated my stopwatch and
checked the time at the start of my training. It was 1 p.m., and 5 minutes earlier I
had sent my girlfriend a SMS (text message).

After cycling for about 25km through some open path ways, I stopped at some
amazing eolic power generators spot to take some pictures. As I did so, I checked
again my stopwatch and only one hour had elapsed. That was okay since I usually
cycled in a moderate cadence. Then after taking a breath and being astounded by
the beauty of the generators, what should have lasted less than 10 minutes, I kept
on on my journey back, but through the north side of the city. I tried to make my
way back through some green fields and trails I had never been before. All I was
doing was follow the compass to make it through.

Although I was really alone and could see no one nearby, I started to get this
feeling of being really distant and far from reach of everybody and every noise.
For moments I felt as if the whole world was rid of all sounds and all life at all.
That feeling didn't last long as I had to stop again a few minutes later to check the

This whole thing happened while cycling 15km after the first stop, but what really
astonished me was to see that two hours had gone between the first and second
stops! Of course, I would have made it in a slower pace after the first stop because
I didn't know the new paths. However, even one hour cycling would have been
already more than enough to cover 15km, what to say of two hours?

I kind of went crazy staring at my watch. One whole hour of my day had vanished
and I cannot tell how. So I headed home in a hurry, helplessly and thinking of
what could have happened.

After getting home, I sent my girlfriend another SMS, and later on at night we
talked on the phone (she was in Brazil). I told her what had happened in the
woods that afternoon, but what really scared me alluded me the most, making me
really nuts was hear that she'd received both of my messages (at start and end of
the cycling) within a period of only two hours!

I have always been into sci-fi stuff, but I had never thought I would experience
such a weird thing like that. It felt like being robbed, but what was stolen from me
was one whole hour.

servantx, Aug 16, 2012


9. servantxActive Member
MUFON Time Slip, Or Just New Jersey?

I have had more than one such happening. I wanted to see Bob Dean and hear his
UFO talk at MUFON, Pennsylvania last October 16, 2011. When we got on I276
from I76, it lead us to US1, which we stayed on for several miles until we got to
Four Points Sheraton. We knew where we had to be to see Bob Dean at 3 p.m. on
Oct. 16, 2011.

We got something to eat, then asked a guy on the street for directions to
downtown Philly. He told us three or four miles to I95 and go north, which we
did, found visitor parking, parked, saw Liberty Bell, then took a one-hour bus tour
of Philly, all the important sites.

We started back on I95 going south and had couple of hours to spare to get back
to Four Points Sheraton.

I will stop there and point out that one of the main features of US1 was four lanes
going one direction and four lanes going other direction, outside lane of two lanes
being for through traffic, so if wanted to go other way had to use a cross over to
inside lanes, make left, and then go other way on other four lanes.

Now continuing on I95 we got to the US1 exit coming back, and things were quite
different. There were no eight lanes anywhere! We turned around and went the
other way on US1 into New Jersey. The New Jersey scene was like from the
1950s or 1960s. We stopped on the side of road for directions. A man specifically
told us what to do to get back on I95.

We got back on and tried again, exited on US 1, still no eight lanes, and the scene
had changed again. We turned around, went other way on US1 and the scene
really changed a lot in New Jersey. The 1950s or 1960s scene was completely
gone and instead a split highway where the man who had stood in front of his
house giving us directions for a street left to downtown and a bridge.

We got across, but Lois was very upset being on I295. Lois made me take a right
turn and we were on a New Jersey 130 road. She made me stop for directions. A
woman explained that I295 in New Jersey ran parallel to I95 in Pennsylvania with
Delaware River in between them. She specifically gave me certain directions how
to get back using 130, interrupting me two times: "This is how you do it to get
back. Do not get back on I295. Stay on 130, go through a light, then another light,
then past Rite Aid, stay right, and take immediate right to the New Jersey
Turnpike, pay $2 onto Pennsylvania Turnpike..." which we did.

I saw the I276 exit for US1. Lois wanted me to try, but I had only few minutes left
before the 3:00 hour, but I was not about to take US1 again. We went on home.
Lois will verify the first New Jersey scene as from the mid-last century and the
fact that there was no Sheraton and no eight lanes setup on the Pennsylvania side
in all this when we tried get back to see Bob Dean. That man and that woman I
will have to describe as "monitors" from the peculiar way they acted. I am getting
good at this "time travelling". Although there is only one US1 up there, there are
several of them really -- in different times. I made no wrong turns.

servantx, Aug 16, 2012


10. servantxActive Member

Office Survey Time Slip


On March 15, 2011 at 3:15 in afternoon, I got into my car to go to my old law
office, where I and my late father, mother, brother, and others had our law
practice. The building dates to pre-Civil War era. I went to check for damage,
having read in the local paper about Mercer County, Kentucky residents upset
with a local factory doing some blasting in the late fall of 2010 that caused
damage to homes and buildings.

I went in the back door and up the side stairs straight to my mother's room,
checking the waiting area on way. No damage. I then checked my old room. No
new damage (there had been some wall damage two years previous). Then to my
brother's old room. No damage.

Finally, I checked the library and there was much new damage: the ceiling had
given way in one big place, wood was exposed, but there was no sign of water
damage. I then went downstairs, checked the kitchen, another secretary's room,
then my father's room -- all of which were okay.

When I went into the waiting room, there was much wall damage to the wall next
to father's room: plaster down on the floor and under the heating unit, wood
exposed, very heavy wall damage, but no sign of water.

I then went home and called a neighbor who does house repairs. We went to the
law office and repeated a survey of all the rooms, in the same order as I had done
before. When we got to the waiting room, I was shocked to see that there was no
damage at all! How could that be? I just saw it!

Before my neighbor left, I told him I must have walked into the past, seeing wall
damage as it existed circa 1969 when we had to clean it all up and redo all the
walls. Remembering what I saw half century later was as it was a half century
earlier: same old wallpapered walls that came down, exposing the wood behind,
and cracked plaster down on floor everywhere.

servantx, Aug 16, 2012


11. servantxActive Member

servantx, Aug 16, 2012


Syzygy likes this.

12. SyzygyActive Member

:-D Hello. Servantx.

Thank you for posting these "Time Slip Stories."
Is "Home... In Another Dimension" a personal account of yours?

Syzygy, Jun 16, 2013


13. servantxActive Member

Syzygy said: ↑

:-D Hello. Servantx.

Thank you for posting these "Time Slip Stories."
Is "Home... In Another Dimension" a personal account of yours?

No, that is not my account.

servantx, Jun 18, 2013


14. SyzygyActive Member

servantx said: ↑

No, that is not my account.

Eerie as was that tale, that is just as well.

Nonetheless, as I promised in another thread
to post my recollections of a time slip,
I wonder whether we might exchange stories?

[...]Here goes [...]

Carefree Highway | Time Travel Institute

Syzygy, Jun 18, 2013


15. servantxActive Member

Strange Incident at Coburg Castle


In May 1980, I was serving with the military in Germany. This occurred at
Coburg Castle. While I used most of my free time to explore old battlefields and
castles, this incident to this day weirds me out when thinking about it.

It was a nice clear day, and while taking a tour of the local castle I found myself
on a wall staring down an open field bordered by trees down into the city itself. I
felt a strange tingle in my folded arms and grabbed the wall as it spread through

It felt like I was about to throw up or pass out. I looked down for a place to sit, but
when I looked up, the city was gone. In fact, only a small, ancient-looking cluster
of building could be seen in the far distance. I looked down and shook my head in
disbelief. When I looked up, everything was normal again.

My friend said he thought I was having a seizure, so we got down off the wall. As
I sat there trying to get my mind working right, I saw a metallic object partially
sticking out of the hard-packed dirt in front of me. I pulled it out and it was a
small necklace with German writing (the emblem was from a local town).

I put it in my pocket, and as I got up I looked up and noticed we had been sitting
directly under the wall where my strange incident happened. For some reason I
felt I was meant to find that necklace. To this day, I still have it.
servantx, Sep 10, 2013


16. servantxActive Member

Haunted by Leapfrogging Cars


These two baffling incidences happened on the same road called Roherstown
Road near Columbia, Pennsylvania. They happened in just the last two weeks
(February, 2012), both between 7:30-8:00 a.m. on my way to work.

The first one happened as I was driving north on Roherstown and I distinctly
remember seeing a green Gran Torino driving behind me in my rear view mirror.
This I remember so vividly because my cousin is the only person around here to
drive such a car, yet she recently sold it, so I was wondering if this was the one
she sold.

I smiled at the thought and made a mental note to tell her about seeing it. The
thought of her made me momentarily daydream about how much fun we had at
the beach last summer when my attention suddenly snapped back to reality as I
realized the Gran Torino was suddenly driving just ahead of me! I looked in my
rear view and a white Impala was there instead.

I couldn't understand what happened. I know the Torino didn't pass me and there
was nowhere else for it to turn off then suddenly pull in front of me without
noticing it. As strange as the incident was, I simply shrugged it off... until it
happened again a few days later.

Once again I was northbound on Roherstown Road, headed into work at around
7:30 a.m. I idly recognized a red Pontiac two cars back (the bright red color is
what caught my eye first) and noticed it was tailgating the car in front of it. I was
glad he wasn't directly behind me. (By the way, I drive an SUV, so I sit higher up
and have a view over most compact cars nearby.)

There were several cars in front of me and I became alert when the road started to
bend around a corner as the car in front of me momentarily disappeared, and
when the road straightened and we were all in a line again, the red Pontiac was
two cars ahead of me!

I glanced in my rear view and saw a couple of white and blue cars, but no
blaringly red car. I was stunned! What on earth was going on here? The first time
it happened, I let it go, assuming the Gran Torino passed me or something without
my knowledge, but how did the red Pontiac pass both me and the car in front of
me within a matter of milliseconds?
Even if the car somehow turned off somewhere, how could it turn back on
without crashing into the oncoming traffic going around the bend? I tell you,
neither of these cars passed me though... at least not in this realm! I have no
explanation for the phenomenon. No further incidences have happened since but
im keeping a lookout.

servantx, Sep 10, 2013


17. servantxActive Member

Time Slip on Holiday

by Anonymous

It was summer, 2003 and we were holidaying at a caravan site in Wales. We had
been down to the village to get shopping in for the week and we were walking
down the isolated lane carrying heavy bags, stopping every now and then to take
photos. Just before we took a final photo near some castle walls (the castle was
now apparently converted into a hotel) we noticed a frog and then we went under
the castleway arch and carried on. There was a dried-up pond close by and we
commented that the frog was a long, long way from water. We seemed to be
walking for ages and it was hot. The path was long and uphill, much further and
more hilly than either of us remembered.

Finally, we saw ahead of us a woman walking with a sheepdog, turning onto a

farm road (the first turning, incidentally, that we had come across) and we caught
up with her to ask the way to our caravan site. She was astounded that we could
have missed it and said we would have walked right past it and to turn back. (Just
a note here, as the woman was giving us directions, a jogger ran past in the lane
and glanced our way.)

Anyway, we walked back - and came to the caravan site, just by the archway as
we'd originally remembered, complete with its usual ornamental pond, filled with
water. There had been no caravan site when we walked past earlier, nothing but a
dried-up pond. When we did the same walk a couple of times afterwards, the lane
wasn't as long or hilly.

We often wonder if we maybe somehow went either forward or backward in time.

And what of the jogger? He would have been running right behind us so did he
see anything? I guess we'll never know what happened that day.

servantx, Sep 10, 2013

18. servantxActive Member

Phantom Circus Tent


This happened in Burgess Park, South London in 2009. My friend and I used to
walk down to Burgess Park in the evening with our kids to feed the ducks. Quite
often, it was dark and the gates to that part of the park were locked. However,
there was a gap in the railings to squeeze through, so we used to do this regulary.
The kids enjoyed it and it was a nice walk and we could still walk through the rest
of Burgess.

One night after we fed the ducks, we came out and saw just over the hilltop in the
ungated part of the park the red and white striped top of a circus tent... or so we
presumed. All the children saw it, too. We said that the next day we would inquire
about ticket prices, etc. (It was too late to go over then.) We did think it was odd,
however, that there were no posters advertising any circus.

We went home, and next day went to Burgess to find out about the circus... but
we were very surprised to discover that there was no tent... no evidence on the
grass to suggest there had been a tent of any kind.

We saw a workman doing some groundwork and asked him. He said no circus
had been there recently. One did come yearly, but not recently, and after they had
left there was such a mess left on grass to show it had been there. He said there
had been no tent there the previous night or day and did not know what we could
have seen.

We were totally baffled, and to this day still wonder about it.

servantx, Sep 10, 2013


19. servantxActive Member

The Phantom Field


This happened to me and my sister when we lived in Thirsk the North of England
in around 2002. We were in a sports centres car park when my mum left us in the
car and went in to check opening times for the pool.

My sister and I (I then was around 12 she was about 10) saw a man walking
strangely across a field adjacent to the car park. We were laughing between
ourselves at his ridiculous outfit: a top hat and knee high boots, and the fact that
he was walking very slowly and proudly across the field holding a cane. He had a
small black dog with him. We watched as the dog disappeared into a hedge in the
middle of the field. As we were wondering why the dog hadn't reappeared on the
other side of the hedge, the man also walked into the hedge and didn't reappear
the other side.

We carried on chatting and messing about for around 10 minutes, and then our
mum came back to the car. We immediately started telling her about the man and
dog, but when we looked back to show her where it was, the field had changed
into a woodland area. There was no open field, no hedge, no man, or dog. We
were in disbelief and very confused as to what happened.

To this day, I have no idea why we saw that man or the vanishing field, and why
the rest of our surrounding -- the car and carpark -- remained the same throughout
the incident!

servantx, Sep 10, 2013


20. servantxActive Member

Time Rewind in the Attic


I purchased a very old homestead in Southern Michigan in 1981. The farm was a
centennial farm in the year 1950, and the home and outbuildings were in rough
condition from years of neglect. A log cabin allegedly occupied the site in the

My father and I went into the home, gutted much of it, and remodeled. This farm
was at one time very active, and provided for several families for well over 100
years. Babies were born in the home, and at least one elderly had passed inside its
walls. At the time, I was a bachelor. My only companions were three collies. We
lived simply.

Nevertheless, one early morning in March of 1995, I was awakened by a very

loud sound. It was directly above me in the attic. A loud crash, sounding almost as
if a large cabinet had fallen over. Worse, I could distinctly hear broken glass

My first impression was that it was a dream. But it wasn't a dream! My dogs were
going crazy, staring up at the ceiling. This erased all doubts that this was not
happening, but a real event. My blood ran cold when I remembered what was in
the attic. Nothing! Just framing timber and insulation. There was nothing in that
attic that could make that sound. The ceiling in the attic was cramped; an adult
had to stoop to navigate it.

Several years later, an elderly woman visited. She was a stranger and had wanted
to stop by this old farm for one last look. Her health was failing, and she told me
she was one of several sisters who was born in the home. Her grandparents were
early settlers. The home was originally a two-story farmhouse, and the upper level
had caught on fire and was destroyed. It was never rebuilt. They just framed over
what was left.

I will never forget the crash in the attic on that tranquil early March morning, and
will always believe what we experienced was a paranormal experience. Some
type of a time rewind. A sound of destruction in a house fire which occurred long

servantx, Sep 10, 2013

1. Dimensional Shift on the Hutchinson


This happened in 1986 in New York on the road between White Plains and the
Throgs Neck Bridge. I was travelling the road one afternoon on my way home
from White Plains to Bayside, Queens. The journey required me to travel the
Hutchinson River Parkway, pay a 25-cent toll, and cross the Throgs Neck Bridge.

The road before the entrance to the Hutchinson River Parkway was confusing. It
was easy to miss the exit. I remember nervously looking at the 25 cents on the
tray of my Volvo, wishing the toll would come sooner than it did so I could be on
my way.

That is when I missed the exit. I travelled about half a mile beyond it, and then in
a panic, I decided to back up on the highway and see if I could get the exit after
all. I backed up with oncoming traffic behind me, swerving the car to the shoulder
to make the exit amid beeping and skidding, but I attained the exit with no

Just as I reached the Hutchinson River Parkway and got on it, I heard the siren. It
was a highway patrol car coming after me. I figured he witnessed my crazy
driving move.

As I pulled over, I looked in the rear view mirror. The policeman that was getting
out of the patrol car was the scariest one I had ever seen. Never mind the boots
and the hat and the sunglasses, he just looked completely mean. I looked down at
my lap and said out loud, "Dear God, I'd rather be anywhere but here."
I went into my pocketbook to get my license, and when I looked up, my car and I
were sitting on the side of the entrance to the Throgs Neck Bridge -- well beyond
the Hutchinson River Parkway, which I hadn't driven yet. The 25 cent toll was
still on the tray in my car.

I had this funny feeling that I was frozen and I did feel stiff, so I flexed my wrists,
rubbed my eyes and looked again. I was still on the entrance to the bridge -- a
good 20 miles beyond the Hutchinson River Parkway. In order for this to happen,
my car and I would have had to have been lifted in the air and placed back down
20 miles up the road.

After sitting for about 20 minutes in shock, I put the car in gear and drove over
the bridge. Just beyond the bridge was my neighborhood. I always wondered what
the cop saw. Did he see me vanish? Did it just "un-happen" for him? I will never

servantx, Sep 10, 2013



servantxActive Member

Elevator Ride to the Future


On May 25, 1983 there was a planetary alignment. We were told that nothing
would happen except perhaps a slightly higher tide.

I worked at Union Life Insurance Company on Center Street in Little Rock,

Arkansas. At about 8 a.m. I was making my rounds and about to begin delivering
mail to the three-story corporate headquarters building.

There were two elevators, one for people and one for freight. I went to the first
elevator, but the agents and secretaries had jammed it full and they shut the door
in my face, leaving me holding about 100 pounds of mail up to my chin. I then
went to the freight elevator, but it was also full of freight and people, so when a
third elevator seemed to materialize between the two other elevators, I just got on
without thinking.

When I got inside the elevator, I noticed that there were no buttons. It seems that I
had gotten an instant makeover as well, now appearing in the reflective walls to
be wearing a three-piece black suit instead of the blue jeans I had entered with. I
seemed to have aged into an old man as well.
Since I could not find any buttons to push, I started saying something like, "Come
on! I need to get to the third floor." When I did, a little box lit up in the corner of
the elevator and a voice said, "Third floor..." and the number three lit up. The
door opened and I stepped out of a wall on the third floor unharmed, if a little
woozy and continued my rounds.

servantx, Sep 10, 2013


3. servantxActive Member

Sulfur and the House That Wasn't There


Two strange things happened in Bellingham and Everson, Washington. The first
happened in the fall of 2011.

I was driving to Everson. I started to notice a slight sulfur smell. I've been driving
and smelled sulfur before, so I didn't pay too much attention. The next thing I
knew, the smell had become really strong. It was so strong I didn't want to breath.

I stopped at a store and said aloud for whatever to get out. I got out of the car,
went into the store for a soda, then came back. The smell had faded a lot when I
got back in my car. By the time I got to my destination, less than two blocks
away, the smell was gone.

The second thing happened in the summer of 2012. I had gone to cash my
paycheck. I was heading back the way I almost always go. I noticed a small
house, among other smallish houses meant more for business than living in, with
a nice lawn at the side. There was one of those real estate signs posted on the

The sign was one of those reverse L shapes with the sign itself hanging by two
brackets. One of the brackets had broken so the sign swung from the other. The
sign was swinging wildly like it had just broken loose or a strong wind was
pushing it. It took about five seconds to pass the place and the sign just kept
swinging wildly, like someone was pushing it the entire time. There was no wind
at all that day.

A week later, I went down to the credit union so I looked, as I was going down in
the same area, for the house with the nice lawn to see if the sign had been fixed.
But there was no small house with a lawn and sign anywhere in that area. None of
the places in that area had a lawn. Don't know if either of these is paranormal or
just odd occurrences.
servantx, Sep 10, 2013


4. servantxActive Member

Mysterious Vanishing Cemetery


This strange happening took place back in 1977 when I was 22 years old. Two
friends and I were taking a ride on a back road between the small hill towns of
Savoy and Florida, Massachusetts. The lonely country road that we were traveling
on suddenly ended, so we decided to park our car and take a walk in the woods.

We weren't walking for very long when we came upon a cemetery in the middle
of the woods. Now, there are lots of old cemeteries in these small towns, but that
isn't the strange part. The strange thing was, this cemetery looked brand new.
There were beautiful flowers and inviting benches scattered throughout the
cemetery. The gravestones looked new, but we couldn't get close enough to read

The entire cemetery was surrounded by a high, black metal fence, and the gate
was locked. The perimeter of the gravestones was lined by a neatly manicured
lawn and well-trimmed hedges. Even stranger was the fact that there was no road
or path leading to this cemetery in the middle of the woods, so how did the
groundskeeper come through the woods with lawnmowers or other tools without a
road or path to get there. I'm sure they didn't fly the equipment in and drop it by

Needless to say, we were really freaked out. And as I stated before, the cemetery
grounds were meticulously taken care of and inviting in appearance. My friends
and I wanted to go in that cemetery so bad. Without the gravestones, it looked
more like a secret garden. Anyway, we never went in.

The next day, we came back with a few more friends. We wanted them to see this
strange cemetery in the middle of the woods. So we returned to the same spot
with three more friends... but we found no cemetery. We knew exactly where the
cemetery had been, but it was gone. We searched for hours.

How does a decent-sized, well-maintained cemetery just disappear? It doesn't, so

we kept looking. We looked and looked and looked, but to no avail. As dusk
approached, we gave up and left.

On two other occasions, we returned and looked again, but we never again found
the cemetery. Now, 25 years later, I was telling this story to my 25-year-old son-
in-law, who had grown up in the town of Florida, Massachusetts. When I began to
explain the cemetery to him, I saw the color completely drain from his face, so I
stopped and asked him if something was wrong.

He explained that 10 years prior, when he was 15 years old, he had been riding his
minibike through the woods when he came upon a cemetery that looked exactly
as I described it. He said he rode his minibike around and around the cemetery
trying to figure out how it was so well taken care of and so new looking when
there wasn't even a path or a road leading to this cemetery.

My son-in-law repeated that, like the cemetery I saw, it sat smack dab in the
middle of the woods, with no way to bring in lawnmowers or other equipment. He
claimed that he was so freaked out that he went right home and got two of his
teenage buddies to accompany him into the woods on their minibikes. These kids
grew up in the area and knew the woods well.

They immediately went back to where my son-in-law had seen the strange
cemetery in the middle of the woods... but there was no cemetery to be found. My
son-in-law said that he recognized practically every tree and leaf as he and his
friends drove their minibikes through the woods. However, when he got to the site
where the cemetery should have been, there were just trees, and no sign that there
was ever a cemetery on that site.

He said his friends told him that he was crazy, and he was never able to validate
his story... until 10 years later when I told him my story of the vanishing
cemetery. Apparently, we had seen the same cemetery, and we had no explanation
for never being able to find that cemetery again. It still freaks us both out, but at
least together, we both have validation that the cemetery did exist, even if only for
two days, 25 years apart.

servantx, Sep 10, 2013


5. servantxActive Member

Church Apparition

This story took place several years ago, but I have never been able to forget it. It
keeps popping up at random, quiet times and makes me wonder what the hell
really happened.

My husband and I were considering moving further from the city than we are
now. We live about forty five minutes west of St. Louis, Missouri. We drove
outside of Union, Missouri to a town called Rosebud, to look at a home on some

After looking at the house, we decided to drive around the area to see what the
neighborhood was like. This is a very rural area and the roads off hwy 50 were
gravel. We took one road after another and were pleasantly lost in the beautiful

We got on one little gravel road that was in bad shape so we had to go real slow to
keep from sliding. We came upon a little abandoned church that was sitting right
next to the road. We crept by it really slowly looking at it.

The windows were gone and there was no paint left. The bell tower was still
there, but no bell. We could look right through the front windows to the windows
on the other side. There were old pews still there, which surprised me. I would
have thought they'd been stolen long ago.

Neither of us said a word and just drove on in silence. I was thinking what a crime
it was to let such a neat old structure fall into ruin and assumed Charlie was
thinking the same. Then he turned to me and said, "What do you think they were
doing in there?" I didn't understand and he explained, "...all those people."

Well, the gist of the story is that I saw no one and Charlie saw a church full of
people just sitting in the pews looking ahead or with their heads down. After a
couple minutes of bantering with each other, I insisted we turn around and have a
second look.

We headed back and this is where it gets even weirder. No church. We at first
thought we had not gone far enough. Then we thought we went too far. No
church! We found right where it should have been and there was just rocky grass
that had been there a long time.

We talk of it now and then, but still can't figure out a reasonable solution.

servantx, Sep 10, 2013


6. servantxActive Member

Time Anomaly in the Wigan Wood


This event occurred on August 17, 2013 in Wigan, England. I was out in my local
wood with my two dogs, walking the same route I had used on many occasions.
Most times whilst walking this route I would bear left at the bottom of the
footpath and walk through the trees up to a path running along farmers' fields and
return back that way from where I started. This area of wood is quite dense and

On this day, though, as I took this route all was normal as I began my walk
through the trees. Then the landscape changed. The dense trees changed to scene
of small hills which led to a ravine with about a 25-foot drop to a stream with a
small well-worn bridge over it as I looked to my right.

Unable to grasp what was happening, I continued walking, looking for the path
along the field which should have been there, but never came. After about 15
minutes, I was starting to get really anxious as to how I could be lost and just
what was happening when I suddenly heard voices, but could see no one. I walked
in the direction of the voices and was then amazed to almost walk into a man and
his son, who seemed to come from nowhere.

After pausing for a minute, I then realised where I was in the wood. To my
amazement, I was hundreds of yards north and to the back of where I entered. I
could not comprehend how I could have got to be there. Even more strange as I
entered the wood I had glanced at my watch it was 10:15 a.m. Shortly after
bumping into the man and his son, I looked again it was 10:17 a.m. Time had not
moved whilst lost in the wood.

servantx, Sep 10, 2013


7. servantxActive Member

Blip in Time
by Glenn

This incident happened to me when I was a university student in Nova Scotia,

Canada in about 1991. I decided to take the express bus to my home town one
night to visit my parents for the weekend. I sat at the back of the bus and there
was nobody around me, but there was a family sitting behind the driver in the
front. The bus ride was uneventful until we came close to my parents home town.

I was looking out the window and I looked at the Michelin tire factory as we went
by it going uphill. When the bus reached the top of the hill, I got a strange feeling
and for some unknown reason I started to imagine many people on the bus
laughing at me!

Right then there was a blip in reality and the bus was suddenly about a mile back
on the highway! I then had the experience of watching the bus drive by the tire
factory again! This kind of scared me and I noticed that the family sitting in the
front, who were talking loudly before, were now dead quiet.

I approached the bus driver when we stopped and told him what I thought
happened. He looked really nervous and he said something like, "Things like that
happen." It was like a distortion in time and space.

servantx, Feb 26, 2014


8. servantxActive Member

Future City
by Daisy

Before my weird encounter, I was an extreme skeptic, but my friend, Rick, was
what I would call a devoted believer in the supernatural.
It all began when Rick and I were going to a friend's house last September. We
were driving Rick's beat up old truck (but he loved it anyway) and the drive went
smoothly for the first 45 minutes.

Suddenly, the truck's engine died and Rick and I were stranded (to our
knowledge) on a deserted highway in the middle of the night. We were
surrounded on both sides of the road by cornfields that stretched into the distance.
Rick began a desperate effort to restart the truck and fix the "broken" engine. He
tried to fix the truck in vain, but nothing seemed to work. Rick finally gave up and
we decided to walk to the nearest town about two miles away to find a payphone
to call our friend.

We walked for what seemed like hours and the town was nowhere in sight.
However, just when desperation was about to grip us, we saw a light, a gloriously
bright light, shining over the steep hill ahead of us. We ran up the steep hill that
blocked us from the light and were flabbergasted by what we saw.

Just over the hill, Rick and I saw what could only be described as a futuristic city
with lights streaming out of every window of the massive, metallic towers. In the
middle of the futuristic city, was a huge silver dome. I stared at the city, stunned,
until Rick elbowed me, which pulled me out of my trance and he pointed to the
sky. Hovering above the city were hundreds of hovercraft. One flew toward us
with amazing speed. Rick and I were so scared that we took off running back to
the broken down truck.

I never looked back, but I felt someone watching me the whole way. When we got
back to the truck, it started without difficulty and Rick and I took off as fast as we
could in the opposite direction. We never went back or spoke of it again to this
servantx, Feb 26, 2014


9. servantxActive Member

Car Wreck in Time


This happened to me in the summer of 1988. I was out of work at the time. The
job service gave me a list of jobs to check on. I was in the area of Rutherfordton,
North Carolina and I was lost, so I do not know the exact place where it

I was driving down a dirt road, trying to find my way back to the paved road. Not
even sure how or when I left the paved road. As I driving, the left side of the road
opened up into this big overgrown field. The right side of the road was trees.
About a hundred yards up from that point the road turned to the left. Just as I was
about to make the turn left, I could see that a few hundred feet ahead the road
turned back to the right.

At that point I saw a car come around the turn up ahead and it did not make the
turn, but went into the field. I thought to myself, Some fool just wrecked a classic
antique car. It was a 1940s-type car. Not sure of make or model. I raced to scene
of the accident only not to see any car. I was like, "What the -- ?"

Then I saw the car! There it was, all rusted out and the tires long since rotted off.
The car had been there for 30 or 40 years from the looks of it. But I had just seen
it wreck not two minutes before!

I almost wrecked my own car getting out of there. After a few miles I found
myself all of a sudden back on a paved road. I stopped and got out and looked
back, wondering when the dirt turned back to pavement. I drove back down the
road for about three miles, coming into a small town -- and the road never did turn
back to the dirt road. My car was cover with dust from the dirt road that no longer
existed. As to what happened that day I will never know.

servantx, Mar 29, 2014


10. servantxActive Member

Farmhouse Out of Time

This took place in August, 2013. I am a keen walker and love to explore with my
dogs. I have a good sense of direction and I can wander around for hours quite

A couple of weeks ago I decided to follow a sign for a public footpath quite close
to Leeds Bradford airport, West Yorkshire, England. As I made my way along the
path, it dropped down toward a rather large and old-fashioned farmhouse. As the
path appeared to go through the garden, I called my dogs to me and bent down to
attach their leads. As I was doing this, I got the feeling I was been watched. I
stood up and turned around... nothing and nobody in sight.

Then I looked up to the top left window of the house, and there was a little boy.
The boy was aged about nine or ten and was sitting sideways at the window on
what must have been a window seat. He had his knees drawn up to his chin and
his hands clasped around them. I felt really unsettled and hurried up the path a
little way.

Then it struck me what was wrong with the little boy I had seen. He looked as if
he was out of time, dressed in grey knee shorts, a white shirt with what looked
like a grey tank top, and his hair was dark and so obviously a "pudding bowl"
home cut. He looked straight out of the 1950s.

I was really unsettled because his sadness was overwhelming me. This was
lunchtime on a lovely warm day, but I felt terribly sad and cold, so hurried away.

When I arrived home, I explained what happened to my husband. He came on the

walk with me the next day. As we approached the house, I started to feel a little
unsettled and instinctively looked toward the window. No little boy this time, but
the house appeared to look different. Instead of the old farmhouse that I had seen
the previous day, it was obviously a re-furbished version. The stonework looked
clean and the windows fresh and new or newly painted. The drive way that had
previously been a bit overgrown was now neatly covered in gravel with a new 4x4
and a sports car parked on it.

I am not given to flights of fancy, but I strongly believe that I have experienced
some sort of momentary glimpse into the past of this house.

servantx, Mar 29, 2014


11. servantxActive Member

Missing Time in Hocking Hills

I am a 31 years of age and live in Pennsylvania at the time of this posting. I have
read through several stories on Your True Tales and I wanted to share something
that happened back in mid-September of 2008 with my best friend Ciera
(pronounced Sierra) and me.

We went to a park named Hocking Hills in Ohio for a day retreat from our busy
lives. We decided on this at random when we first got together early in the
morning just after sunrise. It was a nice warm late summer day and we'd just got
the wild notion to go for a drive to Hocking Hills since the area is well known for
its several walking trails, a cave or two, and several waterfalls and creek areas.
The day was very warm maybe roughly 70 degrees Fahrenheit / 21 degrees
Celsius so we had worn shorts and short-sleeved T-shirts.

We started down a trail at random and found that part of the trail had been washed
out, so we had to take another path which according to our phone's GPS app
would force us to cross a small country road. As we played with our mobile
phones and noted it was roughly 12:00 noon, we happened to be passed by a
group of backpackers before we reached the road. One of the people turned
around to warn us to be aware of a wash out up ahead if we were going to take the
trail into the woods. They recommended we follow the one next to the fire tower
instead, as it by-passed a small clump of downed brush.

As we crossed the road to the tower trail, we noticed there was caution tape all
over the fire tower. There was a pungent smell in the air, which we could not
identify. The windows on top of the tower appeared to be taped up, grimy, and
there were flies all over the area. We walked past it, commenting how odd it was,
and continued down the trail we had been recommend to take, but it was one
neither of us had noticed before on a previous walk to the area. This trail took us
past the fire tower and then cut into the woodlands.

As we walked into the forest maybe 1,500 feet or so, we took notice that no one
seemed to be around and, in fact, not only did we feel isolated from others, but we
felt very chilled without explanation. Ciera pointed it out verbally while I was
thinking it, but we just continued walking.

Eventually, the air started to get noticeably chillier and damper. This did not seem
unusual at first, but as we continued to walk the air seemed to go from warm to
what felt like the mid-50s Fahrenheit and we started to shiver. It was also getting
darker as we continued forward. At first I thought it was just due to the green
leaves on the trees and maybe a passing cloud overhead, but the darkness really
did not improve as one expected.

As we walked, we looked around and there were nothing but trees on all sides.
There should have been a forest edge somewhere as the area wasn't really that big,
but aside from some hills and tall pine trees, there wasn't a real ending to the
woods like we expected, as the area tends to be narrow and normally we could see
the edges.

My friend took out her phone to use her GPS because she instinctively felt lost,
but her battery was nearly gone. I took mine out of my back pocket and it had no
signal; the battery was also nearly dead, and showed "EE:EE" for the time
(meaning it couldn't update as it was an older style flip-phone with camera and
when set to auto-adjust would contact the mobile phone network every 15 min).

It was only then as the light grew dimmer that I noticed the area seemed very
silent. Our footsteps, the leaves we stepped on, grass, twigs, and our breathing just
echoed. Ciera got spooked and I did, too. She mentioned it was very out of the
ordinary and I agreed, but I couldn't shake this sense of foreboding that something
was amiss. I tried to rationalize it, but I really, honestly, couldn't figure any of it
out at all.

We just pressed onward, and after going down a small hill and back up, it seemed
to have gotten a lot darker. The world seemed to have gone from just shadowy to
near twilight darkness. My friend grabbed my arm and started freaking out about
how weird it got - then the air seemed to have gone still and we had a feeling of
something wrong.

We both took off running, looking for an exit. For some odd reason we never
thought to turn around at all and just go back the way we came. It never seemed to
occur to us as we ran, but the spookiness continued as we could hear our steps
echo off the area as things just felt like they grew more gloomy.

Then ahead of us down another small dip in the trail we could see two large
honeysuckle bushes on either side of the trail, like a gate. We made a mad dash
for these bushes, and just as we pushed through the plants something odd
happened: we were overwhelmed by a change in our surroundings as light, sound,
and warmth returned all at once. It was like stepping outside of a cold, empty, and
dark building to a warm busy street. We stood at the edge of a place known as
Ash Cave, which has a large waterfall not too far away with a u-shaped cliff.

I turned around to look back from where we emerged, and while the bushes were
the same, the area was so different, brighter, not silent for sure, and warm. In fact
our skin was cold to touch, which just reinforced the facts. We took out our
phones and the time had finally updated. It was now 4 p.m. The normal trail
would only have taken an hour to walk fully, so it was a loss of three full hours!

Logic attempted to set in and we decided the trail we came up must have just
appeared creepy because there may have been clouds overhead or a storm blew
by, but when we went back between the bushes there was no trail. Nothing looked
like it had a few seconds ago. Ciera walked around the bushes twice and it was
the same bright sunny day with no darkness and no trail. We waited... it was blue
sky overhead and we could see the edges of the forest and other people. The trail
had simply vanished as it we had never walked it.

On returning to the normal trail with the washout, we ended up locating an

offshoot path which took us back past the fire tower. It was here we noticed it was
normal looking as the windows were not taped and very clean, and there was no
pungent smell.

We don't know what it was, but it certainly was creepy. Of course, I jokingly told
her later that day over dinner we had entered the faerie realms by mistake and
were lucky to get away. She didn't find that funny, of course, but either way we
both felt we should share this with you, and if anyone out there has had a similar
experience, perhaps they can provide insight or share their own.

servantx, Mar 29, 2014


12. servantxActive Member

Super Exhaustion or Missing Time?


I had a case of what could be called "missing time." My experience occured at

McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey (my dad was in the military,) in 1992
around the spring months.

When I was in high school, I was practically obsessed with exercise. I would
work out at home before school, at school during gym class, and when I got home
I'd work out again. Working out so fanatically tends to make one tired.

One day after school, I noticed that I was extremely tired - more so than usual. I
was so tired, in fact, that I didn't do my homework or even eat dinner when I got
home. I went straight to bed.

I got into my night apparel, turned out my bedroom light, and climbed into bed.
As soon as I closed my eyes, the light turned on and I heard my mother's voice
telling me that it was time to get up for school. I immediately thought she was
joking. But I glanced at my clock and it was indeed morning and time for me to
get ready for school.

I had no recollection of sleeping, and I felt like crying because I was so tired. I'd
like to make it clear that as soon as my eyes shut, my mother flicked on the light
switch. There was no discernable lapse in time from the moment my eyes closed
to my bedroom light being turned on. Not to mention that if I was so tired, why
wasn't it harder for my mom to wake me?
I should have been able to sleep though Armageddon, seeing as how I was so
worn out. To this day, I haven't been able to explain this experience. Needless to
say, I had a horribly unproductive day at school, being so fatigued.

servantx, Mar 29, 2014


13. servantxActive Member

Road Vortex

My true story took place in October, 2010. My husband just had triple bypass
surgery, and after being discharged from the hospital, he spent the next ten days in
a facility for cardiac rehab. The facility is situated on a lonely country road in
Berkshire County, Massachusetts.

One night when I left the facility, it was already dark, so I took the main route
back instead of the shortcut, because I don't like to travel those dark roads alone. I
passed Williams College, the Willlows Motel, Subway, and all the local
businesses on this route, and was just crossing into the city of North Adams, when
it seemed like everything went black. The bright lights of the town had vanished,
but I very quickly realized that the road had narrowed considerably and had
become winding instead of straight.

Suddenly, I was crossing a tiny bridge and realized that I was not where I should
be at all -- and I had no explanation for it. One minute I was traveling on the main
route which I have traveled all of my life and know it well; the next minute I was
on a narrow country road with not a clue as to why I was there or how I got there.

This happened in the blink of an eye. I began talking to myself out loud, saying
things like, "What the hell is going on, and where the hell am I?" I repeated these
questions out loud over and over, with my heart pounding, and nothing making
sense to me, but I kept driving because I was too frightened to do anything else.

When I got to the end of whatever lonely, narrow, winding road I was on, I
looked up and saw a street sign. It said, "Gale Rd." and I now realized that I was
going to come out almost back where I had started from, except that the road I
was on would come out at the shortcut that I didn't take that night, because it was
too late and too dark out. Now I had no choice.

I drove the shortcut route and ended up back in the center of Williamstown. I had
to once again pass by Wiliams College, the Willows Motel, Subway, etc., then to
North Adams. None of this makes sense to me but it did happen.
Also, when I reached my destination (my home in Adams, Mass.), it hadn't taken
me any longer to get there than any other time. My husband said he would call me
in a half hour. He knows that it takes 25 minutes to get home and I was home
when he called.

It should have taken nearly double the amount of time to get home since it
appears that I drove both routes home that night, one after the other. I don't know
what happened to me that night.

All I know is that in the blink of an eye, I was approximately five miles back
where I started from on a road that I know I never would have taken on a dark
night. I will never drive alone at night again. It's only been a few days, and the
thought sends shivers down my spine.

servantx, Mar 29, 2014


14. servantxActive Member

A Thriftstore on the Edge of Forever


When I was about ten years old in 1966, my family temporarily stayed with my
grandma in downtown Long Beach, California. Mom took us four kids to a
HUGE Goodwill store about seven blocks from the beach. We kids were told the
toys were upstairs, so that's where I went. Upstairs, there were huge windows,
which of course don't open. You could look down on the street far below. I went
over to one of the large windows.

However, when I got to there, it was no longer a window, it was a door that I
could walk through (if I dared) when I would have fallen to my death if it weren't
for this "paranormal opening." The street kind of looked like the street yet it was
level, I could have walked straight out that window onto the sidewalk. The people
out there looked normal, yet seemed to be dressed in odd, possibly old fashioned
clothes and the cars were different then what I was accustomed to seeing.

I very much wanted to walk out there, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to walk
back in to where I was, so I didn't. I wonder now, if others have walked into these
holes/openings and if so, are they stuck there, somewhere other than their own
place or origin? My guess would be yes, because if they didn't come back soon,
the hole would be gone.

If what I saw was another period/era (which I'm not certain of, I think it would
have been the past.) I now wonder if others in the future (at a time when they will
finally know how these things work) come here and go back, and/or are here but
not from a time where they would know how to get back to their own time or
dimension, whatever, so happen to be stuck here, and if they were a child like me
would they tell someone?

If an adult, would they say they had amnesia so as not to be placed in a mental
hospital? Anyhow, I buried the thoughts of that day, I mean really, who would've
believed me?

Fast forward twenty some odd years. R___ (my older sister) came to visit,
bringing N___ (her son, my nephew) and N___ brought a friend of his from their
hometown Salinas, Calif. They came to spend a few days at our beach house in
Laguna Beach.

We were up talking late into the night after all the others were fast asleep. We
started sharing our life stories and such. After becoming comfortable I asked my
sister,"Do you remember when we were staying with grandma downtown Long
Beach?" The rest of the conversation went like this:

"Yes," my sister replied; she remembered the visit.

"Do you remember that giant two story Goodwill store mom used to take us to
downtown," I asked.


"Well... you probably won't believe this, but when I went upstairs.... "

"I know what you're going to say!"


"You went to the window and saw nothing but a giant black hole outside of it!"

I replied, "Oh, my God! No, I saw the street at my own level and I think it was a
different time, like a parallel dimension of the exact same spot/place, except at the
higher level than it should have been because I was upstairs. I could have walked
right out that window, and I contemplated it, but was afraid if I did I wouldn't be
able to walk back in!"

When my sister R___ told me of her similar oddity about that day, I was
dumbfounded! I knew what I had experienced but as a person grows up you try
and tell yourself it wasn't true, maybe you were hallucinating, even though you
KNOW what you experienced, just trying to make sense of it. It's put out of your
mind, and life goes on.
I thought possibly R___ being a year and nine months older than me, might have
stopped her from seeing "more" as I had, due to how our minds continue to
conform to the realities that are the norm and our teachings from culture, parents,
teachers and so on.

I posted this experience of mine on a forum; someone said that they had read that
these cracks/holes or whatever they are, open and close. Therefore, I probably
saw it when it was completely open, and R___ probably saw it when it was in the
process of opening or closing.

It happened. I believe I will always ponder and read up on this subject and the
subject matters that may relate to it.

servantx, Mar 29, 2014


15. servantxActive Member

Flight into he future

In 1935, Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard of the British Royal Air Force had a
harrowing experience in his Hawker Hart biplane. Goddard was a Wing
Commander at the time and while on a flight from Edinburgh, Scotland to his
home base in Andover, England, he decided to fly over an abandoned airfield at
Drem, not far from Edinburgh. The useless airfield was overgrown with foliage,
the hangars were falling apart and cows grazed where planes were once parked.
Goddard then continued his flight to Andover, but encountered a bizarre storm. In
the high winds of the storm's strange brown-yellow clouds, he lost control of his
plane, which began to spiral toward the ground. Narrowly averting a crash,
Goddard found that his plane was heading back toward Drem. As he approached
the old airfield, the storm suddenly vanished and Goddard's plane was now flying
in brilliant sunshine. This time, as he flew over the Drem airfield, it looked
completely different. The hangars looked like new. There were four airplanes on
the ground: three were familiar biplanes, but painted in an unfamiliar yellow; the
fourth was a monoplane, which the RAF had none of in 1935. The mechanics
were dressed in blue overalls, which Goddard thought odd since all RAF
mechanics dressed in brown overalls. Strange, too, that none of the mechanics
seemed to notice him fly over. Leaving the area, he again encountered the storm,
but managed to make his way back to Andover. It wasn't until 1939 that that the
RAF began to paint their planes yellow, enlisted a monoplane of the type that
Goddard saw, and the mechanics uniforms were switched to blue. Had Goddard
somehow flown four years into the future, then returned to his own time?

servantx, Saturday at 12:49 AM


16. servantxActive Member

Time traveller

I take pleasure in sharing with you the following occurrence because I personally
interviewed one of the parties involved, and have repeatedly gone over the
incident with him these past six years. L.C. (his real initials) has been my friend
for fifteen years, but as we visited together one day about six years ago, he told
me of this most amazing event in his life which haunts him to this day.
L.C. and a business associate, Charlie, (fictitious name) had just finished lunch in
the small Southwest Louisiana town of Abbeville. Still discussing their work, they
began their drive north along Highway 167 towards the Oil Center city of
Lafayette about 15 miles away. The date was October 20, 1969, and the time was
about 1:30 in the afternoon. It was one of those picture-perfect days in Fall--clear
blue skies and a nippy 60 degrees, just right conditions for cruising along with the
car windows rolled down.

The highway had been practically traffic-free until they spotted some distance
ahead what appeared to be an old turtle-back-type auto traveling very slowly. As
they closed the distance between their vehicle and this relic from the past, their
discussion turned from their insurance work to the old car ahead of them. While
the style of the auto indicated it to be decades old, it appeared to be in show room
condition, which evoked words of admiration from both L.C. and Charlie.
Because the car was traveling so slowly, the two men decided to pass it, but
before doing so, slowed to better appreciate the beauty and mint condition of the
vehicle. As they did so, L.C. noticed a very large bright orange license plate with
the year "1940" clearly printed on it. This was most unusual and probably illegal
unless provisions had been made for the antique car to be used in ceremonial

As they passed the car slowly to its left, L.C., who was in the passenger's seat,
noticed the driver of the car was a young woman dressed in what appeared to be
1940 vintage clothing. This was 1969 and a young woman wearing a hat complete
with a long colored feather and a fur coat was, to say the least, a bit unusual. A
small child stood on the seat next to her, possibly a little girl. The gender of the
child was hard to determine as it too wore a heavy coat and cap. The windows of
her car were rolled up, a fact which puzzled L.C. because, though the temperature
was nippy, it was quite pleasant and a light sweater was sufficient to keep you
comfortable. As they pulled up next to the car, their study turned to alarm as their
attention was riveted to the animated expressions of fear and panic on the
woman's face. Driving alongside of her at a near crawl (no traffic in either
direction allowed this maneuvering) they could see her frantically looking back
and forth as if lost or in need of help. She appeared on the verge of tears.
Being on the passenger's side, L.C. called out to her and asked if she needed help.
To this she nodded "yes," all the while looking down (old cars sat a little higher
than the low profiles of today's cars) with a very puzzled look at their vehicle.
L.C. motioned to her to pull over and park on the side of the road. He had to
repeat the request several times with hand signs and mouthing the words because
her window was rolled up and it seemed she had difficulty hearing them. They
saw her begin to pull over so they continued to pass her so as to safely pull over
also in front of her. As they came to a halt on the shoulder of the road, L.C. and
Charlie turned to look at the old car behind them. However, to their astonishment,
there was no sign of the car. Remember, this was on an open highway with no
side roads nearby, no place to hide a car. It and its occupants had simply vanished.

L.C. and Charlie looked back at the empty highway. As they sat in the car,
spellbound and bewildered, it was obvious to them that a search would prove
futile. Meanwhile, the driver of a vehicle that had been behind the old car pulled
over behind them. He ran to L.C. and Charlie and frantically demanded an
explanation as to what had become of the car ahead of him. His account was as
follows. He was driving North on Highway 167 when he saw, some distance
away, a new car passing up a very old car at a slow pace, so slow that they
appeared to be nearly stopped. He saw the new car pull onto the shoulder and the
old car started to do the same. Momentarily, it obstructed the new car and then
suddenly disappeared. All that remained ahead of him was the new car on the
shoulder of the highway. Desperate to associate logic to this incredible sight, he
immediately assumed an accident had occurred. Indeed, an accident had not
occurred, but something more haunting, perhaps as tragic, and certainly more
mysterious had.

After discussing what each had seen from his perspective, the three men walked
the area for an hour. The third man, who was from out of state, insisted on
reporting the incident to the police. He felt that it was a "missing person" situation
and that they had been witnesses. L.C. and Charlie refused to do so as they had no
idea where the woman and child along with the car had gone. They were missing
alright, but no police on this plane of existence had the power to find them. The
third man finally decided that without their cooperation he could not report this on
his own for fear his sanity would be questioned. He did exchange addresses and
phone numbers with L.C. and Charlie. For years he kept in touch with them,
calling just to talk about his incident and to confirm again that he had seen what
he had.

High strangeness points to ponder over: what if--she was from the past, and went
forward in time, and she is now an old lady still living today, and what if on that
same day it had been her instead of L.C. and Charlie behind the "old car," that
same now old lady would have met herself. What if--the Earth itself has a super
mentality and it creates as a cosmic joke all these anomalies of life on its surface
just for its amusement or some other esoteric reason. What if--and this is the final
and most depressing of the "what ifs"--she had come from the past, popped into
the future and did not return to her past. The newspapers of 1940 would puzzle
over a disappeance of a mother and her child one cold October day, foul play
suspected, the search continues--while she and the child continue traveling in and
out of various time zones forever.

servantx, Saturday at 12:52 AM


17. servantxActive Member

Lost Time
by Michael D.

My assistant manager today spent 45 minutes portraying a paranormal experience

that happened to him around a month ago (Jan 2004), which I shall now unfold.
My assistant manager isn't the most serious of people, ever really. He constantly
keeps lookout while members of the warehouse take it in turns to sit on a large
compacted square of cardboard and ride it down a steep ramp. But the story he
told me today was told in as much seriousness as he's ever told anything...

He was out mountainbiking with a friend around Amington, something which

he'd done a few days previously and arrived home at around 1:00 a.m. after a flat
tire. His friend didn't want this to happen again as he was in work at 6 the
following day and had to be up by 4 in the morning. So he came round fairly
early, around 6:30 and they both went out. Biking around five minutes from his
house, he reached the Amington bridge and he had to get off; he couldn't cycle up
the hill because he was fat, he said (and he is). But his friend is quite fit, and he
too had to get off.

As they arrived over the bridge he said to his mate, "I've lost my gloves." Now
these are motorbiking gloves, costing £80 for the pair, so understandably he didn't
want to give them up without a fight, but he says he carried on riding with his
friend anyway. He tells me he was so caught up by the fact he'd lost these gloves
that he didn't think to look about himself for them. He carried on for another five
minutes until he reached the co-op to get some cigarettes.

After coming out of the co-op, he said to his friend, "I've lost a glove," only
having one on. This time they both searched the car park and retraced their steps
to find the missing glove, but to no avail. He then retraced back to the Amington
bridge where he first said he'd lost his gloves, but couldn't find them. They then
both went back to the co-op and saw the glove - laying face up right in the middle
of the car-park, in the floodlit area no-less. Impossible to miss for someone
looking for it, he said. He thought not much of it really and carried on back home.
Arriving in his house, he saw the clock and it read 12:55 in the morning! He says
he couldn't believe this. The first thing he did was go out of the house and look up
the road to see if the chip shop was open, but it was in darkness, so it must have
been after 11, he reasoned; still too long. The telly was showing crap, so it must
have been late. His wife was in bed and all clocks read the same. He simply could
not account for the time he had lost. His search, he said, must have taken no
longer than half an hour, yet he arrived home around six hours after he left! At
most the whole journey would have taken an hour, since he was not biking far at
all. He could of, in fact, walked the bike ride in 10 minutes.

Two days later, his friend rang and siad he had experienced the same loss of time.
What was odd, his friend said, was that my assistant manager, Jim, had thought
about his lost glove before he lost it. On the bridge he had said, "I've lost my
gloves," but was so distraught about it he didn't even think to check his hands. His
friend said he saw the gloves on his hand, and thought he was just messing about
and, quite frankly, didn't care. But then he actually did lose his gloves later. His
explanation for this was that maybe he put one glove in his pocket to buy the
cigarettes, then cycling off, it fell out.

The thing that struck him most is the journey back to the bridge, to the co-op, then
back to the bridge again looking for the glove, saying it was almost as if
something had forced him to do this, a higher power over him.

servantx, Saturday at 12:55 AM


18. servantxActive Member

Lost Time
by Douglas

This story takes place in Austintown, Ohio on Route 76 back in 1981. I was 20.
Dad asked me if I wanted to look at a house that was for rent. The next morning
we went to his mom's house at 5:00 for some coffee. She asked what we were
doing out so early. Dad told her that we were meeting a realtor at at 6:00. At 5:30,
we left getting to the house a couple minutes before 6.

As we pulled in the drive, we noticed the yard had not been cared for. The house
was a rectangular two-story dwelling with front windows only on the second
floor. As we got out of the van, it was a quiet, calm day except for two kids
laughing in the back yard. We figured it was the neighbor kids from across the
street. As we approached the back of the house, there was a swing set with two
swings. They were swinging in opposite directions with nobody on them. There
was laughter of a boy and a girl. Another quick glance and the swings were still.
Dad asked if I had seen that. I had.
We proceeded back to the side of the house. We passed the garage. It had two
wooden doors with small glass panes. We looked in the window. The garage had
a dirt floor and was empty. We walked up to the side porch. The door was
unlocked so we went inside.
Dad turned on the switch, but no lights came on. I tried a few with no luck. The
inside of the house was weird. There was a large room with doorways branching
off. The living room was like none I had ever seen. It was about 10x40 with no
windows except for the small one in the door. I went back into where dad was. He
was trying to open the basement door, which was locked. Dad asked if I was
ready to go. Instead of leaving, he went into the living room and stared out the
front door window for about three or four minutes. I was about to go upstairs
when I got an eerie feeling. So, I stayed in the main area.

Dad then came out and asked if I was ready to go again. At that point, dad made
the remark that we hadn't tried that door. We had. It was the locked basement
door. He turned the knob and the door opened. The hair on the back of my kneck
stood up. Now I was getting scared. Dad flipped the light switch and it came on. I
was wondering why the other lights didn't come on earlier. Dad proceeded to go
down the steps, but I was leary. I went down. The basement was small. There was
an old wringer washer with a loaded revolver on the lid. It was like the silver and
ivory-handled cap guns that kids use today. I picked it up four inches off the lid
and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a light cord moving. The lights went out
and the door slammed shut. It was so dark you couldn't see your hand in front of
your face. I felt aimlessly for my dad. Holding his shirt, we went up the stairs. At
the top, he stopped and let out a blood-curdling scream. It made my blood run
cold. I pushed him and he pushed the door open. All the lights were on and it was
dark outside.

After jumping in the van, dad turned the headlights on. The garage doors were
open. There was a lamb lying on the dirt floor with its throat slashed, jerking
violently. Blood was running into the dirt.

When we arrived back at my grandmother's, it was 2:30 a.m. She asked where we
had been all day. We had lost 21 hours in five minutes time in the basement.
Later, we drove past the house and all the doors were shut and the lights were out.
When I would ask dad about what he had seen, he would cuddle in the corner and
shake like a kid crying. To this day, I don't know what he saw and I don't want to
know. Since he has passed away, I will never know.

When I went back in 1987, to see if the house was still there, it was boarded up.
There was a large FBI sign on the house stating that for your own safety, stay out.
I'm going back in July, 2004 to see if the house is still there.

servantx, Saturday at 12:58 AM


19. servantxActive Member

Slip Back in Time

by Mr. Torrence

It all started back in 1999 when I was 19, I had an experience that I can't explain
that freaks me out to this day.

My girlfriend and I went up to Poughkeepsie, New York on a trip to visit her sick
uncle, a man nick-named Floyd due to his profession as a barber (Mayberry
reference) although he also was an avid biker. He had lupus and about a thousand
other ailments, it seemed.

He lived on a large tract of land that included nature trails that seemed to go back
for miles on up into the woods. One morning after breakfast, Cindi (my ex now)
and I decided after breakfast to head out to a location that she remembered going
to when she was a kid visiting. She called it the big Indian rock, which she said
looked like a profile of an Indian chief.

So at around 10:30 or 11:00 or so, we headed up there. It was a long way up into
the woods, but Cindi, after getting some directions, seemed really confident,
having not been there in years. But after a while, I was almost sure she was lost,
but she saw something that she recognized and headed off into that direction. It
was this large white rock with a fort into the side of it like a kids' fort or
something. Her exact words were, "Oh my god, I remember this place..." and then
began to tell me how she and her friends, a bunch of boys who lived nearby, had
built this one afternoon and was totally surprised to see it after all this time.

This was at least 10 years later and this poorly constructed fort was still there,
which I thought fascinating too at the time. The fort consisted of a low lean-to
almost like a box made of rotted plywood scraps. It sat to the side of the huge
white rock and had a bundle of dirty camping gear inside of it, sleeping bags and
other dirty junk and leaves, cobwebs, etc. Cindi went up to the entrance of the
low-to-the-ground fort and looked in at it as I jumped up on the top of the white
rock to have a seat.

I looked over to where Cindi was and she had disappeared from view. At first I
thought she maybe crawled inside, but on more careful observation, this wasn't
the case at all. I turned to see whether perhaps she had gone around the other side
of the huge rock and when I turned I saw two little freckle-faced boys, one taller
than the other and staring at me. One wore a ball cap on backward and the other in
a dirty flannel jacket. They just stared at me eerily and then suddenly It just
seemed like time slipped and suddenly I was walking up a wooded path towards a
clearing, and there was Cindi telling me to hurry up and come on.
I stepped into the clearing and there was a side of a big rock with, yes a profile of
a face or something, really quite unimpressive, but I suppose it had sentimental
value with her. I was still in a daze but I just snapped to and met up with her.

My first question to her was who were those two boys and no doubt she
responded, "What are you talking about? What boys?" I said "At the rock..." she
just punched me in the arm and began to point out the face in the rocks and then
told me how she was a tom-boy and used to ride BMX bikes back there and other
such memory lane kinds of stuff.

After a few minutes we headed back to Floyd's place and we were greeted by
Cindi's mother who had just arrived. I met her mother and she seemed nice and
hung out at Floyd's and had a few beers with him, even though he complained that
it didn't mix well with his medication.

So after a while, Cindi came in and we all got to talking and the fort came up and
she asked about some kids she knew in the area and if they were still around or
whatever happened to, yada, yada kind of thing. Floyd got real dark when Cindi
mentioned the "Moriarty" kids and went into a morose story and got rather quiet.

He said to Cindi, "The two boys and their mother were killed by their father
before he took his own life." (Having something to do with a divorce.)

When I heard this, my hair on the nape of my neck stood up as my spine tingled
as I was not going to spend another night out there at Floyd's place. He went on to
comfort her, telling her that they were in a better place, etc. I couldn't dare recount
what happened to me at the fort. I just wanted to split out of there; this was too

I made up a story after calling my roommate back in Bayonne, telling them that I
had to get back there and asked Cindi if she wanted to stay but she decided to
come with me. While driving back, Cindi kept the two boys as a topic and said
that they both had a crush on her. And once even fought over her, and man, that
just made me drive faster. We made record time back to Jersey.

servantx, Saturday at 1:00 AM


20. servantxActive Member

A Brief Leap in Time

by Sue

In Fall of 1994, my boyfriend and I were on our way home in Fallbrook,

California. There are two roads into Fallbrook, from the north and from the south.
We approached from the south heading north on Mission Rd., which is a four-
mile, curvy two-lane road. It was a Friday evening and was 6:24 pm. I was
driving, and had finally blurted out how weird it was that we hadn't passed any
cars in the opposite direction since our turn onto Mission Rd.

Fallbrook is a small town, but this was a very well traveled road, even on Tuesday
at 10:30 p.m. you'd be passing cars leaving town! Anyway, I knew it was 6:24
because I had just looked at the big amber display on the stereo when all of a
sudden the car died, pedal went hard, lights went off, and I remember feeling
confused, and thinking that we ran out of gas, yet knowing that we had plenty of
fuel. We coasted off to a dirt turnout immediately ahead. Jim asked what
happened and I had no answer, but I felt like I had just dozed off or had gone
through Jello or... I don't know what.

I put it in gear, Jim jumped out, came around to my side and opened the door. I
jumped into the passenger seat, he got in, cranked it over and – vroooom! – off we
went. As we pulled away I felt irritated, a little nervous, but sure something really
weird had just happened. Then I glanced at the clock on the stereo again, It was
6:36 p.m. 12 minutes had passed when, being generous, the whole incident
couldn't have taken more than 1-1/2 minutes, max. So what's up with that?

servantx, Saturday at 1:02 AM

1. Missing Time While Hunting

by Tillie

This happened to my husband and son. (We are Alaskan Indians.) Two years ago
in the fall of 2002, they went moose hunting about 20 miles down river by boat
from Nenana. They had gotten their moose and were packing meat to the campsite
before dark. They were almost upon the campsite and could see the tent.

That was the last thing they remembered.

When they came to, they were both two miles from the campsite without any
knowledge of how they got there! Both were disoriented and it was dark. They
stayed put because they did not want to get lost in the dark in the woods. My
husband had a lighter on him, so he made a fire and he and my son huddled
together for the rest of the night until daybreak.

As soon as it got light enough, they left everything and took the boat back to
Nenana. We later retrieved their camping gear and the moose. To this day they
don't know how they got two miles from the camp site.

servantx, Jul 5, 2014



servantxActive Member

Time Slip to 1954

by Nick V.

Slightly over three years ago, a friend and I had a most unusual experience. It was
late August in '97. My friend Larry and I got together in Cambridge, Mass. around
noon to play some lunch-time tennis. We had never played in this particular part
of town before, so we drove around looking for some courts. I drove up to a
policeman who was directing traffic around a small construction site on a side
street and asked him where the nearest courts were. He thought for a moment then
gave us clear instructions to courts only about two blocks away. Following his
instructions, I took a right into a driveway. Sure enough, right in front of us were
the tennis courts. All three courts were occupied. It struck us both as odd that
everyone was dressed in white. We both noticed a very attractive, young lady
wearing a white tennis dress in the far right court as she was preparing to address
the serve. Still looking at the courts, we decided to wait for one to come free. I
pulled my car into a small parking lot directly on my right hand side. When we
got out of the car everything we had been looking at was gone! The tennis courts
were no longer there. A small field on the left was gone. Instead, there was a
cement building that we did not see when we pulled in. It was as if we were
somewhere else. Strangely, neither of us was particularly baffled at that moment.
I felt very annoyed for some reason. We both agreed that what we had just
observed was "too weird" and we went off to play tennis somewhere else. It was
only while thinking about it later that we spoke about it. Afterward, I did some
research into the area. Indeed, at one time there were tennis courts there - but they
were torn down in 1954! Did we travel back in time? We have no doubt about
what we experienced. I sometimes wonder: Did the tennis players also see us? I
may never have an answer.

servantx, Jul 5, 2014


3. servantxActive Member

Trip to Another Dimension

by James

I'm not sure I can convey to you what I went through several weeks ago, but I will
try. I work a swing shift, so my hours are very odd. One morning at about 3 a.m.
or so, I was lying in bed watching television, still an hour or so from my usual
bedtime. I reached for the remote and, for lack of a better way to put it, fell
asleep. The strange thing is, I was not yet sleepy and didn't drift off to sleep like I
normally would. Actually, it would be better explained if I said I passed out.

The next thing I remember someone was shaking me awake as I slept in the lobby
of a kind of trade school. I knew who I was, why I was there, and knew the person
waking me up. I was apparently in this school taking a welders class. I had
afternoon classes, but decided to leave early. Everything was fine until I walked
outside and asked a friend what time it was. When she said 11:30, something
about it just didn't seem right. As I realized I wasn't in the right place, I suddenly
became very groggy and felt like I was going to pass out. I even thought, "This is
just a dream," but it was much more than that. Everything was real. I could feel
the gravel under my feet, feel the breeze against my body. At one point I smelled
garbage. I then realized that the wind was blowing from the direction of a large
dumpster. I don't think I can emphasis just how real it was other than to say think
about how you feel right now. That's what this felt like. I could see, touch, smell. I
was there, living what was my life, but not my life. I was extremely groggy, but
kept fighting it. Actually, I was afraid to pass out, not really certain that I would
wake up again.

I'll try to make the rest of this brief, but I'm not sure I can. If I told the entire story,
it might go on for some time. In this "dream," my memory was a little like Swiss
cheese. I knew some things about my life here, but not everything. It seemed that
I knew everyday things, like why I was at the school and people I came in contact
with everyday, but not things that would be general knowledge or things that a
person wouldn't consciously think about day to day. I have a cousin that lives
here, and in my "dream" he lived nearby the school. He was married, like he is in
"real life," but they lived in an apartment instead of a house and also did not yet
have a baby. He could immediately tell something was wrong by the look on my
face. I tried to tell him what was happening and he was skeptical at first, but as I
kept talking he started to believe me. With his help, and the help of a friend, we
figured out some differences between my two worlds. Several people I know
either did not exist or never moved to the area. At least neither of them knew who
they were when I mentioned their names. I know that at least one of them did not
exist at all. I brought up the name of two brothers we all know. They knew the
oldest, but told me he was an only child. I have talked to the oldest of the brothers
about this, and he has told me he remembered his parents argued for a long time
about having another child. She wanted one, he didn't. They were both adamant
about their position and he finally gave in.

There were several other small differences, and many things were much the same.
The largest difference, however, was the town we lived in. In "real life" I live in a
small town called Nocona. In my "dream," Nocona didn't even exist and we all
lived in a town called Yancy. Another larger city to the East is Gainesville, which
also didn't exist. From what I could tell, Yancy was approximately where
Gainesville should have been. Many things in Yancy were like a combination of
Nocona and Gainesville. For instance, the water tower was exactly like the one in
Nocona with the high school mascots name on it. Of course, the one in my dream
said Yancy instead of Nocona. I have done some research, and found that the only
reason Nocona exists today is because some land owners allowed the railroad to
be built running across their land. If they had said no, the railroad would have
gone farther south. I also found a prominent lawyer and judge from the
Gainesville area named Yancy Lewis. Apparently he was quite successful and
popular during his time. All in all, this experience lasted about two hours. Unlike
most dreams, it didn't jump around from one time to another. If I walked
somewhere that took six minutes to get there, it took six minutes. Eventually, in
the "dream," my cousin talked me into laying down, telling me I looked like
walking death.

When I woke up, I was back in my world in my own bed. Oddly enough, it was
11:30 a.m. by my clock. For the first couple of hours, I was just in a kind of daze.
I chuckle now because the first thing I did was get the local newspaper from the
living room to make sure it said Nocona instead of Yancy. Again, I don't think I
can explain just how real it all was other than to say I was there. I have talked to a
couple of friends, including my cousin, and they have said they had experiences
that were much the same, but didn't last nearly as long. They would only be in the
"dream" for a couple of minutes before blacking out.

servantx, Jul 5, 2014


4. servantxActive Member

Déjà Vu or Future Memory

by Tom C.

In the mid- 1990s, I began attending college in CSU Bakersfield, California to

earn my BA. The campus was being remodeled the first quarter I was there, and
so some of the buildings were closed. One of my classes took place in the music
building. The rooms here were auditorium-style, but narrow, maybe 20 feet wide,
and two and a half times as long. On the first day, I found an aisle seat at the back
of the room, near the door. This was my usual mode of operation, allowing me to
exit the class as soon as it was over. This would be my seat for the rest of the
quarter. I can’t remember the title of the class, but it essentially dealt with modern
literature and philosophy. We read books by authors like Thomas Pynchon, and
watched movies like Blade Runner. Discussions were usually in the
postmodernist vein.

The next quarter I had another class in the same classroom, and being a creature
of habit, chose the exact same seat.
Now, those are the unassailable facts. Something strange occurred in the second
quarter, and what I am about to relate is only what I remember happening after the
fact, although I'll put it in chronological order for the sake of clarity.

The close of the first quarter was followed by a vacation of about two or three
weeks. In that time I remember having a dream about being in class at
Bakersfield, in the same room, sitting in the same seat as the literature class. I new
instinctively, in that dream sense, that this was a different class being taught by a
different instructor. The instructor was writing on the board: "Jim likes to do
homework…" and I was writing the sentence down when I had a flash of déjà vu.
It was so powerful I, froze, goosebumps erupting across every inch of my skin.
My heart raced. I thought, "This is exactly like the dream!" Then I woke up.

I told my girlfriend (now my wife) about the dream, and repeated the partial
sentence that had triggered my feeling of déjà vu. This wasn’t the first time I’d
ever experienced anything like this, but it was the first time the details were so
clear. Usually, I have dreams where I experience a sensation of déjà vu, but after
the day rolls on, I forget precisely what happened in the dream. These dreams are
significant in that they don’t "feel" like dreams. Conversely, I have déjà vu
experiences when I’m awake, and usually think something along the same lines as
in the classroom experience: "Wait I've dreamed this already!"

So, apart from the clarity and the details, this was nothing new to me. Par for the
course, really. The weeks rolled by and school started again. I went back to the
old building, sat in the old chair, the dream having long since faded from my
memory. The new class was titled “Structure of the English Language.” It was a
grammar course, one in which we diagrammed innumerable sentences from the
textbooks and from the board. One of these sentences was: "Jim likes to do
homework, that is why he goes to college."

Same thing happened; the incredibly powerful sense that I had done this before,
the goosebumps, the racing heart, and thinking, "This is just like the dream!" But
this time I had proof; I had told my girlfriend about it!

I couldn’t wait to get home that day. When I finally saw my girlfriend, I told what
had happened and I said, "Do you remember when I told you about that dream?
When I told you the fragment that had been written of the board?"

Nope. She didn’t.

So now I'll never know. Did I really have precognitive episode while I was
dreaming? Did my mind fly forward in time, to occupy a future self during a
completely routine and meaningless moment in my life? Or did I have a dream
about that classroom during vacation that was coincidentally similar to a real
event that happened later? Did my girlfriend not remember me telling her about
the dream because she forgot, or because that was part of the dream too, or maybe
because my mind, so shocked by the power of the "memory," fabricated my
recollection of the whole dream?

I’m not sure, but I’ll tell you this: the next time I have a déjà-dream of a teacher
writing on the blackboard, I’m sure as hell going to write down his words!

servantx, Jul 5, 2014


5. servantxActive Member

Out of Time
by Gerald J.
Sept 2001

I was a maintenance mechanic working trying to unjam an electric elevator motor

in the basement of an old sheet metal factory. I put a pipe wrench on the motor
shaft and put a pole on the wrench to give me leverage. When I tried to turn the
shaft, my left elbow accidentally touched a 500-volt power contactor. I was frozen
and couldn't move. Finally, a neutral line fuse blew and I was let go. I sat down
for about 20 minutes to make sure I was okay and went back to work. Two other
mechanics and I attempted to repair a stovepipe elbow bending machine. We
couldn't find out what was wrong with it. Then I said the next you know that
hydraulic line might bust. As soon as I said it, the line busted and fluid went
everywhere. They looked at me in disbelief. Next I went to work on a tube-cutting
machine. I was looking at a small servo motor and it fell off. I blinked my eyes
and looked again. The motor was still on its mount. But a couple of minutes later,
the motor actually did fall off and I picked it up.

Then I started having dreams about future personal events that would occur right
after I had the dream. It was like I was looking at a VCR tape over again when the
events did actually occur. I went to my mother's house. As I was looking across
the street, an old man came out of a garage, walked to the side of the house to a
garden hose. The old man had gray hair peppered with black. When he got to the
hose, he faded out. I didn't tell my mother what I saw. I asked her who stayed in
the house before the present owners. She described the old man I saw and told me
he died about a year after she moved on the street. Then I told her what I saw. She
had described exactly what I saw. Next I was sitting in our sun room in the back
of the house. I was alone. I blinked my eyes and our house was lit up and we had
company. I blinked again... no was there but me. The next evening, relatives and
friends dropped in and we had a sort of party. The house was lit up. All of the
lights were on. These events kept occurring, but gradually faded as time went on.
My conclusion: When I caught in grip of an electric current, I was thrown out of
sync with the time flow. All matter and energy vibrates. I caused to be out of
sync, like a ball in a steam it floats along then you grab it and hold it. The stream
then flows around the ball. when the ball is let go it eventuality catches up to it
former spot it the stream. This my theory of time travel and time flow discovered
by accident.

servantx, Jul 5, 2014


6. servantxActive Member

Time Warp on TV
by Anonymous

I still do not know what to make of what happened to me. Back in '96 or '97 - I
cant remember the date - but one night I was watching the Discovery Channel and
the program I was watching was interrupted by what I thought at the time to be a
different program. Except they were talking about stuff that did not happen yet.
What confused me the most was that it was a news show much like CNN, they
would tell us the subject then show pictures of that subject like on CNN. The
subject that mainly was being discussed by important people in suits around a
table, like a boardroom meeting was whether all the countries should trade, as in
exports and imports, with the beings from other planets because the beings were
putting pressure on us to cooperate with them, then they would try to be civil with
us. The discussions went on and on. Apparently, the people, as in the real working
people were not at all happy with the situation, they were uncomfortable with the
beings that had so much power and technology over us. I also learned while
watching was that some countries were already trading with them. The meeting
was basically to unite the Earth countries, much like NATO, on one national
agreement to this issue. There were other things being discussed, but I was to
confused about what I just heard that I cannot remember.

servantx, Jul 5, 2014


7. servantxActive Member

Missing Time
by Harriet M.
Dec 2002

This morning, I was sitting up in bed, reading, and distinctly remember glancing
at the clock and noting that it was almost midnight. I turned back to the book and
glanced up again, thinking that no more than five or 10 minutes had passed. I felt
somewhat freaked to discover that it was 3:03 a.m.! I was still sitting straight up
in bed, the book open on my lap, the light on, in exactly the same position I had
been in in what I thought had been five minutes ago, but was really almost three
hours ago. I had no recollection of feeling the slightest bit tired, or having my
eyelids feel heavy as I went to sleep, nor did I remember dreaming (and I
ALWAYS remember every dream I have, if not vividly), or going through the
process of waking up. I have had this feeling over ten times since fourth grade,
and can recall specific instances where I would be playing with stuffed animals,
clutching one in a specific position in one hand while sitting up in bed, and would
glance at the clock at, maybe, 10:30. I would look again to find it almost 4:00, and
I would be in the exact same position, holding the same toy, that I had been at
10:30 without ever falling asleep. For at least half of these experiences, I would
not have to look at the clock to know that it had happened because I would hear a
really high-pitched buzzing sound in both of my ears and would feel the way you
feel when there is a sudden air pressure change, such as if you were taking off in a
plane and went from the ground to a great height in one second, or the other way

The most recent time this happened, I also noticed other things that were odd, or
"off" somehow (it's pretty hard to describe accurately). My vision was not exactly
distorted, but things seemed as if I had my face pressed up against a television
screen (you know how if you look too closely at one, the image looks weird and
you can sort of see the little dots of color). However, I could not seem to keep my
gaze focused on one thing because, although I was looking at everything
normally, it felt in my head as if I were cross-eyed and couldn't stare at anything
too long without it hurting between and behind my eyes. I kept thinking that the
shadows were moving (but I am now almost positive that this part, at least, was
just my imagination). Although I had left my window wide open and it was less
than forty degrees outside, I felt so hot that my skin tingled all over. I also noticed
that the light from my lamp made an almost completely random reflection on the
ceiling, which vaguely resembled a crescent shape, but not really. However, I
could also see this reflected on the blank screen of my TV set and there it was a
perfect crescent with really, really sharp and defined edges. I could also see
absolutely nothing else reflected on the screen, although I should really have been
able to see the reflections of anything near my lamp, including my bed with me in
it. I managed to get out of bed because I felt like I needed some water and headed
into the bathroom. For no good reason, I felt really apprehensive and tense as I
walked through the door, like I expected someone to spring out at me from behind
the wall. I have this feeling every time I go into that room, no matter what time of
day or night, whether I am home alone or someone is right in my room nearby. I
never have this feeling anywhere else in my house.

servantx, Jul 5, 2014


8. servantxActive Member
Time Slips
by Derek E.

My dad was a taxi driver in Glasgow, Scotland, when I was a kid. Taxi drivers
always have stories about famous people they had in the cab or crazy hires they
got or great ones they just missed - and he had the lot of them. He also had one
that was a bit more unusual. One day in, I suppose, the late 1960s, he was driving
in the north of the city along Maryhill Road near Queen's Cross, one of the older
parts of town and once its own separate community outside the city. One minute it
was "now" - cars, buses, modern clothes, tarmac roads etc. - and the next he was
in some earlier time. It was certainly pre-Victorian given the clothes he described
people wearing, horses, rough road, lower buildings, people in rough clothes and
bonnets etc. It lasted as long as it took him to be aware of it and then it vanished
and he was back in "now."

The only thing I can think of that happened to me that was in any way similar was
about 20 years ago, when my then wife and I were on a driving holiday in the
North York Moors in England - you'd know it as American Werewolf in London
country. We went to a tiny coastal village called Staithes, which had a steep
winding and narrowing road down to the harbour, with the entrance to the houses
and narrow footway at a higher level, say three or four feet. We parked at the top
of the village - hamlet really - where the tourist buses and cars had to stop and
made our way down on foot. What I remember is a brilliantly sunny day with lots
of other people around, but as we made our way down, it just suddenly seemed as
if no one else were there but my wife and me. An old woman appeared on the
footway opposite us. It became cooler and duller. She asked, in what seemed to
me an old-fashioned and very polite way (but may just have been the local accent
and dialect), what year it was. Now lots of old people get confused and it could
have been that, but what I remember vividly is her black clothes - handmade,
rough and with hand-sewn buttons - really big compared with modern ones. Her
shoes were very old fashioned with much higher and chunkier heels than you'd
see an older person wearing nowadays. In the time it took me to turn to my wife
and say, "Did you see that?" she was gone. The sun was back and so were all the
people. She had, however, seen the same old woman and felt the same chill.

servantx, Jul 5, 2014


9. servantxActive Member

The Spinning Vortex

by Wendy
Dec 2002

When I was about 11 years old, I had come home from school and a friend of
mine came over from across the street to hang out with me. We both decided to
take a walk into the woods that were on the next street over. It is a place that we
frequented. And we never before encountered what we did on this day.

We left the house at 2:30 and headed to the woods. As we got half way into them,
we saw what appeared to be a spinning vortex. We were both standing just
outside of this looking in. The trees where bending to the right as if in a swirling
movement. We just froze where we stood in disbelief. In the center of this swirl
was an unfamiliar landscape. It was as if there were no trees on the other side.
Within in we could see a cinderblock garage, but there was no life or movement at
all. Going farther in front of the garage, it was like a cliff - as if someone had used
a bucketloader to create this landscape up above on top of the cliff where a row of
houses - all exactly the same the same style, same color, the same distance apart
from each other. There were telephone poles in a perfect line starting from the
cliff. There where no trees around in that landscape at all. The road also started
from the edge of the cliff.

The feeling I had at that time was fear. I felt that if we had walked into that vortex
we would never be able to return. What I feel is that it was a doorway to another
place and another time. We both ran back to my house breathless. We went in and
told my mother what had happened. She thought we were crazy. I then asked my
father if he had ever seen anything like that, and he told us no. When we looked at
the time when we got back home, it was 4:30. Where did the time go? We didn't
know. This occurrence has haunted me all of my life. I have never been able to
get it out of my mind. Did I see a portal to another world?

servantx, Jul 5, 2014


10. servantxActive Member


In 1932, German newspaper reporter J. Bernard Hutton and his colleague,

photographer Joachim Brandt, were assigned to do a story on the Hamburg-
Altona shipyards. After being given a tour by a shipyard executive, the two
newspapermen were leaving when they heard the drone of overhead aircraft. They
at first thought is was a practice drill, but that notion was quickly dispelled when
bombs began exploding all around and the roar of anti-aircraft gunfire filled the
air. The sky quickly darkened and they were in the middle of a full-blown air raid.
They quickly got in their car and drove away from the shipyard back toward
Hamburg. As they left the area, however, the sky seemed to brighten and they
again found themselves in the light of a calm, ordinary late afternoon. They
looked back at the shipyards, and there was no destruction, no bomb-induced
inferno they had just left, no aircraft in the sky. The photos Brandt had taken
during the attack showed nothing unusual. It wasn't until 1943 that the British
Royal Air Force attacked and destroyed the shipyard - just as Hutton and Brandt
had experienced it 11 years earlier.

servantx, Jul 5, 2014


11. servantxActive Member

To the readers in this message board,

In 2013, I have seen this thread up to over 3 pages in this TTI forum, and I have
read the stories new even myself (I have never post them at that time). It lasted
over 4 hours, after that, it returned to 2 pages. Today, as it is on 5/7/2014, this
page reaches 3 pages for real, and I have just found those stories to put them here.

Just for the notice.


servantx, Jul 5, 2014


12. Mylo.X.Active Member

Before your new posts on the 5/7/2014 the last post I read in this thread was "A
Thriftstore on the Edge of Forever"

Mylo.X., Jul 5, 2014


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