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THEA 101 (2020)

The Micro-Ensemble Project: 25%

A 3 - 5 minute presentation of a scene from one of the assigned texts as scheduled by the workshop tutor, to be performed as
part of a group in workshops; students choose a performance role and a production role. 500 word written reflection due the
week after the presentation. (10% performance (group)/5% contribution (individual)) 10% report

Students will work in assigned groups as a ‘micro-ensemble’ to perform an interpretation of a

short scene from one of the course texts. The goal is to demonstrate performative creativity
and an understanding of the play and its historical conditions of performance, as well as
critical self-reflection.

Each student will perform in the scene, assume a production role (e.g. director, set-designer/s,
costume-designer, music/sound, dramaturg, stage manager) and contribute to a discussion in the
Workshop based on the key questions or provocations of the chosen scene. Each member of the
group will also write a brief (500 word) reflection which is DUE one week after
presentation—submit via Blackboard

Instructions for Scene Choice and Presentation:

1. Discuss in your group any questions you have about the play, key points of
2. Choose a question or issue that is of interest to all in the group
3. Choose a short scene where this issue is clearly involved
4. Rehearse the scene exploring how performing the play helps to answer that
5. Each person in your group should prepare a question to lead the group in
discussion of the dramaturgical choices made in the context of the play’s history,
social and political context and fields of discourse.

Instructions for Written Reflection:

1. What you learned about your question regarding the play (see instructions
below) through your rehearsal and performance (*most of your wordcount
should be in this section);
2. The group process;
3. Your individual contribution and process;
4. What you might do differently

 Your entire presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes, including set up.
 Focus on exploring ideas which can be demonstrated dramaturgically; think about how
the different actors in your piece might affect the audience’s interpretation of the scene, how
acting style and character’s relationship to the space and each other impacts on meaning.
What changes are you making and why?
 Learn your lines! This is especially important for groups with more prep time because you
are performing later in the term
 KEEP IT SIMPLE – Try to do one thing well, rather than everything not so well!

THEA 101 (2020) The Micro-Ensemble Project


The goal of this assessment is to provide evidence of reflective, constructive, critically

engaged appraisal; sensitivity to the text, the task, and the group’s working process, and
a thoughtful analysis of dramaturgical choices.

Based on your group presentation, your individual participation in the presentation and class
discussion, and your individual written reflection, your tutor will assess the following:


1. Preparation
2. Understanding of the play and its historical conditions of performance
3. Strength of question investigated, choice of scene and comparative interpretations
4. Overall success of presentation
5. Contribution to class discussion of presentation
6. Contribution to the performance (acting + production role)


1. Discussion of what you have learned about the play
2. Discussion of group process
3. Discussion of your individual contribution
4. Discussion of what you might do differently


VUW Grade Indicators -

Letter grade 25 pt scale
A+ 22.5-25 Outstanding performance
A 21.25 Excellent performance
A- 20 Excellent performance in most respects
B+ 18.75 Very good performance
B 17.5 Good performance
B- 16.25 Good performance overall, but some weaknesses
C+ 15 Satisfactory to good performance
C 13.75 Satisfactory performance
C- 12.5 Adequate evidence of learning
D 11.25 Poor performance overall, some evidence of learning.
E 9 and beyond Well below the required standard. Fail.

THEA 101 (2020) The Micro-Ensemble Project

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