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What is the difference between realism, liberalism and idealism?

 Realists’ believed that the core idea of dominating the world is through the employment
of power. However, realists warn countries that too much power can cause sufferings and
struggles if not used accordingly. While realists focuses on shifting distribution of power
among states Liberalists believed in international relations where they emphasized on
relationships and negotiations. Liberalists prioritize more on the interaction and
communication in solving problems and conflicts affecting them rather than solving the
problem through facing it head on as it is in the idea of realism. On the other hand there is
idealism which believed that nations should be guided by ethical and legal standards.
Idealists firmly hold the belief of having and preserving their own values and norms.
Idealism emphasizes on the function of ideologies, frameworks, systems and identities in
understanding globalization and international order.
 Realism, also known as political realism, is a view of international politics that stresses
its competitive and conflictual side. It is usually contrasted with idealism or liberalism,
which tends to emphasize cooperation. Realism is a dominant theory of international
relations focuses on state’s security and power (high politics) primarily. Realists believe
that people are by nature sinful and instinctively seeking power to dominant others.
Power will be everlasting in the human’s nature and the possibility to be eradicated is
impossible. On the other hand, Liberalism as a dominant theory of international relations
emphasizes peaceful interstates relations where the preference of states goes beyond
politics to economic and social interaction to achieve a harmonious environment and
reducing war conflicts. According to (Kegley, 1995) the nature of humans is essentially
good and people are capable of mutual aid and collaboration. Besides, the essential
human concern is the public interests rather than individually as expressed in realism

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