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Cooking for Peace

Brahma Kumaris

Center for Spiritual Learning

Aug 4, 2019 - Brahma Kumaris intro vid

Wearing white - volunteers

BK - meditation school, Non-Profit

They call each other as brothers and sisters since they treat each other as a family

Om Shanti - I am soul. I am peace.

Cooking event is offered once a year






Veggie Groups:

Bell Pepper







4 types of vegetarian:

1. Lacto

2. Ovum

3. Pescatarian (Pesco)

4. Vegan

Vegetare - latin - life force (source of life force)

Life Force food - organic, natural state

Plant-based diet not made in the plants (factories) but are plants themselves

Self-transformation is the process of creating ba miracle...of changing from human into deity.

The deepest love and the greatest achievements involve the highest risks.

1. Health - risk reduction for several chronic degenerative diseases and conditions; can fix bad

2. Compassion for animals

3. Aesthetics

4. Influence of Luminaries (Leo Tolstoy's The Kingdom of God is Within You, Leonardo Da Vinci,
Charles Darwin, Socrates, Plato, etc.)

5. Climate Change - raising animals produce methane which is 21 times more powerful than a
greenhouse gas

6. Ecological - issues with land and water resources...

7. Ethical - creatures have feelings similar to ours; artificial breeding, castration, hormone
stimulation, fattening, transport in intense discomfort, holding pens, eletric prods, tail twisting
and many other forms of animal abuse.

8. Economic

9. Karma - if we cause pain and suffering to other living beings, we must endure of
sow and reap

10. Spiritual - yogic tradition food category:

Satwic, Rajsic, Tamsic

Satwic - makes mind light and pure

Rajsic - eaten in moderation

Tamsic - dulls and makes the mind heavy, jars our emotions and thinking

Emotions are somehow caused by the food we eat

Farmacy - get medicated by your farm

Sir Bunny, naturopathic doctor, has diabetes, underwent eat like a goat project (eating raw
plants), was depressed and had psoriasis

Aling Jess, hog raiser for 10 years, shares that DENR is being strict through asking hog raisers to
comply with discharge permit and environmental compliance certificate

Commercial versus Organic (Sustainable)

Ethno-veterinarian doctors

Growing feeds

Feeds with chemicals and antibiotics

Withdrawal of feeds (fasting (goof and water) period before being slaughtered)

Water in meat causes perishness/rottening

Sir King shares about his bestfriends who died at an early age like Sepsis - inflammation of the


3 Titles (Inheritance): Hypertension, Cholesterol and Diabetes

Gina Lopez

Chinchin Gutierrez

Willful Transformation

Solanic/Selenic (?) plants are magnets to uric acid like potatoes so good alternative is sweet

Laurine and coconut oils are ok

Too much broccoli makes the food or soup bitter

Baking Soda + water to soak and wash the veggies to eliminate chemicals

Meat Magic product - 10-20 mins water soaking and then rinse and squeeze three times under
running water

Gold Hing - alternative to garlic and onion which are aphrodisiacs

Vegetarian soy sauce/oyster sauce




Do you love yourself?

You are what you eat

Focus on what you eat

Think of your soul

Your soul is looking for peace

Timmy Cruz narrated her personal recount when she was 7 or 8 years old in their family farm in
Bulacan. She decided to not eat meat (her favorite
Adobong Baka) after witnessing their cow gave birth under the sunset and while she was eating

Think of peace...include peace in all of your life aspects

Food Moods:

If you want to be...

More alert, more energetic and up - eat protein foods alone or with carbohydrates

More focused, relaxed...

Go-go Protein:

For an alert and quick mind and body - eaten either alone or with vegetables, Protein is the get
up and go food


Frying protein food is not advised

Grilled or baked is the best...

Calming Carbohydrates:

Takint carbohydrates alone without protein help produce more serotonin, the calming chemical

Nature's Power Foods:

Fresh juices give the most benefit with the leasr energy expenditure
They replace alcoholic beverages before meals

30 mins before eating, juice should be consumed

Consciousness whilst cooking or in cooking:

The state of mind while eating affects digestion.

While we cook, our thoughts have positive or negative effect on the food we prepare, cook and

Vibrations of the food

Our thoughts which are energies leave an imprint...

Whoever eats the food, ingests and takes what is invisible...

Do away with the pinch of impatience...

Purity Magazine 1998:

Food - Soul

Vibrations of peace

Highest Spiritual income - cooks who prepare food with peace

Peace of Mind Campus (October) in India

Paradigm shift:

Old - I am a body with a soul

New consciousness - I am a soul with a body

Complete vegetarian is essential (lacto-vegetarian)

Avoid onion, garlic, radish, tobacco, alcohol and fermented food

Prepare with conscioussness and with God's guidance


Collagen - connective tissue from meat



Lecithin - from soy and eggs

Spiritual Laws:

Constantly remember who you are, a spiritual being separate from the physical body

Anchor the self only in one by having all relationships with HIM - my parent. THE SOURCE

Conscious choices of food

Positivity (Peace) is our true nature (we lose ourselves sometimes)

Meditation is remembering ourselves as we are, as a soul

Open eyes meditation

Focus on a certain happy and positive thought

Absorb. Experience.

I am light song

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